A Chinese Solomon. An unusual case, ehowiug the fertility of resource and the quickness ofthought j cf the better classes of Chinese is rc porkdby the Xbrth China 1erald from Nakin. During the Teaping rebellion a married Chhiarnan resident in the city, joined a regiment which was ordered for service ngainst the rebels. He .did not return at the close of the struggle, and nothing leing heard of him for several years afterward, his wife belieTing her self a widow, listened to th advances of another man who professed love for her, and who presseU hia suit so ardently that ftho ooasonted to join her lot with his. They went before the proper authori ties, were made husband and wife, and lived together in conjugal happiness at all event they were happy. This con tinued for a year or two, when the first husband presented himself, alive and wcll and demanded the restoration of his wife. 0h, no," said No. 2, " you left her, remained away for years, nobody heard of you, she thought you dead and mourn ed for you. We are married now, and hero are the papers." ) No. 1, not having heard of the example of Kaooh Arden, probably, still clamor ed for hii wife, and it was ultimately de cided to take the matter before the Chcusien. The magistrate listened at tentively to both sides of the story,' and at first appeared puzzled what course to take. The papers produced by the sec ond husband were legal, but the first husband was obdufate and would not yield. At length the magistrate told them to leave the wife in his hands for tnu days, and then both to como back again for his decision. This was agreed to. About the fifth or sixth day tho magis trate in great liaste sent for the two men, and vitli a mournful countenance in formed them that the wife had been sud denly smitten with an illness which had proved fatal, and that she' was dead; and ho asked tho first husband whether he would tike away the body and provide for tho funeral. This man demurred, paid ho wanted a living wife, not a; dead one, and should have nothing more to do with tho matter. Turning to the other, the magistrate put the same ques tion to lam, saying that one of them must remove tho bodv. The man said ho was very poor, but tho deceased had been a good wife to him; they had loyed each; other dearly, and, cost what it UNITED STATES CONGRESS. . Seaate. Mr. Conkling, of New York, presented me morials of fifty medical societies and institu tion in the Btate of I'ew York in favor of imc'a legislation as will promote the efficiency of the medical corps of the army. ilr. Gordon preiented similar ones from pbyeicians of Georgia. Referred to the com mittee on military affairs. V . Mr. Hitchcock, of Nebraska, presented the credentials of A. 8. Paddock,- Senator-elect from the State of Nebraska, for a period of six years from March 4, 1875. Head and placed on file. . ' The Ilonee bill for the equalization of boo ties was read twice, end referred to the com mittee on military affairs. i The Speaker preeentea a letter irom .me Clerk in reference to the resignation of Mr. Pnrman, of Florida, and directed the name of Mr. Purmani to be stricken-from the roll of members. j Mr. Howe, of Wisconsin, called np bis mo tion to reconsider the vote by which the bill to grant a site for the Peabody school in St Au gubtine, Fla. , j was paused. Mr. BoatwelL of Massachusetts, said he was opposed to the bill as it now stood, because it excluded colored children from the school. The motion to reconsider was agreed to Jeaa, 31 ; nays; 25 Messrs. Boreman, Gilbert, ewi'J, Morrill, of Yermont, Sargent Sherman, Hprague and Tipton voting with the Democrats aeauiKt tne reconmuerauon. The resolution to admit Mr. Pinchback, of Louisiana, to a Heat in the Seqate was laid on the table by a vote of 39 to 22 fifteen Republi cans votinsr with the Democrats to effect the objest. This action practically killB the reso lution, and ia looked upon as a great victory by the opponents of the President. The Senate couBidered the Indian Appropria tion bill. The amendment of the Senate com mittee on appropriations, increasing the amount to fmbsift and caro for the Apache Indians in Arizona from 300,000 to $375,000, . and for those in New Mexico from $100,000 to 125,(00, wan agreed in. During the discussion Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, said these Indians should be made" to work and cam their living like other people. The policy of giving them food and clothing would not re -suit in good. ' Mr. Windom, of Minnesota, said tne expense of feeding the Indians might be great, but the expense of fighting them was greater. The amendment authorizing the payment of $150,000 from the money in tho treasury be longing to the Seminole Indians, for land on the north fork of the Canadian river, was thrown out by the committee. The Senate agreed to the amendment appro- Iiriating 830,000 to liquidate such claims on the lound Valley Indian reservation, California, as are valid by virtue of a pre-emption or home stead entry. The credentials of MeBsrs. Angus Cameron, of Wihconnin, and Joseph E. McDonald, of Indiana, to represent those State for six years from March, A, 1875, were read and placed on file. Ileaae Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts, offered a reso lution directing the Judiciary committee to in quire whether the Western Union Telegraph Company has refused to transmit dispatches for the American Press Association, or any other parties! among the several States, on ac count of criticism by buck association on the telegraph company, with power to send for persons and papers.. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, the Senate bill to allow Thomas W. Fitch, en gineer in the navy, to accept a wedding present Thfl bill was then passed without a division. While the Tariff bill was tinder consideration, I Mr. Roberta, of New York, from the committee on way and means, moved to amend section three, which; relates to stamps on matches, by making: the repeal take effect on the 1st of May. Also requiring the Secretary .of the Trcaaurv to redeem the stamps on nana un used, both amendments were agreed to. Mr. Ward, of ElinoLs 'moved to strike out the third section, and eent up to be read a com munication from manufacturers of matches, in favor of maintaining the stamp-tax on matches, as being a protection against foreign manufac turers. He said that no one felt the burden of tl.A ti- that it vieldcd 1.300.000 in three months, and that it was wrong to ttiike it on. The motion was agreed to, ana tax remains. The House after considerable discussion passed a bill which provides that every person who in the line of duty in military or naval ser vice of the United States shall have lost a limb or sustained bodily injuries depriving him of the use of any of his limbs shall receive once every fire yearn an artificial limb or an appli ance to support and strengthen his disabled limb, under such regulations as the surgeon general of the army may prescribe ; .that such artificial limb or appliance shall be furnished through the medical department of the army ; and that the period of five years shall be held to commence with the filing of the first appli cation after the 7th dav of June in the year 1870, and that every person entitled under the laws of " the United States to a pension on ac count of a leg or arm which is wholly disabled and cannot be rendered serviceable by any mechanical appliance shall be entitled to re ceive the same pension as if eaid leg or arm ' a . . m had been amputated at or above tne knee or elbow. It also provides that ail laws prohibit ing the pavment of pensions to the soldiers of the revolutionary war and the war of 1812, and to their widows, on account or tneiraisioyauy, be and the same are hereby repealed. The House went into Committee of tho Whole on the Army Appropriation bill, which calls for $27,701,500. On motion of Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, an amendment was inserted forbidding pay ment for any patent for the preservation of cloth from moths or mildew. The bill was then passed. burg, Sweden, took fire, and the flames spread with such rapidity that fifty employees were cut off f rem escape and perished in the flames. The Paris workmgmen's associations are discussing the question of sending delegates to the Philadelphia Centennial exhibition The report of the United States Ways ana Means committee on the Pacific Mail investiga tion will charge William 8. King with perjury, and report that no money has been proven to have been paid to Congressmen Bobema Griese, a girl- sixteen years of age, was com mitted in Boston for raising a certificate of stock of the Michigan Central railroad from one chare to sixty, the original value of the same being $68, and the pretended value $4, 080. Upon this well executed certificate $2,000 was obtained when the fraud was discovered. Leo B. Eent committed suicide in Charles ton, Mass., by catting his throat Gen. Alexis Xord, who was recently arrested on his arrival in Hayti, from St. Thomas, has been condemned to five years' imprisonment. A Xarrotv Escape. NEWS OF THE DAT. money and might, ho would raiso the pay for the burial. Very well," said the magistrate, then hero she is take her away with And drawing aside a curtain showed the antonished men the wife, standing and living and in good health, before them. It being clear that the first husband really cared nothing for her, she will ingly abided by the magistrate's method vl settling the complication. The only drawback to this story is, that we are unable to hand down to posterity, in plain English, the name of this Chinese oolomon. Items of 'interest from Home and Abroad During a fire in New York a woman and child were burned to death.... . .The Sydney Herald gives an account of the massacre of the captain, officers, and crew of the trading brig James Bernie, of Sidney, by the natives of Howes Islands. . ... .In the United States Na tional Grange the report of the committee on relief was considered, and bo much of the re port as disapproved of granting in the future charitable donations out of the funds of the National Grange was stricken out ...... An un known man in Philadelphia drowned himself by plunging head, foremost through the ice. When found his head and shoulders were under tho water and the rest of his body on the ice. Deceased was about forty years old, arid was clad in a black suit, with brown overcoat. Another proposed amendment to the Con stitution of the United States providing for the election of President and Vice-President by the people is before the United States Congress. sent to his wife by the Khedive of Egypt, was Aspinwall has again been outraging an A Most IVonderfnl Valentine. A young lady of Troy received a box by express. She found in it a beef's heart pierced with a golden arrow of elegant manufacture, set with W1 , and estimated to be worth at least seven five dollars. It is probably intended to be used either as a neck-pin or as an ornament for the hair. There was not the least intimation who is the giver, nor can the lady or her family imagine who sent it For the donor of so munificent a gift he shows a strange taste in sending such a remarkable valentine to a lady. A pet dog had the heart for his dinner, but what to do with the pin the lady can hardly determine. The gift cannot be intended for an insult, and is probably the result of some odd conceit. His Appetite. It is now reported, says an exchange, that Ringtown is to have a newspaper. To run a paper profitably at that place, it would require a mau. who could cat dried apples for briakfast, drink warm water for diuner, and swell up for supper. No other sus tenance would be afforded him. 1 taken from the Speaker's table and parsed. On motion of Mr. Potter, of" New York, the bill allowing the district judge of Yermont his salary during life on his resignation on account of permanent illnesn, was taken from the Speaker's table and passed. The bill which came over for the redemption of .overdue United States bondd, known as Texas indemnity bonds, was passed : 12 veas to 43 nays. The Honee took up as a Bpecial order the bill reported from the committee on civil service reform by Mr. Kellogg, of Connecticut, for tho reorganization of the lreasury department. ilr. Young, of Georgia, offered an amend ment requiring the appointments of the de partment to be distributed among the States and 1 erritorics in proportion to the population. Agreed to. . Ine bill was then passed yeas, via. nays, 30. Of the principal officers it fixes the salaries as follows ; Secretary, $8,000 ; two assistant secretaries, $4,500 each ; chief clerks, $3,000 ; supervising architect, $4,000 ; hrst comptroller. 5,uou ; second comptroller, 5,U0U ; commis- Hioner of customs, $4,500 ; first, second, third, fourth and fifth auditors, $4,000 each ; auditor J or the Post-office department, $4,000 ; regis ter, $4,000 ; treasurer, $6,500 ; comptroller of the currency. $5,000 ; commissioner of internal revenue, $6,000. Mr. Myers, of Pennsylvania, introduced a bill to return to the government of Japan one lialf of the indemnity fund paid by that gov ernment to the United States under the con vention of October 22, 1864, and to dispose of the balance of Eaid fund. Referred to the committee on foreign affairs. bection one of the bill directs the return to Japitu of $375,000, with interest, being the re maining half of the Japan indemnity fund paid by Japan. Section two directs payment to the officers and crews of the Wyoming and Kiang of $125,000 out of this fund for their services in the battles at the Straits of Simonoseki, which resulted in the treaty. Section three directs that $300,000 of the registered bonds, in which half of this fund is invested, shall re main under tne control of tho Secretary of State, the interest to be paid by him for the edu ation of a limited number of American and j Japanese youths in the languages, of either country, to serve as interpreters and assistants to the legations and consuls of the United States. Section four transfers the balance of the Japanese indemnity fund to the treasury of the United States. The House iu .Committee of the Whole con sidered the Tariff bill. Mr. Burchard, of Illinois, said he had no ob jection to see the tax on tea and coffee reim posed, as it was equally distributed, and every dollar collected went into the treasury. He XJiaCK an,l whwkv and tobacco, and astimatfid that it He did, however, ob ject to the restoration of the ten per cent, on jcertain manufactured goods,; and argued that it would disturb all tho interests of the country while it would only produce $6,000,000. Mr. Banuing, of Ohio, opposed the bilL and particularlv the proposed increased tax on whieky, which he thought would have the ef fect of increasing smuggling and illicit distill ing, and so reduce the revenue. He stated that the revenue was greater when the tax was 70 cents a gallon, than when it was $2.00, . Mr. Chittenden, of New York, considered the bill erroneous, and characterized the fifth sec tion as a bold and glaring fraud, like the "lead statue Dusmess. i : Mr. tjox, oi rsew lorx, in nis speech m opposition to the bill, stated that the people of the country had paid $7,000,000,000 in taxes in the past two rears, which amounted t about five per cent, per annum on our whole taxable valuation. He quoted Gov.! Tilden, of New York, as his authority for saving that every twenty years there is assessted for taxes a sum equal to the entire asseseed' wealth of the country.- In 18G4 spirits were tax'd twenty cents per gallon, and the receipts were $28,431,000 ; and when a year later the tax was increased to $ 1.50, the receipts fell off to $10,000,000. In 1866 the tax -was raised to $2.00, and the receipts ran np to $29,000,000, and in 1867, under the same tax, dropped to- $28,000,000, and in 1S63 went down to $13,419,000. Theu the folly of a high taxation was seen and the tax reduced to fifty cents, and that year the receipts were doubled, amounting to $33,285,000. In 1870 the same tax gave $38,000,000 ; but a rise to seventy cents in 1S71 gave but $30,000,000. Mr. Niblack, of Indiana, had thought for years that the tariff should be revised ; but opposed this bill now, as he could not Bee the need of increased taxation at this time. Mr. Bock, of Kentucky, thought that addi tional revenue was required, but argued against' the increased tax on whisky and tobacco, and denounced the whole bill as a failure. Sir. Ward of Illinois, thought the increase of tax on whifcky wculd bo an injury to legiti mate distillers, inasmuch as it would 'encourage illicit distilling. Mr. Garfield wanted to tax whisky eighty-five cents per gallon. . The House took np the bill for the improve ment of the mouth of the Mississippi river. ine dui auinonzes James li. iads, of St. Louis, and his associated to construct such jet ties and other auxilliarv works as to create and maintain a wide and deep channel between the j nati southwest pass oi the JUifrsissippi river and the Gulf of Mexico. They aro to receive $8, 0, 000 for constructing such works and obtaining a depth of thirty feet in the channel, and $150,000 a year during twenty years while such dejrth is maintained. After considerable discussion as to whether the work ought to be done by army engineers or private individuals, an amendment by Mr. InompBOU, or l'ennsyiviav was adopted, I'laid tiutta for Spring. There is no doubt, a fashion journal tells us. that we are to Lata a nunrlni) r " 1 ' " w w V VL I VVV season, not of high-colored tartans, but of dark brown plaid and soft gray tints well blended. These are in broken irregular plaids, oven cross-bars, pin-head checks, lnrgo blocks, and every possible arrange ment of squares. They ore usually shades of some quiet color, but the newest are "illuminated," as dealers say, by lines and bars of vivid scarlet, blue; or ecrul S imothjug of the illuminated' lines ap pears iu ' tho trimmingsr as pipings, facings, and lining of bows, collar, and wvsh ends. De bege will bo the popular material in these designs, and a large p'miitPgo of the importations is of brrtwn shades. What are known as the Madras colors also appear in these plaids odd quaint combinations, showing brighter colors than have been worn on tho street for many years, yet softened to good taste by association with quiet colors. Blue upon : blue is also well thought of in plaid wool stuffs for young ladies, and shawls of the same plaid are imported to match the suits. wnito checks will be? popular, especially would yield $30,000,000. iur ooruenng plain solid colors. A stylish model for making such suits is as follows: Striped skirt of walking length, showing alternate stripes of brown and ecru, both over an inch wide, trimmed with a deep kilt flounce, ar ranged to bring tho dark stripe on top of each plait A deeply pointed double apron of plaids of these two shades is .cut to make the plaids bias, and is edged with brown or ecru lace; the long sash ends Uhind are also bias, but are not trimmed. The basque is of bias plaid, with a Byron collar aud lace border; the sleeves are striped, with plaid cuffs edged with lace. With this is worn a brown chip hat, trimmed with a plaid scarf and ecru feather. English subject and trouble is apprehended. A bill is before the Pennsylvania Legis lature authorizing the use of unclaimed bodies of convicts and others for the promotion of medical science. . . . . j, General Burnside, at banquet in 1'roviaence, it. l., taia that he saw no great occasion for alaim in the election to Congress by the Southern people of a large number of ex-officers of the Confederate army. . . . There is still talk of serious trouble between .China and Japan. . . .The Pacific Mail is trying hard to secure its subsidy. . . .The constitutional ' amendments were passed by the House of New Jersey, and to make them law they must be ac cepted by a vote at special election John Mitchell has been elected to the British Par liament from County Tipperary, Ireland. Mr. Disraeli gave notice in the House that he would move a resolution declaring him incapa 'ble of election, as he had been convicted of felony, and sentenced to transportation nenry Walters, aged seventy-one years, es caped from Auburn prison by scaling the wall. .... ; .Dr. Kenealy, counsel for the claimant in the recent Tichborne trial, has been elected ' to the British Parliament from Stoke-upon-Trent. . . . . t .The United States House of Representa tives passed the bill for the reorganization of the Treasury department The Connecticut Democratic State Convention nominated the present State officers by acclamation. The platform declares in favor of hard money, the supremacy of the civil over the military an- moniy, ana agamsc i eaerai interference in the South, The Governor, of New York signed the bill for more effectual punishment of peculation in ofhee The captain and thirteen of the crew of the abandoned ship Svdnev Dacres. A j front San Francisco for Liverpool, who were missing, have arrived at Valentia. All the ship's company are now safe. . . . . W. H. Green, an old citizen of Hampton, and one of the directors of the Fair Haven Bank, died after five days illness. Jlis wife was so overcome that she died the next dav. and her brother. who had been living" with her. died the dav following. The first two died of pneumonia, and the last of heart disease . .The city of Albany, N. Y., has distributed a thousand tons of coal to its poor during the winter. ... .A man worth $100,000 committed suicide in Jereey City through fear of poverty The United States Senate passed a bill granting a site to the Peabody School in Florida James Mc- Mahon leaped from the dome of the capitol at Washington, falling a distance of 150 feet and being dashed to pieces. After a eontimfbus session of nearly twenty- nine nours, me u-nitea stares senate, by a vote of 39.ycas to 22 nays, tabled Mr. Mortons resolution to admit P. B. S. Pinchback, of Louisiana Mr. Disraeli's resolution de claring John Mitch el ineligible to a seat in the English Parliament was passed by the House of Commons without a division. The motion for a new writ of election in Tipperary county was also carried without a division The Southern members of Congress have published an address to the people of the South urging them to be patient and to trust to the sense of justice of the country for a redress of any j grievances they may have Twenty more bugar plantations have been destroyed by the ine argents in Cuba. The war there seems to be one of destruction to property It has just come to light that a woman, partly insane, has been confined all winter in a room in her husband's house in West Buxton, Me., part of the time being chained. When found she had hardly any clothes on her body, and her legs and feet were badly frost bitten The New Jersey Legislature appropriated $9,000,000 more for the Morris Plains Lunatic Asylum.... By a coasting accident in Worcester, Mase., one man was killed and two girls seriously injured. Two hundred thousand dollars have been appropriated by the Japanese government for expenditure in connection with the Philadel phia Centennial .Tho bill presented by th United States government for improving rivers an harbors appropriates $5,099,200 for this object. Major Powell, in his very interesting Scribner sketches of his voyage through the Colorado canyon, tells us of a very narrow escape from death he had. He says: "We come to a place in the river which seemed much worse than any we had met in all its course. A little creek came down from the right, and another, just opposite, from the left. We landed first on the right, and clambered up over the granite pinnacles for a mile or two, but could see no way by which we could get down, and to run it would be sure destruction. Then we crossed to examine it on the left. High above the river we could walk along on the top of the granite, which was broken off at the edge and set with crags and pinnacles, so that it was very difficult to get a view of the river at all. In my eagerness to reach a point where I could see the roar ing fall below, I went too far on the wall, and could neither advance nor re treat, and stood 3srith one foot on a little projecting rock, and clung, with my hand fixed in a little crevice. Finding I was caught here, suspended four hundred feet above the river," into which I should fall if my footing failed, I called for help. The men came and passed me a line, but I could not let go the rock long enough to take hold of it; then they brought two or three of the longest oars. All this took time, which seemed very precious to me. But at last the blade of one of the oars was pushed into a little, creVice in the rock beyond me in such a manner that they could hold me pressed against the wall. Then another was fixed in such a way that I could step on it,' and I was rescued. Weeding from Lung?, Catarrh, Bron- p chitis, Consumption, k WocaciTui Cure. Eoctottk. N. Y Jan. 15th, 1874. TL V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.: Jear Sir I have Buffered from catarrh in i aggravated form for about twelve yr and foi several years from bronchial tronl Trie' many doctors and things with no lasting ben fit. In May, 1872, becoming nearly worn oat with excessive editorial labors on a paper ir New York city, I was attacked with broncliitir in a severe form, suffering almost i tiUl los of voice. I returned home here, bet had lee heme only two weeks when I was coinpkt ly E rostrated with hemorrhages from the lungr, aving four severe bleeding spells will in two weeks, and firtt three inside of nine div. in the September following, I improved sufficient lv to be able to be about, though In a very fee ble etate. My bronchial trouble rema:ned and the catarrh was tenfold worse than before. Every effort for relief seemed fruitless. I seemed to be losing ground daily. I continued in this feeble state, raising blood almost dailv until about the first of March. 1S73, when I became so bad as to be entirely confined to the house. A friend suggested jour remedies. But I was extremely skeptical that they would do me good, as I Lad lost all heart in remedies, and began to look upon all medicines and dec tors with disgust. However, I obtained one of your circulars, and read it carefully, fion. which I came to the conclasion that yon under stood your business at least. I finally obtained a quantity of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Bemedy. your Golden Medical Discovery and Peilfis. and commenced their vigorous use according to directions. To my surprise I soon began co improve. The Discovery and TeHets in a short time brought out a severe eruption, whk h continued for several week. I felt much bet ter, ray appetite improved, and I gained in strength and flesh. In three months every vestige of the catarrh was cone, the broncldtiv had nearlv disappeared, had no cough what ever, and I had entirely ceased to raise blond ; and, contrary to the expectation of mv friends. the cure has remained permanent, I Lave ad no more hemorrhages from the lungs, and am entirely free from catarrh, from which I Lad suffered so much and so long. The debt of gratitude I owe for the blessing I have received at your hands knowB no bounds. I am thorough ly satisfied, from my experience, that your medicines will master the worst forma of that odious disease catarrh, as well as throat and lung diseases. I have recommended them to very many and shall ever speak in their praise. Gratefully yours, Wm. H. Sfxkceb. r. 0. Box 507, RicKeter, X. Y. stm: nSJ Largest Accident Insurance Co. IN THE WORLD. THE. TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT - Insurance Company, OT HARTFORD. 005JC. AecldeM PellHe wrlM Life rellole wrllt " -Cash Amis - Hsrvlwa rUcy HeMerm, 340,000 2I.OOO - S3,t30tOOO 1,000,000 Paid la Beaeflts ta Pallcy Hetarra, 2,000,000 rr Writ to Tax TaAvrxaaa Incxntrt Comtaht. Hartford. Coo a., or apr7 to nT acvoi. RU. Maaka, to., mmnt by mH. YDMBMT01Y ilplllli mm, r tki United States. By T. V. IIIGCILNSiON. It haa a ckir tttl t apariority or aay ataUW work- Bttnn A rw . " A brink whar thn ta wrrytalac to prala sad aota- in tn condemn." A. r. Ttimm. Mr. iiijrinana waa aU qoaJl&ad to ' arrUo aaca a hlatory." rtW AW". 8a. 16a-. with orat lOO TUaatratSooa, Prloa 31.50. bant poat-c4 on roc-M of tb prtra. IJCL A: WIIEPAKD, Beatea. 1 - - 111 1 - " - f ia K. R, OOCWJUW. MiddWtowa. Dalr. ara. for fro eataluraa or (Jnolcvat raaca no, 6maU r raits, ate. Bottom prtcaa. 20 Per Day. Wa rV Acaata. Wm-h. bead lor Trrm. TBI UUWI, IB liberty M..W.T. ALL? a CKNTM WANTED. l week, or fHU forfeited. i'tJieUt Write at one to P. M. Mea or woaaa. 3 a r.F.KD, Ebta Stmt, Saw Tot k. Just Cause fob Being Alarmed. When a cough ha been running for a long time, and yon begin to feel a pain retting in upon jour lungs, attended with tightness aerofts the chert, it is high time that you rhould awaken to the danger of your disesse, which ia fast running into fatal conBumption. Now, be fore it in too late, ute Allen's Lung Dallam, which will cure the disease, and all will be well with yoa. For Bale by all medicine dealer. Com. There axe more than one thousand dif ferent kinds of pills in the United States. Some of them are worthless and injurious, othens are good and beneficial. Old Dr. Parsons in vented the best anti-buious pill we have ever heard of. They are now sold under the name of Parsons' Purgative Pills. Com. CPJ a Day- Terma to A rent frea. Add'aa H. U Bbep. O I ard A Oo. , Boston. New York. Chicago or St. Lla. (EL A 8 T I fT 1 Ut&U8 Persons wiahtna t-- bay. eeD or siehsnrs Real Kmls'a mar advertise tbeir westa at vr email expense ia aerermi band red Kewepapera la New York. New Kncland. New Jersey. Peonayiraaia. ate. Ceta. locoes e-at free to aoy addreea oe application to , t.. . ni i fcit, lx ierta ri iew i aim. Thia aew Traaa la vara wllh perfect oa(ll nia-ht aad day. Adapt itaelf to every motlno of the body, retalntna; K no- tare andor tb hardest aierciee or aaverest auata oottl nermanentty eared. Sold ebeap by the Elastic Truss Co., Na. G83 Bread way, N. Y. City and eent by mail CaJ or send for Circular, and be cared. "We understand that the whooping- ClT A us ; but that no cases have proved fatal. Some families use nothing but Johntons Anodyne Liniment. Our doctor, however, eava a little ipicac, to produce vomiting, wou'd be an ad- 60 $9 25 PER naV-ed for-Cbr catalorne. J. H. BLTFORD'g KOX9, Boatoa. A Week aad eipeaa a n aJL Articles orCblean. mw, start aa floor. Kampta free. C M. I.lSINr.TON A BRO.,!.T.t vantage. Com. Tafrnt NaTHtlr-e. 17 the World. FKLTO!f A CO., 1 19 I Fruit Tree. Fruit trees affected by fungi, either on the limbs or roots, nflty be effectually Electricity is Life. All nervous dis orders, chronic diseases of the chest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood, aches and pains, nervous and general debility, etc, TEA Iarrest "Wery paekaa ra a M. li. Y. AGENTS WAXTFD KVIRTWH ERK. Tbe choicest in tbe world Import era' nrteea larw- eet Company ta America eta pin artlempleaaea cured by close pruning the roots and bv quickly cured after diuga fail by wearing Yolta Ci rt 4 CTT and the N. v. t adding smaU quantities of .ell rotJ ffe eTerybody trale Incmaslnar Met UKlncements don't n time sand f' flrcalar to ROBFRT WKLLS. 43 Veeey Street, New York. P.O.Boi 1287. rda Joar- Uterary Weekly of Nabocrtptlaa manure around tne roots. This treat ment for the roots, when all the diseased parts of roots are cut off and the head of the tree pruned pretty severe always to be careful when cutting off a branch not to leave a snag of three orfour inchei In cutting off branches they should be cut close to the main stem or branch. These cuts should be neatly smoothed with a sharp knife. I consider that all fruit trees can be made proof against the fungi by careful pruning, and not by al lowing the branches to be crowded, deai culture is also one of the great se crets in fruit culture ; and from several years' observation in various localities in the South, fungus has only affected dis eased and uncultivated trees. My mode is to cultivate the orchards once or twice a year, until the trees commenee to bear ; after this there is but little culture required only to keep the big weeds and rank grass cut down around the trees. Tinegar Bitters. Dr. J. Walker, a reerular Dractieinrr physician of California, has conferred a priceless boon upon mankind, hv th introduction of a " Bitters"' compounded t i i i i , - , ii um uerus uxuiosiveiy, wiuch may be truly said, to be supersedincr all others. and is becoming a bitter dose indeed for the charlatans and quacks, on account of its immense sale and universal popular ity. Not only are these Vinegar Bitters, as he calls them, an invaluable tonic and alterative, but they are acknowledged as 1 1 -a - . - V a Bianaara meaicine, and tne astonishing rapidity with which thev cure disease hitherto declared incurable, seems almost incredible. After having been carefully tested, thev are keot on hand in tlinn- snnds of households, and used for anv and every form of disease, many relying upon mem in preierence to the most celebrated physicians. They have be- W.VA J 0 ... . i.uiucn itwgiuzeu lamuy remedy, and properly so. Com. Seeds ! Reliable Seeds ! HPOONER'S " Boston Market Vegetable Seeds. Spoon er't Prue Floicer Seeds. 12 Choice Varieties Altera, fit. Cabbage, Fottler'a Brunswick, per oz. rOc. Per lb. $G. Oar Illustrated t'sXaloime tent fr. W. H. SPOONER, Boston, Maaa. v. i HOTELS BAKERS nx) nn dt a HonsF.jrRF.PF.PR ALL BOARDING HOUSES & fxiivATE FAMILIES. T Tf v Names entered Impartially aa received, aad V Ai s Fivr Irallara 1'asb eent at oeoe to every flfth sulwcriber. Clubs of Are (at SS each) sr ru.4m ikr (I.) ! This Is ewr earomo a cash promloai of ft to erery fifth subscriber! The firm name la a anfftcteot g-oaranty of fairness and fulfillment. Head money order or rrcterel lUer to UKADLR A ADAMS. Pnb- lisoora. Ut w uiiib Street, ew yora. CONSTANT KMPI.OYMEVr.-At boaaa. Male or rVtnal. 30 a week warranted. No eanttal re aalred. Particulars and valuable umptt seat free. Ad? areas. .wit a 6c return stamp, O. R--e,V UUamabarBbJI.Yl ClOAA month to ajrn everywhere. Address Oi-WU K.XC'ELSIOR M'riCO.. Bochsnan.Mkch. T.l.f,VV,,.?f.C1,OTKD KFCEIPT for making a PI UK HAKIMS nr IXktVllirif ?. . I - . w v.. v.. a m w a'aaa ara vaaa. tO th A !at In in ta tntrkat ant HkMW a . L. V. . . - - wna v nit it s w ii aaawiMsa am jamim Rivtnc 40 now and KXC'KI.l.KNT MKTIIOUH for uviiK it in cooking. My Uakioa- Powder can be made for l centa a pound. V hy pay 6U or ilO cents per pr.and when you can easily make your own for 1 0 rents ? Price of my receipt, J 1 .25. It wtJI. however, be sent itmi iptof 91.00BTMAIL. witn directiona (in English German) fur making and ramo. if ihnimmlih. :wspapeb is riven in which thia advertisement iaeeeo. 1 De COST Of this BF.CE1PT 18 BATED IM KVEST THREE POCSD8 of the powder made. InrredienU kept by to cera and drurits everywhere. A ddrees u. W. UUlC.t;s, lrarilcal Oraa-slat. CUcago. III. SIFI.tX KnOT-fiCKS. PISTOLSyf: BaTOLTXBS, ....... . ... , Of any and evrry kl id. Bead atam for . M na mm s4stsl Varks. riTTIB AG EU rs. Cbn Cbarur sella at siht Kacaeeary a oap. mm.b fr Cban Cnaac MTf Co.. Boatoa OOK AGEVTS WAXTED klvvwwTELL IT ALL Pr Mrs. atraaoaaa ef Sett lake CHy. frr t vrara ttie wile of a Marssoa Hirt Priesk la trwaucttoa ay Mm. Msec llus etory o a -eanaa'a esprriraca Isya bar the kmiutn aA, mysteries, still dotacs. etc of tha Mormoas as a - aiwfi anrr aeniua arcs tAsm." Briabt rn.s aad Oood. it to tha bnat mew book est. aetaeUy wtth rood threes for all. It ia popalar .-try fjniaaat 0 OK Wl ea wherewith .nflorre i. evrrvbedy. snd oetarlls si! other Miaietrra aay Html rW F.reri hody vnto Ml aad arrata ere asliiB Iron iu lozui ai; I aia umbm sm oi an S3 The American Patron Ik the most Popalar Gran re J FmrnV PP'- 1 .25 yar. Specimen free. Q Address J. K. BARND, Publisher, t'indiar. Ohio. u t i tritetv acrnls SOW sera or w-asa 1 vt will mail ! Yrr K thees wHa w. lcaavasa, lai pamnhlrta with lull paruralare, terma. rr- arar net m Jt ,iiis A. IX Witkii a Lo. tUrtlerd Ceaa. T?!T? A. Pcka ' Choice Flower Reads. - -a.-J e with sample of tha Great norrlMontn. I'aa "J'.Vobl OZ"TE.a0 pares, richly illustrated. Aodreea, with aUmp. Geo. W. Pake. Fannettabunr. Pa. IP PAY 815 ta 825 Weakly to Mate and Fa- x rvrywoere U introduce Prof, langenbeck's well known rennine and impan.d " H-wa r.xtrart." Inviaoratea the hair mil im.i, it. .n;- out and turninjr rray. A lao the only remedy for ratoin Mnsiactie. rur Namnie. ?irculsr ind fm,r A r pointrm-nt. rend S .IK to a LAXGE.fBF.CK, Jr. A CO.. (e.ieral A7nts V S. A.. 7 1(1 hnl... V v THE BEST la tae World. It (iives Universal Satisfaction. VONDLKI'LL fonewtT. i IPs. roore riread to bhL Floor. AVK.H MII.K, otitis, Ac. On yesr'e savinrs willAny a ew. 0 MOUK HO UK ItUKAl). .iVh.'.,r.V.Ith,",'. Sw't". Richer. RVEKYJiODV Prai-a It." Tne Ladies are all In Love with it. Kl,l.M i.ike lltT ( AhKs. . bend at nnrrt for CirruJar to l.f.tf. f .liAT7. V l'f-. I7t HnimfSI.. rw Verb, mm tttlbchi'S oonrorniD 07 PTJEE COD IIVEE OIL MID LIIIE. 3-t X ilbwr'a ( as f Jyer Oil aad IJasr.-Prrwaaa obo bve been tkln 0d Liver Oil anil l phrasea to leern that Lrr. WUl has saooeedad. from dirwcUoaa of TTi prolesaiofMil irenUemea la enaabintna' the para lime ta socta a manner that M m -' in u t-t. and tla effects tn lane eiplaiata are truly wnav dnrfuL Very mnny perenas sbiician ware proomnoad boela and who bad tskea tha clear oil for a lou Uaaa a ithoat marked affect, have been entirely cured by asiac tbs preparatiue. Be sore and ir-t ln s-enatna. Maaa- tirTnaasI aaaalar 9-my a u uril Ui tU " . Void by all dra-xta. a TJte Bent Field Bean: The American Rural Home says that in western New York the medium and marrow are most planted, and the white kidney and early pea to a limited extent. The medium is considered the most re liable, as, from its early ripening, it is less affected by the vicissitudes of the season. It sells for less, however, than the other varieties named. The marrow is quite a popular variety, and on a ! . . . . Buruug bou is very proaucuve. it is quoted thirty-five cents a bushel higher than medium in the Rochester market now, and the name as kidney. The white kidney has larger stalks, requires a longer season to bo matured in, and is more liable to be spoiled in ripening. When everything, however, is favorable, it will produce large crops. It will, of course, make a difference in what way the beans are planted as to the quantity of seed required, but farmers generally use about a bushel of . the marrows and mediums to the acre, rather more of the kidneys, and about half as much of the pea bean. M AlJister'a latent Artopucoa The most powerful Made Lantern ever made; with a brilliant Oil Lamp; for Home, Sanday School aad Lectures. Stereoptt eooa, etc felidea at red need pi tree A PROFIT ABLE BCSnCEBB FOB A MA WITH SMAM. CAPITAL t'atalornes eent oa aonli. cation. VM. V. jrALI.lNTP.lt, 1314 Chrtnal Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Burnett's Cocoaine Prerenta tb Hair from FaHing. Burnett's Cocoaine Promotes its Ileal thy Growth. Burnetts Cocoaine la not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no DisagreaalJa Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine 8abJues Ecfractory IXalr. Burnett's Cocoaine Sootaes Um Irritated Scalp-SUa. Burnett's Cocoaine Affords tba Richest Lustra. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not an Alcoholic Wash. Burnett's Cocoaine EUli DafedruiT. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives New Ufa to tha Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Ttfmalns Loofcat ia Effect. r r EE 1X1 ME i ni inn mij s4 ineMrates seenaaa t sx aw M as4 im In Feathers and Fur. And Others in Xeither. . tw mAm w M - v ' w m . rrn j s. i e aassi assa sa mm "'"I sver fours ea. Aweenaess eae,lae; aeaerTs.le lit es4eU. Afsws ssvlt lth aea ea U f c. Psettleee4"tlejeie awk,mtTOiLU Htshlto te ta rr. Adm i ltSTl!..ILMM a CO. Uentsea. Ceaa. 55 S'fJPFn nATataoaaa. Terras frsa. Ad drees Geo. i-TKtxra A Cnm Portlaaa. Ma. UOl Dally fa Aaeata. -mUr beet Family V.r-T rs . 'r Chr.. AM. ft. aew arrtclaa aad tba Aete.tt.a- Xti taa & aa M rO CO.. 300 Broadas. M7y. SENT A Book esaosraa? tha a "Ml new aay oaa aaav FREE af TTT ITT om AU1J OI. Savk iouk Doctob's Bills. "When Dr. Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherrr arill cor comrha. colds, bledinc at tha hum. and arreat An exppess train on the Pittsburgh. Cincin- l"e IeU destroyer, consumption, it doaa more Marble ton in.ViW nr nr,lHV.w etrikiug out that txrUou of tha Ul which dl . Ii ,7 . . "J I recU the Secretary of War to construct the OorOing to tho Herald of Health. work in cue of the default oi CapL Eada. and St. Louia railroad araa thrown from the track and Wo can vere burned. Sereral pasaengera were injured, and the Strakosch Opera Troupe lost all their baggage. S. J. B. McMillen, HepubUcan, aa elected United States Senator from Minnesota by a Tote of 63 to 16, in the place of Alexander Ranvey. The new Senator ia fifty years of age The TJnitejl States House of Bepreeenta'ms paaaed the An, y Appropriatiou bill, which appropriate 27,000,000 A match factory at GoUen- uian cki pnyr-icuns can ao. ine use or a single bottle will satisfy the incrednlotu that rney neea look no farther far the required aid. 53 cents and ft a bo tie, large boUlea much we cneaper. com. Premature loss of tho hair, which is bo common nowadays, may be entirely prevented by the use of Burnetts Cocoaine. It has been tued in thousands of cases where the hair waa coming out in handf ols, and baa never failed to arreat its decay, and to promote a healthy ana vigorous growth. It is at tha seme time nnnTaioa aa a dressing for the hair. Com. cxwiiijt wiui seapitai ef UH) or MlfWMI. Owsmlera wenrttnai aad lUastratinne ta mm. sA T l KI(IIX;K .V Himu ..A s btraeC.Xew York. . e- eeSSOa w-kfUl M It nJII WrBBrR A Otl.. Mara-.TT' ajtir. rr.K ur timaa I itua. arf aaa aJpiiei a I Aautaew. C. llr. J. AVanaCrs Cahromla in- esar Bitters are a purely-Vegetable preparation, made cbielly from tbe na tivB herbs formd on the lower ranpes of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tha medicinal properties of which are 'extracted thcrcfron. without the use of Alcohol. Th question Is alniott dallj a&aevU ,,hat U the cause of the tin paralleled success of Vinegar Bit TXKsrt Our answer Is, that they remote tha causa of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are tH prea. blood purifier and a life-givins principle, b perfeca Innovator and luviRorator cf tha system. Xe.er before In the tlstory of thm world has a medicine been . xmrmvaruxtti. roseainr- tbe remarkable analitiea of TfllQH DlTTKtS in heaUnr tht sick of erery diseaae man it heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonxs. relierins; Congestion or Inflammation U the Liver and Tiaceral Organ, la Bilious Diseaaea. The properties of Da. Walxar'i t II SOAK IJITTKEJ are Aperient, Diaphoretic, CanninatiTeKatritioa. Laxatire, Diuretic, j - j . .i r -.. Tm. Cndnnfif Altera. EAL . ESTATE, rasra"' xaAjt Brm.ES the most wonderful In rigorant that erer snstained the sinking ystem. No Person can take-these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, proTided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral, poison or other means, and rital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent and Inters mittent Feiers, which are so preva lent In the rajleys of our great riress throughout the, United States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos, Uio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, llo anoke, James, and many others, with their rast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer, and Autumn, and remarkably so curing sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by exteuslve de ranfTementa of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, Is essentially necessary. There Is no cathartic for the purposo equal to Dit. J. Walker's Yixegar' Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter, with which the bowels are loaded, at the ame time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against fseaso by purifying all Its fluids with V et. a n Bitters. No epidemic can take hokl of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain In the Shoulders, Couchs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour . Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tha Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pal pita tation of the Heart, Inflammation of tha Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tho oflsprlngs of l)y ,ciia. One bottle will prove a better guarantco of Its merits than a lengthy adrertise xcent, Scrofula, or King'g Krll, White Swelltejn, Ulcers, Erysipelas Swelled Neck, Goitre. Scrofulous Inflammations. Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affection, OiJ Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore E) e, etc. In these, as In all other constitutional Dis eases, W a lew's Y iv to a a 11 lrr km hare shown tbeir great curative powers in the most obstinate and Intractable canes. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Urer, Sidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no enuai. Such Diseases are caused ly Vitiated Blood. Mechanical piseases. Persons en gaged In Paints and Minerals, such as B. wiujor, Coaouaa, Buatoe. JlambeTs. Trtw-setUrs, Gold beaten, and 1 inert, a ther advance In life, are subject 1 F.STA WAXTED toe omr popalar s-w book, I to paralysis of the Bowels. To gaard against this, take a dose or Walks a . is SOAB BlTTias occasionally. ForSk'In Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Balt-Khenm, Blolches, Spots, Pimples, IOJitnlea, Boils, Carbancies, King-worms. Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scurf. Discolorations of the Skin, U amors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dag op and carried oat of the system in a short time by the use of theae Bitters. Tin, .Tape, and other "Worms, lurking ra the system of so many thousands, are cUectoaJlr destroyed and removed. 'o srrtem of medicine, no Term if aires, bo an-. tSelminitics will free the system from worms La-as these Bitter. t For Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo Tn.y,srwwi or the tarn of Life, these Tonie Bitters display so decided an influence that Improvement is toon perryptiUe. Cleanse the Vitiated Mood when ever yoo find iU imparities banting through the skin tn Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse It when yon find it obstructed and alorgiah la the veins; cleanse it when it is Waukesha Water 'SitZ'X wiUtoiiow. . 1HLTERAL E0CK SPRING, rS . asja aor. af Waaaisriaa aaa caaraoa ra m. a. sOal ftrr sUl lrms:Klata aaa rjeaOsra. $2,4oo tj-'i rcin rtara nata. C. rt ttt RIKT.WSL (WraTMe. Carea Proper. Dypepsia. rHsbesas, OeaaXpertoa. I S ravaL Juillw. Krkctu's ty.mmm.rn. Bernrsla. Tmrmt I - Stirea. raraala fcf a. aa all as lursaa.aJl tH ml I im a anasia mmm Fajcm Barrels. Yum aad bnna af ajr svli lrms;ctata W. T. J. Ua ' Stt: aaifOA. ST- I etxles. as St a. aar calk aaa taa erase. aaa, crnac mi taa aatra. Sfaraar c. c. oLin & co.9 TVaafceaaa, XVU. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURIIETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And 8dd Everywhere. r-A YfillD fIVH DniriTiriri a B w mm mr m w mm m mm . M B mmm Painless Opie Cure'.rS! casaralraaieayef .a 'mt amj. S4 rav aa Optaaa rU"f. .Q. BoX ;s LaTOKTS. IMIX r TVvrOirEIaTlf Vmr rrafaaalaatal mmm i tesi r tctlrs. aCsrt.t e- klervaBBls. sea etam ttmt BUtT evar taveaaM. la.SHrO la arae'. T-n atvkes. Friees froia t-S.OO bo SLbOXX) BENJ. O.WOODS A CO. Msaarrsasal lasaksrslaaUaJaihiaf rlrrtlat Material, awCatsiocaa) fadarai at. Sastoa. i THE FAVORITES. FSJtll.Y FATORITf. lTaaTaJaa lif.yyUAt. FAtOUITK. tbe Ueea Fee tall lafarBaatami retiecwa- earOeeas.ar Arwtx or eaave. vlraM 1 Kill allll IMi till NISI! JWII'ANVat llartfara, Caa e. mm Iteaaca OOrea la aUtnf I km. nn vinti nines. WCX mm mm.mwi Ai S aaa I TCartfai mrm mjn i . J"rr, I mjO illlllniL m.r swa. i i en. bv i Ptpal. OraaUamrrasv eN.aLUs1 a. . s -vx m M m-mm sv j & h m I ayNV l ii'i) - liaa aaatel srwt $250h motii Bo-taea ran RTH IM ml tr m. laia. Ma r'l!TIfrit ! rWl rest la OKO. KO lJ. A CO, 41 IVrt. Y J; auesruas awe4 e aarsrbwwa.