Frank COURD lin n n 3K. if i '2 GI . S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: S2.00 per Anmu n. VOL. IV. LOUISBUIIG, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUAEY 12, 1875. no: 10. Cast In a tt Shadotr. JV wit stopped at a foundry, where Home men were canting iron ware, Ami entering, mid, "You all appear To be engaged ui canting here." Yen," Hid tho foreman, "that's our 1iz.' M Hie r't remarked, " I'm glad it in, I'or I La-, e fonght, and found at last, A ylace to fet a shadow cast."' 'Hie iro i niiui at once replied Hi at f.uch a feat their skill defied;" lint rccomnfiCiidcd hini to paea To a foundry where they worked in braea. soyii: oxi: ix tiii: noon. Elijah Croly," my husband', was owner and captain of a coastiner-vessel, doini? . KJ ' ' O Rood trade; and we occupied an old fahioned and somewhat dreary house at Stepney. Elijah liked the place more than I did, and it wan on his account that wo stayed there so long'.' I thought it could make very little difference to him w here we -lived, for he was at home only two or three weeks out of every ten. I was often alone two months at a time; nnd lonely enough it was sometimes. "Get Home one whom you like to. stay with you, my dear," tho captain said, when I told him one day how unpleasant I felt to be alone ho much. "Get any a me you please, and before long I hope 1 xhall be ato to stay at home with you myself." ' . . ! "I took his advice, and-afer some in quiry I found a woman who I thought would suit me. Her name was Emily Sands, and she was a j pleasant-faced woman of about forty. , She told aie that slfijMiad been left a widow, with no means, and had since earned her living by neodle-work; and although I had in- tended that tho woman who came every morning to. do my housework should fvtill come, I found Emily so handy and no willing that I fjoon discontinued the I could not at first make out whether it was a man or woman; I only became conscious, as I sat in bewildering, dumb terror, that I was (Confronted by; a stranger there in that semi-darkness- by some one who had hidden in the room for some object. There I was, locked up in a reom alone with a ruffian, waiting, trembling, and expecting to hear him speak, or to become the object of some violence.- For although, as I have said, I could not distinguish whether it was man' or woman, I did not doubt that it was tha- former, and one cf the most desperate of his kind. And presently, as my eyes fell to the floor, I saw a great pair of boots thrust out upon the carpet within the radius of the light. I do not know how long we sat there in the semi-darkness of the room, facing each other, but motionless arid silent; it might have bee'u three minutes or thirty. The thought of alarming Emily suddenly occurred to me, and I reached out for the bell-cord. It should have been within -easy reach of the spot where I sat, but my hand failed to find it. A low chuckle came from the- occupant of the old chair. : " That was a clever thought of you, missus," came forth in a deep, rough voice, and in atone of easy insolence, " Clever thought, marm out Diess your .'ample seui, do you thinK l was a-going to leave that ?ere cord there for vou to mako a noise with ? Not by no means. It's well to be careful when you're in this kind of business, marm; and so when you left me alone here before dark I then being under the bed, you see I crawled out and took a survey of the place." , " What do youfwant ?" I askei. He chuckled again, and replied: " Now that's good; you're a business woman, marm; you come right to the point with- of and tho other. KO I had She was so vivacious, that 1- was done the best that I service; amiable Hati:!W that could do in the matter. , " I hope so," he said, doubtfully. ' " And don't you think fo J" I asked. " Well, no," ho replied, j ) " Now, I'd like to know ; why, Elijah. Do you see anything -wrong! 'about her?" 1 can t ;v.y that I do; I presume it is 'only-a notion; but 1 have in some way conceived a kind of distrust of her face. I c:in't -c plain it, and you had better not be prejudiced by it." ; Vou may be very sure I shall not," I rej 'iiu (I, " if it has no more foundation lhan this." ' - ! And tiii ; was all that was said between us on tho subject. I was too well ac quainted with the captain's sudden whims to attach much importance to this one. ; The captain remained at homo this timo barely two weeks. On the morn ing, that he left to take his vessel for another trip, just after ho had taken up hi hat to cro. he called me into the chamber and shut the door " Hero is something, Fanny," he said, " that I want you to keep safely for ,me till I come back." And he took a paper out any nonsense; I'm going to tell you what I want. 1 Be quiet, marm," he said. "I don't mean to hurt vou if I can help it. Keep still and I wofi't. Let's have a look at etich other. " . V , Ho removed the shade and looked at i me tor tun hall a minute, as 1 sat lm the glare of the lamp. Ho was a large, brawny fellow, full six feet high, and ! dressed . in an old suit of fustian clothes. His face was entirely concealed by a crape mask; not a feature of j it could I see from his neek to the crown of his head. He leaned ! one arm unon the bureau, and regarded me attentively. " You don't know me," he remarked, in an ordinary tone. " No, of course not; it is best for you that yoju shouldn't. 1 thouerht at nrsx there was somethiner familiar in your face; but I fancy, I was mistaken. ' Well, ' to business, marm." And he assumed a sharp tone, and look ed carefully at the bureau. ' I've got a pistol here, missus "and he slapped nis pocket; out you re -too sensible a woman, I take it to make me use it on you. I want that money. There's five hundred pound of it in this drawer; you have tho key give it to me !" I handed it to him without word, " 1 11 leave you now in a minute, packr-e from his breast-pocket id he misBua," he said, rapidly inserting the sjjokc. "There are ten fifty-pound note.i iu it r five hundred pounds in all. I will lock it up here in this bureau drawer, and give you tho key." And he did so. " No one' would think of comiag hero for nioney." "Do you think you had better leave it here, Elijah?" I asked. "Why not put it in the bank ?" "1 meant to lut I shall not have time. Tho money was only paid me last night. JJut no matter, thev money will bo nafo whero it is, and there will be no danger about it; or if you don't think so, you may deposit it yourself." Iy uneaniuess iucreased as the day wi to on ; and about tljree o'clock the wime afternoon, I took the money and wont to the bank, determined to deposit it. Tho "bank was closed; all tho banks were closed, for it was Saturday: I took the package home again, re placed it iii the bureau-drawer, locked it, key, turning it and opening the drawer, " with many thanks for your good be havior. Is tins it ?" He took out the package, and held it " That is the money," I said. '"She might, deceive me, after all,." I heard him mutter; and thrusting his forefinger into the end of the envelope, he ripped it open, and pulled the-end of the notes out into sight. " Yes, here it IS. JNOW , He had tlirust the package into his pocket, and was about to close the drawer, when his eyo was caught by something within it. He started, thrnst his hand into tho drawer, and, taking out an object that I was well acquainted with, be bent over and scrutinized shawl, with a bundle in her : had wait ing, I have no doubt, for a signal from within. She started upon seeing me; but the man immediately called to her by the name of 'Jane, telling her to come in. She passed by me a khe did s j; and I whispered, " Oh, Emily, how could you betray me ?" She manifetitei no shame or sorrow, though I know she must have heard the whispered words; her face was hard and unwomanly, and its expression was sul len. And I could not doubt that she had played the spy upon my husband and myself, and had betrayed us to. this man. - " I've a very few words to say to you, ma am, said tnoman; ana all tne bold ness and insolence had . gone out of his voice, Jeaving it gentle and sorrowful. " Just? a few woi?ds to ask you to forgive us f of what we meant to do, and to tell you what has happened to change my mind so suddenly, and why we can't rob yon, as we meant to do." He took thj3 package from his pocket with the words, and tossed it into my lap. v C ; " T dt money belongs to the man that I love and honor more than any othei, on earth. I'm a hard customer, ma'am; we live by dark ways and doings, Jane and I; and I wouldn't have believed. when she let me in here to-day and hid me, that I could leave the house without that money; but if I'd known whom it belonged' to, I'd sooner have held out niy right hand to be cut off than come here as I have, and for what I came, I used to bo a sailor, and I was with Cap tain Croly in the Calvert. He was the very kindest and best master tnat ever liandled a speaking trumpet, and there wasn't a man aboard the bark but loved him. Ono night off Hatteras all hands were sent aloft to reef in alheavygale; and when they came down again 1 was missing. ' Where is he?' the captain asked ; but none of them knew. They hadn't iioticed me since we all sprang into fhe shrouds together. ' Overboard, I'm afraid,' said the mate; and the men all seemed f earful that I was lost. The captain hailed me through his speaking trumpet; andthere came back a faint, despairing cry, only just heard above the piping of the storm. Captain Croly never ordered any one else up; he cast off hi3 coat, and threw down his trumpet, and went aloft befor&-any one could get ahead of hhn.. He found me hanging with one elbow over the foreyard, and just about ready to fall from weaknesa and pain : for my other arm was twisted out of joint at the elbow by a turn of tho ropes. He caught me, and held me there till help came, up from below, and then they carried me down. -It was Captain Croly that saved me from a grave in the sea: and T would have I robbed him to night ! Forgive us, madam, if you can We will leave you in peace. Come, Janal" " Well," said Elijah, in his joking way, when he came home next after this eventful night, "you've not been mur dered for that money, I see. Where's Emily ? Has she run off with it ?" I handed him the package, merely re marking tht the woman had unex pectodly left me, for reasons which were best known to herself. This was all' the conversation that I had with him upon the subject; he never knew what I have now been telling. Perhaps I did wrong; but I was always reluctant to tell him all about it, and he died before I could make up my mind. But I never had any other secret from Elijah; and I be lieve. I never had an adventure that made such an impression upon me as this did. The Western lAteustm. Mr- Noteware, the Nebraska State Superintendent of Immigration, has made report on the western locusts, or grassneppers, which we' condense' as follows: " The abiding home of the insect is on the high, dry plateaus of New Mexico and Arizona, and the southern foothills of th; Rocky Mountains. Thero they arc always. In some seasons they mul tiply with astonisliimg rapidity and be come too numerous to subsist. Then, like bees, they swarm and migrate to other countries. They follow no rule of immigration, but go with the wind. They fly until they become weary and hungry, and then drop down to rest and eat. They do not all go at once nor to one place. They become separated and much divided after starting; but in al most any case, whether tho grand army or some principal detachment, they are as the san da of the sea, myriads of mil lions. Coming in the distance they look like a light cloud rapidly riding on the wind, and under the blazing noon-day sun they glitter like snow flakes, ex tending from near the ground to the height of half a mile, but cast a gloomy shadow on the earth. "When they drop down to feed every green and gay thing is covered in a moment, and the earth is gray and dismal. Only a few things do they not relish, as sorghum, broom corn and peach-tree leaves. ' Wheat, and oats, when the straw or grain is green, are do voured in a few hours. Corn is their staple; they go for the tassel and silk (if these are out), then the tender fcrain, scrambling and crowding each other like hungry pigs. They are very fond of po tatoes, beans and cabbage; but onions are their most delicious morsel they will dig into the ground for the last par ticle. Usually they remain not more than twenty-four to forty-eight hoxirs in a place, if the weather is warm and the sky clear; but sometimes a week, if the air is chilly and very damp and tho sky cloudy. After leaving their native home they have never been known to proga- gate in their colonies more than three years, and that has occurred but twice in the history of the United States. Some what more frequently they havo been known to hatch during the second year; but out of twenty swarms this has hap pened only three times. In other cases they have ended their existence and their race,' in any given place, i in one year. Of those which invaded Nebraska in 1874, the first swarms laid eggs in several counties; but the long, dry fall hatched them out, and thus stopped further pro duction. The swarms that came last seemed to have been hatched too far north, and too late in the season to come to maturity, and consequently they laid no eggs. All these perished in tho first frosts. It will be several years before their native land will be overcrowded, and when they rise up to migrate they will be as likely to go in one direction as another. Ever since the year 1849 the plains have been traveled over constant ly, and the movements of -iris desert lo cust, a it should be callei, have been noted. La all this time there has been no such devastation as last year', nor is it likely that there will bo a recurrence of this calamity for many years, and let us hope never." Lobbying am a Selenre. Sam Ward, known in Washington as the " Lobby King," testified before the Pacific Mail investigation committee that he received $500 down and was to re ceive 5,000 more if the subsidy was se cured. In his remarks about the Wash ington lobby, Sam said : I could enter tain you with histories of well-concerted plans which all disappeared ju?t at the crack of one member's whip; perhaps a matter of caprice, perhaps a matter of accident you cannot tell which; we who are of the regular army .know when we are whipped but gentlemen of little ex perience come down here and peg and pea: on till the end of the session, and never understand why they had better go home; to introduce a bill properly, to have it referred to the proper committee to that some membtr in that com mittee understands its merits; to attend to it; to-watch it; to have a counsel to go and advocate it before the committee; to see that members of the committee do not oversleep themselves on the morn ing of important meetings; to watch the coming in of the bill in Congress, day after day, week after week; to have your men on hand a dozen times, aad to have them as often disappointed; to have one of those storms wliich spring up in the Adriatic of Congress until your men are worried and worn and tired, and until they say to themselves that they will JlaintatHtnjr Fertility In Orchard llmte It Im !.r, The question, 11 How can th fertility of large orchards be most economically maintained I was discuwd at a late meeting of the Western New York Hor ticultural Society. Oliver Chanin, of East Bloomfield, plows u"h year four I inches deep without cropping'. Trees grow well but bear poorly. Priacipar variety, Baldwin. H. .E. Hooker Raid the fertility of small orchards is easily kept up, but sufficient manure canuot readily be secured for 50 or 100 acres of trees. The only profitable old orchards are those that are in some way frequent ly manured. Top-dressing and mulch ing with manure ia preferable to plowing The Strength of Fnlth. Not long ago the captain of n of our great ocean steamships found, jut after passing Sandy Heck, that he lial a young blind girl axaocg hi panigT. Her whole appearance t howed kiin that there was some mystery in the caw, aad ho aikcd her how she came to be then, in the steerage, alone. Tho young lady toll him her story. Sh was a MLm Kane, from New England, I WUerr, who had, unfortunately, lt her eye Fight. Being a Catholic ahc liad heard of the wonderful curm performed through the ageney of "Our Lady of half-hopeful, half -despairing month, she had been trying to raise the means . for making the trip. At 'length he could not bear to wait any lougtr, and, unlv ... .. . i r t " i known to her parents she had slipped cultivation does good. After bearing ! ' , : . . ' ' . . . . , f , away to New lork where phe had ar- begiu to seed and top-dreas. E. Moody maintained that vegetable manures, including stable manure, was injurious. They increase the fungus that preys upon the apple. He would apply mineral manure. It needed ex periment to decide what kind. Ashes and lime are undoubtedly valuable. The leaves' of the tree will take carbonic acid from the atmosphere to supply the tree with carbon. Hence carbonaceous ma- nures are not needed.1 Salt is an excel lent fertilizer for apple trees, applied in small quantities. If an orchard is plowed yearly without cropping he be- not go up to the Capitol to-day, and then to have the bird suddenly brought to t lieves its fertility is increased. . naught. These are some of the experi ences of the lobby. ' . Another joint the question of enter tainments is spoken f. There is noth ing in the world so excellent as enter tainments of a refined order. Talleyrand says that diplomacy is assisted by good dinners, but at good dinners ieoplo do not talk " fehop," but they give people who have of taste that way the right, per haps to ask a gentleman a civil question and to getacivilanswer to get informa tion which hii clients want and that can properly be given. Sometimes a rail road man wants information ; sometimes a patentee wants 'his patent renewed that is a pretty hard fight. Then a broker wants to know what the Treas ury is going to do about a certain meas ure. Sometimes a banker Js anxiou3 about the financial movements in Con- , . 1 a.l a V kit gress, or a mercnant arxmx me lann. ah these tilings we do constantly, and we do not make any charge for that. We keep up a certain circle of friends, and once in a while an opportunity comes of getting something that is of real service, and for which compensation is due and proper; but the entertainments are proportioned to the business of the session; when the business is goou so are the entertainments, and when the business is not good the entertainments Mr. Hooker stated that isolated apple trees, standing near the barn where their roots get plenty of yard manure and their tops plenty of air, never fail to thrive. Mr. Moody mentioned that one trouble in growing apples is not lack of fertility, but the fruit does not grow fair. It w attacked by insects and fungus ft!1d these need other remedies than manur ing. V. Bogue, Albion, always has good crops of apples after plowing under green clover, also plows under buek wheat. This frequent cultivation de stroys insects." Uses barnyard manure once in feix or seven years. Hens run in he orchard, and their droppings fer tilize the soil, O. P. Avery, of Grand Traverse, Mich., reported method? -iu vogue there. The land is plowed with out croppiugs, except buckwheat, which is turned under twice a year, the Lift time very late in the fall. Trees are kept smooth, and the larva of the cod ling moth hides in the stems of buck wheat and is destroyed by late plowing are meager. away rived with tC3. She had taken the cheapest steerage fare, aad felt assured that God would help her on to th Grot to of Lonrdea, and tltat fche should by Tirtne of prayer, and the intervention of Notro-Dame de Lourdes, ke once more restored to sight. The sailor's heart was touched by this simple rtonr, and had h been on shore he would prolahly have given his pura to the girl on the upot. ner faith was sublime. Her religious fervor left no shadow of suspicion in specting the purity of her motives, or the truthfulness of her intentions. The weather-beaten sailor luroshed his fingers several times across his eyes as he re peated the story in his own rudly -lo-. quent way, and every one was interrntod. There was a French surgeou on Kjard, who served in the Federal army during " the war, and ho and his wife went at once to look after the girh By paying the supplement they get her a comforta ble room in tho second cabin, and on landing brought her on with them to Paris.. When leaving the city tho Bur geon went to tho Embassy to solicit sympathy for Miss Kane. He happened to fall upon some kindly heuts who were there at tho . moment,and thy freely took the case in hand. One went to 'see some members of the Paris clergy; another opened a sulweription, putting himself down at the bead for a handsome sum. This was only a week ago. Miss Kane will go to Lourdes and remain there as long as she plroses, and then she will go comfortably home with an American famfly. But meantime the gentlemen interested in her have sent hr k the best oocaliM in Parin, who catch the moth. Apples grow very fair I Joes not exclude all hoie, and' it is jnst i - . i oHible that with his tnrhng aid otre- anu iree iruui wunun. wji muouj vjvj , I wv S SJ . Afr . A pocket, and re- worry any more mo to tea in a placed the key iu my solved that I would not alMiut it. Eiuily called little while, and though not hungry, I went iuto the dining-room and sat with her while she drank her tea and laughed and chatted in her vivacious way. Tho evenings were rather long, and . -Emily and I sat together in the dining room after tho table was cleared, sho reading aloud, and I listening, as was our custom. When tho clock struck ten she laid down -her look; and I took my lamp, and bidding her ! good night, went up to my room. . ' ; My cjiamber occupied the whole front, of the second story, and hmily nad a back room upon the same floor. A bell- wire ran from my room to hers, so that I could summon her at pleasure, I placed the lamp upon the bureau, 4 shaded it, and retured and locked the ; door. Then I drew my easy chair to the , middle, of tho room, put on my slippers, j and sat down for a few minutes before retiring. And immediately I became vexed at myself to find that I was look ing at the drawer that held the money, and that I was feeling in my pocket to see that the key was safe. The shade that I placed over the lamp confined its rays within a small circle, beyond which tho bed, the furniture, the carpet, and tho wall paper were obscure: In the corneogft the right of the door, was an antique, high-backed i chair, a favorite piece of furniture. As I turned my own chair from the bureau,! my eyes rested en this object; and I saw by the same glance that a human figure was sitting in it I . ! holding it closer to the lamp. How I did wish that I -could see the expression of his face at that moment t He held in his hand an ivory miniature of ray ribband's face, a faithful picture made by. art artist year3 before, at my request. " Whose face ii this !" the robber de manded, in a yoice that trembled with eagerness, j ; . " My husband's," I replied. " Your husband's ? Yes, yes but his name?" S ' " Elijah Croly." "Cap'tajji Croly?" he demanded, in the same tone. "Yes." "The same who commanded the bark Calvert, that used to run cut of Liver pool?" . ' I nodded my head. I knew that the vessel named was the las4 one that my husband had sailed oa the ocean before he bought his own coaster; in fact, it was the same in which I came to Eng land. - 5 - The ItlrtlH Christinas Carol. They have sweet Christmas mu ic in Norwav Norwav. that' far-off countrv. with the steel blue sky and frozen sea. 'And this is Captain's Croly's money ? thi3 is his house ? you" are his wife?" he asked, rapidly, giving me no time to answer his questions. "Yes, yes I see it alL Great heavens ! to think what I was just about te do I" He .dropped into the nearest chair, ap parently faint witjh emotion; but while I sat in de$p surprise at the unexpected turn that this affair had taken, he said : " You have no reason to fear now; I will not rob you; I will nor harni you. Only don't make a noise. Please open the door, and you will find Jane your woman, I meanf waiting in the pas sage." i' ' I obeyed. I did p3 know what else to de. I unlocked and opened the door; and there, to ray astonishment, stood Emily Sands'arrayed in her bonnet and It is a song in the air. The simple peasants make the birds who inhabit those rude coasts and ice valleys so very happy on thi one day of tho year that they sing' of their own accord a "glad carol on Christmas morning, and all the people come outn of their home and re joice to hear it. On CJhristmas eve, after the birds have sought shelter from the North wind, and the still night is bright with stars, the good people bring from their storehouses sheaves of loom and j wheat, and, tying them to slender poles, raise them from every spire, barn, gate post, and gable. Then when, after the long night, the Christmas sun arises, crowning the mountain with splendor, every spire and gable bursts into sudden song. The children run out to hear the old church spire singing; the "older peo ple follow; the air is filled with the flut ter of wings and alive with carids of gladness. The song of the birds fills every village with happiness, and to this living, grateful anthem the people re spond in their hearts, ' Glory to God in the highest; on earth peace, good will to men." The. JVrona Miintl of a Candle. A Kentucky paper relates that Starling Curd, an industrious colored man, living near Bristow, that State, gave an enter tainment at Ids house. His wife asked him, coming to town the day before the frolic, to get a tall candle with wliich to ornament and illuminate the table. Starling called at a store for the candle, but stated tho case in such a shape that the proprietor thought ho wanted a Roman candle. It was accordingly put up for him and Starling returned to hi home, when his wife insisted that he liad j omer kuiue made a mistake, saying 11 was a cainne she wanted. Starling assured hr that it was the latest style of candle he had pur chased, and, to prove it, stuck it to the fire. To the astonishment of -both, a fiaaning ball popped out ; then another, and another, when the , frightened Star ling dropped the " infernal " machine " upon the floor. Another explosion, threaten&ig the destruction of the house, and he again seized it, but, unfortu nately, wrong end foremost, when a ball struck him in the abdomen. Suddenly turning it around, another ball ' shot out, striking a new counterpane, through wliich. it burned a large hole. The whole household was in a state of terror, and Starling went to town the next day with a mind full of lawsuits for damages, but, being a fair-minded man, was , pacified when it was explained that the dealer misunderstood him. 4(frerfeftenfs nnd etcs. A cotemporary speculates upon the possibility of a future newspaper tliat will depend upon its circulation for its business. It describes an Irish jonrua which is circulated gratis and depends upon its advertisements for its revenue, Journalism,' like every other . profession j is in a Ktateoi progress, luere is no knowing what enterprise and public taste may accomplish in the j future. Thero have been all kinds of experiments with newspapers, but the highest tyie of journalism is based upon the fact that the' reader desires the news as well as the advertisements. In truth, there is no difference between these two classes. The advertisements of a newspaper, says an exchange, are aa much news as the telegraphic columns. Take the "mar riages and deaths," for instance. We question if one-half the readers ol a newspaper would not rather see the cable dispatches omitted than the " marriages and deatlis." Take the. dry goods and s advertisements, also, that enter into so Large a part of "our daily life. 1 Their omission from a newspaper would mako a deeper impression upon the general public than to leave out a Senate debate on Louisiana. And so we might go on through all the departments of advertising. They represeat the wants of the people, and the people are as much interested in the wishes and de sires of their neighbors as in the great facts that occur from day to day in the outside world. A paper publishing ad vertisements without the news, or pub lishing news without advertisements, is like a man traveling on one leg. It is imperfect. It does not satisfy the peo ple, and is far from representing the true type of journalism. to sandy loam. President Barry remarked that largi orchards must have manure just the same as . small ones. Green crops are not. sufficient. A farmer who plants 100 acres in orchard without knowing wh.-ru to get manure is as unwise as one who should buy 1,000 sheep with nothing to feed them. Farmers must grow or feed more stock. This is tho natural mode of getting manure, and he ljelieves the lRt He had known nurserymen to buy and feed sheep and cattle in solely for the manure. ceived pay for feed and laV ihf mannrii extra. Farmers can tlo likewise. He practices' drawing fresh stable manure every third or fourth year, and applies as top-drcwing in fall and early winter. Ufing the mannru fresh, it goes much further, and a very light application w Kuffieient. Fears should bo manured ; withv home tiling (aNashes are Dune de Lourdes may eftVt a cure in the case of an American girl who showed herself so strong" in the faith. . Miss Kane is a true believer, a real croan(rt and if we are ever again to put our trut iu the potency of faith she mut show herself on this occasion. Mis Kane's friends may hereby learn that fhe is safe and carefully tended. . At the. Charity Hall. Among the druses won at thi grat -anntf-r t charity ball, in New York, wo note the They thus re-1 following: Mrs. Gemral Hancock, black iMr. and mad- ! lvcl dmv with very delicto white .i I Luv overdrew, ornamrtite-j with nnxel crimson and tm-ro'. Mr. A. T. Stew art, rieli lavender silk, t rim mxl-with x)int lace- in ahes; scarlet flow, rn in her hair; ornaments, emendds and dia monds. Mrs. John Hoey apiH-arcd iu a handsome dress of gray, trimmed with ruby velvet. : A Paris dress of pal pink i '11. rM-iw.loro.1 with rtLi aV, 1U1 gUaiC v V" I - . lightly every autumn. . a tnmlridiinnp' Wfaatil imllM Rill KVAI IV! War , .. . ... . . Vz fi ,.um im i Breton embroidery. 'A charming coiu- . , a. t t:u t I '. rxiit dress of IinK and whiv. A r a K Tl I UH Hnriallii a.lLllfa. aVU KI'II TIUK I I , 1 stable manure to pear trees always ue j it sparingly in fail or early winter, and j never plow under. In contiwt with the i roots stable manure may cause blight ' Uaed as a top-dressing, there is no dr.nger. Dr. Sylvester planted an apple orch ard 33 years ago. Sold lat year 1,000 barrels from less than . 10 an.s. lon't believe in large quantities of rtable ma silver, and bouilloneo trimming of oilk Paris-made dress of l-mou colored -iik . trimmed with white ttdle, and garlanded with twn leaves : j rwarl ornaments. ! An elegant drea of pale blue and ka mois twilled rilk; a chatihdne poekkt j cmbreidcred with gold and jearl, and : Woutif ul pearl ornaments. A loly j drefw of whitd oorhwd silk triram.-d pro I f usely with white Uoe, and ornamented ! with trail of white convolvuli and gre n nure. Applies mixture of much and lesven. A l V V gas-lime or muck and rtable manure "ft creamy tint, exquisite but mJcnb hhUy as torvdressing every year. Does f able. It w wreathed about as d corn not wih to rXT very vus growth j posed of saehp made of floss and Im of weod. We cannot afford t grow ap- j med pro ; use ly with rich white nnge . pie wool or ,ar wood, even at S100 a ! A white illusion puffed upon white dk cord. He is content if he gets three j aad ornamented with white ro An inches growth of wood a year. ' That bouquet of xeam-colord ro gives enough fruit, and the trees remain was earned in the hamd. healthy. Changes his manure prescrip tion each vear. This year it is six parts muck to one of stable manure. Has A acres of muck n his farm an inex haustible store of fertility. W. B. hyttb A SlmffMlmr Itmh. A nondescriDt flat flah. half tdiaxk. half ray, eight ae-td one and inches long, five wide one-sixteenth thick has Insane From Seandal. St Paul they tell the flory of In a Bad Position. One night recently the gas suddenly went out iu Marseilles and left the whole city in darkness.' At that moment, a gymnast was performing on the flying trapeze in the theater. He was even in the air at that very instant, having made his leap from one trapeze to catch the other. He caught the other success fully, but in such a nervous condition that he remained in a convulsive or cataleptic state. He could not relax his grasp to change his position; his mus cles held rigidly as steel and his whole body was fixed swinging like a stone. He was, taken .down in that condition and recovered- next day. The Wisconsin Railroad Iate. . Governor Taylor, of Wisconsin, in his annual message, says of the railroad law of that State : " Conceded that the law is defective in some of its details, the great object sought to bo accomplished by our people is not the management of railroad property by our people by them- selves, but to prevent its mismanagement by others. Such should be the purpose and limit of legislative action; so far as it exceeds this purpose it is necessarily superfluous and inexpedient" He fur ther says he is not of opinion that the classifications of freight and the rates of fare and freight can bo expediently - es tablished by an iron-bound and inflexible rule of law. He recommends a modifi cation of the law, so as to remove ob vious imperfections in the unyielding character of the limitation upon the rates of freight was who In Maggie Flynn. She loved and loved by a worthy young man. hoped soon to make slander's envenomed tongue poisoned her reputation, and caused her lover to cancel their engagement She, suffering unjustly from the cruel blow, lost her reason, ami would have boen carried an incurable patient to the insane asylum, had not the employers of her quondam lover investigated the stories affecting her character, and ascertained their utter groundlessness. He was traveling, but they ordered hi home, told him the good news, and sent him ta claim Maggie before she could be carried to the mad house. She - was with the sheriff who was about to convey heff to her destina tion, when the young man came iato het presence. At -ight of him, the clouds that lowered on her intellect broke away. and bridal 1 veil, not etraight-jaokete, I are in order. maintained that orchards on natur2iy lt-n found on the San Paulo (Brazil good soil do not need much manure. coast, among rock constantly bathed Knows . one which has produced well ! by the sea. It lives on the sea urcht r. without manure SO yearn. F. W. Lay I (cchinlda), attacks them and breaks off made a hog yard of his orchard, and it their spines with a bony beak, and when "T. : " I ' ined in productiveness. 3Iajor H. I they are disarmed devours their neu Ufr 1113 Unlit, UU. I . -W iMra aarw Talttnlaiail n . m'nrtntT tVn rn-Vi. -nrinrr itst-lf while orcliard on new )A It is still bearing dcing o in a crevice by means of two finely. Ten years since be Xencea oa , trong nns, lorunea oy uony pia one acre as a Log-yard, and tiwa whre the aheulders. IU back is rough and alto- ), hrxr .lromnnc-s fell are twice the aize covered with spines. It appears ... lr it goner unxnown w kw, of the others. How Shx Escatxtx A young wife in Pari had a quarrel with her husband in a room on the third floor of a house in th Boulevard Memhnontant Made furious by the quarrel she threw open the window and jumped out There was a hard wind blowing at the time, and look very much like a bat men call it a aea bat the fisher- Kxpt yo Boox. A Boston " mer chant - failed lately, owing over 20,000, when a committee of creditors waited nrion him to investigate his affairs. In j reply to their request for hi book and this, making a balloon of her skirts, j paps, they were politely inlormed that xainea uer wi-u. , ho had never kept aay book, uuiu uuy renUy down into the deep srw, ana sue . . owing him, called a cab and drove away. h,-tWmfrht b eouM easdy furrdsh a list from memory a statement which after ward proved to be true. A igu of indigestion" Gone to din- ner; be back in five minutes. -) -

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