XEWS OF THE DAY. f iterprtalna rapem. ! . f the daily papers, Rays the Da.:; : . iu'ft letter from Ireland, roiui a-.n tiiut Cork has but two of theni, au I tlmy are not extensive affairs. I hnv I hu over here tight months, but I hat i:ot yet succeeded in taking" into rny bniins the daily paper system of Britain. Let me tell you an incident. Between Manchester and Derby is alittle village which was recently the scene of a shocking affair. A young man, a manufacturer in Yorkshire, went there for a few weeks of recreation and rest. But he went too late. The demands of business -had made too great a pressure upon his brain. The haste to get , rich had not been proportionate with jthe j of Arequipa but were defeated...... l lie bin ranaritv of his constitution.! lie lost the ! to amend the laws relating to the port of New 1 - 7 balance of his head, and one day he ... a a m 1 " 1 ' !- cast himself before one oi me -cngiisii i Interesting Item from Home and i' Abroad, i The Secretary of State of Louisiana has been equired to furnish the Congressional commit -toe now in New Orleans the papers that were before the retiming beard A fire broke out in the Navy department at Washington and flamat'! the umier part of the buildiuer. iMahy of the officiarrecordsi were destroyed orJbaaJy" injured; ,A revolution broke out recently i ui'La Taz, Bolivia, when the troops got drunk ! and went through the streets shooting dawn citizens and creating great disorder .The i ilcEnery party in Louisiana have again pro- pced to s'abmit the election of 1872 to the ! arbitration of the committee ..The insur- S gents in Teru attempted to capture the city the males Mark McGowan and Robert Dougherty were instantly killed by the prema ture explosion of a blast cn the line of the Gouldburn railroad, Canada The Judiciary committee of. the Maine Legislature ended their hearing on the Capital punishment ques tion, and report in favor of a bill making the punishment imprisonment for life for all crimes wherein the death penalty is now imposed. .... The excitement in New Brunswick over the educational question ia so great that troops have been called out to quell disturbances I Mrs. Emerson, a widow, while attempting to get on the cars while in motion, at Concord, j N. H., was ran over and killed The amount I of specie taken to Europe by steamers from I th T'nited States ia smaller than usual at this season. I'XITED STATES COXGItESS. express trains, the swiftest traveling in the world, and in an instant was a dread fully mangled corpse. Manchester, thirty miles away, has several daily ptipers, but not one of them contained a word of the affair. Only one daily paper heard of it, and that was published in! the city of his residence. An account apiared in a Derby paper, a weekly edition, but Derby is so small that it cannot afford to have a daily paper. It has only 40,000 inhabitants. York passed to a third reading in the New York State Senate ...... Gov. Bedle, of New Jersey, ; nominated Mr. Manning M. Knapp, of Bergen county, as his own succeBeor on the Supreme ! Court bench. .... .The repeal of the" Facific Mail Company's subsidy was agreed to in the United Statea I louse ..... It - is rumored in Montreal that Lord DulTerin will resign as Governor-General of Canada, and be appointed Viceroy of India . . An Italian named An tonio Yacaro wan found dead in his doorway in Vicksburg, having been murdered for money. The deceased is supposed to have had 3,000ou his person. Henate. . leaves for Iteddlnn. .D. A. Bulkley, of Stone Hill Farm, WilliAmstown, Mass., writes' as follows: I wish to tell the Farmers' Club how I savo the leaves and the use I make of them, as I consider them a great bless ing to any one who has animals to bed or land to enrichi After the leaves fall from the trees, and are blown into heaps j by the side of fences and in tho hollows, the ruins and sometimes light snows set tle them, and when they freeze together, so that they can be taken upj with a fork, it is but little work to gather them, as you can get a load of them about as soon as a load of hay. I have a . largo upaeo between my stables, .under my bam, where I store them, and they are always ready for bedding for horses and cattle, and are much better for that pur pose than straw, for two reasons. They lire easier to pitch with the munuro than long straw, und then they absorb all the liquid. I also cover my barn and poul try vjihIh with these loaves, atyd when I take up the manure- from tho yirds I use a tihovel and get up all tho leaf mold, as that is rather lower, and is already good manure. I don't find any better manure for potatoes than leaves and leaf mold, which can bo easily gathered i in tho woods. ' In the New Jersey House a resolution of greeting to the Legislature of Tennessee for electing. ex-President Johnson as Senator was ipassed.i The United States Senate con curred in the resolution tent from the Assem bly requesting the general government to make Mich appropriations as will allow of the vigorous prosecution and speedy completion of the improvements now making at Hell Gate. ..... .A bill is before the New York Legislature to allow the members of the National Guard &2 per day for duty at drills and parades required by law..... In the United States Housie of representatives Mr. Totter introduced a reso lution proposing an amendment to the Con stitution providing that, from and after the next Presidential election, the President and Vice-President shall hold office for six years and be ineligible for re-election. The resolution was rejected, all the .Democrats and several Republicans voting for it. Messrs. Martin Brothers, iron manufacturer of Philadelphia, have suspended payment. Their liabilities are placed at 500,000, and they claim that then assets are worth .300,000 over that amount. ... Small-pox rages with great fnry in Cuba. V -1 Mr. Frelinghuysen,-of New Jersey, in pre ten'ing a memorial of the operatives in the liaritin woolen mill-, N. J., for the repeal of the act of June 6, 1872, reducing the dutv on certain foreign products, said he believed the granting of this petition would increase our revenue and give activity to our sluggish in dustries. A protective tariff, while giving prosperity to the people, also increased the revenue jr the country. Keierred to Lue com mittee on finance. The following bUls were disposed of : The House bill to provide for enlistments in the navy was indelinitely postponed ; the Senate bill to amend the act of July 17, 18G2, for the better government of the navy, and the Senate bill for the relief of the survivors of the Polaris wf re passed. . Mr. Conkling', of New York, presented a memorial of the citizens of New York touching the condition of the-wages and industries of the country, and against the restoration of the duty on tea and coffee: A number of petitions were presented against the restoration of the duty on tea and coffee, and for the repeal of the act of 1S72, relieving by the death of Mr. Crocker. The credentials were read, and Mr. Stevens was sworn in aud took Lis peat. Mr. Hale, of JMaine, introduced a resolution to change the rule of the II out e by the adop tion of the following as a new rule : " When ever a question id pending before the IIou the Speaker shall not entertain any motions of a dilatory character except one motion to ad- iourn and one motion to fix the dav to which the House shall adjourn. But the previous question on the engrossment and third reading of a bill or joint resolution shall not le ordered during the first day of its consideration unless three-fourths of "the members present shall second the demand. Provide!, that this rule shall not apply to House resolutions offered in the morning "hour of Monday; and jrocided further, that it shall not apply to any proposi tion to appropriate the money, the credit, or other property of the United States, except the regular anoroririation bills." Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, made a point of order, but it was overruled, and the resolu tion was referred to the Committee on Rules. On motion of Mr. Garfieid the Senate bill ap propriating 12, 500 to pay the interest on the 3.65 bonds of the District of Columbia, was taken up and amended, on motion of Mr. Ran dall, by inserting the words "in currency," and passed yeas, 164 ; nays, 62. Mr. Piatt, of New York, from Post-office com mittee, offered a resolution authorizing amend- Lments to be offered to the Post-ofhce Appro priation bid, aa follows : Fixing the salaries of postmasters, and the mode of computing ;the same : authorizing tne rcstmaster-oenerai to A Wrong Custom Corrected. It is quite generally the custom to tak strong liver stimulant for the cure of liver complaint, and both the mineral and vegetable kingdoms have been diligently searched to pro cure the most drastic and poisonous purgatives, iu order to produce a powerful effect upon the liver, and arouse the lagging and enfeebled organ. This system of treatment is oh the same principle as that of giving a weak and de bilitated man large portiou-of brandy to enable him . .lr a rertaiii amount of work. W hen the stimulant is withheld, the organ, like the j system, gradually relapses into a more torpia or blugn-h and "weakened condition than be fnr. What then is wanted? Medicine which, while they cause the bile to flow freely from the liver, as that organ is loneu action, will not overwork and debilitate it, but will, when their nse is discontinued, leave the liver htrcugthened and healthy, fcuch reme dies are found iu Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Purgative Felleta. A tXES FOB LTV EE DISEASE. Rusk, Texas, March 10th, 1S73. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Jk-ar Sir My wife last year at this time was confined to her" bed with chrome liver disease. I had one of the best doctors to see her, and he gave her np to die. when I came upon some of vour mediciuo. I bought one bottle and com menced giving it. She then weighed H2 lbs.; now she weighs 110 lbs., and is robust and hearty. She has taken eight bottles in all, so vou see I am an advocate for veur medicines. William Meazel. The Tribune Almanac Political Register for 1875. Tat, Standard Political and Statical Anaoal. Prtea post -a-n-w- fiinifT SKKDS GIVE AWAT Send 1 AAOOn ArtWfra. Writ foe fJrcnW. Iowa R.R.Land Co. Ha for. 1,500.000 Arrn of IUUr4 Lnd la 1 U MMldl Kk of Wni Iowa. nrTTEie i.odj at chwpeb price than cxn be loond b within rMh..ppir. N No Indian. Araru enHit to t he "Void Ian3 ' oftc and obtain toll information ,mi and bow to 'roach tb Und ddrraa Iowa Kaih-ud Land Co.. Chicago, or KapitU, low. . ,ir v. Cedx mm. Seren Churches in One. ChnrW Warron StoJJarcl, j writing frcm Balo?riin, Italy, Bays : Ssm Stofauo ia iu U'dJity Koveh cburclics in oiie. art; i: J'O 11;' from muVu fuHinj H, f.. -(4U churches aro so ilopendeut i !.! niutnor that if you were to u - v.iyoueof tho wuae I Iwlievo . ' voiilj fall to pieces. Tiey ; knit aa a horjeycomb. You r downstairs and pass . ii'.ii ch into another with such -.i that it ia thoroughly con Thou tho doors that open out of tin iu lead into different streets. Thoro are snialt icourt'jr -vi in ainongut them for breathlcefl, and there aro altars and shrvne's in these courts; there aro frescoes, mosaics, and mural paintings and sarcophagi, contain ing the bones of stunts; there are ancient pillars with antique Ionic capitals, and venerable altars with quaint, rude sculp tures of winged beasts, as sacrifices. There is the tomb of St. Petronius, in invitation of tho holy sepuleher at Jeru salem. A guido led me through this seven-fold jchurck ; probably I could never nave louna my way out alone or j have sm'U half the wonders of the in- j terior without his help. Concrete Gravel Walks. The Rev. Thomas U. Dudley, late rector of Cluit Church in Baltimore, waa coru-ecrated anHiHtant biahop of Kentucky. .... .Theodore F. Randolph was electcil United States Seiiator by the New Jerncy 'Legislature, he receiving 49 votes to 31 for George ltobeaon. . .The Kew York State Tempeance Society elected John N. SteariiH -president. Ilesolutions were adopted asking the Legihlature to enact a pro hibitory law, recommendiiig the nomination of independent temperance tickets for all town elections, and that united efforts be made to elect the commissioners of excine on the basib of "no licenHO.".... ..The will of Mrs. Ann Vhite Voee, of Eotton, makes the remarkable bequest of i3G3,000 to tho public inslitutiona of that city Ex-Gov. Joel Tdrker was con firmed ari Attorney-General 'of New; Jersey to succeed Kobort Gilchrist. ... . .The diamonds presented to General Sherman's' daughter by the Ivhethvo ot Egypt are valued at -250,000. ...... Advices from Cliina nay that a grandson of Prince Tun, uncle of 7 the deceased emperor, will probably succeed to the throne. , l ...Prebi dent Grant'w daughter and his son-in-law are at tho White House on a visit. L . . . . A man at Cohoes, N. J., lost his life in trying to save a tuswing machino from a burning building. . . . Tfje're seems no doubt but tho naval building in Ytkuhingtou was set on fii-e in order to destroy important papers. Every arrangement was made, for a serious conflagration. Important papers were destroyed by the fire. - - - Eight of the crew of the, bark Aurora, from Darien for England, were drowned; by the loss of the vessel at eca. The survivors were rescued after having been four days without .1 ,11 Vil"f- .1 a -. iuou anu urougnc. 10 r aimoum . . . . . A bill IB before the New York Legislature to insure the better protection of children at the hands of those who" would llltreat and abuse them.'. . .". . The Republican State convention at New Hamp sliire seut a dispatch to Speaker Blaine at .Washington, " greeting to the tni9 Republicans iu the Congress of the United States," and adding : " Stand by the civil rights bill, and by Grant, Sheridan and Sherman in the efforts certain foreign products of ten per cent. duty. II rJ Morrill, of Me., from the committee on appropriations, reiorted favorablv on the bill to pay the interest on the 3.65 bonds of the District of. Columbia, and asked its immediate consideration, as the interest fulis due in a few days ; and theFederal government being re sponsible for it, of course it must be paid. The bill waa passed. The following bills were passed : The House bill granting the right of way and depot grounds to the Oregon Central Pacific Railroad Company through the public lands of the United States, from Winnemucca .Nevada, to the Columbia: river, via Portland, Oregon ; the Senate bill providing for the appointment of a commissioner to ascertain the right of subjects of Great Brijtain to lands in the Territories which were the subject of the award of the Emperor of Germany under the treaties of 1S4G and 1871 between the United States and Great Britain ; the Senate bill amendatory of and supplementary to act of March 1, 1872, en titled "An act to set apart a certain tract of land lying ear the head waters of the Yellow Stoiie rivef as a public park ;" the Senate bill granting C40 acres of land to the widow and heirs of James Sinclair, deceased ; the Senate bill for the relief of the Holy Cross Mission in he Territory of Dakota. Mr. Bogy, of Mo., presented joint resolu tions of the Missouri Legislature condemning the military interference in Louisiana, and had them read at the clerk's desk. Ordered to be printed and lie on the table. The amendment of the House to the bill to provide for the payment of interest on the three-sixty-nve bonds of the District of Colum bia was agreed to and the bill passed. At the request of Mr. Sargent, of Cal., Mr. Logan, of 111., presented resolutions of the Chicago Board of Trade in reference to the bill recently introduced in the Senate, and referred to the committee on finance, for an appropria tion to establish a mint at Chicago. The reso lutions ask that the bill be reported to the Senate and acted upon favorably. Referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Norwood, of Ga., presented the, resolu tions of the Legislature of that State condemn ing Federal interference in Louisiana. Or dered to be printed and lie on the table . Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, called up the House bill to amend the National Banking act and to fix the compensation of national bank exami ners, which was reported lately with amend ments by the finance committee." The amend-; ments were agreed to and the bill parsed. lav the expense of taking weights of mails on railroads ; and to pay experts and other em ployees in the prepara'iou and publication of post route maps ; also to abolish the publica tion of certain Post-office advertisements in three Washington papers. Adopted. Mr. Fort, of Illinois, offered a like resolution to allow an amendment to be offered fixing postage on public documents at two cents a pound, and the same on agricultural seeds. Adopted. Mr. Maynard of Tennessee, moved to sus pend the rules and pass the bill allowing pro ducers of tobacco to sell it at retail in the leaf, wholly unmanuf actured at the place of produc tion, only tD an amount not exceding 50 annu-7 ally. Rejected yeas, 102 ; nays, lt'8. Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, moved to sus pend the rules so as to allow the Committee on Rules to report at the present time for amend ment and action any new rules or changes of rules, and providing that during the considera tion and discussion of such report and amend ments offered thereto the Speaker shall enter tain no dilatory motion whatever, and that dis cussion on the l-ules and amendments thereto shall not exceed one hour. There was great excitement as the vote pro gressed, and particularly w hen it became known that the necessary two-thirds had not been ob tained, it lacking four of that number when the roll-call was finished. Messengers were sent to ine commiiiee rooms to look lor absent mem bers, and every effort was made on the part of the majority to eecure the necessary two thirdB. ine vote waa announced yeas, 170 : nays, 85, being less than two-thirds in the affirma tive, and so the motion was rejected. The only exception to the vote being a strict party one was that Mr. Soner, of Virginia, voted "No." His vote the other way would have carried the motion. Mr. Cobb, of Kansas, moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill directing the President to supply food and disused army clothing to all destitute and helpless persons living on the Western frontier, who have been rendered so destitute and helpless by the ravages of the grasshoppers last summer. Agreed to yeas, 170 : uavs. 49. FBOJI THE NOTED SCOCT, " BUFFALO BILL." Holl as d I Iocs e, Rockfoad. Ill, April 20, T4. Dr. 1L V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Sir I have now taken four bottles of your Golden Medical Discovery in connection with your pellets, and must Bay that nothing I have taken for my liver has done me as much good. I feel like a new man. Thank for vour wonderful medi cines, W. F. Cody, f Buffalo BdL") mmm To the Flower & Kitchen Garden Ealai-Krd. Improved, u4 aWUUhrd ky A MAGNITICENT Colored PLATE I I VT .i I-ilitw. Ac. ateo dtrecttooa lor ! call urn. Add ;iaSk4ua- lilM. C-. tnt irr, on rx-!pt of two Vot tap WAHBI HN A: CO.. Mf Mnw Again our advertising columns ex hibit the rapid growth and substantial con dition of the National Life Ins. Co. of the Uni ted States of America, the larcest and strongest i life insurance company of the world upon the low rate etock plan. Its loans upon bond aud 1 mortgages and United States bonds, amounting j to $2,531,916, largely exceed its total liabili j ties. The low rates, the large capital, the ! definite contracts, and tbe liberal policies of the National, render it worthy the confidence and patronage of the public. Coin. vvri. - -j' irr. Walkers taiitoniiA un Itrar Hitlers are a purely Vegetable preparation, m.nle chiefly fro:u tbe na ive 1 hrbs fonnd on tho lower mn?es of be Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the xnediclnal properties of which are extracted therfrom without the use of-Alccho!. The question 13 almost daily askea, "What is the cau.e of the urparalleled success of Vinegar Hit TERsTn Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patieut re covers hi health. They are tbe preat tloci purifier and a life-gi in ;ruicip!ef a iverfect Henovator and Invi-orator f thj Bvstem. Never before in the bistcry of the world has medicine been toirpounded possessing the remarkable aMies of Vi5EQA Bittxm in teAlio the ick of every disease mn U heir to. They aid a centle Pnrpitive as well as a Tome, 'Viievins Congestion or Inflammation of tte liver and Visceral Organ tn BUionj it stamh the Stll 2o,000 ywty, and is properties of DR. WALKER'S onininn friend eivrywhere. So piano instruc- VumaARBlTTKM ore Aperient, Diaphoretic tion ba,.k ever iued oviiroaehe tor real nerU Carnutative, Animiuus ; . .i I KAAATITB. ixiiuiici-iiawa RICHARDSON'S NEW METHOD For the Pianoforte! Many people, particularly children, j suffer with the earache : and for the' benefit of such we give a cure but pimple remedy. Put J in two or three drops of Johnson '4 Anodyne ' Lintment, ttop the ear with undrcM:d wool, j bathe the feet in warm water before going to 1 bed, and keep the head warm at night. (Join. Thousands have been changed by the fiBe of the Teruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron) from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, heedthy, aud happy mou ajid women, and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to giTo it a trial. For dyspepsia aud debility it is a specilic Conu Capt. Charles Sager, who keeps a superb ttock of livery horses in Tortland, Me., informed us recently that he uses Sheridan s Cavalry Condition 'Fowlers regularly in his stables', and that the expense is more than offset bv the dimini-hed amount of grain neces sary to keep his horses always in good order. Com. and worth, and no teachtrt reyrxt xuing it in their eourge of instruction. Tiiis vork u a pvurr in the musical advance of the day, and las been a mod important agent in the recent tremendou in crease of technical knowledge of the Piancfurte, The ruecc of Kiciiarusox'sNew Method is world-vide, and prompts many competitors, but its file surjwts that of ail others COMBIXED, and it riand to-day incontestably sujxrior to all ether Piano Meth. Used by thousands of Music Teachers and sold by all Boos and Masic Dealers in this Country and Canada. PRICE S3.15. AH books sent, post-paid, for retail prio. OMVF.lt I1ITSON V CO., Helton. I'll AS. II. DITSON V COh . . 711 ltroatlway, w Vrk, Sedative, Counter-irritant 7e. and AnU-liuioaa. DnKrHsts and Gm. Art, Son Frnoi-. C'aiifnrnls, tud ctir. of Wshinctoo and rbrltn Sta. X. V bold ny lt Iru?ll IKsvIrra. N. T. I. U.-Xo. a PER PAY CommtaKkm. or HOilfiH r aaa f-ipwna. t.w vuw ,v m.w ' tt AptTMW. S25 It than accordeon. is better to be alone in the world to bring up a boy to piny on the Tn Great Haste. The Markets. KT.W TOBX. Beef Cattle Prime to Extra Bollocks Common to Good Texans.... .07 C4 .13 Milch Cowh 1Iok Uve Uresstxl. Sheop.. Lamb Co tou Middling Fiour Extra Western, State Extra.... Wheut Ktd Western.. No. 2 Spring.. Rye State riarley State ... barley Malt Oats Mixed Western.... Corn Mixed Western llay, per cwt Ktraw, jer cwt. .. Uoi T48. 4543 '09- to protect the constitutional rights of everv citi- Tlu following directions for making i zen of the republic, "and the Republicans of A . . 1 ! V TT. 1- . iiv jiampttuire win stana ny j-ou on tne second Tuesday of March." !:At Bradford, Out., a man named O'Brien beat hia wife to death with a club. Both w ere intoxicated. . . . . The Geueral Aaeembly of Rhode Island elected Thomas-Durfee Cliief-JuBtice of tho Supreme Court ...... A ditfaipated man in Jersey City named Humphreys was found leaning agaiuht a lamp post and dead.. ...The United States Senate committee on privileges and elections decided that the Kellogg administration should be recognized ' as the legal government of concrete surfaces are given by an ex change: )ig away tho earth to tho depth of ntxmt live inches, then lay a bottom of pebbles, ramming them well-down with a paving rammer. Sweep them" oil as clean as possible with a broom, aud cover tho surface thinly with hot coal tar. Now put on a coat of smaller gravel (tho first bed of pebbles should be as Lvrge as goose eggs), previously dipped in hot coal Ur, drained, and rolled in coal ashes, with an intermixture of fine gravel, and roll it down as thoroughly as possible. I jet the roller run slowly, and let a boy follow it with a hoe to scrape off all adhering gravel. Next put on a coat of line gravel or sand and coal tar, with some coal ashes, to complete the surface, and roll again as thoroughly as possible: tho more rolling, the better. It lAiujwiuiu ...... jinoiuer rewara 01 !po,uuo is offered by the Mayor of Philadelphia for the recovery of the lost boy Charlie Boss Balances iu the United States Ti easury : Cur rency, 08,290,442, special deposit of legal ten ders for redemption of certificates of deposit, $43,550,000 ; coin, including $27,863,100 in coin certificate," $70,891,993 ; outstanding legal touders, $332,000,000. . The United States House . committee on makes a slendid hard surface which hlieds water like a roof. Do not use too much tar. It is only necessary to use t-ofiice Appropriation bill; recommend an appropriation of sfoOOjOOO, to comply with the original contract with the Pacific Mail hteamship Company under tho provisions of enough to make tho ingredients cohere ! the act of Feb.. 17. 18G5, but they do notrecom- nnder pressure, and ft little is better than j mend an appropriation in accordance with what too much. ! is known as the subsidy act B. Boucher ' ' ,.- was arretted in Cleveland on suspicion of trying to burn a Lnited States bonded mrelious. J7ie Aretie 1'lrele. t Since Sir John Franklin's day fifty at- j tempts have, leen made to unlock tho i gnuid secret cf the Arctic regions, and j in no citse have tho casualties been impor-! tiint. . The London Timss gives a list of thirty-two of these expeihtions, and; when the record is examined it is seen ! with surprise what a small number of oUieorti and men Buccuml)exl to tho hardships mcident to Polar service. The Pjover and Enterprise, which wero throe winters in tho ice, had only throe deaths! each. Sir Robert McClurc, in his fr mpus voy.ge, lost one oflioer and livomen in four winters; while the Vic er rr.l the Intrepid had not a hing dc.vh, although out two winters. Tski in wholo thirty-two expeditions ennm i.it-the death-rate was only seven ir tent, of those employed. These i . t h uh not detract from the re nown f An tic explorers, for their work demands high courage, resource and powers of endurance. The value of the list is given to show that it proves that Englishmen can live and keep a noble purpose steadily in view; amidst the most depressing circumstances, where he; had liquors stored. the etore would than a gain a large amount of imported Boucher claims the burning of involve a Ions to him rather .A fire hi Siunter, S. C, de- . House. Mr. Crooke," of New York, introduced a bill for the exchange of lauds at Wallabout bay be tween the United States and the city cf Brook lyn. Mr. Cessna, of Pennsylvania, offered a reso lution providing that tho rales be so far sus pended duriug the remainder of the present sebsion as to prevent tho Speaker from enter taining any dilatory motion pending the con sideration of any public bill or joint resolution, or of any motion to bring, or the result of winch may bring before the House for consid eration such bill or joint resolution. It was vehemently opposed by the Democratic mem-. uers, wno claimed that it was iu violation of the '-Constitution, would open the Treasury to all kings of echeinef. ana set a bad precedent. The Republicans held that it would prevent a waste of time. The resolution was lost. Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported a bill appropriating .182.5j00 for the pavment of the Februarv interest on the $3.G5 bonds of tho District of Columbia, to bo considered and adjusted as part of the proportional sum to be paid by the United States for the expenses of the district, and toward the payment of the interest on the funded debt of the district. Referred to the Committee of the Whole, where it can be reached only in the regular order or by suspen sion oi uie ruies. Mr. Ingalls, of Kansas, from the committee on Indian affairs, reported with amendments the House bill to authorize the Seneca nation of New York Indians to lease lands within the Cattaraugus and Alleghany reservations and to confirm existing leases. Placed on the calen dar. Mr. Doreey, of Arkansas, introduced a bill to establish certain telegraph lines in the several States aud Territories as post roads, and to regulate tho transmission of commercial and ', other intelligence by telegraph. Referred. Mr. Totter, of New York, from the Judiciary Committee, reported a joint resolution propos ing the following amendment to the Constitu tion ' "Article 1G. From and after the next elec I tion for a President of the United States, the President shall hold his office during the term of six years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term, be elected in the manner as now provided, or that may here after bo provided ; but neither the President nor the Vice-President (when the ofiice of President has devolved upon himVshall be eli gible for 're-election as President." Tins' elicited a spirited debate, in the courve of which Mr. Butler remarked that the reason why we had been so unsuccessful in Vice-Iresi-dents when thov had become Presidents is that they have always looked to a re-election, aud j ting meresore we propose to take away tins tempta tion. He further said: "The time which would call for the re-election of a President is when a strong hand has, hold of the govern ment, and when in time of commotion, and the leople feel a doubt as to what will e the future, of the country without a re-election. Then I can conceive a possibility of the people coming up as one man to the re-election of a strong hand that will hold the government in the f r.ture as it has held it in the past. I can conceive of that, and the onlr thine that will A exchange, telling us of the great and almost always unnecessary ,hasto some people are ever in, says: The public was informed, for perhaps the thirtieth time, the other day, that a man who con sidered his time of great value, recently made a flying leap from a wharf to the deck of a departing ferryboat. lie mis calculated, of course; and we, in common with . all compassionate persons, regret that he lost his life through his rashness. His haste made waste, he sacrificed his life in his anxiety to save five minutes.' It would probably have been useless to attempt measures for protecting him against himself; had there been a ten barred gate at the end of tho wharf, he would very likely have vaulted over it, so strong was Ins desire to make time," aa he perhaps would have called it. He went out of lifo in a feverish unrest, probably having lived so a good part of his existence; and tho chief thing to be regretted is that he did not possess the necessary patience to avoid taking 1 a foolish risk. But he was only a type of an immense class, which is. one of the products of our high-pressure civilization, and which, is seen at its worst in New York. People of this class begin the day by. bolting their breakfasts in from ten to thirty minutes, instead of quietly taking an hour for it over coffee and the newspa per, before going Out into the day's bat- I Flonr-i Pcnn-ylvauia Extra tie. After breakfast, as they start down town, they run a block or two to catch a car which they espy in the 'distance. The driver stop3 his horses and waits for them. When they arrive, panting and heated, there are at least two other cars close behind the first. Haste has made waste again. The driver of the first car is behind time, and the impatient people who ran will not get down town more than three-quarters of a minute, perhaps not so much as that, ahead of the car to which they miffht comfortablv have walked without a particle of hurry. It may happen, too, that the first car I is crowded, and tliat a score of half suffocated and weaned men and women block the aisles and hang desperately on by the straps, trampling on each other's feet, and indulging in whispered com mentaries on each other's conduct. But ! the hurrying persons never think of get- into the car behind, even if it is quite empty; they nobly sacrifice them- 60.00 ioo.oo ocv .T 07 7. .oy (M.Htrt .07 & OS (4 .OS 15' 4.70 4.70 1.24 1.07 .95 1.30 1.40 .07 6 For 25 W Te will send Tarletlen PIKE FIOW- F.ll .SKKDS i;n ctiuic Irom our ttV- elcurae), fr 26 eta. All tru to name sad war ranted. 30 for Sad 10 renU lor a pact are of our New cat Owarf Itouqarl Anlrr and oar ('ataloirus vf Dotnestio and Imported 1XI.NNKI.IjY Ar COt KocljeMer, The Ways of Women, t- r-i . V. C SVTTH. V. T, t it t rT W Vo-k tvrW4 frwa v. imu f'M W. Hall -r.aaw Catrmn a mtcm m !.. T ! k'otla MT-m. m It m a av rvi i. an ir .T araasca.a Dr. kl, l cft4 fra flnK'ti.Mjs Ettif rial Hiiiimnitr h nwk' r r nartaaltr lor af tmm--ry I WHY WT STIU,a. pUiaiacfaar ('? Tkta V al mIL t c:kW em aa. PV8TIM, CU-M AM $5 9ft PKU DAY CO.. HartfarS. Caas. at bom. Tat-ms trv t.EO. STI!aN A Co, rortiand KtFI.FR. SH0T-0r5v PISTOLS Ail. Ma BETOLTEE?, Brr.A riling Waukesha Water KSS MINERAL ROCK SPRING, R hi IxTT1 H1 K, h! U (4 6." 5 (4 6.0.1 4 1.C4 4 1.07 (4 .95 (4 l.SJ 4 1.51 (4 .C7.v 34 .84 .50 (4 1.00 .45 (4 .70 .08 (4 .12 .40 .24 .2-1 .3 Pork Mew 13.50 Lard 13 Fish Mackerel No. 1, new 13.00 " 5s o; 2, new 10.00 Dry Cod, ier cwt 6.00 Ilerrintf, Scaled, per box :i0 Petroleum Crude , 6 , (46 Wool Calif oiiiia Fit ece Tcxm " Australian " Butter SUte Wwtern Dairy Western Yellow Western Ordinary.......... Pf onsyWania Fine.......... Ch pes SUte Factory " Skimmed Weetern T7 C -BB ALBANY Wheat Rye State Corn Mixed...... Barley State Oats State BUFFALO. Flour 4.75 Wheat No. 1 8pring. Corn Mixed. Oats , Rye..... Barley ..... j ..... ... ....... BALTIMOBE. Cotton Low Middlings. ...... ...... Flour Extra. Wheat Red Western...... Rye Cora Yellow Oats Mixed, retroleum..., (413.73 4 .137; (C14.UO (410.50 (4 6, (4 Refined, 33X4 .33 ,32 4 .3-J (4 is. 1. 4 .42 (4 (4 (4 C4 ('ares Drt.psr, Pypepl. Diabet. Constipation, (iratel. Jaundice,- Urirht's Diiwaae. Scrofula. Irew Sum, Foinaia Weakneaa, tn all iu forms, ail Duteaaea of the Kidneys and liver. Price llarrel. fti; half do. f7: cans. jnx. deml inhni and bottW. U) eta. mr ceilon : nackaxM extra. Money rauat accompany the order. hnd ittmp for onr bonk of X! pa(ea, Ktvinc descnpUoa of lue aoovs diaeases. C. C. OLIN & CO.. iVankrba. iliiliO WIUT AKK ril.ESl Kl.AH ! 41"I.A1X ULl .NT larla," a Treatise on tha Uam, HUtorr, Cure aud 1-i-v. ni-n..l ! ILK, rub lile.l L f. M-.lTAKl-ri.K A 4 Walker Street Ww York. Sen 1 1 K K K tc ail ;iaru of Die fnited Male JO rvceiut of a truer stajtp. A Book expoalnir tha mri'W of tTT A T.T, Cp and hnw any ooe ray opera t aoo- II AUAJ opaafallT wUh a capital of tMi or Ja KKNI. tVwfl-je tntrnctione and llluatratla to any addrxea. TI ! KHIIHii: V . lliKUU IMi 11 U S Wall btreet. New York. This PATEMT CABINET or LETTER FILE taux-fji loeverj buitRMacii.lo k-ep blLLJi. LI T TKhJi or Ir-Ai-iKa always r!a and fa ajphaocuoai ardcri boide AXXX) Lettera. can be oad on a drea or nunc to tha wall. We Trrr TEspreaeeharc-. Be-nA for circ-ar and price la with UMO rcfercnoea, C. A. COOS. Si CO. OUuaco. IU. i-" ." ; yvi L y 'f-J Addreaa $250 g A ."ilflNTII-Afna nt-l bere. ftntna lKnxrM" anj r. u I'arttcalara aent fra. An.!rta HTM A t . M. Uhii. Mo. ilQreatPffeir1 OOk Dally I OVf Imt Fami' I r in 111 'brc.moa. f re. .(trill. AM. M K. nw article and t,a Arii Ttra with tra fit , yOO Hrtierfeaj. N. Y. .28 .26 .23 .35 .16V(4 .05 (4 .10 -(4 .30 4 .11 ,15 .31 Twenty Steel Reproductions of famous pictarea, orlc lnai eiiKravinxi aorth MliO.tH). " Fawt to be Krwt." Jean Inaelow's Kreat story, price In look f irm 1 A Woman in Armor. a thrtlllnr story of AnMtricaa borne life, price in book form ? I .'2'. Twenty short storiM. a rich anty of miscellaneous readinir. and over ISO pagr-a of rare picture. AU too above Iscludwl tn the oner of IICaBTb aim Homk on tkial, till July 1. heat puet-paid for only I .(Ml. The (rnat iliuaUated wvokly maaaxioa. Prtee reduond to 2.o4teryear. btnle number six ceota. At news stands or by mail, lireat inducementa to areola and cluba. TUK DAILY tJRAFIIIC COMPANY, I'nhltHhers. 3I and 41 Tark Flace. New York- K. YV. INrrrr V C' Pnnl- Htnr, It. .. m : We bava uaed 4 1.33 (4 1.38 j .m (4 .'.hi I .M (4 .R5 g re an VSV Los 4 i.w nCTi 57(4 .57' ! K&ZZ!&J .14 V 2LZJ I VLlHabit Cured Accrtsilnandsnrc cure, without Incocvrfclcnce. tad at homo. An antldwta that Manda inr-!y on its ewu xnerlta. Send for my quarterly inarx.r.e i COtts pou nothing). conta!BU.aerf.acatea of hnn.rds .Tpjilve been permanently cured. 1 c.a.m io dlscofered and produced the fikt ojuoijalud oxlt srtK cvs roicrui katio. DIU 8. n. COL.LIK, Lua Portr, Ind. r while and coo- ting Powder ia PHILADELPHIA. Wheats Western Rod Rye Coru Yellow Mixed Oats Mixed R Petroleum Crude... .14; .9S .7S .64 .06 B.Zi 1.1 .90 .77 .77 (4 8.25 (4 1.20 (4 1.00 f4 .73 (4 .tc; 4 .00 4 1.20 4 .92 4 .78 (4 77 (4 JM the rva Foam a Ion aider it tbe beat Ha oiw. Demand, Hill- Ar Mrkrr. Whorever wa hare auld your Ka Foam it baa rirrn eiceUwnt aatia- faction. ami It ia prooonn nor to any known Haklna Try it. Ita rainonu ia woaderful it aavoa V.ilk. Krs. Ac. and aja hke Hot Cakea." Send f'-r circular to tiro. F. LiANTZ A Co.. IT Doane mm nnmrnirn tt Ilom. J HO.V3E: GROWN .09 09'4 Keflned, .12," Seventh Annual OF THIS January 1, 175. Statement IMATIO IM AL Life Insurance Co., OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. WASHINGTON. D. C. KKCF.IPTS. Premiums, including receipt on re insured policies SJ23,."i75 20 Interest and premiums on gold 134,KHJ OS Total Receipts w 174 1,058,170 7S i IlSBritSE.IENTS. W27n,0l 72 2.724 OO I 237,H4 H.t 2o,43) 7. 30,iMM H ,2I4 4. 13,221 OO OCR NCV frATALOCm. IV) p-7. contAinmi tb frtett ".inety ol t;arden and Flower Sl.and Uieheatatraljaof home rrowneelfor MarkrtCiardeners Familr Garden. Amateara and F lonsu, sent free to all he apply HOVEY & CO.53 No. Market St. BostonIaas . WARRANTED A PER FKCT CCRK for mil iA rori of Piles. I.p R't. SriorRM, Rr. Wkrw. Salt Khecm. Caji- ckk. Catarbji. Nkcbaloia. KHaVMATISv. ASTHMA I7S-EPSIA. KIUSETS. aaw nil duir of Ihr Sail and BLOOB. Entirety wv.tait; Money returned ia all eaaea ri.K. eft.-.., lkaaton. Bold hend for Circular. j hi it! IT. Terms liio.cra . Ttuio alMirt. Fwur reara oi an 1 .rlvilorraa.IcM-lber. ,OQ utUmotuaU. Address Ur.F.JMarab.tjoUy-y .Mtc". .nt aatia- (HnAA and exp4 TTVa,ri IO arrns. injrcss eedsupe- 23 4& U U A. 1 blOUii AliU. JoO-i:i, Mich. Powder " I - " i Great Bargains in Land. r lOOO MaryUad Farm-. f--r KaU C heap. In a lautlj Country. U-rtple lala-me aot trm. I.. W CAKKOIJ Kaat few Maraet. iwrimiw - ASTHMA 5 CATARRH. lla.iaC ! I laily mi i-w-a I i .! IT7 It. rjM rsn V .a : pnadux aad hrt aa l-S-l "- ;jlraa. I fartaaauly n,.r4 a ' ft'raT aaa ra U ltM Ml t. 3Warraaf4 la r-l!a em-t f- -" Maallr.aa ta rlirl raa IW i ! riwpnailruur. a tt4W-I wia MMipV rarkaa tat aa 4t.Hl.twa. S-ily Iitn.li -k.r w..! II IV This new TroM U T with prft eamft tilalit ar.d day. AAP" ttarlf t wrrry ra l n of tbe b-iy. raalaiiis K-! . tare aadr tne Lad4 eiwlaa or ewrt atratn antii ln' , Elastic Truss Co., N. CS3 IlrssawsTi N. V. llFt and seat by mall Call or erd f.w f Vcular. and be card. Kerxlk'arr.p l till lalumtr !-. ee Vt PB.T.P. CttUs,IUt, MLVM1 tot ir. . CJEMTM iVANTi:f. Men or womaa. 3I a Llchtn Ktrawi. trt of faiiur. erer where. 1. IK Mi' 41 a bottle. i TVTfi'WTr' V TrA.l!i with StencU A Key Check i UAVS 11 XA X Ontfita. CaaUcue. lucpln and full par- i ucniars r rre. p. m. PE?Jta. ll lianoeerMt.. rtoatoa. ETDII CDCV orFITH cured by tha na ef Rosa t.rilL.rOI KPILFPTIC UEMKDtES. Trial Pack- ajre "r. For circnlars. artdaooe of A ililrn Zl A 8 T I (TVl A WF.TTtK. Aots wanted eTywhera. For outht S&c. rRIT H A -A ALIKE, Oaytoo. Ohio. Death claims Matured endowments and annuities. Cash and allowances for surrendered policies Premiams on policies reinsured Dividend on stock Taxes and license fees................ Coram iiwions All other eipenditures Total Disbursements ij 174... ASSETS. Canh in bank United Rtata Ivmda.... State and ciiy bund Selves Oil the altar OI haste; they plunge I Loans secured by hrst monaca cf in among the . other unfortunates, and i I.ians secured by collaterals ..... . . i . i - - , i ' Ixiana anenred by policies in force.... arrive ai, uieir oinces as tirea as u they j mmuted commiwiiona had done a day's work. It is astonishing 1 Fmm'nncura to observe the sweet "resignation with j j'i'iaTruiii which an elegantly-dressed lady "or a cX punctilious gentleman, if they happen tuccmt, etc.. addrtwa ROSS P.RO.S.. Richmond, lad S75 I A IITERTISKRS! Rend 25 reala to CKO. IX. KtJVi KIJ. A i.. 41 Fark Kow. II Y-. for ftmpklrt nf 1 (K containing llata of 34XKJ I patxwa. and eaUtnaAaa anowtna aoat ot a1 vorUalaa. iatarrh mm A CJEMTM WATi:i A. week, ar flue foHel WrHM a U. V. M RK '. KO.Tklc CONSTANT FtlPIXTlENTAt hotaa, Mala J or Female. IjlMi a week warraatad. Ho eapttal ra. Ad-r Heehanaa.wxa. 3 aired. Particulars and valaabla samr-tea seat r.a. with ao riarw Mawii. I) Rnea U II ItamaKi Ad wiTwn.W . iTS "V a month to ar OillMI kxckuoor hrisoi f A(( A Vfar. Kalarr aad eir-ffeee paid Oat .tUU ttfrM. A MlilUflr f" l-ta ratara nostaca. O. 11. OLR.N FY. U afrt-wt. fetre.Me. The Cincinnati Weekly Star ! ( 'SJiSS ) -7U7,3 8.3 , remiuma tnet ce furniture, ledger bijancee. and ail other aaaets so-o.v 07 4 12.354 im 137,.JH iH 400,000 OO 2,lio,.vi2 no ! S7,32 1 1 S V,7oi f3 ! 6l.li)3 46 ! 82,724 50 j 84,437 34 t 20,100 47 ! Including pnatacw and tha fialy lUaatrated Star A I- , Ml pt-r yar. Antl-.lleaawalT.The lirascrr' Pa per oot- Inin R lata paaea at oellrat readir.c toatter. Tbe hmwr, merchant and mechanic ia any part of tha coantry will bad tola tha hwat of tha wm kbea. to say Botuin of the kw prion. Airesta ara oflrad iadooementa superior to aayloin beretofore atteniT-1 hnectmeo eofuea frM. Ad-1 raa. TUK ST A It. CiaciaanlU Okie. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS ( fet snadrt laarls eloatlr. a laataa taae. pewrrlsl, 'ir"";' - WATERS' Concerto ORGANS " VTiT i i.J .. .... -r k,.aii ' - defy .Mliin. Eaa t warrrta MS" - " !"? ilaa -f ( Ilasnaa mtrr. rill vor make a tliird term Kiicoeebf al.". TLe rebo- j to belong to the hurrying class, will pack htroyed t75.000 worth of propeity.. Tlie lution waii rejected by a vote of 134 to 104 not two-thirds iu- favor. Ail the Democrats and French "Aesemblv, bv a vet a of 335 vea against I IOV 7f? rucans vpted for it- ,rt '. . " T , , . Mr. Biitler reported a resolution m reference jjui, irjiTwi jfx. xylite-maye s amecamem ; j0 jjie McUarrahaQ to tho eutavon bill, providing that & Senate, Chamber of Deputies, and President of the re public should compose the government, the last-named to be chief of the executive rower. and New Idria Mining Company's claims in California, directing the commissioner of the government land oftice to iastitute legal proceedings in the name of the government aajn-t the Sew Idria 'Maiina Company in the Circuit Court of the United tuemselves into the most promiscuou j crowds on the rear platforms of horse j cars, rather than wait three minutes, or j even one. 1 ! irff lYondern Xerer Ceame t "When Dr. Walker proclaimed that he hal produced from the medicinal herbs of California an elixir that would regen- Gbom AJ.sr.TS. Ja. 1. 1C5 3,5S0.22d 31 I.IAHII.1TIKS. neinsnrance Reevrve on p.Uciea in force 92.044,522 OO lU-serre on pnlicira lapsed and liable for surrender and re?oratkn 22.3 1 9 30 Prent Talae of premiums due in lpTi and future years, paid ia ad. ranee 8.1f2 70 Death claims reported bat not due. . 7SM"0"i O"! lit lOOK AGENTS lYAXTED fiTvv eookTELL it all Ef Ks. ruaiMOM ef Bait TLaVe Crttr. lor . I ion the of a Mi In the Kings county (N. Y.) Apylnm for ! States for Cahfornia to restrain further waste the InRsnf, on om inmi, .;t, . property; ior ine appointment of a j receiver hatchet he had obtained ..... L At its session ' a.n also . 1. . fZ : 1 T ' , l. x l :n .1. . - . . . I i -11 ;.: . 1 . . i 1 . 1 r" 1 iufeuia um, tuc tiuiru oiwes ( luouimumcij uu rv'iiKiiu:v iiKtru were- iona e10n. their hfvrti la Yt ht Viiir-. ' i fiVMn .I.a V - Irlm. M ...... i ' J I - " ' ' ituui iuo tuiia .nil u u-: V.VU1 auu ! Ten .1 . . . o . I miT Itirtora i a tmir tlm c ToTal. LlABIUTIES J. 1. 1TS....M2,1&.,027 1 I Srartrs, Brma Pkcttutt Addi TIOsaL to the KiAF.arK 81,425.198 20 ma m rk nwa. wac.ioa t-f Wlrm. r-tr. iVia mxnry af onn a mttirtmrm Hri ban trie -hwiJrm mj.u-nea. arcirt aotji, etc ot the Morooaa m a asmaa area lay.- Bnafct. rv aad Ooad. it to tha a- st bnak mmt. a. ' v w'tm-T vua ruua via( ior au. u la aopalar rvvrr aacrc 't1 fwrfnodf. am oatarlla all eOrr booka lr- ta s'"-ly y " mt Lolnaat swan er.iorv it. f.Tr badr in and acvata ara aavjac IxnlOtoSOii-.jl UtHllnaWaMnraf M' want lf rmr-r timtr aerau NOW aa l mw aoaiea sad . i.i wmiv t nr u won waa viu caavaaa. iir. I - f.x TKE.MF.I.V IWe raa a anas " raa a I f T.. M: 1 7r 1 1 1 Ira I eXV at 'a I la aJa "m a l"r s?. fl 7T UK aispMcta vtt full partarsarm. AiS. ma A.U -rrHKotoi (. THE FAVORITES. Vm KfT-Vllr M- KATOUITE.- lade for fall lafreTaati r:r? ll'4Z.mI . TTZJ?. f,v Mn. a4rM t.i.l' ""I.Ti Ita Jl " I0.11PAM' at II art lard, Isil oar Isaacs OStoa la leadisff Caaaa. A GKXTH. Chanc Chanc aatla at sia-bt. ia.a,is;wiitfa Cnaaa lanc MT Co ; and for the recovery of poe6e-hion. j erate the sinking system and cure every I for the recovery of seven mill jou dol- form of disease not organic, the incredu- ..9f.4 25,1l 20 .. 1,264,403 t4 crania liouEe sat continuously forty-eix hours and twenty-five minutes, and during that time the sucu oiuer acuon an . ine commiesioner may dera proper. Ahso directina; the Secretary of roll waa called eeventy-five times Vinnie the Interior not to issue patents to the New Beam has the contract to design and furnish the statue of Admiral Farragut for the ca tional capitol at Washington Een Wade and Gov. Koycs, of Ohio, both decline to run for Governor of that State at the next election. .... .The New York Central railroad has been cutting down the wages of its employees. The Beaufort Female Lunatic Asylum at Quebec was destroyed by fire, and three of the patients were burned to death. The loss on the building is $75,000, and there is very little insurance. The patients, 433 in number, were removed in safety to the asylum occupied by Idria Mining Company until the legal proceed ings are determined. " After much discussion, the resolution was adopted by 13G to 11. Mr. Butler moved a reconsideration of the vote whereby the Civil Rights bill, reported by the Judiciary committee, was recommitted! ' Filibustering " was at once begun by the op position to prevent getting the bill before the House, with such success that the roll was called sixteen times in the course of the morn ing, and nothing had been done up to the hour of adjournment. The voting was of a etrictly party character, and the list showed an averag of 225 members. f i - Mr Dawes, of Massachusetts, presented the credentials of his colleague-elect, Mr. Stevens, who was chosen to toll the vacancy occasioned gar iMttere is now the standard restora tive of the Western world. Under the operation of the new remedy, dyspeptics regain their health;, the bilious and con stipated are relieved of every distressing symptom; the consumptive and rheu matic rapidly recover; intermittent aSd remittent fevers are broken; the heredi tary taint of scrofula is eradicated ! 8170,794 30 j 2,001 Snrplus, Jan. 1. 1?TS.. Surplus, Jan. 1. l"Ti THE ltlB. S amber of policiea lssnod during- tha year Amount of Dchciea issued darina the jear S5.770,5l OO Tbe loans, eeeured by first mortTaTea af raa eatala, ajnoust to i.llS.2. a soxa eonetderalt ta exoeee of ita total policy liabtlitr. Tne surplue $1.J.19 is entirely ftr the saearit of the policy bolder, beta additional to tha lataaoraaea food, whtca aluoo afford ampla prntactioe. Darin tbe Last rear toe company baa paid ta r-iraanu tatirea of decnaaad pnll-f bold ara fTT!, aad fur aar. rendered polictea f237J'.4. has paid a dirviead ante its etock. haa met toe arpanawe. and now aaa a aarnlaa ef at j-.x ic. . . a ! -w. . . S, - ,. . . . I( . - . , y ... . . v. turn avyiaa aa ue kepticism is routed, and this wonderful ' jecunui- of tse aar. i..- A i n . t Tne tow Ratea, toe Lanre CapHaLtaa DennHa Coa. tracta. and tbe liberal PUciea of tha NATIONAL, leader tt eapeciallj wurtbj tba eoaSdaaca aad patroaaca ltbepabhe. Op an mi TrJsi. V Ti ain Ti ni 1 i . T. Tk r- . icbt aad Paul OurnU. Vioa-Pnandaw ; J. T. Cra&k. unarsoa n. reec. a-ctaaxj. preparation in to-day the most popular tonic, alterative, and blood depurent ever advertised in America. We don't sell rum under the guise of medicine. We advertise and sell a pure medicine which will stand analysis by any chemist in the country. Com. RFAHY the r-HAM rtoa aoo or to ssubo. for THE GREAT SOUTH. AGENTS, ftterje?:- aOO PAIJFJSaad GOO ILI.t MTKATIO.NK. Tba moat macnlflceot work em pablkmbad ia thta ' eonntry. Ar-at no can sell a gund bvk. caa abtaia temUarr on wi"- t bheraj ta.rr, I addraaatnar . AMiltK AN PI Ht'.lHlllX. to- SOIMGSF JOY! ' A 5EW COLLECTIOX OF XX75T3VCXJj3 xxc!.TTTjX3IIEI Kapclariy sdaptd fear Prarer aad Caa MeMiaars f hnrt aa Aaeoctauma aad Ir araily WorafaiD H J U Tt-sry. rwarda. t; ,-U.tbl. Caxa. at evataT Saat poatpatd oa rrt-A. ot tbe pn. I.KK cV rill:PAHn. Itaataa. Branch OSlce, - - CMcaro, 111. 157 to 163 I Salle Street, Vaers (As Wiaaa. c l Cosvaay U (raaaocteal. I ! AST5TS WATTrOrtWemnVIATtOM TOOU-Staeaa 5 in ZJ) sitacauf.'iwa- CmOmh.u Saaaala, rrsasiia tireet, rsiaaiaaia, ra. a w. TIN WIRE RINGS. tTIll a KhI a aaaka Us Aiaaj's aaa a-ra kilfar. SlX i Tla iof.Iaw ju.,a.4 u. L Lapi au aim &Oa.t Toatt. iLsSi br saaO, TWMrtMtM rS ! '. ... Craav AiLYi.UiiXA C iaoara.

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