THE COURIER. GEORGE S. 1UKFJJ. ' ' f " f Editor axd pRorinrrroR.' All letters addressed X Ceo. S. Bakki:, Fiod'ai'....;. Marcii, 5.' 1875. .A.llie.K or 1); in 9 cruise? ConrfeH8mii to tlio Peo- " Xl0 0ftllO Hoiltll. '""T TV'isHTyoTO!, Falruary .18. The following addrtss 'has just been prepared by the &tvn cratic member of Congress fmiii the Fi.U'h and SouttA west: To "the Pcop'e of the Sou the rn States: You 1'aye coi ti ed tt. he under igi ed in this conjuncture cf ttfttirs the deli cate and difficult task gu irding ip the FederarCoDgrcHB your public interests. t your rights and nputatiop. You will therefore pardon the libeity .we take of add.esiDg you at a period so critical upon a matter aKe ti.'g your destiny ' jand that of your j o terity. You can-. Jnot have failed to observe the par istent flnrt r( m m p nf thu leader of the Re publican party to revive th animosi ties of the late war wLIcj, happily, are fast giving place to a spirit of concord and unity in every section of our com mon country 1 It is impogflole io pre dict certainly the efLct ol these appeals Xo passion. WebeHeve that through the represen tation ol a few upright and- conscun tious Federal officers and agents, and independent and ablf public prtss, and .o mioy citizens without rujard t par ty, the true condition of the South rn States and the rial sentiment of the Southern people nre btirg gradualy made knfwn to our fellow citizens o! the North. "We hope for their favor i blc decision when fully apprifed of alt At i - . - (TI. 4 . ,1 C , .1 uv ibcib. i ue ga'ui iuui ut m K"uu people will, be rci'hd when h people cf all notions frt tba we have ever be n t neurits', an ' -come together as in the e ir'y days of the Republic, '- emulating etc.. other only in devotieu to the best I - tercstsol the whole country. With thih txhaltcd purprse in view there is notL ing inconsistent with the hi nor and m m hood of a brave people to suffer witb ueroic patience wiu evir oe meir pio ocationa aud , wrongs, Lookin through the fearluljjrj9eut to a, hopeful present to a hopeful fu iir , and repel 1 ing u just epithets a d( gia uitous in suts with dignified modeiationj, lut every white man in eveiy ntighbor hood in the whole bouto regard buu self as . commissioner ' of peace, main taining, tie kin let rtUin towards the black in a-", lememb rin that the responsibility for the ex.treue poverty to which we have been reduced and the corrupt govrnwents to his vote has subjected a, rests not to much upon the bad men who with the. assurance of Federal t support have by appeals to his worst prions sought to make him our enemy. While we lab r by all liuce&l mean tocouvince him of the tru.h that our in eisU and kis are idrntKa'.aid thatbutu inual bebresuv--d by tojd governmcp', tnd that h s. who stir up strife btweeu u aie the enemies of races, let us at the same lime see that he U lully protected iu his guaranteed rights to vote as he pleases in all elections. Let us continue to deal with bim hone? ly and lain j , and let us continue cordially to iuvit to our midit those ot any po.;ticxl par ty who either seek to know the truth or to find homts upo t our soil. We do ot exaggerate .when wo ad mouish you of the disheartening f ct that every str et disturbaute, ive y homicide, of what ever character, o whomsoever cmuiitted, by black r white Republicans', oi Leint;cits, such .as are incident to tveiy ouimunty upon earth, is perverted luto a proof oi .spirit of lawlessness and violence on purpose toaccompluh p i'tical nd. We well know th gu a nj t ucb che", which 1 1 v w'gt:t r n'y whcrc ignortuce ot rtu true n nditio i -prevail.. Streouou If r' are now U- ing made by thoic wli i ruibrepreiet you to induce the putt-aeby Cougress ' ol tho ni;tt dangerous measures n or der to irritate onr j eoph , to ; driTj ihem to despair and to provoke them to violent outbreaks In order to forush anxcue for sftpl viui- tor m litaiy in terference' ' V- .' - We ixprtss the hope that a m j rity ofthepre ent Cotits il. not he found ready to sanction tuch fe;is1a tion. Ii it be accomplished it" w uld be against the protest not only of Dem CKraJ, but ol the niortl N rtli, kn I ttalefmaoahip litre olLUr par y in p and ofsuch Krpu'ilicai.s as UrjaLt, Evarti Charha K ancii Ad. ms and other , whofe panti;ui and tens? of i i ... i juiuci at euow.i io lue nnc our- try. - We may, bowcvtr,ro;j.tski, the m xtremo oppmsioo and uncous i utlL- al measures may be imj os.d upon you In such event we would appeal to the wisdom and patience ot a h ng cud r- Ing people by every hope of the 1 uur continued lotbe&rance and hrpeful ret anct npon the virtue and tense of jus ice of the American people for the! ultimate vindication of our rights, the projection f onr lt'ei ties, and the safety of our rpuUirin forai of gov. r in nt, i Our frtiiiv 71 o ot ions ! Aviien oiighp they to le ; llC lll. T' - , The rjUestiort wl etneouf State Ictions .ci"glt -to le held in August x ZXiiiltcJrrl&oie been cou sider. d for s?,vcral ya:ii Before the d ys of Rccmstrnction, and befire the dejrenerte .times in whieh the Federal Gpy.i ninent nnd its higl est- offitiaU opetily took -X'.c hm ings as ! artizan i in State political ra'upains, it mat' rtr'J not much whetlicr we voted in T August or in November. Jut all that is now chariffed. .Tlie whole power and j a n n ij.e of tl e Federal .Covernmer.t are now unblush ingly and openly, used to control the resultof State elections. Especially is thi t -ue as to Sjaf c elections tlat take place ja-t prior to or during Presiden tial campaign, i A notable'exnmple of tliip fuct was the very active Federal interference in thi campaign between Caldwell and Mcrrimon in this State in 1872. j Had it not been that the Radical party believed that a Radical triumph in August in North jCarolina "weald have great influence in shaping the result in tlie Presidential cam. paign, in November following, the os traordinary ezi r:ionsj made by the Federal Adrainii ra'ion to dpeat Mef- rinion would never have been attemp tQ(. Cabinet officers would not hive found time to lesvo JFasiiington to harrangue negroes and scallawags. It is not too mu( h, we thiok, to say that the result in the North Carolina and Pcnsylyania State elections reii- deied sure the election of Grant as President in 1872. And even Penn sylvania, rich and povrerfnl. and 'loyal' a- she undoubtedly h, found the pos:. ti u she occupied to be one beyond her ability to Lo'-l, and accordingly, by a change in her ejection law, has ith- dravyn from it. And now North Caro lina is left to bear the brunt. ' If Pennsylvania Qould not s'and the pressure of Federal interference in her State elections cn North Carolina hope to do sj? Have vre not tried aird failed? What g-nse thon is the. e in holding .a position in which defeat s not merely probable bi t almost cer tain? Who does not remember the prosecutions that were instituted and thse that were threatened by agerta emisaries-of the Administration dur ing the Merrimot. -Caldwell- Campaign rhe Ku-Klux prosecutions, 4he whisky prosecutirns and the tobacco p'oacouuonsr Ana is there any . n a . 1 reason to think the campaign next year will fee any less hotly contested Inn thVitbf lb72? Ar there not the aiue inuucenicnt. and creater : JJoes i . 0 any mail doubt', Guant's purpose to carry the State by fair means or by foul .V The. man who thinks the cam paign of next year w.ll be child's play is indeed a simpleton. Let u? then rcmovtt the State the bad emi nence it occupies. If tre vote in August we will have to Oght the whole strength of. the Fed eral jGovernrneut and of the Radical part. That' uiuch is certain;- If, however, th? eloctior. shall be cost- poned until November Grant and the Radical party will have other Strtes to conquer as well as our own, and it will be simply impossible for him to concentiate his forces upon us in 1876 and crush us out as he did in 1872. Ry all means then let the Legislature I ostpune the election. Wilmington Journal. , Passage of the Force Bill in the House the Senators Declare It Shall Never Reach the President. "Washington, Feb. 23 House The Force bill passed shortly nfter mid-t night ; amended to limit the Pre i lent to suspend h ib as corpus to Alabama Mississippi, Louisiana apd Arkansas, f and to expire at the end of two years. The bill was passed by a vote of yeas 135 nars 114. Before the vote was tahi,i on thcps&sage of the bill, Young, of Georgia, said he desired the country to know one that out of the 40 Dm&- ocratio representatives fiom the States to be affected by the provisions of this bill, not oncofthe:n nnva been alkw d a word in discussioii upon its merits, but on the contrary, the gentlemen inchaFe-e ofh has thought proper to deny time to ... f ' any of the veprtiieinativcs from South' ern States wtf9ynteuded to orpose the bill, except a Tew minutes to two or three ot ttiem. i . It may hi stated that the Democratic Se nators are dctcriuiaetl that the caneus force bill which utssed the IKusethis morning shall not be allowed to reach the President. Concession?, they say, are ovrr. S . - ; , !- -John Armstrong:, 1 FaycttcviVle Srce, KALKIGII. C. ;-' ' HOOK BINDEK, Bhmk Book f- Manufacturer, N-?pper. Mft$rzloes and Law Hiok of eTt-ry. description bound in the very hen Style and at lowest Pile fr THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY n hi nnriva led "'fdi, ine Is w- rr-if d no o -onta n i p ar-ii; e of Sfmr rr. or ny inj r on u ne- a f uki nee b M i 1URELY VEGETABLE. conta"n;rg those x ther'u l Hot- nd Frbt. whc!iinill wi- lr ri ne la ed li conijtri br- L vcr I na-M nio p -va I. It will cure ; Pfartwes c us bv D -rriipeirnit of ; ne Lie b d i5ow SlDions LlTerBejniatop or neJicine I e" in tly a Family Me't'c no; and I y 1 c iaj? ke t r ady f -r?nimrd it-ioo-t w I -ny-nai v an ho t uff ri aud ninny a dd ar i-j lime aid doctor's b, And over Fovt Ye-.r-' '.r'l it i t:,I re ceiT j g h, most unqualified teuu .1 U o it- vi tues fiom i e.ui e of th- li Uftt chai-atl-r nid tesp tibial it . Endneut pj sicans eiuiueudU as th- n Ht EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC TO i I YSrEPsI OR Ir DIGESTION rmJ wi h tv AXTrroTK nil el m te nil elin-e r f wat i ---ami fid ai y be faeed w,t-iout fear. Ah a liem dy , iu Malarious Fey rs Bow l Covpi.4lIt, Ki stxessne s; JAUNDICE -NAUSfA IT HAS NO EQUAL: It i the Chepst,- Fu. et ai d Be-t Fami 1 Medc if in tie Wor d I Is m nufc u el oly bv -J H ZfelLlN A ro Macos Ga. ar d 1'biladei phia. Pries $t 00.: ?ou by all Dhuoqisis THE GEEAT FERTILIZER. o, 03 RAW BONE. OTERPHQSPHAT 1 SUMDARO GUftRAITTEIO 1 200 ltos. 1 MANUFACTURED BY PfALTOH,VfHANN &C o 1 ... " StOHBSi SUPER PHOSPHATE. - o 1500 Bags of the above p pu'.r FERTILTZEP. fresh from th Mm-u' c uri r?. in GOOD DRY or e , u ,S TO HE a d ci y for "delivery . . " In oidei th it nre mny 1 e "i? pr";n ted this '' pet li-i?.r a suf-t ly ol ibis nigb'y unci slul MarTurr, we i- -uet our ens'omers to ca 1 toil . i it at once. PPJC3 TWQt DOLLARS p- ton lc-s '. hsiU lat yenr. Sf cal ' rtrnets will be made with those d. k lirr t purchase lor rot'on. While & Shaw, Maufucturcrs Agents. 15 6-w. machine'ry fok S VLE. rOMPLTE TniT?TY HORSE TOW ER P.. i table Stratn Sa Mil", ud six mon'hs, varrHntpd to e pe'fect as ry n-w mill Cost $2,750 cash Piicc $2,150. Terms easy. 25 HORSE POWER-PORTABLE ENGINE, . IN FIRST CLASS ORDER. SECONDHAND AND ! NEW ENGINES ot various Horse -Powers, Gum and Leather Kelt ing, Steam Tuiiips, mfnTTT 4 n o i ivo t-iuiyt'JJAii OAHO, 5? S nd f r descriptive Circular. - We mention a few to whom we have Svdd etrcoud banded Eugtne : i S. 5ull bt, Franklinton, N. C. i . . ... H.J. Gkime. lAXtrgtr, N. C. J. A. Bcitos, & as, Ja kson, N. C Dabrow & Pleasaxts, Loutjr.urg, T. A. Prjc & Co., Stati sville, V. Siiuew A1.T, Ilappy Ilome RAnil & HUNTER, Richmond, Va. Jr;-29 Co. li EAGLE HOTEL - Louisburg. N. C- V Ik. DveteeJif: i - . . he prcMMit propri frr hrt leased the Ea.le ' oter, i fonder li" occupied ly James Pe-1) foa nuniljer of yars. : e Is prepared to accommodate rcgnlap and transient loarik'rs, has nice roofnp,; we 1 furnished aud fitted up in the Lest -t3 le. he. hasnJolare and oonvenleiit roon:s for aleSTe to display T their sample?. The table is daily supplied with the best-the ra r- et affords ne will stare no pains In' niaVing"lus loarders comfortable. and hopes he will receive a liberal patronage from the public. Ja'. 8ih IT G-reat Attraction AT. B P; ('LIFTON'S. My st'ck ot .Winter G-wd is now complete, anJ I ii. tend to -ell ih in Ex- c-eding'y low ior . G - A S HE. I will m-ke it t your advantage to exam int my Geods betore ? nrclifsing elst whcre4 if yon will call I wil! satufy you that what I sy is tri.e. In addi 1 n to my s. ck of DRY GOOD. HARDWARF, .. GlUCERIEF, . . I kep hls a tiprrb stock of WINES, BRANDYS & WHISKEYS, All of he vtr,y test brands, I abo hav- a 9p'endid suit of 1? C) O M S, Nice'y nd comf -it: b'y h" id rpin tic SetOud fl or ol ui ! I.e. 1 r SI'rllliK travelirg i;h anii!es at.d Mca!s at rry R1STA1M1ANT, COTTON GIN. . Iliveyoiir !.:ton ii ned t MV GIN, . I a bale w'i-.chi 400 lbs. From II CO. lbs. Ot good eed Cotton i Iti' i g --Bagging-ami Te$.' , T n'-o pay th'-h'yliept p.ri -e tc Fenl ' o to- . f (' i nf M Iinullt-c. At Co.ioti ttCiivcd hi ikj Gh. is JIN'S UnET as as n c ived, at mv iw.i t xpins-. LOUISBURG N C G. W. MINN1S, Photographer, Oil N 47. New 141 Syrumore Si PETERSBl'RG, Va. ExtrJu es ev ry ptyle ot lik D'fs Irn. Cfid in iitt- iz .. isi tlie bt-st styles ot it. J'licS mod r't, mtisfaction .r.Htante; G Hei y e?1 Hi'l's-lje'"' m 1874 Or.2 ly 53 53 PETERSBURG, Va, E. RICHTER. Watchmaker and Jew eler. FINE Wati-hcs and-' .Ievel-y of th be Manufactornl at the lowest p ices. All woik pe soiutlly attended to and war ranted. tl B3t?ymo"St.,retersburg,Tr. Williamson; upciiur;ii T II O MAS, Wholesale Oaociii AND C o m m i s s t o n M e r c h a n t s, Xo. 5'i F..yettevilU Street, RALEIGH, X. C. Opposite X-'etropolitan Halt. To the Public. Having moved my f hop to my house about nail mile irnm the bnsinea par of Town, on the Franklinton rmd. take pUature in infoimiDv th? rxoil oi r ranKup, mat i am pr-par. -a t do all woik in my 1 ne, as c! rap a can be a. " orne elsewhere. 1 am vtj ibtoktul for pvt patrouagt and booe that jou id c niiDue to paromz me. I am vtry Respectfally, ISIIIM GREEN. P. P.-rPar:ies wishing have work d.n-, will leave It with 3Ir BlUr -, t Messrs. isarruw & rlesnts stoi and wiil l e attended to promptly. Jan 29-tf. rNOTlCn). Valuable Flouring, Grist and aw Hills, for Sale The Darts mill property situated on Sandy Cteek in Franklin oonty is of fered for tale on reasonable ttrm. The Vi ills are io good running order, and draw custom from a large scop ot country. Connected with tbe mills is 80 acrcf pf good land. PP!J to W. L.THO RP, . Rocky Mount X. C. HEADQUARTERS. Barrow & Pleasants, 1 WnowsiALi & Retail Cnocixs :and : Commission Merchants. f W! tke this method of luforniins: the people of Frank in andadiotninf nuntle thnt inu nd. fter the firKt of-Jann:irr 1S7", to conduct ifte v , WHOLESALE A RETAIL Gioeery and romuiision business in all its vsirioti! branches, arinsr mhde all necessary arrangements with Mn tifact'jrers vjiiers and Pork PacVers and having made SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS with the ''ail Roads and Tranpotation ompa1 !es. thereby Fee 'rln the very iwfst rossiBLK rRtnT. and havinr ample means to PAY CASH for all of our pood?, we Inte-d to sell them much lower than they have ever been old in this market before To Merchants and Farmers who desire to buy in pack age. In less quantities than a cr load, we wi 1 guarantee to sell at "Northern Frices rraifffct added" We are now receiving: the a'f-st lot of Flour ever offered for sale in this u.arVet manufactured expressly for our House, which we re offering at greatly reduced prices. " e warrant everv harrel to be s represented. We c special atte tion to the follow- nsr ands whic cannot ' e had any where else. - HARD TIMES MADE EASY AT Barrow & Pleasants' "WTiol esale House. 200 BARREL4 FLOUR 200 BRRELS FLOUR 200 B RRELS FLOUR 200 BARRELS FLO U it Nf OUR AT f 8 00 0 FLOUR AT S7 50 f '9 Kl OUR AT $r 50 8 FLOTJ ?-A S $G.OO FVETY BRFLi'f 'h s fl ur wr xa iu!ctore- ex -r vly f' r our WHOLESALE TRADE and ahined to us y ' the ear ld, Ht spcisl freiglit a-rcm at, and we vrill e"Hrnte to sell it much below the mark t p ie.", KT RT BBRKL WARRANTED. 20 000 P UVDS BACON 20 000 p UNO B CON 20 000 pn CN D B AOX 20 000 PUU Da BAt'O AT wnoi.ME AT nOLEs.LE A WHOLEAL AT WHni.EAhK Onr r-n was shi p d d:r c"y rr'm o ir PcVinj; Hi'USf Picked -xpr s 1 lor our Wholesale Trade rd shi,-i)fd sor.ii1 nrrantr n- - mare wi h t v 'iarpnation C m- panie, nnd e r off roj n t! e neM i o-sibW pnrp. I) nt uv btt-rp rx-tminig onr ync- as w e an? g-.jnjr to fill at bott m Ggnr j A fn'' '-n f Clmcfr'e- Vt-o rrn- s-nlvon hand, h of wi rli an- offered at Northern pric Fr i "ht a 'd PARROW & PLEASANTS. Feb? 1875.- ; In addition to onr stock of Flonr we are, receiving many pther floods niaV- i"g our stock f r superio to any 8f.ocA'' in the pi ce, and we desire oir frie'ds to know that we bought them to i LL e shall keep corstantiy on hand a large Bupply of meat of all kind a d shall se'l at the owest figures, i ibe -al ad vancemer ts made on cotton placed in our ha- ds for sale or shipment. BALD MOUNTAIN ALL RIGHT. Tbre i no cau? t r eicitf-mcnt. The liuroit g noisi ddl eapt I ran e -ty the Urge qnmtit. -f fl jr nig moved at Barrow & PlkASAnts, WhK-8ii!e Oroetry Mif, and. ib- .Great Excitement at thrir Retail Dry G tod Store is cans d hy tbe great rush to eit goods at tbr heavy decline in Dry Good. BEST CALICOES. BEST CALICOES, BEST CALICOE, BEST CALICOES, OXLY TEX CEXTS. OXLT TEN CEXTS. ONLY TEX CENTS. OXLY TEN CENTS Thtdr Stock is the largest in lcia burg, having arrived witbia thelat wttkl ' In additi ir, they aie effenng TEN THOUSAND Dollars worth of all kinds of Dry Goods at gretly rtducel p ice . Thiy have the largest Stock d Gok1s id Lonishurg, aud thy intend to aril 'hem to make room lor others to arrive Don't buy any where, until oar Stock and prices hare Uea examined. Jxnitbarg X,.Cf J hk (,'n s 1 oKar i itscak. CA7T0N & DUNCAN, ' T"" Ondov.r j:-t of L rs.ei Il'i.un aid i v Jl.irpaa; Stret'p. '. RaleisKTC," PHACTTCA-Ii STOKE' COTTERS," . And Dealt rs in ITALIAN & AMERICAN KAKELE Ad kinds t Mwminents, , Tom", Heads' one and GTrden Situry mnde to ordtr on resonaMe Ordrs Mr-m ditnnce promptly fiMt-d Cal! ;n p-r;in, rf Cy t n & On can P. f , N-".80S. . PIANOS! PIANOS !! ACOUST Di EPP Matiofactuier of Pim , bk;a to tnnourc , hut hr r sn -pix-d wih n-w and sco .thr PiiJi", .'.-.eb of-r. a l'-w prij 'Pio-itiona ly r;:r wiH r"-iv , att, nti r . I J1 PRE REI. H, j MiiptT' tlkm'll t 11 er!ike tle most ril n ivr ptT tl v?rv d-?rriittoo. H I r. iii-r u e to ll.e iiui a pi - wi pen I i ler o: pa r n -. Ju y 17-12-m- my uui unni Whitelaw & Crowder, Cor. of Blount and Morgan t.reeia, RALFIGH, X fJ, Are Prepired 4 Furnish Marhlc Toinhstoncs Of all kind-. Neatly Carved, and Engraved. Also, all kinds ol Such as Tost, pr, Sjl!. Watfr-Tuble. S nei kid Gno 'Tril Cu'ln-omf, Jb . II r l-ia !rni tLe country or ci y prompt j to, inU 27i SIX REASONS WHY T 17 KH ULIJ IXCRK1!C THE VYSS 3IUTUAL LIFE INSU3AN3E C HPANY. 921 VIIKJSUT STREET, PfilLADELP.HIA. 1. li rnu.-e ii i ie l toe i i C u.j;fil- ii lr lO-iutiy, nuil pnt t ir I, v '- i x Hifti oh. 2.. He an-, ewy '() Vj bol er it am iiilnrr u 'In- I iiif u r ntijl ill' al) i i iNf ni.l p di g' , i v l g h r t- vte tt ... t.t. ii iu Uoier H'l"'bii- au ' du in-e I: li iiHii ; tii-'i . li li c ii e r t li i m--r i v. . uu. - e In d f ny L k . liu ty :. p.llV Hi I- Jt . . . 4 . B-: uc- ! n ?t4 jl m-:. a nun . h :.lio ot x ir-t to o k' i c .ui. i- lr ii ili (r-j o Ll I'ompan ia (Se OtB ml I u ii:t- li tn .) 5 o. li i it ' a ,d elie I ni-. (li viden-i- in : uii.t cr u n f m lar-tr MVrja 'ier e- t.e, '!-ai. m.y Ihii)jmis in Mi. TJ otcd 8 aier , F .r . x.ti,.,i- f'iicv N 16 t .i $5 .'IM',' bah of. i to .ir wiiiiiw - .iiti .d pli i iii ii4 hu , n( m w i-f. I -m - tltt k. U v I. iced4 ! . -v ! -. Is ' r r'H-rd. a e i. n.,! tilt v v- r. i er v n. tl i i... , tl;i-- ". ii 8 o iM- p -ii . f 5,044 'li .'lt- V I Mil- I :ii- policy vri.ii fl.,046. 6 it. B c. :;: is l:t r i. h.kd i. i. e ', j.i ni" n it e tti Hit) tr, .. reyo.i- i: g y, lfl i t . D. i ci ' I o i.p i y ia I ) - ' -wi-.i i i'-ii.Cip' F a rt-r. - & ii.n i rx ;iie " - -t urn premium' s , ii'tt I r.'l, a ft r f -r y t : f 1 1 . W I). SP.rtJiLL, Fi k 1' 1 , . Atlantic Hotel. NOUrOLK. VA. furoikrly of the FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Bftltimor, Md., ' , . - Propr'etor. Thla mtRDiCcent IIOTEL, aftr harisj' beeu tb roughly renortted and refitud. im mow ope a f.,r the ac ommodatioa of gaeta. Board, first and aecond floor. S3 per day. Third and fourth floor, $2,50 pr cay. LMr i .mto DnnpBt Ro.f--. Omc (jerai, turKij,T1j.r, 7njcwT0K,h.C, Junes, 1872. CHUCE BF SCHEDDL E ON aud after Jun loth infant, Paxsener Trains on the tVilmintoo and VVeliUa Itailroad will run as follows: MAIL TKAIN. Union Depotdailj- (t-undaysezcptej at arrive ai Uold-boro llocky Mount " Weldon Leave Weldon daiJ (rjuu lmy ex- eeptrd) at Arrive at Itocky MouLt. ........ (ieldtoro LnionUrp t- EXPUE-JSTUAIK. Leave Union Depot daily at..... arrive a Gokisboro . . - r.oc v lloun Wekfn Leare Wldon daily Arrive at hotky Uour.t - Gold.boro otna.u l?.llp.m 5 1 1 p. du a sop ui. 9-15 a. m. 114.7 a. ri. l:iCp.n. 10; p ua. 4 a, ra: . 7 mA-t iia 8S ot Uniuu L'epot Zilj a. m. Mail Train uukr do e cunnn-tir.n.i ut-t doi, for til p int Xorth via Hay Lla icquia C.eek route. .... ExpieM Train connens only rfth. . couii erek route u;lmna ialace Secp.n Cars en thu train 1 Freigtit trains w II I are Wilmlae'o-i tri wk y at 6-00 a. aad arrivt at U40 v. m, will Uv v ii mua n daily (Sundays excepted) at & p. m , au ie at 11 a. so. - . Professional Cards.-' DENTIST. Offers hB Proiesiional Rr5 -ht ptxbhcia- , - to- OFFICES, LouUbarg at Warreotoa over Denti Hotel, Norwood A Davis' Storey JOS. J. DAVIS. "ATI'Yaii CODNsELLOS EiLAW. LOUISliUiO. F..A..ksI co.s c W 11 practice in th im ril ,.t f Ur-u U t okU , ,h, Wrrr. Hk ir-oui iOii 'ti.itd'M r. U .n . f mit cc ot loon t. Jab 15.1871. . . . 1 " ... AT rORKEY AT LA W. FltANKLimOK, N, , C. Will practice in the eooits i f he hr judicial dtntrirt. Prompt attention ptTen loth- roller tiun of claims. No, 50 tf C. U: Coaie, f.H.SpsicEr cook & cPEsona ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS . A.T LA"V, Ami elicUera in . . BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG K. C. Witli r ( the t o-iit t N--tKri k Itii. t:inv.r. W Wnk i u!u t- Is ii. i in- I'-uri .I N-nU. " Hliti'i H hD t ttir L". S. C n-uit wd p C.ll. N 7 if'rcad Schedules- Raleigh & Gaston K. F. - r company. Sitkiuntj-.nukt's ok? ick, i?-.t..i i. v . i...:.. i i.i. t -. On aid alter Monday June ITllv IK72,tr;!i th- RaK-hr!i & ;a-tnu K.iifi-o:id, will niinUHy (Sunday ex cc ted) a fo'.'uw Mail rn.xi.v. Lravi-s It.iUili 10.IKI a. m. Arnvcj at WHdo . p.m. liOaves Wt l Ion..- j. a. i.i. Arrives at Ralclu 3.00 p. in.. 1 At'COMMC NATION TlU.Vi. Leaves I'.alie-U ; 8.00 p. i.. Arrives at Weldon 6.20 a. m.. leaves Weldwi.... 9.15 a.m. Arrives at Ralehjh, 8jOO p, in.. i.. fu I: :..k15 ti. C-'!)' ! . l W. IU W.. . fcr!.. v Jfc K ..kc- JUiiiod ..I U j Li -e tu.'ii. vi. ti H iuior ti ni.i in m. I ! ito oi n ft a.-. N.. ii f-ta.-. N"i : '. v' t i Aim Pi trlurn i;&ii.. i h.iV',..:iU.j:i, Ui. iiiud i hoiI WU..ji ..i -k m ,-, ii in li m all pHoi iNoyiU mu l S i'U v.. A d thaJegh wih.tb ;X . ui i;r-. I ii K lrt to and lnm .i points,. So.i'h and Sutnweet. nod with the Kli-.o fc uu-; Air L ne to IIj- WO-nl ib. I PaVcltcTMlf. cc. miiiu atioo and Freight trains, coootci at weldou with Axcouimoxia lio and Jfrvutit tria oa aUord & Kail Mad anC Ptttr.burg Iiaiuofed. And at Rih igh wi;h Accommotla- lion aol Cieig a traini on North Caro .id IlaLraa. Pcrvas living a'ong the Ivoe of the road can visit KtleigU in. tha morniog oy Accoraondation train, a ad remain, iveral Lour a. and return the same eve, ning. . A. B. ANDREWS. . . ' Gtnl finpt. SCHEDULE OF THE PETEIti BUUG RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAIX3L . Lkavx WitDos. Express Train. 8.30 a. or. lUil Train ..4.15 p.m. ' A KBITS AT P&TKBXVB9. Express .12.10 a. m. iliu...... 805 p. m,. LSULVX I'KTKBSBUUO. Mail. V.rnrt-f ?. 17 n m . 1 ............. r. AjUtlTB AT Wn.D05. Mail ..........9S0 a. m Exprtss ...7.00 p. m FilXI sbt Traixs.' . Leave Petersburg.... .... 9 00 p. m. Leave Weldon g 30 p. m. Arrive at WilJ.n.... ... 5,09 a. a. Arrive at Pettriburg.... 4.U0 a. m. GASTt-a Tbais. Lenve Pe'trtturg.. C:23 a, m. Leare Gas on.. 1.15 p. ta. .. Ai rive at Gaston...... . 1? 30 p. m. , Arrive at Peurtharg .... TJyj p. n- K.tihts fr Gaston Branch will be. rtceiTed at the Peteraburg depot only oo MONDAYS and TUUU-3DAYS- Tn dp'i will be closed at 4:00 p.m. No good will received alter that hour J. C. BPRIGO, llngiaeer and General Masser