Frank! in Coi ;rier (JEOilGE S. iInKEU, Editou and TnorKiKTOiu . All letters aliased to ; ClA). 1'AKKIt. V... .Ma. i. 1:). V87.V TIjc filuuiii is tin; (.'livcuiiuii 1111! as reported by Mi. )Invh 'a 1 from the Committee on Cor. 'U;iti i)?il, r.frii). , ''Mr. Mor-clu !J'ro:u the Gmi'mttec on Corifitif ntionnl 11 't'-r;:i. r.'ii'irted u bill providing for ' liu end of :i Convene tion ,:to tiioct i't fli" -ity ''I'llalvigh on the fith of S j.i1m r, 174, f..r the purpose of C'Mi-M"tinr and adopting' Kuch an.cnduj' o tli; Constitution an they may dfin TM:-.ssnry and ex pedient, subject only to tlv! restrictions herein af'er iprovi j -A.'' Tim bill pio vide that the .!.;' i.;i fur duIeMtes to. the paid Convet: .u hh dl he ludd 'on the first Thuid iv 'in Au!iit. 1.H75. and that it shall cnn-i-l of '2') delegates. The Convent ion J all h:ivc :io power to t'on. i'ler, deb:;'.- adopt or propose any amendment to tin-eluding Consti tution or ordinanee upi the following Mibjerta : the llom -si. ad and personal jroperty t excniitioh, tli:- meelianies' and laborers' hVn. au l the" rights of married women, as now .-wared bylaw, nor to alter or amend ;-eetion ! or f of article 5 of haid Constitution, nor change the ratio bet we n the poll and property tax as therein established; nor hhall it hare p-wer to propsj or'adupt any amcndmetit or ordinauec vacating any ofiiee or term of office now existing and filled or hehl by virtue of any elec tion or appointment nnder the existing Constitution and laws, until the same shall be vacated or expired under exist ing laws, but it may recommend the abolishment 'of any'ilieo when the pres ent term shall 'M;ii; or v:u anciofi oc cur, and they may provide for filling such vacancies, other than as now, and limiting the terms ilircof, nor hhall it sidopt or propose any plan or auiciidriiei.t r scheme of eou;pon-i;tioii to the own era of cnifi!i(.'ii'ated slaves, nor for the payment of any liability or debt incur red wholly or in art in aid'of the late "war between the .State., nor for the res toration of iniprixoniiient for debt; nor hhall they re juice or propose any edu cational or property qualification fir office or voting; nor .shall said Conven tion, pass -any ordinances legi.sla.tive in their character, exe pi such aa necessary to submit the amended Constitution to the j.eople for their 'ratification or re jection, or to convene the General A- ttcmbly. -The whole, wlioti amended to be submitted to the people for" rati fu -a-' tion or rejection. 1'j.on whieh bill fi: ( nimittee Fub miited the followiier report : STlie Com , jnittee on Constitutional llefbrni, after eonideiing the h'U proposing ithn call of a Convention heretofore in- fodueed and referreil. a o the several bills prepohing . numerous amendments to the Constitution by t!ie Legislative method, beg leave t. introduce the en closed bill, and a majority recommend that it do j ass." On loot ion of Mi. M ivhead, the bill was ordered to be printed and niade , facial order for Friday at 2 o'clock." NEW HAMPSHIRE This State vo'ed on-Tuesday the 9th lust., for Governor, iWeinbers of Coo- gross, Mate ("ouncilmnn, and Mem "bcrs of the Legidat was a failure to tdect ticithcr the Democrat tire. he result nu i ll'.e Governor, a c r Republican Candid:. tc received nmjurity of all two Ciindidates tho votes cat. run within lOi) votes of each o'ber. TTho Democrats ehn-teil tvo Congress men and the Republicans1 one. This is a gain of one for the Democrat. In the Council ofSi;(e tin Democrats elected a majority. The Republican carried the Legislature by a small majority. As the Legislature will have to elect the Governor, the Re publican candidate vill be elected. This result is not all that. we hoped for.yetitisv very g.od. The Demo crats while losing the Governor and Legislature, yet gain a Congressman. It has been sonic yar? sinee either hide elect cd G v -rnor in this State by tho popular vote. There are gen erally throci candidates, tbe 'Demo cratic, R'.'publier,n and Prohibition.: v'J'he prohibition tabes sufficient votes to prevent cither of the other parties from electing. Tirs year the Pro hibition vote -was much smaller Mian for several ycais. :rd seems to have 1 gone over almost in a body to the Re- -ublicans. . 1 A noticeablo feature in the elections that have taken f lce for the last year crso U, that the Dctni crr.tic candidaei for Congress have run generally ahead of the State ;id local tickets. This ras particularly so in Indiana and. Ohio and many of tbe other States last year, and vie have the same result now in New Hampshire It shows that Grant is weaker tlnii the loca' pnliti- cian of l b party. In New llanipsliirri tie Iladicals hat! not the temerity to eiiU Grant for a third term. Indeed i they by. dirK-t rcf-olut'on rep' nliated in em- obatic terms the third! term ruoycincnt. When the news ' first comm'ei C 'd to come from N v ll:it:;ps'nire, the lladi Cals claimed a c can -', Kwt bud to take the back Hack, m 1 modify their extrava -ent itte;;.nces. The result on the whole i ti.iid term and in favor of ( on.-tituti'-nal liberty L.t Coni.ectie'itt n -.v c-on.c up ail light. PIttCHBACK. () i tbe oe.ter of tbfc bar of tb Uu tH States 8, h gir-aer ( indivi-lunl ' an-w r.f'i; to tv rame p(:ic:i at thf lc'i oi tiH Hr'iclf, and wiiicJi ta tirm bppls 1 to spuri ous ; j weir , ttren. etni dii g and gfczing with a wi.-5.tul lor mort tlia.i two yi his upon a s at in that bo.iy wliich b- t bini r y virt i,e ot a feriificate fu-iiiph d hin fy Kellru' tlie logm usurpe-, has pt.m ed bimsed t)y tliu aid ol Grants soldiery in tho. Executive Chair of ti e State of Louisiuoa. For ircr: trD two years Inn a teiiatt intensely llidicall liditt d and liesitted to ado it this offs'.-Ot ot one of tli m st he ish a tcinp 3 to cul vert and olili'ernte the !defties of a people of s, nee t ee ami i:"M''Jp'-.dent crtate that hai le n K,;.owo in the records ot g' v rnm nt fto-u its first i' stitution among ion. 11-i cl-ims UU 8. at by vinue at credentials tusniahed bim by Ke'.fo'g. who accordi to the actioa ot both the Scfea e and the House of Uejjre e'ita;vc, has no moie rignt to iheofli.e ot Ouv rnor ot Lou-i-ina than has the writer ot this aiticle. The late Ilo'ne ot Hepresentative3 in i alaol hours declared that Sp:ur w ho run nr .uonsress on me ih-i . K'1'.o..'g vi At.' not- .elected, but thit J hurman his opj onenf wa, he was ac:ordingly admitted. 'the Dimocrats Bir n u:y oppost d tbe admit ance of I'mchbai k in tie htst ' C'ongnss- In this they weie sus Viined by such Kepublicns as Ferty ot Connecticut, F'-nto'n ot New York nd Hchilrz ol hiii ouri. As soon as the present 8euaie w ia orgaft'Z d. Mr. Mor o i of Indiana, .m-if'e auotber. at tempt 'o have this man eea e.l, but his aao ion b;8 lee.i viokntly opposed by the Democrats in bodv, and many ot tl:e Kep'ublicanp; .among others j-nlge Christiaiiey' of Alichagan tlie facet s.-or of Ztck Ciiandler, who has delivered a very ti'ie legal argument in the Senate upon the Louisiana question. Le tak s t'.e greuud tb t the present gov-eri-m. nt of that State is ho.hiug 'more. thMn a usurpa io , sustained nnd uj u-'d by tVdt-ral jbnycoets. '1 ln.'se are m piful in.tic.itious eorcin frjnn lle pab'lica is vvt.o wciveleeted Over Grants partiziie. May the Tevoluaon c- u tinue until Uru;in is euti.e y crushed out. Three Eminent Physicians. As the cclbrated French Physieisr, Drsmoulins, Jfiy" ou h atleath bed, lie ws vV'ed and h most c. n'aetly snr roundul by the most distinguished rh die'd m;- of IV n as well a o her pr .irituent ciriz ns o t ihe me r polh. Great Lw'jre the: limentfitions of all at' the 1-s! ab tt to be su fif .ed by the p'rolessio",! in the xh ath nt one tl ev regaided as its gieaUBt ornam nt ; -1 ut Denu. ulins 8p- k ehferfu iy to hi" prac i'ionef, a-i-eting Hum that he hid left behind thrc'i physicians raac'i greater than himself. Each of .the doc tois hoping that his own nam j would be called, ii.quired t uxiously wh was sufficiently 'illustrious to fcurprv s thf immortnl DL'Snjoidin. With great di tinc'nes? the dying nun anwe ed, Ihey are W iter, Ex icise, an I Iiet. Call in the setvice of the" first fre-lf, of the fecori-1 resnlarlv, and. .tJie U id mo'lerat Ij. F 'Tow this advice and y"u may Wi 11 dispi nse with my laid. Living, I cou'd 'do nothing i h ut then : nd dying, I shall not be misled, if you make triends of these, "my faith t-j coadj iiois.' ' , BILLINGS ON THE HALr-SIIELL. It aint every one that knows ecuffto stop when thry git thrn. It it no disgrace to be mistaken, no, so Un? hz we nre willing to own it. It iz af u az hard to alter a habit hz it iz to change tho site ot your noze. . Woman's last argument ;z ters, and thi.y are allways her strongest oce; when theze fail-", thea cuius dcpeia shnn. A b Z7y mar. iz. the wust customer the devilh'z fo de d with. ' Experience tiazbeen prn.z d more and listened to less, than euny othtr that I kan think ov now. There izsiim wisdom in gussina af- t T al', f r it iz the nearest that you kan cum to menny thing-' in this iite, . G md iz like the best medicine we hav. tl e mosv. bittee-t to tak. In kn yourFtlf and others to ;z the hiyht ov bum in k ' ow!e 5r .1 tt iu pr- p rsltun that a man knn he cuncil!ei ov hiz hruoiUrc, just 8( there iz hope tor him ' IhWiJI'.-w,l nB.l'i tiV i yet, that he who r. perts ov a iin iz a stronucr and a sale r man thau he who do i c mroi.t i. Whilelavv & Crowder, Cor. of pi oil at S'liiMarfrau s reetp. FA 1.1 IGH. X (? , Ar Ticp'vrcl ;o Furr:sh - i . i i Marine Tombstones ; Ol Hit kinds y A'.s-vaii .kinds l . rtr O Such as Post, Sit?!!, Wattr-Ta'e . S net and Grav-yard Curbstone, All orhrs from the coan'rj or cvj p-oii'ipt to, jnh 2Tly ... i ' , o s For the CotrniKR AVt will Moot st Xut. Where the hidden wound is healed, Wliere'a wi'e tl life ro b'ooms. And the smittTTi h.T.rt th? ircshnc?;, Of its iuoyaut youth resum - ; And the love t h?.t wo h. r ; la ish, On the fading haves of time. Will have fadeless, f. r.V! s to fix on, in an ever spring ongut e.ime ; Th?n will be the joy of living, As we never loved before. Loving on, unch'died, unhindered, Xut like the ravens :inev"jriuere.r i f ' Where a blasted world shall brighten Under neath a bluer sphvre, r And a softer, gentler sunsliine, Sheds ite healing splaior tr:ere; Where earth's barren vales shall blossom, Putting on her robe of green, And a purer, fairer Eden. Ie where oivlv water hath been : irhen a King in Kingly glory, Nuchas Karth has never known. Shall aksume the righteous sceptre, Claim and wear the holy crftwn. Where, the faded flowers l.ull freshen, Freshen rever more to fade ; Where the darkest ky shall brighten Brighten never more to shade; Where the suu-blazo never scorches, Where the star beams cease to chill ; w ,.fl r(n tt rs f m -ohi Of the wood, or wave, or hill Where the morn shall wake in gladness, And the noon the joy prolong, JFhere the daylight dies in fragrance, Mid the Luist of holy song i Adah. COME, LOVELY SPRING. BY L. M. THORNTON. Come, lovely Spring, with all thy flow ers, -Primrose and violet come ; Sweet verdure, clothe again the bowers, Bee, let us hear thy hum ! And hearts shall leap, and tongues shall sing, And welcome forth the new born Spring. Thus, e'en as Winter 'stern departs, Shall all our sorrows go ; Tl e-eis th spiin -tiuu o the heart. The spirit's genial glow ; The sun of Hope, with glorious ray, Drive all the clouds o 'are cawav- m-IE IG R EAT k o RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE SWiDARO QUARANTUD !r: 200 lbs. M MANUFACTURED BY Hit;! IWAimViHANN&'S H WILMIH6TON, DCL'i IJ,, II ,- STOKE Si M " ..7.rc r I L-4 SUPER PHOSPHATE, - o 1500, Bags of .the ahoyv p pubr FERTILIZE!?. lreMmni -tin- Mr utfc'nn r?, in GOOD r.U r'f, m STOliE ;v(i ievy "r dfiivcrv v ... Ia mdci th it nore.nmv I e liiT)poin te1 this year in seenrinjr a supply ol this highly succi'sslul M:inur-. we r - quest our cu3;oiiiers to ca 1 .tnd "r it at once. PRICE TWO DOLLARS t er ton Itf-S Mian ! yrsr. tfptcial c.-.ntrct will he made wi'h tlu-se des rirp to purchase icr tot od, White & Shaw, Maufucturcrs Agents. Ja". 15 6-w. PIANOS! PIANOS ! ! Augcst DnErp Manafacturer of Piai.o For"tf, bi-ca to annourc , hat lie it S'H-nlip.l with ni-w nnl c. nn,l li..n piin..?, which he off r.-. low nricc- applications ly letti r w 11 ri-ciivr prompt at'tntion. I AJ1 PHK AKEf). asMceI. V? cmp-tePt orkm-n to I tl-HiPrf&kr lllr iiiokI fttineiv n i-r Gf evcrv descriotioo " Rctercuce made to the mu i al prr - essinn in geneiai, and to my large unm. l?er of pa'roo. .Jut 17-12-m-! Palpipb, y. C Atlantic Hotel SOItFOLK. VA. K. b'. DJDSON, . i j fjrmcilj of ihe 1 B0TL, Biltimre, Md.. Trorrcfor. This m?p ifct r.t ITOTF.L, ftr bsviujj beeu th ruuliiy rnuv.teil aud rtfitud, in now open i. r lue kc. cmraoda'ioB cigaer-fa Boird, first nd second floor. $3 per daj. Third and fourth floor, t J,50 per Cty. "Liber 1 ttrms to permanent Boarders i snj ax THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY hi rnriva VJ ' d: ine i w rr.-. d i -nt to nuf:i u 4 i i " v ice dl" MtKC bt or 4iiy iuj r om .n ne a miIi-i n e lot i I UK ELY VS'GKTBLE. conta n l vl t'.ios ? so- t'icrn LK.tMid' h. he a t nil Vv nii- li- pi ed e nnt-e - hrr I. ve i m ' ! -Til. It -il eure 1 ' 'i-;ef ui bv I) -t in-Li e i: d N Simmons Lifer RemMsr or icliciiis l p- in tlv a l'a Iv Mi e n ; and t y lr i kr t r ;id. f . -i-"uinl fct - lfso ' w I i:r- - an ho f t luT ii it t d many ad I ar 1 1 I line n. a i l I.h ndoverFort Ye r V r" 1 t I tt to- e .v h most uii'i'itihfied tp "nio i.l-u it Vi t'.K-S f;Mli C'cfl"tl- ll t ch:l" - act -r ivl te-p n-i lit . Liz incut pi sic ar.s onniiend i as til - a.- si KFFEOTUAL SPE IFIC FO t I Y'rEr-lnu I D GE3TION" Arml wih th ASTrnoTE all cl ir. tc m 1 eiiKii e-i'f wat i iinl f ol v. y l e faepd w tout tea-, si liPin dy in 'IalaU'i r? F:vp Row i. x-, 1- stlesne b; JaCsiice NlStA IT HAS NOtQUL- It ic te ( ' p- st, Tu t o d Tie t I'aini 1. Vp.l e i e i i t p Ver d I Is m in:f e u c t o I. t v J tl Z U.iN ifO JIaclo Oa. d uiLAnF.i ruiJL. Trice t 00. old bv all. m.iooKis. ' G. W. M1NNIS, Photcgrapher, 1 X- 47. New 141 Sycamore St. PETERSBVRG, Va. L .ccu C9 eyry -tylf'ot ltktn'!-s tron CH(I to' life s z i. t'" bit slesol -t. l'ii.- .: ii! ante Oct. 2 In nu fl r t t;.f:i, G .!!e v e-i:. l-tt.e.l i S74 53 ; oo l ii iiiiobt iiU. I Q,, Watdsj:i..kir nnd. Jew eler. VI '! -v.-' .'-'.v. ! f q..- Mi:i;itf. t'! s t ' I .Vt- ; i I A!! vii:'k i; si.-.i.ii y a:pi'ic.i ;: :(! -vur-rai;le . ll L3 y niiii) p t , IVteisbm ', V? i " i P.uiroad Schedules. JJL ! LC.II-U'.JLK OF Sil.l PEVZlii 'i u G U AIL " O D COM ? X V Y. l.i a e iLD '.ruin . Timih .. A Kit IV Al' S.10 n. rr. .. In p. ii-. ' TKis: IlCHN. K p"1 Aiad. . . i.;o i i? . Uh: p io. LKAVE PfcTKK&li'JKG. Miil fit a. n. Lxpr8s. .....31? p. in AllIlIVK AT WbLDON. " M dl ...9 '-0 a. n. Expr. s; 7.U0 p. in FiieightThains. Lcnv Pfte-isl.-urg 9 00 p. m. L-itu Wt IdoM. . ......... b ao p. m. Airivenl Wi ld in 5,06 a. m. Air'uc ut i'tttrshurg.... 4.U0 u. m. Gast s Train ; Petirihuig G:25 a. m. Lvi; G s oil 1.15 p. m. Anive at Gstoii 13 30 p. m. Arrive at Petir-bug 7.00 p. m F tikhts f r G .ston Bracch iit be nceive i at t tin Petirl'Urjr dep t only on .VONDAYciiind IHURSDaYS Tue depot wdl be closed at 4:00 p. m. No gnudu w:li nceietl alter tout hoi... j J. C. IsPKIGG, lJ'igin er and Gcoiral ltna r. OkFi:e CiE.KU.AL t fPiKI.vTtNttLNT, ) C'ii.MiNTix, V. C , June 8, 1S72. ) CHAiiGE OF SCHEDULE O n aint aftei- Jim 10th int mt, Pa-i-n i Train-on tiie iliiiin . ton aul Wcllni w'Ai run sis follow: MAIL TRAIN. 1 c ve Union Dcp:t daiU (Miiuhiysexofpto I t sloa.m .- ITlYi'ut tiiiUUU.l"i. .. ......... 12,1 1 p. in. " liix;ky Mount '1 n p. i.,. V -do:i 330 p in. Lrt-ave cluon datr (un aje.v- epl-d ) :it . ... !!." a. in, . 11.-7 a.m. . .. I : t ut. ... 5:'J. p ii.. Arric :r !:. kv MoiiLt " ue I.UImU- Luion D p t "expi:es x.tiv Lttvr Union li-p:t daily :it. . Ai'rixe u - r. " MM v Ml'Ull 4i VN. ia u !.:; 'A (,iti-,,ii d iiiy HiVc ;t il"uiit . 'lO'lU I.O.-Ll.. Vai. '.i i t j .it , lt 4; p m. 3:J'a. Ill i iij u n -o: o , iu :l p. m- p i i 1 i. Hi. a:t :.. v. . Tnusi ni: k ) c -..nn .-tion at AVcI d , l'ur ill p nit XuitU i lUy Linv and t'lpllU C tk lOillc . Kxfii'ess ' rain o)iiiii only ait!i 1j ii4 eiv k iiha.;i" aaLiee tici'iui C-r on t!T t:. in . Fie!i.t tni:n-4 " !1 1 nve Wilnnuyrtn tri wttrk y at WW .:. i:i.. aiwl arrive at 1.40 p. u l xpn- k n ilit t: in will 1.- vc A il.u n r. d.iil und ys xcep: at L p ia . a; YAUUOllOUGll IlOUfcE RALEIGH. N. C. G. W. BLACKN'ELL, Proprietor. DO YOU ! FRAMvLiiV CGijllliL? It is a 28 col siiriii paper, devo ted to Alie inter est of Franklin Comity and the Democratic Par ty It only cost $2.0 per year. . IT FURNISHES YOU IN TWELVE MONTHS ABOUT 900 COLUMNS flf RF&ntNr. riATTFR . mm i & mm A Ml KM il i a a M M. Emm . AND THiS FOR $2,00. It is a good AB- VEHTISINCr Medium,' as it circulates in Wake5 Granville Nasli5 Wilson Halifax9Warren9 ami J o Ii n s t o n Counties and nearly erery iamiiy in A' ' Franklin. Males for moderate. very fiend its S2.Qa Aad get a sfmsa? GIiSS year. V e vant every man in Franklin County to SUBSCRIBE for it and stop reading Ms neighbors paper. PRICE only 2,00 per annum. o JOB WORK. We are now prepared to do job work. Let usliare your orders, they sijiall be tilled wth neatness and dis patch. Geo. S. IJakcr, Editor & Proprietor, HEADQUARTERS. Barrow& Pleasants, AVnoLKSALr & Kktail Cjcn , AND v; Commission -erch-nls.. Lorisnuua. .v. Wf. t.ip t ItI- irH'ffio.! of iufornifs: t!i pcnple of I'rnnk In nil ndfoInfnj on:iti" th.t u- tnt nd. .iftiT The tu of -T.nin.irv. to co'idrcf II r WIIOLKSALKJfc HCTAIL . Cion-ry nod ''omtni-ion Tn-5iic iu all it T.-triou Tr nctip. TnTinc iiimIv 11 ntcrnrx arr.nnin'ni'it-s xrjfh Man ufacttTivrs iUT aul I'ork rac':crs and Iiavin made SPKCIAL ARKAXCKJIENTS with tlf! T!an Ho:id and Tanjof atioti rompa us. tliereliy -c rinr t!ie very anipl( niraii to PAY CASn f"r aTl of o-.r oolt we inte'tl to ?cli them mncli I(wpr tlian li:tv?eTr lweii ohl In thi market ocforr. To tprc!iaiif .e anff Farmers who dpsfrc to buv In nnc' asre. in Ie q'irintitios than a cr load, wc wi rpriiarantP' to ell it "Nox hrn Pricr Treiffht added" "Wo are now receiving the la"' et lo of Flour ever offered for ale in thi i..arct mannfacturetT erpnrery for our TTonp. which we r? oflTerinp: at TP.atlv redneoil price. ve warrant i-verv Karrel to he Teprentel. We e '! 8recial atte tion to the follow- ins: and which cannot e had any where elee. HARD TIMES MADE EASY AT Barrow & Pleasants' "Wliol esale House, 200 RRT?Er FMUK 200 R KRHSfjS FLOUtt 00 R tFLc FT-OTTR 200 nA'.KELS FLUU. tu From AT $8 00 $ 0 FLOU Ar $7.r,0 & V OUI5 AT $s FLnun AT ffioc TVF-T RWWFLnf 'h fl n- n a n nr," ex r- s- v r r n- WHOLES ' LE TRADE d ' i"l 'O II 1 ' rt !.:! . m ih t ) ic-. Evttur ri:rr- i. r!:u.f tki. Z jo ( t. trv i, n''''N" t! (14 !::L Ur i. O .i T !!OLF T I M'TK.f f:- l AT Wff'M ," a 1.1 Onr r "f vti" p C 'f T o 1'-Riiv .n-.. P u-T d..,r 5 y tr -nr I-1 hi d . lf ? iii TArf m- t ni u'f- v t iar--. n'ln-li l imi.i,- , and v h df "if i1 h' r ..i-.' IK-S'lll-" pi i' . ex 'n'pi'-jj oir pr 1 ! ..t 1 nr tu e. I tt 'mM i ' ti I ' n f f ' ' r-r" lp rnn- at "tfiT'h'rn "Ti- P' -' 1 ARiioW & P IX '-" A NTS. Fe" ' 1S:.. Tn addlrin tonnr toelv of Floar nc ar n-edvitnr rrmnv other irirfd. ni.t'i- 1 r our pfoek f r upiTio to any u'.ocV ii tlie pi ee. anil ve defire nu- frird to kiiovr rlut uc lonht tlu-tn toSKLI W sIia-11 keep co' Ktantly on liaml a l;irjri supply of meat of all kind a- d shall mvI at the 'owe.-t finrr.-. I.i be -alaifvineemefsmndeon cotton plated in our ha d for nal or shipment. BALD MOUNTAIN ALL RIG-HT. Tim ti' i no rane far eicit ment. The 1 t 'v.i- 5j noi.- diil ;:tard ru c' 'y ihf p)-.i'l ty l flour Ih-ii jj nu.v S Mt BaUIioW & i LfcASANTS, W'b'l ss'e fcurr, oi ihe Great Excitement ai th ir Retail Dry G "ul Store i enn d y -hr kTl ll ru". f o ir t k1 a bv heavy tili-c!iu io Dy Good. BE ' CALK OESv BEST C.ALI'.OES BEST CALICOES, HZSi CtLTCOES, ONLY TEX CENTS. ONLY TEN CENT-? I ONLY TEN CENTS. ONLY TKN CENT Tiuir S'otX t':-. ar- i1 io L - -urp, limrirj; Hinv-. ii lb l;r '-T wttk In additl t t!iey te ff nt g TEN THOUSAND D-iPsr- worth of kind .; ;t t d at t;:elrtlu.- i p uc, Tu y LouisV.r', mdt'.ivj lu ' i.d ifi.d ' ti in4ke iMim lor cher to arnve D m.. I dt imy , tin"l mrSt ck and pricta have Ucn tiarnmd. Ico"ubar N. C, Proressional Cards. DENTIST. Ofiei inn Servirev a b puh.ic io IZttry department or JJiHtlitry. OFFICS-. Iaihnrffat . Wrr. cton rtir Drnts Hotel, Nnrwoo,l Dou'si.,., JOS. J. DAVIS. kWXml COUNSELLOR iim m Loum-tvo y. v.Mi.i ix.. i! f tlU.:. Nb, W.rrei. nt W.kc - "" RM Al-viu, iBi.llolt c.if- ii ii a r. mn h -c f don i . Juj 15. 171. . ATTORNEY AT LA'V. Fn am li XT oi, 2T. C. Will p-nnJre in the coniti of the fi ?, pur'cial iTirrrct. I'rmnpt rtentim civen toth r.llr' tiin f c'aiin. Jin o tf C. H. Citte, w. H; SjEicer COOK & KttXCKM MIOEHEft AND COUKsELLDEs A.T LAW, A.vA Solicit ory J.a. . BANKRUPTCY LGUISBUHG M. G. V 1 i"-e n iIh-Co u:. i ... iv. lin. niiv'lix. Wi?firr(-ni W'k n., tit N- ll S r C .1 V . V t ,.n t n.. I . .v f r. OK .-'.'.I u . 4' - S X REASOHS VIIYil T UMI l i.i. I : i is MUTUAL PMIUDELPfli;-. 1. ft ' '.r-r- f - rr f- '. t I ii; J,- o Mil ; r, 'Ifd p .si I .r Ii v ' I t -'nr - . K . Cii :y io'tv lf rri in in.;'- i! i!h IV.-iii- o. tn'rl : t i nil i i-V lr.- - ..! ji v 5 z . I -i iZ s r ;'-! t'. rn a h ', r .jj . r r 11 '. . I .',Ki ' , nn i ii.'iMH nR is . !! T? c n if it I v tl. fi t.i' mt:I cl f.i: il i,f .ny LHo IU'ir t' p' r.y it thr S'-"-. 4li. I)t-e tn- hy -r n ii.h ' fl-n. v :iti- ot rip. n. ro tikl income i- lr U-'o' ili nrrr. e I rimiin5fs ir ):n iul I ucr IlTort. ' 5 . II ranre it 1 a !-e'ir-1 m dixidend in and of ' lrttr erice i errtM C. i:ian any C mpiy in the United Stae. For namplr; pol N H. .f'T fr000. hnn lin paid tt ihe ww'rw ! phi!ad'pri:a merchant, iifoni ub twenty--hrfC diTi'erd" fcvUbcn ' eUred. e in C)1t wmi f erro. Hid thw divirtert'U Icen tid t !'' rhae addiii i n 'o thin p licr, I'i'Ki moie would have ln-er rt-al z-il n. k the policy wor.h fll,04C. . C b. II c i:fir if is ld.rdl it i mr H?cn ett pr..rnp in- iN felt! mtrt, n1r I eyond a conti-jjinrj. anl il r" are a low aa any firtt c!af Co'i pry io ihf I'Mr.tiT. Prinetpal Fea'cr.-Small x' cr a1t.oln e S4-curityttrjfc return f r miotn't prompt p.-yri.t-rt of !ravff -nd Iiicrl ty to the iti'twt-d. W. If FINCH, Ger.'I, Maiascrf.r Nonb Crolin W. D. SPHUILL, Geo';. Avu Frink' ntOD, N.f?. SKAnOAKD & UOA$0K RAILROAD CO iIPANY. PortaruoQlL. J.u I , l-5 V CUAMia. OVcLlluLVL". 1 - O'i &al FriJtv J im"' lt 187J, trail d :r- V.kl. t5"J tx c r'-d) Uw ; ir.L i a t , -'r-.fLl" ii . U i M N 2 F -'Kf" train t 8 m. AELIVE 4T PoUlhStCUrU. raio ifaily t 7 Sm No. 1. Krei.Li tr.ij ua I. , 1 2 M i ark. NV.s. -r Uji liu it 4 0 r.M. lr R t lata t WA.MfD er Car t tHii, I'-iiH-M f ' E'rt ','1 iu . h i la- i i ; ll ' . I a f. and C i Kir Iu e tn kl: at 7 a m n M i.d; V'tvBtiOkt tiit Sa,)t.of ria.i4xrlarion " .NOTiCrJ, Valuable Flouring, Grist and aw frlills, for Sale- Ti e I-ti n.ill i-r- ttj airratr 1 Sndy Ciek id F. anklio o un'y !" fe'jil for Jfc -ii tcir.Qub'c urm. Ihe il' ire in s od iu t io' and diaw cu i :n lro- lir- pir! 1,1 Country. (!'t.n(Cf(l with tieruilii 80aCrt ft " laud. ip y W. I. THORP, Kuckj Mouat N, C

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