V 1 J RANK UMER H AN GrEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor, 1 - ' TERMS : S2.00 per Annum. ( J t ' '' ... . . I. .. ,. l. ill i --.,,, . I ! I .1 - -mm, I. - - II III. Ill I III II. I N lllll m IIWI I W i mm ; VOL. IV. LOUISBTJRG, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1875. ; NO. 18; A Vision. A lovely being aweet and fair, Lips parted sh iu blessing. A bright'ning halo round her hair, Ilaudu outHtretched for careening. And bight by 'night' her glad wise eyes Forenhiue their nearer glory, "With glimjme and gleam of paradise, And grand prophetic story. Iiut morn by morn I wake to find The old uiilifted serrow, And just an far away, the kind Dear vision, called to-morrow. TAKEX AT HIS WORD. " Yes. "Gl ' "a i -M . A wide cooK-kitciien, alter the airy fashion of New England, with the breath fj grape blossoms coming in at the open windows, and a glistening tin par on the table full of dewy,' scarlet strawberries waiting to be hulled' this is our' scene, and our dramatia pernome consist of Sirs. Perkins, whoso drowsily-clicking knitting-needles keep time to the purr of the overgrown JIaltese .cajt, and a pretty young girl, with rather a flushed face, who had just entered from a door leading to the hall. "Well," said Mrs. Ferkins, looking U) witu that menabiy-wise expression which li imparted to the human counte nance by round silver spectacles perched obliquely on the bridge of the nose, "he ain't asleep, is ho V he ir-tj' j was the answer. y be Uiunkod lor that at least, said Mrs. IVrkins, apparently impaling herself on a long knitting-needle, which, however, entered harmlessly into the horn sheath that she wore at her side, encased in a scalloped red flannel " There shall be live minutes of peace at least. . You are tired, ain't you, Dorah?" " lea. sanl Theodora White, - 1 am rather tired." .. But her languid voice spoke plainly that the more accurate phrase would have been "very tired." Theodora Whita was a slender, soft eyed girl of eighteen, with a complexion of pearly clearness, and a rose apieco on h'-r cheeks a girl with a dimple on her. m c hin, ami a pretty, pleading way of look ing at you when.jihe spoke. She sat , down beside the window, where the ' mignonette-scented grape blossoms were swavinsr' in the summer, air, and leaned i' her forehead against the casement. Mrs. IVrkins eyed her with an owl-like glance of sympathy. , " It's a shame, so it is," Baid Mrs. Perkins, emphatically. "A man hasn't no business to be-so tryin'; no, not if ho Vas sick forty times over Scold, snap, snarl, this ain't right at all, and t'other, thing is wrong I That's the way he keep it up. I'd as soon wait on the old boy' himself." Theodora smiled faintly, and arched , her eyebrows. " Why, Mrs. Perkins, you don't mean to compare my, Uncle Joseph with so obnoxious a person as you allude to ?" she said, demurely. j "Well," said Mrs. Perkins, reflective ly, "they nin't so unlike after all. I do declare sometimes when he gets in his tantrums, I've two minds and a half to give him a khhI shakin. There ain't ii(i sense in a man's bein' so unreason able. You can't please him no way you can fix it." "We can at least try, Mm Perkins." "Yes, and tliat 's jest what Is a spilin' him; He knows very w;ell that if he was to waift the moon, you'd limit up the longest step-ladder and try to reach it down. It al'ays did spile children to let 'em have all they want, and your Uncle Joseph ain't nothing, but a growed-up child.;' "But I don't let him have all he wants, Mrs. IVrkins." "And a pretty kettlo o' fish thero'd be if you did. Humph!" and the old housekeeper pounced upon her ball as if fcho had, for a moment, identified it with the jHTsonage under discussion. " It mightn't be such a bad idea," said Theodora, after '-a moment's thoughtful silence. "lie you crazy ?" demanded Mrs. Per kins, tartly. "Hush!" Theodora started from her seat with uplifted finger. " He's awake he wants me." And she was crone, swift, noiseless as a white-winged' dove, before Mrs. volunteer to ero in her "Are you?" ' ' Pulse higher skin hot face flushed ; of course I'm worse. The confounded hot room is enough to throw one into a fever ; open every door and window quick!" ; Without an instant's hesitation Theo dora unbarred the blinds, and threw open four large windows and two doors. The light from the western sky streamed like a flood of fiery radiance in the room ; the draft, whirling through, caught newspapers, fluttered the leaves of books, and even upset Uncle Joseph's pet bot tle of medicine. " O-w-w-w I" roared the sick man with vehemence, that proved his lungs at least, to be free-from disease; "do you want to blind meto blow me away i" "You told mo to do it,' Uncle Jo seph." ' " Shut the windows quick draw the curtains," groaned Uncle Joseph. " Who's that battering down the door?" " It's only a very gentle knocking, uncle." I " Then I'm nervous. "Go and see." Presently Theodora returned. " It's Major Crowfoot, uncle; he sends his compliments, and wishes to learn how you are." - " Tell him to go to the deuce." "Yes, uncle." ' - 1 '"Well," said Uncle Joseph, as his niece returned to nis oeasicie alter a momentary ; absence, " what did he say ?" , I '' ' "He seemed very much offended, uncle." Offended ! at what, pray ?" demand ed Uncle Joseph. "I suppose at being told to go to the deuce !" answered Theodora, quietly. " Girl," ejaculated the invalid, raising himself half way upon his elbow, "you didn't tell him to go to the deuce I" Joseph White fell back,-flat and mo tionless, among his pillows. " Theodora you're a fool !" . "I'm very? sorry, uncle," said Theo dora, beginning to whimper. Uncle Joseph stared at her in surprise. Could it be possible that the dreary days and weeks of her steadfast attendance had weakened her intellect and turned her brain?" ' Give me my water-gruel," he said, briefly,- after a few moments' pondering oyer the unwelcome possibility. j Theodora brought in a neat little china (bowl, with a silver spoon lying on the m l-i -l I-' 1.1- l. H I-.-. L snowy, ioiaeu napkin mat iiains.eu it on the tray. - Uncle Joseph took one taste, and threw down the spoon with a petulent sound not unlike a bark. . "Trash! trash! Insipid as dish water. Throw it to the pigs !" Theodora took up the bowl and started obediently for the door. "Here, here!" roared Uncle Joseph. P " Where are you going to ?" "To the pig-pen, uncle." ' Ara xr-m rrn7V rrirl 1 T'llO nrpnftl's well enough, only Mrs. Perkins forgot 1 the nutmeg." . ' But, uncle, " said Tli eodora, tasting daintily of the contents of the bowl, " it's insipid as dish-water." "Will you allow; me to have an opinion of my own?" snarled Uncle Joseph. " It's very good, if that old crone down stairs wUl add the nutmeg and give it another Doil. Quick now I'm getting hungry. A man must eat, even if he's at death's door." A minuto afterwards' Mrs. Perkins was surprised by Theodora's entrance. on the table at his bedside, "the doctor said yesterday that he really thought, if you were to try, you could walk as well as' anybody." " The doctor's a fool," said Uncle Joseph, " and you'may tell him so, with. my compliments." "I will, uncle, the next time lie comes." - "Theodora?" "Sirr " If you do, 111 disinherit you." "Very well, uncle." "Theodora, you'll have to feed me. This annoyance has weakened ma terri bly." . ' ' Yes, uncle." "Stop, stop it's hot you'ro choking But Theodora kept resolutely on. "B-t-o-p!" spluttered Uncle Joseph, me!" Bntter Jlaking in America. There is not within the whole range of agriculture bo large a product liable to so large a per cent, of depreciation as butter. The amount of the butter crop of the United States is estimated at $70,000,000. Of this it may be said one half might be sold for three cents more per pound. At the present time scarcely one firkin in four opens perfectly sweet. This deterioration arises not from any real chemical or practical difficulty, but solely from want of knowledge or want of care in its manufacture. Butter is mostly an oil so well fixed that it is quite unsusceptible of chemical change. Cream is a peculiar mixture of this oil and certain watery fluids found in the milk. Churning consists in so Early Wetleyan Irratjtrr. We find the following in the Irish EvangelUt in reference to the early Wesleyan minsters: For some years no stated provision whatever was made for the preachers. At a later period the circuits were directed to pay, - if they could, 3 quarterly for his clothes and books. Mather was the first who re ceived an allowance fur his wife it amounted to four shillings a week. An additional allowance of twenty shillings a quarter was made for each child. When the preacher was at home, eigh teen pence a day was allowed for his board; abroad, he lived among the peo ple. It was no wonder that they should sometimes be " brought to the last shil ling." In such a predicament it is re lated that Samuel Bradburn once wrote Jill Oil TRIALS. The Trials and Ierilejrltlrm mf mm t'mfrtMmtf lVhmm Xame im in the Jwrr Jljr. There are jury trials and juror trial. We can very well understand how "an unfortunate juror, especially in a capital case, looks himself over and then glance at ' the man in the dock, wondering which is on trial for his life. It some times requires a great deal of patriotism to induce a man to run for office. He knows he will be abused and much mauled in public, but he consents to sacrifice himself. As things go, how- springing nimbly to the other side of the agitating the cream as to cause the but- to Mr. Wesley an account of his suffer- bed. " What do you mean, Theodora? Didn't I tell you to stop? I don't be lieve there's, an inch of skin left on my throat." "You told me yourself, uncle, that you don't mean What you say. How was I to know that this was an excep tion r An irate rejoinder trembled on Uncle Joseph's tongue, when suddenly he caught sight of a blue column of smoke wreathing up under his window. " What's that smoke ?" he ejaculated "I think it's Mrs. Perkins, sir, put ting fresh kindlings on the fire." - "It isn't ! " yelled Uncle Joseph "The house is on fire !" Theodora dropped the spoon and bowl, and rushed out of the room, shrieking : " The house is on fire ! help! murder! thieves!" The servants below stairs caught up the cry and echoed it in shrill dismay. Uncle Joseph listened with bristling hair and dilated eyes. " Help ! help !" he bawled, but no one responded. Louder still he yelled, but yet in vain. "Am I to stay in my bed and be burned to death?" he asked himself, and scrambled out with an agility that fairly surprised himself, The servants were arrayed on the lawn, staring in all directions to find the exact location of the fire, when the gar dener uttered a sliriek : " If there ain't master, as hasn't left his bed for years, a-runnin' as if a tiger was arter him !" " Where where's the fire?" panted Uncle Joseph, grazing wildly around him. Mrs. Perkins rushed to the front door, her cap-strings streamings ' "I never saw such a pack of born idiots in my life," she gasped. "There ain't no fire only a few pieces of green wood I put on the kitchen fire. One would think you'd never seen smoke v 4 afore, and why, if there ain't master I "Theodora' said Mr. White, looking somewhat seepish, " where did you see fire? "I didn't see it, uncle, but you said on fire," Theodora made gath- about Perkins could stead. " Yes." said Mrs. Perkins to herself " it is a shame. Ho seems to think she' made of east iron and India-rubber the old torment!" : . With this ratherlillogical expression of her opinion, Mrs. Perkins resumed her knitting more vigorously than ever,. Meanwhile Theodora hastened up stairs into a closely-curtained sick-Toom, where a querulous old gentleman lay, tortured with a great deal of hypo," and a very little actual illness. But Undo Joseph White chose to believe that he was very ill; and who.'pray, was a better judge of the state of his 'bodily health than himself ? . He screwed his face up into the sem blance of a nut-cracker, as his niece hurriedly entered the apartment and came up to his bedside. ' , " I'vo.been thumping on the floor till my arms were ready to drop out of their . sockets ! " he groaned. ' ' Are you deaf down stairs? or has old Perkins forgot ten there's any one in the world but her self and her snuffbox?" -. "I am very sorry, iincle," ; " Actions speak louder than words," j snarled Uncle Joseph, ungraciously. 1 'How do you feel now, Uncle Joseph!" aiked Theodora, soothingly, Well. "said the housekeeper, "what's awonting now ?" A little grated nutmeg in this gruel, and uncle would like it warmed up once more." ' What are you smiling about, Dora?" "IWas I smiling?" " Your eyes were, if your mouth wasn't," said Mrs Perkins, keenly. " Will you be as quick as you can, Mrs. Perkins?" said Theodora. " He says he is hungry." ( But when Theodora re-entered her uncle's room, the invalid had taken an other tack. " Why didn't you stay all day ? " he growled. Indeed, uncle, I hurried all I, could," pleaded Theodora. " Here's the gruel all Smoking." ' ut Uncle Joseph shklc his head. s too latei.I've lost all my appe tite," he moaned. U ! " Won't yon have the 'gruel, uncle?" "No, I won't' " 1 And Uncle Joseph closed his eyes, as if to signify he was too weak to debate the .question further.' He waited anxi ously for Theodora to press the question further, but she did not, and presently he opened his eyes the least littje bit in the world. : "Theodora?" ! "Sir?" " I'll just try one spoonful of that gruel before it gets cold." ." Why, uncle, I threw it away." " Threw my gruel away?" gasped the sick man, breathlessly. " You told me you did not want it, uncle." the house was answer demurely, "and of course I thought you mjust Know. Please, uncle, go back to bed again." " I won't !" said Uncle Joseph, ering the skirts of hi3 wrapper him. - : "But, uncle, you're sick." " No, I'm not"! " "Uncle, do you really mean it?" " Of course I do, Theo !" And he did mean it. The cure had been effected ; and Theodora mentally congratulated herself on the success of the plan of treatment. And Uncle ter globules to adhere to each other. Now, as the principal part of the butter is not exposed to decay, it becomes a fair subject of inquiry, What is the cause of so large a per cent, of butter losing its sweetness so soon. Milk being of itself one of the most perishable of animal products, its de composition may have gone so far before the removal of the cream as to contami nate the fluids of the cream; and if so, then the butter, when first made, has already within it putrescent material which will soon infect the whole. Even if the cream were entirely sweet, the milk remaining in the butter will soon decay, and if not removed will, of course, deteriorate the butter. The practical questions, then, are when to remove the cream and how to free the butter from the buttermilk. As to the first, it is desirable to allow the milk to stand as long as possible in order to secure all the cream; but in doing this, there is risk of spoiling the whole. The real decay of the milk is indicated, not by its thickening as it sours, but by the watery effusion following the thickening. The cream may remain till this thick ening process is complete, without ex posure to the butter, but not longer. The cream should not, for the same rea son, be kept too long after being re moved before churning. The processes of churning and dress- ing, or wording the putter, are as vari ous and valuable as there are intelligent housewives; but in every successful method there must be one essential the thorough removal of the buttermilk. To accomplish this, some recommend two or three washings of the butter in cold water till the water, brings away no but termilk, whilst others rely upon thorough workings. But whatever methoil is used, the removal of the buttermilk is a sine qua non. As the milk is warm in the process of churning, the first requisite of the butter on being removed is to bo cooled. A small amount of salt may be worked in with as little stirring as possible, and then it should be placed where it will cool rapidly. After a few hours it is work ed, adding as much salt as may be need ed to prepare it for market. Care should be taken that the salt be pure and good. A little more than an ounce per pound is sufficient. Five or six hours after, the butter is to be worked again, the manner of working being to press with a" ladle or butter scoop, not to cut it through nor "spat" it, the most common method and poorest of all. For keeping for family use, Btone jars are unquestionably the best; for packing ings, and that Mr. Wesley sent the fol lowing laconic reply, enclosing five pound notes: Dear Sammy Trust in the Lord to do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Yours affectionately, John Wes ley." Bradburn replied: "lleverend and Dear Sir I have often been struck with the beauty of the passage of Scrip ture quoted in your letter; but I must confess that I never saw such useful ex pository notes upon it before. I am, reverend and dear sir, your obedient and grateful servant, S. Bradburn." In 1787 Jonathan Crowther and Duncan M'Al lam were appointed to Inverness. Their journey to it was adventurous and dan gerous; their circuit was large and their allowance next to nothing, for Crowther received only fifty shillings for the whole ,y ear's labor's. He wrote to Wesley: "No man is fit for Inverness circuit un less his flesh be brass, his bones iron, and his heart harder than a stoic's. If I were doing good I should be content (if I had them) to sacrifice seven lives every year; but to live in misery and to die in banishment for next to nothing is afflicting indeed. " When Thomas Tay lor was iu Glasgow ho frequently desired his landlady not to provide anything for dinner, and a little before noon dressed himself, and walked out till after dinr ner, and then went home to his hungry room with a cruel appetite, and confesses that he never kept so many fast days either before or since. John Jane died 1750, and Wesley thus notices his in Jeath in his journal: "All his clothes, linen and woolen stockings, hat and wig, are not thought sufficient to answer his funeral expenses, which amount r to 1 17s. 3d. All the money he had was la. 4d. enough for an unmarried preacher of the Gospel to leave." a dunoe, he i laughed out of court. His private affairs are extensively advrr tincd, and his personal character is m.vl a concern of wide public interest. Hi neighbors look on him with ditrat, and he liccomes an object of pity to himelf. And yrt, many good people think it strange that men shirk jury duty when they can, Dmbw larmima im Mammmehnmett. A coroner's jury has been engaged at Hollistou, Mm., invwtigating chargm against Nelson and Mary IWignoldn, who have been engaged in th bimne f baby farming at that place. An extract . from the evidenc' will ahow how the business was conducted : . Mary Colby, th young woman who entered the complaint before th authori ties, testified as follow : Am twenty years of age; resided with Mrs. Kign olds; the first child that died waa called Tommy; he died in November and was one year old; Mrs. Reignolda gaTe him a mixture composed of laudanum, cam phor, and rhubarb, from the effect of which he slept three days 'and night ; tried ofUn to wake him but failed ; Mrs. Ueignolds whipped th child every day and badly abused him; gave him a double spoonful of this mixture every day; th child had not been sick previous to his death; Mr, lleignolds mid ho died of the bowel complaint; the next victim was a child called James, and was five months old; when he first came ho cried a good deal and she gave him tho medicine, after guessing at the quantity; never saw tho metucin given in ies doses than a spoon; she often gave two spoonfuls; sho told me once tliat if wie gave a drop too much it would have sent them to another world; little James wan also whipped; after the death of James little Maud came in Decemier and lived four weeks; she was twelve weeks ld and was sick a week; she was forced to take the "mixture," and in order to compel her Mrs. Reijrjioldj held her nose; she gave this cliild twenty drops; her lnxly was kept a wek leforu it was buried; the next child, Agnes Forben, came in December; she was three w Li old, and was sick for a week before nh died; she was given the "mixtu,' sometimes by her own mother; Fr-te-lina Pierce, the next victim, was pick rro ever, it is by no means pleasant to be summoned as a juryman, according to the New York Timet, A man who is the pillar of a small and interesting family, and the ornament of a limited circle of friends, shrivels miserably un der the hands of the opposing counsel in ' a criminal trial. Good and worthy citi zen that he is, he is proud to obey the call of the law and do his duty in the imperiled cause of morality and good order. He is disappointed almost out raged to find that he is considered to 1k3 criminally guilty for not having an opinion, lie has ueara tne case uuaeu of, and when Smith killed Nokes he read alxmt it in the papers. But, being a fair-minded man, he thought he would wait until the case was triad in the courts lefore forming an opinion as to Smith's guilt or innocence. While try ing to keep his mind free of bias, he is astonished to find that; he is invited to sit in the jury-box, and decide upon the case. He is still more astonished when he discovers that the fair, unwritten tablet of what he fondly calls his mind is regarded with extreme disgust by the lawyers. When they sneer at his culpa ble ingenuousness of character he feels very much as Warren Hastings did when so terribly impeacnea uy ximuna Burke. He thinks himself one of the most guilty of men, and not until he escapes into the free air, and carefully goes over, himself in the loom of his own family, does he come to tho conclu sion tliat lie has somehow been unlcr a spell. The man who not only has no opin ions, but has kept out of tha way of having any, is a still more dangerous culprit. His offense, according to a three days, received the same treat men theory in the courts, is ono of great ; arui died: Mrs. Reijrnold said thri Joseph never alluded to the day on which for market a new tub should never be his niece had taken him his word. so implicitly at iiuti 'fit's A li'atchman and Detective. The late event at Bay Bidge, near New York, where two professional burglars of. the worst type were detected in the act by means of an electric burglar alarm, is a forcible practical illustration of the use fulness of these ingenious arrangements, some varieties of- which are coming ex tensively into use. The parts common to all electric burglar alarms are a gal vanic battery, wires connecting it to doors and windows, and the alarm prop er, usually consisting of a bell, which, by the opening oKthe door-or window, is brought in coection with the battery and worked by the same. All such con trivances may be strongly recommended to all who desire effectively to protect their property, and perhaps their lives, against the attacks of those outcasts of human society who appear to be unable, or rather unwilling, to earn an honest living. - used till it has been thoroughly saturated with strong brine. Cover the bottom of the tub with a thin sprinkling of salt, and pack solid; and, placing a cloth over the top, sprinkle on a thick layer of salt, pouring pn a gill of water to form an air tight .covering of brine. "When it is to be sent forward to market, the brine should be poured off and a new coating of salt laid on. In Prison Together. . David Bowser arrived at the Colum bus (Ohio) penitentiary from Miami county, having been convicted of bur glary and larceny, and been sentenced to one year's imprisonment. Along with him came Lulu Bowser, convicted of participation with David ' in the larceny, and also sentenced to one year's impris onment. ' Lulu loves David earnestly, and David reciprocates the tender pas sion. ' Since arriving at the prison Lulu, confined in the female department, has opened a correspondence with her lover, and here is one of her letters: A Pams Revoked. " Dear dave you must try and keepe a A person who lives on the line of the ni hu-t do not cret discounured think Boston and Providence rauroaa, ana who holds an important position under Uncle Sam, has for some time been riding at the expense of the company on ; j cqqIJ be with you but that cannot a pass from the superintendent. Ke- J at jgast not at presant, there is only cently a conductor asked the gentleman j one thing that worries me and that is mentioned for his ticket. " I have a i tua von --ni not love me the same when pass from the superintendent, was Mr. An "Old Plantation" 7tristmas. A correspondent of the Louisville Courier-Journal, describing a Christmas in South Carolina fifteen years ago, says: " The breakfast room was all hung with garlands of moss, evergreens, and crim son berries; at one end stood the mistleto bough, and at the door a row of shining, black facas, glistening with the oil of happiness, and in most instances with two rows of dazzling teeth. From the wide-open glass door, far out 5n the sloping lawn, the numerous darkies stretched, arrayed in their best and brightest. 'Just come.'jthey said, to wish all a happy Christmas,' and then go away until after breakfast. ' Then you will see fun,' said Lex. A princely meal, with all it3 graceful accompani ments of solid old silver and solid good will and geniality, and again we went out on the lawn. The servants each had some special greeting. To Kate, ' Lor' bless me, missy, you look like some thin good to eat. '.Jus' look at Mars Lex; ain't he his pa's own child ?' and to little Willie, 'Bless the child, he's mos too pretty to live.' To mo, the stranger, they accorded a courtesy, a smile, and a Merry Christmas. But now a fiddle was heard, and the more youthful part of the company prepared to dance. As an accompaniment to the fiddle a boy beat two sticks "on the floor with most remarkable precision, and in perfect time and tune. I asked the name of the tune and was told, ' Share 'em,' but rec ognized ' Yankee Doodle ' soon after and ' Oh, Susannah.' My host and hostess, moral turpitude. He is also made to ap pear very funny to that vast audience, the general public. The denseness of his ignorance compared with the rapier like wit of distinguished counsel makes him a cause for inextinguishable laughter. Ho is the pantaloon of the play, upon whom all the heaviest jokes fall. It he is a German, he is cross questioned as to his knowledge of Goethe and Herder. We can- only imagine with what a sigh of relief "-the prisoner finds himself at liberty and dismissed from the jury-box. " Not proven " is the verdict in lus cane. Another variety of victim is ono who does not have all his wits about him when he is put on the rack. He thinks ho heard somelwdy preach on a certain day; he unguardedly says so in the course of the desultory conversation with which he lightly opens his own examina tion. Some sharp lawyer picks him to pieces before he knows it, proves an alibi for the minister whom the would be juryman thought he heard preach. and, to that individual's complete dis may, makes him out to be. one of the most designing men who ever attempted to enter a jury-box. The wide range of subjects and general scope of inquiries brought before the mind of the appalled juryman is also one of the distressing features of his case. The astuteness which prompts this kind of investigation is too deep for the average juror, to say notluhg of the general public lie is pelted with questions relating to the most distant topics, the reason for which seems buried in the wonderful mind of the learned counselor It is as if a Pa cific Mail Investigating Committee should institute inquiries as to the rehv tions of the subjective and the objective. But, after all, the great trial of the juror who is on tnai is ine penccuy heartless way in which the counsel go into assisted by the children, handed gifts to his private life. These learned gentle- every one oi tue people present witn kind words and a shake cf the hand. Gay bandanas, ornamental pipes and toViacco, candy and fruit for the little ones not one was omitted and in every instance that I observed the gifts were numerous. A happier crowd was never seen as they men learn all about him as they drive him on. They are like the Abyssinian peasant who subsists on the animal he rides, cutting a steak from his steed as he pursues his journey. The unhappy juror under the microscope reveals all his family affairs. He is compelled to bowed and scraped and bade God bless tell how many times he has married, how the kind donors." many children he has been blessed with, and what he has done with them, and woe to him if he fails to account for even the most insignificant of his offspring. His business, income, habits, and epe- Fojt Hunting in Indiana. There waa a erand fox hunt or. drive was no need of a doctor, and none wa called; Mrs. Shclian dressed the dead child in Mrs. Forbes's child's clothe, but Mrs. Reignolds, promptly took them off and put poorer ones on, saying, "Let the dead take car of themselves;" Mrs. Reignolds closed th child's eys and mouth twenty minutes before aim died; Mrs. Reignolds kept a bottle con taining half a pint of whisky; bhe lud seen her often apparently under the in fluence of liquor; never saw her without a supply of liquor in thofhou; when drunk, she would fight with the old man and abuse the children; have seen her strike Mr. Reignolds three or four tim-s in the face; he would get drunk three or four times a week and sleep on tho flor; have heard Mrs. Reignolds say there were three children buried on tho farm; ah stated so at three different times, and said it was because no ono would give her a grave; when asleep under the influence of this medicine, the children rolled their eye about and Wk in their head; it often made them groan and keep their eyes open. Asiatic Hnme 11m ins. The following description of the snow plains of Central JAsia is taken from "Campaigning on the Oxus :" "Tho days pass some in wild, fierce storms of snow and sleet, that howl around us as though all the djnon of the step w were up in arm.sme in bright sun- shine, whose intolerable glare blinds us and blisters our faces. From time to time we drive down into darksome underground holes, hot and reeking, hover around the steaming samovar, pouring down oceans of boiling tea; then out on the silent steppe again to con tinue the weary struggle. There are nights when we awaken from a half-, frozen aleep, - and remember w are in the heart of the mysterious regions of Asia, and see -nothing but the wide, snowy steppe, silent and ghostly in the spectral moonlight. For miles and miles there is no human habitation, bet the burrow-like station somewhere far ahead, buried under the mow, a though cruhhed into flatness by the grim uni formity above. There is something strangely oppressive and awful in the changeleea monotony of these widf, snowy plains, level a a floor, where fur days and weeks you aee nothing but I snow and aky, where you are the moving center of a horizon - bound plain UiL my ilar ling how soon we will be to gather and do not let yonf love die out think al ways of your Lulu oh my darling how I the m,i rnt T nnvpr -will lovp miv one else I rw kvw - - - j i . y ' a r ..... . . . t ,vi.i rnn c ? TVn-wui onH i it-ii. , j- "ufP"0 ,v" int vou no mauem n is uuuutru fu- sticks ! You mitrht know by this time ! ut I liave received instructions to see , rom now they cut your mustach of that I don't mean what I say. Get me more, quick I II 1 hadn t oeen year, I could go twice some bed-ridden At them all." asked the i -x 11. trvr tMor T -n1,l o-rt tdm ElUSl See It, HHS UltS uuulw1' ncfctvmiM" l,au! mHinlr. . this the gentleman became exceedingly x l- :i - wrathful, and commenced a tirade oi i t i rui v nut ib u niimi a. im. ill w a.aa. . Oh, dear ! to think again. a snail I shall in my we. never walk abuse. Upon his arrival m Boston, the conductor reported the case to President 'tt.i. t-t. i- a- ii I Clifford, who promptly issued an order until his niece brought in a second bowl revoking the pass, and gave the gentle- of gruel, this time so deliciously made that even he could not find fault with it. " Uncle," said Theodora, as she set it " Do you doubt my word ? j OT no the truards treat me very kind T ' " ... passenger. " o, sir; dui x ; not folks say they are. try and be good to your guard and they will treat you kind .to, d not get put down the hole if you do you will not get out the same time I do and then' you may lose me and I know you do not want that good by darling and may god bless you From your loving lulu " With the address of the letter waa an appeal to the guard to " please read it " to David, who could not read. near Albion. Indiana. lhe day waa bright and. sunny, though quite cold. Early in the morning the various parties took their stands, and at a given signal all started for one common center. About six hundred men were out, cover ing a tract of about eighteen square miles. Five foxee were driven into the circle, but only three were killed, two getting through. As the men .were all on foot and no firearms were used, no casualty can be reported. One of th dogs was killed by one of the party, who kicked at a fox and killed a dog." of the may be man a piece of his mind by letter. Owed to winter A bad cold. It is stated that the supply of black walnut, of late years so much used for nice cabinet work and house furnishing, is not sufficient for the probable demand of the next ten years, and within a few years of its value being discovered the wood is almost extinct. cially his duly reading, are all subjects mi to move with you, and hang uioti most searching inquisition. It yon, ana weign you unra ue e.uj- remarked in passing that the ! trous mmswne. xihtc w urim practice of newpap-r reading is repre- j and loneliness oi tue ocran wuaout u- hended with great severity by the W. j movement, the cold and icy Hence of The man who, in this nineteenth cen-th arctic region without tha glory ..f turr, never read, the newspaper, not : the arctic night or the grandeur of th even the "headiog-" nor the " mll arctic mounUina-the ailent dehdioii ... it. wim in the ' of an unpeopled world. Those broad. jury-box. But the average juror often Wei, snowy phuna, over which thy fari worse than the man in the dock. I b, from northern Sibrxi corn ruh- .t iTrti wmvict I ing down in forum blaaU with an un- a. 1 ..... -T m t irtn mm T.1 miIa. himself out of his own mouth. hear hi character torn by hi neighbors, but the helplesa juror, like honest Dog berry, write himself down an ass. Guided by the blandishment or driven by th terror of th opposing counaeL he become hi own worst enemy. If he has an opinion, he i disqualified; if he has none, h ia a base impoter. Ifheia intelligent, he know too much; if be is and drive th anow about in whirlwind that go scudding over th plain like giant rpecters; th short days of aunahine, when th glare on the snow dazzle and burns; th long, cold night passed in a hall-frozen, haU-somnoleni state, . with th tired beast trudging wearily forward I shiver now at tho bar remembrance of it alL"

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