J r. 7 1 H GEO. S. BpEE, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IV; L0UISBU11G, X. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1875. NO. 17. PhTTirD-TTrTD) I A Calm for Tho He H7o Weep, There 1h a calm for thoe who weep, ' A rest for weary pilgrims found j They softly lie and sweetly Bleep Low in the ground. ' The fctorm tbat wrack the wintry sky "r No more disturbs their deep repose -'fThan ajsrariier eyening's latest aigh j That shuts the rose, I Ion;? to lay this painful head Aivl aching heart beneath the soil, To slumber in that dreamless bed J From all my toiL THE CHIMXEY-SWEEP. The stranger in Charleston is some times startled bj a long-drawn, plaintive cry that seems scarcely human. On cold a m wimry mornings, wnen tne city is awaking, it is heard coming from the house-tops with strange distinctness. It sounds like the voice of some great bird hovering amid the curling smoke. " O weep, wee-e-ep, wee-ee-ep, weep O I" And it is repeated several times before one can find out whence it earner The people of the city pass on without heed iug it, and only those to whom it is novelty pause to gaze over the wide roofs of slate and iron, in search of the throat that .'utters it. Far above the btreet can be seen a negro boy, with a round little head and a pair of narrow shoulders, creeping out ;of a chimney into the sunlight, singing his wild song as lip comes, and brandishing a black brush with frantic energy. It is the chimney -Bweep, and, as soon as his song is done, ho descends j again into the opening, lika genie disappearing in the flame of nT wonderful lamp at the call of his master, the magician. ' I ' Later., in the day, you may see the same little fellow again, moving about among ordinary mortals, but looking all the more forlorn in contrast with the bright faces of the nicely dressed 'people, who gather in their, proud skirts as they' pass too near him on the street. He looks moro like an imp from some coun try beneath the earth; thin a living boy with warrablood coursing through his veins. Nature made him black, and his occujmtionjiasileepened the shade. The soot is thlckupon him over his hands, neck, face and clothes, and deep in the roots of his crisp, curly hair. All the whito about him is in his rollingeye, which has a lialf-comical expression mingling with its queer pathos. Who would think of associating with him, I wonder, except another of his own sort? Ho is 'an absolute outcast, and as he slouches along, beating the pavement with his brush, few pitying glances are cast upon him. But he has friends of his own, comrades' in his sooty trade, who lovohis society dearly, and welcome 11 m me appearance oi nia aim lace witn a j glad smile; Anthracite (or hard) coal makes little or no soot, and it is only when bitumi- . nous (or soft) coal is used that chimney sweeps are needed. Soot, I must tell you furthermore, is simply .condensed smoke, and is rich in valuable chemical substances. If it is allowed to accumu late, it is apt to take fire, and hence the necessity of keeping chimneys clear of : it. ' In Pittsburgh, and all through the far West, the chimneys have to be swept twice a year; but the sweeps do not as cend them. A stiff brush is thurst up instead, fastened to long poles, which fit into each other like the branches of a fi-thing-rod. The old custom was ex ceedingly cruel, and it has been done away with throughout America, except in Charleston and Philadelphia. A gen tleman tells me that he saw an old man r.icorting some ' boy chimney-sweeps through the streets of the latter city very lately' and he believed they are there still. iwenty or tnirty years ago, it was a common thing in mew lork to see mites of boys following their masters in the street, or issuing from the chimney-tops with their peculiar wail. Some of them were not more than ten years of age, and they looked so wretched that when a child was ill-behaved its mother or nurso would threaten to give it to the chimney sweeps. It was the worst use to which boys fifteen years ago the sweeps, or " climb--ing boys," were very numerous; and I can remember seeing abit of a lad crawl ing out of one of the tallest chimneys in London. Until the reign of James the First, the houses were built, only one story high, and the chimneys were swept from the floor. The Scotch fashion of multi plying the stories then came in, and twice or three times l a year boys were sent np to sweep down the soot. There was once a famous highwayman who had been a " climbing boy," and I think he was the only one of the tribe who ever became notorious. At all events, we do not hear more about them in history from the time of James the First until about the middle of the last century, when Jonas Hanway called pub lic attention to their condition. Hanway, you must know was one of the great philanthopists of his day, and was the man wno nrst carried, an umbrella in London, a performance which exposed him to the jeers of all the impudent little bakers' and butchers' boys in the city. No doubt ho looked rather queer as he trotted along in the rain with the new fangled thing over his head, and some folks thought him utterly crazy. But said" yes," -1 and ftha told him that he should ride with her. She put him on a horse in a lane near by, drove with him to the sea-aide, and carried him on beard a vessel. - 1 The story does not tell what became of the little fellow afterward, and we can only hope that he was restored to his parents, or that the young ladies at the country house adopted him. The son of one of the noblest families J'OTIXO BY THE PEOPLE. THE BATE OP IXTEBE3T. The Proposed Amendment Constitution. to I tho phy The proposed amendment to the Uni ted States Constitution, now before Con gress, provides that the electoral vote of each State shall be equal to its represen tation in Congress, including the Sena tors. A majority of the voters of each Congressional district snail cnooed one in England was kidnapped by chimney- elector, and the party polling a majority Sweeps, and was restored to his home by of the aggregate vote of the State shall an incident quite as romantic as any I nave ever reaa oi in novels, lie was sold several times, and at last fell into the hands of a man who was engaged to clean the chimneys of the house next door to that where his parents lived. He ascended one of the flues and reached the roof ; but in descending he got into the wrong opening, and soon arrived in a magnificent bed-chamber of the ad joining house. The white sheets, the be entitled to the two electors from the State as a whole. Mr. Morton, made an argument in support of the resolution in the Senate. He analyzed the present system of electing the President; showed it to be fraught with danger; that vio lence and insurrection had not resulted from it was due to the fact that the Presidental elections had always been carried by the successful party with ma jorities in the Electoral College, which he was a wise and good man, living a World of Pinaneial Phil for Honey Lenders. The usual rate of interest in the West, say an exchange, is ten per cent., and it is generally believed that this is the correct measure of the value of money. If the measure of the value of a com modity is "what it will bring, this is true; but if the true measure of value is what the article can be made to yield, it is not true. Experienced capitalists and busi ness men give it as their mature opinion that there is no kind of property as profitable as money loaned at ten per cent which is tantamount to saying that the average yield of industries, en terprises and speculations is less than ten per cent, on the amount invested, or in other words, that' money is not really worth ten per cent There are several considerations that strengthen this con clusion. Money loaned at ten per cent will double itself in seven and a. half years; ten thousand- dollars will grow into twenty thousand in that time, and TJte Smron Rfcy Julian Hawthorne TTitea as follows: I They are born qui't these people; a Saxon baby has but little cry in him and no persistent noisiness. In infancy he is stiffened out in swaddling domes, ana lives between two feather pillows, like an a cruel thick. Xow TmJd fmr tho Aetorm Am Old Colt eye Trieh the First Tiimo I in it. The story is now told of a trick played on Dr. reck- president of Dickinson ovstar in hia n11 moTimr onlv his Dale coDece. of Virginia, in 1S4S. Dickinson bluish eves and pastv little fingers. A m o, w greasy nursing-bottle is poking itself in to his month all lay long. He has a great, hairless, swelled head, like an in flated bladder. His first appearance out doors is made in a basket wagon, planted neck deep amid his pillows, the hood of the wagon being np and closely blue curtained. Sometimes he rides double, his brother's or sister's head emerging at the opposite end of the little vehicle. college was sustained at the time by the Methodist conferences ef Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland, and the annnal conference was to be held at Staunton, Vs., in March, 1S48. Dr. reck, as was customary, made his arrangements to attend the conference, and also to wit ness the inauguration of President Tay lor in Washington. Four of the stu dents, now men grown and occupying prominent positions, knew of this visit. pillows trimmed with lace, and thesplen- rendered any question as to the vote of did damask curtains, brought irresistible any one State unimportant as affecting sleep into his eyes, and he threw him- the result The present system is a vote twenty thousand will grow into forty a7 M touS1 aware that something of tHJii upuu uie uvLLf xurgeuux ui uu ijrrtuiii i uy ouibea, xax icuiuvcu uuui vxio iwujo, They seldom die under this treatment; I and, in the mischievous spirit of reckless indeed, even a soul would find difficulty in escaping from beneath those feather pillows and through the crevices of those close-drawn blue curtains. -When they have the colic but they seldom muster energy sufficient they uplift a meager could be put, and was even more terri ble in its results than coal-mining. The soft, .fine powder suffocated many to death, and planted the seeds of consump tion in others. I found in an old book, the other day, an account of a little sweep who was driven np a hot chimney by his brutal master. He cried out that he was burning, but continued to ascend, until he reached a point where the heat was so intense that the could go no further. Nor could he descend. He was caught in a turn in the chimney, and was slowly suffocated. Just before he died, his employer called to hjrp, and asked him, with an oath, what he was do ing. "All right, master," he answered faintly. "I am caught up here and - can't get out; but don't mind me. I'm ready to die." Wlhen he was extricated, his body showed what he had endured, but his face gave no sign of suffering. It was as a proof that they had gone the entire length of the chimney that the sweeps were required to utter their cry on reaching the top. The hard masters who depended on their earnings were much relieved when, after a long silence, they heard the sad "weep ! weep 1" of their little slaves echoing over the roofs. In Germany and France, small boys are still employed in cleaning chimneys. In Great Britain a law has been passed forbidding the practice ; but less than life that most of us might imitate to ad vantage. I . . ! When a "climbing boy " came to bis house, one day, Hanway was struck with the poor fellow's woeful face, and asked him how and where he lived. The an swers that were made excited the phi lanthropist's sympathy, and, through public prints and benevolent societies with which he was . connected,' he drew t attention to one of the worst kinds of slavery that ever existed. The "climb ing boys " were mostly the children of dissolute parents, who sold them to the men cnimney-sweeps lor a few sover eigns, or, in American money, fifteen of twenty dollars. . Little creatures, some of them girls, only five or six years of age, were compelled to ascend chimneys and, indeed, the smaller the child the more valuable he or she was, as some of the flues were less than a foot square. The traffic was so extensive that we won der how the officers of the law never came to hear of it. Children who wan dered away from their homes often were kidnapped and carried to a remote part of the country, y?b ere the robbers sold them into bondage. Their own clothes were taken from them, and some black rags thrown over them, so that when the soot was spread over their pretty little faces no one could recognize them. .The novices had the greatest dread of ascending the chimney for tli6 first time, and there are several instances, of un doubted truth, in which, the little fellows were violently thrust in by their masters and driven up by a fire lighted under them. This seems too horrible for be- ief , but it was sworn to by a master chimney-sweep before a committee of the British House of Commons. The same man declared that he did not use his own apprentices in'that manner and. that when the chimney was small and the boy hesitated about ascending, he simply used a stick or his fist ! Sometimes the beginner was instructed at the house of his master before real duty was required of him. An older boy would follow him up a chimney and teach him how to climb by pressing the knees and elbows against the sides of the flue. It is a most painful oneration. and the skin would be torn from the child's arms and feet before Jie had nearly reached the top. By striving very hard he would probably succeed, but not until he had tumbled down several times and alighted on the shoulders of his stouter compan ion, who always kept himself firmly fixed in expectation of such a mishao. - Every time he fell he had to begin anew, and, tno matter how sore he was, his master forced him to reach the top. The little chimney-sweeps of London were turned out of their straw beds and driven into the streets during the earliest hours of tho morning. No warm break fast was supplied" to them; only a crust s of stale bread.' I remember reading in some book of two whom its author saw standing at the gate of a house at six o'clock one snowy morning. They were barefooted and shivering, and in vain they rang the bell to awake theoccupants. The contrast between their sable hue and the yet unruffled snow that mantled the city streets was a more Dathetic sight than the good author could endure, and he hurried away to his chambers. w r with tears in his eyes, after bestowing a sixpenny bit on each of them. I have often seen like unfortunates in the streets of Liverpool, and my heart has been filled with pity for them. - A story is told, that a very small boy. not more than four years of age, was once sent up a chimney in a country house at Bridlington. Yorkshire, and that he tumbled down and hurt himself master and. the punishment that might and is anti-democratic. He would pre- be in store for him. While he dreamed f er to elect by the community vote, but there in blissful peace; looking like a bit that may not be entirely practicable. To of ebony inlaid in satin wood, the house- elect by Congressional districts is the keeper entered the room, and recognized nearest approach we can get to the peo- him as the lost child of her , lady and pie, "and the safer and more equitable mistress. During her life, his mother, the Hon orable Mrs. Montague, celebrated each anniversary of his recovery by a grand dinner of roast beef and plum-pudding, given to the "climbing boy3" at her house in Portman square, j The little fellowJ were all well scrubbed and fresh- plan. Under the present system fraud perpetrated in the large cities affected the aggregate vote of the State, and it is possible for the vote of one State to de cide who shall be President. By the system now proposed fraud practiced in sia one uongressionai oistrict eouia not taint any other district The present ly dressed for the occasion, and each was system requires the existence of a party presented with a shilling. But when 'she died the festival was 'no more ob served, and the sweeps sadly missed her kind face and the annual dinner. The organization of a society to sup press the use of "climbing boys" by master-sweeps was the result of Han- way's efforts, and an instrument "called the " Sandiscope," for cleaning high chimneys, wa3 invented. The " Sandi scope " consisted of a large brusjmade of a number of small whalebone-sSticks, fastened into a round ball of wooov It was thrust up a chimney by means of hollow cylinders .or tubes, with a long cord rmining through them; and it was worked up and down as each joint was added, until it reached the top. It was then shortened joint by joint, and again worked in a like manner. f The master sweeps refused to use it, however, and it was not until Parliament passed a law in 1829 that the little slaves were eman cipated. There are considerably over a thou sand sweeps in London to-day, but they are all grown men and women, and the little fellows are no longer seen. Scrib- nr. A Sad History. The doors of our penitentiary, says an Albany (N. Y.) paper, closed upon a young man, whose brief history is, in deed, a sad one. His name is Virgil S. Eggleston, and he fell from one of the most responsible, and honored positions in the army of the United States. Born of greatly respected parents in the- vil lage of Palmyra, in this State, he re ceived a good education, and was . pre pared to discharge with - credit and intel ligence the duties of a worthy, if not a prominent member of society. He pos sessed influential friends,pvho secured for him a position in the Paymaster Gen eral's Department of the army. While residing in Washington and performing with fidelity the duties of a clerk in the employ of the government he became ac quainted ' with the daughter of Henry Wilson's landlady, and eloped with her They were married and returned to the maternal domicil. Mr. Wilson now in terested himself in the young man, whose character was excellent, morals unexcep tionable and intelligence superior. With the assistance of other friends Mr. Wil son procured for young Eggleston the position of paymaster in the regular army, with the rank of major. His ap pointment was one of the last acts of An drew Johnson's administration. The fact that he had been taken from civil life and given a position in the army which so many lieutenants and captains coveted causea iggieston to De regaraea witn a jealous eye, and from the start he was unpopular in the service. However, he was sent to Oregon, and went thither, taking with him his young wife. Major Eggleston was in the Modoc war, and was one of the first to enter the lava beds after the cruel murder of General Canby. His heroism gained him some favor with the officers, and his military career now became more promising. The subsequent discovery of bis wife's bad conduct made him . desperate, and for the first time in his life he became reek- organization. ! During the Buchanan Fremont campaign in 1856 there were thousands of electors in the Southern States who would have voted for Fre mont, but who were prevented by tho non-existence of the partisan prerequisite of the present system. There was no organization to select Presidential elec tors to be voted for, and in consequence many people were disfranchised. He referred to the counting of the vote in presence of both Houses of Congress when Buchanan was declared elected.. A technical objection was raised to counting the votes of one of the States. Suppose the objection had been to New York, with its large number of electors, and the rejection of the vote of that State would have altered the result, might not sucn a transaction produce a bloody revolution ?. Under a joint rule, which Mr. Morton held to be unconstitu tional, when .objection is raided to re ceiving the vote of a State the Senate must retire to its chamber, and each House determine the objection raised without debate, and both Houses must agree before the vote of the State pb iected to can be counted. The effect of that, if followed out to its possibility, would be to enable either party to throw the election into the House of Repre sentatives, and thus defeat the will of the people. Take a case where the House is Democratic and the Senate Re publican. First the House objects to counting a State, and the Senate insists on having it counted. The vote of that State is lost under the rule. Aext tlie Senate objects to a Democratic State and the House' insists. Such a pro gramme could be carried out until all the States would be thrown out, and the House of Representatives would then thousand. That the average invest ments in business ventures and indus tries will not do this is too well known to need a demonstration. While a hun dred men rwho loan money at ten per cent compounded, will, with prudent management, double their fortunes in seven and a half years, one hundred men who borrow money at that rate will fail, in spite of all the prudence and foresight they may exercise, to double theirs. So far from it, fifty of them, if not more, will break. There is nothing more clearly es tablished by the experience of buisness than, the fact that a man who conducts his enterprises on borrowed capital whose only rescources, or chief resources, are the products of bills drawn on his shipments will, in four cases out of five, come to bankruptcy, and a farmer who mortgages his farm for half its .value to secure money at ten per cent, in hope that its net yield will pay the interest and principal, will, in four cases out of five, be sold out These plain and well known facts appear to prove that the average annual product of money invest ed in commerce, speculation, industry and agriculture is not ten per cent, and that, while it may bring that price, it is really not worth it If all classes of stndenthood, a practical joke was pro jected, which, after mutual suggestions frsa each oi them, assumed complete shape. Conway, one of the students, could imitate Dr. Feck's handwriting, and pen and ink being procured be wrote a letter the sort would be expected of them. tothesuperatendentoIUieinaane asylum But it often happens, as I am credibly at Staunton, Vs., in which he stated that informed, that they must be dashed with I very respectable-citixen of Carlisle, cold water in order to bring their lungs I Penn., named Hugh Blair, was, subject into action. A dash of cold water would be apt to produce a spasm in a Sazon of whatever age. Thus early begins the subjection to law and custom, When the child gets to be thirty inches high or thereabouts it is sent to school, whither it paces immediately, with little noie; racing, horse-laughing, and all disorder are tacitly discouraged. The little girls to temporary aberration of the mindv during which he imagined himself to be Dr. Jessie T. Peck, president of Dick inson college. Then followed a descrip tion of the unfortunate Hugh Blair, which description was an elaborate pic ture of Dr. Peck himself. As Mr. Hugh Blair had been absent some time, his friends were becoming alarmed, and the link arms and gossip as they go, while I supposition wathat as Dr. Peck would the boys march soldier-like with their small knapsacks, precocious in discipline and conservatism. When the play hour comes they engage, in a mutually sus picious manner, as though self-conscious of hypocrisy and make-believe. Bj-and- bye they grow up more of them than would bo supposed. But the habit of following authority and precedent in all concerns of life grows with them. They will never feel quite safe about blowing their noses until they have seen the writ ten law concerning that ceremony signed and sealed by the king and countersign ed by Prince Bismarck. They swim every where in the cork jacket of law; and should it fail them, flounder and sink. and even lose their heads, and are be- borrowers in the West could be brought J1 801116 foUJ wLich heII tLem (a' onnnwin fhia imTwrfant foot it I W IO.Q DOllOm. would be worth millions to this region. There is a world of financial philosophy in it Nothing is more absorb, and, in the long run, more disastrous than the delusion that a man can get rich by bor rowing money to speculate on; it is the secret of four-fifths of the cases of bankruptcy that occur in business and of the sheriffs sales that take place in the , country. Tfce Lobby Corrtondent, A New York paper says there are half a dozen people in Washington who have been correspondents of it for twenty years without having ever sent it a line of news or received a dollar of pay from its office. If we repudiated them, it says, a reach Staunton to attend the conference on a certain day, Mr. Hugh Blair had gone there under his delusion, and would be on the same train. Would the superintendent be so kind as to watch the train, and if the gentleman described came, to take him to the asylum without exciting his fears, and retain him there un til his friends could come for him, when all expenses would be paid, and they would be ever grateful, etc This let ter was sent, and the trio awaited the sequel. Dr. Peck, in all his imposing dignity, reached Staunton on the day expected. On stepping from the train he was ac costed oy a polite' gentleman with, " Is thiaDrl Peck 7" "Yes, air; I am Dr. Peck, president of Dickinson college," was the dignified response. ' Glad to see you, air. Will you step into my car riage, Dr. Peek T" said the affable gen tleman. Dr. Peck, supposing it to be an attention which was being paid to the president of Dickinson college, complied, and was driven to the asylum, his com panion fhMtirg pleasantly on the way. He had not been inside the institution long before he discovered its character. name a President and ice-President. Mr. Morton argued that the present manner of electing - the President was the weakest part of our narional system, and proper regard for the future stability of the government demands a change. At the counting of the last electoral vote objections were mada to receiving the votes of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Fortunately the votes of these three States, whether counted or rejected, would not have affected the result, but who could tell what revolutionary scenes might have followed had the naming of the President depended on the votc3 of those three States. The subject is at tracting wide attention, and there is such manifest danger in allowing the present system to stand unchanged that there is a prospect of the adoption of Mr. Mor ton's resolution. About Steam Bo Her m. James A. Whitney, in an address be fore the New York Society of Practical Engineers, said : A new boiler, even of inferior material and bad construction, will have a strength so far beyond 35 or 40 pounds per inch as to show no results from such a test. An old boiler may bear it with equal ap parent strength and yet explode with five pounds more. If now we test the new boiler at twice its working pressure, any delect will be liseiy to appear in the form of bulging or leaking, and can be remedied. In like manner with the highest test, tho old boiler will show its weakness by rupture, and, if beyond safe repair, be thrown aside or have its -working pressure reduced to a safe per centage of its yielding strength! This I hold to be the only condition ' of safety in the use of steam generators. It is one that will guard against the culmination in explosion of the slow and insidious deterioration that is usually at the bot tom of disaster. I know it has been urged that a severe strain weakens hnndrad fVincrpmimpn wlm know Ywttfr than we do whom we employ would laugh naturally desired to know why he n and in thm all th aum- had been brought there. Tne suienn- Men like Mr. Irwin are always com pelled to buy these, because the genuine article is not for sale. The lobby corre spondent is a man of memories, and these are the foundations of his impos tures. He is all things to all men. His actual connection with the Podunk iVr and the Okhotsk Transcript enables him to enter Ihe reporters galleries and show himfiAlf in the ante-rooms of the House and Senate. The rest he manages for himself, and he soon makes it to be un derstood that he is all-powerful in the newspaper offices in larger cities, and in the committee rooms on both sides of thecapitoL He generally owns a Sena tor or two and ever so many Congress men. He is a magnate in his way, who not only talks like a statesman, but lives like a gentleman. He ha3 a house with terraced grounds, or the best apartments at the Arlington, Ebbitt, or Willard's, and his wife's receptions are the wonder of the capital. Sam Ward's dinners are dull affairs in comparison. He keeps his carriage in Washington and his broker in New York, and yet he cannot tendent assured him thai he would not be harmed; that he would simply be re quired to remain at the institution until his friends came for him. Dr. Peck be came indignant, and demanded to be re leased. He declared himself to be "Dr. Jessie T. Peck, president of Dickinson college," but as this exactly corresponded with the description given of the unfor tunate Hugh Blair, and his peculiar de lusion, the superintendent amiled bland ly, and begged the doctor not to excite himself. Finally Dr. Peck's protesta tions were so violent that the superin tendent, to pacify the supposed mono maniac, acceded to his- request to send for some of his conference friends to identify Hm They came, in wonder and surprise, and the doctor was recog nized by his astonished friends, and re leased with profuse apologies from the superintendent, who could only, in 11 liatiunor his error, produce his letter, a mm m ing to be from Dr. Peck, regarding the unfortunate Hugh Blair. Dr. Peck felt very much hurt over the cruel joke; the pleasure of his viit to boiler. If it does not it is only because write ten consecutive lines of English, conference was spoiled, and on Lis the boiler is not made strong enough at the outset. Every gun-barrel used by 1 any civilized government on the face .of the earth, or put into market by a re sponsible manufacturer, is tneU witn a charge from three to five times greater than that with which it is to be used. No and could not get them he could write them. printed even if A Phenomenon. A curious phenomenon frequently met with in the Indian ocean, the real cause of which has not been ascertained, is return to the college the entire faculty among which were Prof. Beard, now of the Smith""1 institute. Prof. Allen, now of Girard college, and Dr. Tiflany, pastor of Methodist AXemorud now less and engaged in a life of wild disor- so severely that the young ladies of the j ,der 1111(1 dissipation. Debts multiplied house took him -from his master and 1 ana sorrows nuea nis cup to overflow- nursed him themselves. Some food was brought to him, and, seeing a silver fork, he was9 quite delighted, exclaiming, " Papa had such forks as those." He also said that the carpet in the drawing room was like " papa's," and when a sil ver watch was shown to him, he declared that " papa's" was a gold one. At night he would hot go to bed until he had said ing. At last ne Degan to use tne public money to meet his own and wife's ex travagances. The sum of 812,000 had been embezzled and squandered, when he was arrested, tried by court martial and sentenced to be cashiered and im prisoned in the penitentiary for the pe riod of five years, and to remain in con finement until the amount of money em- True, Hospitality. Tru hospitality of the home is never loudly and noisily demonstrative. It never overwhelms you with its greeting, though you have not a doubt of its per fect sincerity. You are not disturbed by the creaking of the domestic machinery, suddenly driven at unwonted speed for your accommodation. Quietly it does its work, that it may put you in peace able possession of its results. He is not the true host, she is not the best hostess, who is ever going to and fro with hur ried action, and flurried manner, and heated countenance, as if to say: ' See how hospitable I can be;" but rather the one' who takes your corning with quiet dignity and noiseless painstaking; who never obtrudes attention, yet is very at tentive all the while; who makes you, in one word most expressive word; in the English tongue to be at home. There is no richer, deeper, larger hospitality than that. ... . . . "n. . . . avil engineer will subjer wrought iron exiHtence off Malabar, and in certain in a bridge or building to a strain oi .ir th rrrtrmnU rmxt of more than two-fifths its unit of elasticity. wt mua banks, and of tracts of mud And boiler makers should be required aa . in ih wWwn manv to keep within the same margin of safety o abundance of food. church, of Waalangtoii inatitateU an investigation to discover the authors of the prank; but all their effort were in vain. It Tho Poor Poles. appears that not withstand ing the At V , .I rm m talrfl l-W Y rmm lintmitn x 1 W - I ' I KTPia III! I I I m W si n oJJ ..... required in everytning eise wnere uie fr0m much disturbance in the t against the Poles in Lithn or property is naked in the event of dis- LnTnnmding element, and a place in j peasantry are still as Polish ii ter. A Mattxb or Psxxczxxx. The Mil the Lord's Prayer, which he knew per-1 bezzled was restored to the government, I waukee and St. Paul Railroad Company fectly, and he lay awake for some hours J 'which practically amounted to a life sen- offered to cany members of the Wiscon comparing the furniture in the room to I tence. President Grant approved the sin State Grange home at the reduced that in his own home. When he was ! proceedings of the court, but, with a I fare of one cent a mile, but after discus- asked how he came to leave his papa, he generous indorsement regarding Eggles- sion the grange declined tha offer with said that he was gathering flowers in his ton's bravery in the Modoo war, fixed thanks, and toted that each member mother's garden, and that a woman came the limit of the imprisonment at ten should pay full fare, a matter of priWplo in aadftskad him if he liked riding. lis years I being Involved A Walking D-remm. A walking or house dress, says a fash ion journal, may to advantage be made with one part of plain goods and the other of Scotch plaid. In quality the fabrics shonld be similar. The under skirts ought to be of gray materia). The flounce at the bottom is made of plaid in several shades of blue. This s flounce is cut bias, and has very little fullness. The apron is also made of plaid material, and has bands of the plain goods down the front, finished with a cord covered with blue silk. This apron is bordered witn a narrow knife-plaited rude. .The plaid part of the dress is also trimmed with a bias band of blue faille. The waist is made of the plaid material with a basque. At the side there is a pocket made of the which to breed.. The exact cause of the existence of these large tracts of wherein mud remains in solution is still a mystery; but at any rate the tracts are so smooth that, even during the height of the southwest monsoon, vessels can a. . w a run lor abetter into tneir mioio, ana once there are as safe as when inside a breakwater. Care of the Plane er Organ. instruments of this kind should be closed when not in use, in order to pre vent the collection of dust, pins, etc,. on the aonnd-board, and also to preserve ania, the peasantry are still as 1'oLuii in spirit as ever. The attempts of the gov ernment to oust the Polish element by introducing people of other nationalities have hitherto had but little success. The F"-"'" prefer to immigrate to the south, where high wages are to be got for Utile work; if any of them come to T jfiitiin; their life is made so unpleas ant by the hostility of the inhabitants to everything Russian that they soon go away again. As for the Germans, they ntithr know the language nor tne laws, and they are full of prejudices against foreigners. If the government were to restore to the Poles the right (of which it has deprived them) to purchase prop- erty in Lilhrrania, tne estates the strimra and "action' from the ill- effects of sudden changes of tempera- erty in Lithrrania. the estates of the ia- il 1 Sf tore. Nothing injures a piano so mncn migrants, wno are raoauy jwucg sou iew as extreme heat, whether arising from a 1 in number, would rapidly aain fall into Polish hTvl- The clamay stjle cf now bright fire in front of it, or what is worse, the bright air from the furnace. plain goods, and attached to the basque. Care should be takenlto 'prevent xnoist The sleeves are of the plain material ore of any kind getting between the with bias plaid cus, having on the out- keys, as it causes them to stick. Motns i-i .ni- t-u. v v.. . i .... a i-n -! tn TrLinn. ana back a standing collar, the front of which should be kept out by placing a top of Pan; for they Lave it there, f7 cniahesxtrfemninga rvrii cmnph t rt ' l m m. 1 -i. 1 I in vogue in which people merely UiuHe about the floor, pushing one foot alter Uhe other, seems takave ccoe iroa

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