An u - FRANKLIN URIER A2J O. S. BAKEE, Editor arid Proprietor. TERMS : S2.00 por Annum, VOL. I T LOUISBUBG, N. C, FRIDAY, MAltCH 19, 1875. ZO. 21 I A in Xot Old. un not oJ'l though yearn Lave cast Their hIisuIowh on my way; im not old, though years have parsed Oa rapid wings away. 3r in my heart a fountain flown, Ami round it plrawant thought repose, nd HympathicH, and feelings high, Hprin like tli ttar ou evening's sky. a4n not old time may have set Ilin Hi'-net on my brow, nd kmio faint furrowa that have met, Which care may deepen now; t l ive, fond Jove, a chaplet weaves, Of fn.-rli young buds end verdant leaves; ,nd still in fan-y I can twine Thoughts sweet as flowers that once were I Dune. . Modistes in Xetc York. Apropos of the incarceration of Mile. man who would give him a situation. Fred hurried down to the A House and called for Mr. Johnson, and wis ! JonTin for 8mnggling ' Knickerbocker" Bhown into a large and well furnished I from Hie metropolis 'to the Cin- room. Almost tie first thing that met ' cinnati Gazette : Modistes have of liis gaze was the boy that he had snatched ' lat years increased in wealth and im from death the day before. 1 portance to a remarkable degree. One "How do vou do. Fred?" said the ' reason is the increase in extravagance; p0i,r ti.Ju ia (l.o rnimff anomer Itilt IT P.117 young man man that saved my life, yesterday." A man of , middle age laid down a newspaper, came forward and took Fred by the hand. "So you are the lad that saved my Willie's life'are you?" " I am Frederick Reed, sir' " Well, my boy, sit down here and tell me all about yourself everything. Don't be afraid ! You see I want to get acquainted with you." , Bo Fred sat down and told him every- "Oomo on, boys!" shouted Dick t i 1 1 f Tim f:nvs tlipro nr-lirwafu if , ,, , ! , , , , , thing he could remember, even to his oilers thr-ro already, and we shan t have , ,,b , , . , , ' , file i i il i i ciumerj mill llira uiutuci ocncu wj uc the fun if wo don t hurry, and . . , , 1 my taint every day tlintwe have a eliance to w tog.- Ih'.r ami have such fun !" Dick Smith, Ch'arlc3 Long, and Fred Hoed were in a great hurry., Dick was ithead, with liLs cap pushed back and his cheek;: all of aglow. .The boys quickened their pace as they entered the street that was appointed where the fun should be. Just before the boys reached the place designated,' "they saw a sight which should have touched the hearts of every one, but in this case it seems it did t - not. A young man was staggering along the, sidewalk!, and when he came to the boys. Ik; reeled against Dick, which made him quite vcked, and would have struck him had it not been for Fred, who by this time liad reached the spot, and as Fred was blessed with a very good tem per, he succeeded in starting Dick along without further delay. "Come along, Fred, don't bother 1" said Dick, after ho had started along a Jew paces, "he's only a drunken fool $ anyway." Hut Fred did not heed Dick's call. He was bound to see where- the drunken man was eroiiur to. as ho had a deal of sympathy for him. He had riot watched the man long when, glancing up, he saw a team coining at a fearful rate, driver less, and the, drunken man was head ing towards the (street center. For a second, Fred paused ; he thought of his " poor mother at- home (who was a widow) i depending on him for her support, of how lojelyshe would bo if he should bo killed; he even had time to think how in the world she could get the money to buy him a cofliu, and the terrible sight he must witness if ho remained where he was, and ho resolved to make the attempt at tho risk of his own life. He then sprunsr forward, snatched tho drunken man from under, the very feet of the horse., and reached the opposite pave ment, he knew not how. In a moment a large crowd gathered, admiring Fred's courage and asking him1 questions, as a crowd are in the habit of doing. " You are very good," said the young man, by this time roused to conscious ness. " What is your name ?" "Frederick lteed." "And where do you live I", In S : Court, No. 15," said Fred, blushing to think in what a low fore he could come. Well, to make a long story short, Mr. Johnson went to see Fred's mother, and he told . her that he was a dry goods merchant in the city of C , and he wanted Fred and her to go back with Mm when he went. After some con sideration, she went, and Mr Johnson found a situation for her where she could earn very good wages.' He took Fred into his own store, and soon made him head clerk, and there is not a more promising young man in the whole city of C than Frederick Reed. The boy that he had saved from death never touched, tasted, or handled the intoxi-l eating, cup afterward; that frightful 'event learned him a lesson which he never will forget. And now, my dear reader, did it pay ? I, think it did, and you will probably agree with me. If you are ever tempted not to do good when an opportunity is offered, put your temper under your foot, and obey your heart s impulses. Now do not wait for opportunities of doing) good to others to come to you, but seek1 them out, and your Heavenly Father will reward you in heaven if not this earth. - ' on The Lost Boy. Time wears on, and yet no certain knowledge comes as to the fate of little Charley Ross, whose name has been so often mentioned in every household in the country. Almost every week, there are rumors of a boy discovered some where answering the description of the lost Charley. 3 Jut in every case investi gation proves that, although the resem blance may be striking, it is not the missing child who strangely disappeared last July. Yet the general search which has been instituted has brought to light some hidden things, revealed some mys teries, and discovered some evil-doers, as well as some other long-missing chil is found in the fact that the fashionable women of Boston, Hartford, and other neighboring towns get their dresses made here. There is not a modiste in Boston that can equal a New York style. Boston women come hither for the express purpose of getting dresses, and when 1,000 is to be in vested in this manner the traveling and hotel expense is a mere trifle. The best modistes have elegant parlors on the side streets, near Broadway; the entrance looks like that of a ' private house. Sometimes no sign is displayed, this being only the case with a few of the most reciter che order. The mistress of the establishment is splendidly dressed, with a fine show of diamonds. Her manners are Parisian, her face is rouged, and her language is a fascinating broken English, intermingled with the purest French. Her very appearance is a sen sation. The assistant is of plain aspect, and is ready at showing the styles while the mistress carries on conversation on the important! subject which brings the fashionable world to her establishment. Measures are taken, sometimes by a genuine Frenchman, whose fingers move round a female shape with the agility of a monkey. Up stairs the scene is dif ferent. There one may find the poor iris at work stiching as for their lives working early and late, going through a daily martyrdom as the victims of gree and oppression; for the mistress, wealth; for them, toil and misery. When you want to talk of a profitable business, just enter one of these establishments. It is perfectly wonderful how they pile on the price. Well, one-half the appreciation of these gay styles consists in the idea of special limitation. Here are choice styles, concealed from all but the very inside Ting of golden aristocracy, with prices to match, Some dresses at $5,000 will answer for these butterflies of fash ion, but occasionally even , these will be j exceeded. A more moderate clasp may be satisfied with a': $2,000 dress, while others are content with a $1,000 pattern. These modistes show their profits by theif1 summer trips to Saratoga, Long Branch, and other places of ton. They have their own aristocracy, , which is peculiarly exclusive, and of these the present prisoner at Ludlow street is a leader. Whenever ner term expires she may expect additional honor as one of the martyr3 of fashion and the unjust laws which oppress it. It is probable, however, that the next time she makes a trip to Paris she will be willing to pay the duties on the trunks whic i form her Knglish Domesties. Colonel Forney jotsydown these ob servations: "Take doniestic service in England. There are almost as many grades in it as in high rank. Each is appointed to his or her place; each has definite privileges, and deference to the one ahead is the rule. The butler or steward is the chief, and exacts respect' from all below; and from him through all the grades of waiter, coachman, cook, and dressing-maid there is always some body above to follow and obey. There is a rude maxim that every Englishman is the idolater of the some bigger Eng lishman right before nun. ine wages of a servant of all work in .London is about 12 (sixty dollars) a year, and for this she does all the labor and is often the cook as well, getting few perquisites, I know some places in the great capital where one poor girl for tliis money is as utter a slave as ever worked on a South ern plantation. She washes, sews, scrubs, cooks the meals for the boarders, does chamber-wotk, and tends the door for five dollars a month ! If such a poor creature rebels the answer is prompt : 'If ' you leave me you shall never get another place, because I will give you no certificate of character.' If she fails in this the broad, cold, cruel town is her only and last resourre. But it is a mis take to suppose that this rule has not many .exceptions. "In well-ordered private houses the servants are models of comfortable pro- prietv. There the ladies' mahic and T7ie Came of John Xitehel. Mr. John Mitchel, who was elected to the English Parliament from the county of Tipperary by a unanimous vote, had recently visited England without any in terference on the part of the English gov ernment. His offense consisted, in as sailing the Queen and taking part in a movement to overthrow the British gov ernment. In 1848, when Europe was alive with revolutionary impulses, John Mitchel, in conjunction with William Smith O'Brien. Thomas Francis Meagher and many others, engaged in i an attempt to free Ireland. Mitchel was tried under an act which made it felony to " compass or to imagine the de position of the Queen, or to give expres sion to any such intention." We believe it was the trial of Mitchel and his con viction that led to the rising when, under the command of O'Brien, the Irish pa triots engaged in a conflict at Ballin- garry, where several lives were last. The result of this conflict was the trial of O'Brien and his friends for high treason, their conviction and banishment. O'Brien was allowed to return to Ire land in 185G, and the action of tho Eng lish government in permitting this was regarded as a virtual pardon to all con cerned with him. Others of the patriots escaped from transportation, with the connivance, it is leHeved, of the British authorities, and aave lived in the United States. Arcing them the most conspicuous is John Mitchel. He has been a resident a YonurvL. TnrspiAX. upper servants are rarely called by their of the United States for many years, and has taken an active part in journalism and politics. The ground of the objec tion to liis taking his seat in Parliament is that he is a felon Under sentence. Some years ago the same district which has elected Mitchel elected O'Donovan Rossa to Parliament. Rossa had been sentenced to imprisonment for an attempt to overthrow the British government. At the time of his elec tion he was actually in prison, under-' going sentence. Mr. Gladstone moved that a new writ be issued and the elec-j tion declared void, on the ground that Christian names; it is always 'Brown, or 'Jones,' or 'Robinson,' while the a ! lady of the house is ' mistress, and the o 1 frmifioTnon mnfpr ' The cook is in variably ' cook ' when she is spoken to. The governess, no matter how gifted, rarely sits at the table with the family, and never when there is company. A lady friend advertised for a governess for her children, and the number of ap plicants was legion, proving the heavy struggle among girls .who are fighting the battle of life in a great city. Situa tions like these are well paid and com fortable. I have already referred to the Rossa was " a felon, undergoing punish-j dren. About seven months a ! luggage, instead of taking the risk of a mother living in New York city desired ! to remove her child from the nurse under whose charge he had been placed about two years previous. lhe board had been regularly paid, and when the mother was so situated that she could take care of her child herself , she claimed him. But '.the nurse refused: to deliver him up, arid when legal proceedings street it was. " Good-bye,' Fred," said the young man. " I will tell father about you, and I shall see you again, sometime." Fred then thought that he would go and fin I Dick and have tho fun ho spoke of about an hour previous, but finally de cided not to go, as the fun would all be over before he could got there. You've lost fun enough to have lost a week," said Dick, by-and-byo, coming along where Fred was looking in at a shop window. " I say, Fred, what drunken man wa3 . that?" ' ; "-. ' v "I don't know, Dick ; some richmau's son, I guess, for ho was dressed finely, and was almt my own age. Poor fel low ! I pity him. I should rather be poor and temperate, than rich and in temperate." j Dick went off whistling with hands in hispoekots. "For every one is fortun ate who i satisfied with his lot." "Well," said Charles Long, "I sup pose ymi didn't get anything for what you did, Fred?" ... " Certainly not," said Fred. "Mother says I must do a good deed .when I can, without tht expectation of a reward." "You-will never lay up much money in that way, Fred." "I know that," Pays Fred, "but it makes me fool awful good here " (placing his hand on his heart), j Tho next day, when Fred went home to dinner, his mother told him that there was a letter for um. "A Utter for1 me?" said Fred, "what does it moan? I never had a letter in roy life," Fred took the letter and read it aloud: ! "Frederick Reed is requested to call at tho A House this afternoon, be tween the hours of two and six o'clock. Inquire for William Johnson." What does it mean ?" said Fred. "You must go and see," said his mother. Fred looked at his shabby clothes and hoce, and finally concluded that he could black up his old boots, and his mother could sow up nis clothes so they would look respectable. After everything was ready, he started on his errand. His mother looked out of tho window and watched him out of sight. Tears came in her eyes as she thought of the thinly clad boy, arid in wardly hoped Mr. Johnson might be a were, instituted she declared that the child in question had died, and the' oe she had wa3 another one. The court de cided that the boy should be delivered to the mother; but by means of a forged order, tho nurse obtained possession of him from the parties who had charge of him during tho progress of the trial. Search was at once made; but the nurse, wjth her helpless charge, had fled to Canada, thence she was traced to Buffalo, thence to Saratoga, and then again she was lost in the thronging crowds of New York city. A detective at length dis covered the woman in Jersey City; but no child was with her, nor could he dis cover the hiding-place of the boy, or, at tho time, bring definite proof of abduc tion against tho woman. ' Constant winter in Ludlow street. If they place the jail in a fashionable part of the city it might be endured, but Ludlow street is such a low spot, surrounded by poverty and vulgarity, that this renders the penalty peculiarly disagreeable.' Tirceff Prison Life. The newly appointed warden of the penitentiary on BlackwelL's Island says that vhen he entered upon his duties he determined to reduce Wm. M. Tweed to the ievel of the other prisoners, permit ting no discrimination whatever in his favor. He caused a strict measurement of the cells to be made to see if one could not be found suitable for the prisoner. A comparison of the measurement of the prisoners and that of the largest cell showed that the cell was just an inch wider than the prisoner, thus rendering it impossible to put him in a cell without seriously endangering his health. The warden then selected the most secure of the keeper' 3 rooms, and has placed Tweed in one that is very plainly f ur i nished. Dr. Kitchen, chief-6f-staff of ' Charity Hospital., who attends Tweed generosity of the English governinent in providing for hundreds of females in the general post-office department. But nothing is more interesting than the domestic establishments of the noblemen or gentry, especially when three or four hundred invited guests from London gather in one of the country palaces dur ing the shooting season, each guest with his i retinue of servants of both sexes. The1 quarter set apart for these latter is divided into as manygrades and tortured by as many jealousies as their superiors, and they live often as sumptuously. During the holidays the servants must be specially provided with presents, ac cording to their rank, but this rule has its exceptions in the humbler walks. There the one servant often gets little enough during the holidays." ment." The matter is creating a sensation in Ireland and England. watchf ulness, however, brought success, j . . . nevs are senoufiy mitririfu. xma, ui and the little one was discovered! in a miserable shanty in Greenpoint, Long Island, where he bad been temporarily placed by- the treacherous nurse in .vtfol ami 1aoo mnh nthpr Tmhnf ns ia 1HK nti fellow was speedily delivered to his; . . , - , T .,ea- course, keeps him confined to the hos pital in the penitentiary, where he does duty as orderly. The warden says that "the prisoner keeps the books of the hos- ; Some Fann Hints. Mr. Z. A. Gilbert says: "H we would make our dairy successful we must breed good cows. In doing this feed will have a great influence. Not only is it necessary to breed for the dairy but to feed for it as well." Talking of feeding calves, a writer says: "Skimmed milk gives a healthy growth of flesh and bone, while whole milk tends also to the production of fat, especially if fed liberally." As a feed for fifty fowls, the following is recommended by one who uses it: "Four - quart3 of shorts, mixed with warm water, fed in the morning; in the afternoon, four or five quarts of cracked or whole corn; keep warm water by them through the day, and give one peck of .oats once a week; also give some hay, straw or chaff once a week, or keep ashes, sand or gravel by them." j Concerning sowing grass seed, one j farmer says he had rather have one peck of ln own raising than a bushel of such j as he can purchase. Prefers the last of j August for sowing it, harrowing it in j lightly, or just as the snow is going off , in spring. He is sound in his practice j in all these respects, j A Lake Side farmer gives tho follow ing mixture for seeding lands in Sleeplessness. To take a hearty meal just before re tiring is, of course, injurious, because it is very likely to disturb one's rest, and produce nightmare. However, a little food at this time, if one is hungry, is decidedly beneficial : it prevents tho gnawing of an empty stomach, with its attendant restlessness and unpleasant dreams, to say nothing of probable head ache, or of nervous or other derange ments, the next morning, One should no more lie down at night hungry than he should lie down after a very full din ner, the consequence of either being dis turbing and harmful. A cracker or two, a bit of bread and butter, or cake, a lit tle fruit something to relieve the sense of vacuity, and bo restore the tone of tho system is all that is necessary. Wo have known persons, habitual suf ferers from restlessness at night, Serilj ncr's magazine for March tells us, to ex perience material benefit, even though they were not hungry, by a very light ktneheon before bed-time. In place of tossing about for two or three hours as formerly, they would soon grow drowsy, fall asleep, and not awake more than once or twice until sunrise. Painful Itesult of Mlarinw a Prnther !! Mil Xot Appreciate Shmks peare. A few days ego young Gurley, whoa father lives in Potioit. organized theatrical company and purchased the j dime novel play of " Hamlet ' The company consisted of three boys ana a hostler, and Mr. Gurley's hired girl was to be the " Ghost " if the troupe could guarantee her fifty cents per night. Young Gurly suddenly bloomed out as a professional, and when his mother asked him to bring in somo wood he re plied: "Though I am penniless thou cant not degrade me !" "You trot out after that wood or 111 hav your father trounce you ! sho ex claimed. " " The tyrant who lays his hands upon me shall die !" replied the boy, but he got the wood He was out on the step when a man came alone 'and asked him where La fayette street was. "Dodmed for a certain time to roam j the earth ! ' replied Gurley, in a hoarse voice, and holding his right arm out I straight. ! T cav vrtrt Vlir ia Tf.iv-tte 6treet ?" called the man. " Ah ! Could the dead but speak ah !" continued Gurley. . The man drove him into the house, and his mother sent him to the grocery after potatoes. "I go, most noble duchess," he Paid as he took up the basket, " but my good 8W"rd shidl some day avenge these in sults !" ne knew that the grocer favored theatrical, and when he got there he said: "Art thou provided with a store of that vegetable known as the 'tater, most excellent duke?" "What in thunder do you want!" growled the grocer, as he cleaned the cheese knife on a piece of paper. " Thy plebeian mind is dull of com prehension !" answered Gurley. "Don't try to get off any of your non sense on me, or l il crack your empty pate in a minute !' roared the grocer, and. "Hamlet" had to come down from his high horse and ask for a peck of po tatoes. " What made you so lonpr i" asked his mother as he returned. "Thy grave shall be dng in the cypress glade !" he haughtily answered. When his father came home at noon Mrs. Gurley told him that bhe believed the boy was going crazy, and related wliat had occurred. "I see what ails him," mused the father; this explains why he hangs around Johnson's barn so much." At the dinner table young Gurley spoke of his father as the " illustrious count," and when his mother asked him if he would have some butter gravy, he answered: " The appetite of a warrior cannot be satisfied with such nonsense." When the meal was over the father went out to his favorite shade tree, cut a sprout, and tho boy was asked to step out into the woodshed and see if th li Hit Carson the Heont. Mrs. Jessie Fremont, in a IsrAgtr arti cle on Kft Carson, the famous scout, pays a high tribute to his memory. She says: Carson had cniineutly the nature that rendered him surf out uwee ft farile diu lc.ctrnmcrcc dc I't ric the nature that comes from gentleness combined with strength, from that innate sense of justice which give to others whatw require for ourselves, from n healthy nature to which cheerf ulnes is so natural that instinctively they feel iU lack and seek to impart it To such a nature the morbid, thr nerron, ine heart-sick and weary come nd are com forted, and feel as invalids do when thry gvt into those favored climates where n even temperature and the certainty of ilailr returning sunshine and no sur prises It frosts or rains, insensibly bring calm and heeding. Sucla nature attracts to iUelf and retains only what is bet in all it mec t. and as the character engraven iterlf upon the countenance, so the many years frince I had seen Carson had done their ennobling work so effectually that my old friend was perfectly in keeping with the beautiful library of the friend's house in which we met again. He had livd what we idealize in writings and love to read. And almt lum, too, was the dignity of coming death. I had lwn written to from Washing ton that Carson was there, ill and de pressed; that he had not consul ted a hysician yet but thought he had had the heart iujured in an accident; that if I would urge him to come to me and tw well nurrted and see a physician, some thing might yet be done, although Ids condition seemed very serious. Carson had been for years an im portant part of my life, when it was all filled with energetic artioa, and hn true friends in the old home watched for and protected the absent, and welcomed them back on the return frcm long ian- gers; and now that death, and xlitical diforeifces as relentless, and the war. Lad completely ended that life, I saw, for the last time, one- of the few who had not changl from that old time of youth and health and friends and a com plete home. But Carson was ouly tronbled by my emotion, and told me, with his own sim plicity of courage, that he had wvn Dr. Sayre, who had told him he mifcht live to "reach his home (at Tuos, nar Santo Fe)j but that he might also die at any moment, as the heart wai fatally injured by the accident from which Camri Uted his illnetw. In trying to save a mule, he had lecome wound in its lariat, and Ih11i fell together over a steep precipice Carson's left side getting the blow as he fell on tho rocks below. His open air and altsolntely temperate life delayed the inevitable end. His only wifh now was to got home and not let his wife have the shock of hearing of his death. "Yeterday I thought I was gone," he told me. The Indian chief who with him in his room told him wlit he had saidbe himself only knew tlit all at onee he felt the lvl rwe with him " ! - .. ... ... e -ml with that 4 "drowning let-ir.ijr. ! penstock was frozen up. He found the ! mt with a new, strange element which old man there, and he said: made him cry out, "Lord Jesns, liave "Why, most noble lord, I had sup- j merer!" "I did notknow I said it, but posed thee far away !" " I'm not so far away but what I'm go ing to make you skip!" gTowled the father. "IU teach you to fool around This mode ! with ten cent tragedies ! Come up here ! of treating insomnia has recently, been recommended by several distinguished physicians, and the prescription lnis generally been attended with happy results. iMok Oif for Tltem. About this time look out for colds. The change of weather, when it comes, is likely to be sudden, and there will le For about five minntes the woodshed was full of dancing feet, flyiDg arms and moving lodica, and then the old man took a rest and inquired : " There, your highness, dost want any more?" ."Oh! no, dad not a darned bit!" wailed the young " manager," and while the father started for down town he went in and sorrowfully informed the hired girl that UAU,AA illlH. WW I w.v.- - ' ..... ... ' rrtVAmATT tinril lha Toll rf-AOSM-l unusual tendency this season to re- ; - - an suit in pneumonia or inflammation of ; Life in Colorado. the lungs, a disease that has carried of! ' Twelve or fifteen armed men went to a great many, who, but for a slight cold, j the house of Elisha Giljjm, at Fair Play, might yet have en joyed life and good j rapped at the door and told him they health for many years. There is no spe- i would give him fifteen minutes to come r-ifie rule for trnardinfir acainst this dan- . out Gibbs told them be would come as J ' i ! trprons disenfle. but the exercise of crood , soon as he dreseL After wai T knnw I miffht for it's only the Ixjrd can help me where I am now." 'Ih-J chif had taken him from the l-d and carried him to an open window. " I noticed he was crying. What's that for V I asked him. Because you looked dead, and you called Lord Jenti.'" I give this much of our d-ar old friend's sarred lat talk with mo le-au' those who knew him bt were the tnot pained by the singularly untrue ue made of hu name by one inospubl of understanding him. And as Old . Mor tality kept the moe from Udbg tho inscriptions on the tombs he ear-d for. he must cancel her en- I so it needM that some slrmld not adow the fungus growth on honored nam . Carson dul reach home. Andhiswite did feel the shock he hja hojl ti often to hr; she even feltit so mnrh that she. died. Then Carson's friends at the fort made him come to aUy hero they and the surgeon of the pot taigh anxious mother. The 1 motive of the woman in abducting the child is believed to have been to secure a large sum o money from his mother for his return. iting until j 1 thr could to lessen his snaring -me 0f And so, surrounded !iy his friend sad ; .it i i cold. Wet feet, from from a i the party placed an armful or two of ; w eeed mixed well ' "arm room into the chilly air, laying off j straw against the door and was in the j I Oa - - m t 1 i! A 1 necessaryrooe aone e nnas weea a . , uncl akike i common sense will do much to prevent . they thought the time was up most wining prisoner, reauy anu wiumg i - tifcino- , , I i i rlover. four pounds red top and two taking rn in u i i iJ-i m h i y i )in i iiai- r-i iir i."s a. told. Sneakinfr of Tweed's dress he i pouniis "iu H' A Itoy's Idea of Heads. jlThe Young American brings act of lighting it when Gibba commenced firing at them with a revolver. David and Samuel Boone, Mr. Kane, and Mr. a up j boy's composition " on heads as 1 0 i ii,or. cui xrViont " ' wrappings aiier a un.sK.-wiu. iixuiwm says that the prisoner is attired in the together. Seed with wheat h rf . a old prison suit formerly in use at e :Zr:Zl7 "JT 1 or cold bed; or going to bed before the wmcn is not so tiinerent in coior , " -. , , i a miU T.l r ,W the prison suit of to-day. The suit : per neau, Desuies which the prisoner wears was one of the j kept and not included in the above re old stock which, with a little alteration. ! turns. was larce' enoujrh to fit him. Just as ---- ! . . ... heads dof not always hold the most, j soon as his present suit is worn out he manuring of pear trees will insure Some persons can tell just what a person will be placed m one of the ne : suits ; ongnt, ana ' j children have succumb While Gibbs picked up two guns, a rifle, and a is by tlie snapeoi ms neau. nign neaas ; the same as otner prisoners, xr. xweea . per-Kro u , - certainly is hat ch had been dropped by his are me oest Kinu. ei imomg peopie , eats consiaeraoie oi vue F"" , ' , n ft r-t nf Mtr- ntion can be visitors. are called l&ug-headed. A man that gether with such few delicacies, however, trees, follows: " "Heads are of: different shapes and sizes. They are full of notions. Large rmson, .. . i t t from the ordinary citizens" doming as is paw year ! wrm r amonrr the most common ! next nipht Samuel Boone died on Son me lamos wnicn were . . ., I , ... , methCHis oi exposure. An uiese can iuay wruu mu i'- easily and should be vigilantly guard"d It seems to be conceded that the high , . ) t. u.i, : wnooping cougus uiu w ilu r . 111 c iue . im-i. - "ov - ' same unhealthy tendencv. and a great ' wonnd. After the shooting was over won't stop for anything or anybody is ; as the physician may order. In obedi called hot-headed. H he isn't quite so j ence to the doctors orders he is still all-right they call him soft-headed; if he j lowed his daily walks around the island won't be coaxed nor turned, they call him pig-headed. Animals have large heads. The heads of. fools , slant back. Our heads are all covered with hair, ex cept bald-heads. There are other kind of heads beside our heads. There are barrel-heads, heads of sermons and in company with a keeper. In his case, the same as with others, if the prisoner desires to see an extra visitor it is al lowed at the discretion A dairyman says: "I am satisfied that milk manufactured into butter in private dairies is worth, on an average, less than two-thirds what the same milk is worth manufactured into cheese in our factories." This of course depends upon exercised with profit of the warden, the locality with reference to a market 7 bare a claim for prize money, by the kind of i butter miule that is, . corresponiunK oimruj me xux His family are allowed to see him when- , and ever they desire, which has not been j whether it is " gilt-edged" or not of late; but as to strangers and friends, ; A farmer's wife has found a weak so- some ministers used to have fitteer heads ' like other prisoners he can see them or i lution of carbolic acid will kill lice on to one sermon: pin-heads: head of cattle. ! not as he wishes. The warden says that ! plants if applied with a swab or feather, as the farmer calls his cows and oxen: i he is determined to remove that air of 1 and if applied to the earth in pots will head-wind; drum-heads; cabbage-heads; ' mystery which the people believe sur at logger-ieads; come to a head, like a j rounds Tweed's imprisonment boil; heads of chapters; head him off;! head of the family, and go ahead but first be sure you are right tieraninrms trfl Dri re off Snakes. Every species of snake may be ier- Prize Moxzt. The following letter 1 manently driven away from an infested from Gen. Butler contains information : dace by planting geraniums. In South of value to these fortunate enough to ' jricA the Cafir people thus rid thir (have such claims: ."Sir. Whenever I nremUA of snakes. A missionary of South Africa had his parsonage sur rounded by a narrow belt of geraniums, Auditor of the Treasury you can get j uich effectually protected the residence Hi wife m one of the crood hew Mexican Spanish familie, and thir chil dren belong with the most respected and wealthy old settlers therf, although Car- ... , - S , T f u ' 1. f David Boone ilied the I"1 08-. . him no nchr than when ue was oaiy guide and hunter. General hherman, who was among hi most valued and attached friend, had tue good fortune to be able U off r a free s4olxhip in an Ohio college U on on. HerI am sure, and all who knew Carson Ijeet, when they hear him sjken t.f. will not think of lum only as the brave man, or the great hunter, or cool, sagacious, admirable guid. first and tenderly Kit as their "Doer the but old your money. ' prize agent. You need not employ sny B. F. Bra.rn. deslroy worms at the roots of plants. A Vermont sheep-breeder recommends j of port wine from the wood T uran pa a tablespoonfnl of sulphur to two quarts (Uentleman oi me old acnooij. uog- Log- f rom any kind of snake. A few yards awav from this gerenium belt a -make ! would occasionally be found. It is well Jcice of toe Gbapz. Youth. known that the whole geranium genius " Gran'pa, what's the meaning of 'Glass j U highly redolent of TolalUe oils lemon scented, musk scented, and iieppermini 1 Modern statesmen Men who promise j of salt as a feed to sheep that will exter- wood, my dear boy, nowadays 1 j more than they perform. ruinate ticks. Feed this twice a month. J wood ! Logwood!" ecented. What, therefore, is a Tery pleasant nosegay for man is repugnant to the serpent tribe. .Ter Hanks. Forty-three banks have made tions for charters under th new assign ment in the United State, and th'T represent a cap; til of 1,925,000. Th following is the amount assigned to the various States : New York, 31,411. 000; New Jersey, $180,000; Georgia, 135,000; Missouri, $41,W ; Illinois SSO!,2O0; Michigan, tSl.OOO; Wincon ain, 3-213,000: Iowa, 352,800; Minnesota, 3450,000; Kansas, 315,000; Nebraska, 310,000.