r THE COUHIElt. 0 E J. S. BAKKR, pKOPKiKTon. Louisiicko. Church iFecldry J iiUi.cn ev. . t, irvhes every .cabb.it K.i.l :i-tor. ot , 1 it. Ill il 7 p.m. i-ect urc every eilnedy evening at 7 o'clock. o r each numioi service 1st rabbuth In mouth at 11 a. m Sabbath fch ol t vfi'y Mibbath at 3 p. in. ,ttew d meeting at 1 th - soiiage . on Friday be lb e the Iht abbath'Tii f'each month nt 7 p ni. Hisoiage Aid oc c$ meets at .hc ' h'lrch on Monday "alter, the 1st babbatl. in each month, at 3 k in IJaI'Tist Cnuncn Te'-. O. . No 1 Pa-tor. 1st and 3rd Sabbaths at 11 a in. ; ( oinmii 'win service. Ist b'ub hatha in Feb. May. Aug and Nov. j. ; t pAUia.EiNSi-oi'AiX'bui cit Rev' M. !rVauhan,4lecto ,l Miuday school t 9 J a. m. ? e vices and scrmou . at 11''h. except on .'th ru clay, whefv the hour will be 7:30 p, m' , The sacrament of twpi'sm will be ad ministered at any service alter 2nd lesson, and. n case., of neccessity, at any hour of day or ugh'. The Iloly eommunion wilL be administered on t tjunday of each month. 1 hoir will meet at the church on VcdrWlay and Frd.ayat3p.nl'. Y ' Service and s rnion at Franklinton, in the Male, Academy, on thr. 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3;30 p. in , and on the' th iinday at 11 a. in. SPECIAL ITEMS. We will eend the Courier and Ciodey'B Lafi'J Book, with beautiful Oil chromo"Rcue 12 mouths for $1.50. ' - ; Fresh Garden Seeds. ThelaratBi lot t (Jarden Seeds ever ln.ns4ht to this mnrket ju-' received at th l ouisburg Uru Store. For Sale cr Rent. A Store 'HmWut Crpent. Cs Villi oa the Tirl.oro It-md, wiih 19 1-2 acres Ml ached. ll'y . JULIUS P TIMiiKKLAKK. I hae a lare,and varied htock- ot (5. .(ls n hand, which (I will sell very heap tar CASH. (3h1 and examine Mud 1 think you will borvU'wlied that XI ain ollerinii my Goods exceed inlrly low. T. N. CAHLILK We. have receivel from L. A. (foue, the puhli.-her of GsmIcVH J j-'lici! lvo';,' ;, beautiful chromo, entitled, ' The i; ecue This chromo is se;it to ;very subscri 1 cr to the Ladies book in- 1875 I'rioe f eubi-ciiptiou to ' J.adies Book and CotruiKn. $l,r?: We' would respectfully cully juruf' teiition to the new ricJi, and cheap v.'atcll.s, Jewelry;', diamonds. Silver Ware, Clocks nnd fancy goods -at V.iiinjrs, Marble front Jewelry St ore, corner Syvu'iiorci & Bank - trcets, Petersoui'r, Va., Solil 181t. plain tlold Rings for eiigiigcmeut-and wed hiiig purposes. Youngs, Celebrated Perfected Peritcopi? Spectacles and Eye G hisses, ill improve and benefit our eye-sight. . Cull and bee them when. you visit Petersburg. ' 3. JVX -A IiJL. O JR "X' ' S i rv. . ' O ' . . L.BlluU HI lUlU'v. BUII UM vJVOii uuij. Mallorv's Exira Flour per barrel ,oU. .; - .iAJ;-' Mallory's. Best 'Extra warranted, 4g,2 ': ';' . : . ';''ij Mai lor Family warranted 7,50, Nails per keg $4,25. j " Salt Liverpool per sack 2,25. Iron pea lb 4 cts. Sides Retail 12J cts. Sbo dders, " . 10 cts. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOW PURE3. - ' . . U goods do not come up to reprc- r.nl.hnn 1 lioi' ri n f w rptiirnwl nrul - " the money 'refuaded. Cash meu can ave money iat . MALLORTS CASH STORE. the Md, We will send the CouutERand Louisville weekly Com ier -Jour u postage prepaid on both papers?; for one year, tor ine, wees y Cour.er-Jourval is the great family paper, of tho Southwest. It will,- tor 53.0U. mev weesiv on December 31. 1874, vdistribuie imt nrti .lle 1 0.000 in valunhU rvrps- cnts among ita subscribers, and very1 u? T Bw:. " j6 jT T entitled to a reentered andi numbered receipt for this distribution!; f ; 44 Valdivia a Ule of the boutb, niagnifioent serial story, will be com menced in the weekly Vouner Journal early in November, bend us 3.o0 and get botU papers. NOTICE. Valuable Flouring, Crisi and Saw Wills, for Sale. 'lie Davis mill pr perry i uae'.i ody Cieek in F.ank in c -tiniy is o. lertd tor ante on rewonabje ttrma.-t",f ..e o .rj tiV -oy. , " , ountr, Cnnec ed with tlie'tuilla y K.?uu.; PrrW Mnnnt STATE -AND -LOCAL ?The County rnmtniee'.oaers were IB lesion oMorty - - f , . - . , -? ,. o 500 BaU--Lit..Hij,e. hv -. th. merchant t bis plare , do In the month ot Jnn-.ri.. 1 y Rkligious The ? 't. .IJev. T. B. L an. assistant Ifc'. jr f thisdnsoe,' wiK.,ViiMhis Parish ..i, Sunday the 7h iiifrt., and will r.ieacl. in St. Pauls ! Church. MAimiED.-i )i jUuTpdnr ereniDg ZH Wt.. in x e M . K.- CWeb, at Fay etteVille, Robt. T;Gra3 Ksq.; associate Lilitcr .f the Cliristian Ailv oite, tu Caro Lil v of Fa'vttevilU N. . Crowdcd OUT. A wry Interesting communication trot' Rev. M H. lraug)an, Hector of St. Pauls Ki.i sco- pl Church at this place, is crowded oat this week, it will appear in our next. . . - The Louisville ' Cmrtr-Jomml says Sheridan is just about a fit to manage f .i - ....... ?. , affairft in New Orleans as a bob-tailed t6lf, ith the delirium -tremens in fly time, .13 to take an 'invoice of litock in a wholesale crockery store. , Wo were shown a few day ago, by Mr. Benj Freeman of this County, an olfi eight-dollar contLiental bill No 6 132, issued by ; authority of. - Congress, at Halifax AprU 2nd 1776. We ad vised him not to sell it at a sacrifice, as it miglt be good pome of these times, i j Mr. O. R. Smith the celebrated American Uouse movist, made our office ! quite merry for a rt time one day last'week, by relieyiag himself ot a lew of his best 4 yarnk". He alb; let liim slf out, 'jast a Utile" on Grant Bheri dan and (Jo; , - A. Hard Hit. The Hickory Phess hit hftrd when ii way ; i The roan that takes a New York papeMn piefiience to h s home paper 4ecaa9", , p rbp?, i contains- more reading m-uter, jemiDds us of the person who sehcted ihe lar g st pair of boots in the bcx bv ciuse tiny cost the same as a Jnir much p.mailt-rtUatfittM! him. . Anotitkr Good fakmer.-, Mr. L. S. Alk'n-'madu last year on llacrcsot Iu 1 bwitii ii help but I i- two inll sons, 0 ie u-1 !ar,e enug i o pUw, . usi ,j 1 too Wnai nv Ph sp jate, 11 bis co.ton avering 440 pouud , 39 barrels corn on 9 acres, mide aUo bUOO ltni. oa s and 30 iiu.'iilla wiieit. rte will fi id ,u? who is tlie bent laT.ner in the coun ry after a while r A Bkautikul. Ghovk In the two ac e grovey ii. front of Al-.TUoSt Whi'eV residtne in cue S 'nit hern part of the towu, t'utrs are iw-nty eight d:flLr.n . kinds of trees of iatura! growth, femonu thuu some rare; and very benu ifu1 ip'.--; cies. We doubt whtther there is ar otht r sucii vuiictyqt treoa pf natural growth in the same ;'epac'ei9 I the; tJtatV; "The tfi es are s ! ItfMit ':aii r, tiu. r; being , we.l I culti va e- lid c; e I , ; vr 1y - he ow. er. ' Heartrending 2 Accident. - On B'riday morning last,- Banyan , a little son of Juo." P.& MinervaStrother, aged 8 years, followed his mother lo the spring,! anl i not returning in time, his mother called him, but no answar. sUe hecaroe uneasy about him, wentj fack totue sPrlnS and found that ber little son bad fallen head foremost into, the ! jpilng and' drowned.. t Tlje8tne;p 1 un i a um uccjiucl BJlupatUJ lil their sore afflictions. Another 0 otraq s Retorted. ; The Mew Y rk Connmercitl A-ivertiser rt cc,rds theToIlai oruUagO , , Dat 's de . man, : ister' .Speaker- daj.'s de caa wot" dopo- V.ahLUterl .ajtolored member, rising: suddenly lrOn bis seat in the . Arkansas' Legislature," with one hanJ pointing to a white man in be g 1 ty a id witn t'e other rubbins tbe summit oi hia cranium. 'Dat ar ton o mr Wi ? u 5i -.tiVi - . .7-7 v.rTf'rf-- : I . " I lailiia at Iho nsvm n l. k.4V 1 J KxiAugemext.- The Oxford Lea- der comes to Us. in .th.commencp.mnt of its jSwbo argotlit-kow a - 28 colifAjiaLtj$ay 1, all its different departments and the make up U faulUess. We are glad to . .A - ' .-v V! . notc cacc of success on the lot our neighbor. Xne cittiens o? Granville have reason tn tnW 1 themselves, that they have a paper such astiicia (cr, iniblishcd in their county, . : , ; Vlsh yu that success which your eSbrU deserve. GHD Ti evplaas: Lscille LV'-'No. 14 I. O. T- at its last regular meet 'og e icted'its orti ;-.J r ;be ensuing :term l'iy are as folrA : -'k . It T. F. L; Rnd M i; s Alnne.Stee . A. D. Creea ?:. ' R. a Stone ' T. B. cfd oi W. C T, W. V T. . P. W X 'l vv. c. : . - ,' ": . , 1 1 W.8. rHss C. V, Ctm way W, T. , B; K. Beacham W. F. S. i - 1 . -W. B, Beacham t, , If. - Vf Alfw Singleton'V. I. Q. M. ww-;,-'r.c OBITUARIES; Thos.J Borrows late , rt Morris own N. T. a lw Atisrut br 2nd 1827 and di"1 raL ci-bu gN 0. January fi'U 185 j Fo.ii hint? fme Heaa--Ter iy nfl irt-d a ' time uff nft tremeiy Drring hf-irkore I t'B'ted I im -vTal timand Irt-qaeotHpMred wiih hirt, and c- nv- rsed wib him on th- suM ct re'?tiin. I am- gld to upnikhMi- enWnce h scop'- rii c wi i' v-hi- it ins f'uri lew I . rtHjs before his dath 1 sdm tiuteted 1 un o n:m ne cacrameni oi me ixrus Bupp. r. - He leaves a loet ly widow t-. orourn ier o s. , May Qa?k 'bless and contt. it Ler. ' F. L. Reid. , Mr. Sarnh A. X. Jones wtt horn un" ubi J 1 Ul II 1C7'' " 111 n 1 1 imi . "'I w. W7 J.Kies. of this plare Oc 12tU I 10A J 1 T ilfi.L..lCl'!E I 68 y asai-d 16 day. She pr fisea I n-.iKion and joined the M thorii?t Chuicii when she wan nbuut ufteeu jears ot age and lived a cnntisteut member of !be same until the day of her death. She spent, a numb r ot years in the service of God and has do d ubt gone up to to receive her reward. May ber husband and children prepare to meet her in glory.' F. L. Rrid. - Died. In TarLoro, after a short, but painful illuetss, Mr. W. II. Bagley in the 51st year of his age. Mr. Bag ley was' well known to our people, hav- iug lived here fir a number of years. He made many friends during his stay, and w;as noted for his piou walk, and con versation. A friend that we loved has gone to rest. The Enquirer in speak ing of him says : "Mr. Bagley was a gentleman of fine character and was much beloved iu this community. For a num!er of years and up to the time of his death,' he was' a memlier of the 3Iethodist Episeopal Church, ahdhis constant christian walk through life assures us that he. has de parted to a land of eternal joy and rest. His funeral was preached Tuesday morning 'at 10 o'clock, and the remains were carried to Martin county on the same day for interment, his brother-ia- law, Mr. Short, of Ifilmington, and several, intimate friends, accompanying them. Thus is broken one of the links that binds us to the, prst. Death tn tob Snow. The accounts the gieat sno"v-shh a in Utah which are repotted by telegraph, give a yirid picture of the dampers nd terrors of winter in the mining cannons of the tar Wtt. In ponif oi. tneir results, tliough etuti '.ly diftt'rtnt in th' tr or iiriu. thev snorest the revelat'on of Pompeii acd ?Ierculannm. Men are Suddenly ovrwhelrae, and Ttheir homes di-molidie-1 and bu'iel by the macheron snow. One striking in stance is iven ot the discovery in one house tha"'hHjbeen burrijd,ol the boilv rf a v oman s:tting in' a rockm-c''air with her infant clasped in her arm, Ar.d near by the bodies of her husband and little gir', all having p riihed from suffocating by snow. - In anbthfr in- stanca we read that hfiy Chiuamen were overwhelmed by aa avalanche of snow," and that tweu'y eiht !ot their lives. , -- , - Baltimore S". COTTON MARKETS. I jouisourL', i cD Cotton 1 i 4 Petersburg, Feb. 5. : "Cotton,.. US 'V V 1 -V. ". Norfolk, .Cotton ; ; UI t - - f Ral.igb I . Qy'pn 14 5ew Advertisements. EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, N. C. PROPMETOU. -O The present proprl tor has leased e liagie. uotei, formerly occupiea by James Dent) fo-a 11 nm ber of yean , v'O is prepared to acconimoiate regular and transient boarders, lias nift rtVkiiw. wy'l furnished-' aiul titfpcl I up- in the best style. Ke nasalo targe and convenient rooms lor alesneo to display, their samples. The table is daily supplied with tho best the nx r ct aflonls He will sare no paius In making bis lxarders comfortable, and hopes he will receive a liberal A At..' 1- I patronage from the public. j , lSt-v , - - V. ,j ' Mriurhant and WOUCe 10 lUCrCnanib U1U Dealersi Y"u are required, by law to gite in the -mount ti oar purchase on the lt dv rl J 'finery tind July. . T'N.se wlm baT tailed to give in will d i so wihN out delay, or y.u ill l chnred double Tax. J. B. TUC KER, , f, ' ...Rex'a'er Deeds Jan. 2G tWr : ''" '' " D k't thi.nk' or Pcrcka tsd ' WALTHAH WATCH,- Be tore seodiag to us' fr oor price lisu; WatcVes sent C. p. Dwith pr v ihge of examining befote purchatin Pices lww er than ny other house in the C-untry. . . " - SALESROOM OF THE AMERICAN WATCH. . . . ALEX. R. HARPER & BRO. . V 728ChestDut tetreet, mmm assail Building Contractors C A B T 1ST KT Uil'ISUUKG, K. e. oAll. PliliN JO r IN U JL J L"C 3 tiVDE 'o ORDER, and all .m's of M t in w rk dn-. Ht shnrr nnnrf.'fin as iq tsootib'p t-im as ! wheri i .h S a'C . All grnles oi Ctffi u-, Fumih--c ?ntU-h. r . I - J ' 1 OI luUc aUU urOUVe "UUF ' . . . mm . f ill M J M f jny cam icumy, a SPECIALITY. Htvios formed a cprtn' rship with Mr. ; B. Bea him, form. rSy o Krh moud whose lepotnioD ' as n Architect and Builder, is well know? We at e prepared to msk-i c-nracts and il i hll kmrts of wpik in our In e, on m lejral'; terms. We Kuarnnt-e all our mork. I m.ai heartily n'urn wiy hanks to mv furmer r patn o. nd . solicit t con- tiruc-ca of i heir patronage. P. H. S M I T H, MjSXJHINEBY fok SALE. OMF LETE THIRTY HORE O W ER Pc-rtablej Steam Saw Mil-, used x men hi, -warranted to be n perfect as nry rrw i mill. Cost $2,750 cash. Pi i-jc V2 150. Terms easy. ... . ... ., . 25 H ORSE P0 WER-POR- TABLE ENGINE, Ht FIRST CLASS ORDER. ' i t SECOND-HAND AND NEW ENGINES ol various Horse- Powrrs, . Gum and Leather Helt vt ML 8teain Pumps, C11MJTJL Alt SAWS, Etc. SSy fiend i r descriptive CiicuUr. , 1. -O- BEFEdEVCES. . Wercention a few to whom we have sold hecimd handed Eugines : - V W S. Mall- rv, Franklinton, N. C. r 1 . U. J. Grimes, Lexington,' N. C. . J. A. Boxtok, & C .', J' kson, N. C ! Bakrow & L.&A8ANrs, Louisburg, ... T. A. Pric$ & Co., StaUsville, V. St Erie Walt, Happy Home ' BiHM & HUNTED, Richmond, V-. J .D.-29-6m . . : . I MP Oil T AiT ANiiOUNCEHENT. ' ' , -O 0 II av:ng finished taking an Inventory r f the LARUE STOv K of Goo-is pu. cloisel of the la e Firm ot KING WHITE & SHAW. We are now pie, pared to offer to the CASB TRADE, many very dtcLled ba'gaim. Especially in Mens Bendy Ma le I lrtuiog, Itdifcti Dret Oo-dt, ; :, ' L dies and Gentlemen Hat a. Cloths Jor Men and B- yi wear, Boots and Saoea of all kind I, " Hurdware, Crocaery, Harntt?, baddle, Among the gooa ja-t received, we off r . .. ' : . , . ... A n w lot ot' Calicoes. A Lare lot of Cotton Good. 100 Barrels Flour. Bonn t very low, ud shipped it special low freigh,. , RiO and LaOUaVra CofTee. niU ailUdLJUajl a -UUCC, C-and Extra C-Sugar, Bulk & Bacon Shoulders. Bagging arid Ties. All lor Sale at lowest latts. White & Shaw, "The; Pictorial World." ot New .Yor"k is the largest and cheap est $rt-cUM family pap- r. " It is flhed with fine trgravitgs -d ttoe best ot readiug matitr. It is rent one year ou trial, with tp'endid pruuiums, lor only use dollar ar-d twenty-five seats ($1.23). Inclose tc "PicTuRiAi. : Woain," Ne Tuik. or swbuCf ibe at the oQce, ol . this paper. We club with it lor pply 1 ,0U HEADQUARTERS. Barrow & Pleasants, WnoLEii-iLi & Retail Gnocxcs AND Commission T'erchanls. UiriSBUKG, N. C. WS take this method r.f informinr the people of Frank'in and adjoining on: tie thnt we intrnd. nftrr the tirs-t of January. 187.. ?o iihiet the WHOLESALE & RtTTAlL flioeery and ' ommiiou bi'slnes in mil it j various br uihe. living uihd all tiect"J'ary arraugnnent with Man ufacturers .i llh-rs and Pork I aekrr. and bahii; made SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS with the J ail I'oads and TiansjKitatH.n ompa ies. thereby ec-rln tfie very t, wKsr possiBi.h. ruMuuT, and having am le means to PAYCASH for all of our goods, we lute d to sell them much lower than tl.ey hav: ever been old in tld market !efire To .VerHtant and Farmers who desire to buy in pxc- age, iu less quantities than a car load, we i I guarantee to sell at "Uorthrn Frices Freight added" e are now receiving the i&rt ft lo of Flour ever'otlered for sale iu this i.ar-iet manufactured expressly for our House, which we r-- offering at greatly reduced prices. e warrant every barrel to be i s represented. We c-ol special atte tion to the follow ing B anda whica cannot I e had any where else. HARD TIMES HADE EASY AT v : ; Barrow & Pleasants' Wholesale House, 2U0 BARuEL FLOUK 20U BUUBL8 FLOUR 200 BARRELS FLOUR 200 BAHREL3 FLOUrX . $11 Fi-OUR AT $3.00 $10 FLOUR AT $7.50 $9 FLOUR AT $8.50 $8 FLOUR AT $6.00 EVERY BARREL of this flour was Ma luiactureu expressly for onr WHOLESALE TRADE and shiped to us I y the car load, by special .freight airaugtraeats, mod we will guarantee to sell it much below tlw m.tiket pi ice, tVh.RV BARREL WABBAKTSD. 20 00O POUNDS BACON 20.000POUNDSBA.COM 20 000 POUND i BACON 20.000 POU NDo ii v.'O.'i AT WHOLESALE AT WHOLESALE AT WHOLESALE AT WHOLESALE t)nr rr.cat wi s s'oj p u it ctly from nnr Pai-l.i.irr ll.n.i I'.iit. A Tiir. .lr tor our fc -"iV hole-sale Trade and lhipjed by she'll arrare ments made wiui the tia:sp ation Com i)doiev, and weare otf'Mng it' at the lowest po'-sible prirr. Do t buy btf.re examining our,piie. a ms wc are going to sell at bottom figur . A lull line, ef Gro. er!e kept con stantly on hand, ml ot wl-ie.h are offered at Northern pr.cts-Fi iiht added. BAIIROW & PLE A A NTS. Wj 18:5. jIH addition to onr stock of Flour we receiving many other, goods niak- i g our stock f r snperio to anv sVck in the pi ce, and we desire om friends to know that "we bought them to SELL. We shall keep constantly ou liand a large supply of meat of all kind a d shall sell at the owest figures. I-ibe -al advancements made on cotton placed in our ha ds for sale or shipment. BALD MOUNTAIN ALL RIGHT. There is no cause for excitement. The buroi g noise daily beard itcau-e I by the large iuantity of fluur being moved at Barrow & Plkasahts, Wholesale Grocery ' cHcre, ud the Great Excitement . - at their Betail Dry Good Store is caused hy ihe great rush to get goods at the heavy decline iu Dry Uootts. . BEST CALICOES, BEST CALICOES, BEST CALICOES BEST C4LLCOES, ONLY TEN CENTS. ONLY TEN CENTS. ONLY TEN CENTS. ONLY TEN CENTS. Thir Sock' is the farjft ia L tit burg, baviog atrivrd iihin the lst week. In addiiv, they arecfftiag TEN THOUSAND Dollars -worth of all kinds of Dry Goods at great It reduced price. Tbry hv the ingest Stock wt GvmkIs ib Louisburg, sod they intend to sell (beta to male room lor ethers to arrive. Doc'b buy anywhere, until onr Stock aod prices have been tx mined. t Looblmrg N. C. a - O Tho Jrnw of TERRELL ill ARRIS JkR.T. WILDER hating cotvRJaled on the 18th IXmWr.lasr, 9Tt now doing Wnw under tlit nam md firm ,f WILDER, TERRELL & HARRIS, Ar ww prepared to offr great Indnceraaats In DRY GOOD? nJ GRO CERIES. . - - All persons indebte l t9 either, Terrell HUrrU or S. T. Wilder, are earnestly requested to make immediate nettlemet ; either member of tke new firm aie authorued U. give recipU for adconnts. WeaUo tender ovr thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore eTtended to nj, ana we hope by strict attention and bonwt dtilbp merit a continuance ox the woe. i - - T. WlLDr.I!.' Z T.TERnEU.. -0- PLOWS I PLOWS ! 1 PLOWS ! ! ! PLOWS lan-e lot or Cotton ami Tiiniim Plows, and Points always on hand, ami for sale at WILUKP, TERRELL HARRIS, 3PJS RTILIZERS ! ' 1 o- oTmmiiyjJ!!"0! S0LUBLE PACIFIC BUANO; LISTER'S STANDARD SUPER PHOSPHATE OF UME. VH ANN'S BAVB9NE B0NEB PLAr?DHpUSTERJME' PURE BflNE DUSf AN3 DISSOLVED Th- above Fertilireri hare been tried yenr fr year, and no rne re-1 ake the risk of exoerimentlng with new and untried articles. T.iej are nvnmo the market upon tho mo i fivorakle term PRICES ; Solob'e Pacific Gutno, Cash $50. Lister. Standard Super Phosphate. Cah $50. Whann's Rawbone Super Thosphate Cash, 52 50. 1 SPECIAL TERMS : We will tell Solub'c Pacific Gaano and Listeria Standard Super Phoophste of Lime for a hale (400 pounds,) oi Cotton, per Tu-?, and Wlian4 Rtw B ne Sti per Phosphate ot Lime for a bale, (423 pounds) of Cotton, per ton of 0jO pounds - ' PAYABLE NOVEMBER 1st, 1873. We iruiraotee all Fertilizers told by to be FREE frW ADULTE RATIO S& Send in your orders early a id they wilt ove prompt atlen'i jl. 7 " .. WILDER. TERRELL & HARRIS, LOUISBURG, N. C. W A. n D Frankliiton.'N C,l - Are d.t rmined to close out their LIROK and ASSORTED STOCK-of GENERAL MERChLlNDISE, AT THE LOWTST POSSIBLE FIGURE.'. II jju want gro Is CHEAP CALL ON THEM. Any kind of produce ' . - ' .-". ' taken at best price, WAR D M L. I1 DAVIS, SUCCESSOR TO DAVIS k BRO., WHOLESALE GROCER, Makes a Specialty of FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, SALT AND PROVISIONS, and keeps alt otbtr goods attached the bisinej. IRON" FRONT BUILDING, Corner of Water and Cotnmercr streets, - NORFOLK, VA. Bept. i8-e . Wholesale Dry Goods Merchan ts. No. 45 Roanoke Avenue i . NORFOLK V. Sept. 18 ty HAWKINS ft CO. : CollortFactors and Commission Merchants "f. 45 IT. LovOjttr l Street. ". BALTLM0UE. Iiheral cash advances nude npo consignments. Bagging and. Ties fur nlsbed at lowest r at es Pept. ll-a. . .. . ' t , R-.R- HARr.Is. v .r.l. IS73 N v. 1, 1875, 55 00 Not. I, 1575. 57.54 c& 33 R O. AT & B R O; Tarnklinton, N. C KSTABLISIIED 1847. W. H. Morris & Sons., COTTOX FACTORS ASD Commission Merchants. 23, Zj and t7 Commerce Ft. A"rri.-, I a. Wil' make Ubcra! Currency advan ess on prMuce or bill lading In band. Jir. A, M. obK, of p. "., Iscoi nected with our -Iiotise. and will be pleaded to receive the patronage of hh friends. W. 0. WOLFE, . DZ1LKK IK UsrUe. Sune, IltoihtoDtv. Moooiaeot, Toal, 6 ran its . Workf, , lc, j Lc. Cnr, of storgaa and K Streets. R A L E I G Il N . C. Wwk dace oa trs'swst r aoosbU terms. . j .,... Rorr. C. Srox. A sprJO ly. . lioibarg, N. C ITK. AWAY! ' EVERY person ecodin ns O wilt nortve. rrmiHily tor mwlh.. J Tnr. SorvExiB. togr, tqht wq Miw I sty sod fkaUy Lmraa, se-i mm ptvm tews, we ko ltt. two imrnif tei pic Urec, "LittW .hi?e Kiu Vi-ry eaasinc and rxettr. and ?y. IzuW PUydi('V. lutgirl xkliW d.g. Botb are rrtMj tuuiu'. TVj wi 14 x 18 iae&esia uod s sXeoUtd works at wt.beiD2 rrkrfe ia twtU. diffirtot ifars ainl ejdr. TAity touod U pv SAlifrIioWa.. The psp.r IX wbols KontbSSbki twoOfert pic ' ures for ssly S3 ttv Ord' y msi'. t ose. Addms Vl M.TUUROW . Pttl W, Bnrwl Tcn Ageats waited to . sell vni So et -gravits; S to lCh pet ty easily, aaJeM i' . . t :

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