THE C0U1UE1L CEO, rf. IJAKKIi; PKoritiETpR. Louisnuna...... Jax. 29, 1875 Church Directory. MLTirypiST t jiuncn. 1'ev. , F. L 1UM Pastor. Services every Sabbath tt 11 a. .m a ! 7 p.m. Ltcture every f ' cduesday evening at 7 oj clock. Con;- munion,crvice l&t trabbath In each j month at 11. a. m . SaUbath Sch'ol fvi'ry Sabbath at 3 p. m. ttewad's " meeting at the Pa soiuigc ' on Friday befo e the 1st abbath in each month at 7 p m. I ar.fonage Aid roc ety meet at the hurch on Monday,, after the 1st SufJbath in each month at 3 p. m. '.'.'., . ! l!AiTift .CuURcn He v. G. ''' i N'e x -tt 1 PastoV. j 1st and 3rd Sabbaths at 11 a m. (Yxmmu ion service; 1st ab bath n in Feb. May.'Ang. and Nov. t t Paul's EimscopalChchch Rev M. II Vaughan, Hecto . Funuay school at 9J a. in. de vices and sermon at 11 h. uM except on"5th Fu day,, when the hour will fx?. 7:30 p, m. The sacrament of baptism will be ad ministered at any service alter 2nd -lesson, and ;n case1' of neccessity. at Any hour of day or n glr. The Holy communion WiR bo administered on 1st Sunday of each month. hoir will meet at the churjth on- VVedncsdayand f r day at 3 p. m. . ' Service and s rinon at franklinton, in the Hale Academy. ojljthe 1st and 3rd Sundays a t. 3:30, p. ni, and on the '5th Sunday at U a. tn. v : specIal Items. V f. : ' I We will send the Courier and Gofw'Lady't Book, with? beautiful Oil chrc imoM Rescue,'' 12 mouths foi for WanTi-ik Ey rxbody that owes inc .a dollar to come forward and sett e Hi tjiat. I can pay - those that I owe. x '-mean what I sav. v, i ' LIFfOV. V. 15. I.IK I ON, m in hi ballery at -all ftuure, w Uli .three 3 ears experience jii t lie I ici'U b!iSneK;, .making im j.nvetnei"rth uaily, and will ;bc glad to bf.stww K:ie!i arf-vantage on al ; fo.he it is WnpnuiiVj raphiiy. . I have a large and varied Stock of Goods on hand, whii;h L iH spll very h'oap for (1A:UI. .Call and exannnc and I think'ycii will bo satiliql that I am oHeriui my (IuO'Ih exccedinyly low. ; T. X. UAR'lALU We liar revive. 1 from L. A. G.odey,' tbe iulliliffr of Gudeys .Ldios Uook, 4, beautiful c'iii::i, entitled, "The. Pesivitt." T!ii. c'.ir'onva is 9?r.t. to every . Mibscri i er to the Ji -idics'book 1875 Price of ' ub.-cription to Ladies- Hook -.and Couiuiat, i,50.: rould respectfully .call your at tention to thj new rich.' and cheap Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver "are, Clucks and fancy gxd, at Youngs, Marble Fnnt Jewelry -Store, comer Sycamore & IAnk streets, Petersburg, Va., Solid 18kt. plain Gold Hings for engagement and wed hing purposes. rYourigs, Celebrated l'erfected Periscopic Snectaclss and Kye Glasses, will improve and benefit our eye-sight. 4 Call , and see them when you visit Petersburg. MALLORY ' S 1 ; ,: o- ' - I shall in future sell for Cash only. - Mallory's Eivra Flour per barrel $5,50. ; Mallory's Dest Kxtra warranted, $6,2 ' '' j Mallory's Family warranted $7,50. Nails per keg $4,25. J , 45alt Liverpool per sack 2,25. Ironpej lb 4J cts. Sides Retail 12 ct. Sho dders, - . 10 cts'. x full Link or gkoceries at low V ' .' TK1CES. . r ' If goods do not come up to reprc sentation, they cau be returned and the roonev refunded. Cash mn can save meney at MALLORTS CASH STORE. ' . We will send the Courier aad the Louisville . weekly Cooiier -Journal, postage prepaid on both paper.4, for one jear, lor yu. me wceRiv the great family paper of the Southwest. It will, n December 31. 1874, "distribute impartially $ 10,000 in valuable pres ents among its subscribers, and every aubscriptnn sent through u8 will be entitled to a "rcgtered and numbered receint for this distribution. ValdWia a tale of. the South, a magnificent' serial story, will be com 1 .1. . 1.1.. fi,.... BeUCCU in inQ .WCeKiy Vwic trwunm early in November, fcend us 3.50 and get both papers. Kotice to Merchants and Dealers. Tou are required by law to give in the amount of your purchases on the lat Uy ol January and July. Tbcte who have failed to give in will doaowith out delay, oryou will be charged double ' Tax. '..- ' j TUCKER, . - j Register Deeds. " Jan! 26 -tw. .. ; I ' STATE; AND LOCAL " 1 - - - The best kiza for a man Exercise. Read notice to Merchants and Deal- Friday and Saturday, our streets, were blocked up with wagonJ, loaded with cotton. J oseph II olden Esq., flavor of the City of Raleigh, died on Thursday morning the 22st inst.; at 5 jo clock, pf d?opsey. - ww i van awivuuvu vj su. v j v. Messrs. Smith & Bea chain, Architect & Builders. They are both good Me cbanic8 and reliable trusty men. . New Store, Mr. J J ; Person Sc J no. H I perman, have opened an en tire new stock of dry goods and gro ceries, in the stye formerly occupied by P L Brow'n. Success to the new firm. ' j f We acknowledgo the receipt of the N. C. Almanac, from Rr. L. Bran son Booseller & "Stationer, Raleigh N. C. Tbe Almanac is a very valuable and useful book, in every family. We acknowledge receipt of invita tion to be present at the 40th anniver iary of Wake Forest Coil ege on the 12th Feoruary, with compliments tf ourjourig friend Willie R Egertoa. : Cajt. E- G. Ghio Supt., S k R. R Road, and Capt A B. Andrews Supt, R&, G. Railroad , will Accept our thanks for extention of passes over their Roads for 1S75. : - V We call attention to the notice of the committee for the Friend of Temper ance, any one wishing ? to build a busi ness house on Main street, ;ill do well to confer with the Committee. Improvements. The Friend xf Te Mpttana , published by Rev. R. 1L VTLit!iker, has donned a new suit, and iust looks SDendid. Great success to the Friend, in - the good work in which 1 - - 1 1 it is on traced- - Tha Jnison Plain Dealer, has just en'eiod upon its 8th voluni?, We are I gld to hear that the sub.-ciiption list of llfjj Plain Dealir, is in a" '-healthy cdjidition.?. Great success tojou Iro., .biudotar-v. A numltr ci' our old. sulicriers, who draped oi7in";1874. hayoaib had their .name placed' on our, sul;8-?i lpti. ;u book, and imr ii.t is steadily mcreiasiuy, !" 1 fori. ' . Josiah Turner to the ct)i!tr:trv-.nitvrithstandiii;. i '. . . , ... Xutick. r'i'.he 'committee appOr.ttod by ,pt ttcjj;row Council, T. of T, ' will-receive i)rf iwsa!;-. to j build a house-" on their vacant lot 0:1 ninln street. . Apply to : K. W. Fuller) . ' C D. Malone Com. G. S. Baker. ) The C)unty Coihinissioners, refused to enlighten the people 01 imnn s, Sandy Creek, Gold Mine, Hayesville, Franklinton, Cedar Rock, Freemans and Cypress' Creek, as to the disposition of .the county money for- .the year 1874, Correction' We are requested by Rev. F. L. Reid to state that the an nouncement he made from his pulpit on last Sabbath, that next Sabbath would be the regular day for Communion service and monthly collection was in- coricct: He oveilooked the fact that Jamiarv embraces five Sabbaths. 1 - - j . . SOMETHING SJBSTANTIAL.-i-lllIessrS Barrow & Pleasants will accept our thanks for a bushel of excellent meal. ground at their steam mill. Thee enterprising men have recently started this mill, and can, supply you with meal in any quantity. They make a first rate article. Masonic Regular communication 1 o of Clinton Lodge No 124 A. F. "Al., on next Thursday-night, it being the first Thursday niadit in the month. A full attendance to earnestly requested, aa there will be matters - of interest to come before the Lodge. s Geo. S. Baker, W. M. Seth Fierce, Sec iMrORTAXT SURUICAL OpPERATlOX. Drs. Malone, Hill and Clifton, ex cised a tumor weighing five pouuds, in cluding the whole of the right mamary gland, on the- 2nd inst., from the body of a negro woman, aged about-35 years. Descas caused by injury to the breast last summer. The woman-15 rapidly recoverinc. '. ; Citizens of Sandy Creek, Duud's, Harris, Freemans, Franklinton, Hayes ville, Cedar Rock, Cypress Creek and Gbld Mine, you are as much entitled, as Louisburg, to know hoir the county Commissioners spent . your money in 1874. The law places all oa an equal .footing, and says that the Commis sioners SHALL furnish you with a state ment of the accounts audited by them Yet they in the face of the plain writ ten law, vote tp suppress this state ment, exce'pt se far as Ldu,bburg Town ship iiconcerned. Read they advtrt'sement of W. L. Thorp valuable mill property for sale. Two -four horse wagons loaded with chesnuts and butter on the streets last week, three leads of chesnuts the week before. The price of paragoric has ad vanced here. Burned to Death. Wm. Henry Dunsian, a colored man living on the plantation formerly belonging to Capt. Chas. Thomas, about 2 miles from this .place, had one of his little children burned to "death one night last week . We cal t especial attention to the Ad v- of Rahm & Hunter, Richmond Va. The. gentlemen are perfectly relia!le, and will make good all their pomises. See the references, names that all are amiliar with, send them your order. AViLsoN Gift Concert. JFe have just received a letter from, the Secreta ry Mr. A. Barnes, who states that the drawing will certainly come elf, on the J 0th February Tickets tan be had by applying to Mr K Yarborpogh at tbe sf ore of Messrs. Yrborougb & Co. In the recent election, J. W. Thome received 1C1 5 votes and Dick Falkener 6G9. Thome's" majority 946. As we regard the one as equally objectionable as the other, we sleep quietly over the fact that our vote did not help elect or defeat either one. It was' a dog fight and we would not have walked to the post office to see either whip. Warren ton Gazette. Thief SnoT. On Wednesday night the 20th inst., some one attempted to break into the store of Col. J. F. Jones, xt failed, the following night guards were placed in the store, and about one o'clock the thief made his1 appearance, and in attempting to make his escape was shot by Mr. II. L. Beaeham, the ball entering his arm near the wrist, causipg a very painful wound y the ball was, extracted by Drl J.U.Clifton. The thief is a black, spare built boy, named Horace Terrell, be has been com mitted tc jail, to await his trial at the March term four Court. Ve want all to read fire letter in this week.?, paper, written by . Rev. F. L Reid pastor 01' the M K. Churh atjhis place ;Vin rcirard to vhe health of LouLs- burir AVe Liiow that his statement is entirely triie, and it is time; that our people should rise np and contradict the false reports,' -that have been , circulated by. parties, to advance selfish; ends, and which has proved of incalculable injury to us and our (schools. Louishurg jrior to the circulation' of these reports, could boas j of. as lourifthing schools, bcth male and feimik;, as any village in the State, aud there i-j n.o leason why Jhe schools; shall not .'flourish aqaiu. . Lets all go. to work ar.d regain what we have lost in this respect. v' e, have gone backwards in nothing else. -V Sheridan and the military are need ed to squelch the "banditti" in the State. of Pennsylvania. In one county, Alleghaiy, where the Republicans are in the majority, in a population of 240- 000, forty murders have been commit-r ted ic the past four years. A Pitts burg paper says! "Eight months ago an entire family of five persons were brutally murdered . Three months ago five Italians were shot down and a dozen wounded ; about the same time a murdered man was found under the Fort Wayne railroad bridge, and two men were slain on the streets of Pitta" burg. Two months ago a farmer was murdered in the suburbs of Alleghany, and a month later there was another 1111 11' . -r-r ' coia-Diooaea assassination. 11 ere are fourteen murders in less than eight months in a single county." Send for Sheridan by all means. COTTON MARKETS. Louiaburg, Jan 20. Cotton - - 15 J Petersburg Jan. 20. Cotton, - - w Norfolk, Cotton RaUtgh Cotton 14 New Advertisements. EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, N. C. IOPEIB'OH. The present propri'tor has leased the Eagle Hotel, (formerly occupied by James Dent) for a number of years. r!e is prepared to accommodate regular, and transient boarders, lias nice rooms, well furnished, and fitted up in the best style. He has also large and convenient rooms for Salesmen to display their" samples. The table is daily supplied with the best the mar ket affords. He will spare no pains in making is boarders comfortable, and hopes he will receive a liberal patronage from the public. ' Ja-a. 8ih 1875. SKIT S & EE Building, Contractors " AND OA:33IlS3"JET LUUISDURO, N. C. , SASH, BLINDS jND DOORS MADE -o ORDER, and alt of &Itlu!ir yv rk done at tlmrt rn:ic;, on reasonah'e t-rnig as -l-whe, i. rh S n'f. All grides 01 Coffiin-, Fumiih with brarsf. Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a ' SPElllALlTY. u Having formed a copartnership with Mr. W B. Beat ham, formr'.? ot Rich mend Va., whose reputation as an Architect and Builder, is well known. We are prepared to make contracts and do all kinds of work in our line, on moderate terms. We guarantee all our work. 1 most heartily return v thanks io mj former patrnn and solicit a con tipuance of their patronage. P. H. SMITH, MACHINERY FOR ' SALE. COMPLETE THIRTY HORSE POW ER Portable Steam Saw Mil', used six mon'hs, warranted to be s perfect as ry n-w mill. Cost $2,750 cash. Piice $2,150. Terms easy. 25 HORSE PO WER-POR-TABLE ENGINE, IN FIRST CLASS ORDER. SECOND-HAND AND i - NEW ENGINES of various Horse-Pojrers, Gum and Leather- Belt- ring, Steam Pumps CIRCULAR SAWS, Etc. SST S.nd f.r descriptive Circular. o- " , ... -lib - REFERENCES. We mention a few to whom we have sold second banded Engines : - W. S. Mall-tot, Franklinton, N. C. H. J. Grimes, Lexington, N. C. i. A. Buxton, & C"M Jackson, N. C Barrow & Plsasants, Louiaburg, T. A. Pbick & Co., Stateaville, 44 V. Stirkwalt, Uappy Hooae R AHM & HUNTED, Richmond, Va. Jan.-29-6m- DISSOLUTION. The Firm of King, White A5haw, is this day dissohed by mutual consent, either partner will sign the name of the firm, in making settlements of the busi ness. All persons indebted to us are earnestly requested to come forward and mat a nrnmnt. ivvniAnt. .TnrwaA wnn cannot pay in full before Mar eh Court, and desire longer indulgence will be ex pected to settle up by note with good se curity. Ave return our sincere thanks to the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on us. JOHN G. KING. THOMAS WHITE. . W. M. SHAW. Jan. 1st 1875 4-w. I most gratefully return my thanks to my friends and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage to the late firm of King, White & Shaw, and earnestly recommend my successors to your favvr. Jko. G. Kino. COPARTNERSHIP. -O ; The nadersigned, Snccessoia to King, Wh te & Shaw, have associated to- gr'Ler under tbe Stjle -hn-1 Firm of for the purpose ol contlucticg a general 1 - mercantile business in LnoiiLnrff for CASH, or On lime, by special arrec- ment, with PROM IT PAYING CUS lUMiiKb only. TJitBktni tor past patronage, we trust bv strict personal at'enti'vti to bnsiness and literal deal ing. to merit a coatinuacce oi public lavra. ; " L THOMAS WRITE. Wm.M. 8HA.W. WILLIAMSON, UPCUURIH THOMAS, Wholxsali Qxocm A5D Co mmision Merchants, Ko. 33 FayetUville Street, RALEIGH, X. C. Opposite Metropolitan Hall. LO WER, STILL LOWER I O F rices reduced to suit every pocket o I AM CLOSING OUT STOCK FOR MY SPRING TRADE, AND AM OFFERING SOME SPLENDID BARGAINS IN CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, FURS, HATS, 1 BOOT S B O O T S O E S SHOES- o AN ELEGANT LOT Of FLOUR, EAC0N AND other Groceries. a As I tried the Cash Svttem with gratifying success last vear, I am fol lowing tin same plan even more closely this rear. - r OASH1CASHI CASH!! PE1C ES I UUW W ! DOWN!! Down!! Every thing you buy will be war ranted! C 0 TT 0 N Wanted in any quantity , and of every quality at highest price in Goods or Money. Special high prices guaranteed, to those who wish to settle their accounts with the Staple. E. W. FULLER. 3S3EW PIE M. . on'Se ?2LR1fLL UARRIS & 8' T WILDER having consolidate on the 18th Dumber last, ,re now doing buainesa under th. name aud firm cf - 1 1 ' WILDER, TERRELL & HARRIS. Art now prtDared to offr CER1ES - O . ,!l)U11U. lr, T 7 10 ?'Ve firm aie anthonxedtu give receipts for .rtLy fu.r ...... of the same. .Z "v VJ Bl"" Mnwon and PLOWS! PLOWS 1 1 PLOWS II! PL0VS1 ! 1 1 A larsje lot of Cotton and Turning PloW, and Points always on hand, and for Sale at - . . WILDEP, TERRELL 4 HARRIS. FERTILIZERS! NO-1 PERUVIAN GUANO. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO: LISTER'S I5MlSJ,PEB PHOSPHXTE OF UME. WHAMS OAYBOuE BONE UNDPLASTER PURE B0HE 0UST A"3 DISSOLVED Th aW8 Fertilizers bare been tried je.r after vear, and da one reM take-" the n-k nf experimentmjj with ne arand untried articles. Tuet are pnt npoo tbe market upn the moU firorable iermt. " . PRICES : Soluble Pacific Guano, Casji f50. ' Liatera Standard Super Phocphate. Cash 50. Whann'a Rawbone Super Phoiphate Cash, 82 SPECIAL We will aeli Soluble Pacific Guano and Lister's Standard Super Phosphate of Limefor a bale (400 pounds,) ot Cotton, per Too, and Wbaan'a Raw R"ne Su per PTiosphate ot Lime for a bale, (425 pounds) of Cotton, per ton of S000 pounds PAYABLE NOVEMBER 1st, 1875. We guarantee all Fertilizers sold by n oena in your orders early aad tbey will cave prompt attention. WILDER. TERRELL & HARRIS, LOCISBurio. N. C. W A. R D & B R O. Franklinton, N C, Are determined to close out their GENERAL MERCHANDISE. - . . . ' :- ' - - - . . - i- ; . . r AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE'. yoa want goo Is CHEAP CALL ON TXIEif. Any kiwi of produce taken at best price, AT ' WARD M. IT- DAVIS, STJCCESSOR TO DAVIS 4.BR0., WHOLESALE GROCER, Makes a Specialty of FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAB, SYRUPS, SALT AtlD PROVISIONS, and keeps all other goods attached 1 the bainef- ' IRON FRONT BUILDING, Corner of Water and Commerce streets, . NORFOLK, VA. Sept. lS-ta Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants. No. 45 Roanoke Avenue NORFOLK, Va. 8ept. It l.y HAWKINS & CO. Cotton Factors and ' Commission Merchants No. 43 W. Lombard Street. BALTIMORE. liberal cash advance made upon consignments. Bagging and 'flea fur nished at lowest rates. . Sept. ll-fa. m wiu an q IjUU. a Terrell Harri. or S. T. Wilder, are .ttUement ; either member of tht new accounts. - ,roiia,Deir Pn5 heretofore extended to honest dealinn to merit a contmnane. S. T. T71LDER, Z T.TERBELL, R. R. HARRIS yor.'l, 1875. I15.0O Nor. 1, 1873, 55 00 Not. 1, 1873, 57,3 50. TERlfS : to be FREE frorn ADULTERATION LARGE and ASSOR FED STOCK o & B R 0. FarnWIntonv N. V. ESTABLISHED 1847. W. H. Horris 4 Sons., COTTON FACTORS AXD , - f Commission Merchants. 23, 25 and 27 Commerce 6t, NerUk, Ta. Will maVe liberal Curreney ad van ces on produce or bm lading la band. Mr. A. M. Noble, of N (i, la con nected with oor hooae, and will k pleaded to receive tbe patronage of hbj friends. W. 0. WOLFE," DIJLLKI II XIarliTe, ' SUne, HeuA$lrmt9 Monameots, Ton)b, Granite Works, . Ac, Ac. j Cr, of Morgan and Blount Street. R ALXIG II, N.C. " Wmk done on tbe most reasonable teraa. Robt. C. Srojrc, Ajfenr, apr 10 ly. Louisborf, N. C. John Armstrong, P Xo. 1 FayetUville 8tree A RALEIGH.-N, C. U00K BIXDEU, AND -Blank Book Manufacturer Newspaper, Magazines and Law . B-Kks ol every description bound In Ibe very best Style and at Loweat Prices. JanSO 12sa YAKBOliOUGlI UOUbK RALEIGH. N.C. G. W. BLACCKELL, Proprietor. ;

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