r .BuriMiart. ae-'Ss- V A, r- GEQJtGE S. 15AKEK.'r Kditor and Pnornir-TOB. r-r ' i All letters ad.drcfsed to I Ceo. S. RakkR, Fhiday... February 5. 87". The 3icetiner " Snturrtnj'- - THE C0U1UEK. According to nollr, a nurabc oiibe Citi7.cn of this County' met In the Court lions', (or the purpose of con sidering the Contention quea.ioa. The meeting wm address! - by Senator Cooke and Represent ati ve Mitchell, and number of otVr g ntleimwn.- It was very evident tlu't tneruwas diversify " of opinion mi)OS4 oar p onle a to the ' propriety of call.ag a convention jnst at this time. We kn w thtt the pieaent Constitution In a great many particulars is entirely uasuhed to oar people, And 'i wu'd like to see it properly amended, f it coa'd be done" with ut risking too much. We would 1 . xuuch prefer t at tlu LejdsUture should ''riot pass the bill just at'tUHtirne, but adjourn to meet at some future day so A to. give them opportunity K consult thir wishes of their constituents and '. then meet again and nit ccord:ngly. rirc ol'Ilatp v At a mcetirg of the Methodist Min istersheld in the City -of I5onton, one of the speaker used the following hnguagc, whichSudly applauded ' hid list HCTA. :'. : a !"'' "That there Ls altogether too much toadyism on the part of Northern peo ple in their treatment of the Houthi'' , lie said ' he believed the more he hated the rebels of t he bouth the more he loved God." ; ' ' ( . " lie declared he believed that the npivit now rampant in the South has gut to bo cruhed out hx anpthcr war, and he longed for ' the f appaa ice pt ome colored man aLlc tbf ljewme a leader among his ie, wielding the sword and' torch.'' ', , i , This is elegant laiiiiaprc to come from one who pursues t( be a mes senger of IIim,'.who brought peace, " 'yod will to nieu ' Him M ho was called the Prince, of Peace. ; . This professed iu-?.ien'-r cjf love, longing for another i.iit-tine struggle, i ' ... in whiciL the torch Sfhall be at: instru jnent of distinction under the control of Mom'e semi-barbarian leader. He should at oncee Appointed chaplain to Ban dittu Sheridan, tlic man who achieved "liis military reputation by burning milli1 :md barns, in the Shenandoah valley during the late war. , Were, the whole North compt sad of men of this class, wo should have no hones for the future libcxf.cB of ' the pitlvle, of this .mntrv "Rut tui.Litri C,n, thoH)irit of the T.ole of that section have undergone a great ..hange.as. thev . have been enlightened as to the true condition of the South, and instead of ibis clerical nmdurer and self constitu- t,xl avenger of his ' imajinarf: wrorigsi' bcinjr the leader ' of 1 ublic .pinion in t, ,Y rr) i)u u.t.t'rtf tv r.tlw.r follow the leaders, 'and advocates of i.ence iu that r sectu.n. This is very dearly demonstrated by the late dec- ,c al Panted 1 . white, and the. sht-lter-tions, and the flamfl of indignation that S trees give a softness at.d beauty to t wept over the whole country upon the anouncemcVt of the Ijouwana Outrage, - and Sheridan Uanditte dispatch; This utterance is one among the few remain ing spaTks of hatred that lingers in the h :arts of some of ths North rn people. c believe that with returning reason, tV.i? class of men are mtst surely taking their place in that obscurity, which they do eminently merit. Unyouotd Aot milly Con trol liurj; Con?rbi. TU MUiDg letter 1 Wm ieteotl, . ' ' ' ' ' Tk ;' fer wards to Senator TLurmtiB. It con tains seme yery startling facts: - 1 ' ' Niw OiiLKAXS . Jttn. -18tU 1373. Hon. A. O Thurman: . ?, Dear Sib, The bayorethas at Jas been used to "cwitr V Coarss I set! 1 ue enciosea ct'Ppeu irom um rew Orleans Republioao, shows truly ih obi relive toint for w lien hbeniea H v .- . . ooc 0Yere:ga States have beeu throt tied. The questim baa tally Uo me cotici d one. Th pkxitn of the L determine the right of two Snao s to titir seats In the'Forif fifth Congress luakiog a diffjrtiiV; c't four yottr in U- T'T of tfcepolitica' putr 1 cting then bo that Jn . ej.ctlng " tbt ; Dau.cc i tic mcmocrs 01 iuo jj gisjaiure irjm ine State House, the Radical party or gov . ernmcnt the terra a are . i'ynoo jmoos hare, at the point of the bayonet 'dis placed twd Democratic United Statea Scnatori, ; ! - ? i -: For ma C"o::i x :a 1111 MUliu ton. lit f lumtrk t-xl memory xt i': '"4 ; i-, ..t . ! - 4 l registet of what I hare. seen and heard 1 flince l : last wrore 10 you. u presvins uui a broken and ctuf usel spectacle and as I take pp the- farafe f.aginents to weave them tog"et.her. in the form of a letter, I fear that 1 shall not be allu to interest your readers. Uur ride from LomsUirg to Franklintnn ai-L.Yna means t agieabk,th9.&tmphexe was cold and penetrating. r ire.Haw noth ing on thtf louph high-way io juiKj-ire a poeticaV thought : wiljd oh romantic scenerjv" ikXo wirtrrf eyeTgTeens tliat cling to tlie fagged rocks on tle jaged Lrows of mountaias,' pr objects of curiosity to claim our attention. We were jolted along in, a hard, way over the uneven 'ground. At one ' titne I found myself pressed into uncotrjfortably small dimentions In croanz a than nel worn by the recent rains, my travel ing companion was iiuddeuly thrust- up on me, I lopted np; at his face in a beseeching, manner, and instead of re lieving me, he laughed right heartily at my awkard. position and- facetiously asked me "if I did not ; think if was much pleasauter t ravel jng by rail?" I had been upset and was'not in a very good hurflor. and remarked, tiat I did not believe tfye, people . qf Franklin county ,,had rnuch public piriior epergy. of character, or they would have a rail road frotj) ' Friinkltntfjp ' to f I)nisburg, wfcich I acknowledge now was an im prudent speech, A young gentleman. passenger who wore a small jaunty hat stuck on the side of his head, with a peculiar grace, bristled ; up: ! and said, " you are mistaken sir, the citizens of Louisburg hare had a great many meet ings in the Court Uoase for this pb ject, and if they keep on talking and making as many fine speeches' as I have heard them , ruake there, to get up a Rajlrqadthey will have one after awhile He was an amuing character-7-had a good vocabulary pf worJs and did, not hesitate to bring them often into requi sition, we did noV have to sqiieze him dry to get all he knew, . He seemed disposed to pump my friend .to find, out. what business called hira to Louisburg, but gained nothing satisfactory. We passed the home of the V Veritable aunt Abby House.'- Jt is a lig domicile of unpretending appearance; . Aunt Abby is old and grey hcadedj,: her silvery locks ?hade a fnll and well for med forelicad,' her flashing black e) e is loosing its lisrht. She will soon be gone! - Circumstances have much: to do " in thw "world, in shaping character 1ad her surroundings been more ple.:s ant, - 'she inight have been pleasantcr also. .The soiditir boys respect aunt Abby, who ust'4 to carry them supplied, during thp war. - i : .t ; , ; We were now within the suburbs of 1 Franklinton. The farms by the v ay sidc Uwk. thrifty enclosed with good fences, which ... bespeak industry and rcrsevQ; anw bui,t m tn(Klern yle ownetl by Mr. J W- irilJer especially attracted onr at: tcntfvli e were particularly struck aK with the neat iottage home ff the .Wanl fily, itis a eoy sweet looking with its gravel -TTalka ii front, bordered with flowering sh nibs and 0 rn amen t;d trees The ' houses and tcnces which; .surryund die grounds, the landscape. I saw a well kept vine yard and f'uit orchard near Ly'-wLich,' proyes the careful regard of the owner to the "inner comforts .of. msn." . Th resnlences generally 4 on the way from that place; were neat and looked com fortable,. Jhs ypoccU hlne looked in- teliectual, with, its (checked 'flower beds in front, filled, vita varieties of shrubs and rose - bushen. - To : in v relief we reached Mrs. Tuckers hitel, where we found a comfortable room and a good fire. After a little . walk we. enjoyed an excellent dinner,, which was spread ,tteT;PU"'?and e ' hderation to our tmnW This b con sidered one of the best village hotels in the State, The cofiee we had for sup per was- a perfet Cardial," the beef- steak, ejsa ami Jihtfoll at breakfst were splendid. Mrs. Tucker is a fine j lUng woman, pleasant-and agreeable. 1 vjjii.. 5 (tum-u nu miuui-- geui- . pne,nan inieresting lamuy of x , igc ,10. sit, pn tne green benth in the porch and listen to their chattering. Little - Mary Pretloe is an intcliient, ver, aid, he is trained to be polite and ttsefuU He w named ' r "5It Tntke W". oniy onp he waj one of the many' nobhj '.-'youths who. fcj in the .late ..war.j ThConipany was Muinmpued rtrvm 1 Carolina fp Virginia? to meet tht invaders' there. ' lie pa.411 his mothers home to pee her-sh drew him fondly to" her 1 breast, he 'tarried but St fleeting . niorUjent jwith hertEe 1 was gfne-rwent immediately into bat tle ar.d was killed. She earohed lor hU"last,resting( -placed it conid not be identified. But the moonlight' falls on e nollilCHl cu - I tr ' ' tt ... ,- -ri-, -; . , 0 . ; iiercuusint .ianana -moss m smart bus jrravc and the stars keep their night ly vigils orer jtrsbe may never sec it ; lefhlihc eye of faith she can se4he gate hroui winch he passed to (lodv Thuf? ihe prop fras taxen iroin tin Alius, vuc a" "-'-, , - J - ' she had wTje- gun o lean nppn it for support. A ith a sad bleeding and a rick en heart, she had to raise her head and sfniggle on her '. earthly pilgrimage,! without her. sons pr.otettion. Her Heavenly Father gave her faends, health and energy t'andshe" bjLprc pious son- is with the leautifu! good in Heaven From the first settlement of Franklin ton they have had the right kind of proprietors for this hotel. The late Maj. gliomas once owned it, hia ac commodations were good, hi' kind hearted and interesting wife was popu lar. First imprejsiona here are favor able jind pleasant. Fvery thing pre sents, a cheerful aspect. lam confi dent of one thing, that I am iu an in dustrious commouitT. The ladies in this place I learn are very charitable to the poor, giving them employment as well as aims bringing them out to become useful members of society. The female shool is taught by an ex perienced apd well educated lady.' There are two Churphes for the whites, Baptist -and, Methodist.' Ievj Mr. Gibbons is pastor the M. 2, Church and Ber. Mr, iTingate. J). D.jof the Baptist Rev, M. H. rVaughan of Loiibburg holds service' once or twice. r month for the Episcopal congrega tion ; all denominations are much unit edunderstand in furthering religions enterprises, for the good of the town. The church buildings are old Jopking outride, but kept very neat within.- Through ; voluntary contributions tie Methodist Church has been recently painted the old fashioned: pulpit're moddled, new chairs and table fur nished tor the alter, which speaks well for the ladies who furnished the improvements.- ,. Frauklmton is not a pretty place, but it has this advantage over Louis burg; the Iron Horse comes puffing ands blowing up. to thir very doors, withX their merchandise. The 1 mer chants are an energetic set of jaen. s 1 w The street which most attracted my . r.- . . . . - attention is the one on which Messrs. Kearney. & Co., and W. S-- Mnllorys store stands, a very handsome double tenement building, " Mrs, Henly's residence is on that street. I was struck with her beautiful flower garden, which is decidedly the p'ettiest 'ne I have sceir in this section.- The ' rose bushes and shrubu looked so luxuricnt it even had a fresh appearance tor this season. of jthc year, there was an air t)f j taste and comfort about it which charm- ; ed me. The grounds were laid ofT . Understand, I y Mr. Henly, who had i an eye for the beautiful and! who im- j proved every spot he owned. lie w: s a pubhp spirited man too. and this town was much benefited by him. Il was a strong piller in the 3ethodist ! Church, which shared largely of his j benefit, his piety and benoyelenoo shed a lustre over the society iu which he moved. 1 1 have heard many speak of his excellencies and his virtues, when he jdiea, yerybady felt that a good man had departed. ' ','''. Mr, Joyner, ;:Winstont. Kearny and many other gpd ineri have passed away, and ' young men are filling their places. May they foil owt the good ex ample set by these worthy men. . The Pej ot buildings are large and well -finished, and a large amount of freight is sent and received at this station. ' .: ' There is a sharp competition iu the1 hacks that run from this place to Louis burg. The fare is only one dollar. Some very amusing incidents occur be- , tT7Cen tbc rroPetor8 of thoe hacks One of the Coachmen a few dayi back went-into the cars, , before the passen- gers were landed, and seeing a lady he knew, going to Ionisburg, said to herj 'I am here for-- you,M she said "til right.' Very soon the other ; Coach man came in and said the same thing and . she thinking there was only, One 1 oe of hacks, made the Fame reply to him. She went to th hotel, wai'td 60u.e time for the hack to como got U easy, pent a little! boy to enquire, he came rui.ning back and told her that both haeka had go e, 6he ' said : all wrong 1 J am left; She ran to the door, and , saw " her trunk on ' the rod hack, which wi sailing away with it '.ike a bird before the wiud, she suc ceeded however in stopping it, and was brought safely 1 to Louisburg. The owner of the .smaller hick," is a fortune telUr, .anc , is . familliarlr known as " Pap..' It is said tUt he dbaibes lore s correctly and telU of erents tht have really happened. 1 have adviied my friend to take a seat with . him when he -roes, to Lnuuburg again, . atd h. vehis fortune told. Enough these random'tJcetches ato tjf little worth. ' T J : : . i Vour drummer friend YAUBOROUGH HOUSE . RiLHsn. n. c. ; (i. W. BtACKNEI,L,Piop riUr. 1 1 1 THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY ,TM nnrlvu led edi ine U w rr.-it d nw o rent m i t i- par tee of Xncnr or uy inj r oun 01 run .umt- m-e bill f J.y PURELY Y EG KT ABLE. iMintainh.s .thojw rtn- Mteru Vuot i-nd f b , bchaa&llwiM r nee li 1I -.vd h cwntrw irnhfT-'L'Vcr ! a m p -a I. It U1 cure I f't-v c jmi br 1 r.neujentof .ujLi e u d ... is Simmons Liter Eejiilator or medicine Is e in tly Fn Vilv t r'n': ard t y l e in ke t r ad.v f r nWd at im t. w I rT, rai aii ho-:f X un ri tr i.d many ad .l ar to Mme d rloevr'- 11! nd over Tort Ye r ' f 1 it I t'V re-cin-g U nt uiKjiialifWl t Miio-:f-U to ;t viltuos fjoin ! c oiiii ;f it. h ih t clia' irter rxu rep -n-lvilit . Kn.inent pn' sic.aiw commend It sw th - na t : KFUECTUA.L 8PE' IFIC FOS tyjjrjEPSI OK I DiaE87lJX Armed wi h th: ASTinoTB all dim tes md chn t 'at r nnA t rn i t be faced wtioutfeaT, A a ltctu:dy. iu Malabioc FCTrS,BoV t CXl'l.AiT, iilSTLESXE a; JAC3bp:j Np: IT HAS NO EQUAL. . It i the Cherp-t. Pii ..t rd I t Fami ly Mpdic rp" n 1 e. Vpf d I ; Ii. m-.nuo u c ' o lv br i.J H ZlLlN A CO I tylpOS Gl. d PBILADU FKU. Trie ft Ci .-I4 bt AtL Out" eoir . 1 . ; ; GREAT FERTILIZER. 4 RAW BONC lHinrn nunonu tT Lourui rnuorrvi J- 200 1D& IF , WAlTOH.VfHAKN &.C l"a iuii iMiucrrtm. ncLi!!'. 0 I- S "PER PHOSPHATE. 1500, Bags ; of li abov-- n nn r FbLil ILiZH p piv r r tui i,l.iZiB., tr-l. lrm Me c ur, im G)i (KY r 11 STOtiE'a a . y )OD toi : tint n"re riMy 1 e viftippnin H'l tiis' yiMr , in set u i;,. m . suplv oi tliia uiii- tu :ci st-!u!-.MhiHii. , wen. ti i ve. ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' . ' P..!CK TWO DOLLARS o' ton e-s 1 it n ist. . r' i", ,cj: ..S ctitia'.t ivil. .,he niude. ilue Utsiruy'to j urchase tr,ot .on, ... White & Shaw, ... Maufactuicrs Auentp. lWikl! i0ril)H!! Great Attraction ; v.-. AT y y . B P. CLIFTON'S. My stock ot Winter G-ods is nw cnmptait-f nl I intend to etl them Ex- cuuUmgty low tor - . t, : . ::y:-. m . . 1 .j, ' I will mke it tojour advantage to exnm ine my Goods hetorc purchrt-iog eltt- wnete. li. ynu will cill I will taXisly you thai what I say is true. In addi 1 n' to wj su ck of DRY GOODS . HARDWARE, ' , . . GKUliERIE, y ' :.c I keep also a f uptrb stock of VINES, GtiAtlDYS 2. WHISKEYS. AU of he very bet brands. . ' ' ' " - ' I mho hava spJendhl 'suit of EO Q 3VIS. NicaW HBdcomfortubW fitted op in the secood floor ot my store, .tor S airmen travetitg with samples ana,. UeU at my " BISIiBRANH cotton gin; Ilsve your Oot ton ginned at ' ;M. Y :G I3ST, ;- v . . . .. . . .1 . . ... 1 ' v; I guarantee a bale weighing 400 lbs. From 1100 lbs. l; f . Qt good ?eed Outton ii clud'i g' 1 al-npay th highest pxi. lor: Sd Cotton received at cj v Q b is' 4 s soon as n Ccived, at my owr rzpens . Boarding and Day 0 C.' SEMINARY. A. T?QX-Qn Iu. dice LbuisBiTRa.-N a The eighth jeitrfon of tliV above mi nary Avill open promptly W- adaj l3 January 1875. and continue, in! twen ty wee La - , . TEUMn .. : Board per fsoh including wash tl.g, 5 yht5t t uet"-and Furnishetl Kooms, . $73 00 tugnh Branches in full 12 50-. 5 CO French and Latin each,- " 5 (X) ' Hualcon I iauo, 2000 Outar, - 15 00 : t o charge for use, of Instruments. .' o extras or Incidental. l oml one lialf In ad vxuee , Tuition at cloe of Session. runils who live in the Couuty going home Friday evening, and re uruing ' V oiufay morning, cluirgetl correspond ingrlv lei's: 1 ircuUrs sent on application. . . MlS COUNKLIA 4. CHlCirSUAWy Principal. El VY ith first class Assistant A GOOD SuilOOLIN A HEAL! II Y VILLAGE f r , , - , . - Castalia Male Acade my. y ill be rc-jpened on Mouday, Janu ary lltb, 1875, William J. Kjo, A. M. PraxarALi TERMS per Scusion of 20 weeks : English Tuition, lO. lo la Lau gnagcf 1 eaeu extra, $ 5 Hoard, ex- ctuhive of washing and lights, f 00., half in advance. 1 , Address- Jno. A, Harrisou, Ch. Bd. JIanager, Cas'alia. ISaetii, Co., N.C G: WM1NNIS, Photographer, (l.d if. t 4. New.141 SyHinor" mi ;;- ' PETERS$rftG, yi. Eircq esenry -it1.-.I ltkip.'t; in.it Chi d iiti-' pz. tin Im-s." stv'.en ot it'; Prices mud r.t- fa 'tff :irtiti tin' antr G!ie 1 1.1 1874 0.-.2 1. - - ' . PETERSBURG, Ya, E. KlCHTEli. ; Wivtclimaker and Jev- tier. - yiNK.WiU.-hw ami J-t l y f th- I 31aiiuf:utoia;ml :tt tliv lowr 1 1 ifs. AYi wik ih ?oiuUy attetuled to ami war rantci. . . ; ' , . . . ' i 3 y :im ' t , reterb;irptY John Armstrong, . . , 1 FayttlrVl le S f.- - - - . ; RAIKlGfl. t ' , ' . A.ND- ........ I Blank . Book MaAufu&Hrer Newpper, Msgnzlne nnd Ltw B-.tOk. ot -very. ilcscnption ' lKnnd in tli Tev . leV-. biyle and a: JeweM p4cr. )r3U VZzu , To the Public. - - , - - -. . , ' - , Having moved my shop to mv hoosp about half n ile from the b sines prt of T"Wi, on the Franklinton r.-ad. I ake pleasure iu lnfoiming the peoi le of Frank'in, that I am prrpard t rto all work In my 1 nr, as cheap as can be uone elsewhere. I am vetv tbankinl for past patronage,, and fincertly hope that you ill c ntinne to patronij jne I am very Respect fa My, - - iSH M GREEN. P P. Parties .wirhioff o.hve wrk il. n-, will Wave it with Mr B'llan, t Meara. Barrow & Pieants stor mu1 wi.l be attended to promptly. 1 Jan 29-tC - ' WILLIAMSON, UPClIUR U rt. THOMAS, WHQL E81LI G KOCKtl 1 AND fej - Co ut ut ttiton Mtrc h a n r s, Ko. 5J5 F-yettevilU Street,1, , , RALEIGH, Opposite Metropolitan Hal. J .JomaCATToii - i:oskbt t uca. CA7T0M & DUNCAN, Ojc door East of Corner Blount aid Morgan Streets. . '.. Raleigh N C, 'L , 'us-. vPIULfcTXOAX. ;v i- STONE cutters; - And Deabrs la ' IT ALIAS & AHERICAH llARBLE. 'All kln'ls (f HonnmtD'f, Toni'fi Bea1a oaea aad Garden Sta'nry ma1e to ord r on Tesonabis i.enns. a.- Orders Ironr distance pmaptlT lled .Call n prfvn, or H.r j u-jV t. Dor ca v p., (, N. 803. PIANOS ! PIANOS ! ! - Acecar DErr Uaoofacture' of piaco Fortes, bie u annoonc , h-v be , snpp.ieit with rww and courl b,r u t eb lw Zrj a w' ptut applications '-"by ' tetter a rP r erifr pnimpi ttwt"tot.u I AM PRE ABED. t hj enmpctr rt wnrm-n , t undertake tha mobt'Vxt n ivr t.DA r. ui ctcij linciipunn. R..rvnce made. U, .the' mu.I a p.- salon in eeneraLknrl m m i. - l. a - . , . - r . . ubo lEaai'm in FEnmi ann in m i.... Railroad Schedules. Raleigh VL& Gaslon R. r company. ScrEniXTCNiJET's Office, t rk Balergli, . iv, June lltli, '21. , ' On and after Monday .1n?. 17U, l72,tnitisonthc Kah-i-h A t .:,. Railroad, will run daily "(Sunday t-x-ceplU) a-AlWw: 3UlL TRAIX. leaves Kaleigh 10.00 aW Arrive at Weklon ....... 3.3V p. m. leaves Vehlon 1 5 rt. in . Arrms at RaltigU. . . ., .. 3.05 p. m. 1 . , Accommodation Tiiaix. I.envrs IL-iliegh Arrives at Wekkm . . Leaves AVchlon Arrives at Raleigh . 8.00 p. in. G20 a: m. 0.15 a. in. "8.00 p. jn. Mil r:n makes cloa connecnoii x Weldon with aealH.anl R-nnokt-Railroad tu 1 Bv Li Stei,i.rj Baltimore:- to atoi firm a I r.i.-. Nor'h. West anl Nortles' mdr iui tl Petrrsbur Rwilioa.1 Via Pet.ia'ourjj, Ric mon t ant Wanlrnjf on Citv, to nl lr. m all points Forth nnd Ji rth-wst-. ' 1 '. And It!eigh with th-Nortli t:i,r olinx R ilr -ad to and from all piing 8u'h Mnl S U'iiwefct." and with the RlnuU& AUijusi Air Lme tu INv wood auM F;yettevtlle. ' Acci-mmo 'irion and Freight trains couoct at weldoti whb" A.-oo.mv Na tion aot Freight traiiti on d -aiioant & Roanoke luilr id aoJ Prttr!.tnrc Railioait. Ami at RaJtii wi:b Aicoaimo u tion a i.i fieig it trains on ri.' ar !in Rsi-fMsd - . , Pir o living a'oog he i f m roSd can visit Uucin in'iis ,r..r by Accon m-tfiation iraiu. and r iuai a 1 several oours aud return t.it s.iu tvi ning. A. B. ANliREWs -. ' , Gen'l flap . 'c.LM'ipaLB OF ilia I'iiiUS I.U:.G KAILoOAD i'OMi'AY. ; . ' ' 1 . . - : , Li-a a vui .N. am- 1 s hi. : . . . 4 Z9 t ' ' .. 1 t . i. . . . .l.iO a ut . . . ..80"? . ,., A'-r..:- UtrE i'ulKUtJhij. Mi i . ..... ;.. .... r-i ' t-. .... ,.i 1 ; , 1mP Lxpr ... i. ..y -a". i F: K-oin i"i:ai.8. 'L V Pi lr ou:tr . . . J 1 r.'W r trt , Atr.wl t ... .. . . . . Aiiivi I'tt ji.ui . . ' iHT X 1 MAIN f l.ee IV , r i.iul- ... . i . LcaVt U8oL...i.. ... Ainvi- ut ii ,t . - , 'Aniv.i.' P:. r.i-u . . . . I V.iO J . ..-. U .0 i i-i:t . 7 Od -v .- .. -.-I ir.. , F.ilitt i .j (J.s ,,,, jr nceivec at ii: IV.-1 ou.-j; U p : oi. AiONlAYoninl i liliit-i. V Toe UcM W It OttC Sfl m 4;U. . No goods wili nccu til ttiii-r i:.. ( K'orm-ir htl G -i. ru M- U. ': (it Ki. ai'iKiil.Mi -N. .' 1 ' . . ... . . . - t?Vij.jii.vTON,.i;, June8, h?j. j CHANQE OF.SCflEflil () nd aftr.Jim kUth lntaiir," IVn 1 laini on the tilniin ton i ia i.V Kaiiroucl w ill run as follow,: aiAIL TKAIN. le ye Union Depotdailv (: uikhiTexo,-t.il-. ' "'.V IVi HU5.lll "r-nr"t ;oKb?,ro- 7- i mi i. .a Kocky idouut.l ....2 t r VNpldoH , cave eldoii duit.k (Sun .ays tx 3o0 p Hi. - J r6 .tn-ky Mount......;.. .TMU; Ml.... ..'........ H-ih s. ia 11 ;t 7 a. ni. l:iG p. ui. "t-J p IB. U.U-V1 J " " l uioiiDep t Leare Union Depot daily at.... arrive a Giliioro... : '" wV,;-;"-" Leavi vNuiond4ly.. .rrive ut 4.ocIy Kvunt - u Gold boro Union ieiot.. 10.41 piia. aia. m 4.66 a. in 6:0 in: 7:1 1 p. m 83t us U-bH p. m. 3:1 a. ni. lail Tnihi mak.4- Ha n.Htui.. t. .t do lor all u int; Aorth VU Jlay Llum au.1 cqnu C.cek route.-. Kcpress irain coonerrq only" . ith -ctnili fiFikXSi elac-ler?an tar, on, this tr-in - ... i icigi.t tr.n. w 11 I sra Wilmlar.o, tri mk y t CU a. anl arri v. t i.w " - xrrvwtrllUf i w,akte il,a,nt. aa UaU (suwl.ys xc, pudj at 6 p. ui . a ul st 1 1 b. 8K ABOARD 4 ROANOK - RAILROAD t'O 4 PAliF; trnce ns ial Ji'l 6aoxu.IL: tt 'C ' ' :-- i'LituoQta4-i i tt ig 5 ' i. y-1 j- iJiASUL, C V cCIIlLULu ' - .-.rv;iA3rivJE.icT.p..UtHi irri .2. ir i-ht lla.u at 4,0 r m z?l?'y tM er. c t. f Eit 1 n.m-u.u .... w.ne iiua s. - , , . ;. L"G Gfily - SnpL oT Tnnwpor.afi9n ; Atlautic HataC . x6nroLK.:.vi.";r;; ; : UTAIa hOt CI., " ": Bltiasott TbU nsrriflMDt nfYrvV! T.''!'ftr- w". irSi;tJ - ( . ' . K l . -mw-wm'- JT - . ; . ; r. - - - - ' Hoard. ILrat anA - ' Ms lk.L-1 aTt i Y..V "A.''''" Professional Cards. i Sr.-- W DENTIST. OfiVis bts Proiewiunal Services . to fie public in" XTrry department r . JDcnttstry. .. OFF! 1 JOS. J. DAVIS, , ATTTaai ; COUNSELLOR alLif L-XlsjtC O FitANKiI i i; tl F i Wli:,, ,h, Warrsu bd ' kv as. IT it : l. ir itxi AidtotK eu-.c ' U i) a r mil .-of wam-f, - Ju!v 15. 171. . - " ATTORNEY AT LAW. , . ;r FKAxuino9, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6 h judicial district. - Prompt attention giveo tnthr collrc ti..o t claims.' No SO tf C.H.CcGle, ; W. H. Sjeicer ITTORHEYs AND CODMLLORi A.T LAW. ... 1; . . . AuO. Selip.itexo la V BANKRUPTCY . LOUISOURG N.C. .'A'i'l i t.'ii H-.et i '..it'f N'.,FW.k'.. w.; t; suV lt . VV H..ier!,nd Wkt Oun. 1 , : . iJ 1 8 pr-m- ' on l Nrib ;r.-tu.n kQ.t ttHe U. . Crcuit ol DCr IJ iuilit. 7 i-tf . Whiielaw & Crjvderr L- I "!1' V ' . ft l'itttkil it v ,ri '.i-'i- . Mitrble- Tomb'sloiic.' A'i'. m- kinU of Sn1' a -ml (1 n : m rf 1 t'iiil--rtn , & . : x Vr frm ts coon'iy or -j t pomp" ati nrl.. ir. mU 27 S X REASONS WHY ; : - '. ' . . .- . T U SWoC:..n M m IK THK PEN'S JIUTUAh LIFE IM3UHANGE COMPANY. ;. 921 ilHESTSUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1. Because it one of the oldest c ti)i:tnift iu thr touotij, and paftie d. i '. I Hr.ip)riii!. ; . 2 . ; Be iQiM- eery po'icy Vol er ia am mber ol the Compay, ntifl--dto all it ad vintage and pnvil gc, lnv ibg a ngiit to vote at hI! .elect ioo- lor ;rusees and thns bss an influ nce ia its rhsnsg m--rt. 84 B cn e it ha th Isrgest !ic;a mulstcl far.d of ny Lilc Iosarucc C- mptoy hi the State. " li. Because liy e2 nmici! man ageueot, it rstio of cxpensts t trttl income i- far In-low the aTerg- ot L'fr Compaoita, , (See OlS ial Insaace Report-.) . T , 5'ii. I! cause it hai .'declare) m re dit idea Is to r amber; and of a larger wvera,e i-err(itak:e, than aiy Company in the United S' ate', - ' For xmplc; Policy No It. for 5)1)0, has ln paid to tbt widow of n philad !pb a rarrcbaai, npon w- icb we.ij'ihrrc i.vitlend bad ; bet n ie. ' lar d.a e 'j ni filtr seven percea. 11 1 t --.;:ioie'ls leen qihI t pnr b ' ad-L1 !-! S o rhi p Hcv. $3,046 m ie mo irt iie ieo r iird rask- ng' tns policy wiT.h $ It, 046. 6 1'. B cioae it islirral inita-ntn-aeeine.i', ;prm:: in its sittl-roertU( siie leyon t ri'ig-nryf idits ratta are as b as anj first ci v-s Co'tipay in ti count it. . . . t , .Priucipa' Fra'ur. - Km ill z;x-ne ibsolo -esecur'n j,' ir.'rtprn pr mio.o. pmmpt i'yni'e-it ot f-s- ','ai f '.U rA tv V the li-or'-l; f Wj U. HNCIl, iu Jitav r f: Nor u Ctf - '..-'' ' V, D, rt-UILU Geav.,A;-s Fr.. int"e, J. :. (;:.v . . ... . COACH FACTORY; W !sv- ""i ta"dvs ! aortT!t'i nf B i27ta r?rriw. '!.' vad Thxi:, m-an'f fl"lV i very h-t tjV, ait ' WurnnI f twelv's nt"'l'. !.: .-!.; - .- . .... 0 31 at n -rt noc. i gtia,ar -'' t' p'e-asV Rcj';r',r . f'ojrt n-V-tce." ' , '" " ' ! . All sti Fi k's 1 ;.mktalic burial ca?e8 aWais oa hand. Also T7od : CoOm of anv sir . - W bsv a'a a cmd 'awcrtmeit f Cmlr Boril Robes, a new artirW - - i . . n-f wn rwip. .; . t i JQnXT 17, VHLU4U3 CO.. . - wv S

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