4 ggggigggPlggggjggjglggQBQSBBaRSBSlSSBSBSWSBS i t n i v I n m KMN URIER: H II 1 rl I II r I II II GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: S2.00 per Aimvim. YOL. IV. LOUISBUKG, N. C, FEIDAY, MARCH 12, . 1875. NO.. 20. V II J ' II ' 1 RAN r . To Spring. ' O thou with dewr lock, who looksst down Through the clear windows of the morning, turn Thine angel eyes upon our wee tern isle. Which in fall choir hail thy approach, Q Spring ! The hill tell each other, and the listening Valleys her ; all our longing eyes are turned Up to thy bright pavilions ; issue forth And let thy holy feet visit oar clime. Come o'er the eutern hills, and let our winds Kins thy perfumed garments ; let us taste Thy morn and evening breath ; scatter thy pearls Upon our lovesick laud that mourns for thee. Oh, dec her forth with thy fair fingers ; pour Thy soft kiwsea on her brow ; and put Thy golden crown, upon her languished head. whone modest trerses were bound up for thee." ' Well, look here, then, 111 show ye," said he. Play you's the fox ; and play 'twas night, and you was , prowling around the fields. Go off now out there by that stomp." THE FOX Tit A P. When I was a boy I lived in one of thoHe rustic neighborhoods on the out skirts of the great "Maine woods." Foxes were plenty, for about all those Biuiny pioneer clearings birch-partridges breed by thousands, as also field-mice and squirrels, making plenty of game for Reynard. There were red foxes, "crossgrays," and " silver-grays ;" even black foxes were reported. These animals were the posts of the farmyards, and made havoc with the geese, cats, turkey?, and chick ens. In the fall of the tear, particular- iy aner me irosts, ine ciearincr.3 were overrun by them night and morning ..Their sharp, cur-like barks used often to roxiso U3, and of a dark evening would hear them out in the fields, "mousing" around the stone heaps, making a queer, squeaking sound like a mouse, to call the real mice out of their grass nests inside the stone heaps. This, indeed, is a favorite trick of Reynard. At tup, time of my story, my friend Tom Edwards (ten years of age) and myself wore in the turkey business, equal part ners. Wo owned a flock of thirty-one turkeys. These roosted by night in large butternut treo in front of Tom's house in the very top of it, and by day they wandered about the edges of the clearings iu quest of beech nuts, which were very plenty that fall. All went well till the last week in Oc tober, when, on taking the census one morning, a turkey was found to be miss ing ; the thirty-one had become thirty sinco nightfall the previous evening. It was the first one we had lost. r Wo proceedod to look for traces. Out suspicions werQ divided, Tom thought It was "theTworably boys," nefarious tia.ua in particular. I thought it might have been an owl. But under the tree, in the soft dirt, where the potatoes had recently been dug, we found ox-tracks, and two or three ominous little wads of feathers, with one long tail feather adrift. Thereupon we concluded that the Turkey had accidentally fallen down out of the butternut had a fit, perhaps and that its flattering had attracted the atten- .tion of some passing fox, which had, lortnwith, taken it in charge. ! it. was, as we regarded it, one of those unfortunate occurrences which no care on our part could have well foreseen, and a casualty such as urkey-raisera are unavoidably heirs to, and we bore our loss with resignation. Y o were glad to remem- j ber that Jurkeys did not often fall off their roosts. This theory received something "of a check when our flock counted only twenty-nine the next morning. There were more fox tracks, and a great many more feathers under the tree. This put a now and altogether ugly aspect on the matter. No algebra was needed to figure the outcomo of the turkey busi ness at this rate, together with our pro spective profits, in the light of this new fact. It was clear that something must be done, and at once, top, Or ruin would swallow up the poultry firm. Rightly or wrongly, we attributed the mischief to a certain "silver-gray" fox that had several times been4 seen in the neighborhood that autumn. It would take far too much space to relate in detail the plans we laid and put in execution to catch that fox dur ing the next two weeks. I recollect that we set three traps for him to ne purpose, and that we borrowed a foxhound to hunt him witn, but merely succeeded in running him to his burrow iu a neighbor ing rocky hillside, whence we found it quite impossible to dislodge the wily fellow. , Meanwhile the fox (or foxes) v had succeeded; in getting two more of the turkeys: , Heroes, it is said, are born of great rises. This dilemma of ours developed Tom's genius. I'll have that fox," he said, when the traps failed; and when the hound proved of no avail, he still said: "I'll have him yet" "But how!" I asked. Tom said he jould show me. He brought a two bushel basket and went out into the fields. .Iu the stone heaps, and beside .the old lpgs and stumps, there were dozens of deserted mouse-nsts, each a wad of fine dry grass as large as a quart box. These he gathered up, and filled the basket. -" There," said he, triumphantly, don't them smell mousey!" They did, certainly ; they savored as strongly of mice as Tom's question of bad grammar. " And don't foxes catch mice !" de manded Tom, confidently. " Yes but I don't see how that's . ffohCfc catch the fox," I said, WS m -m i ' . x ou oi wonuer ana curiosity, l re tired to the stump. Tom. meantime. turned out the mass of nests, and with it completely covered himself. The pile now resembled an enormous mouse- nest, or rather a small hay-cock. Pretty soon I heard a low, high-keyed, squeak- ing noise, accompanied by a slight rus tle inside the nest. Evidently there were mice in it ; and, feeling my char acter assf ox at stake, I at once trotted forward, then crept up, and, as the rus tling and squeaking continued, made i pounce into the grass as I had heard it said foxes did when mousing. Instantly two spry brown hands from out the nest clutched me with a most vengeful grip. As a fox, I struggled tremendously. But Tom overcame me forthwith, choked me nearly black in the face,; then, in dumb show, knocked my head with a stone. "D'ye see, now !" he demanded. I saw. "But a fox would bite you," I ob jected. , 4 Let him bite, " saidTom. 4 IU resk him when once I get these-! two bread hooks on him. Ana ne can t smell me through the mouse-nests, either." That night: we set ourselves to put the stratagem in operation. With, the dusk we stole out into, the field where the stone heap3 were, and where we had oftenest heard foxes bark. Selecting a nook in the edge of a clump of raspberry briars which grew about a great pine stump, Tom lay down, and I covered him up completely with the contents of the big basket. He then practiced squeaking and rustling several times to be sure that all was in good trim. His squeaks were perfect successes made by sticking the air sharply betwixt his teeth. " Now be off," said Tom, " and don't come poking round, nor get in sight, till you hear me holler." Thus exhorted, I went into the barn and established myself at a crack on the back side, which looked out upon the field where Tom was ambushed. Tom, meanwhile, as he afterward told me, waited till it had grown dark, then began squeaking and rustling at inter vals, to draw the attention of the fox when first he should come out into the clearing, for foxes have ears so won derfully acute, that they are able to hear a mouse saueak twenty rods away, it is said. An hour passed. Tom must have grown pretty tired of squeaking. It was a moonless evening, though not very dark. I could see objects at a little dis tance through the crack, but could not see so far as the Stump. It got rather dull, watching there; and being amidst nice cozy straw,' I presently went to sleep, quite unintentionally. I must have slept some time, though it seemed to me but a very few minutes. The Mind Member of Parliament. A writer says: The visitor to the House of Commons, waiting at the door of the stranger's cralhrv and watching the members of Parliament as ther file in by the main entrance, will no doubt have his eye particularly arrested by a tall, fair-haiied young man, evidently blind, led up to the door by a youthful petite lady, with sparkling eyes and blooming cheeks. She will reluctantly leave him at the door. The British Constitution would be quite upset were a woman to invade the floor of the House of Commons after the chaplain's incanta tion had been heard, even so far as to conduct her blind husband to his seat, so She has to consign him to a youth who stands waiting to lead the blind member to his place. As she turns away many a friendly face will smile, and many a pleasant word attend her as she trips lightly up the stairway leading to the ladies cage near the roof of the house. The whisper passes around: " One day, perhaps not far off, she will take her seat beside her husband, and remain there." .And certain it is that when ladies have the suffrage the j-first female member of Parliament will be the lady of whom I write Mrs. Fawcett.' Not one-half of the members of that body are so competent to think deeply and speak finely on matters of public policy, while not the daintiest live doll moving about London drawing-rooms surpasses her in the care of her house hold, her husband, and her child. The two whom I have mentioned are as well known figures as any who approach the sacred precinct of the Legislature. The policemen, bow as they pass; the crowd in- the lobby make a Path: the door- keeper, Mr. White the most amiable Cerberus who ever guarded an entrance utters his friendly welcome. The strangers ask who is that, and a dozen bystanders respond, j" Professor Fawcett." No one can look upon him but he will see on his face the characters of courage, frankness, and intelligence. He is six feet two inches in height, very blind, his light hair and complexion and his smooth beardless face erivirar him something of the air of a boy. His fea tures are at once strongly marked and regular;. He narrowly escaped being handsome, and his expression is very winning. His countenance is habitually serene, and no cloud or frown ever passes over it. His smile is gentle and winning. It is probable that no blind man has ever before been able to enter upon so important a political career as Professor Fawcett, who, under forty years of age, is the mo3t influential of the indepen dent Liberals in Parliament. From the moment that he took his seat in that 1 "1 VV w 1 ooay no nas oeen aDie ana tins is un usual to command the close attention of the House. He has a clear, fine voice, speaks with the utmost fluency, has hone of the university intonation, and none of the hesitation or uneasy attitudes of the n ktu in rrO-Y at last. . i " irild Jfrm" in the Woods of California Found to Be the Au thor of the " Wagside Xurder" in Ulster County, X. Y. J. N. Masten, of Wurtsboro, N. T , has received a letter from a relative inl San Francii co, CaL, formerly a resident of Ulster county, N. Y., giving the particu lars of the killing of a desperado in that State, known as the "Wild Man of Colusa," who proves to be Jeremiah average Parliamentary speaker. He What woke me was a -noise a sharp, scorns all subterfuges, speaks honestly suppressed yelp. It took me a moment to understand where I was, and why I was there. A sound of scuffling and tumbling on the ground at some distance assisted my wandering wits, and I rushed out of the barn and ran toward the field. As I ran, two or three duhVwhacks came to my ear. " Got him. Tom ?" I shouted, rush ing up. Tom was holding and squeezing one of his hands with the other and shaking it violently. He said not a word, and left me to poke about and stumble on the limp warm carcass of a large fox that lay near. " Bite ye ?" I exclaimed, after satisfy ing myself that the fox was dead. " Some," said Tom; and that was all I could get from him that night. We took the fox to the house and lighted a candle. It was the " silver gray." Tom washed his bite in cold water and went to bed. Next morning he was in a sorry and a very sore plight. His left hand was bitten through the palm, and badlv swollen. There was also a deep bite in the fleshy part of his right arm, just below the elbow, several minor nips in his left leg above the knee, and a rag ged 4 4 grab " ia the chin. These' numer ous bites, however,-were followed by no serious ill effects. The next day, Tom told me that the fox had suddenly plunged into the grass, that he had caught hold of one of its hind legs, and that they had rolled over and over in the grass together. He owned to me that when the fox bit him on the chin, he let go of the brute, and would have given up the fight, but that the fox had then actually attacked him. "Upon that," said Tom, " I just deter mined to have it out with him." Considering the fact that a fox is a very active, sharp-biting animal, amd that this was an unusually large male, I have always thought Tom got off very welL I do not think that he ever cared to make a fox-trap of himself again, how ever. We sold the fox skin in the village and received thirteen dollars for it, whereas a common red fox akin is worth no more than three dollars. ' How, or by what wiles that fox got the turKeys out ci the high butternut, is a secret one that perished with him. It would seem that he must either have climbed the tree, or else have practiced sorcery to make the turkey come down. Scribncr. his whole mind, and comes to the point, At times he is eloquent, and he is al- ways interesting. He is known to be a ! man of convictions. The usual English j political theory that you need not prove a thing right in principle if you can show that it, for the time, works without disaster is one which Professor Fawcett ignores. He defends the right against the wrong, with little respect to conse quences. He, Sir Charles Dilke, P. A. Taylor, and Auberon Herbert are inti mate friends, and are looked upon as the four irrecdncilables of the House of Commons. Smith, the perpetrator of what is known as the " wayi ide murder," near Homo- wac, Ulster county, in the fall of 1868. Smith murdered his wife and child in the road, near his residence, by pounding them to death with a stone. He then fled, and a large reward was offered for his capture. At least twelve men answer ing his description were arrested in dif ferent parts "of the country, but none of them proved to be he. He was traced by detectives as far as Utah, and there all trace of him was lost. About three or four years ago there appeared in the sage brush in Cola coun ty, California, a strange human being. He was dressed in the skins of animals, and was always armed. His hair and beard were of extraordinary length. He haunted small settlements, and when there were no men around made raids on the houses, securing whatever plunder was to be had. He came to be the ter ror of the county, and narrowly escaped with his life several times when surprised by men who were hunting him. A few weeks since he made one of his visits to a house where the inmates refused to comply with his demands, and the door was barred against him. He emptied the contents of three revolvers in the house, seriously wounding a woman, and then retreated to the swamp. The next day a party'went put to capture him and succeeded in doing so. He was lodged in the county jail. ' ;" The particulars of this affair were seen by Mr. Masten in a copy of the San Francisco- Chronicle. The description of the wild man answered that of Smith so nearly, including a linger missing from one of his hands, that he wrote to his relative, inclosing a photograph of the murderer. When the letter was re ceived in San Francisco the party to whom it was addressed proceeded to Colo county, and found that the wild man had escaped from jail. He showed the letter and photograph to several men, who declared at once that there was a great resemblance between the picture and the wild man. A search was at once lnsututea for the escapea pris oner. Several men, among them Mr. Masten's relative, followed him for d j through the thickets, and finally camo up with him. He at once showed fight, and commenced firing at the party. The fire was returned, and the man fell. Mr. Townsend, the former Ulster county man, went up to him and recognized him, and was recognized in return. Smith died in a few hours. He had eluded justice for nearly seven years. Hum the Old Letter: The fact that in almost every case the ends of old letters are used in evidence. induces an exchange to say: There is no higher appeal to honor than that which a confidential letter implies. The winged word may be lost forever, but the writ ten word remains. It is the most un questioning love which puts itself at the mercy of a correspondent, which writes what it would hardly whisper, and takes its chances of being advertised and trumpeted to the four corners of the earth. Dees not such tender frankness demand even a nervous care and caution upon the other side ! A blow for a kiss is baa enough, ingratitude is the op probrium of our nature. But what blow can be bitterer to a sensitive woman than to find confidence misplaced, trust disre garded, and the sanctum lanctorum of her soul thrown wide open for the curi few JTrlMST f Burned Jtoueu. II will be remembered thai a weeks ago northern express car burned neir Washington. The govern ment alone had $5,750,000 in it, and the private property amounted to nearly half as much, including jewelry enough to fill seven safes. Up in one of the sunny, well-lighted rooms of the United States Treasury de partment at Washington, four ladies from the Treasurer's office are at work on these' charred treasures, and their pro- flhmt Thrro Women Said. The other day, ia the cars, I at l hind three women for an hour or two. They were all friendly to each other, and they didn't taind my presence. "Did yon hear about Sarah Lamb !" asked one. Ooodnea! No!" answered the other. "Well, Sarah's got her psy. I tell you ! continued the first. " You know she was a whole year trying to catch that red-headed widower. WelL she cess is one of the most interesting fea- finally married; and what do you think ! turesof the service. Ail the safes were They say that he swears at her c transferred from the cars to the Trea- tually uses oaths whn things go sury, and a committee were selected from wrong; "keeps her from going to those most expert at such work. First j church ; is set against company, and the private safes were opened, and in won't kt her use above two eggs, in these were found about 8100,000 worth of diamonds, a 'hundred watches, old gold and silver coins, and alas ! for the exclaimed the otli treasure i Such mockery of good faith is intolerable between man and man it tragedy pure and simple when it ous to stare at its hoarded and hallowed course of true love a package of love letters and a tress of pretty brown hair. Picking out the valuables was compara tively easy work, for though many of the stones had fallen from their settings it was not hard to find them. The gold was blackened. The money in the government safes is so charred that at a breath it crumbles; is poisons the peace of woman. Did she write this loving sentence for the whole world to read ! Did she spread out all the tenderness of her soul upon the blis- ' tered page, that coarse jesters might translate it into their own foul dialects, i ftn1 Jek ik expected that four-fifths of it will be deciphered, .bach little shriv elled piece is detached with a thin knife and laid on rough blotting paper. There the ladies examine it with magnifying and construe it according to the un cle uilineas of their own besotted natures! Yes ! it is certainly better to burn let- j tors of affection than to hoard them in this most uncertain world. Burn, if you would not have the deepest secrets of your soul made the sport of attorneys ! Burn, if you would not have your friend pained by even an accidental disclosure of kinkness ! Burn, if you would have your costliest secrets continue un di vulged ! Burn for your own sake and for the sake of others I Give trembling hopes and gentle assurances, the first faltering promise, the last welcome av severation, the golden and silver sen tences, the record of dreams and of doubts, the hues traced when all was be nighted give the sweet and bitter, and the bitter-sweet, earnestness and play fulness, deep appeal and trivial jest all to the friendly fire I sweetoke I" ' Mon-ster-ous !' err. There was a moment of silence, and then one of the trio spoke up: " Did you know that Mrs. Lancer had a new empress cloth drees I' . " You don't say l" exclaimed the others. , 44 Yes, I do I know it for a fact, for she wore it past our house the other day. That dress never cost less than seven dollars the bare cloth and then there's the making and trimmings thrown in 1 Just think of a woman in her circumstances going to such an ex pense ! Why, if I hadn't seen it ith believe it V others. " And the worst of it is, she seems to glasses, and after deciphering as much as ! m7 owa T 1 co4 possible they paste it, face up, on a strip " '" exclaimed the thin rwr- nrnl ur hit Ivr bit. a vholft I " And the WOrtt of it XS, she note is pieced out. It is such trying ex- Hold her head so high!" continued the rri for the ptm that those eneed in first. "Ie heard that her grandfather had to go to the poor-house when ho ercise for the eyes that those engaged in it can work only three hours at a time and on bright days. The trust reposed in them is great, for the money is deliv ered directly to them, and remittances made on their reports without further questioning. After the terrible fire of October. 1871. Chicago sent two hun dred and three cases of burnt money, ag gregating, at owners' valuation, 81G4, 997.98. It came in sheets, in bundles, in tiny packages, rumpled and crushed as careless hands had pushed them into I side pockets or purses. ; Each little par la ... eel was swathed in cotton as carefully as leu yon izxie is jewelry, and 4 broke his leg, and yet she holds her head up with the beet of us! Of course, I don't want to back-bite any one it isn't my nature to talk behind people's backs but I will say that I shouldn't wonder if such . extravagance brought that family to want for bread before spring comes!" Nothing was said for the next five minutes; and then one of .the two ex claimed: "Land sake ! but I'd almost forgotten Thorburn has a new The Centennial. The New York Herald takes the fol lowing view of the Centennial question : The address of General Goshorn to Governor Tilden, calling the attention of the Governor to the coming Centennial celebration in Philadelphia, is a docn ment of interest and importance. We are glad to know that the Governor has A Tender Legislator. An incorruptible legislator is a being tcbe tenderly regarded and mentioned with awe. There are not so many of them in these days that even one should be permitted to waste his sweetness un remarked. We are I accordingly enrap tured to present to public admiration a Missouri gentleman whose constituents lately summoned him to his home on a certain Saturday evening. The incor ruptible sniffed gold-headed canes and ice-pitchers in the ambient air. With out one poor minute's hesitation he plunged into the telegraph office and sent the message that he'd rather not come, because, as he observed, I un derstand that it is the intention to make me a present of something appreciative. I am," he continued gently, "and al ways have been, opposed to public dis plays to officials in the way of presents, addresses, etc" And then he burst into this noble and lofty expression, worthy alike of the man and the statesman : "If you have concluded to do anything of the kind, give it to my wife." expressed a deep interest in this celebra tion. He sees, what many of our best citizens have failed to 'see, that eveD in its most selfish aspect, apart from any national value, New York will make ten dollars through the Centennial for every one that is made in Philadelphia. In other words, the Centennial exhibition is practically held in New York, and our State should promptly take an active part in the movement. Pennsylvania has done nobly her share. New Jersey has followed. Why should New York be laggard in a good work in which the ! fame of the State is not alone concerned, but the interests of her citizens ! We trust the Governor will promptly con sider the appeal of General Goshorn, and that our Legislature will make a response worthy of the enterprise and generosity of New York. 27te Civil Righto Bill. When the House got through the Civil Rights bill, says the New York limes, there was not very much left of it. The amendment offered by Mr. Kel logg, of Connecticut, and accepted by a very large vote, striking' out all that re lated to schools, took from the bill its most important feature. By the bill as it passed the House, all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States are entitled to the equal enjoyment " of ' the accommodations, advantages, facili ties, and privileges of inns, public con veyances on land or water, theaters and I other places of irablic amusement." The bill provides for its own enforcement, first, by means of suits by persons wronged against persons guilty of the wrong for damages to the amount of five hundred dollars for each offense; and second, by a criminal suit for a penalty of from five hundred dollars to one thousand dollars, or for imprisonment from thirty days to a year. The suscess f id employment of either one of these bars the other. . Jurisdiction in cases arising under the act is given exclusively to the Federal courts; Federal commis sioners are required to institute proceed ings against all who violate the act, and district-attorneys are directed to prose cute such proceedings under a penalty of from five hundred dollars to five thou sand dollars, or a forfeiture of five hun dred dollars to the party aggrieved. The fourth section of the bill prohibits ex clusion from jury duty on account of color, and makes any officer charged with getting a jury violating this section liable to a fine of not more than five thousand dollars. ' if it were the most precious as the black, brittle packages were un i rolled, it seemed really impossible that with Yet out of thst $1M,997.98, $120,511.33 was redeemed and returned to the own ers or banks. Boston profited by Chi cago's experience, and packed her burnt I "What! Another I" "Yes, another; she wore it to church last Sunday ! Think of that a girl hav ing three hats in one year I" "Shameful!" they cried in chorus. I don't know what the world is com ing to " continued the flrsL "When I money so carefully that nearly all of it i a girl one hat had to last me acven years, wnue now gu. wmn - two a year if not three. I tfll you, when I. sat in church last Sunday and saw Lizzie come shying in with that new hat (must have cost three dollars at th least) I felt queer. The fate of the sin ful people of Sodom and Gomorrah came to my mind in a second; and I shouldn't have been surprised if Lizzie had bo?u stricken then right down ! They pondered over it for two or three minutes, and then one of them re plied: 44 So Mary Jane Doolitlle is deed, she!" 44 Yes, poor thing," was the r-ply ; 44 dead and buiied a week ago. Hannah at the funeral, and she ssys thst was redeemed. Eighty-three cases, con taining $88,812.90, came from Boston, and $88,290.80 were returned to her, be side a number of policies, notes, bills and other valuable papers. The most skillful person on this committee is a lady who has had much experience in such work. Once she deciphered $185,- 000 out of $200,000 that had been in the hold ef a burned ship for three years, and Adams Express Company,' which was responsible for the amount, gave her I $500 in acknowledgment of her services. Another tune she and her associates worked faithfully and long over some bonds a crazy cashier saw fit to throw into the fire. The bank asked for only $100,000, but the ladies picked out $145,000; whereupon the directors, with reckless extravagance presented the committee with $20 about four dollars apiece ! A Xew firm: After General Sherman made his march to the sea, ssys a Savannah (Ga.) paper, all in the wide track of waste and desolation that he made with the tramp of his footmen and the iron feet of .his cavalry there sprang up a new and un known grass from the soil, which the School Farming.. Dr. Horace P. Wakefield, principal of the Massachusetts State Primary School at Monson, in an address said that farm : n ti, t; mm UJg UW OTCU luris UJJUC MUG, the net profits being about $2,600. His family consisted of 500 children, and he had forty cows, mostly Ayrshires, to feed them. They used nearly all the milk at the school, with three barrels of flour, five or six bushels of meaL and ia their season, a cart-load of cabbage, daily. It was a bad policy to sell hay and starve cattle. He found, seven years ago, when he took charge, 1,300 gallons of milk were produced, which has now increased to 21,000. He had endeavored to get a thorough breed of Ayrshire cows, and would rather have them weigh 800 than 1,200 pounds. He detailed his method of feeding, recommending mixed food of bran and water twice a day, hay. was Doolittle never shed a tear nevkr even blew his nose." 44 He didn't!" " No, he didn't. Hannah watched him all through, and she says he has a hrart like a stone. If he should be arrested as her murderer I shouldn't be the bust bit surprise. Poor woman ! I met her only last August, and I could see that she was killing herself. I didn t ask her right out about it, but I could under stand that Doolittle was a cold-hearted wretch. He didn't have much to say, but just one remark he made convinced me of his cold-hesrtednews. He aazed for soap to wash himself , and when she handed him a piece he looked at it, sneered like, and ssys he: " 44 4 Mary Jane, you musn't buy any more yaller soap l" 44 Did he say that " 44 He certainly did. IU go before any court in the land and swear to it !" I had to get off the train then, and missed further conversation. Modern statesmen Men who promise I more than they perform; Frightened. Ladg " and Gentleman." A writer says: 44 Lady " and its corre sponding 44 gentleman " may, because of this adjective force which adheres in them, appropriately be used as predi cates, provided they stand alone. But for the same reason it is utterly inappro priate to use them as predicates or in any i other form with an adjective attached. The rule is not optional, but one which good sense and cultivated usage have combined to fix with iron strictness. farmers called 44 Sherman clover." It i would grow up in the most unexpected I rooU etc K Ten tils tion, and warm places, and it is said would root out Dam11- ue M7 a Bermuda grass; and, as a strange similarity, we now hear that after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71, in many districts of France a new vegetation sprang up, evidently the result of the invasion. It was believed that this vegetation would become acclimatized. but very few of the species introduced from June 10th to the 15th, harvesting 220 tons. Hay at Monson requires more makisg than in Vermont, being near the sea-shore. The School Farm comprises 230 acres, of which one hundred were pasture and forty woodland. Fifteen are dressed from the water-closets and laundry. The soil is some thirty inches deep, twelve of in this way appear likely to continue to loam, eight yellow subsoil, and there is a hard-pan of blue gravel that iiiiui lui. - - - va m r -u i m and Loir-et-Cher, of one hundred and sixty -three German species, at least one half have already disappeared, and the surviving species diminish in vigor each The highest breeding,' we know, tends The Tribunal de Justice at Mons, in i always to approach the utmost simplicity Belgium, was lately the scene of an ) both in manner and in language, and ' year. Scarcely five or six species appear affair which, though ending in no alarm- prefers such wholesome, downright I to manifest any tendency to become ac " , x r . a . . . . . . A terms as man, woman, gixi, hi any anecieu substitute. Severe as it may seem, any violation of ' the rule we have hinted at casts a shade of suspicion on the' educa tion and antecedents of the culprit. When our neighbor at the hotel table describes a guest opposite as a 44 very ing results, was sumcienfi to render it uncomfortable for the judge and others present, A bankrupt was being ex amined as to the genuineness of his statement of account?, and the 44 Pro - climatized. Can any of our natural i8ts account for it f will not leach through. If you plow and plant deep, the roots get down to the bottom. A top-dressing of gypsum, one hundred pounds to the acre,- he had found meat profitable. The pastures now carry nearly double as much feed as six years ago. Clxxzxs. Some people imagine that j Capt. cureur du Boi " hinted that he had made away with some of his property. This so enraged the individual that he imme diately drew a revolver from his pocket and took aim at the 44 Procurer," who made a hasty flight, and. then at the judge, who followed the example of the "Prccureur." In half a minute the whole court was cleared; the bankrupt followed the example of the others, and has not been hesfd of since,. intelligent gentleman "or 44 a charming young lady " he does no more, it is true, than is common enough among number less worthy and amiable people; but he is wrong for all that. The taste of a sensitive hearer easily takes offense at such slight matter, and the sin against style is apt to create a prejudice in re gard to mora essential things Mark Twain is exceedingly smart. We knew h'm when he was grinding plati tudes for the Virginia Enterprise, that paper says, and he -was a notoriously lazy grinder. He would sit at his edi torial table for hours, drumming on a cracked guitar, while the compositors were waiting for copy, and when re minded of his duty by the foreman would say : 44 This working between meals is killing me I" And he healthiest man ia ths Territory, the aii a Selden, of the United States revenue steamer Gallatin, saw a signal of distress flying on the Duxbury Pier light-house, and, on approaching as near as the ice would allow, learned thai the inmates had had no communicatioa with the outside world for forty-nine dys, that their fuel and water were exhausted, and that they had been on an allowance of half a pint of water a day. After two hours' vigorous cutting through the ice, the GaCatin's crew reached the light, and fsrsiui raUaf. Wheat a m Feed for An Immlm. On an extensive farm in England the horses were fed all through the year's plowing on boiled wheat and cut straw, as their sole feed. The farmer report that his horses were never stronger to labor or looked better. Another farmer fed his store pigs with diseased petatur s, boiled and mashed, to which had been added equal parts of red wheat and tale barley, ground into meaL He reports : 44 Never do I remember to have had pig get on better. I have, also, thirty pork ers doiag well on the same food. They are not only growing, but fattening rapidly." It is proper just here to re mark, thai wheat abounds particularly with gluten, or muscle-making matttr. TTrw it is evIleni to restore strength. and good for all working animals. Haaxt to Pxjus. Ths New York Time ays thai last year it declined to publish the Beecher-TUton matter and people took the papers thai did. Now it is publishing it and its subscribers are indignant about it. It thinks the great public is hard to ple&sa. A t Palenno, Italy, recently, a father and son were engaged in building a scaffhld on which a murderer was to be executed, when they quarrtled, and the son sUb bed ths facr to dsaih.