Franklin Courier GEOBQE S. BAKKR, Editor and pRorxufcTon. All letters aJ Jrcwc J to GKO. liAKlIR, Fkihay ..March. iG. 7f Tlio Convention liill. l IJZZ ro fx? eat tied net to ckU u Con vention of iht i ople of North Caroinu Whereas,' The present Const itu tioD of North Ciin.l ina is, in many i.ii porta ut particular, un-udeJ to the want and condition of our people; and Khcreas, in tin? judjrniotit of this Uenerul Assembly, a Convert ln of the pejple is the only mire, and in te tides ?be speediest uul most economi cal mode of alteri" or amending it, and believing the end in view utterly impracticable by legislative enactment on account of the nat number of dis cordaut and conflating provisions of the Constitution as it now ' iu. now therefore, : Skction 1. The Cenwd Assemb' ly of Noith Qtrolini do enac', (two third of all the nieiiibers of each House concurring T!at a Cotiven- . t)J , tion of the people of Nortli Carolina -b", and the name is hereby called, io meet n the Hall of the House of Itep. reaeutatives at the city of ltaleigh. on Monday, the 6th day of September, A. P., 1875, for the purpose of consider ing and adopting such amendment to the Constitution an they, may deem necessary and expedient, subject only to the restrictions hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The snid Convention 'shall consist of one hundred and twenty delegate, and eac.i county shall be entitled to the same number of dele gates that ithas members of the House of Representatives under the present aportionment, and the said delegates uli all have the qualification! required of members of the House' of Represen tatives, of which qualifications toe Convention shall be the judge. Sec. 3. On the Ut Th-irsday of August, 1875. the Sheriffs of the State shall open po!U fr the election of dele- gal(t to the said Convention from their respective counties, and the election aforesaid, and the regiftrarion for the .same shall e held and (inducted; the officer thereof, iucludii.g registrars And judges of election, appointed; the vote counted and compared ; the re sult proclaimed, and certificates issued in tho6amc manner as is now provid ed by law for the election of members f the House of Representatives of the General Assembly. Sec. 4. The said delegates shall be called to order at 12. 'o'clock on the day fixed theiefor, by the Chief Jus tice or one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court or Secretary of 5tate, who, if there be x t a quotum, .shall adjourn them to the same place, and from day to dty, until a quorum .appear; aud on .the nppearance of a quorum, ho shall udr. mister to each of them the following oath : "You, A B., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as h delegate elect shall choose,) that you will faithfully main tain aud support the Constitution of the United States and1 the several amendments thereto, including the 13th, 14th aud 15th amendments; and that you ' will neither directly or indirectly evade or'disrcgard the' du ties enjoined nor the restrictions im posed upon the Convention by the act of the General Asmbly authorizing ' jour election; So holp you God.'' . And no delegate shab be permitted to Bit or be eutitled to a seat in aiid Cenveution, or act a dK'ate thereto. Mntilb hall have ubcriled to the above oath cr affirmation ; and as soon as a majority of the delegates elect iball have thus appeared aud been worn in, they shall then proceed to elect their presiding fficer, and -such other officers and servants as they, fiom time to time, shall find necessary, and if a vacancy shall occur, the ?ame ahall bo filled in the sauia manner as the like vacancies are filled by law in the case of vacancies in the General Asscmb y. tSaid -Convention shall have no power to consider, debate, adopt or propose any amendment to the exist ing CoLstitutlon - or ordinance upoi the following subject : (I.) Tie Homestead an I Pt &ond Property Excmj ion she mechai.ics and laborer lien, and the rights of married women, as now secured 1 y law; nor to alter or amend ection 3 or 5. orticle V, of said Constitution, nor the ratio between the Mdl and property t: x as therein published ; 'nor shall the ajd Convention have power to propos or adopt any amendment or ordinance vacating any office or term of office now existing and filled or held by J . virtue of any election or appointment , uader the existing Constitution and laws, until the same shall b vacated or expired under existing laws; but the said Couvutiwu u.u) ,ui, . . - if . i ... ii . the abolishment oi any otnee wueu nc present term therein shall expire or vacancies occur.lind they jnay provide. f.r Slling sucli : vacancies.5 otherwise flit. n Vs now, and limiting the term thereof.' ' Nor shall said Convention adopt or propose any plaii or amend ment or scheme of compensation to the owner of emancipated lavep, nor for :hc payment of any liability incuired wholly or in part in aid of the late war bet ween ihe States, nor f-r the restora tion of imprisonment for debt : nr nhall they, require or propose any edu catioMal or property , qualihca ion for office or voting ; uor shall said Con-v vcr.tiiin pass any ordinances lfgislative in their character, except !uch a are necessary to submit the nmended Cwn stUution to the people for their ratifi cation or rejection, or to cnvene th General Assembly. . . ipg toibem for guirien'-e. : It is reea leMf to repeat, that the wtiter is actua ted by a derp inteitst in the fecular as well as the ieligicus education ol the ronry children crowin: up among u. Itis ceitamly itcumhent opun us to give ibem the same advaetages we ence eo)oj'd. Our great lenf.fBctora n t1:is respect, t loin lose vt them h&yr. Intn ell.l awny. We revere tbtir nu-innibs Jor wrat th y d d for us. We tlnnK iDtm ior i: or ya us that an ervnrafed person can tl more in tvy position ia which he my be p acrd, tha:i a rch man without i. To ibis op:ninny the mot i'.losttnus m-?n ii h world .incline. Riche :tik f tl eiis-lv s w;ds and fty afy," as mary ol cs an too tru j testily, bat a practical, will m .u'.ded, w li.l darati -n can :e restU froru the possessor i y ro Uir me-tn. It w?! clin? to thi-m an-l l-e an inva'Ow I ah e nf iiu:i't-' n indi r nv cirum an- i and o U vi r our infancy nnd y.i tb. Ice. It wi I nllct cr oit nKu th.-e St;c. 5. Tli j Constitution, as amend ed, shall be fubmitted to .he pcopk for their ratification,' and shall not b-5 biudinj; until the same shall have been ratified by the qualified voters of he State, and he !nvention shall prc gj. ihe the mode whereby the sense of the people thereon shall be taken and recorded. Skc. 6. There hhall be printed im mediately ten copies' of this act fot each member of the General Assemblyj and one hundreds copies within thirty days after its ratification for each boat d of county commissioners, and the use of the registrars and judges of electu n in their respective counties ; and this act shall jf in force and take effect from and after its ratification. This is wllphced trutitude ; tut we torptt '-ha' the mst r dun g niuu ori. bt " t couV'J erect t th ir m ni r t is to do t-rnr"cbt!iir. n what tluy diM tor u. "Thi3 atoneis tn nh to -t??ptrc oa w ith the- iiapf rtace, t a , .cb -ci?ed step in a matter so mit-na'. I kn w tluie r ioiliv dwai f to the pjtstnt spaiby. tuch ion ait uo irlu ifd among tho-e who d not acknowledge the imperative b!igati'n ol folid and systematic trtiniofr. My v i-h is n t to ctusure, bu' to siiu u'ate, not, to r fl JCt in any way up n tht- tt t.ri8 i f those engaged in the w. rk however modi 8 , but to invite our peo ple a a whole to mrvey the field and cul'.ivate as tar as o sitle nil th glow ing plants. Our interest re hue right in this town andimmediue vicini ty. Each ot us is a part ft the com mnnity, which wi!l be bent fit ted or iDjurel in due proportion as tnis mat tei is f.-stered or neglected. If the p'ansaie nourished and wa'ere', they wiH thrive. The delicate ro o beau- TTlio Cmivontlou XJill Pntst- The bill calling a Convention to Re vise the Suite Constitution passed the House of Representatives ou the 18th iust.,by 81 ayes to 33 nays, and is notv a law. The election for delegates w ill be held on the first Thursday in August and the Convention tvill meet on the Gth day of September. We publish elsewhere" iu this paper the full text o the Convention bill which speaks for itself. - i We are glad to see that our Senators Messrs. Boddie and Cooke, and onr Representative Mr. Mitchell, voted for the bill ratjier than do anythiuy; that might seem to put them in antagonism with the party that has had control ot the Legislative department of the State Government for the past five years. Now .that, the measure is passed, aud made not only thepoliey of our party in the State,1 but a law of the laud, it behooves all good citizens and patriots to cat about and settle upon the best men in the State to go to Raleigh as members' of the Convention, to devise a government for free and honest North Carolinians to. live under. The day of the men of 18C8 arc passed, and with these days the men who were forced upon our peop'e, are gone into oblivion, except so far as their names are recorded in infamy. And now the time has come to lay aside the abomination that they forced upon us, as the organic law of the land. Let every North Carolinian, Every man who loves his State, Every man who loves his Vace, and desires to see its purity maintained and perpetuated for nil time to come, lay aside all other mat ters for a little while, and attend to these thiugs which make not only for the peace and good of the present gen eration, but which are to be handed down as bequests to our posterity Let it uot in after years be said of the men of 1875, they had the opportunity of rescuing their country frokn the woes of this mtst corrupt and hateful Consti tution, aud embraced it not. ' Citizens of borta Carolina ! A tiful in the varied tints of r.s opening bud, baa b en carefully prumd and watched, or it would never have betn g rich and flagrant. Neglected ard sorgottcn, it would sorn bavebecnm'; wild and useless. Doe not t ns hold gocd in the case of humane bemgp. who are plants in Gofi'j garden i 1 not the child carefudy watched from its infancy by its God sent guardian, and alt its little thouh's and prut lings directed in a pure and innocent cbau nel ? And must that same child be si t adritt ai 6 or 7 years ot agt to mould itbown min, to give slupt? to its own tempers and passions aflpd to carve out for itself a destiny wjiich would stig matiz-i ra her than reflect happily upon those who have the cure nt ii ? Wei', 1 what is the agency by which the proper moulding of their thoughts and inten t ons . can be best tffctedt The reply is apparent to evtry one. You say it is education, and you say truly; but not education in' any way or form,.. It must be a sjstemitic education a well directed education. The gn a'est scholars ami thii of Eur p , were opposed whi n youcjr, to what they cod sidered tbet;TAnry of parents in urging them through a regular course o' study. They were lazy, self-willed andoftpn dull, almost stupied. Rad th(y beet, uniestiamed. their 1 iter years lnsu a 1 ot being as brilliant as they Hr word I have been di.grac-ful nd dis-ipatcd. They were with sa minors sni therefore as sul-jecta f an au'hority superior to their on will?,. Agiin, t lie poorest cl ildrn of t'iu town, when assisted l y their better to d: neigh bors and helped on to ai vdnration, hnvo dev loped into the mo-st tho'tjrht-. ful, active a d ns-ful ol bos ciety, and dorred th" highest 'd- pert inents of litriiture. We are 'turn 1 ar wi h the history and ear v strngghs ol the U-tly lamented Dr. Limstcn. O her instances ar? unec ssarv. Now go from the sc'"o'ar to the i.u-s-ty f bj wb sv ins rumentality it ias im- ! p itt-.-, nd nnrter lite in ih drkef I pliH7.ol t jx-enni -r tr uce vn--re hr j a !c. Will not the i.itu rr4 n I mo h rs oaght to Ii - b-rcfi ltd I .Will totth-fe w' o ire engaged here in the education of xoutl-. fciyni'v their willingness to c 0. crate in t-e 1 u lding opt f tbst lem iif simiuary, wi ich iu times past liHSflooeo much roiu and may ytt d hs noc!i ui;.re2 I w-ruli r.ot pro-Vtik- diMiu-sioit, iht is for. iirn to my 'wishes; but I do ar: sly an 1 aren ly desne to see all wIk. have s icu In terest at leas. acirg wi h a heartiness and nunnnimiiy worthy ot the yratest efforts of pure ph lanthropy. We all agree rs io the ned t uch schools, although, we m y uot as io the Gtness of the prev"ously offered sugires ions for me-ting it. As on of the commu nity, I am ever teuly to . 11 in my power o make the advantages o". edu cation mote generally felt arid more freelv hestowed utv n tho-e whoutsiie such .inueiis:iaMe wealth." Truo'iug sir, that y n and the no lle will agaio excuse my presuinpuon. Rispic lu ly, Ml EI. Varan ak. WsBhlnton btter to the New York Sun. Tlio Story of l'iiiolilinclt- A Statesman who was Once Lost on Two Pairs of Sixe3 and won on Three Deuces A Curiously Chequed Career. h-arnwg ard ie what toue it gives to the. favored s e'ion in which it char.c s to be in healthy operation : Oxfor.l Ctni bridge Tin nglan''; G-iutra in 8wi z rlar.d : Or. a leu and Lei . s wck in (j runny and almas' inuuoxr able pi ic s iu our own court: v. Why,1 such schools not only richly icw.trd ? e diligei ce of the ftulen! : Thr'v not o ly eltvate the b'. y or girl ftom t t lower leve',- which wou'd have 'bun tl.e inevitable result of ignora1 ; thv not only Uve'oped ih-ra in.o si ro:i.& and r. fleet ;ng mn and women : They do more, they purify the atmosphere f thoua'.it all around. T' ev 1 v.r.e id rflr.e the home circle, which is in dt.: y commtnicntion witn diem. Tr.ev banish from tho fireside those tbtmiF. which we-n'd otherwise- linger and corr de th purity of thought and suK. fi n e in thtir plicup, topes t r refl o tion 8nd conversation highly ennobling a- d useful.'. Thev are the galvanic bat trhf, over whose wires ft-ish to the students home thedaily report of his progress. Ihe bentfr is rot c- nnned to the rtti.ation The history of th;s man has never. to my recolleet'or, bien published, He is unquestionably a very remirkab'e ... .... t 1 SI mr. . msiainer was an ooi oriau naned Holmes, who won some distinc tion a an officer in the Greek wa-. He hul a favorite qua 'r n s'ave gii I who I re him o-e hild. The u'd JI j ir wiB a man of letters, as well as & follower of Mar--. Ilstivortep ci wa Shelly, and in a sor iv mo t liedu'-t-ed his illegitira ite shiVv.- s- n P rcy B scheSh-.ll) Piiichb.c' . llol nesm v d to Mississippi ii. 1843, and beca.oe a v. ry 8ucce;8tul planter, lie had, how ever, one ruling p ission whicu fi ia ly itnpoverished h:m: He was an juve tera'e gan 1 aid hit tav rite- pas time wastr ve. ng up a id down the MiSjisVpi n a stearabo-:. LOST AND WON. In those d.iys there wi al vay h'g" gaming on Mtsis-.ippi steam ro They were toe favorite resort of all th grat gabblers in the :ouoiry. O o ttay M j r Holmes took a trip on th Mag no'ia, and bicauae engnged iu tn un limited gsiuj ot dr iw poker with the conixan br, S. Cr Thoma msoc Ho'tnes had an ui.iirU.lly I al streik of lu-k. II uaderto- k to 'Cun" the Cdpraicoa two p-nr firs. Thomma--son W'9lumi'Uif i h"i3 mrve and ho match, but the dusky maid vra co n stant in her fidelity to her tan some, clever lover, and finally, her pleadings movel tbe obdurate heart of the tire and the twain were mac one. j . -. HI BECOMES A FOLITICIAX. Piochback'a ttar wrsnow in the ar cenlant. Th war over, the alavts emnciptted and nf riDelil.ev, he be camea great p liiicil piwe. Ilia l t?uei ce iver the ignorant b'tcks was almost uolimiteil, and he real j laid the touiidatiou of th? King tMiver which has been douiiutnt ia Louis:ana since the close of the war. II discov ered Warmoth, who was aa obscure man;cipil ju !g-f' and attract 1 by bis wincing way and hindsome pe soaal appearance, as well as by hij ' Intellect ual pow r, Pinchback determined to make him the leader of t e Republican party in I.ou'stanji. He sugg sted him a a candidate for "delegate to Coa- griss fiom the Icrritoty of L a sisns," an j ms'ructed bis agents to dire i . all the negr es not only to cast their bal lots for him, but a'sj contribute a dol lar'apiece as an t lection fond. War moth was elected aad enriched at the sarn:iim Pinchback's little 'heme netted his ftiend about $40,010. Warmth came to Washington and spent the wmtei; but, a all rmmbe',1 the territorial delegates were not adm t- ted. - AN IYK TO THE UKITkD STATSS SENATE. Whin ihe State was recocist rac ed, Wa mot'i was elect d Goverror Pinch buck could have made himself Ieuteo ant Governor, but he w- s uot ambi tiousof toe honor. He prefeted to be amembirot the Iegislaur-. Theie was more m ocv in it, as well as more advantages to him as a politicao. He had his eye even then on the Uuiud States Seuatorahtp. This was bis im bitio", and it is notstraag-, therefore, hefch ul l le savage at his Radical fncpds deserting him when be was about to pluck the lon coveted prize. While io the State Legislator-, Pinct back was the captain-general nf the jobber. Em y scheme taat whs brought ia had to rtcelve his apprv al btf.ue it could have the slight.' s 8how. Of course be made money rpjd ly. Ht certa nly md hall a million dollars while he was a legislator. It Is admitted by well informed New Ot lennn people tnat Pinchoack's property w -i ld l-e worth fu lv tiiret-fourt: s ot. a million. He has still unlimited influ ence wuh :he re :rots, nvtwithtandiug heha broken with Pmar f an I Casey. o you take lite It is a 28 col- umii paper, devo ted to the inter est of Franklin Comity and the . t Democratic Par ty. It only cost $2.0 per year. Professional Cards? ' DENTIST. .t)?ub,"cvr'"Kl'", ?mitN - Urtrv department or orricz. Dents Tlotel, NorwoHl i Doi, ,. JOS. J. DA.7X3r AfTCffii CODKsEtLOR t lit C .-! nc.-v in Uti - .. I'r.-u.i tt., ti -i r not , t. J 5 1S7I .1 mu and A.i. NOTICE. IT FURNISHES YOU IN TWELVE MONTHS ABO.T 900 CvLUMNi OF READING MATTER, AND TH.S F0:i S2.00. It is a good AB- VEMTISMG Medium, as it circulates in Wake, Granviile .Nash; Wilson, ATIOItNKY AT Lu FnAMl.tSinS, N. O. ViU practice in the 'urt f xVrial dittict. , . Prompt atteutir- tiven r ifv -ti n of c'aima. N. sq IS ; i C. H. Coate, W. H.fer HTORHBTs AUD CCUSsEttCZj BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURS U. C. Y.'le d ilMCojrt f NS .Fr U hu. U:anf dl-. VMrirn,-,rid W'tk : ua. l'a !i.t S pr tut- r titi j . i arolion n I tlu U. s. C r un m.. j, , 0U1. jr. 7 .;f 8 O raisea" Holmes out room; beams ishoot ahroad, far and wide. The sMideot nnd the stndeni homt ; trie w -oie community and ivt.n the vicinity chare the bemfi. The firt is elevated in thought. The 2 id is enlivened ind rendered more hippy ly a higher cliarnc'er ot conversation and disc assion. The 3rd is enriched bv a mutual importing ol new ideas and stimuVed in its taste for reading. The 4th and last, ia infoiced it.i a common interest in the common work ol educatiop, which is carried on in such a semiuarv or school ot learning; so that the advantage i$ to eav the least of i, fourfold 5n the htiitace solemn duty lies immediately before wnicu ic otqutatns. Buch tl swings 1 y ou ! How will you act ? Will you ? Can you : fail to meet the issue and come up to bc full measure of jour duty? We have great confidence in your patriotism , and valor. From all that has guue before, we have not the slight est doubt ot the i$ue. l itis year is to be recorded the deliverance of the old North State from the thraldom im posed upon her by her enemies. Wc appeal to the people regardless of party or color to come up to the help of their State. Our interest is a com mou one, J J e should all do the ut- ma:ntair, are l y no means to be des- pis' d r lightly regarded. That which tlevates is v ry, pt to rtnae- That wh'ch reQnes is apt to lead o greater rtverence and l ive for Q-d; while oon irte 'ectuai elevation and refine- mcnf, not ui tr quently combine to form the true worshiper and the use tul number f society, 'lbefe restdts are s important that we should not lose Eight of them. The hu-ry of busi ness or protesnoia! lite cla'ma much of our attention, but not sll. The present generation roust he iltted tor active lit-, when it reach s maiurer jears. That ul expressed hi pe of the parents heart, that his ol or daazhttr my make a shining mark in the liters ture of tl e world, re-ts uoon shallow loindati'n mot ot our ability to make this move- certain di.appointmen', unless he does meet a grand' and magnificent success. I 0,9 hrle duty in bu cbilds ednea When tills work shall have been finish ed, then may , we hope to see the people ot x)ur JMato, cuter upou a prosperous and happy career. . ' tion. Fa'.her and Mothe-, v: u sre the direet guardians under Go ofyour children. You must act Jor ti en and set promptly and in the h et pr.enUe way. i sk i r tiiem, one uninimaus of cal . Tia t of dispeta ion the Vl man Vat up" Pinch as he al vays o .lied his boy. A fch'w f haudi reveLljd duees ... a i ia TuiumnS'on'4 and oi coutse tioimes two s.its ot sixea we e 11 jwbere. With perhaps a slig'tt sigh of r-ret the old tu-in bid little I'l Ci ool bje. and went back to his p!aittMon a po rer but not wiser man. Pincl-'jack now l eeame the valet of Cap-. Thommasson and made himself generally useful on b iar l the Magnolia, He was quick and bright, and had learnt d to read and write while with his father. When its radiant. I the City ot New Orleans was taktn by the Federal forces, Pinchback, having saved a considerable sum of money which he had picked up in various ways during his river life, invented it in a restaurant. He was a good caterer. tasty and nea, and ambitious of being the fiirst io his business. Io a very short time his restaurant became fa mous, and was largely patronized by the speculators who flacked thither, at well as by the officers of the Federal army. To accommodate all the tastes of his lavish patrons, Pinchb ick. or as ED A FA BO BANK in the second story, and a private can can in tu Uurd story, liis intimate knowledge of the river, and his txten sive acquaintance wttn the negroes, gave him eiceptionabiy good facilities for obtaining contraband new, Cot ton specalators, , blocked -ronneia' agent", confederate ppies and all other classes who had any interest in sen t in cr receiving messages through the line always found Pinchback ready to do them a good turn tor a consideration. Of cour.-e he. prospered. Indeed he m de piles of money, and having good busim-es qualifications he invest. d ju dicoualy in real etat" lie got into trouble, howtver,jat before Ben Butler was relieved of tha department ot tl e Gulf. The General' brother w.nted U monopolize the rontrabnl as we i as me cotton permits, in some Ord rt d that J. A. Stoae and N. M. HaAku.a tu appointed a Committee in lieu ot J. J. Miuetpe ,ud N. M. Haw ki.,8 npixiiu.ed i-X m-eiini; ol te Hoard to Jjet. tlie Louisburg Bridge tu be t-xtenoiM In-youd lii v h w ster maik to the lowest rfsp-'i s:blc bidder, with approval Bond of iu0,00) Fve Hu.. (lied U 1 ii . o Hie Oouioletion ot the woik accoiittng to contract. To witj Ihe tv.o w.iod-n Pi r to be taken awy, ani Kock ores put ia the r and Johnston S!X REASONS WHY Y V U Cull II VR IS THE MUTUAL LIFE WSl'RANGE C'HPASY. 92i viizstxct srni:j:r. CoiinlieSa read and is i PHILADELPHIA. 11 - snr i i 111 FfaO 11C pliiCti--, tnd aM thw IMiars ot baut B'idge t. be iuil: of R ck, ti e nw partot the Bridge to made a double lor scaled ptopoaa t tor said woik uu .1 the 5 U dv f Aoril at 2 o'cloc'c P. 21. to t-e advtr.iscU iu the Franklin Coukikr. Ad oi said Timbers to. be ol eood heirt. Tim March 15; h 1873. By order of the Board, J. B. TU; K Lit, Cleik to Board VYhilelaw & Crowder, for. ot Blount ami Morgan s rees, KALFIGH. N f, Are Prepared to Furnish Marble Tombstones Ol all kind, -Neutlif Carved and Engraved. Also, all kinds ol QVL&JSIXU WOES," Such as Pot4 Sep Sit!. WaterTab'e . S'nc and Giavjard Corbfnn, & . AH rli-rs frim the conn'iy r ci p.o:np atr. r.df.t to. rnli 2" every fastiily in Franklin. Bates for Advertising very moderate. Saad us sad get a EmST1 i ' i x tint . 2 '" H; n 'j ti :rt ' ' I ft t m iiii-cr ili- i,fa t. .tti ill .V V l l0 ! it p l Jf , I I tf A r ':: t- Vttf Mt h i l.ilh.n I r - - - ru n1 tln i,t i fli iIC 3 ! 11 t .n it t 't fjt t tr i- tru.l 'e-l fi-l T L ti. Iiu: ie n ny ii tl r Su -. 4'l-. lk-.-.n-e ty c n u.icnl r"' gmn . rlo of sp nv to t J ircoui- l far ' r'ow t h- nverPe i Lf- f-niania (See Ofli ial I su'blcs It- iit.) B-w It la dfc'rl r ! n Be? I We want every man in Franklin County to SUBSCRIBE for it and stop reading his neighbors paper. PRICE only 2,00 THE CHRISTIAN AT pef annum. WOIiK. s T. Do Witt Talmam, Editor. JOB WOIKK. wiihont Pp tniunn. $3; with Prem ium, f 3,23. 'to C frgin.e-, 75 on 'es. A Choice . f To P'CTiia.o . Aden's wane!. ALSO. FIVE SABBATH SCHOOL PAPERS - we are now prepared to do For the Courier ,F.ditjr or tue Coveucr: ? Sir: In mr h s' communication to th lnNl-. the o-rcit neel ot a pi .nned rffo t rn ImiM lip 'he twn rein g vtM insisted upon, an! n f hs:hle j)'n hutnMy mhn ittd by wh:ch it yrm h ped, he desire J' re sult nvjr'"' l b oui-h a'tou,' 8 Ttrl weeks .nvt p ised. and oo on o your r!er , "h e ineirsted in th s rue s.r nt matter hss written a in rd by wpy o! rpprovhl ro- d-rni'ation of Vlut i' 'hen si . This is to ben. fretted, lciiuee it was h ped that the su'j- ct wi. u'a rouse tbe , mpathv. it not me irameuiare action , oi tb se at levr, vli hsTe clHd'enor ;wsrd look. mc ve in this matter right hire among I wsy or another Pinchback interfered, u?. e rars nni lu .K to sc O is ahroal. 1 ur chiU is much sifer un. der j'inr iiwii e e i r with:n quick and eav communicHti.n ot its own ho : e. L t that Las r be f'rmcd snd let th m un'erand the rudimerts thoroughly bfretoo nd them awy from on. Give t them hir , at the tt,r sho d, that slid in tree oi. which ill fit aad Builerlhad him uXfe-'te-t ib tie charge ol keeping a disorderly houe.' lie was tried, convicted, and sentenced to the penitentiary tor a term of year, but was released atter only few month cot fioement. He was now a rich mm acd courted the daughter of a rich dq I. . I ... A . 1 t . m I I . . . . ,uriu u--uiic wucn iuej pr j laim, wuo, prior to me war, was a omtr. i. oo i i', our nome irstitu- Urge'tlave holder! a uiuji in uuiii up bo i pui upon a soli I bas's o! support, Ihs iarnily needs our da-'y toil f.r i s opp rt. hut th s gtet claim almost as e-tntiai, mut nt be nrO'tcn. An able matbcmnician orce said, ,'give me a piace upon wnicu toertct a lulcrome aud I will overturn the earth. " Later There was quite a flutter in aristocratic colored circles over this event. Ptc back was not of th cr? mede la'creme. He was a contra band a low nigger who had be com . rich through very 'questionable mean. His bride was of the firt colored circle researches prove this to have been cultivated, accomplished, and rich, vain boast; but it is not vain toy 1 Her parents objected attenglj to the mil WaTal'L-. Under the Mm editor!! .nn.,.;.;.. alv' v wa. amw Eich pu'vslod mon hly, -nd tui al- nms will ,?',!ish4r, v iLet us Iiave your OOu WORD vy TArER. GOOn 'UEER, OLD AND YOUNG, DEU ?ONN-r.GSOAST(Geruiaii). Zdi?We number ur prer, but 'o kot dte hrn, radtiug iLio go1 at arytim PaM parti-4ilar and simple ropia II papers furrUbe 1 o pp icatj..u. . HORATIO C. KING, PnlMer, YA.RB0 ROUGH HOUSE RiLEIGII. FL C. orders, they shall be filled vith neatness and dispatch. -Geo. S: Bakery Editor & Proprietor. 5 - m ami er a l of a U Hve''.e er e- tu; e, t'.- vj Cn, in i lie Ft xn,y't. l'olxt N- H I- f5uU0, hi pnid ti tLe ii.l li Ud- 'pli a ni-n U wn wife's twei Ui .!:Vl'lrt tt ltli-n W clartd. a e.t.' n fihv tvm i-rcrs. Und th-e ilirwit i- a t-enud i-nt bae tdiii t a o I hi- p lit-.. .''n14 m-'ir ffiim-t tie lw -r'-slx-il in .k, nlieiorcj wr.h $1!,01C... . 6 I. D c u" i is l.l r i i asren em, pr..m;i in it -ttl-n,c t-, 1-ejooM oni"g py, d it ae a low rJjt cU-i o y-t. in ruiO'y I'mcipa K. a "tif, I 'i , '-imu es .ri T.''i.'f if urn i r uii-:i-. pnnijt p y.i.eM ot Iom , ii-f.l- j to tti iunr. d. W. II FINt'H, Grfl. l.ri,trfr Nor b Ct h0 . W. D. SPKUILL, Gru. A:'. FMnkiintiT, N.i'. G. W. M1NNIS,. Photographer, t'd Nr. 47. New 141 PETERSBURG, I a. Etrcn e- erry tyl-! I h n Cld to lle ait'. i tl lx iflrol at; Prii:-a rrxHl r t-f ilarti- a uU aotet-. Otl!e'je ' .'be 1 1 1 174 CVi.2 ljr ' 53 53 PLTEKSBUUO, Ya E. lUCDTEIL watclimakcr and Jcvr--' elcr. FITB TTstrbra and Jt j tf tl- he HnuCM-torstMl at tl !wc t p l-r. All woik pe aoad!jr atteodej to and nr rastd. . U t3 j-amo: eSt, rcterLur js, Ta Valuable Flouring, Crist and Saw Hills, for Sale. i se i'mii- mio pr- pt-ity al uauu Bndi Cre-k in F ask lie c ooty is !' fared for sde on tiro.' Tb tl's re in c oi runoios rde, and draw cut'om Irom a Urg on ol country. C"nnected with tLe tail!- yp'y to w. L.Tnonr, Ilocky Houat S,0

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