- . - - I I THE COURIER. GEORGE S. BAKER, Editor and Pro?pjetqii. All letters addressed to OEp. H. IUkkr, Fbiday January, , ft. 1875; r: I lycw; Year. Midnight hells toll a r1mn re iniera over the dying Old jear. Mel-, Wboly darkness is spread over .the fact of nature, as the wile pall ia borne on by the ba'nd of time. A mournful procession follow,' vain regret, for ' hat might hav LconJ remorse, for ! hat is not; but let i e ''dead past toury ita dead," stand ye not there all the day in idle rej-ihit.gs f? the WMit oi naemy to me uepniicii uchim 1 pi Cbut tip I to work ! gird on thy sword . . and buckler, ami ftand jiortu witn re newed energy and strength, for the coming contest f 1875, for another J ' ' year by the right of jiceesion takes r"m ; 7 tbe lead, and we 'the -remaining sub (' jectsv in grtilue r ho ! life that is 'ours, will rally, though our lines may not always fall in pleasant jlaces. "Yet, our experience pflhc past, shall ' awaken us from the let hergy that has deadened our faculties, and areupe our 'better nature. We will work 'at that ' which is right with a determination to succeed, and when the New Year ex pires, we njay regret it' fqr its pleas antness, but -not with a sting of con science. And ai the boa at if ul snow lightly falls line a sou spouess cioa thrown over the trembling form of the iifant New Year, may its purity" be . typical of the reigning motives, in pur hearts, andbaracterixe our conduct, i and as the frosty flakes fall alike on : all who. put themselves in4heir way, : whether wrapped in the spanty folds- - oraiauea snawi,or iuxursug luntu . furs, likewise mav the scales pf justice . .... - j:. . Do liguieuea Dytan inuLcriniumic u.- trioution at the hands of Neasisis - tnoBe wuo fcti ii t bu"uu m m ' ' gaias, reiax u.mr ..w fc-' wnue mr jepu ' pathway ef the worth X unfortunate.- And while justice reigns in its .unques- uonaoie ngut, may . uarB vu.u. be sortenea ana beaui.nea vy generos.- ty, until justice is .u i apmt. of magnanimity, then indeed will ine sunsniue ot the aew i-ar oe re- fleeted by radient taces a.d bngbt firesides,spreading, its rays of cheerful " ' uess in every class of business, which rises with encouragement or sinks with .dispondency. , - Now frieuds we enter upon the New Y Year, with jiearty good wishes for the happiness of all, and we promise to do every thing we can to make our fcllow men happy around us Happy New 1 Year. ... XSlos,itiiliic?iil Hlcotelica of Homo of llio Oldest OltljeeiiM ol our County AVilson D. Webb. Mr. Webb was born in Davis District,- miles east from Louislurg iti the yrar 1797, 10th Sept emVer. which makes him 77 year old, during all thin time he lias lived IIVCU ,, ,e near his birth plac. lie has Ultea several Important offices in the county. He was county Trustee forscven years, and seven years Justice of the 1'eace, appointed by the Legislature. II was married to MUs Harris, darughtcr of Harbard Harris, on the 30th Match 1850,. making 44 years ago, he has raised seven children, (lost ona) has been a membsr of Maple Spring bap tist Church for 44 ycar;,.and filled the office of clerk for the church 30 years He is quite a small man in stature, msves about in a quick nervous inan rcr, is shrewed and sharpe, loves to talk, but makes it a point never t engage in any useless arguf eut or controversy with any one, willing that all should exercise their own views in matters, and claims the same privi lege for himself. . IIo does not come to town very often, but when on the .street he moves along like a young man, does not look like he carries the weight of 77 years on hi ahulders. (Io attends to all his duties about his farm, and his head and braiu seem to , be as clear and actiro as when he was .a young man; Allen C. Pkrkv. Allen C. 1'erry was born tn Uunn'a District in the ycir 1801, which makes him juat 7U years old, m be jnovod to his prtsent home, 3 miles east from Franklinton, on the I.eyisburg and Franklinton road.- Mr. Perry bj V fora the war, took great intere$t in ptliticshe was a Jackson Democrat, and (bo candidate of opposite pelitics, always dreaded him. Of gieat will and energy hif influence was always felt for hit party. Since the war he has lived in quiet at hii country home, he . like a great many, of our citizens lost heavily by the war, and the blow fall- Dguimhimlnh.aoldage,xBRmea8ttre paraitfea. nis energy, iui inns far n hs weathered the storm. He mixes bat little in politics, but po election , days, he ia always fav$& at'jie. polla, and voting againa ignorance, onprea aion d- corruption.' lie was mar ried in October 1827 to Mia We- both Perkon, they liTed together until' last year, when the All wise dwpenser of eTcnta, took from hini jhia conipait ion, with whom he had, for so manyf years walked hand in bancl alongilifes. rough and rngged pathway. Mr. Per ry was a magistrate for about 20 years and a member of the I3ord; of War dens for J 4 years. Ue composed one of the committee who divided thia connty Into achool district. .lie was ilsoa$ the foundera of Perry C ha pel, Baptist church of which he has been a member for the past 40 years. lie lias raised 8 children and haa 30 erand childrei;. ' May h be. jong 8parej to this county. Marsiiaix Baxr. Mr. Baker one of the oldest men in our county, and one of the mast peace able, quite, straight forward, upright old gentleman that we knew of, wa born in Galloways District, January 2nd J 79b, which makes him 77 years old. lie has raised 9 children, and has now 14 grand children, all living In this and Tfake county. His ex cellent wife with whom he has lived in happiness for nearly . half, century, is now 73 ysars oldU attends to all her. household duties. Mr. Raker's health for a uumber of years ,hsjs jiot been very good, yt he comes to town and attends to all his own business. lie it a plain old fashiou' gentleman and kg well f;f Lhu He is proraptiy at uis post at. evry election, nevcr ghirkg or brinks from doing Juty MaJ manj more long yeaEa be aJded ,0 hU lift and haicr than. tho5e tbat have past. . 8j.etcJs wiU he continued f Q and m thank our f,iemis for any irUtresttng uizi- connected with the lives of our ' 0i(i st citizens. r ' 1- 'L Sleet Ah! what is this grand occasion? that as the sun lights up our gardens md Qur arg guch opni Suniight falis a jewelers win40W with diamond necklaces inrich fegtoons, while , in their shadow bewil- derijig strands of pearls rest h43zzl ed yanco? i8 every a b,jQU case of jewels rare? In the heat of ex citement stretch forth thy hand and grasp those glowing gems, when to: the warmth of great expectations disolved them, the close grasp only hastens the loss, for see them trickling through thy clenched 4 finders 'An adverse wind comes, then ; niijaturc hail storms and successive crashes, all this magnificence slips from its hold, and nature stands unadorned in its fresh beauty. Thus in life, the glitter cf external show, and many alluring pleasures out of 'reach,, arc craved by the hungry and thirsty pleasure seeker, but when attained is often acknowledged - to be onlythe dross of life cruinbHng soon, to leave pure living waters. Cou.N'fy: Papers.' We find in one m - . ... I Ol our exchanges the following truthsJ I , , .. . . ful observations concerning county pa pers, and the duty of giving them a wholcTOuieupport : ; The local paper is an absolute ncessi ty to the country and community where it is published. All the city papers cannot supply the place of the home paper- That should be the first love of every - inan and woman, for with the paper is the locality identified. . The paper gives the county and town where printed much of their importance in the world, and gives in detail the local tews, which cannot be gained by any other usource. Jiiverv dav s issue of tbe ra. - - i -per is so much local history, and the rise, growth and development of the town and county can be measured and recorded only by the lacal nowspapei that constantly is gathering its items. People do not properly appreciate their home newspapers. They measure the value of a newspaper too much by the number of columns it contains. The home paper at any price is the cheapest paper j one can take, for in it is found the information to be obtained from no other source A nother thing to be taken into con sideration. Every county has one or more newsnaners. ITmw tb nironTa tioh of each paper niut be limited xjiere is therefore the greatest need of activity and interest on the part of the people to give their own good paper, vigorous and substantial support. ' a a G. W, MINNIS, m Photographer, Old No. 47. New 141 Sycamore St. PETERSBURG, Va, . ' . . - ... . Execu'ea every style ot likeness Irom caid to lite aiz i-i the best ityles of gaj4rantwd. Gallery tabl!.hed ia 1874 I lie. ? ly SI THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY 4. This nnriva'led vedi Ine is w m t d pot to conta a a i g e panic e of Mr.acritr . or any inj ir oun tn nta itubi;iuce b it is 1 PURELY VEGETABLE; conta:nr,i? those rthern Voot nd He ba - b ch an all ia lr nee ha p1 ed ir?. coi.niri. wuer l ver ji-ra. ino p -'V4. It will cure a I Dira?es c. jUei bv D--ratiKeujrnl o .oe Li e c d tfoir U SjnppLiyer Replalor. o'ntediciiis eii'-ritlyft Fa-oily Midic n- J' and I y le iue ket-C ready f r mnned at : leo t w 1 av maiiV an ho r ot uff n . iu lime at d doc tor V b X m tuMty a Uol.ar A nd over Fort Ye.r? trial it ia f till re ceir.t. li- mot unqualified teiiuiouUla to it- viitues from e.our-tf ih; h guttt char aetr nd iep M .iJit . bn incut pii sicaua viumriiu ii us win hm hi 'effectual specific FOlt bYSPEPdla OB 1: DIGESTION Armed m h. thia ahttoote all cLm tea and cui-mesof wat t an4 f cd aa-y bo faced w.ttiout fear, a a Kein dy in Mauuuuca Fkteks Bowti, CoKFt.Ai.iT4. Bi STLX832CK a: . ilT H AS NO EQUAL. Itia the Chepst, Pure.t and Bet Famf- t- 1 aieOi&fe lu tl e Wor d I "IrnwnufkC u ted o ly by7 S U. ZE1L1N A CO MaCJKIGa. td I'HILXDKirHlA. Price f 1 O'. i old bt ai Durooins ' John Armstrpng, N. 1 Fayette vi lie Streer, RALEIGH, N, C. - S00K BISJDER, - and . Blank Book Manufacturer, Newspaper, Magazines .and Law Books of every description bound in the very best Style and at Lowest Ti ices. janSO 12m W. 0. WOLFE, DKAL1K IN Marble, Stone, . Ile'hdstnnes, AlonuroentP, i. Tombs, Granite Works, Ac., 'Ac. . "Cor, of Morgany and Blount Streets. ; R A L EI G II, N.Ci V Work done on tbe most r asonable terma. t ' .-- Poet. C, StVe, A'-nt, ' aprlU ly. L uiabur;, N. C. 53 PETERSBURG, Va, E. ItlCHTEli. .'Watclima'ker. and Jew eler. FINE Watches uudl Jewel t of h h- Marmfactois and at tlia loweit p ier, Ail woik pe sonaiiy attenUed to and war ranted. tl 63 Sycamo: 6t. , Petersburg, T .( it P. II. S M I T H, , CABINET MiJIER AND UNDERTAKEN 1 Lorn idea X, O. Cabinet making if RH kinda dona in beat manner, and on moat reaajnabia term Furaii are repaired and a'eaued. UXOEBTAKINS A hrxCIAUTT. The beat Walnuf, Pupltr and Pine CoCSna I ye ontha uonestuotica aud Yxkt Ckkaf QiVe me a call. r. H. SHI til. Factory below Barrow Pleaaanta. No. 1 ly f- ; : ; . 1 Atlantic Hotel. ; NORFOLK. YA. ' tt. 8. DODHOh, formerly of the j . FOUXTAIS HOTEL, V BltinyMd., , . Proprietor. Tbla magnificent HOTEL, after haTine beu thcrouRbly renovated and refitted, ia now opea fcr tbe act ommodatica of gaeata. Board, firat and aecond floor, iS per day. , Tblrd and fourth floor, $3,50 per day. ' Liberal trma to pormanent Boarder NOTICE. Valuable Flouring, Crist and Saw Hills, for Sale. Tbe Davis mill property aituated on Sandy Creek in Pianklin county i a of fered for sale on rta enable lermi. ine vails are in good running order and draw custom Irom a large acoiM ei country, Connected with tbe mills ia 83 acrca of good land. pp v io W. L. THORP. Rocky Meunt.X. C, Warrenton COACH FACTORY. We have on (band a good assortment oi uagro, Uarriagea, Photons asd Ditiev madx and finished in tbe very best style, all Warranted tor twelva mombs. . Ordrra for an Vehicle of any Style, fibdd at ah -rt notice, .and guaranteed to please. Repairing! done on abert n nice, . AH sizes ef Fifk'a ME TALI C BURIAL CASES always on hand. Alan Waod Cafios " t of any siz. Wo have a1! a good assortment af Cambiic Burul Robes, a new article, flir ed very cheap. JOHN W. WILLIAMS CO. . junelt tyt ' v "W A. fe T ' Franklhton, N C, Are d t rmined to close-out their LARGE and ASSORi'ED STOCK f GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT THE LOWLST l S;I3LE FIGURE-. If yuu Rant g o la CHEAP CALL taken at st ' at W A R D ill! 3 I! Great Attraction AT B. P. CLIFTON'S. My stock ot Wiater G ibda is now complete, an J I intend to tell tbcm Ex ceed j a gly lgw ior CAS II. ' 1 . i I will make it to jour advantage to exan ioe my Goods, before purchasing else- I wbere.5if vou will call I will'satuiy you that what I say is. true. In addi i m to Inf stock of DRY GOlD, HAKDWARP, ' GHOCERIE3, Ac I keep also a tifperb atot k of VIHES, BRAND YS & WHISKEYS, AU of -he very bet bran ip. I aUo Lave apletidi-t sait of BOOMS, . Nicely rnd conifrt bly ti ted up in tbe second floor my t.ttre, tr Salmkn travelibg wiib samples aud Men. a a'. RE ST MR ANT. COTTON GIN. Il.Vi you: 0)t:on ginned at MY G IN,: I gunra nice a bale wcilitng i00 lbs. From 1100 lbs. m : ( Of po ?d ecd Cuttn intludn g , liagsjing and Tie. - I ab-o pav the highest pri e 1T Serd Cot to , i Cas'-i or M rehandise. Ail Cot tot. received at my Ob is INSUEED as soon as leccived, at my owo expense. 6. P. CLIFTON, LOUISBURG H:C. SIX REASONS WHY : ' 1 ' TOU m ULD INJURE IK THli PESN MUTUAL . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 921 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, i -, ' Because At is one of the oldest companies in tbe country, and past the day of experiments. ' 2f1. Because every policy balder is a member ot tbe Company, entitled to all its advantages and privil ge., bav it.g a right to vote at alt' eltctiona tor truitees, and thus has an influence in ita management.' 3d Because it bas the largest accu mulate 1 f ut d of any Lite Insurance Company in be tjtaie. 4th. Because by economical man agemen, i;s ratio of expenses to total income ia lar below the avernge oi L fe Companua, (See Official Iusurance Reportr.) 5tb. B cause it has declared more dividends in cumber, and of a larger average percentage, than any Company iti tbe Uaited States. ' For example: .Policy No IS, for (5000, has been paid to tbe widow of a Philadelphia merchant, upon which twenty-;hree dividends bad been der dared, avejagin fifty seven per ceat. II d these diviaenda been uied to pur chase additions io this policy. $5,040 mote would have been realized mak ing the policy worth $11,046. 6tb. Because it is liberal in its man agement, prompt in its setttlemenU, sale beyond a contingency, and its rates are aa low aa any firat class Company in toe country. ..Principal Features. Small expenses, sbbotu'eaecurity, large return premiums, prompt payment ot losses, and liber ah ty to tbe insured. ' W. H. FINCH, Genfl, Uanager for North Carolina. " - i W. D. SPRUILL, aea'l. Agent. FracUiAtOB, H. C. ' wrnr u I HiU livr a avu & B HO ON THEM. Any kind of Pdu price, ! ' : & B R 0. Farntlinton, N. V. I?ofcitfiar Free The New York Ledger For The New Tear, 1875. THE GREAT FAMILY PAPER. - -p- s M:,.s It Pays tbe Highest and Gets the Best. Oui best and n oat papular old writ er wbe placea could not, in our opinion, be supplied ty any others on the Aniericao Contlotnt will continue m vri'e, most of tbt in rxc'usiv-ly, for the L dg-t 1 1 adii ioo to the old fav4xte, w nave madr arrargviiietna wiib eminent new writers, wbt se nauits will be an- rouncect Utreafter We do not hesitate at any price neces sary to ob ain tbe contributions of tbe firs? authors of the day. ' J' We believe ttuit hundreds cf thous ands of young men and womer, 'hrongb the attractive and en-erlaintng matter in the ; Ledger, have formed a taae lor reading which has now become ffxed, and "will nmain with theaa, a source ot bat piness and improvem a. tLrougit lit-. As we said on a fotmei 4K5caton, one it at and gutdin pit.ciple witb'uaia io incu'.caiu t tc eutitieu a of sell re spect ! and 'scit-eiiauce, and "bus to strengthen and tender mre mailt the cnaraiers wuicn -are just ansumug lorni, to enlnre through all their day. TLe Lr. ger aurocatea tbe a(riu.e3t fidelity iu all tbe relations of life, and tUe.i inviolability of the marriage cou trct. Our old rt-aders will all beir us wit ne a that (be Ledger bas alwsy been b tier at performing than at promising. Every year it lias turub-Hicl much mre tban was-iir xTn!st,r t h beu.nir:g. Tbe L "ger t always tud t.f the kO1 spirit ; utl m p-i aon once ai-custoujed to reai. ing it n.u U too p euMiit a com paiiioo to 'willingly pait vvitb it. It con 'ain- tlte,p-.ire-i, awtet stf a':d in t tlelich'tut stotiea, -trkirg ntrra ivi, aiui in;-ruclivt UiOiajiliua and biblofical ike Cfcer. " it. ht tbe inoft p-ui4r .and c-ie-lully prepared col ecliou tVi .cicmillc V e shtH cntinn- to r-p!y o qu -iioi 8 iu u.i in c e-tu.g gin jecti" a ift ie t fore. 2Ct o ly aie" ttn-se qu 't'" h enuitc coming .!iuct y luttu .he jao pl, I ui wereceivt-tuou-an'ispio v tr.a:. we nave pce Ul n-vri r. . Ai.er lue fifat ol J.-nuary, 1875, our fcubscribt-rs wii! hve oopia ti py". We glia'l prej ay tbe pjt-nge n ev- ry ppei tUrti we uuii. Lo-niti-.sttentiing tbt, thf ie wili'be no i creaf in 'be price ot.the Leigr. A will be a t-n ly tbe fo' low ing, i:ur rtt-s reuiaiu ua changed : '; OUR TERMS FOR 1885 fiinpl copies, $3 p r ar.nun:; f nr copies, $10, wh'cb is $2,50 a copy ; eight copies, $20, po-sge ire . T e party who sends us $20 for a elui of "eight copies, (id sent af- oeetime,) wid be enftied to acopy tree. Pout m !-ti Ann aithpra chn rrit nn ..lnl. in I - -. ' t u . -&j 1 1 respective towns, can afterward add single copies at $2.50. No sobscsip-' tiocs taken or a les p riod" than on year. WbVn a drsft or money-, ider can' conveniently be seu, it wiil b' pre let red. as it w l. prevent the pos-l'nli'y of tbe los of money by mail Remem ber that tbe p8'ag on tbe Jedger to all parts of tbe country iit be paid by us, so tbat our subscribers will bare no p-stiffe to pay. - 37" We employ no traveUingagn a. Ad tress ail c. mmunica! ions to ROBERT B N ER, Pubil er, Corner ot Wil'iam aud Spruo a .a N. Y. Whitelaw &f Crowder. Cor. of Blount and, Morgan reels, BALEIGB. N C , Are Prepared to Furnish Marble Tombstones f Of all kind, 1 Neatly Carved and Etigraved. Also, all kinds of : . QtR&XiWim 70IU2. ' Such as y Post, 8tepr, Sills, Water-TaW. 8treet :? and Graveyard Curbstones, Ac. All orders from the coun-tiy or ciy prompt attendej to. mh 27iy JoavCaTTOK Koaxar Lcacur. CAYT0N & DUNCAN, One door East ot Corner Blount and Morgan 8treeta, Raleigh, N O, , PJZACTZCAZ. STONE CUTTERS, And Dealers in ITALIAN & AUERICAH IIARBLE. Alt kinds cf Monuments, Tombs, Headstones and Garden Statuary made to order on resonable term. , " Orders ' from a distance promptly filled. Call In person, or address Cay ton & Duncan, P. O., No. 803. Railroad Schedules. Haleigh i Gaslon, Rv R company. Superintendent's Office, 1 IUleijrh, N. t;., June 11th, '72 $ . , On and aftr Monday June 17l!v .1872, train on the Raleigli & Gaston Railroad, will run daily Sunday ex cepted) as follows: Maul Tbaix. . Leaves Raleigh. . . . ..... .10.00 a. m. Arrives at eldon ..... .. 3.30 p. tit. LeavesWeldon..........' 9.15 a. m. Arrives at Raleigh 3.05 p. m. Accommodation Train. '- Leaves Raliegh 8.00 p. in. G.20 a. in. 9.15 a. m. 8.00 p. m. Arrives at Weldon . . Leaves Weldou ..... Arrives at Raleigh . . Mail traia makes clos'- connection t Weldou with tbe seaboard & Roanoke Kaiuoad auu BiV Lttce bteauicra via.' Baltimore, to and from ail point?, pionb. et aud .Northwest aud with the Petersburg Railioad via Peurs'ou. , UicLmonJ aud Washington Cita, to anu from all poiuia iMoriti and tfljitb . west. 5 I Ai.d at Raleigh with,tbe North Car olina R..ilrad to ud Irom ail points. Sou'.n nud bwutbwvt, and wuu line Raleigb Ss Auu.i Air Line to 11 ay wok! ana Fayettevitle. " Acc mmo Kiion and Freight trains con met at weidoa with Aceouiuio.ia tion and Freiiu .trains on aboard & Roauoke tiailravf anU Peterabuig Railroad. ! Aud at Raleigb with Accommoia tion aui freig Ji irini on ioriu Caro lina Raiiroad " ' Pertons living a'ong the line of thr- road can visti Rtleigii in the morning by AccoiLin .i-rauou traiu, mui rtmaiu several hour and return trie same eve ning. 1 - A. B. ANpRKVVa Gcd'1 8upt.s D LLJi OF TUtfi . PJfil'JbllS BUKG RAILROAD COMPANY. . 1 PaS-ENGER TRAINS. Lkavs Wkxdon. - ' ! ExprtSH Train . 8.30 a. m. Mall Tlaiu.... ....... ... 4 15 p. iu. AlttttVr a.r Pa-TfLiitBUna. va . ! I '- . x.xpres 4...ia.lUam 'al i. . . . . . ... 8 05 p. iu. Lk.WK l'kTJtaeU'JUU. ninii... II i a u. Lapi.b!. . ".3.17 . ii. AKlilVu. AT V hLlX)M. . ' i i :i 1 . . .... Expi ....... . . i :Ou u. u. F..tiiii Tiiai.Na. L iV I'' tcrsiUi g .... Leave Vrl.i.s... .. Arrive t WiKlj-u. ..... .'. U U0 y. n. O.tl-J a. it. i. 0 V O'.rr 19 -t ui 11 A I.N 1 eve '- t u).e . Leuvt- C-s ui.i . . . . Airir . .ii li.,t -., .-. . ; Amy ' T'e. Nui G Hi. n it. I .ii ; i .5' .cii.bt t i --u lit : c. v. tit ricciven at v. J'ri.-i u t-i j, p , t,t.tj ou iV;O.NLMV- -..Lii i MUiiiba '6 . l'uc ujm- w il tii .: mi hi -i;.vj jj m. iNn iiot;s Wib r-.cVnt-'l alter tj..i ,-ur. j. c. i-pitioo. fcjtjinftr nd G u-rai iU ir. Ois.,iiJ..u vrRi:,T kor, j 'tu:i.CT vt. C, Junes, IHli. CHAKQE OF SCHEDULE ON and after Jun- 10th insUnt, lsscii-ei Ti-ainj on tlie ilmiii4tou aui Weldan Itailraid will run as follows: - MAIL TKAIN. , Le ve Union DeiMtduilr ( uutJaj except J t .................. . 8 06 a. m Arrive at Goldsboro H n ni . . - Rocky Mount ' 3 i 1 p. in. nrV; eldon..... 330p in. Leave v eldon dail.r (Sun iays ex cepted) at 9'J5 . ni . -. .. . . i . r . i a i. nucKV JlOUCl. .. . . ... , Oeldsboru " tnionDep t EXPREiTUAIN. It:t7 a. in. 1:1C p. in. .53 jp m. Leare Union Depot daily at.... arrive a GoMsiro ' 44 tfoc.r Mourn. ..i..... " WeldJn.......i.... Leave VYaldon daily. Arrive at liocky Mount " Gold-boro.... ........ NITnl.n I j 10;40 p. m. 3;Uda. m 4:66 a ro-. 6:50' t, m T:l-j p. in 838i nt lu:68 p. m. :u a.m. Man Arain maae eio e connection at ft'eU do , for til p int. North via Bay Klue and icqnuf C rek routes. Express t rain connects only with icquia e rck route udman's lalace alecpm Cars oa this trin i . ' Freight trains w 11 1 art Wilmington tri week y at 6.00 a. m., and arrive at 1.40 p. m lxprcVnifLhttf in will leve iliainr an dail (Suud-ys .xe-pted) at 6 p. in . aud leal UV at. SE ABOARD k BOANOK r ' ' . ' I - :- .. - " RAILROAD COMPANY. Orrics EXBjafci & BoavoxsR E to i Poitumcnth, apm I9th 181 CM AX G B OF SCHEDULE. Ou and after Wednesday, April 19ta. Crams will leave Portamonih (nda, orptd) a follows; . 1 ' " Mail tralu daily a,. .......... 6am " vaj Freight irain Monday. Hcuwwijiua ntaTaat.....00 AHMVE AT PdRisMoura. Through Freight train da ly at 4 W) " Abnrsdava. and Xitnr... mn . Mail traia stop at U stations for paaaen- .T.r 'u xraiaa stop oiila at Bower's Hill Bnfflk. Bnekhorn .AS. 8ebord f?r Peoger Wal V1" tbe Wilmington atd Weldon, aaieigb and Gaaton rilr. Aad ;n Mndaya. Wedn-sdays, and Fr4 with au-amtr for JUlea- u .jmoraa, ra XAndicgs en Blaekwalar and Cbowaa rivers, EG GHIO. Snpt. of Transportation TO THE PUBLIC - : . ... . . : . Having removed from the house for mtny octupifrd by Mr. . B. Walker, and rented th. apce just north of Dent s noiei, l am prepared to serve all. who want any wark in tbe Watcb, Clock ami Jewelry line... llj terma areteaaonable, luuoiwuik warranted, apr 17-ly. GEO. W. Professional Cards. . "vV'ilV.t re E. ICING DENTIST. : Oflers bis Fro'iessios'al Serircs t0 he public in Mivtry aeparimeixt mp , Dentistry, OFFICER Lcuisburg at Warreutqn ovr Dents ntel, J .Norwood & Davis' 8tore. C. U.Cojle, W. H. Spencsr. COOS & GPEUCBH ITTORKETsiND COnHlELLOHi M.T LAW, And 6elcitsa ia BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG II. C. , Will attend the Courts of Nasb.Fra&k- lin, Granville, Warren,and Wake Coon- . ties, also tbe Supreme Court of North ' arolina and the U. S. Circuit and Di Courts. No 7 tf . JOS. J. DAVIS. ATT'Taii COUNSELLOR at Uf . iLOUISBURO, FitANKLlS CO. N C Will is rsetiee io the evral Courts of Qrav till raukliu, Naah, Warren and Waks. romps' attention paid to tka eoUesu tion and rem it tattle of moacT. 2?. HISOHEliSe. ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, " - FittsxLiinpx, N. C Will practice in the courts of the lib j iditial district. Prompt attention given to the collect ti-a t c'aims. 1 No 60 -tf WITH . ... L. T. GWATHMkY.' J, KA8TH1M, . a t; r well Gwathniey, Powell & Co.. G ROC ICES 90 .Water Street & 41 Commerce St. KOHFOLK,.VA. Hcpt. 18 a .. : t . n. ijuau- f.n. uh vouroM 1 ' . - ( a. k ia;u!, a, uto', Edward j. Broughton i Co" ; Practiqal Printers and Binders, - Paycttev 1 j Street. ; 11 .VitlT, N. O j)Osiie Market Njuare. . Publisbfci a BIBLICAL RECORDER $2.50 Per Annum. . Farmville Insurance and Banking Company ; of Farmville, '.'v Va. ,: Cash Assets 1st Nov. '74, fl78,H.7S .Liabilities. Unpaid losses, npneV ($10,000 United States Bonds De posited with the Treasurer of the State Atlas Insurance Com pany of Xiw Or leans Louis iana. Assets, 355f942;50. Tbf.ae Companies make a speciality f FARM property, at tquatable ratcf . Fair rates and adjustments and prompt payments have always, and will continue to be, the policy ef my companies. C. PICKETT, - Central Agrat, GOO Main street uttjlk, Va.) GEO 8. BAKER, Agcot at Louis burtr, N. C FIRE LSURAiCB " Eirwaie Hone ; iutitaticiL v NORTH CAROLINA HOME If iSUHAf ICE C0f.!?AflY Raleigh, N. Insures All Classes ' or . INSURABLE PROPERT? Against Loss or Damage. By Fire, ! On the Most Reason able Terms. . fcosseo icinDtly'Ad- iustGd cad Paid , R. B, Battlk, . I resident, ' ' O, B, Root, Vice President. Ska'oh Galev Secretary. ' . PcLa aM CoTPa. 8uperviar. ' Gko. 8. Baxcs. , Littisburs; If.O -

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