THE COUltlKH. GEO. S. BAKjiK, I'&ioruiCTOit. IiorisBuito... 19, ISZjL SFEC1ALJTEMS: ' We w ill send Tourier and 'Godcf Lads' BoCt, -with beautiful chromoItejicu; 12 " mouths for Fresh Garcleri S eeds. fx The largest iut t Uncivil teeUa ever brought to this market ju received at the Loaisburg Drug Store. B7" A Ireab aupply of Prog " ' , i For Sale r Rent. A Qtore ffne at CrpeotrMill-on tbe Tarbyr Ii-ad, Mm 19 1-2 acres attached, nuply to JULIUS P TI1IBERLAKE. :? I have a large and varied Stock, of Goods on band, which I will sell very cheap for (CASH. Call and examine and I think you will be satisfied that I jam offcriuafiij Goods cxceedlnely low. - T. N. CAHLILE ; .. V ' f , We have received from L. A. Godey, the publisher of jGodeys Lilies Book, i beautiful chrotuo, entitled, Tbe Rescue" This chrofho is sent to every subscrilerto tbe Ladies book for 1875 Price of subscription to Ladies Hook and CuUMfcit, $4,50. We would respectfully call your at . tention to tbe new rich, and cheap Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver Ware, Clocks and, fancy good?, at Youngs, Marble Front Jewelry Store, chrncr Syoiujore I & Hmk streets, Petersourg, Va., Solid 18kt. plain lold Rings for , engagement and wed hing ' purpose?. ( Yimngs, Celebrated Perfected PeriKCopio Spectaclss and Eye GUsses, will improve and beneSt your eye-sight. 'Call and see them - when you visit Petersburg. MALLORY'S 1 lm11 in future sell for Oasii onij. Mall ny'tj Exira Flour j-er barrel Mstllory's liefct i!xtra warinutod, Miill"r)rt Family warranted $7,50. N-iN par keg $4,25. . - Silt Iiivcr'j-ool per mu-V -2,25. Iron" jp.i lb 4 ct&." 5Vlr RUil 12. cts. ldors, f 10 ct. .'A 1VL1. LI.VK OF G.rpCEUim AT LOW ritu:j-H. . If g.odb do not iumiQ up to repre sentation, they retuitd. tnd the tuuiitv rtfuw.Jcd. Cash uhmi can ave imtiev t MA LORY'S CASH STORK. IJL'autifiil and Interest ing Book. i Ilcv. M. li. Pimiall is agent fur the ''Cress and Crow u," a COO page Bouk dij the Ilev. James D MoCabe jr. Tbe hook is a history f the 'Bufferings and triumphs of the heroic men and women, who were persecuted for the teligion of Jesus Christ, The beok is printed on fine white paper, with large clear type, and contains 17 large steel engravings, lie sure to see Mr. 1'innell. end give him your name, as tbe book is only sold by subscription M notice:. 1 l Valuable FlOUring, CriSl j n n:n roi inu law niuib, lur Dait5 .The Dvi mill property situated rin Sniy Ce-k in Fiankiio cnnty i? oi- 'ferfu for sle on retomtbie trrma. Ihf d s sre in od runniriij order, and draw custom from a Urgec.'iw ol country, Connec ed with J the mil's 1 80 acrva cT pood lnd. to W. L THORP, Kfcky Mount n. y Goodsal Auction. During March Court I shall offer my entire stock or good at auetion. Tae auction will continue frot day to -day until the whole tock is sold. I cannot spevif in this uotico the arti cle that will be uffarsd. I will only any that the tock is very geueral. Dont forget, March Court, i aucti- n bouse at the old stand of Terrell & Har ris on Court St. A. T. UZZLE & BRO. Feb. 12-75. I EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, N. C. JL. D. Cet eea PROPMETOtt. -o "be presuat proprl tor has leased iihe btfle ' otel, (formerly occupied lv James Ite l) fo a number of years. e is preiMwed to accommodate - rpmiLar and traasient boarders, has o . ... . . .1 . . r.,.. 1 hi.i.tctiiifl mwl KttA I in Inthebeststvle. 1 e has also larire nd convenient oomi for r-alesJie to display their xn)ple. Tlie table is lally suppUed .vitn tne oest tne m r- ket Affqras lie W m fAre no pains ? Doaxaeracomioriaoicjj . r:-. -hich: thrf hkrintzrh nd hopes be will receive a liberal patronage fromhP pubJie. fia..m 18,75 , SllATfc'A;ND-LOGA:L- Monday bright and cold. Fil your Cciinty paper. " " AHveri : we Tn tWCbT IttER. SuWeribe5 for he Courier. Room foT more Cash subscribe! s. No trouble to receipt for subscrip tions. ' ;' ' -. ' r. 5 ? - s 31mh?lTrrtr opnsTmttt 8th of The subscription list of the Cockier is increasing. 4- - , f Webeueyjs all the ice bouses in this section have been filled. V t . . I1 r ' ' ' "H" i . -i-Mw " " JTou can get" all kinds' of Garden, seeds at Clifton's Drug Store. -: " n The W ikon Gift Concert came off as advertised -;on the 10th. Wt did not draw a prize. Anq pa g.HaTIQJ AV 3 0 Ticket No. 1797 in the Wilson Gift' Coucert, drew 1$25, and .was I. held by a citizen of Louisburgv He is proud as a boy with a " brand new top." Read the advertisement f Rev. M. R, Pinnell, in the special column. The book for which he is agent, is well worth the money asked for it. i Not a single, dwelling bouse in this town unoccupied, and a unuiher of ap phcauts cant be supplied. Build up the vacaut lots. : b 3t!s joj '3jttq noi jo ano Xiir v Married- 3 upton Collins. -On the 14tb inst., by J. J. Jones Esq. Mr; C. K; G upton to Miss Cornelia Culling all of this ' County. Married Gordon- Gujton. '-On" the 2nd inst., by Nekton Davis Esq.. Mr, Joseph Garden toMUs S, Gnpton, nil of thin county. Married Tluuuj n Parish. Ou the 21st J.iii., ljy .T. J. J(u"s lq., Mr. T. Thomas" of Warrenr to Miss ' Lu" iCiiJa Parish, dangh-yr of U . Parish U.rm.kiin, '..'";'... , :" f'-:4 Married Cok -riiayes.--. On Wed ncsdav nilit the 10 inst., 'at. the ros',-? dence of the ; brides mother, :by ti e Uuv. II. IL G,ibbous, Mr. It: P. Cooko .0 Miss-M. M." Hay 03, all of Franklin. i$&l'kV& Dr. J, liuxtuii Vil-' lialjst? iu Gold itic Tuwiislup, bad the misfoituiie to x have his r fine- saddle burbe to break his leg, by running be tween two - trees, while playing with another horse . Totatok FAKxrso. Mr M. S. Davis, principal of tue Male ylcadeiny at this place, raised from one irish potatou. arly Hose) one and one fourth bushels measured. ' loat it 11 you can'. , ' 1 Tl . r -j- . ' ' , r. . "T. It u rAnnrtaH that Clil Htnro&att will srinn hsvrf in nrmfratmn At ni ..... ri " Gold Mine in this County, thirty rock crushers it work. We hope he may succeed in ga'.ting out a large quantity of the procious me'al. Two inedieal societies met in Port land the other day. A car load of giave-gtones also arrived daring the I day I It is not often that the eterna tae of things stick out in this man- I ner. Foreland Trees. Mr. H. C- Jones, the Mail Contrac tor on the line from this place to Frank - linton, has comfortable hacks, strong horses and reliable drivers to take pas sengers at all hours to any point they may wish to go. - - ..- -: r . . v-- ., .. ' 1 Entertainment. The young ladies and gentlemen of this place, will give a. Concert and 'entertainment dur- I in" JIarchT Court. "' The proceeds for tne benefit of the M. E. Church, We hope they will have a large attendance. and realiie a good large sum of money. Usuart.. Our experience in finan cial matters having been so very limi ted, we , really don't know what our position is on " the Usuarv bill. If it will increase our subscription list, or make delinquents pay up, or make - noneT matters easier tJ then let us have the usuary law passed fvtthwith. Please settle your subscription, to tbe Courier,.-, without having to be appealed to in person. " It is very nnnU.Mnt ; t ntt tr Ann . fnr lmnnu and it U equally unpleasant to the par- ty duuned. So make all happy.. by paying upon sight," and dun t wait to be reminded that jeu owe for your 1 subscription. - I . 1 rw i m m eras 1 ins v ATBXT iAOAzncs mis I r2M.:... Lki:kli u i. a TV,- uuuiuucu ui ww rww. 0 J ' , Boston Mau, is now in lU fiftieth yeir- I It ia a sixty column iagaxioe, 'and I furnishes with each uutuber a page of the choicest music. There ate nocon- Unued Btorie8; aU are eondnded in the price of the paper is $5,00 for 12 $3 for 6 $1,50 for S conths. f . v Inq poy t doiuaaa anoX )uji no 1 We have nothing to aay oa the Ctn vention qutstion this Waek-. We have had our ay and are how waiting for furthef devalopementa. ' ' ' ' - ; -u.p inol" o 3aupmos jq noX pa -jjiioq qoij pust a9M .q Xp fjala'g.iJHOfl g oj 09 Attektiox DELniQUENTS.I de sire, ad who are in arears to the Courier, to make it convenient to set tle up before or during March C'ourt. 2 "e are requested to publish that Prof Charles E. Taylor will preach in the "Baptist Church next Sunday at IP A. M and 3 o'clock P.M. He will preach at the above hours on the 1st. and 3rd Sunday of every month during the year. A man . out West who married widow has invented a device to care her'of "eternally prauiog her for mer husbaod. Whenever she begins todeoant oh his noble qualities, this ingenious No. 2 merely says: Poor dear man 1 IIow I wish he had not died. And iVow. - And now the head (.f the family, returning home from Lis "club" through the sharp midnight air,' gently rolls his ec ing spouse ove to tho cold side of the bed. and sinks rr-fcjj into the vacated spot with a sig'i of thankfulness. Burned to Death. On the 4th inst., on the June Alston plantation in Gold Mine Tow&sliip, Patience Al ston, a colored woman aed about 60 years, was burned to death. The body was entirely consumed, nothing found but the charred bones. The house was nearly burned down before it was discovered. Also on the 11th in Sandy: Creek Township, George Tsrrell a colored mar. about 65 ) aars old. was no badly burned that hd'el -ia a fvr :j.itiu!a.s after he was f.iuud SnkEiDANs Killed Allu ling to General Shtridan's report of ,'56 as the exact number of aersoiiK who have been killed in Louisiana since 18G on account of tlx i r j ol i t i opinions, the New York Trtb ne pertinently, asks: "And now may we not ask fr a few name to ' accompany the figures ; ai,d while you are about it. General, since you prefer to be precise, kt us have your authority for such statements ? Some of . the men who know of thee murders and w&undinp ought to be found and examined by Mr. car's committee." Ceutatn Signs.- If you break a I looking-glass it is a sign you will have J to get another one. If you help yourself to a piece of butter wnen you already have a piece on your plate, it is a certain sign that I you have two pieces, I J I c - . ' .!. T? v- . H I ' ; get a great way before Sunday. If you drop a fork and it sticks in the floor, it is a good fork. If you spill the dish cloth on the floor, it is a sign you'll have to pick it. up again These signs all hold good in dry a time, i . Wanted A Bank in Lonisburg. 'Wanted Jib re houses iu town, to rent. Wanted A. Bakery in town, it will JFanted A tire Com j any in Louis- burg. Wanted A new market house, the .-.I ' present one is a, disgrace to JLbe town. W'anted A few hundred more cash subscribers to the Courier. Wanted All who owe us for the Courier U pay up, without further notice. .- , 1 - Wanted Oeu'll Grant to attend to national i.ffairs, and not be i terfering with Sute affairs. ' " - '' ' ' . . ,.l- ITanted The farmers to raise more i -wa. a I nogs ana plant mom corn, ana pay more attention to stoek raising. . Wanted Some one to christen our new granite jail, and report whether or not the oells are eomforuble. ; CwttntJ to stop reading his neighbors Courier and subscribe for ft himself. Wanted Every Merchant, Mechan ic, Doctor and Lawyer in Franklin Ounty, to advertise in the Courier. iranted Some more men like Jno. Young Brown in Congress, just to re mind th Beast, : tccasionlly of hia manneit;,!'":,-...,; 7 'Wanted To see the town Ceme- lary, newly walled io. Shame open the citisena of .Louisburg, that this has VfP long neglecUd. COTTON 51ARKETS. Lcuisbnrg, Feb 19. Cotton t - - 13 1 U , Petefur Feb. 18. Cottony i Norfolk, Cotton Hi Raligh Cotton 14 Now1 Advertisements. Building Contractors AND 0-A.I3I!N"JET LOUISBUUU, N. C. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS MADE to ORDER, and all k.uds of Mttcbine work done at short notice, 00 a reasonable trtaxt as tlwhere U, the S ate. All grtdes 9t Coffiin?, Famish With bcarse. Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPEUIALITY. o Having formed a copartnership with Mr. w. li. Bea' bHm, formerly of Rich mond Va., whose reputation as an Archiiect and Builder, is well known. We are pr parrd to make contracts and do all kinds of work in our line, on modi-rate terms. We guarantee all our woik. I most heartily return my .banks to my lornif-r jairn"t ana Boucit a con tinunce ot their patronage. P. H. S M I T H, THE GEEAT li -o- It AW BONE JPERPHOSPHAT smoah auwwrrEio f td o ZOO IDS. f MAMjnCTUiED BY ,YfHAKN&( 1 ni uiumsil nn IIOUIi S' PER PHOSPHATE, - O 1500, Bags rf hiP l.ov. p pu' r FERTILIZER, fr-l. t'r.m the Ma u " fun r in GOOD DRY r 'e-, :n STOEE a d ;eiJy for I:radci th-t nre my "e "Hsappoin ifd tli year ii peruii ia supplv ot this liigh'.y tUi'-cessiul Mhuh", wer quct ur wus oceis to ira 1 and get it at onre. f PRICB TWO DOLLARS je-ton lew hnn lat ynr. 8pcial mntracts will be made with those dcs:rir g to purchase lor rot on. While & Shaw, Maufacturers Agenti. ' . MACHINEHY FOK SALE. COMPLETE THIRTY HORSE POW I i rortaoie steam saw Aim, nsea six months, warranted to le i peifect as nry n w mill Cost $2,750 cash. Pi Ice $2,150. Terms easy. 25 HORSE POWER-POR-, TABLE ENGINE, IN FIRST CLASS ORDER. SECOND-HAND AND NEW ENGINES of various Horse-Powers, 1 Gum and Leather Belt ing, Steam Pumps, mriimT i o SAWS Etc ,v Stnd for deicrip'.ive Circular. , . ... . O v ' REFERENCES. We mention a lew to whom we hve e Id second Land4 Eibc : ' W. 8..M1IX-RT, Frankli'iton, N. C. H. J. Gaocav, Ltxirf, N. C J. A. Bcxtok, & C Ja. ksoo, N. C Baajtow & PLaisaafa, Lou'uburg, T. A. Pricjs& Co.,Stat sville, , V. Stirs WAI.T, Happy Hwme R1H1I & HUNTE', RichDoad, Va. . Jac,3?4mr FERTILIZER I It AW BONE II El I Great Attractiott -' ' 1 i - - . V - . B. P. CLIFTON'S. . My tu ck of Wia'er G od. is now con pV. an 1 1 intend to sell them Ei e eding'y 'ow 'or C A!S IT. I willm.ka ittnvnuradvar.tVg ttixtm f my Goods fore pnrchraine eUe w'trre. if yon will call I will slify yon tba what I say is true. In add! I to rny stock of PRY GOOD-1. UAPJJVTMf. GKOCETCIES. Ac, : . I kr-ep a'sa a nprb stock of WINES, BRAI1DYS&, WHISKEYS, A I of the very best brands. 1 alo bavt a splendid suit of EOOMSi Nire'y nd comfortably fittrd nnis the Srto.d floor ol my store, tor Silksxkx travelii g with samplts and UeaJa at REST1URANTI COTTON GIN. Have your Cotton ginned at MTST GIN". . I guarantee a bale weighing 4Q0 lbS. FrOHl 1100 IbS. Of good seed Cotton including . Bagging and Ties. I aUo pay the highest price for Seed Cotton, ia Cash or Merchandise. AH Cotton received at my Oiu is INSURED as soon as received, at my own expense. 6. P. CLIFTOX, LOUISBURG I1C. G. W.ill NNIS, Photographer, Old No. 47, New 141 Sycamore 8u PETERSBURG, Va. Exrcu es errry style ot likeness from cmi to hit aire, iu the bte: Mjlea of a t. Prict-s mod r t satisartion . ua-ant Gtlleryeata lahed Ij 1874 . 2 1 63 . . 63 J PETERSBURG, Va, E. UICDTEO. Watclimaker and Jew eler. : . riSK Watches and Jwcl. y of . the bea Manufuctor and at tli lowevt ices. All woik pe aoiwllj attended to and war ranted. tl C3 8y camot e St. , Petersburg; Ta WILLIAMSON, UPCIIURJH THO HAS, WUOLKBALX O KOCIKI AND " Co mmi$sion Mtre ha n t s, No. 53 Fayettevilla Street, RALEIGH, N. C. Opposite Metropolitan nal'. To the Public. TTavlnir moved mv shoo to mv bouse about halt mile from the bosinera part of T.iwn. on the Franklinton road. I lake pleasure in iafoiming tbe people ot Frankirt that I am preparrd to do all work lit my 1 oe, as cheap as can be done elsewhtre. I am very thankful fur past patrouag, and aincertly hope that you nl.l c nttnue to pitronii me. I am very Respectfully, ISH AM GREEN. ' p. S; Parties wiahlng to have work dune, will leave It with Mr Bailer?, at Messrs. Barrow & Pleasants store and will be t tended to piomptly. Jan29-tf. J U CaTTOJI tOaCBT L VMCkM. CAYT0N & DUNCAN, One door East ot Corner Blount acd Morgan &treete. ' Raleigh, N C, riZACTZCAX. STONE CUTTERS, And Dealers ia ITAUiH & AIIER1CAH DARBLE. All ktntbi ct iloanmcnliL Tomb. Htadstones and Garden Btataary made toordroo reaunble Urm. Orders from a dlatanoe promptly filled. Call in person, or addrese Cy tn A Dutcan.P. C, No.303. PIANOS! PIANOS !1 AtJOcrrDnarr Maoofacturerof PUlo Torte, bee to annoobcr, hat be ia supplied-- with new. aad arcood head PUooe, which bo offers at low prices; applications , by letter will recrive pnmp atuntio... 1 su nu, AKLU, asoti by cofspetret workmen aiacnaae mo now ukuits rtpaixs ot every cesenpuoa. Relvr-ra made to the masical pro- fessma i csaer at, aad to my large oamj ber 01 pa rw. . JU7 S7iz-o. .wwjn, if. u "" " FERTILIZEES! . 1 JM$S "AD. CCLLZLE PAC jlC "GUAIID: LISTER'S STALDAnO SU? ER FuutrilATE OF U:.'.H. ATDJOS uAWEOIE p?2Ei,ATE 0F u-!Ef fuzeco::e oust aiio dissolved COJIE. LAI1D FLASTEH Th w rer-ire haT Wu trWyttr alvt Ttar. d oae te-d take th risk of rzpcrimeatlBa: with n-w and natried arUcka. They arv pat apoa. tbe market pmn Ike moA fivoraaU teraia. TRICE3 SolobePaciflo'Gao.raah ISO. LUtrr'a 8ian-Unl Super Phwphatis Cah 30. Whann'a Rawbone Bop r Phosphate Cask, SPECIAL TZ&1X3 : We will sell rWuble pacific Gono and Lisi-'s BUodan! 5cpar PhepIreU of Lime for WaM(400 poundt.) of Cotton, per Yon, and TThana's Haw B ee So per PhoaphaU ot TJae for a bal, (433 penads) of Cttoi, per toa of tOCO pooads FJLTABUX XlOYCuCZR 1st, 187f . TVe raarantee all Pertiliteri sold by r to be FREE from ADULTERXTlO.f. 8ead ia your rders early aid they will nave prompt atuatloe. WILDER. TERRELL Cl HARRIS, LOTOBURO, IT. C, W A E D & "B -R Ot Franldinton, n C, Are dft-nnlnfd to close oat their LARQB and ASSORrSD TTOCK f GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT TUE LOWEST POSSIBLB riQCRE'.' II you waat groli CHEJLP-C1LL ON THElf. Aay klad ef prodice takea ai best price, AT W A r ; 'd; & B no, Parntllnton, K. C. ESTABLISHED 1847. W..H. IJorris & Sons., COTTON FACTORS JKD Commission Llerchanls. 23, 25 and 27 Commerce St. Norfolk, Fa. WiP make liberal Currency advan ces on produce or bill lading In hand. Mr. A. 14. Noble, of N. C, la cos nected with our house, and will be pleased to receive the patrcnag of bis friends. W. 0. WOLFE, DliLIl IV Uarble, fttoae, Hrkdstones, Monaments, Tombe, Granite Works, At, At. Cor, ef Morgan and Blount Streets. R AL BIQ H, N.C. . Work done oa tire most rrasenable terms. Roar. C. Stoxx, Aseat, apr 10 ly. Looisbarg, N. C. GIVEN AWAY! EVERY person sending as SO ceat win rcelv, regululy for tia month. Tits Foavairia, tsre. eisrht pise liter- I jv and family kmrnat. aad as oren I iom, we sen free, two magnificent pie- I tores, "Little white Kittena" Terv caooing and pretty, and "My Littlr PNyFellow," a little girl with her dog. Botn are really beantlfal. Tbey arc M x 18 inches la S', aad are splendid works ot art, beiag prioted ia twelve different tiats aod colors. . They are bound to gire satistacUon. Tbe psptr elx whole mooths aod two sjperb pie- tares for only S3 ct. Order ly mall. at oacr. Addrris W. U. BUhROW, TuM iVr, Bristol Tens. Age ate waatet to sell oar fie en grrvmga; 3 to $10 per day easily made. lilt DAVIS, SUCCISSOR TO DAVIS A BRO WHOLESALE GROCER, Hakes a Specialty of . fL0Un,C0FFEE, SU3AD, SYT.173, SALT.AI3 rT.3YIi':::3, I Ji keeps allotb.r gooda attaeheil the bi aest IRON FRONT BUILDINO, f awner of Wa-r aad- Coi streets, riORFOUC, VA. 8,Ft.:fi-t . tu n:iM:.i trM.u 1110 riiuia iunu. of New Turk is the largest aad chap 1 m fir, family peprr. It ia fi lei to I with fie engraviit ard the Ut of 1 readiss matur. It is seat ewe year I trl with rn'radid ornBiamj. lor nv 1 noc do'lar ad twraty-five seaU(ll). I lUc to MPirnaux. TToaxx' ITw I Yotk. or auUcribe at the ese ef tbl I rMptr. Wt club with It tot caly CI.C0 Vor.l, 1875 I33XO If .v. 1, 187J. 53.00 Hot. 1, 1873, 57 DoX'TTUIXX OF PCKC2ULSU.Q WALTHAH WATCH, Before tendiacr to cs far oar nrW list. Watches sent a O. D. with priv ilege ft exemlnir g before parchulD. Priors lower thaa aay ether house la toe urantry. , BA1.ESU . OM 07 THE AMERICAN WATCH. ALEX. R. HARPER te, BRO. 72SClitnnt Sttret, Philadeiphla. Penn. pans cz Anmcon. TYhoIesalcDry Goods Mercliants. No. 45 Roanoke Avenue NORFOLK Va. Sept. It Ly HAWKINS & CO. Collon Factors and Commission Merclianls No. 43 JT. Lombard Strtff. BALTIMORE, liberal cash advances made npoa consignments. Ragging and Ties fur nUbed t lowest rates. Bept. lMca. SEABOARD A ROAN OK. RAILROAD COUT ANT. Omca Saaaoaaa A IUanSt It ? JNrUnooXk, Jam 1 t, ll.S C1IASOC OF eUHTULX. Oe aaA aflar TrUtr. Ja oa-r 1 ir. 1 I. - V I I ' j . . ... ecWl) a tnHowt'. - 7" . Jla.1 iraik tfar a, ...4 r H . 1 rttfeur uui aailj at 4 a. si X 2 rrlfcht uaia at SU t a. at. A1T2 AT FOUmiOVTIX. IX n lrla Tij at TT,T., ?3 r m No. 1. ricltraUolr S 1 08 li-'.a. Ir UbS Traiat at 4 ' Uctd, :r kve fMMSera Cmt at hf ta Mlkvser. aod Cwvs Hirers U. Fra kU a 749 a. sc. UAu WlaUf a aad rrkla a. ' C O GITIO. Sops, of Holi do to Llerchanls and Dealers. T are required k aw to ffre fo the ajDooat t j oar peUs oa tbe lt dav ol J ouarj at July. Ttne Ho tSTM tailed ! ive ia arill do so with at delay, or jowUt thr;ed dbjo fax. ' J. tf. TUCKER itejisur Uceda Jaa. f 2 tw. YA11C0U0DGU U0UE ni!n::!.LCa r