NO. 15. VOL. IV. 1.4 LOTJISBURG, GiFBIDAFEBEUARY 5, 1875. . 1 1 Bent at I At nt. No more beneath Life's dailf crowi To Lend with f altering utepn and alow No more in all tbe heart demres The LittomeHH of loss to know ; No more to force a careless nurtli . .YMle Btragglisg with the tear repressed ; No more to toil with fainting strength, Bat Boftly, calmly, laid to rent ! ; V "Wounded no more by cruel tongues, i " No more perplexed by honest doubt ; No more diMheartenod by defeat ' ' Where life's beet efforts were poured out j No more through endless seeming night, Waking and prayerleas to repine ! Untroobled now J j Adep repose, . Perfect and long dofired, is thine !'.,. Tin: COUXTRY HOTEL,. James Rodney "was bo handsome I He had fair, fresh complexion, straight fea tures, flaxen hair, and haughty expres sion t lie was the young and prosperous proprietor of a country hotel, where Miss Emily Wilbur yent to recruit her health. Emily was -a spoiled child,! a petted boauty, an heiress, a confirmed coquette, and twenty years old, though her slight figure, - and. small, childish features, made her look little more than sixteen j Emily's principal cause of suffering arose from her dark blue eyes, which threatened serious results to the vision.' Removed from the fashionable life she had led from childhood, no acquaintances iu the place, no one to admire her, no one to flirt with ; not -allowed to .read, write, sew, or use her eyes in any way ; -no one to walk with save the ancient aunt, who was guide, philosopher, friend, and duenna.- nobr little Emily found time hanging heavily on her hands. " Sho wearied of the rolling hours," as Tennyson hath it ; or, as she less ele gantly expressed it, she was "regularly lored to death." She. couldn't sing and play all day long, nor walk- from morn ing till night ; and she couldn't endure Aunt Charlotte's elocutionary efforts to entertain her. I - One day they. were sitting on the bal cony, the aunTporing over a dreary book, little Emily yawning wearily in re sponse, when all of a sudden a trim ; equipage dashed up to the door, and James Rodney sprang to the ground. He looked up. '.as Emily looked down, took off -his hat, and bowed gracefully but coldly. IUiss Wilbur aid the same, disdainfully. She was haughty and su percilious to him, because, .mentally as well ps actually, she looked down upon him. . ' r Ami yet why should I?" she inquir ed,; aloud, in reply to her own train of ' thought. . " Why should you what, dear f',' said z the mild aunt. ' Emily blushed,- and bit her lip, in con fusion at her inadvertence "Nothing, auntie," she laughed, reply ; " I was only thinking." , . " Aloud? That's, a very bad sign. I'm afraitt you're much worse, child. Hadn't you better take that last new medicine a little of tener ?" "He is certainly very handsome," continued Emily, musing. "Who? Doctor Wellache? I can't say I agree with you, dear, unless it was a long time ago certainly years before he took to wearing that coffee-colored I ? ... " Coffee-colored wig!" echoed Emily, and laughed out long and merrily. "Mr. Rodney, who had been busying himself about the horses all this time, caught the silver-toned sound, and looked up again, frowning deeply, saying to him3olf, She is laughing at me-at my country ways, no doubt. Still, she ney, in I i 4 ! might be more polite than to laugh be fore my very: face.. How impertinent three fine young Ladies from ( town are ! Thank heaven, I'm heart-whole; but if ever I should' marry, it shall be some un affected country lass, 7with none of your town airs and graces, y And, so thinking, Mr. Rodney disap peared under the balcony, and was soon lost in his multifarious duties of land lord. Still, he had time occasionally to think of Miss Wilbur; and, wheneyer he did so, he got into a very bad humor, and slapped down whatever he happened to have in his hand with some muttered derogatory remar,'jn that' young lady, ' who never before had looked on mortal man but to cliarm his eyes and enslav his heart. I After his exit, Miss Emily sat on the balcony, cogitating thus: r . "He is very handsome ! It would help to pass the time. He's just as much of a gentleman in .his manners as many a fojrfnnnnUlA cTandee. Besides. I can cut him whenever I choose, just as that gen tleman dijd when somebody claimed ac . quaintance with him on the score of hav ing net him at Bath. Ah, true !' re plied thcji gentleman; very happy to meet you again at Bath!' I can do the same to Mrv James Rodney, and I'd like to serve him out for taking ns mnrfl notiv of me than if I were not" . A beautv. she meant; for flattered little Emily was accustomed to have nffr Vipr in the street, and r, . start with pleasant surprise , when they first saw her. And to have been weeks in the 'same house with a young and handsome man without his falling hope lessly in love with her, nor even to have tacitly, expressed his acknowledgment of her charms by admiring glances, cut her tolthe quick. She worked keraelf into a passion. - 4 The man's a fool 1 a boor 1 ft coun try clown, for ! all he looks bo distin guished ! I do believe he hasn't the sense to know when he 4 crazes on beauty's brow,' He don't know nougrH to-look upon a pretty woman when he sees her, and I have a great mind to " . ; .Well, whatever were the result of those cogitations, to tell the plain, unvarnished truth about Mias Wilbur, she resolutely threw herself in1 his way, and persistent ly made herself agreeable to him, oh thought him very intelligent, "for a country landlord," and superbly hand some.- But why was it he seemed to stand proof against. her various fascina tions many of his betters had succumbed ? She was determined that he should give uphis heart, and then 6he would have her revenge. Revenge for what ? Why, that he had not fallen, pierced by the 'arrows of the merciless little Cupid who perched himself on pretty Emily's1 ivory; shoulder, and launched his cruel arrows in every di rection. James Rodney was one of those to whom the old proverb of ' still waters running deep" would well, apply. He had far greater perceptive faculties and strength of character than Miss Wilbur dreamed of. She readily mistook his silence for impenetrable stupidity, whereas he had fathomed her transparen little plots to come across .him, and had as resolutely made up his mind to appar ently resist her blandishments as she had that he should feel her power. At the same time, he had fallen in love with her almost as first sight, and the struggle was hard to keep to himself under the fire of ker bright and laugh ing eyes. He met her with unappre- ciative coldness, her. playful badinage with indifference, her . gayety with si lence, and her soft, appealing glances with unanswering stolidity. ' These were tactics little Emily had never before encountered, and they wrought her up to fever pitch. Vexed, irritated, annoyed, her vanity wounded, she thought of little else than how to circumvent him. j She dreamed of his straight nose by night, and of his flaxen hair by day, and thought with delight of his delicate, aristocratic mustache : tlien questioned herself as to the possi bility of enduring love iu a country lytel, away from town and her grand friends, who would, no doubt, cut her as she had originally intended to cut Jitmes Rodney. So greatly had her ideas changed since she first began to swing refund the. magic circle of flirtation, that she fired up at the thought of. any one edged tool, and not seldom cuts both ways; and by little Emily's imaginings it! will be seen that she had been playing with fire and had signed her heart. The truth is, she was now as infatu ated as James Rodney himself, only our town belle had . not the self-restraint of our country landlord, nor his cool, self- denying resolution. By the time the autumn had come " her soft eyes, her low replies," un consciously to herself had revealed to him the state of her feelings ; still, re membering her original disdain, he ob stinately refused to see her sufferings, or to confess himself in ' love with the metropolitan heiress, j Moreover, it amused him to reverse the usual order of things, and to compel her to do the wooing. She was almost crazed with doubt by this time. As the guests began to leave, Rodney had more leisure, which he graciously devoted to Miss Wilbur, which she more Graciously accepted, and the aunt most graciously permitted, reasoning, as her niece had done that it did not matter who they went about with in a country village, where no one knew them. Be sides, they could drop him: whenever they liked, and it would be so dull with out him rho was 60 pleasant, so kind what could they do without his thought ful attentions ? Above al, he never pre sumed on the acquaintance ; so .what harm could come of it ? 7 i None did, until one day they went fishing. Aunt Charlotte had a headache and could not go, for which ehe never forgave herself for years after. ! She did not think that a climax must come to everything, and it would . have come some other time to our lovers when she was absent. Emily had, perhaps, never heard fish ing described as " a bait at one end) of the rod, and a fool at the other." Sit ting there, on the green banks of the river-side, lis'tening to the murmuring of the stream with the waving boughs of the autumnal trees overhead, and that dear, pensive Rodney beside her, all her " fancies turned to thoughts of love." At last, the enamored couple, each fighdng against .the heart, got on that most dangerous subject, love ! Rodney, out of sheer fun and obstinate pursuance of his plan, in contradistinction of and in direct opposition to hers, determined to make her feel herself hopelessly en tangled in the net she kad spread ior him. He declared deceitful pale-face 1 that he had never been in love. " Never ?" reiterated Emily, looking down. I " Never !" emphatically repeated Rod ney, enjoying her disappointment. "You have !" rejoined little Emily, suddenly determining to carry the war right into the enemy's country. "I have not" v i No contradictions or untruths. You not only have been in love, but are now." V I'm not." "You are 1" "With whom t "With me 1" This was a flash of triumph, as if she had surprised his secret, and nothing was left for he vanquished foe but to throw down his arms and beg forgiveness of the victor. Instead of which, James Rodney looked steadfastly into her flush ing face with a' cold, sarcastic smile, and said, deliberately, "I have allowed you to think so, Miss Wilbur, but it is time to undeceive you. You thought to break a country heart for pastime ere you went to town. But you failed completely, ard the country heart ' not only openly rebukes you for your unhallowed spirit of coquetry, but turns the laugh on you. little Emily rose up, flaming with mortification, and indignation. Exposed found out trapped played with to be laughed at a town belle by a country' gawk ! And she had loved the fellow, too, that was the worst of it She arose, trerjobfesf-with anger, and burning with the ignominy of. defeat. Rodney sat stilL quietly sneering out- wardly, but inwardly rejoicing that he Unfortunate Xerks, The office of the Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at Washing ton, was earnestly and vigoremsly be sieged by a number of the discharged female employees, the morning after the wholesale discharge of the clerks. They were importunate to a degree that was distressing to the messengers who were obliged under their directions to refuse them admittance into the sanctum of the chief, notwithstanding the fact that many told stories of suffering that were really touching. One of them, a well preserved matron, tpld how needful her salary, was to her and her children. The messenerer said. " Madam I am x, sorry that I cannot listen to you, but I really must attend to the wants of the others who are here." j . V " Oh, ski" said she (turning to a rep- wardly, but inwardly rejoicing inat ne reaentative of the who va3waiting thus had power to move the haughty to chief) "can't you do some bcaaty. At last she found voice enough to . tnrma T ftm wnman . von are Recall your say. Laujrh at me ! You J words, or IU throw myself into- the river before your mocking face I , " Oh, no you won't," answered Rod with a light laugh. ' It s safe enough to threaten when yon know I'm near enough to pull you out. id nave to do that much for common politeness, but mind you, not for love's sake. You're afraid to throw yourself in afraid of drowning." . "Ami?" " Yes, I think so indeed I feel cer tain that you are.? ' - "I'm not afraid." . "You are,",';: ; t " You'll see, monster !" With that, poor jaded little Emily, half distracted, suddenly ran to the bridge, a few steps distant. As she reached the middle of it, she cast a be seeching look at Rodney, as if imploring him to relent and take back his cruel words before it was too late up at her with a smile of doubt, and coolly threw his line far out into , the stream. Maddened by his indifference, Emily leaped forward over the bridge, and fell into the "river exactly where his fish-hook was. It got entangled , in her dreSs, and dragged the rpd out of his hand. Rodney, with one bound, plunged into the river, and soon brought to shore the dripping girl, Tod, and line, and hook, and all. His next 'manly move ment was to take her in his arms, kiss . her, and wildly implore her forgiveness, while' he carried her back to the hotel, where her aunt screamed madly that XAj A. .4H llll JU1VW amxa . bring that last new medicine !" - Emily lingered a long time, on a sick bed; but never was there suh a heart broken, penitent lover as poor Rodney. At last he made his - peace, for they had both suffered too much of a shock and a fright to te"ase each other any more, or to trifle with their hearts. When the invalid crrew convalescent. . x- Rodney obtained herx father's consent to their marriage by intimating that, though it would be unpleasant, it was still possi ble to do without his benediction. Years after, the " obdurate father" lost his wealth, and our country landlord be came one of I the'greatest hotel proprie tors in England; then, and not before, did he become reconciled to little Em ily's choice. "' ' "Better late than never." tritely re marked Rodney, who also occasionally facetiously remarks that it does not fall to the lot of every man to - catch a wife when he goes fishing. ; ; thing for me. I am a woman ; you are a Tnun and can talk to that doorkeeper better than I can. Oh I if you knew my troubles ; how my little ones suf fered when I was out of this situation, and how I had to deprive them of little luxuries they so enjoyed when I was in, you would not refuse to try to get me in. Ask him, sir, for God's sake, to let me in. It is bread and life for me," Another one a young woman held her breath almost' with anxiety when she asked the messenger to let her in and when she, like most of the rest, was rpfnoA fintronco ' she took from her pocket a letter and asked the . man to read it. He replied, . with kindness, "My dear X cannot do so; I haven't the time." " Then the young lady xead it aloud to the bystanders, and it con veyed a story of suffering and privation that shamed the hearts of our legislators. She had to support her mother and two K ins cruei . . . . -. t, tt i a orphan ohildren of her sister. All save Me glanced t,iwtoo tw1 fh th ftfft tw month she had received, and the hard work she had performed after the day's labor at the treasury, she had kept them comfortably. But how could, she save mnoh -with the load she had upon her ? She had but littleleft, and soon it would all be gone. Her soul "was brave and willing, but there was no work upon I which to feed its willingness, and cour age. She was sDon broken in spirit, and craved pitifully the aid of all about her. She was soon afterwards made glad by the successful efforts of a Virginia Con gressman who appeared with her card of restoration in his hand and she went on with a glad heart, and was followed with the sympathy of all who heard her story. Jn the Cfwtrf rew Xerrf. A writer, describing a visit to the des ert of Chartreuse, says: It is in this desert where the plants and herbs are found with which the . celebrated Char treuse elixirs and liquors are made. The elixirs are known chiefly for their medi cinal qualities; but the Chartreuse li quor has a place on every gourmets table. Formerly both the elixirs and liquors used to be made in the convent itself, but now they are made at the foot of the hill, as the noise of the machinery, etci was supposed to distract the broth- era and fathers in their devotions. The convent is visited three times a day. Each cell is divided into four partitions one for sleeping, one for praying, one for working, and one for recreation, in the working cell" the brothers amuse themselves at tiirning, etc, and they make several very pretty trinkets, which are sold for the benent ol tne poor, in the recreation partition they have some times a little garden, where they plant a few seeds, which rarely come to life; but when they do, and the brother be- crins to take a pleasure , in the sight of his work, then, for fear that his thoughts should bo directed too much to tne things of this earth, he ia made to change his cell, in . order to remind him I that nothing below , can evermore belong to him. . . . k But the whole life of these men is a loner abnegation "of self. What, how ever, they feel nioet at first is, they say, having to rise from their slumbers in the dead of the night, and having to sing in their loudest voice for three whole hours; after this they are allowed to rest till six o'clock ! They eat alone like prisoners, their splendid dining room being used only on rare festivals, when all the com munity dine together, but in deep si 1 lehce. Once a month they walk in the desert, when they climb the surrounding rocks and search for the herbs that make their elixirs and liquors; but even then thev do not talk together. Some of the greatest names in Franae are here rep resented; and it is said that these men, who were once accustomed to every luxury that money could buyTare happier and healthier here than they were in the world of fashion and pleasure. The or der, in spite of the taxes and vexations which have been levied on it since the Revolution, is remarkably rich. Its chief income, however, is derived from the " sale of ithe . Chartreuse liquors, which, after being deposited and packed at Voiron, are exported into every coun try of the world. ' i writ ,Th JW JIf Jf right m Orrr 400 and m th Dmp. ,e siery oriieutenant-Colonel Long, ux American in the Egyptian service, and U fight which wan for him an e&gleAs thus told: Lieu tenant-Colonel Long begins hia lepoit to General Gor don 'ol theaSair at Mrooli, dated at Foweira, September 3, 1S74, by roying that on the morning I the liia ox An ens! he acconHlihed tlw navigation of the Nile from Urondogani to Uganda (a navigation made fortthe first time). and that he has "discovered an immense basin a lake the true source of the Nile (0, 'which delayed him and also prot lohged his route." I will give you the substance of his report of ' " t affaire a M'roolL" - -. ' k At the debouching of this hitherto un traveled river, and near the mouth of the river Eafon, and near M'rooli, he ex pected to be. met by the M'tongolis (sheiks), who were ordered by King nrtM&to brine him supplies. Hispro- ras to go on ine roau ana umbo r . ; " , , . , . In my thieving I was very lucky, on were nearly exhausted being re J j j 1 - , rv.A VilvmmmM nf farina and Tike JESTecta Dime Xrel. A gang of young burg?ara and thieves has just been discovered La Philadelphia, one of the gang, ft boy named Webster, having been captured at ft pawnbroker's shop. The little rascals had two dens where they slept and reveled over the proceeds of their booty. The following confession of Webster shows where they learned the lessons that have ended m such unwholesome results : I am fifteen years old, and ran away from home ten weeks ago. I had read Claude Duval, Pick. Turpin and other books of that land, and made up-my mind to be a highwayman. As soon aa I left Lome- I took up quarters in a thieves' den in Bedford street. Had read a good deal about lassoing in Mex ico, and I got a rope and made it into the shape of ft lasso. I then put up ft stake in the back yard and began to practice with the rope. very soon became an expert, and could !as3c the stake three times out of every five. My idea, as soon as I became per feet, was to tro on the road and lasso men. I made $200 a week, I wanted to buy a horse that could run and jump and lay over anvthincr on the road., I know a young girl I won't tell her other name, but her first name is Fannie she is as old as I nm, fifteen years. She and I were to be married next week ; but I've been pulled now, and I suppose all that little - business is bursted up. I have been by- ing witli a man named r ay. x ouneen other fellows just like me lived Vith Fay, too. Fay is a rich man, and owns a big place in Camden. Fay charged mo and all the other fellows fifteen cents a night. We 1 all used to take what we KtnlA to his nlace. He'd never let us sleep with our clothes on ; we all turned in naked. When business was dull, all Fay would give us to eat was a bucket ful of old crusts. . scraps, etc., which he would throw into an old box, and leave, us alone to our picking. You see I could change my appearance mighty quick. This shirt of mine has ' tliree frontvr-a white one, a blue one, and a red one. I can change my hat, and coat, and slnrt front as onick as liehtnincr. 11 1 could have raised enough to get a horse, I could have gone out along the country roads that run into town ; could have lassoed plenty of people, and got lots of "swag.". I'm most bothered because Fannie and me can't get married next week. LOXfTS BATTLE. Ulutt Might Hare Been. " What misrht have been" is told in the following account of a thrilling oc currence on the line of the Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon railroad, in the copper mining region, at the head of Lake Superior : But the principal reason for my writ- ing was to tell you wnat nappened 10 the A lOHt-Oflice Romance. Mi. John H. Hallett, one of the oldest public servants in the New York post office, remembers that in 1835 a young woman used to call every week for a let ter addressed " Miss Mary H. Russell, post-office." The regularity of hervisits, and her apparent unwillingness to give any account of herself; elicited much curiosity among the clerks, but their in nnisitiveness was never irratified. Years passed away and gray hairs appeared on j speeds enough Central,1 you remember).: He was push- tne woman s neau, out, ing one of our big snow plows over the calls as regularly as ever, and the ex road with a sixty-ton engine, such ai" we pected letter was always waiting for her. have to use here on account ' of heavy Nearly ten years have elapsed since her grades, and had just started down a very last visit, but the letters still come ad long and heavy grade near "Mich- dressed to her name, although the inter iiramee." You know how they liave to vaU between them are longer than in the ttt n t t. i i x Ki 1 oin rime. inese leLLvn uavc ui wuidu J f -TJXXy V VXJJLX AXClfV J run. wen, jonn naa rasi iei ueruuuur r . " . , .1 J : . . . . A what she was worth, when,' on turning a been opened, but they contain no cine u there is nothing remariuiDie o per- . . - v. iAiv ifVior tliA writer or the ..nnoa nf Ttrd RiiTnm fi mnle. When All About Mules. Nellie, a mule owned by Lord Gifford in England, a few weeks ago fell ia can tering across the field and broke her neck This fact would not be worthy of comment had not thehybrid had a . his tory. Nellie was a hunting mule. "Standing over "fifteen hands, gentle, untiring, and with ft good mouth a rarity in a mule there were few runs fn which she was out she did not see the end of; no fences too cramp or big for her.'" It is seldom that a mule has to keep up with the hounds, therefore Nelliawaaan exception among hybrids. .We art told, says ltrft Field favorite in the parish, and that as no fence could keep her, she was allowed to crop where she pleased. She had reached on ovnnMvi aire when she met he tti Vi-c avndent. To a Southern m duced to three kflogTammes of farina and three kilogrammes of beans. One of the M'tongoHa had deserted him at the be ginning of the journey: Toward neon he searched the left bank, and fired his rifle two or three times, to warn of his approach the other M'tongoli, who, ao cording to the agreement with M'tesa, ought to have met him there with sup plies. Judge of his astonishment, then, when he saw push out from the tall grass that bordered the river ft fleet of about thirty boats filled with Kela Regites to the number of .400. Shaking thr laneea. howlinff and yelling, and uttering frightful cries, they advanced upon him. There were in his party throe combatants himself and the two soldiers, named Saidand Abdol; the two servants and the three children were, of non-combatant. The colonel - had a Reilly rifle, No, 8 elephant and the soldiers had Snyders. lue two canoes were made fa.jt together with strips of cloth, and tien the pursued turned to continue their route, the enemy following, pressing nearer and calling out: ' , "You can't escape; you die here. The colonel replied that it would be bet ter for them if they took themselves off. At nnnn the chief of the savages tried to turn their right flank (if that is ft naval expression), and to board the canoe. He had better minded the firo. A well-aimed shot from the Reilly No5. 8 struck the M'tongoli chief in the breast, and he fell stone dead. .The colonel then com manded a general fire from the whole artillery, and for anhour, he says, three rifles never did better wor. ai icngui the barbarians, with terrible loss, were beaten off, and quitting their barks they ran along the "shore, attempting to. fol low the canoes by land. .The whole country seemed to be up in arms ; there was a tremendous beating of drums and blowing of horns, warning .the assailed " . mm fit. that they were not out ol danger. iun three men kept up ft continued and well- The Vegetable Bitter Man. the Josh Billings has this, to say of vegetable bitters man: ; Whenever a man gits ded broke and kan't think 6v nothin' to raze the wind with, and hiz unkle won't hay him boarding at hiz house enny longer, and hiz boots wants tapping the wust way, he takes sum rubare root, a fu katnip blos soms and sum black cherry tree bark, tht idfmtitv of either the writer or the recipient. Each contains a $5 bill, with a few lines of writing to say when the ... m -m .T T somehow. The men in charge seemingly next remittance v, uuu made frantic efforts to get the sleigh ess, no date no signature. The hand in tltvnit uo.andtoJohn- wnting is that apparenUy of a man f eeble short curve, he saw about a quarter of a mile ahead, a four-horse team hitched to a sleish that was caught in the track ny's surprise they all ran off s-b hard as they could go across the fields. Jack threw her over as soon aa they came in sight, but the old thing was' going too fast to allow brakes to hold her. Then he opened his ' whistle and ' ' made her howl." At that the horse3 began to get restive and scared, and at last gave a plunge all together that started the sleigh, on1 a"lroa whisky and goes headlong into the. life- itist in time for the engine to graze it as renovating tonik bizzness. ; it''wentby,,the'hc3M star a He plasters every fence, saw-mill log, run, but were caught by the" men in stun wall and cow's back from Portland, charge. ; As soon as Johnny stopped, he Me.i to San Francisco, with red-yellow -went to find out if any hurt had been plakards, offering to heal the halVmake done, and you may guess how he felt ,1ia Wind talk and deaf see. and renew a-liAn h learned that the sleieh was with age, and another letter with the usual superscription is, at present writing, lying unopened at the post office. Mary H. Russell, an elderly woman ten years ago, is probably dead. The letters with their contents are sent to Washington, but no one can guess who the anonymous writer is who so faithfully maintained his correspondence. Post-offices - are essentially practical places, but . little bits of romance may Homatimea be found even in their history. AinrtMl fire noon the crowd clamoring Turf, I . . . 4. m).nt at limt J I nl"krirv Tim 1 1H T i n H &uu uic uvrv v - and Farm, thaf she was a great ff . the 1, and at set of sun they were seen no more. Thus ended this lively little battle, and without ny injury to the little company, except ft blow on the nose which tho colonel received from a revolver in tho inexperienced and nervous hand of a servant. Upon arriving at Foweira he learned from direct sources that tbo M'tongolis lost eighty-two killed, includ ing two chiefs. We may well l-lieve T.ipnt. CoL Lone praUes the courage and obedience of Said and Abdel, and. recommends their promotion ; to the grade of sergeant; and that the watchful Khedive has not delayed" to promote the lieutenant-colonel and decorate him with an order. ' N). , A X In connection dollar f the li vers of all kreashun for one and a quarter a, bottled ; H i He takes rooms at some first-klass ho tel, drives four-in-hand and never is seen only on the jump. , He iz az f nil ov bizness as the superin tendent or la - Sunday-ekobi on a piknik day; and kali on him when yu will to kollect yure Uttle bill bv eight dollars, he haz. just left for Baltimore, ox won't be home from Nu Orleans until week after next. ' ! Theze men are not all ov them un skrupulus; sum oy their kompounds are too simple to do enny hurt or good; and the wurst, purhaps, that can be said ov them lz, that they knowingly practiss upon the kredulity ov human natnr. The vegetabel bitters man iz akunning critter, full ov. ' pomposity, frequently ackumulates a fortune, bnt he never kan entirely outlive ft certain kindi oy robarb and katnip smell that scents his reputa- shun. ' ' ' His GouxA. Dnbuque man went abroad first burying his surplus wealth, six thousand dollars in gold, in a field. On his return, the place having been made a hog pasture, he was unable to find, by reason of much rooting, the place1 of burial. Finally- the hogs them selves found the treasure, and rooted it over to its overjoyed owner. loaded with eight - hundred pounds of nitro-glycerine just from the magazine at Michigamee, enough to start a young railroad in the moon, if Jack had struck it. '. - Knew the Juror. ? ; j 1 In the Beocher-Tilton case in Brooklyn, the attorneys appeared to have a "good idea of the men on the jury list and . to be well posted about whether they were wanted or not. It appears that on both sides the attorneys had. lists made out, and before the jurors were selected had the record of every name on the panel. As soon as a name was called each side knew whether they did or did not want the man on the jury and acted accord ingly. They could not, of course, know just what verdict the man would give, but they knew about how he felt on the question at issue. . Success. An old lady in Loekport recently achieved eminence by carrying a quart of popped corn to ft donation party, and eating two -dozen fried oys ters, a pound of crackers, three slices of fruit cake; half a mince pie,4 and some apples, after which she was threatened with ' spasms," and in the effort to pre vent it she Bacrifioed all i the trine there Sh attends dona- Smell for Smell. - KIsaburo, a man of a careful and sav ing deposition, abandoned his old lodg ings and took a small dwelling next door to a famous eel-house. Now, as every one knows that the titillatihg odor of eels fried in soy maybe perceived far and near. Kisaburo found this change of quarters vastly to his advantage, and eat his simple meal of nee to the accom i paniment of the delicious smell, dispens- ing with the usual aojuncu ui vegetables. The eel man was not slow to discover this, and determining at length to ask his frugal minded neighbor for payment, took him an account for tV,A "Rmell" of his eels. Kisaburo eyed him astutely, and drawing from his pocketbook the amount claimed from him, laid the money on the bill and be - i to converse with his visitor. The latter at length rose to depart, when Kisaburo quietly replaced the money in his pocketbook. "Hey!" quoth the eelman, " I thought that money was lor me ; why don't you give it to' me f" Vnt or, " -as the reply: " You have V W formanoes of Lord Gilford's mule. When a mule takes it into his head to roam at will about the country, no ordinary fence will hold him, and he clears with ease incloeures which would stop the best hurdle horae that ever ran for a purse. Hence, when on the Southern planta tions the mules are turned out to graze, the most -enterprising of the drove are hebbled or yoked, to prevent them from .'. .... n ,11. leading the others into mischiei. oaucue mules ay not uncommon in the "South west, and occasionally command very high prices. We remember one about fifteen hands high, ft mare mule, be longing to ft wealthy Red river planter in Louisiana, who could pace her ten miles an hour with ease,-and keep it up half ft day, which was thought cheap at twelve hundred dollars. For hunting in mountainous districts nchorse that was foaled can keep up with ft good mule. and we remember one in lUppahannocs: Eaeape. with Gen. Sheridan's' present visit to New Orleans, the Gal- veston (JewlMcrcury recaus iu in lawing incident as occurring daring the war: " The general had taken paieage on theTIeroineCapt. Orecn, to inspect the lower forts, and' night had set in be fore his task was completed. The little working her way ft mrm nTlif4.1V county, in Virginia, which was generally through the muddy river, and the gen charged me for the smell of your eels ; I pay you back with tho smell of my money." Japan Mail, Two hundred and forty-three persona perished on the inland lakes last year, against two hundred and ninety-one in 1873; and two hundred and nineteen in 1872. The estimate damage to property The Xejet Houoe, The World remarks that the Forty- fourth Congress will usher in a new er in the career of the republic. Though a Republican Senate and ft Republican executive will exist for two years after wrrU thf rmitr. it says, will be render ed powerless for further partisan action j Philip. by the presence ol ft lJernocrauc xiaue of Representatives. The House will ooi member. Of these 275 have already been elected, and 17 remain to be elected during the year. Of those already elected 168 are Demo crats, 100 Republicans, 6 Independents, there is one vacancy caused by tha death of Mr. Head, cf Tennessee, Demo crat. The States yet to choose Rpre .r,.t;Tp a? New Hampshire (3), in March; Connecticut (4), in April; Cali-, fn; tl. in Seotember: and Missis sippi (6), in November. Conceding the Republicans five Representatives from Mississippi and two from the other States, the members to be elected this year will be, the7 editor says, IVmocraU, 10; Republicans, 7. ine un-AUBu- tration majority in the next House of therefere. will M not ing on the -quarter deck, so aosorixa that heid not pay much attention to a blank cannon shot fired across the low of the boat ordering her to stop. Fol lowing it, however, came ft reminder from ft shotted gun, when one of the oilcers, rushing to th captain, aked him if knew he was' passing Fort St. Of course the captain didn t; but Sheridan, overhearing the conversa- ticn, and taxing in at a gianoo uj l""1" ous situation, ordered him to bring the boat to. She was at once boarded by United States officers from the fort, who informed the general that if she had con tinued on her course they would have been compelled to sink her. TO m ine .noose, pnf arenas aon- 10. '14 TmUtives. 1ftrlV 'mA Ant a ffood deal for foots UP W,Wi,W, sib -i'""w ' 1 - W. PA. I the urci?. ia liat.way, j TTr Informed, c The well informed woman may gener ally be known by what she does not tell on : for she is the iw 10 pu. V ' . . 1 1 11" in mere gossip, or to mam iu siona to the appearance, dress or per- aonal habits of her fnends and neigh bors. Her thoughts are not in those things. The train of her reflections goes not along with the eating, owning, iting or scandal of the circles in which she moves. She has a world cf interest beyond her local iscoAiicnj.

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