rs RANKEIN HI GTSO. S. 33A.K1ETI, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : S2.00 per Annum, VOL. IV. LOTJISBURG, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1875. KO. 23. V UOUBIER The Autumn Song. In Bpring the poet in glad. An 1 ia summer the poet in gay ; But in autumn tbe poet ia Mad, And Lis something ead to ear. For the wind moana in the wood. And the leaf drops from the tree ; I And the cold rain fallu on the graves of the good, And the cold mint cornea up from the sea. And the autumn Hongn of the poet's soul Ar.e net to the panfoionate grief - Of winds that sough and bell that toll The dirge of the falling leaf. V Till UOBIjIX TOWER, v "lam glad you have come here," naiil the Marquis of 'Boltono to the young knight, .Gaston de Pontaille, as they nut upon the terrace of Boltono Castle. " I am glad you have come for many reasons especially because I love the company of a young and valiant soldier." Gaston bowed and a flush of pleasure passed across his brow. ,' ! "The robbers about here are very bold, just now. They attacked you, I believe!. " Three of the villains ventured to do so, but 1 sent them away with more than j they expected." , "A steel ransom. Ha! ha!" " It is very strange that you are not nblo to discover their retreat." 'Very very strange. My men have sought in every direction." " Tho country is favorable to secrecy," said Gaston, looking round. It spread far away around the castlo. From the height upon which Boltono stood, tho wide plain and the surround ing hills could bo distinguished for a great distance. Hills and crags were near the castle, gullies and paths formed by torrents lay among them. A river flowed through the plain, turbulent and noisy. . Yes, it is a good place for them," said the marquis, in reply to Gaston's exclamation. "But yet I wonder at their hardi hood."" i "They rob almost every friend who comes to visit me, unless I send my soldiers to guard them," said Boltono, bitterly. ' " This should be stopped. I wonder that they do not show themselves some nhcro." ' "I have done all that man can do. Let us forsake this subject for the pres ent. -See you yon tower '" "Yes. It is older than the rest of your castle, is it not ? I have been much interested in it." "It is very old and i3 of Roman con struction. We never use it." "Never! Why not?" " "lis haunted." "Haunted?" Gaston was surprised at the seriousness of the marquis, and out of respect to him he suppressed a lining smile of contempt. " Yes. It has for many years gono by tho nanvi of the ' Goblin Tower.'" " Bccuuko there are sights to be seen there and sounds to be heard .which are not of this world. Shrieks are heard at the dead of night, and lights gleam from the turrets. All the peasantry tremble, und tho hearts of all within the castle quake for ftor." ; 1 , " But have you never entered to see the cause of those things?" "God forbid that I should seek to know aught of the doings of the powers of darkness I" . . " They may bo done by hands of man, noble marquis." Impossible ! Who would dare?" " No great obstacle could prevent them if no one ventures there." ' Men have gone there and never re turned. In the life of my grandfather there was a legend about it, and a saying that whenever the castle was freed from, tho goblin within, there would be no moro robbers without." " What ! have tho robbers always been here V ' f., . t j ' " All tho time that the ; tower was haunted." Gaston was silent, and mused for ft time. " I will tell the story," said the mar quis, it is not long. This tower was built, as I have said, by the ancient Ro mans, and has been in the possession of ' many a baron. Once, about two hundred years ago, our family lived in Florence, and a baron who was related to j us resided here. He was a ; strange man, of dark thoughts and a 1 gloomy aspect. . That tower he made his , residence. At night lights gleamed from it, and strange sounds were heard there, like-no sounds in the world. By day vast clouds of smoke poured fifcm it, often concealing the tower from view. No one knew what he did. No one could imagino what were his occupations. But ho became very rich all of a sudden, and . built this adjoining castle. The neigh bors all believed that by the assistance of the evil one he had found out the philosopher's stone. The people suffer ed very much from him, and robbery was carried on to an alarming extent in tho neighborhood. Once they ventured to attack the castlo itself. ' At last there, came a fearful time. The night was perfectly dark. Sudden ly, someho were looking toward the tower saw fLimesaud sparks issuing from the windows of the upper roomswhich ho occupied. Shrieks resounded from it. The people burst into his room; the baron was not to bo seen. A bundle of burnt flesh and clothes lay on the floor, with mysterious bkokened frag ment! all around. uctant consent. Gaston walked nere wa3 a deep hind, and the "My. grandfather had a beautiful daughter, whom he promised to the man who would venture to search out the cause of those fearful sounds and ap pearances, which ever since the baron's time have been witnessed there. Several undertook it, but no one has seen them since." Gaston was not so much awed by the legend as the marquis. "They did well these suitors and I would do the same for a similar prize. ' What ! , would you venture there ? " " Noble sir, you have promised to make me your son-in-law," said Gaston, with his ingenious countenance covered by a flush of pleasure and confusion, " but I have done nothing to win the lovely Alyira. Suffer me to win her in this way." "What!" cried the marquis. "I am willing to enter that tower." f No, no; you are rash. This is not bravery, it is rashness. You have done enough, dear Gaston, to win a dozen Alviras." " But let me also do this. Noble mar quis, I cannot must not be refused. Why need I fear? Are not friends all "Your friends cannot preserve you from the demons." ' Demons ! I fear them not. With my trust in God and the holy saints, how can the evil one injure me?" "I implore you not to think of this." "No, no; permit me. Do not tell Alvira. Promise me not to tell her. I will free your house of demons and "rob bers, or die The marquis gave a re It was mid-day, and outside the castle. iTl gorge in the hilla be Ronan tower rose above this, while the other parts of the extensive castle lav further from it. Gaston walked to the verge and looked down. The porter had told him not to venture there that the people in the castle were afraid of the goblins who dwelt there. But Gaston despised the idle tale. "Goblins ha! ha! What a strange mind the marquis must have not to see b!at these mysterious robbers, are the g6blins and the makers of all this riot." But I must descend and examine, here." He went down slowly and softly among the bushes which grew thickly enough to hide him from view. At length he j was surprised to see a beaten path. " Ha !" he cried, " this was never made by goblins. I will follow and see, where it leads." He descended carefully, and watched the path to see that none were viewing him. At j last the murmur of a brook told him that he was at the bottom of the chasm. The path before him took a sud den turn around n rock. lieaning stealthily over this, he looked forward. There was the base of the goblin tower, which arose very far on high, from its foundations at the bottom of the chasm. A nere was a small aperture nere, so liidden by bushes that none but the sharpest and most observant eye could liave detected it. He went nearer, and hearing nothing, he crawled close to it. Looking in he saw steps which led up. " Now, were this unused, the steps would be covered with grass and mold, but they are smooth and are used often." After a few minutes the young -knight departed by the same path, and soon stood in safety upon the top of the de clivity, well satisfied with his expedition. " Well, Gaston," said the marquis, at night, "are you still determined?" " I am. V I ask only my arms. Can' I iliave the way shown me ?" Unce more, uaston, let me implore you not to go." I must go, noble marquis, for I have said it." ' Retract your words." - " I cannot I would not." i " Then I must part with you. shall never see you again. pany you to the place. . The two walked along a desolate hall extending entirely through the castle. The night was dark and the wind moan ed as they went on. Doors banged and noises were heard through the house. "Those noises do rfot come from the tower. They are made by the wind," said Gaston. "Ah! here we are, I suppose." They paused before a massive oaken door, which the marquis opened after unlocking. Tho bolts sounded harsh as they grated hack. They entered the room. The light which the marquis held was feeble, and illuminated it but in part. The apartment was large, and the walls were wainscoted with oak, carved in the antique. Chairs of olden' form stood around, and a long table of massive con struction stood in the middle. ' I will go into your closet, and watch the room. I can be hidden there." " Do so. Do not expose yourself. Do you want the light ?" "No oh! no. I will be better in the dark." He opened the door of an old closet It was empty. There was an opening in it, through which any one within could I fear I I will accom- loosened by age rattled on their hinges, the heavy, dusty drapery shook and flut tered. There was a faint light in the room. As Gaston looked through, there seemed to come a pngnter ligut. lie was . sure of it. A strancre thrill shot through him as the room began to grow visible, illuminated by some unseen power. Footsteps low, muffled footsteps, sound ed without beneath, whisperings and exclamations were heard by his excited ears. His heart beat quick he held his sword more firmly. "The hour is coming the time the scene is at hand. Now we will see whether Gaston de Pontaille will die." He leaned forward more earnestly. At the extremity of the room he heard whisperings mnrmurings footsteps, but he could not look there. The light grew brighter. Some form approached. Gaston looked out. It was a tall figure dressed in black, and through two holes in the veil which covered its head the eyes gleamed with intense brightness. He came to the table and sat down. Another was dress ed in the same manner. - Two more came in, and the four sat down at the table. " Wine," said the first, in a deep harsh voice. One rose and brougnt a number of bottles. Then each one, lifting his veil. drank in silence. Gaston watched in suspense. " Comrades," said the first one, "the bishop had much gold. To-morrow the marquis shall give more." A low murmer of applause went round. " He would have been unmolested had he refrained from molesting us." "Ha! ha !" said another, in a dis cordant voice. " He thought not of The Goblin Tower." What will he not pay for her ran som?" Gaston started. And the young knight-would he not give his soul to, purchase her ?" ' Margo, " said the leader, ' bring her along." Margo departed, and the others began to divest themselves of their mantlos. Each one, taking off his black rebe, dis closed the well-armed figure of a sturdy soldier. "I heard footsteps here this night," said one. "May there not boa true goblin" "Fool!" cried the leader, savagely. "You are a novice. A goblin ! We are the goblins of the tower, Antonio. Ha ! What breath is that ?" "I said so !" cried the other. The three started as a rattling sounded in the room. They looked at each other and turned pale. The entrance of their comrade put an end to their terror. " Bring her along !" cried the leader, Gaston could see nothing, but he heard a low moan as though from a female, and the tone struck a chill to his inmost soul. " Good e'en, my pretty maid," said the leader, j" Bring her nearer, good Margo, let her be seated." There was a slight struggle and Margo brought forward the prisoner. Gaston started lus frame shook in frenzied rage. It was Alvira! He restrained himself. "Who are you, and why dare you thus treat the daughter of Boltono?". "Because we love the smiles of lovely women. Was it not rash in you to walk alone on the terrace at such a time ? Could we the goblins of the tower resist the temptation !" "What will-you do with me!" "You shall cheer us in our lonely tower." " O, God !" she cried, wringing her hands in agony. " No lamentation !" cried the leader-. " Come, we wish you to be gay cheer up. . Alvira wept in despair. "Weep not! Why should you! Come, let me have a kiss." He rose up and reached out his hand. Alvira shrunk back. He stepped for ward. The others looked on in hideous glee they saw not the armed figure who llebrete Svnaggue. The New York correspondent of the Rochester Democrat estimates that there are 50,000 citizens of Hebrew de scent in New York city. Of their places of worship and religious teachers, he says: - As a people, they are strongly attach ed to their ancient service. A few have wandered into infidelity. The Jews are, to a large degree, of foreign birth, being almost entirely Germans; hence they prefer this element in their religion. The chief synagogue in this city is that that of the Temple Emanuel, corner of Forty-third street and . Fifth avenue. It is a new structure of great beauty, and cost $500,000. In doctrine it is of the reformed or rationalistic order, and its rabbi is Samuel Adler, by birth'a Ger man and now in his sixty-fifth year. Benjamin Nathan, whose mysterious and bloody death has given the name a wide notoriety, was a member of this body. Rabbi Adler preaches in Ger man; but his assistant, Gustave Got theil, is a good English scholar, and offi ciates in that tongue. Each of these men receives $5,000 a year, and this double salary speaks well for the liberality as well as for the wealth of the society. Another rabbi of foreign birth is David Eiibon, of Bavaria, who came to this city in 186M, and has charge of a syna gogue on the Seventh avenue. Samuel Isaacs, rabbi of the- Grand street syna gogue in Forty-fifth street, is a native of Holland, and has labored in this city since 1839. The ark in this institution cost $70,000. Services are held in Hebrew and German. Rabbi Huesch, a A . TT . native oi Hungary, wno came Luther in 1844, has charge of the Lexington avenue synagogue. This edifice and its appoint ments of worship cost $600,000. A Bw Soldier. One of the wounded after a battle. A Dlantrou Season. The New York correspondent of the Boston Journal gives this picture of business stagnation there: First, build ing is stopped, and men by the hundreds are thrown out of work. Rents are down, and landlords have To wait where rents remain, or take the stores or ware houses on their own hands. Every third store on Broadway seems to be to let, with chambers and lofts innumerable. Men who had fair employment last May. and took a tenement to live in. havincr lost their place, have to gjve up; society is so interlocked that what hurts one de partment hurts all. The hotels are losing money, and seam like banqueting huITs deserted. Grocers groan over the lack of trade. Men who bought by the pound buy by the quarter; men who bought by the chest buy by the pound. Butchers say that their trade has decreased one half; men live on vegetables. The bar bers complain; men shave themselves. The car receipts are reduced; men walk instead of riding. They have nothing to do, and five cents ia worth saving. The churches feel this state of things terribly. , In one church that I liappen to know, over a third' of the pew rents have been lost, and the penny collections have been reduced one half. In the most important Baptist church in this city $1,000 was taken from the minister's j well salary, and in a mm he resigned. A fate. writes a correspondent from Spain, little more than a boy, a slim, pale-faced fellow of not more than seventeen. His features were more regularly formed than is usual among the lower orders of Spaniards from which his regiment had been chosen, and it was impossible to refrain from regarding him with interest. He did not speak a word to any of the companions by whom he was surrounded. His head was enveloped in a white bandage and another bandage passed un der his left arm and over his right shoul der, showing that he was wounded in two places, and most painfully, if not dangerously wounded, too, lor every now and then a spasm crossed Ins nana some features which were distorted with the agony he was suffering. Small heaps of brushwood had been piled up into bonfires which were burning brightly, and the flickering light from which threw weird shadows over the faces of the wounded men, flitting here and there among whom were soldiers carrying im promptu torches made of tow and pitch, and administering to the waits of the sufferers. Water was the cry of one and all, and it was pleasing to see the basts witn wnicn their companions in arms who had been more fortunate rendered numerous little services to their wounded companions. When a groan louder than usual was heard from one of them. grim-visaged soldier whose sole duty it was to see that the poor fellows were in as comfortable positions as could be ex pected under the circumstances would inquire if he could do anything for the sufferer in the way of rearranging the blanket or paletot upon which he was lying. The young fellow to whom I have al ready called attention seemed to be a general favorite with all tho men, and several soldiers were gathered around him. He seemed to be in too great pain to pay much attention to them, but when ; the soldier held a little tin pannikin of water to his lips, and then raising his head as carefully as a mother would have lifted her sick child, he scraped the sand into a heap under the end of the blanket so as to serve as a sort of pillow upon which the wounded man could re cline more comfortably. No word of thanks was uttered, but the look which the poor lad (rave him was one which the old weather-beaten soldier will not forget in a hurry, accustomed though he may be to scenes of a similar character. A quarter of an hour afterward this same soldier threw his coat over the boy, who was shivering, possibly more on ac count of the pain which he was suffering than because it was a chilly evening. And yet this man, so attentive to a wounded companion in arms, who did not even belong to, the same regiment, and whom he had seen but a few days previously at St. Sebastian, was a mem ber of the most bloodtliirsty lot of fel lows who are numbered in the ranks of the Alfonsist army the miguelcitit. Tuese men never dream of giving quar ter, never ask for it, and a Carlist will Am Heltpme mf the Amm. The coming eclipse of the sun will oc cur on the fifth of April next. The cen tral eclipse begins on the earth a little southwest of Cape Agulhas (South Afri ca), in longitude ninety-nine deg. nine teen min. seven sec east from Washing ton, and in south latitude thirty-five deg. thirty tain., at eleven hours forty- four TTiin, Washington mean time. Tire first contact thus barely escapes th southern extremity of Africa and the central line, along which the shadow of the moon (interposed between the earth and sun) advances, runs from southwest to northeast. Its track is now almost en tirely oceanic, passing southeast of Madagascar and not quite grazing its southeastern extremity. Thence also missing Mauritius, where an able body of observers could take the field, it flits rapidly onward, crowing the equator in Celn- Behindhand. "They tellxne Farmer IL is gcirg behindhand." I guess there's no doubt of it. But I don't see how it can be. ne Lss one of the best farms in the country, and he used to be considered good farmer." True but his farm is certainly rua ning out, and I am told he is running ia debt." I don't see how that can be." So conversed two neighboring farm era, and while they convrrsed Farmer II. was looking for his hoe. Dan," he cried, te one of Lis boys, "where Is the hoe! I've been lookicg for it this half-hour. I might luve had my work done by this time. Where is it I" "I dono, dad. Its sum rs, I a pose. Somewhere, you young rascal about longitude one hundred and sixty-1 Didn't you have it last night t" six deg. east from Washington, or about eighty-nine deg. east from Greenwich. It then strikes through the Nicobsr islands, in the southern part of the bay of Bengal, and "sweeps across Tenas serim, Siam and Anam, passing out into the Chins sea and finally making its last contact on the open bosom of the Pacific a little northeast of the Ladrone islands. The point of this last contact is about one hundred and forty -seven deg. cast of Greenwich, in latitude twenty-one deer, twelve ruin, north, and occurs at about fifteen hours twelve min., Wash ington mean time. " No." Didn't I tell you to hoe the cucum bers r Tes; but I couldn't find the hoc.' The two joined in the search. Look here, Dan," said the fathr. after a fruitless time, "you must haTe left that hoe somewhere. Why don't you put things ia their pUces when you've done with them I" WelL dad, where u the place for ths hoe I Where do you al rs put it I The parent was posed. His tool-houwi had been used for ft wood-ehed, and though he had often talked of building another, he not yet done so. By-and-bye, before the hoe was found, ft neighbor dropped in, and after chat ting awhile he said, with ft smack of ths Table Deemrntlu, A writer in Seribncr't says : The pleasures of the table should appeal to the eye and mind as well as to the palate, jjp ajjj expectant robbing A the irorm snouid De consulted; grace snouid i hand: be indispensable. The savor of food gains much from its setting and its ac companiments. A few flowers, perfect order and neatness, with congeniality and sympathy about the board, will insure what an Apician feast might not. Tho day of uniformity in table as well as other furniture has passed, the present fancy being for oddness and variety. This, apart from the picturesquenees, is both convenient and economical, since the brcakinor of one or two pieces does not necessitate the purchase of an entire new set. It is not unusual now to see on an elegant breakfast table each coffee- cup different from its neighbor, and no two of the plates alike. But it is at tea most informal of meals that the greatest variety and the prettiest effects may be produced. Flowers have come By the way, IL, have you gvt a drop in your jug t" "I guess so. Would you like a bit f . " Well, yes if it's handy." Of course it's handy." Ah ! he had no difficulty in putting his hand upon his jug at once; and had the two wondering neighbors been thre to hear and see, they would have - Vml no more why Farmer H. was run wig be hindhsnd. Heed Time nnd Heed fftring. The time to sow seed is whenever the soil and the atmosphere are in condition to insure the quick germination of the seed and the continuous, healthy growth of the plants. Hence, the tine is not until the soil has been thoroughly pul verized and prepared for ft seed bed, nor to be indispensable to many tables, and CI1til all surplus water has been drained they will be erelong, let us hope, indis- or evaporated from it, so. as to insure reusable to all. They need not be rare nor costly. They are so beautiful, even the plainest and poorest of them, that nothing else can supply their place. A few green leaves, a dozen way-ide daisies, a bunch of violets, impart ft charm and awake in us the touch of nature. general reduction of salaries is threat ened all along the line. Last year in Brooklyn a very costly Presbyterian church was built through the influence of one man. He was worth a quarter of of a million, and promised to "seethe thing through." He went to smash, and the minister, disheartened, has left. Our mission work feels the pressure be yond example. The sufferers have in creased a hundred fold, and the supply is cut off full fifty per cent. The same is true of all the benevolent operations. Ah Annrered Advert iaemtent. The New York correspondent of the St. Louis lirjiubllcan says: In all thU wind and rain and cold and tJu h ninety fight until there is no breath left in his applicants witlun three hours have body sooner than surrender himself as a answered a neighbor's advertisement for prisoner to one of them, for he knows a seamstress. Poor, faded, worn women, that death will certainly be his ; in that most dismal of all poor women's I late, mese were me men wno emulated ; possessions an oia urocne ruswi nave the sanguinary barbarity of Santa Cruz at Anderlasse, and butchered several Carlist prisoners, wounded and cut off from all chances of escape, at the attack upon Behobie bridge on . the French ! frontier, of which your readers were given an account. T Knit CUre. look out into the roomi ' Here Gaston entered. The marquis departed, lock ing the door carefully. Gaston drew his sword, and, holding it in his hand, pre pared to watch. An old chest stood here in one corner ; upon this he seated himself, and waited. The hours passed tediously away, yet he sat in patient silence listening to every sound. And these were of many kinds, which came to his sharpened ears. Low moanings sounded without, the doors stood with uplifted sword. " Come, one kiss " " Villian !" cried Gaston, in a voice of thunder. Alvira saw him all saw him as with a bound he sprang forward and buried his sword in the robber chieftain's heart. " Die ! " cried the infuriated knight, and turning upon the nearest, .-with a blow he severed his head from his body. The others rose and grasped their dag gers. Gaston struck at the nearest and the weapon was dashed from his hand, whila the owner was felled to the ground. Margo, the fourth, fell upon his knees. With a strong hand Gaston bound him, and taking his rescued love in his arms, he bore her forth along the hall to the great hall of the castle. The noise had roused the marquis, and the inmates of Boltono soon knew all that had happened. A week after the nuptials of Gaston and Alvira were celebrated, and the body of Margo hung in chains from the summit of the " Goblin tower." A Kenutrkabte fftcindle. A most unique swindle is reported in the Evenement as perpetrated by a Par-; isian. About a month since the Havre correspondent of a large banking house in Paris received the following letter from the head of his firm: , Paris, Jan. - -, 1875. Dear Sir: I write to warn you that the son of our principal cashier has dis appeared with some 200,000 francs in bills drawn upon you by us. He will probably present them in Havre shortly after the receipt of this advice by you. Of course you will refuse payment. As his father is a very old and valued ser vant, we have concluded not to, cause him the disgrace and mortification of knowing that his son is a felon. . You will therefore allow the scoundrel to go free. If you can manage to get rid of him by sending him to America, ad vance him 200 or 300 louis and let him go and hang himself. Confidentially, Procure Germantown yarn; one skein of medium-sized yarn will knit ft pair of gloves. Cast on eighteen stitches on ft needle; widen the thumb two stitches every third and fourth time knitting round, alternately. When the thumb j has been widened to twenty-four stitches, ta&e tnem on on a double tnrrad or small cord.' Cast on to join, the gap about ten stitches, which decrease gradu ally as you knit around to six, having but sixty in all for the hand. Knit about half an inch, then drop off sixteen at the right place for the little finger; cst on six new ones to join the gap; knit three or four times around, then drop the new-made stitches and six on each side of them for the next finger; cast on four new stitches, knit three or four times around, and drop the same num ber as before for the next ringer; cast on four new stitches and you, find yourself knitting the forefinger, which must be decreased to twenty-two stitches. After finishing the index-finger, take up the ! next in order, observing the uniform number of stitches on each, twenty-two; I but the thumb must have twenty-four. clambered the high steps and turned re gretfully and sadly from the door, where they met an enraged chambermaid de tailed for special duty, whose duty it has been since ten o'clock to say the situs- tioir is filled. At twelve she was struck with a labor-saving process, and hung ont ft placard to the bell handle which set forth in this rich specimen of Eng lish the latest bulletin : " A gnrl is icg aged no ux to UyTaire Ear Fnrthw don't rings no Lei." This was successful with the next dozen comers, when paterfamilias came home, gazed in astonishment at this literary effort, twitched it down and lugged it in. Probably that " gurl is in gaged " at present in correcting her spelling or packing her trunk. But what ft tale of misery those numberless applicant on such ft horrible day tells! The Indiana Legislature have resolved not to build a State capitol, and ft jour nal of that State suggests that in future the Legislature should hold its sessions in each city in turn throughout the State. . Mr. Beecher thinks tne wickedest thing in the world is to thump a child on the head. The day alter the receipt of this letter t by the Havre house ft young man of fine' j address presented himself and attempted ! to negotiate the stolen bills. The letter i was shown him, and he fell on his knees in a flood of repentant tears. He ex pressed ft willingness to come to Ameri ca, and 250 louis ($1,250) were given him, with many cautions to reform. The young man sailed for New York next day, and the day after the Havre house received an answer to its letter of advice detailing the facts. No bills had been stolen from the Paris house, the letter originally sent was a forgery, and the principal cashier has no son.' The police of New York were notified to look for this remarkable swindler, but no light has yet been thrown on his morexasnts in this country. The niaek JWl: Two returned members of one of the i expeditions which last fall left for the ' Black Hills were received at Sioux City, Iowa, the other day, by an enthu siastic assemblage of people, and wel comed with bands of music and the roar of cannon. They report that there is room in the Black Hills for 10,000 miners, who can make from $10 to $25 per day as soon as spring opens; and we suppose largj numbers of reckless char acters will flock thither at that time. The country is occupied by the most warlike and powerful Indian tribes on the continent, and it is quite probable that the consequence of this will be one of the most bloody and expensive Indian was eyex known. Vent Bmd Beym. In view of the sentence of hanging passed upon the boy Pomeroy, in Boston, ft somewhat similar case in the French courts, that of the boy Henry, will excite interest. Henry, ageJ, seventeen, in cited his playmate, aged eleven, to break open his father's desk and abstract therefrom 900 francs, the hard savings of twenty four years. The child gave all this money to Henry to keep for him, and, when he asked for some of it, Henry induced him to go to the river, threw a noose around his neck, and dragged him in the river until he was drowned, then j letting the body float away. Henry was , among the most curious to see the body exposed at the Morgue. He then dressed himself in fine attire, bought ft watch and other things, and stocked his mother's marine stere, ft circumstance which led to the discovery. At the trial the proper temperature, and thus pre vent the rotting of the seed. The preparation of the soil is of the first im portance and ought in all cases to govern the time of sowing seed, because it U of litle profit to plant upon soil illy pre pared. Thorough pulverization of sod for ft seed-bed cannot be too strenuou&ly urged. Upon such pulverization hugely depends the succsa of ft crop. It is safer even to forego the manuring than to ignore the mechanical condition of the soil in planting for any crop. The more completely the soil is pulverized the more nearly its texture approaches tho condition of the finest wood mold, tho more surely will the seed, plsnted at the right depth and the right time, ger xninsie, and the radicles take hold of and be nourished by the necessary elements in the soil. The planter who ignores these well established facts in any degree loses thereby, surely, to the degree he ignores them. Cloddy, lumpy, clammy, saturated and very dry soils sxe uslrs as seed-beds. It is smisUke to supposo and y . there sxe planters who evi dently believe -that the condition of the seed bed is of lessi importance, provided the si ter-cultu'S t thorough. No after culture of plant nowrrer careful and thorough, can com pens to for tardy ger mination and fox the unnecessary exhaus tion of the plant in its efforts to find root-hold among ft mass of clods and dry lumps of earth, or for the set-back it re ceives if the soil is wet from the chill atmosphere in which it struggles conse quent upon evaporation of surplus water. No planter, whether ct flower, vegetable or field seeds, can ftfford to ignore these conditions. he did not display the slightest contri tion, but endeavored to address the court after ft form of language he had learned in novels. The prosecution re gretted that the prisoner's age alone pre vented him from it ceiring' capital sen tence, and the young murderer wis sen tenced to twenty years imprisonment and the same number of years srrveil lanee by the police. It seems almost in credible that such utter hesxtlessnsas should exist in people so young in years 04 fria young ruflaa and Pomeroy. A Cmlifemim C'.tem. As to cows, courts, and claims, we no tice in ft Calif onus paper an amusing paragraph describing the xoovemects of an inexperienced constable in attempt ing, under the direction of the party mewt interested, to levyia attachment on a debtor's tp! supplier: The cow ran into ft mud bole and mired down. B. grabbled her by the tail and yelled ex citedly to the' oflcer to attach her quickly. HowsUdl I do it I" cried thsoffiaer. "Why rub it on her!" yelled B. It was rubbed on her accord -icgly. "What next!" inquired the officer. Why rub it on the other side, and rub hard," yelled Ji., in frantio effort to hold the cow in Ike mud by ths taiL Now, hang it on her horn, then said B., stepping back to view ths process, "Iwill show him whether he will pay me or not, tbe ornery cuss ! Ajjrrrxxrrvo Bm. A colctkm re presenting ths ad alteration of seed was recently displayed si an international agricultural exhibition at Bremen, which contained ft sample of sand, carefully washed ftnd colored, and put up for sale ft clover eed, under which name it brought three and ft half cents ft pound. Numerous seeds of weeds used for adul teration wers also exhibited,

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