" J ' ; - " . ... . , . ' I . . SWSSSSMSM'SSBMBSIBSfcsMBSSSBOSBSSSSM The Franklin Courier, --P S' BA:K::ER Editor and Proprietor. . - TERMS: S2.00 per Annum. VA VOL. IV. LOUISBURG, y. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1875. yOr22. V ' y i i i i t ROJTAXCE OF TOE RE BEL LI OX.- OX TUE LEDCMlS A Dntukmrd'm Uerr. I Xo More. This is tbo burden of the heart, The burden that it always bore ; Ye live to love ; we meet to part ; And part to meet on earth no more , We clasp each, other to the heart, And part to meet on earth no more. . There is a time' for tears to start For devrtj to fall an I larks to soar ; The time far tears in when we part To meet upon the earth no more ; The time for tears U when we part To meet on thin wide earth no more. THE STORY OF A PILOT. Sketvh by Mark Ttraln of on the Jlil0sippi litver. .! Life Md"flc Twain was at one time a pilot on the Mississippi river. It was no easy work for him to learn the river, its shift ing bars, its snags, etc., and in telling the story of his early trials and tribula tions ho plainly shows the difficulties he encountered. lie .gays : , At the end of what seemed a tedious while I had managed to pack my head, full of islands, towns, bars, points," and bends; and a curiously inanimate mass of lumber it was, too. However, inasmuch as I could , shut my eyes and red off a good long string of these names without leaving out more than ten miles of river in every fifty, I began to feel that I could take a boat down to New Orleans if I could make her skipj those little gaps. But of course my compla cency could hardly get start enough to lift my nose a trifle into the air before Mr. B., my instructor, would think of Homo question to fetch it down again, Ono night we had! the watch until twelve. Now, it was an ancient river custom for the two pilots to chat a bit when the watch changed. While the relieving pilot put on his gloves and lit his cigar, his partner, the retiring pilot, would say something like this : "I judge the upper bar is making down a little at Hale's Point ; had quar ter twain with tho lower lead and mark twain with the other." " Yes, I thought it was making down a little, last trip. Meet any boats?" ' Met one abreast the head of twenty one, but she was away over hugging the bar, and I couldn't make her out entire ly. I took her for the Sunny South hadn't any skylights forward of the chimneys." i And so on. And as the relieving pilot took tho wheel his partner would men tion that wo were in such-and-such bend, and say wo were abreast of such-and-such a man's wood-yard or plantation. This was courtesy; I supposed it was necessity. But Mr. V. came on watch full twelve minutes late on this particular nighta tremendous breach of etiquette; in fact, it is tho unpardonable sin among pilots. So Mr. B. gave him no greeting hated anybody who had the name boing careless, and injuring things. "Do you see that long slanting line on the face of the water?" said Mr. B. " Now that's a reef. Moreover, it's a bluff reef. There is a solid sand-bar under it that is nearly as straight up and down as the side of a house. There is plenty of water close up to it, but mighty little on top of it. If you were to hit it you would knock the boat's brains out. Do you see where the line fringes out at the upper end and begins to fade away?" ! . "Yes, sir." -"Well, that is a low place; that is the head of the reef. You can climb over there, and not hurt anything. Cross over, now, and follow along close under the reef easy water there not much current." ; I followesil the reef along till I ap proached tfie fringed end. Then Mr. B. said ' ll " Now get ready. Wait till I give the word. She won't want to mount the reef; a boat hates shoal water. Stand by wait wait keep her well in hand. Now cramp her down ! Snatch her ! snatch her!" He seized the other side of the wheel and helped to spin it around until it was hard down, and then we held it so. The boat resisted and refused to answer for a while, and next she came surging to starboard, mounted the reef, and sent a long, angry ridge of water foaming away from her bows. "Now, watch her; watch her like a cat, or she'll get away from you. When she fights strong and the tiller slips a little, in a jerky, greasy sort of way, let up on her a little ; it is the way she tells you at night that the water is too shoal, but keep edging her up, little by little, toward pie point. You are -well up on the bar' how; there is a bar under every point, because the water Jthat comes down around it forms an eddy and al- 1 it "1 11 i -w-v lows Hie setument ro sihk. uo you see those fine lines on the face of the water that branch out likb the ribs of a fan? Well, those are little reefs; you want to jiist miss the ends of them, but run them pretty close. r Now, look out look out 1 Don't you crowd that slick, greasy-looking place; there ain't nine feet there; she won'i stand it. She begins to smell it; look sharp, I tell you ! Oh, blazes, there you go ! Stop the starboard wheel ! Quick! .Ship up to back! Set her back!" The engine bells jingled and the en gines answered promptly, shooting white columns of steam far aloft out of the scape pipes, but it was too late. The boat had "smelt" the bar in good earnest; the foamy ridges that radiated from her bow suddenly disarmeared: a T -a. -a. - great dead swell came rolling forward and swept ahead of her, she careneed far whatever, but simply surrendered the over to larboard, and went tearing away wheel and anarched out of the pilot- toward . the other shore as if she were houso without a word. I was appalled ; about scared to, death. We were a good it was a villainous night for blackness, mile from where we ought to have been. wo were in a particularly wide and blind when we finally got the upper hand of part of the river, where there was no shape or substance to anything, and it seemed incredible that Mr. B. should have left the poor fellow to kill the boat trying to find out where he was. But I resolved that I should stand by him any way. Ho should find that he was not wholly friendless. So I stood around and waited to bo asked where we were. But Mr. W. plunged on serenely through tho solid firmament of black cats that stood for an atmosphere, and never opened his mouth." He is proud, thought I; he would rather send us all to destruction than put himself under ob ligations to me, because I am not yet ono of the salt of the earth, and privi- legea to snuo captains ana lora it over everything dead and alive in a steam boat. I presently climbed up on the bench. I did not think it was safo to go her again, During the afternoon 'watch, Mr. B. asked me if I knew how to run the next few miles. I said: " Go inside the first snag above the point, outside the next one, start from the lower end of Hiesdns' wood-van! JO 1 make a square crossing and " That's all right. I'll be back before you close up on the next point." But he wasn t. He was still below T i i :i S i ' i x iuuiiueu it ana enterea .upon a piece of river which I had some misgiv " 1 A. T 1 1 a 1 . i . ujgs auoui. j. uia not Know tnat ne was hiding behind a chimney to see how I would perform. . I went gayly along, getting prouder and prouder, for he had never left the boat in mv sole ' charce such a length of time before. I even got to " setting" her and lettincr the wheel w. J ; - go entirely, while I vaingloriously to sleep wjiilo tho lunatic was on watch, turned my back, and inspected the stern However, I must havo i gone to sleep in tho course of time, because the next thing I was aware of was the fact that day was breaking, Mr. W. gone, and Mr. 15. at the wheel again. tso it . was four o'clock and all well but me; I felt liko a skinful of dry bones and all of them trying to ache at once. Mr. B asked irio what I had staid up there for. I confessed that it was to do Mr. W. a benevolence; tell him where he was. It took five minutes for the entire preposterousness of the thing to. filter into Mr. B.'s system, and then I judge it filled him nearly up to the chin; be cause ho paid me a compliment and not much of a one either. He said : " Well, taking yon by-and-large, you do Hfiein to be more different kinds o an ass than any creature I ever saw before. What did you suppose ho wanted to know for ?" I said I thought it might be a con venience to him. ; , " Convenience ! Dash ! Didn't I tell you that a man's got to know the river in tho night the 6ame as he'd know his own front hall!" i . . " "Well, I can follow the front hall . in tho dark if I know it is the front hall; but suppose you set me down in the middle of it in the dark, and, not tell me which hall it is; how am I to i know?" ; " Well, you've got to, on the river I" "All right. Then I'm glad I never said anything to Mr. W." "Ishoidd say so. Why he'd have slammed you through the window and utterly ruined a hundred dollars worth of window sash and stuff." I was glad this damage had been saved,lfor;itwould have made' me un popular with the owners. They always marks and hummed a tune, a sort of easy indifference which I had prodig iously admired in B. and other great pilots. Once I inspected rather long, and when I faced to the f ro'nt asrain mv heart flew into my mouth so suddenly that, if I hadn't clapped my teeth to gether, I would have lost it. One of those frightful bluff reefs was stretching its deadly length right across our bows ! My head was gone in a moment; I did not know which end I stood on; I gasped and could not get my breath; I spun the wheel down with such rapidity that it wove itself together like a spider's web; the boat answered and turned square away from the reef, but the reef followed her! I fled, and still it followed still it kept right across my bows ! I never lifted np these commands to me ever so gently: " Stop the starboard. Stop the lar board. . Set her back on both." - The boat hesitated, halted, pressed her nose among the boughs a critical instant, then reluctantly began to bick away. " Stop the larboard. Come ahead on it. Stop the starboard. Come ahead on it. Point her for the bar." I sailed away as serenely as a sum mer's morning. Mr. B. came in and said, with mock simplicity: " When you have a hail, my boy, you ought to tap the big bell three times be fore you land, so that the engineers can get ready." I blushed under the sarcasm, and said I hadn't had any hail. - "Ah! Then it was for wood, I sup pose. The officer of the watch will tell you when he wants to wood up." I went on consuming, and said I wasn't after wood. "Indeed? Why, what could you want over here in the bend, then ? Did you ever know of a boat following a bend up-stream at this stage of tho river?" . "No, sir and I wasn't trying to follow it. I was getting away from a bluff reef." r "No, it wasn't a bluff reef; there isn't one within three miles of where you were." " But I saw it. It was as bluff as that one yonder." "Just about. Run over it!" " Do you give it as an order ?" "Yes. Run over it." "HI don't, I wish I may die." " All right ; I am taking tfie responsi bility." I was just as anxious to kill the boat now as I had been to save her before. I impressed my orders upon my memory, to be used at the inquest, and made a straight break for the reef. As it disap peared under our bows Iheld my breath; but we slid over it like oil. "Now don't you see the difference? It wasn't anything but a wind reef. The wind does that." "So I see. But it is exactly like a bluff reef. How am I ever going to tell them apart ?" " I can't tell you. It is an instinct. By-and-bye you will just naturally know one from the other, but you never will be able to explain why or how you know them apart." It turned out to be true. The face of the water, in time, became a wonderful book a book that was a dead language to tho uneducated passenger, but which told its mind to me without reserve, de livering its most cherished secrets as clearly as if it uttered them with a voice. Now, when I-had mastered the lan guage of this water, and had come to knbw every trifling feature that bordered the great river as familiarly as I knew the letters of the alphabet, I had made a valuable acquisition. But I had lost something, too. I had lost something which could never be restored to me while I lived. All the grace, the beauty, the poetry had gone out of the majestic river ! I still keep in mind a certain wonderful sunset which I witnessed when steamboating was new to me. A broad expanse of the river was turned to blood. In the middle distance the red hue brightened into gold, through which a solitary log came floating, black and conspicuousl In one place a long, slanting mark lay sparkling upon the water; in another the surface was broken by boiling, tumbling rings, that were as many-tinted as an opal. ; Where the ruddy flush was faintest was a smooth spot that was covered with graceful cir cles and radiating lines ever so delicately traced. The shore on our left was densely wooded, and the somber shadow that fell from this forest was broken in one place by a long, ruffled trail that shone like silver; and high above the forest wall a clean-stemmed dead tree waved a single leafy bough that glowed like a flame in the unobstructed splendor that was flowing from the sun. There were graceful curves, reflected images, woody heights, soft distances; and over the wholo scene, far and near, the dis solving lights drifted steadily, enriching it, every passing moment, with new mar vels of coloring. . I stood like one bewitched. I drank it in,! in a speechless rapture. The world was new to me, and I had never seen anything like this at home. But as I have said, a day came when I began to cease noting the glories and the charms which the moon and the sun and the to last long, and then hew is a body ever going to get through this blind place at night without the friendly landmark? No, the romance and the beauty were all gone from the river. All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could fur nish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat. Since those days I have pitied doctors from my heart. What does the lovely flush in a beauty's cheek mean to a doctor, but a "break" that ripples above some deadly disease? Are not all her visible charms sown thick with what are to him the signs and symbols of hidden decay! Does he ever see her beauty at all, or doesn't he simply view her professionally, and com ment upon her unwholesome -condition all to himself ? And doesn't he some times wonder whether he has gained most or lost most by learning his trade I Running a Locomotive. " If you could run an engine on this road you could on any other road, could you not ?" asked a reporter of a railroad engineer. "Yes, run the engine, but I couldn't make time." "Why not?" " Because I wouldn't know the road. A stranger can't go on to a road he has never run over and make time till he has learned the ins and outs of it. Didn't you notice how we ran when we came out of town? Well, we didn't run so fast after that at any time. That was our 4 race ground.' There are spots on all roads where you have to run like thunder to make up for lost time at other places. When we come up 4 three mile grade we didn't go over ten or twelve miles an hour, so we had to make it up at other places. Did you never hear a conductor say sometimes when his train was late that he had a new engineer who didn't know the road thoroughly ? That's all there is to it. In other respects one engineer is the same in principle as an other. But there can't be two of them that'll work alike; an engine has as many tricks as a horse. Some is as docile as a sheep, and others just cuts up like thunder all the while. Some .of 'em will carry water as steady as a clock, others will be a heavin' it ut and down like a sea-sick man. Some fire easy and some light; others eat up all you fling in, and then don't make any steam. . I'll take that engine we came in with and run her forever, just as she is. The next man that comes after me can't do any- thing with her, until he fixes her as he wants her, and so it goes. He'll swear the valves are set wrong, or anything, so he can get a chance to tinker at her." A Cmtton Vtmitn Hold fmr 920 mnd Aftenrardm Worth 9107,190. The award in gold of over $197,000, made by the British and American mixed commission to Augustine R. McDonald, a subject of Great Britain, but for some years a resident of Louisville, has been paid by the United States government. This claim was brought for losses sus tained in the burning of cotton during the late civil war, and was the second largest claim adjudicated by the late committee. The claim was originally for $2,500,000. Witnesses wero ex amined, and the testimony covers 6,000 printed pages of record of the commis sion. This intelligence, which was flashed over the wires from Wasliington, was a ramer startling on ox news to quite a number of persous in and about this city. In 1804 Augustine Ralph McDon ald, a British subject, made application in WTashington, and received a promise of protection and the nedessary permits from the Treasury department of the United States, authorizing him to pur chase cotton in the insurrectionary States. He also secured an autograph letter from President Lincoln to the offi cers oi tne army and navy, directing j them to assist him. He appeared to have fabulous wealth, and made enormous A &qmtter CWmv . .Ter lrft ft y TUlr Ufm mmd Their One does not hare to go to th far West nor to the Pines to find pqutttYt, a New York pap-r tells us. Just bMow the south line of Central Park, and in the very heart of the city, i a rocky ledge which is covered with a human population a large number of squat ters. They have built their huts and shanties on the rocks, comparatively free from domiciliary visitations of . health officers and policemen. Each squatter has constructed his airy chateau at the least possible expense to himself; fur tive plunder from lumber-yards and piles of dry-goods boxes have furnished materials for the entire village on the rocks. Perched up on these crags live a curious population. They hang on the edge of precipices like swallows under the eaves of a barn ; their nests are crowded all along the ledge like queer parasites. The people themselves are indescribable. They have no place in the directory ; no street and number, no landlord, and no permanent abode. They are like the grasshoppers which camp in the hedges of a cold day, and when the sun arises they flee away. As might be expected, this colony of the rocks is not a specially law-abiding one. The hand of the law is lightly felt Tnrcliaws of cotton in Tjonisinna ainl Arkansas, then in insurrection ftfminst I upon them. Whatever people may think ' I 1 . 1 1 who live in Drowu-etoue uuus- wu mj re- the covpmmpnt. Bp.fora li conld move his newly acquired property to i water-rates, and gas bills, these market Congress, by a law, prohibited the transfer of cotton from within the Confederate lines. In January or Feb ruary of 18G5 General Oaborne, of Illi nois, and his troops came upon some 7,000 or 8,000 bales of cotton belonging Mr. McDonald iu Louisiana and Arkan sas, over which the British flag was fly ing, and burned it. Then the Confed erate soldiers in turn got hold of Mr. McDonald's person, and, as the story goes, made him pay $50,000 for his lib erty. Mr. Augustine Ralph McDonald next appears in Cincinnati, and as a member of the firm of S. P. C. Clarke & Co., of Memphis, Tenn., files a peti tion in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Judge II. H. Leavitt presiding, on the nine teenth day of December, 1869, praying to be adjudged a bankrupt, and offering colonists cannot say Uiat the world is governed too much. Very likely thre are decent and worthy people among these squatters. The community is not altogether bad. But the police say that when stolen goods or other plunder can be traced to the upper part of the island, they look among the houses on the rocks. They do not always look in vain. But in the irregular, ill-kept and squalid clusters of villages which cover the l?dge, one may be sure to find the moral diseases naturally at home with dirt and physical degradation. Every once in a while wo hear ef some colonist beating his wifo to death. Once we recollect a mother killing her daugh ter there, and the other day a atranger was murdered in one of the shanties on the rocks near the East river. The scanty details of this last incident give a to surrender all his assets for the benefit iJca of tue colony T" looked to see where I was going, I only twilight wrought upon the river's face; fled. The awful crash was imminent why dithi't that villain come ! If I com mitted the crime of ringing a bell, I might get thrown overboard. But better that than kill the boat. So iu blind des peration I started such a rattling "shivaree" down below as never had astounded an engineer in this world be fore, I fancy. Amid the frenzy of the bells the engines began to back and fill in a furious way, and my reason forsook its throne we were about to crash into the woods on the other side of the river. Just then Mr. B. stepped calmly into view on the hurricane deck. My soul went out to him in gratitude. My dis tress vanished; I would have felt safe on the brink of Niagara with Mr. B. on the hurricane deck. He blandly and sweetly took his toothpick out of his mouth be tween his fingers, as if it were a cigar- we were just hi the act of climbing an overhanging big tree, and the passen gers were scudding astern like rata and another day came when I ceased alto gether to note them. Then, if that sun set scene had been repeated, I would have looked-upon it without rapture, and would have commented upon it, in wardly, after this fashion : This sun means that we are going to have wind to-morrow; that floating log means that the river is rising, small thanks to it; that ftlftnting mark on the water refers to a bluff reef which is going to kill somebody's steamboat one of these nights, if it keeps on stretching out like that; those tumbling " doiis : snow a dissolving bar and a changing channel there: the lines and circles in the slick water oyer yonder are a warming that that execrable place is shoaling np dan gerously; that silver steak in the shadow of the forest is the break from a new snag, and he has located himself in the very best place he could have found to fish for steamboats; that tall, dead tree, with ft single living branch, is not going Original Roguery. The ingenuity of roguery has seldom been more displayed than in a case which occurred in Glasgow some thirty years ago, and which appears to have afforded the materials from which a good many stories have since been fabricated. A large jewelry establishment in the busy Scotch city one day received a visit from a lady, who, after selecting goods to the value of nearly a hundred pounds, dis covered that she had not sufficient in her purse to pay for them. She took possession of the valuables, and request ed that an assistant might go home with her to receive the balance. Instead of driving to her home, however, her coach man made straight for a lunatic asylum, where the astounded shop-assistant found a couple of burly wardens ready to receive him. A warrant had been prepared for his committal, and the asylum authorities had been already per suaded that one of his many delusions was that his heart-broken mother was ll V m . m m me purcnaser oi goods at a snop in which he was employed, and that he had been sent to receive payment. His sanity wa3 afterwards satisfactorily es tablished, but not until his 44 heart broken" mother had eot safely off with mr her booty. About the same time, a village in the neighborhood of Oxford was the scene of another ruse, even more daring and ridiculous. Cholera was at the time carrying off a good runny vic tims in the neighboring" city, and, of course, the tidings of it created no little alarm in the surrounding villages, in one or two of which it had indeed made its appearance. Taking advantage of this dismay, a rogue donned some sort of a badge of authority, and stalked into the midst of a rustic population with the announcement that he was a govern ment barber, and as it had been dis covered that long hair rendered its pos sessor peculiarly liable to cholera, he had been sent down from London for the purpose of gratuitously shearing the whole village. This he actually accom plished, in so far as the villagers were adorned with hair of any commercial value, and made off, leaving the credu lous rustics to discover the ridiculous hoax, and ensconce their heads in the best artificial substitute their scanty wit could devise. A clergyman of the neigh borhood communicated the joke to the Times, complaining that so many of his flock had been fleeced that his- con gregation on the following Sunday was seriously reduced, the victims being ashamed to appear in church. of his creditors. He reports his liabili ties at $177,380. and his assets consist in a multitude of claims against various parties in the South, some litigated, but all. indorsed either 4 4 worthless" or 44 doubtful." On the schedule, classed in the first category, was the following entry: 44 Claim against General Os borne, of the United States army, and others, for the burning in January or February, 1865, of from 7,000 to 8,000 bales of my cotton in Arkansas and Louisiana." An order was granted to sell the supposed worthless claims at private sale, and the identical claim men tioned above was sold to Mr. William White, tobacco dealer on Front street, Cincinnati, who had had other business transanctions with Mr. McDonald, for $20. The bankrupt applied for his' dis charge, and, no objections being urged, he was discharged of his debtn on the 16th of March, 1869, and took the usual oath on the following day. The month of May, 1871, witnessed the creation of the treaty between England and the United States, under which the mixed commission on British and American claims was organized. To this commis sion Mr. Augustine Ralph McDonald submitted a claim for identification in the sum of 2, 500,000. It was the same old claim which Mr. White had pur chased from the assignee for $20, but which now appeared again in the hands of Mr. McDonald. Mr. McDonald, who had disappeared from the city, pushed his claim diligently, and in September, 1873, the award was made by the com mission as stated done. On account of the paralyzed condition of the newly-elected Governor of Ne vada, the inauguration ceremonies were performed at his bedside by the joint convention of the Legislature, who marched to his room and there admin istered the oath of cSce.' ' ( .If f fie V. S. .Vara I Amdeuty. The troubles at the academy growing out of the treatment of colored Cadet Baker by members of the fourth class still continues. Cadet Engineer Gordon Claude, of Annapolis, was ordered dur ing drill exercises to fence with the colored midshipman, and this he posi tively refused to do. The superinten dent of the academy thereupon told the young man he must obey orders or re sign, but even this failed, and Claude declined to do either. He was there upon told to consult his father before giving a final answer. The latter called upon the superintendent and told him that his son was raised as a Southerner, and that he would, not advise him to do what he would not do himself; Accord ingly the young man was expelled from the academy. hnddetu The sudden death of the Fourth I Duchess of Oneida is chronicled in the newspapers, though no particulars are given regarding the character of the malady which thus carried off an orna ment to the society in which she moved. The Duchera left one son only three months old, a vigorous infant, promis ing well, though totally neglected by his father, the Fourteenth Duke of Thorn dale. The Duchess died in this country, where she had resided for several, year. Her death will be generally regretted. So a St. Louis paper pathetically says. man, who was powerful enough to liave taken care of himself when sober, came to one of the huts where another man dwelt by himself. Asking shelter for the night, he agreed to furnish a bottle of whisky for his entertainment. The bargain was concluded, and the pair made a night of it The host, as he says, woke up from his drunken sleep next morning to find his guest horribly murdered and mangled on the floor of the shanty. This is all the rest of the world knows about it. .This single scene gives us a fair idea of life and death - in the colony of tho rocks a community that lives in the basest heathenism in sight of the costliest churches on the continent, and by .which hundreds of comfortable sinners weekly roll luxuri ously to hear the GospeL Civilization seems -to have stepped over these outcasts. Here and there an avenue or a railway has fbeen forced through the rocky liarrier. ,and colonists iu the way have fled, howling at modern improvements. They have melted into the great mass of crime and misery nobody knows where. But, for the most part, the singular people live on, uncoEoerned with the cares that vex others, and occupied with their goats, pigs, ' and doubtful pursuits. It is a singular anomaly this unlawful colony on the verge of a high civilization. They are squatters of such ancient usage that they seem to have gained a title to their homesteads. Sometimes the lawful pos sessor of the rock finds the tenant so difficult to dislodge that the campaign against him is not worth all it costs. j People crowded out from the lower part of the city take refuge on the rocks like rats driven out by fire or flood. A XrwMrra Urrr. The livers of drinkers present difft-r-ent appearances, according to tho habits of the victims and to the charmc ter of their potations, 'A good deal of information has been accumulated by medical men upon this subject. One eminent physician, after an examination of seventy livers of druakard, mys that in moderate drinkers the liver was generally found to be pomewhat Urgrr than usual, its texture softened, and its outer surface spotted, with patches of fatty infiltration extending two or three lines into the tissue of the gland, the rest of the viscus retaining its natural color, and Us edges their normal sharp ness. In those who had been more addicted to the use of spirits the liver was still larger, its edges were more obtuse, and the patches of the fat on its surfaco were larger and more numerous. In old drunkards the livers are very large, weighing at least six or eight pounds often from ten to twelve; the edges are very thick and much rounded; the tis sue or substance of the gland a' meat white with fat, soft, frtgile, and the peritoneal covering could bo torn off mith eae. A healthy liver should show no trace of fat; when that sets in it means slow but certain death. The liver of the old soaker was of enormous size, and had undergone a thorough degeneration. Too much fat is the result of dica anyhow, but when it accumulates iu i r around the internal organs, such as the heart, liver or kidneys, it is time to send for the undertaker. The observations cited above were of cases in ingiand, w he re iue-hob-mtiled " liver is' not so common as iu the United States, owing to the fact thtt our drunkards kill themselves motiUy with rum, brandy and whuky, width produce the false membranes, adhesion, puckering, etc., noticeable in mortem examinations of drinkers livrt. Persons addicted to drink usually lie come fat, corpulent, even, and give indi cations of unusual energy and strength, but these are very fallacious, -and soon pass away, to be succeeded by flabbinc, languor, and trequently to exeewava leanness, except of the abdomen, -wtiich retains its protuberance, in consequence of the deposition of fat in the fatty mem brane covering the bowels in front. It is quite safe to say that there is not a single spirit drinker whose livsr is not more or less affected by his indulgence, whether it is occasional only or of con tinuous repetition. It is impossible for the liver to escape, for while the fumen of drink are carried directly into the brain, every drop of liquor that ia swal lowed passes through the liver and acta upon its tissues. The best illustration of the effect of spirit upon the raw tissues of the human lnxly may bo had by holding a quantity of whisky, brsndy, rum, gin, etc, in the mouth for a few moments and then spitting it out. Tho mouth and gums will be found parboil ed and puckered up in a very uncom ortable manner. Rmtherllot. At a dinner party in " town" last August, there were two sisters . present, one a widow who haul juat emerged from her weeds, the other not long married, whose husband had lately gone to India for a short terra. A young barrister present was deputed to take the widow into dinner. Unfortunately he was under the impression that his nrtner was the married lady whose husband had just arrived in India. The conver sation between them commenced by the lady remarking how hot it was. ' Tea, it is very hot," returned the young bar rister. Then a happy thought suggested itself to him, and he added, with a cheer ful smile, " Bat not so Lot as the place to which your husband has gone. The look with which the lady answered this happy uought will haunt tbat un happy youth till his death. lorttffH Extortion. A French correspondent of the Phila delphia i'rra writes: What is watted in one hotel dinner iaAmcrica would keep the the Grand Hotel in Pans a day. IJio tariff on small things here is preposter ous, and one must be constantly on the watch to escape extortion. Take an ordinary tariff in any one of tle rooms and you see charged three francs for a small basket of wood, one franc for a L candle, half a franc on every candlo bought outside, half ft franc for hot water for bath in rooms, so much extra for soap, a special fee for every errand done by a cowl in Urionalre (and no other servant of the bouse is allowed to go), and at least a fxano to every subordinate, from the yarcon to the emme dc chatn brc Every guest pays the serratU twice: first, in his regular bill in the large item for services, and next, in his ' expected, and 'therefore his compelled, generosity to them. : What would an American at home think of this double imposition I Even the hackmen, after their full fare, look for ft "pour Loire ;" in all the theaters the play-bill must be paid for, and the little cricket that U thrust under your feet costs several sous in Trance and ft penny in England. You cannot get ft good seat in church without paying ft sixpence or a franc for it. Then it is not to be wondered at that, on Boxing-day, in' London, the streets are crowded with privileged beg gers; that French cities are besieged by them, and that they swarm around you all through Italy and Switzerland, be cause the poor only copy afU r the hotels, Llio play-houses, and the shurches. Verily these are a money-getting and a money- loving people. Wright county, out West, recently writing on woman's rights, said, "That it is so seldom that women do write what is right concerning their rite?, that it is no more than right that when they do write what is right of each rite, men should willingly acknowledge that it is right." Now if Mr. Wright is not right, then he has no right to write the above; n.l it wnnl.1 It hetter for him to Work An Indiana farmer says he made $33 J at his trade, as every wheelwright should per acre from bis corn last year, do. Write, Wright, RUe, Right, A school superintendent gave to ft teacher the following sentence: A cynic by the name of Wright, in Wright viUe, I of eleven cents; his check amounts to A Uemry Cheek. The trustees of a bankrupt estate in Pittsburgh, Pa,, are engaged in paying the creditors a dividend of ten per cent., amounting in all to about 220,000, and among the claims is ooe from John E. James, who' is ft creditor to the amount one cent. When the mill closed tho firm was indebted to him 50.11. Being -an employee, S0 was preferred dtbt, and this was immediately paid, leaving the eleven cents remaining. In order to pay his portion of the dividend, six cents have been ryent in notifying James, and a two-cent stamp Las been put on the order to pay. The check is a large one, , and is worded so as to conform to the 1 bsTiVrcytcy set. : J 1

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