1 COURIER ih n ANKMN GEO. S. BAKEB, Editor and Proprietor. TI3RMS: S2.00 per Annum. VqL. IV. ' LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1875. NO. 19. TAttle Hag-Tag. A curly, bright head, and perched upon it Little Hag-tag of a brown son-bonnet ; . A pair of old shoes, forever untied, i Whose soles have holes, whose toes grin wider " T . ' Come sun or come shade, come shine or come .rain. To little Hag-tag it's ever the same ; With an'air of ilw most supreme content, ' She paddles aujl plays till the day is spent. Why people conplain she never can see, When God is as good as ever can, be ; Blie talks to herself,' and laughs, and sings About the world and ito beautiful things ; But, though lie is good to all of the rest, hue i very sure that lie loves her the best ! Oh, how much better this world would wag If we all had hearts' like little Rag-tag ! the hattle or ixkeuhax. our left, by Pennefather a still propensity to fight out in front Eight lug Against Fearful Odd Jtotr the Hay teas Divided Hie Jteitults. Mr. A. W. Kinglake's long-expected story of that ever-memorable fight at In kerman, when in the thick mist of a No vember morning, 17,000 or 18,000 French and English troops beat back upward of 71,000 " Hons of the Czar," is at length published. The book, which contains 513 pages, deals only with the two bat tles of Inkerman, the first being that in which Sir Do Lacy Evans defeated with 2,000 men three times that number of Italians, on the 2Gth of October. No le33 than 440 pages does Mr. Kingalake devote to tin one great day which we call Inkorman, jind we cannot even pre tend to follow in anything like adequate detail tho story of that long day's stran gle. The author divides the day into seven periods, the first being from 5:45 to 7:30, the second from 7:30 to 850, the third from 8:30 to 9:15, the fourth from 9:15 to 10, the ; fifth from 10 to 11, the sixth from 11 to 1, and tho seventh from 1 till 8, by wliich time the Russians had secured their retreat, thanks to Cen. Canrobert's refusal to press the retiring columns. Mr. Kinglake saves us the troublo of summarizing the points of tho fight by giving U3 himself a succinct narration of tho leading features of the day. Ho says: The outlines of the fight, like those of Mount Inkorman itself, ore indented and - jagged, bit well marked. First period: Coming up from tho west under Soimon . off, and from the east under Paiuloff, 40,000 assailants moved forward under ho thick a cover of darkness and mist that by no greater effort than that of driving in an outlying picket Gen. Soi ' monoUf wa3 able to plant on Shell hill a powerful battery, supported by heavy bodies of foot. From tho commanding position thus rapidly scaled, and now guarded by Gixteen battalions, twenty other battalions, with a strength of fully 15,000 mm, were thrown forward to at tack Gen. Pennefather' along his whoie ' front, while a force, called the 'under road " column, moved up unobstructed by tho road of tho Careenage ravine in order to turn his left fiank. On his right for Homo timo the enemy triumphed. He seized three of our guns, he drove from . tho field a bewildered body of nearly 400 filot, and menu while with the "under road " column ho successfully turned the position coining up by tho well-way at last to withiti a stono's throw of Penne fathcr's tents. There, howover, all changed, and tho mist which had thus far protected the enemy began to favor our poople, by taking from the many thoir power of rightly wielding big num bers aud from the few their sense of ' weakness. It resulted that with the aid of some batteries 3,300 of our in fantry, under Pennefather and Buller, found means to defeat with great slaugh-i - ter, and even to expunge from the battle-field, the whole of the 15,000 men who had assailed their front, and, more over, proved able to rout tho "under road " column at a moment when it was driving into the very camp of tho Second division. Tho number of Hussion offi cers struck down was appallingly great, and Gen. Soiinonoff himself fell mortally wounded. S.cond period: Gen. Dannenberg, now coming up, assumed the command, aiad he begui to act with fresh troops. By attacking not oiily tho. front of the Eugli-Ji position, but also the valueless ledge surmounted by the sand-bag bat tery, ho challenged his adversaries to meet him in two separate combats, and our soldiers - believing! though wrongly, that the dismantled work must bo part of the English defenses, fastened on it with so eager a hold that Lord Raglan, in tho midnt of close fighting, could not even attempt to withdraw them. , The mistake long continued to work ita bane ful effects, and the combatant part of the English force, now augmented by the accession of fresh troops, divided itself into unconnected assemblages, with a dangerous gap between them. In one of tho two simultaneous fight3 thus pro voked that is tho one in front of Home ridge Gen. Pennefather, with very sou.t means, proved able to hurl, back every onset; while in the tight for the sand-bag battery, after long and obstinate struggles, our people drove down the whole multitude which had-swarmed on tho ledge of the Kitspur; but then, hap lessly, they went on to do more, achiev ing what I have called a false victory over the Hussion army. Excepting only a few score of men, with difficulty re- unopposed throogh the gap, and the few score of English still remaining on the heights then seemed to be entirely cut off, yet proved able to fight their way home. For some time the two French battalions which had come up would take to part in the fight, but one of them the Sixth of the Line moved forward at length with good will against the flank of the Russian force, then advanc ing along the fore ridge. Tho enemy, thus threatened, fell back, and the French battalion victoriously made good its advance to ground on the west of the Kitspur. Thus the efforts the enemy made in the course of this second period resulted after all in discomfiture; but, by the continued necessity for guarding ardent m iront ol tne heights, and now finally by the losses and the dispersions sustained on the Kit3pur, the number of English foot soldiers that could be mustered j for the immediate defense of the Honjo ridge was brought down to diminutive pro portions. Third period : That immediate de fense of their position, for which our people were so ill provided, became the problem in hand. The enemy, concen trating his efforts on one settled, pur pose, delivered a weighty attack -upon the Home ridge, now almost denuded of English infantry, but guarded by thk Seventh Leger, a battalion nine hun dred strong. His advanced troops broke over the crest, obtained some signal ad vantage over both the English and French, and then, upon being better confronted, began to fall back; but the bulk of the assailing masses had not ceased to advance all this while, and were seen ascending the ridge, 'i Then, with the Seventh Leger, 4with? a little band of zouaves, and with a few of our own people whom he could gather around nun, uen. I'ennelatner, alter a single struggle, which hung for some minutes in doubt, found means to de feat the great columns thus attacking his center, and the collateral forces brought up on the right and on the left, being almost simultaneously overthrown by other portions of our infantry, and in part also, too, by our guns,. the whole multitude of the troops . which had un dertaken 'this onslaughter was trium phantly swept, back into the Quarry ravine. . Fourth period : The allies having no troops in hand with which to press their advantage, the enemy very soon rallied, and with some vigor turned on his pur suers. The French Sixth of the Line had been already driven back from our right front, and our people engaged at the center were more or less losing ground, when tho accession of the two eighteen-pounders ordered up byJLord Raglan put an end all at once to the as cendency of the Russians in the artil lery arm, and began - to tear open that stronghold on the crest of Shell hill, which had hitherto furnished the basis for all their successful attacks. "When, in this condition of things, Gen. Bos quet approached with fresh troops, there seemed to be ground for believing that the ?nd of the fight must be near. so sharp a stress on Dannenberg that, without consulting Prince Menschikoff, he determined at once to retreat. Seventh period; No pursuit worth recording took place. Gen. Dannen berg's retreat being accomplished at eight o'clock in the evening, the action came to an end. The Russian loss Mr. Kinglake givas at 10,729 in killed, wounded and pris oners. Among these were six generals, and if Russian grades wero like ours, the number might be stated at twelve. The enemy lost altogether 256 officers, and of the thirty -four fighting battalions twelve were all but annihilated, and twelve more nearly shattered; but even in the remaining ten tho losses were ruinously great. The English lost 2,357 men, of whom 597 were killed. One hundred and. tnirty omcers were struck, thirty-nine being killed. The regiments which suffered the moet were the Brigade of Guards, right wing of the Twenty-first Fusiliers, and the Twentieth and Fifty-seventh regiments. There were ten English generals in action, and five other brigadiers, and every one of these was either killed or wounded, or had horses shot under them; and, "with only a single excep tion, the same may be said of the eight- een colonels or other officers " command ing detachments. The French lost thirteen officers and 130 men killed, and thirty-six olncers -and you men wounded Canrobert being wounded and a colonel of hi3 staff killed. No gun Russian, English, or French was lost, one taken from the French being re captured. - i Ffth period : "When Bosquet's acced ing reinforcements had brought up the infantry onMountlnkermanto a strength of 3,500, he was induced to advance with a great part of hia force to the f als posi tion of tho Inker man Tusk. Upon the approach of the Russian column moving up to ground on his left, where he fancied the English stood posted, he was forced to retreat in great haste with t ie loss of ai gun ; and some Russian bat talions appearing in another direction, it was only by a swift spring to the rear that his troops drawn up on the Tusk proved able to make godd their escape. The-1,500 French troops disposed on Bosquet's left rear fell back behind the Home ridge, and tho cavalry, which Canrobert brought up to cover the re treat, being f driven from the field by some shells, all thi3 accession of adverse columns seemed threatening to end in disaster. The French troops became disconcerted, and tho allies were from this cause in jeopardy. Their weakness, however, was masked by the vigor of the English defense, maintained all this whilej at .the barrier, as well as by the might of two eighteen-pounders; and Gen. Dannenberg not seizing his oppor tunity, the despondency of the French passed away. Upon the accession of yet further reinforcements, r Gen. Bosquet resumed the offensive, and with two of his battalions he not only defeated that agile Sclinghinsk regiment, which had once more climed up the Kitspur, but drove it down over the aqueduct and out of the Inkerman battlefield. Ho also withdrew both the Seventh Leger and the Sixth of the Line from their shelter behind the Home ridge, and again sent them forward, but they moved by the course of the post road, and there had the English in front of them. Then the share of the French-, infantry in this Inkerman conflict was unaccountably brought to a close. Sixth period : While still irinded to hold fast their respective positions on Mount Inkerman, both the Russians and the French now abandoned the ! offen sive, but otir people, still disputing the victory which Canrobert would thu3 con cede to his adversaries, maintained the The "Arabian Xlghta' Again. "We trust our readers, says the New York Herald, will not be carried away by the stories that come to them, through the telegraph and by correspondents, of the discoveries of mines of silver and gold in our "Western Territories. In our ypunger days we read of the valleys of diamonds and mountains of precious stones, and the strange gifts of super natural beings, who, by a .wave of the wand, could transform the hovel into a dazzling palace. "We do not mean to depreciate at all the wealth of the Terri tories which skirt the base of the Rocky mountains. "When we are . told of dis coveries that offer millions and millions to the needy adventurer who defies the perils of forest and stream and the moun tain path to seek the treasure, we are sceptical. It is very certain that no gold is ever found in the world without dig ging for it. . The mines of the "West are to be worked as we work our wheat fields. The gain will not be greater to the miner than to the farmer. The effect of these stories like those of the great diamond mine discoveries some ears ago, which were sold to credulous English investors is to inspire a senti ment of speculation, to induce easy minded people to put their wealth into the hands of companies, and to repeat on a larger scale the iniquities of the Emma mine, and tne tnousandsoi otner scnemes in gv-id, silver and oil that hava long since been abandoned. . "We have sometimes thought that it would be wise for the government to adopt a general policy in respect to its mines. These deposits should be re garded, not as the prey of the first specu lator who pre-empts them, but as the treasure of the nation, given to it by God for a beneficent purpose. If the government, tor instance, nad every mine carefully examined and its value determined officially, so that all the world might know just what it was, there would be no opportunities for swindling, either at home or abroad. "We shall be 4 1 41-i 4.1, ( r T in Nevada is worth 1,500, 000,000. "We do not believe it, and our advice to those of our readers who believe that by in vesting in its shares they will certainly attain a great fortune, is to save then money and add to their wealth, not by investments in the narratives of news paper correspondents, but by honest in dustry and thrift. , SHARKEY, THE MUBDEREIZ The Story of the Woman to Whotn lie Otrem Ilia Liberty. The steamer Crescent City, from Ha vana, brought to New York Maggie Jor dan, who released the murderer Sharkey from the Tombs. To a gentleman who saw her on the incoming steamer she told a sad tale of misery and woe. Hav ing released Sharkey from the Tombs she endured a long imprisonment, and on her release joined him at Havana. There for a time life was pleasant and happy. Money was plenty with the ex convict, and he spent it freely. There were occasional differences between Mag gie and the man she had so greatly served, and she often had personal abuse to bear, but she bore it uncomplainingly. In course of time, however, Sharkey be came more and more violent, and at length Maggie's devoted love gave way to fear and terror, and she resolved to flee to New York. She took passage by the "Crescent City, studiously concealing her intention from Sharkey. But in; spite of her care he discovered her intention, and she had scarcely entered the cabin of the vessel before he was after her. At her request one of the officers of the- ship concealed her in a storeroom, and Sharkey's search was thus rendered vain. At length, after liaving thoroughly searched the cabin, the felon went ashore, con vinced that Maggie ,had not escaped his clutches. After the open sea was reached, Mag- ducat3 wniie jt showed itiVauty. m" Tninclpfl riththe Trassencrers and told J -.v-i. i. the story of her life in Havana, as well as that of the escape of Sharkey from the Tombs. . . ' Did he escape in woman's dothing ?" asked a passenger. "Yes, sir, he did. I carried the clothes in which he escaped to the Tombs piece by piece. It took many days to do it, but at length the costume was complete, and the plan of escape was fully organized." "How was the escape managed I asked the passenger. in at they Wore for Charity. One of the richest dresses worn at the great Charity Ball in New York city was an apricot silk elaborately trimmed with knife plai tings. Over this was worn white matelasse tunic, combined with a tablier of duchesse lace, so delicate that if it had been a fresh May morning it might have been taken for cobwebs gathered during a garden walk. A most striking dress was a white silk, the deep tunic embroidered with flowers of brightest hue, with gay dropping fringe over a flounce scolloped and em broidered. As its wearer whirled through the danco she looked like some bird of Paradise just alighted from tropical shores, but which took very kindly to Strauss waltzes and Lander's orchestra. Another embroidered dress, if not so fitful in its beauty, was even more bril liant. Fancy a deep cardinal red em broidered with flowers and a close-fitting tunic glittering with jet, and .corsage draped with lace. One of the most exquisite toilettes on ladies who may no longer be considered young, and who are not yet touched with age, was a mauve silk, rich and lustrous, heavily embroidered with mauve, shading to purple and up to white. And still another mauve dress on a lady whose years had put by brighter hues, was half hidden under a deep tunic half formed of fine wide Valencien nes inserting and finished with a deep Valenciennes flounce thaT mxke of A miZE - riGHTER miLlCHER. TVBXED ; An unique dress was a Tieach-blossom silk, with an overdftvi.of soft silk meshes, the same shade as the dress, edged with silken fringe, and corsage high, with long, close sleeves of the net. In describing dresses, you describe the overdress, in that all the beauty, and study, and art of the toilette centers. A white tunic of fine silk cords distin guished a white silk which otherwise might have melted its radiance in the luster and color by which it was sur rounde . A little burnetta lady emphasized her Illmtorji of ITlUimm Thompmom Alimm 44 Bendtffo"The Stor of hi Com rermton ma told to London ( gregationa ' A "converted prize-fighter, known as "Bcndigo, has recently attracted much attention in London as a rpeaker at religious meetings. He is now sixty- two years old, having pent nearly a quarter of a century of his life in th ring." He enjoys the distinction of having " whipped Tom Paddock and of having fought twenty-one matched fights up to his fortieth year, every one of which he won. He now holds in his possession three belts, including the champion's, and several prizes and testi monials in the shape of silver cups, etc In addition to his success as a fighter, he has become famous as a skillful fisher man, and his record shows that he has served twenty-eight terms in jail for drunkenness and disorderly con d act. He is a broad-shouldered man, light of foot, and exceedingly "activo with his arms." As he tells his story, he was the youngest of a family of twenty -one children, all of whom are now dead save himself. He was early in life forced to exert himself to secure tho necessities of life. He does not think he "took to fighting" because he liked it, but he had a mother to support and could get a liv ing easier in this way than in any other. His mother encouraged him, and ho easily fell into the business. He began lif e in Nottingham, where most of his exploits were performed. "He was the most notorious man in the town, and a frequent line in tha papers was " Bendigo in troublo again." His account of his last term in Nottingham jail and of his conversion is rather strik ing. His last imprisonment was not, he says, for thieving. To uso. his own language: -1 " I was never as bad as that. When I was a boy, and up to ihe time when I after th&t came another sermon about tha seven hundred left-handed men in the Book of Jodges; and I am a Uft handed man. Of course I am. It was that what beat the knowing one I have had to Und up against "Well, it was this always going on thai made me make up my mind to turn as soon as ever I got out. It was on a Thursday, and in the winter, and when X was let out at the gaol door there was my old frirnds kindly coma to meet me. 'Come along, Bendy, old boy they said, we 'to got something to eat and om thing to drink for yoa already. Come along.' But I had made up mind, and wasn't to be ' shook; so I turned round. and I sex, Look here, I never will rat or drink along with you or along with any yn in a 'public-house again as long as I live. I'm done with it Thry looked at each other I can teD you. They couldn't make it out. But thrre was one man amongst em named Waters, and he said, Bendy, will you come along with me f I'm going to Beeston, "And I knew If I went with him I should be all right, and I went. And there I met another friend who srUhed me well, and said he, Bendy, what do you say to coming to the Hall to-night to hear Undaunted Dick !' iho m hel eays I; I never heard of him. It's Dick Weaver, says he, a collier chap, that .was once in a bad way, but who is now converted and turned preacher. Ay, said I,. Til go and hear him; he's one of my own sort; and I went, and I set on the platform, and there I could hear em; Why, how's this! there's Bendigo up there; Look, look, there's old Bendy. But I took no notice; only sat quiet and listened. Well, mxt night I was there again, and heard what did me good more than ever. It was bad weather, and snowing hard, and I had is make my way home late at night acroM a park; and when I was half way across I couldn't hold out any longer. So, in the dark, and with tho snow coming down, I went on my knees was a young fellow, my life was a rough wpll u j how, and un, and if I saw any chap eating, and I ben j k j uli m Qcw maiu X t TIT 11 j.1 .1 I I nfl Iiwtiu T.I faVa hia vrtih o v tVriTVi I . . . - wen, on uie uay oi m f "J" beauty with great skill by a black velvet ""sjt b -;v didn t quite go without ale; J had one If and a young lady visited Sharkey. amnn wwai,u nn,W.l mr- Ulin O, yes, I d do that; or, if I was . . t t,n thm -n.i Hnndav. and had already , . i i D dry, and had no money for a drink, I'd T . t. vA ,.1 .;n -,i fin i imiiiim ill wiinm i vi ii i MdUicu iitr 11 111. i .11 a ..v-m. w ii . w . "i . p 11 - i A A. I.... 1 . . . -11 I w lulu. iiULLuiig vi limning ireo miui duiud- self and a young lady The clothes for his escape been provided, and all was ready. Sharkey and the young lady (Wes. Al len's sweetheart) went out together. She walked up Franklin street to Elm and took the Bleecker street cars, and her tracks were followed by the detec tives the next day. The funniest thing about the matter was that tho detectives iook this woman for a' man 1 "How about Sharkey? Where did he go?" i i " He went to Leonard street, got into a coach, and was driven up town. Maccie Jordan will not tell whither WW Sharkey was taken or who took him. She says, however, that he remained in New York three months, appearing in the streets in different disguises, and daily recognizing friends and acquain tances, who passed him without recogni tion. Sharkey, she says, has lived well in Havana, being supported by his friends. Soon after sho joined him he began a course of abuse which impelled her to flight. She was struck and kicked repeatedly in his moments of drunken ferocity. . Still another black dress of tulle in woft puffs was scattered with pansies, their velvet wings spread like butter flies, until its wearer, except for the bright face, looked like some sorrowing Psyche. Again, another black tulle dres3 was festooned by triple garlands of lilies - of the valley, and wound about tho stately lady's! shoulders and bloomed in .her hn.ir in wild profusion. The most poetical dress was a white satin, worn by a tall, willowy blonde. The waist of course, a corset waist- fitted her perfectly, and from under its curves poured a waterfall of spray in which were caught lilies of the valley ; or, to be more explicit, an overdress of tulle, in full folds, caught up with the flowers. The prettiest picture in the room was a young girl with a fresh, lovely face, framed by a halo of sunny hair, and an exquisite neck raising above a pale blue and white striped grenadine overdress bordered by swan's down. At this great ball in New lork city enoueh money is spent every year for w w The Winter of 18Si-J. The winter of 1874-5 wijl certainly long dress and decorations to provide amply England' Southern Empire, England's Empire in the Southern Hemisphere covers 3,000,000 square miles, the size of the United States, less Alaska. The white population of Australasia, as these great ' islands are called, was, in 1850, about 240,000. Now it is but a little less than 2,000,000. Victoria has grown from 77,000 to 732,- 000 in these twenty-five jears, a ten-fold growth, t Queensland has grown from 9,000 to 125,000. Tasmania, which, had a population too small to be counted in 1850, has 100,000 now. New Zealand lias grown ten-ioia in tne quarter oi a century, from 26,000 to 266,000. The population of Australasia is largely Eng lish and strongly Protestant. Immi gration has been freely encouraged. Several of the colonies are no longer penal, and tho actual number of crimi nals on the islands is very small. be remembered by "the; Wildest inhabi tant" as one of tho most! severe in the century. Ono who has not noticed in the newspaper reports of the world how general the cold has been diffused, is apt to think that our own experience has been an exceptional one. But this is not true. Within a few days, says an ex change, we have published reports from nearly every part of the North American continent, showing a low thermometer and heavy storms. In New Mexico, the other day, a stage-driver, holding his reins, was taken off his box stone dead with cold. In Arizona, semi-tropical heats were given way to uncomfortable colds, and snow falls in unaccustomed places. California plains are flooded by freshets and the mountains are buried Although the overland trains for all the suffering people in tho State for half the winter. Conuinptlon of Wood by Hallway. Tho National Cur Builder reports body else's; but, d'ye understand me, I never would what you might call steal anything. Well, this twenty-eighth timo was for the old game. It was at one of the public-houses where thf-y were set against me, and wouldn't serve me with any strong drink, even though I had the money to pay for it. So, nome dody got a pint of ale for me, and just as I was going to drink it the Landlord come along and knocks the jug clean out of my hand. Well, no sooner was he knocked down himself than in come the police- He was taken before the bench of mag istrates, who knew him well and who had often dealt with him. " There was one of them," continues Bcndigo, " a hearty John Bull kind of a man, that I took a likin' to, and I used always try and get round, and generally managed it, putting the matter to him in a man to-man kind of way, d'ye see; but there was another, a vinegar-looking, narrow-jawed cove, who was always hard on me. Well, I made my story out pretty well, and made 'em Laugh a bit, and, thought I, I shall get off Light this time; but I didn't. Said my friend on the bench: Bendigo, when you're the platform, and in the face of cvr ry body who was there, I knelt down and told em how I was change!, and how that nothing should tempt mo to go wrong again, and I've kept my word.aud I mean to go on keeping it. Ever since that time not a drop of beer or spirits has paased my lips, and I never felt healthier, or stronger, or mo.-e Lively than I do now." Bendigo is not an orator; b- cannot even read, bnt his meetings hi to been ' largely attended, especially by persons of his own class, who lktcn with rapt attcnt:on to his story of Lis conversion and Lis evidently sincere exhortation, lie announces his willingness to spend tho rest of his days on the platform, per suading men to embrace religion. His proper name is William Thompson. . He is now at work upon his primer trying t learn his A B Cs. The Annual Hot f Story. The Lapeer Democrat tells with dis tressing particularity how an old man, living in Rich township, while returning in snow. lie Adrerllmed. CoL N. a Moody, New Orleans, who died recently by his own hand, says the Augusta Const itutionalUt, while suffering from an intolerable neuralgic attack, was a singular man. He prosper ed when Louisiana was wealthy, and he sober you are one of the nicest men in prospered when Louisiana was as poor Nottingham, but when you're drunk you M a rat. The secret of his continued ain't; therefore you will go to prison for success was advertising. He knew how two months, and afterward give bail to advertise, and the duller the season ( that at tho clone of 1873 there were 71,- keep the peace for tnree montns longer. more persistently he kept hi mar II 564.9 miles of main lines and 13,512 Well, somehow that sentence seemed to his waxes before the public He was miles of sidings and double tracks, mak- knock me over more than any of the known as the " Shirt King of the South ing 85,977.9 miles of railway within the twenty-seven I had served before, and I WOst." On every dead wall and on nearly United States. Upon these roads the took to thinking what a fool I was not to every telegraph pole in tho Mississippi live quiet and comfortable on my pound yaHey the wayfarer was invited to " get a week like another man. Yes; a pound his thirti at N. S. Moody's." Such was a week that's what I've got to live on. jj, fth in the necessity of captivating Did I save it up? Not I; I couldn't juo fancy of the people and winning save. No; what I did when I was mak- attention, that it was seriously do ing a heap of money in the ring was to darej La New Orleans years ago ha hand it over to my brother, on condition ofiVred $50,000 to help pay for a new that he always give me a pound a week, RVamboat intended for the St. Louis and that's how it comes." trade, providing he had the naming of mm w 11 S 1 ll . . ... . nne in prison ne auenoea me n-gu- the craft. Ilis oner was promptly ac- larger portion of the locomotives con sumed wood for their fuel. Tho number of ties used varie3 from 2,200 to 2,800 per mile. Taking 2,500 as the mean, it appears that 212,692,500 pieces ol tim ber, eight feet long and from six to eight inches in between the upper and lower surfaces, are reouired to supply this W w sinele item. The durability ox ties va- have not been delayed, the cold along ries, with climate, kind of timber, soil. the Pacific railroad has been great. In Wyoming, spirits congealed in the open air, and snow slides have caused much loss of life in Utah. The same is true of Canada. Sandwich Island papers com plain that the natives, accustomed to airy frarb. are shivering in the cold and usage, from four to ten years. As- lar service every Sunday, and first had cepted, but almjst as suddenly declined. breezes, and Australian newspapers make a similar complaint of their country. It has been a winter of cold in Europe, and of storms and disasters at sea. We should hope never to see its likes again. About Order. That was a rebuke administered to the United States House by Fernando Wood, when he said: " Talk of order, why, sir, I have seen no order in this House for a whole Congress. Every day's session is marked by disorder. snming six years as the average Life of a tie, the amount required for annual sup ply must be 35,488,750 pieces, or94,- 530,000 cubic feet. In considering this item it must be remembered that a large amount of waste occurs from hewing and other causes. It must be also borne in mind that the demand for . timber by railroads, besides for ties and fuel, is enormous, including fencing, bridges, buildings, and other structures in great variety and number; that the risk from fires is exceptionally great, and that our requirements in this direction are in creasing even more rapidly than our sup plies are wasting away. his attention attracted by the minister s account " of the set-to between David and Goliath." He became so absorbed hearing how "David the LtUe un when it became known that Get Your Shirts at Moody's was to be the appella- iox - A Singular Dloamter. The accident on the Southern railroad in floored the giant and killed him," . that he forgot where he was, and shouted out, "Brayvo! I'm glad the little un I of Long I&Iand is a novelty in railway disasters. The road had sunk so that the boiler of the engine in passing over it came in contact with tha water with which the track was covered. The sud den contact between the cold water and the heated surface of the boiler cracked the latter, and an explosion im- This is probably tha kind that ever won." When he got to his cell he began to think seriously about what he had heard, and could not avoid the conclu sion that "somebody must have helped David to lick the giant." "Well," he continues, " it was as sin gular as though it was done on purpose! The very next Sunday the parson preach- mediately followed. vl another sermon, which seemed hit-1 the first accident of ting at me harder th" tha one the week occurred to a railway locomotive, and it before. It was all about the three men, Shadrach- Meshacb. and "Bendigo, who Soma wealthy Chinese merchants of the fierv furnace, and who A Styliah Dinner. Every rule requiring the maintenance of J San Francisco recently gave a dinner of WM xed by the Lord from being on horseback from a dance the other night, was pursued by a pack of wolves, how his horse turned on them, and by stamping and kicking killed several of Etraiued from pitrsuit, they all of them fight two hours longer without the aid them, and how the rest chased him to poured down thri eteeos. attacKing and oi irrencn mi an try. passed gradually ins own uoor, wnicn ne entered wu charging tho ensmy, became dispersed in the copsewood, and in this way an nulled for a time their power of render ing fresh services.- The Russian troops, twassuldenly found, had moved op from their old attitude of aggressive de fense to one of decisive attack, and at ler gth by the united power of Lord, Raglan's two eighteen-pounders and a smill daring band of foot soldiery, put difficulty, leaving the exhausted horse to be rended in pieces and devoured, We never could quite believe that wolf story, and it really seems to be growing more incredible every year. the highest oriental style to a party of American friends. The dining room was gorgeously fitted up, and the bill of faro comprised thirty courses. The pastry was wonderful in design, resem- order is violated continually at any mo ment when any gentleman of prominence rises to address tne speaker, air, we have no order here. When I first had the honor to be a member of Congress we had order, we had quiet, we had de- bling birds, beasts and fishes in endless liberation, we had discussion, but now we have none of them; it is continual ex citement." A Boston merchant, who, some twenty five years ago, sold two hundred dozen woolen hose to a trader who shortly there after failed, was agreeably surprised the other day ai receiving $1,300 in gold variety. After each course the party left tho table, conversed, lounged or smoked. Following the Chinese dinner came 'a European spread of twelve or thirteen courses, and the party under went six hours of hard dining. Dr Paine believes that bronchitis is used by parasites. burnt. Oh, yes, I've heard about that since; it wasn't exactly Bcndigo who was the third mn, but the name sounded like it to me, and I took it as such though I didn't say anything to any body. If one Bendigo can be saved why not another V I said to myself, and I thought about ii a great deal. Sun nay after Sunday I looked out for some thing about me in the sermon, and there it tlnn was. After the one about the fiery furnace car e one about the twelve I Again we ak, What beccmos of all fishermen. Now, I'm a fisherman my-. the pins T A single factory in Con self. Bless you! I should rather thia'i tactical tamed out 4,131,000.000 latt X was, on? of the beet in England. Well, year. is to be hoped that it will teach railroad men that cold water cannot be safely brought in contact with hot iron. It is a common practice on American rail ro ids to drench heated axles with water. Indeed, the usual method of dealing with a hot Journal is to throw waUr on U. That tl'i is attended with imminent risk of producing fractures in the. axle which will render it liable to snap in two at any moment is obvious, and thre is Little doubt that many of the accident resulting from broken axles could bo traced to this reckless use of water.

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