1 RANKLIN URIER. H G-EO. S. BAKEE, Editor and Proprietor. TERilS : S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IV. LOUISBUKG, N: C, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 25. 18T4. NO. 9. 1 Go JL Hido and Go-Seek. Happiness has found zne out Found me out at last ! Ob, she's dogged mo round about ! Alt my Lurrying life f-he'a chased me, Treading bard and hot she's faced me, Almost touched me, all but faced me , Here bhe is at la't ! Weary were you, happiness ! Patient to the but ! Frojj jour thaaklesa business Ii9rgard time has come to free you. Always driven by fate to flee you, Never d 1 1 think to see you Track me down at laht ! HOW HE FOUND HIM. Jasper ( iarf.eld was junior partner and devotj?d Hlaveof the great furnace company. Margar' t Hope said of him no girl could please Jasper Garlield; she never saw such a man. Hero he was, a gentle man by birth and education, and he would not many, would not build on the property he owned, and was considered very penuri ous. He really needed a wife to teach him thini'M. Perhaps he mounted over a dead love, or had been jilted by some woman who preferred another. Margaret Hope felt that hIio had been alighted in the moot wounding manner by Jasper Garfield, who had grown to be a hero in her eye. .She lived in an old house, into which even her youthful pres ence could infuse no life, for time had set it neal of decay on the structure. The proorty was valuable, at leat in the eyes of her cousin, Jack Erskine, and when sura nit r draped vines and flowers about the old home it mighLwell atttact other admiration ('ousiu J ack was good-looking, stout, and broad-shouldered, with somewhat heavy features. I lis manner was genial and hearty, but Ins eye wan cold and keen. Altogether he was a man to be associated in one's mind with a good supper and thor oughbred horses, and also with a close r bjirgaii,. "liow pretty you look thin morning!" was the salutation, as he drew oil' a driving glovy and warmed hi. hand at the fire. Margaret, limeiug down, eontrastcd him with certain other man she knew, who was tall, ' (domler, with calm, serious blue even, and an oval face, and retorted, gayly . 1VI ... 1 . 1 - 1 ! ! nai a Hue nouse you are uuuumg, g0 .J.Kkl' " The file is not as good as this one," ruefully. ' Surely you do hot grudge me this man sion, all Unity and moldy with the dust of 1 1 1 v ancestors ?'' Mr. Jack Krskine gazed at the lire with out direct reply. " My new lions-? needs a mis tie, Mar garet." " I ar nie! Yn'i vill have no difficulty in (hiding one, I dare cay, Mr. Jack." He frowiud slightly, and when he frowned the features of Mr. Erskine became hurly, eveli brutal. " Shall I Hell the hay for you this year?" " If you will," she paid, carelessly. " I can put it in with mine; a woman is apt to get cheated as a farmer.'' Aunt I Vily Hope stood at the window knitting. She was a bri-k old lady, with a brown wig under her cap, a face as fall of wrinkles as the homestead ww of cracks snd fissures, and bright twinkling eye Her tinkers were invariably knitting, and hc was uMially peering from some window down lijxui 1 lie village which was her world. " I don't s'pose you areas blind as you pretend to be, child, about Jack's liking for ye," she said, looking'after Cousin Jack r.s he strode down the box-bordered path " If Jane Tompkins in't took to the roa ail v i a-ianir I : ( tare . I 'on t see when she uoes her own work, what with gadding about The whole f.'.uiily will come across the town yet, it's likely. Lor! Margaret, a tirungcr man is coming in the gate !" lat-i'cr It.irtieltl, pale, iaiel, nervous with the perplexed aspect of one no longer undcranding himself, took both of Mar gun tV hands, -and looked at her with lover's eye-. Dii, dim old parlor, merging into Novem ber's sombre brown landscape without, what 'power has the fallen leaf, the fading past, to dull the hoe Isjrn of so recent despair ? The transition was almost unreal in its deli cious happiness. A week ago Margaret had turned away from the unattainable in sharp grief )f disappointment. Now Jas per Garfield had come to tell her that be loved her. Aunt Tolly iw through her sritical spectacles only a very ordinary specimen of mankind, not quite as good-looking as Jack perhaps. Margaret's heart and soul went out to him in joyful recognition of her ideal, her hero. " It takes all sorts to make up a world," reflected Aunt Polly, going away to see what there was for dinner. "I never sus picioiied that our Maggie would fancy a man with such a long nose and hair a'most gray." In the parlor the moments flew on wings; there was so much to be told in lew whis pers, reproaches, explanations, and recon ciliations, Jasper Garfield's lips staying the eloquence of other rosy lips, or seeking a , lock of silky hair, a dimple in the, softly rounded cheek. How Margaret bloomed that day ! Happiness in the true balm of beauty, ns it is the very elixir of life. Once he held her at arms-length in the old nioroRp humor. " Are you made of the same stuff as other women, I wonder?" - " Test me," said Margaret, proudly. ' Then a shadow stole upon them a beau tiful woman stood in the doorway with two little children, clinging to her dress. " Dolores!" gasped Jasper, rising to hia feet like one stunned. The beautiful woman advanced a step into the room. Margaret -sat in her chamber, pale with fear and dread. She had slipped away, and left Jasper with the stranger, feeling her presence an intrusion. What did it all mean?. Could he not come to declare has love without beinpr tracked bv another woman ? What claim had the other on him ? Would she take him away from her? The girl's heart sickened with jeal ousy and disgust. Her bright hour had clouded very soon indeed. A little girl danced into the room, took ler hand fearlessly, and said : " You must come." It was impossible to rcsiet the roguish grace of the emissary; larughter lurked in every curve of the round baby face, from which gleamed two large dark eyes like stars, while tire tiny, form swayed with each varying impulse of the capricious owner. In the parlor the stranger stood with clasped hands and a look of triumph. Jas- er Garfield's head was bowed, and his aspect humble; ashamed, almost sullen. ' Let me explain everything," began the stranger, rapidly. " I am Andrew Garfield's wife, and Jasper i my brother. My hus band was to make one more voyage in com mand of the ship Adelaide ; he sailed four years ago, and the night Ixrfore he left an angel appeared to me in my sleep." There was a break in the sweet voice, with its slight foreign accent ; she hid her face in her hands. Margaret neither moved nor spoke; she felt herself enchanted by a painful dream. "The angel stood beside me ou the shore and pointed to the east, where the storm came on, ana 1 saw a wall oi darkness swallow up the ship Adelaide. I went to the chapel of Our Lady at dawn to pray, and then 1 was shown that Jasper must take his oath to find his brother if he did not re turn in four years." "I know he did not do it!" cried Mar garet, the spell dissolving in real pain as the truth Hashed upon her. - "An honorable raai) never breaks his word," said Dolores, haughtily. " Oh, you would sacrifice us to your fancy the vision of a night! Jasper shall never between life and death, obeying only the blind instinct of clinging to his float. The sun rose upon waters calmed after the deadly strife, and shed a friendly ray over the soli tary figure, already drifted far from where the ship had disappeared. He raised him self languidly on his elbow. A whale spouted in the distance, a shark swani stealthily near. He was floating on a frag ment of the bows of a wrecked vessel. He read the name, Adelaide. The man was Jasper Garfield. !" Margaret scarce! v knew herself as the force of a new-born passion swept her along; she clung desperately to tkis one par, Jasper Garfield, and he was to be stolen rom her. The mother quickly thrust the two chil dren between the lovers, and won the day Margaret caught the little Dolores in her arms, and burst into tears. "Forgive me for entailing suffering on you," said Jasper, tenderly, "I had no right to love you with this responsibility resting upon me. vsow you Know why my lile lias i been made one of dreadful suspense ; and as the limit of time drew on since I've known you, I have searched ship records and watched for letters until I nearly went mad." m "Where was the ship lcst?" whispered Margaret. "Cleared from Hong Kong, and never heard from." Dolores spoke with rigid despair, and tearless eyes fixed on space. " You must forget me," said Jasper, laying his hand on Margaret's head. "I may be absent a very long while, and must not fetter your youth." "Trust me as I trust you," returned the girl, bravely. "If Mrs. Garfield and the children will remain with me, we can watch together." Lost almost as soon as found, Jasper Garfield went out into the early twilight, and the .shadows gatljfrcd cold and gray about the old homestead. The ship rocked on a sea of treacherous calm. A profound, awful stillness pervaded all nature, as if the elements paused with bated breath for the signal to unloose a tempest. The vessel swayed uneasily, the cordage 'creaked, the sailors awaited with strained eve and ear the first notes of the battle in which thev must conquer or be forever lost. On the' northern horizon the skv was,-still' blue; to the south a mass of lurid vapor rose steadily, rapidly, and ob scured the zenith-. Nothing can le more fearful than to wait' thus, a lonely ship on a vast ocean, for the pall of cloud to advance, glowing with copper-hued margin and fringes of changing mists that seem the tattered shreds of other storms, menacing with distant thunder, and holding in its bosom the unspent fire of the lightning. The moment of agonizing sus pense passed-all too soon ; sharp volleys of thunder crashed overhead, and the light nings leaped forth in flames of pale fire the wind swept over the calm surface of the sea, heapingjup green waves, and bending the stoutest masts, sheeting the deck in foam ; and down poured the rain. The terror of the darkness descended amidst the confusion of sound, the struggle of men nearly spent, the captain's orders signaling the wind, the rending of bulwarks and timbers. A mass of confined waters rising from sea to sky, a shock cf falling spray, a transparent mountain dissolving with a mighty swirling sound, and the ship hadone down. Darkness, terror, confusion, and a wide untenanted sea. The women who watch and pray for her return may nevei see beloved faces again ; for in the dim caves of ocean, where rosy nullipores mingle with forests of yellow, brown, and purple fucus, and rai bow- tin ted mollusks dwell, the sailors Bleep One man, swept like a feather from the deck by an advancing billow before the end came, grasped some passing fragment o: wreck, and lay in the seinLunconsciousneas - Chrif-tmas-day two years later. IX-eem-ber, sere and brown, with cold sunshine on the window-panes of the -old homestead. Dolores and Margaret clung together in mutual "orrow and suspense. Over and over again had Margaret heard the romance of Dolore's life painted in tropical warmth of coloring, for she was wooed in Mexico. Over and over again had Dolorco heard of the river bank where the furnace stood. The intene fervor of the Spaniard beneath a calm exterior blended with the graver Saxon nature of Margaret; they loved each other, and waited for two men, aWnt cow for years. Sturdy Tom and little Dolores of the glancing feet had taken possession of everything ; they searched for flowers and birds' eggs just as if a gray thread had not come among the raven masses of their mother's hair and lines about Margaret's melancholy lips. Cousin Jack Erskine was drawing his net very closely indeed ; if he could gain entire control of Margaret's property he would force her to marry him. Cousin Jack hated these usurpers. The Spanish woman studied him with her soft imjenetrable black eyes while her manner was winningly courteous. "That cousin is cheating you out of every thing," she said. Result: bills lor improvements on the farm came in, which Ma-garet could not pay. Jack blustered, and paid the sums himself with an injured air. The subject of money, even in families, is the true touch stone of character. " Do your worst," s dd Margaret at last, when thoroughly aroused to indignation " Father left me the old bill on your place, you know, as part of my possessions." The two women dared no longer to discuss their hopes or fears together. In the morning Cousin Jack took Tom to drive in his new dog-cart. Dolores was suspicious of this condescension, but Tom came home buovant with delight, and not children, but Margaret could not endure the contemplation of their happiness just yet. A stifled cry of mourning went up from her own heart that to attain this end she had lost all. Where was Jasper? The ,feat was ready, but she could not share it ; she even went out into the crisp, frosty twilight to escape. Was it an echo, born of her vain longings, that spoke through the evening ? Was it a ghost who advanced and flded her in a long emjrare? Joy doe not kill, Margaret beheld again witL mortal eyes her lover. " I have not found him,'' sighed J z er as tdie led him in. The two men gized at esch other incredu lously. ' You promised to search for m," said Andrew. " I have searched over the world," re plied Jasper. " The Adelaide was lost in a typboou, and a Danish bark rc-ocued me," aid An drew. " I was wrecked in a tvphoon, and picked up by a native canoe," said Jasper. " I was carried to Sierra Leone, and nearly died of the fever," said Andrew, " I touched twice at. Cape l'almai, and concluded you had perished with the Adelaide," rejoined Jasper. " Dolores, are vou satisfied ?" What a bauquet there was, after all! The ivy still hung about the old portraits a.s Margaret had placed it on the morning when Jasper Garfield declared his love, and Margaret amazed the children by appearing at table in topaz ornaments. Fighting for Bread. Ticking hi way through a narrow alley the "writer saw a right prcphetic of the coming winter. The alley divided a block of houses which fronted on two principal street, two or three of the houe on each street Wing restanrauts. At the back en trance to one hou.e a woman at with a child in her armn and an empty baidsetby her side. A little further on, upon the opposite side of the alley, a boy and a girl about ten years old sat upon the curb, htv- inz aUo as the other, i I . . . . un, ana wun a nerc- run, n iwui .r- . . eUcaut. rowy dart which r.o movement i ee cept that of a i-alai' n or trout at u lly ithe niot htartlinz movement in animated Homkplm Itms. Co kn Frttthka. Grate six ears vi corn, add one tablexpoonful of fiour and two rps pepper and salt to yourtaate; to W fried like oyster. Smoky Ijtv.pi.- To prevent the smoking of a lamp, soak the wick in strung vinrgsr, and diy it well before you ue it ; it will then burn bright and cWJr, and axuply ir pay you for the trifling labor. How to Make Itr mixo ijjvic k.--Split a fw rcrWr lav thkurfar arti with ribv. o empty b.ukeUon which they leantd j jn, pn X UWf f,u , f 8(;ajn . y mad- childi-h grirua at each f thfnj cl,T jn a rUU ar j u j, fiflecn Suddvnir Kth boy end girl leijl . . , Wi , h r- i Dprmt AtUaapt at Tlk6ry. iVcrtitly thrvr xacn !!! at th 1k cl a Mi !Jrr. livit. a frta war Dfnrl priwrs iVtmajlvanis, stvl akcJ prrtuiaa to lep in the 1-Utt. Althcnb U.e parti lAol uj4cUu, and there le- ir. Lu in th l.'i lit aa f id raan nasutx! lUhp ail a Uy and a fcirU th lady afrai 1 f pr .v lir UVimaly a rfual, and tJ 1 thrtn xhrj rr-M -uj t the bam. So afterward, aa the ir.mU ( the hu.- were atout rvtirii i- tb n'hf. the mu returned to the bmf an4 dvtnanJrd Morthicg to eat. Mi llotrr and the nl oow f It that tfc :rr-rr meart bsna in wmf y, I'-it ht r prrd them iue f l. Old Mr. liih j rairl rne cf the iiJ., "aivi t p X tL fuJ octet the w iixluw mha tLr dih a km.kol trvtn LU hand, tb 1 c4 tlx nvO h aj-d tferoush the inU. rap lly fJ 1 jrl bv lb- cthr to. TTt.y irr fe-.w all ma.krd. iV-th Mr. p an ! Mi 1I vrr ire krKk-J dn bv tbr rutL t . Mot-Til GLfK. D-olve o hall ound . jjr J'i.hop rr?:anl hi f-t ad. iiirs a Preparing for It A cashier of a bank in Cincinnati lead so many accounts in the papers of late of robbers entering" a cashier's house at night, gagging and binding the inmates :ind obliging the cashier to go and open tlv I ank safe, that he is very nervous on the subject. He is satisfied he will yet have a visit of that kind, do what he may to avoid it, and he thinks the next best thing his family can do is to lei'.rn to go through the ordeal with as much ' composure aa possi ble. Accordingly he has been putting them through a rehearsal every night lor a week or so past, greatly to their terror and incon venience. - He acts the part of bank robber himself. In the dead of night he awakes his wife, and pressing a vinegar cruet against her head, commands her in low, Arri.t: Smhi lYtM;. lhtupJ Jir- In water enough t jrll it. In the i-iran- natuiv), thev flun themselve- as it wneJ n or iweive an k, r.ix un nnnn th woman and her child. Not unon le vlh4 .aso, and bake thrvr-iu.rtrr. of f..r J.i.t thn the Joc.r . bour. F.at with crvaui n-d -urar. or by which she sat bad opened, and a man I '"' 1Uff had thrust out of it a box about a yard i w II t . - . . - . ... I square and a loot Unp nearly nn a wun . gutine or f.ne clue in water, aud add I fl,.;,, attackcJ tb thrt om, d alit g dry seraiand crusU of bread ai d Liu oi j olje qusrtrr of a und e-f trtn "Sar;K aTT LU t !. ttir; a biscuit, the old stale remains of tU kitchen j tit wnole un,ii ufficuntly thick t 1- fu uUDjt.n nfuse of a restaurr.nt. 1 he woman, a large, mmu on cmAivz ; ur it on a iu l)Xjirg arid :,M ia il C Mi comely Italian, had not time to set down , liKl,tly greaM-d, and when ool c-ut intj the j Hr now rturrrI u.-ir.t!y i.rm-lr her child Wf.ire the boy and girl were al- i required shaj. I aid to th old man, lnjt wa pn r t-l ird mt in the Ux, clutching U,e scraps and . TuM vlo cvAIll.T,,-I(l j. .a;a t V a ancinVt. by a blow from rtU tl n-n. tossing them into their ba.ketn. The boy . , mi)l:rr. I, raad fn-m i he had tcm hi. ma,k. and girl fought with each other, and the ; . . finr,T Iommlf- lWrh a The boy now raxue to lU a-Lt4r.or .-I Mr. woman fought with them, haeh struggled ; - . ,,, -iv l:i.W,t, U lllii it. fuI fn-rt nil niF in m ma miiuiiil' a m u iiaaiaj s a uiiia a ami struct wun one nanu, im nu it i i ..... . . . an.l one nmt iJ t.iinato. lour And iive other dahed and hoveled the cruets into , . " ' , the baskets she or. he had brought. The i strife becainc frenzid, the girl crying out , 1 and weeping, and finally abandoning all ltat.Et iHjronsrts. To mn -i sweet other strife than that for the bread, she bore j m;ik, one cui of ugar, t ecg, a p'.ece of I tWo f-.rin as rxur to the I Uu i the the blows of the woman and the boy while i jarj 0( ,n tt oTH:-ht cup of Min u m hurriol lcae i lb- b-ia-, she used both hands to clutch the crusts, vcaM Knead it at night : in the m niir.g. t aT;ng tUir .und.l o.mpai.i Uhin-l. and secure them for herself. The woman jf jjgj,t v lsnei it over ; hi-n ra-d again, yt.;-4l.,rN ml... Lrard the l.'.rn and krww at last used hr strength, and by blows drove rojj out auj cul lvm and ht thrm lie on .mtthing unuaal u the matter, - off both boy and girl, but not until Uy the Uurd untiliight Ufe-re frying had robbed the box of half it content; j and then they paused glaring at each other. the Uo 4 the n bWr. The girl ran up stairs and, raiir a window, bl-w Uj.U on the dinir-b.rn. Tlie raan wb4.ra Mr. P.Ldvp knockd d wn with Cat in till rvi:iaitul unre.tn i vU'. ai-l thr4ir what is eomincr than for ittll. If such is the value now of the " orts and pcnir re mainders n of third-rate restaurants, what will it be in pinched and frozen January? ast winter able-bodied men, willing to gruff tones to get up and make no noise on aware in the least that Mr. Erskine had pa;n 0f havinK her brains instantlv blown learned Margaret kept all her valuables in out the vinegar cruet. Then he binds a Chinese cabinet in her chamber. 1 1 t he ner to tne be d-post an d rags her with the old bill on his place could be destroyed the baby's guttapercha rattle. The chUdren game was in his own hands. Later in the and servants he gags and locks up in cou day Margaret went to the village post-office. ven;ent closets, and then stuffing a tlatiron 4 1 11 4. .1 1 - . a peuuier euuit: to me uour, uim holder into his own mouth and pressing a sent away by Auut Polly. Shrill, childish, bologna sausage against each temple he screams ensued ; Mrs. Garfield rushed to man.hC8 himself off to unlock the bank. the window to see the peddler bearing away Coi j weather coming on now it is not alto- httle Dolores in his arms, while Tom snout- together comfortable, and the family think ed lustily for help. A panther is not more they prefer the risk of the robbers i fierce in the protection of its young than was the Spanish mother at that moment. An Option" La-w in Grain. Aunt Polly was about to follow, when the writer in the Cincinnati Journal says little Spitz dog seized her firmly by the that the Illinois statute, providing a penalty gown. 1 lie fcpuz, most sagacious oi mtie to anv person who "contracts to have or beasts, in his fur overcoat, trotted about give to another the option to buy or sell at a .1 , 1 1 1 1 M - a. 1" I 1 .... .... f tne place wun a ousiness-iiKe- aspect, ana luture time," relates only to tne sorts oi was understood to know what he was about, transactions known as " puts and calls," When he seized Aunt Polly s gown, there- which is thus explained To Poumi Tin. Find rub your tins with a damp cloth ; thru take dry flour and rub it on them with your ban. Is ; afterward Threw wild beastt could not have t-hown more fury; a more ferocious strife for food - .niAHMllid fmin01riil:fn was ne i-wii uuj'jijj, n. .... j -ii t: . . 1 j populate of a lcleagucrcd town. A sail, sail. ... . . . ,. .. ... , , , ' hour had ben spnt in ru'.bin th m with sight, and yet even sadder for tU intimation , ft arriTnl at the lr.oe. Tbry feen 1 old Mr. P.ihrp ru aily exhautcd frota Li tru cle in dtfruft? of the hou and Li.m l-wsl 141. Mi- Hoover i badly Imi-J. work, stood three hours in a line waiting to "ne nne oaP io iwr, a.m ru .v wr., taouartof soup; women with one child nio mc rima ; ay u out on u.e gra- in In nr, and likelv to have another ere "e sunsnine, waicoirg u ioT .i iuV two or three months had pasned did the same. Yet this winter the lack of mere ood promise to lie greater than it waa then, j takeanoldi.ewpairadrub0.eCouroflt The man l.fl Uhiui ly tU rt.UUr.wa laund tu hare a ! j anl 'lan r o abi'Ve the riffht temple, Inf.irtrd by theharp e-.nT tithe flat-inn. Aftrr t! warj cf all were attended to. a sear hi made U r traiv of the otLtr Uo rw. Tly were travl tu IVHal Sprii.', l"at t!rr tbo Iti'A w- bt. The woundol n-Wr a trai.g r in the irfIhVr!i!. Mi IIiTrr is an eccentric and wr<hy ebUrly lady, arI tlieittemtto r-b, wn.1, irhips murder hcT, was po doubt ullraUly planned by the Li ltd partite. hand. To liEMOVE MlI.MW. Wfrt the Cloth wlifch contains the mildew with tail i'.ffi 'rub it well with white soap, tlun scrajw with water, llcpeat the j-rtK-eM next day, and in a few hours the mildew will diap pear. And yet the yield of grain and of all the lenc, Wilh PotAtoe. fruiu oi tue eartu naa oten uiw yer ceptionally large. The crops" of the seven fat vears of Egypt were not larger than ours Where are our Josephs who by' timely MaLanckwIv J&stle. In Ilroit they have a ju.lioe wb, whiU A potato grower in Oneida county, N. ., I ticre i, much i itii in Lis !e ll.u: hi who has devoted fnm five to thirty acn- tu I a juljgr ay cf gi'" the m. Ihre is an thm crop each season during the pst !?) I jn,tanf : ;.1.n u-lll secure now the means of ?". OHiiiuunicaie me resuium ni-ex- -Smmhow or other, U waUr l wuai l;. .1,. nthprwi starving souls alive? I to lh l",ica IIrruUL T,,e in' tmelti h-" si.jhe.1 hi. h .nor. a. he lean- 6MI w - Si-v York ibjr. eluding the rxpem of plowing, harrow ins:, j a(. Uhind the t-iie of warrants and planting, cultivating, hming, and marketing, I brunrfd the cbcinut shn.ka oJhi lap. "And tbr world it If wtems a dreary mmu- tii uie" m-'.icl I'liah. a ad h k j on the baii of i4 jrday fr team work and Watered Butter. ; 1.V) p.r day for human lalvr, is al-ut - ! V 'P2..r'0 T acre. If manire i spp!i-d it In ths course, of some, investigation by . wuubl ! gn-au r, but the additional ein Professors Angell and Ilehner, in I jigland, J WflUlJ v im-re than rtrpaid by the iiK-rcal out of an alvts of fifteen samples of butter j, yii-ld. lie dtm not include the item if hich were determined by them, twelve of Mdt U-caiie a ruffuieit iuantity tt siuail te uie. np'.icl Ijah. a ad hok lin,; to hi eyi. I tutUu.f d w fore, she paused, and gazed at him ner vously. " Eh? What is it, doggie ?" For answer the Spitz drew her to Mar- A agrees that B may buy or sell to him so much grain at a certain time, the option being whether to. 'do so or not. If he chooses, Ii can let the trade go. lie has garet's dor, and she saw a man bending pa;j bi3 10, or' whatever it is, for the over the open drawers of the Chinese cab- privilege, or option. If the mnrket goes met. Aunt roily dashed forward, grasped the man's coat, threw back her head, closed her eyes, and screamed vigorously. "For Heaven's sake le quiet, Aunt Polly!" against him he is out the S10 ; if the market favors him he has made the margin, "e the same more or less. That is the kind of option contemplated by the statute. .Such deals are "puts and calls." What aiv the samples, which were undoubtedly gen! j anj unmarketable jtotatovsi uually rali-ed butter, contained 0 to 13 per cent, of water i u, supply thia'deniand. At h-a-i tl y the astonishing epiantity of 42.3 ier crnt. j -IJ for feeding puq-o-c for enough to buy was found in one sample from Iondou. or j m-od. The expend of digsrin and trans- an excess of about thirty-two per cent, of j porting a distance of two miles is ijht comm, rare how ton I am rllrl im l g ." "My feelirgs exactly a-ldr.1 tlrf !tk. "Tlii world has t unt pUarvw lor tue. The wiod sigLed drearily arouinl lU gabh. Ad.-g under U.e taUe utiml a mournful howl. A small the rr,r- nec wiped bn ey on h's hat. Ue en trance of half a down additional pxta. water, for which lxmdoners pay irom - lo j ft-nn r Im-hcl. Hw crt.p on g'l laini t' jrrlbrr with the thuix!er-UV o-.i-c of 4ScenU per pound. Another butler frrmi 1 1 ba varied from 2"0 to SV) t-mhi-ls i r acre. tlJ;DS Jray, actid tu nap the link of the same plaw had 24 ier tint., theo high , The average for a scri.- of year, ha Un . an.l b' hotior b-nxxl a tu'ut and rates being due to the fact that the butter . about 17.buhK and the avra M iling tc,l.l to r-ach in an 1 rcrah i!- tr.t had leen treated with milk. On the otht r ji, for ten years ha Inn ") ctnt. He i uji rt i,o!d of. Ills m - - - - - w- The old lady opened her eyes and closed technically called u options" on the Board her mouth. The man was Jack Frskine, are lona fifo aml positive trades, only tin somewhat confused in manner. exact time of delivery is not specified. If " I am searching for a paper. Don't set the law had intended to prohibit them.it the dogs on me. 1 here, I will go away.' 1 would have read, Whoever sells or buys " What right have you to search other grain to be delivered within some tpceined people's premises ?'' demanded Aunt Polly, time, the exact date being at his own option, " I wished to make Margaret marry me shall be, etc. The difference is as broad as by finding an old account. Don't tell of me the distinction between gambling and the auntie. I love her, and ' all's fair in love J agreement of a publisher to deliver a period and war,' you know. ical or book at some future time, the exact " Have you tound the papr?'' date Wing optional with the publisher. " On my word no." " Very well, go. When you was a baby. Jack Erskine, I laid you on the hearth to Still They Fined Him. A man named Puddiford, who was sum- keep the life in ye, and I wih I hadn't . rooned at Hammersmith police court on There ! Oct. i, ior not senuing uis cniia 10 scnooi, Tolores. flushed and pantin?, came up i handed in the following letter to the magis- the walk clasping her recovered treasure, and the peddler shrank away with a sting ing blow on his face to tell his patron, Mr. Erskine, that the money scarcely paid for the job. She might have killed me," grumbled the peddler. Very well, keep quiet, my man, or you- may get arrested for attempted child-steal ing." Margaret walked slowly along the lane. Tlit re were no letters in the mail. A man in advance of her turned at her approach. Margaret's heart gave a great bound. No, it was not Jasper Garfield. "Can you tell me where Miss Ilope lives." 44 1 am Miss Hope," she answered, with whitening lips. " Then I api Andrew Garfield, and ay wife is here." Thus waa Andrew Garfield restored to his own. Aunt Polly believed in celebrating Christmas day. " Jest as if there wasn't always mercies enough in the year if we choose to search 'em out ! she said. hand, a sample purcnased in cntnor was ; fjni, n nmre profitable to km in the IJ.I anI I Winn He aJruilt! hat he found to contrin under 4 per cent, of water, J draw directly In m the field to tuarUt. I . j j.l f bou- and according to the autnors u cociamri Excluding, thert-lore, ttiec t u k ;ihi wer wrllinr at a shillir.g apiw, ari-l be fur- 50 iK.r cent, of foreign fat. Tha authors al-m cair,ng the nntal of an a. re of land IS the owlM u? tt b.l atn dxk found that genuine Utter spread out on total ct of rai-ing and hrvening one jor oU .j bke.1 tlw wolf t f starvation sheets of pair and. expowd for a w-ek to .ft. ,f jtftatcM iS-l. Th prr"eFl will . , the air in the la')oratory Ucame, so far os ' average aUut " i-r sere. If the land U I - j j, tbir.k this world hi ai y fur- the sens could judge, inditinguiMai.ie f fn from quaxk gra- and thitlr-, he wouM f Toa -niarkei! hi- I.'" r, afur fromtailow. With regard to the micro-oi,ic ! mark in rows three fet.four inches apart, ujpg a ijj kt the pri-.r. "1 nt examination of butter, Mers. Angell and l nj j,UDt in drills with the hills al-ut IS haven't irol anv r.t-ai-ad-v.u-tie Hehner think that Dr. Campbell Brown said j inche apart. He would cut the -d j--ta- -. f nature, and your haxaUr Ultn too much when he declare I that withjtoe mj that from three to frve stalks would ajgWe,i tumUe around until joo fl plarizel light it wa the most reliable j pw in each hill. If the land i fouler jjke tn 0jj om&jbu horse, means of distinguishing pure butter from j rough, mark the rows thre feK apart each Ikon't alue me," rrpHeI the prin ter that containing .thr fats. way with the same quantity t.f il to the njonrnf0 hill, and u-e cuItivaU-r ami hor-e-b r ar u ... . to . u- u Lu:k .... . i i - way, thus keeping iue grouno cir I 0f a loafer idling away hi life and Lew- trate: " Iiestected Sir: Having a verv painful impediment in my speech, I beg to submit the underlined as my statement. It is mv most earnest wif-h that mv child should go to school, but that part of my domestic arrangements is entirely governed by my wife, who, I am happy to say, governs me. Therefore, most respected sir, I hoie, after your most serious consideration, you will deal with my case as leniently as j-rv-sible, and I give you my solemn word ner to be placed before you again. I beg to re main, sir, your most obedient servant, George Puddiford." The magistrate told the defendant that he had no power to send his wife to prison. If she' governed him with a rod of iron it would not be an exense for not sending his child to school. He fined the defendant Is. and 3s. cost. There is a queer railroad trouble in In diana. A road being in debt for $2,500 worth of unpaid taxes, the sheriff of the town where they are due is trying to at tach a locomotive. The law does not al low him to take the locomotive of a mail train, and now the freight trains do not stop at that town, but run slowly through, all The feast was ready for wearv Andrew hands deriding the sheriff, who e no way Garfield, radiant Dolores, and the merry j to secure hu locomotive Out of Work. The Detroit Prcs says that at the mun cipal court in that city, eight able-bod men, the youngest eighteen and the oldest but thirty-two years of age, voluntarily pleaded guilty to charges of vagTamy, and asked to be sent up. They were all solr honest looking fellows, and slated that they had striven earnestly and in good faith to find employment of any kind, but had failed. They were homeless and penniless, and rather than sieal would prtfer to go to the houe of correction for the winter. The police jutice, while regretting the necessity which compelled honet men toeat of prison fare and associate with criminals to from starring, complied with their request. and each of the applicants was sent up for four months. Out of work is a sad cry, but it is now heard throughout the whole conn-try. TnE Moos am the EAETn.Prefessor Burser believes that the moon, in revolving around the earth and drawing the tides behind her, cause the latter to art as a brake on the revolution of the globe, and he considers that it may be mathematically shown that this action is slowly but sorely checking the earth's speed of- rotation, so that the day and nights are gradually Ienrtheniiigr. In a thousand million vears or so, they may become each a month kxxg Peachblow. generally take the bad ... to keep froo starvation. I'd -j price, but he prtr. to plant Karly IU- ur Jef a 1ileriftr, rt Ut Wp on a 'M IVinre Alerts Wean? they rii early raIIn4i lMckf or ,ajk oS tLe w Larf UU re in the seao, and the growrr can Cnih l.i fall work sooner. They also yield as plenti fully on good land as any other variety. He would esially recommend the Early lli for quick sale and profit whn!axli gt. If the soil i light plant the I'teTless. He ha raitl, this season, 4J0luhU of Earlv Iloe and I'rin Alt it, un !i I'd drag oat such a life. However, ii no oe talkir to yoo. CtJidr you r If ele vated for three raontL, aod when that's out cbue back hr some more. TTfc-w Aaerlcaa Pel. firvribirg a colony of Poles at I -a Perte, screw of land, and sold tUia at $il71-r In-IIana, a cr rre.-lent says; -The new barrel. He has fouml that tin-re U more Polish arrival has an orp!eaat.t, rrir zjrg net profit to l n-alizr in raUIrg pr4au way of dofSng hiebat that snake j-.i th'.r.k at U) cents r bohel than fn-ra any Mher of monarchy. The meti shake haxd hrn crop, unless it the fancy rt-locts of they meet, and salute eah other with a hor-, strawberries, etr. In firal aa acre ki; and they bless eacb other, la u.e aic of potass will buy twice a much wh at as t f the Mother f f Ail Sorrows, at art:r;. could U ra'iKl upon Ue same surface. A few cf them, if tLe ery ipmus-ce oi l - . s-e-l truth were known, doaM mat txi ue Te Time. I best country IighteJ r y stin. uj veve Postmastereoeral Jewell, in his annual any ticket that happen to fall iato their report, tarV: "I would surgt nat the bands, and they doit with aa unconcsm time has come when a resolute eCort should hich can only come from an cne-uivocal be made to determine bow far the fwUoSxe irtr,mrTehecion f f iu mealtg. When department can prof rly go in it. lloru to they nter a grocery they call for the bvt of accommodate the public wiiVttrrvpa-sicg what they want and pay for it without nnwarranUbly upon the sphere of prirate qwlloeuig tLe price. They buy the best enterprise. There must be a limit to gov- sugar, the best coC, the ba alcohol, nl ernmental icUrfertcce, and, happily, it bow to the salesman c U a vie g the room, better suiU the genius of the American They take to the woods, on lrt comirf to people tohelpthem-elves than to depend America, aa naturally as babies take the ea the State." meaalea, or muikrata to the wa'-tx."