UMEK GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TETO.IS : S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IV. LOUISBTJRGr, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1875. NO. 24. The " Miyf of a Blumh. Two maples ly the cotUge porck (irew crimBon in the wnnsct light; , Vv'as it their leaves reflected glow YTliich made her perfect face bo bright ? I led her gently down the atep. And down the pathway flickering (shade, lint "till or tender rhek and brow Tito name deep radiance warmly plajeJ. " K iou ;U, oh BTeet !" I whispered low; " That he irt i mine I yearned to win; No Hunvet flnj-h, hnt love' pnre dawn, IircaW from the kindled onl within !" COI'IITSIIII' A FT Kit 31 A BUI A GE. because Madge feared to make Urn vain, they Lad grown very cold toward each other, so cold that John began to think the ale-house a more comfortable place than his own fireside. That night the rain fell in torrents, the winds howled, and it was not until the midnight hour had. arrived that Harley left the public house and hastened to ward his cottage. He was wet through when he at length crossed the threshold ; he was, a? he gruffly muttered, used to that ;" but he was not " used " to the 11, then " faid Janet, speaking leaged , &t M y and slowly, "I let my husband help it ne I love him still, and that I learn r , , . " Now this is wliat I call comfort," paid Madge Harley, as she sat down by her neighbor's fire one evening; "here you are; at your sewing, with the kettle steaming on the hob, and the tea things on the table, expecting every minute to hear your husband's step, and see bis kind face look in at the door. Ah ! if my husband was but like yours, Janet." "Ho is like mine in many of his ways," said Janet, with a smile, " and if you will allow me to speak plainly, he would bo still more like him if you would take more pains to make him comfortable." j . - " What do you mean?" cried Madge. 44 Our house is as clean as yours; Imend my husband's clothes, and cook his din ner as carefully as any woman in the pariah, and yet he never stays at home of an evening, while yours sits here by your eneermi are night alter night as happy as can be." t " As liappy as can be on earth," said her, gravely; "yes, and shall I tell you the secrot of it, Madge ?" "I wish you would," said Madge, with a deep sigh: "it's misery to live as I do now." "Well, distinctly see that every day to love him more. J-iove is the chain that binds him to his home, The world may call it folly, but the world ii not my lawgiver, f " And do you really think," exclaimed Madge in surprise, " that husbands care for that sort of thing ?" "For love, do you mean ?" asked Janet. " Yes; they don't feel at all as we do, Janet, and it don't take many years of married life to make them i Uuuk oi a wife as a sort of maid-of -all-work "A libel, Madge," paid Mrs. Matson, laughing: "1 won t allow you to sit in William's chair and talk so." j " No, because your husband is dif ferent, and values his wifo's love, while John cares for mo only as his house keeper." ' 1 don't think that," said Janet, " al though I know that ho said to my hus band the other day that courting time was tho happiest of a man's Hfe. I know John did not alter liis opinion, but ho went away thinking of his courting time as a joy too great to be exceeded." . " Dear fellow," cried Madge, smiling through her tears, " I do believe he was very 'liappy then. I remember I used to listen for his steps as I sat with my dear mother by the fire, longing for the happiuess of seeing him." "Just so," said Janet; "do you feel kh t ink now?"' l. Mndgo hesitated. y "Well, no, not exactly "And why not?" j "Oh, I don't know," said: Madge, "married people give Hp that sort of thing." ' Love, do you mean i" asked Janet. " No, but what people call being sen timental," said Mrs. Harley. " Longing to boo your husband is a .proper sentiment," replied Janet. "Hut some people aro ridiculously foolish beforo others," reasoned Madge. . 1 " That proves they want sense. I am not likely to approve of that, as William would soon tell you; all I want is that . wives should let their husbands know that they are loved." v ; "But men aro so vain," said Madge, "that it is dangerous to show them much attention." Her friend looked up. I " Oh, Madge, what are you saying? Have you then married with the notion that it is not good for John to believe you love him?" ! " No. but it is not wise to show that you care too much for them." " Sav I and liim; do not talk of hus- bands in general, but of yours in par ticular." " Ho thinks quite enough of himself already, I assure you." "My dear Madge," said Janet, smil ing, " would it do you any harm to re ceive a little moro attention from your husband?" j ' "Of course not. I wish he'd try, and Mrs. Harley laughed at the idea. " Then , you don't- think enough of yourself lUready? And nothing would make you vain, I suppose I Madge colored, and all the more when she perceived that William Matson had come in quietly, and was now standing behind Janet s chair. This, of course, put an end to the conversation. Madge retired to her own home to think of Janet's words and to confess that they wero wise. THE BLACK It ILLS TIOXIHTS. EXP ED I- tone and look with which his wife drew near to welcome him, nor to find dry clothes by a cracking fire, and " slippers on the hearth ; nor to hear no reproach for late hours, and dirty footmarks as he sat in nis arm-cnair. some change had come td Madge he was very sure. She 'wore a dress he had bought her years ago, with a neat linen collar around the neck, and had a cap, trimmed with white ribbons, on her head. "You're smart, Madge," lie exclaimed, at last, when he had stared at her for some little time in silence. "Who has been here worth dressing for to-night ?" " No one until you came," said Madge, half laughing. "I? Nonsense; you didn't dress for me!" cried John. " Yon won't believe it, perhaps, but I did. . I have been talkincr with Mrs. Matson this evening, and she crave me some very good advice. So now, John, what would you like to have for your supper?" ,' . John, who was wont to steal to the shelf a night and content himself with anything he could find, thought Madge's offer too excellent to be refused, and very soon a large bowl of chocolate was steaming on the table. Then his wife sat down1, for a wonder, by his side, and talked a little, and listened, and looked if he could not What they Say About their Dim eoveriem and their Proapeetm of Gold. Gordon, one of the Black Hills expedi tion, who returned home to engage re inforcements, has given a newspaper re porter the following information : The company immediately commenced erect ing a stockade, eighty feet square, inside of which they built a number of log cabins, and were thus protected alik from the weather and the Indians. Mr. Gordon says that after erecting quarters they commenced to prospect, though necessarily on a small scale. They found gold, just as Custer had stated, from grass roots to bed-rock. Previous to erecting their quarters the frost was but a few inches below the surface, but by the time they were completed, early in January, the frost was from one to three feet deep. Gold was found as high as fifteen cents to the pan, and old miners confidently state that with sluices from 610 to $25 could easily be made. In that valley alone there were claims enough for 2,000 men, to say nothing of the im mense country of which this is so small a part. The numerous specimens of gold brought home by Messrs. Gordon and Witcher are very rich. Silver, plumbago and iron were also found. Experienced miners say there is every indication of rich diggings there. Mr. A GirVm Chaneem in Xeraaa. We have before us, says the Virginia (Nev.) Enterprise, a very pretty letter from a lady in the Green Mountain State, asking us to inform her what her chances would be in Virginia City to get a situation as a teacher, or, if pos-; sible, what encouragement an accom plished housekeeper would probably re ceive in this city; one who could come bringing the highest recommendations as a lady and a scholar. As we are frequently in receipt of such letters, we have concluded to answer this through the Enterprise : Miss B. : Your note is under reply. Teachers here command from $100 to $200 per month, in gold coin. Board costs about $35 per month, and lodging 'from $15 to $75, according to the caprice of the lodger. Female domestics com mand from $35 to $10 per month, with board included, of course. Whether yon could obtain a situation as teacher or not we cannot say. It would de pend on many things. In the first Cutehtng the Turtle. The turtle is the main source of food supply to the Conibo of South America. The forests and waters furnish him fish, flesh, and fowl in great variety, but he cares for little else besides the turtle when he can procure it. Between August 15th and September 1st the waters of OLD PROBABILITIES. Hmtf the Daily ITeaiher Reports are Unite I at tho Washington The signal service proper of tht United States owes its existence to the Lite war, at the close of which, like othr kindred bodies, it survived only iu kuletou form. the Ucayali, the affluent of the Amazon, It but five years ago that On. Myer, on which the Conibos live, lxme less with a few eminent aid, acting uoder impetuous, in consequence of snow hav- the authority of an act of Cougrtui and ing ceased to fall on the summits of the the immediate orders of the Secret ay of Andes. Vast spaces of sand aro left War, inaugurated the system of observa- bare, and the turtle fishing at once com- tiona and reports by signal and tele- In form at to a Comeemlng file: Although the common bcu$e-fly i closely allied to our social life, few peo ple know its history. " Where does the fly deposit its eggs, and why do we never see them?"" is a question frequently asked a question which this article is designed to answer satisfactorily. The mother fly never deposits her eggs in the house; but if there are any old heaps of rubbish in the form of decaying vege tables about a place, she deposits her eggs there. If you desire to see the en tire operation and watch tho growth of this insect from the egg to maturity. place a quantity of grain and vegetables together in a box. and put them where mencea. On a fixed day, ssys Scribncr $ J graph which enables us daily to impart magazine, the Combos embark in canoes I valuable and interesting information furnished with all necessary utensils, I with regard to the weather, the rise and and travel up and down the river for fall of all navigable rivers, and. generally they will be kept moist simply moiat. from thirty to sixty or even one hundred I speaking, all unusual phenomena within J not wet and decay slowly. The fly will miles. When they discover on the shore j the domain of meteorology. I seek this filthy mass, and deposit her the claw-marked furrow made by the I The new branch of the service at I gK therein. By an occasional visit to turtle when walking, they call a halt, first intended to benefit our lake navhra- this depository, one may find the fly lay- tion only-soon extended its usefulness to the Atlantic coast, then to the principal inland cities down to the gulf, up the and having built at some two hundred yards from the water their ujoupa or cabins, they patiently wait in ambush the arrival of their amphibious prey. 1 Mississippi to its source, and across the ing her eggs. Fifty to one hundred eggs are frequently laid at one time, and the old fly usually remains so quiet dar ing the operation that a dose, and in- place our present teachers are prob-1 Generally their instiuct is so unerring continent to the Pacific ocean, until as quisitive spectator is not likely to disturb ably the best teachers in the world. If you were to come you would have to wait for a vacancy; and then if you are not fine looking you could not pass the examination of our superintendent (who is a single man;; ana U you are very beautiful, the apprehension would be that you would get married before you learned the names of your pupils. ' We that their encamping hardly precedes La now the fact we can have daily re- I her. During warm weather these eggs by more than a day or two the appear- I ports of the state of the weather at Port- j rill hatch in a very few days, each pro anoe of the turtles. On a dark night, I land. Oregon, and San Francisco. Halifax I during a minute, cylindrical while grub. ana auier x'oini, ivey est ana vnuves- do not think a nrivate school wonM rtuv Witcher says that when they first reached except behind it was the capital keeping VUBM5t xux iUUUU a wmcu to build fine structures and furnish some of Custer's men had dug. It was n. school-room. About getting employ ment in private families there is but one difficulty. The confidence of our fami lies has been so often abused that they are demoralized, and have settled down to believe there is nothing reliable but a Chinaman, and he cannot be depended upon about the time of the Chinese new Dear old Madge. That was enough; her elbow somehow found its way then to the arm of his great chair, and she sat quietly looking at the fire. After awhile John spoke again: " Madge j dear, do you remember the old days when we used to sit side by side in your mother's kitchen?" " Yes." " I was a younger man then, Madge, and as they told me, handsome ; now I am growing Older, plainer, duller. Then you you loved me ; do you love me still?" She looked up in his face, and her eyes answered him. It was like going back to the old days to feel ' his arm around her as her head lay on his shoul der, and to hear once again the kind words meant for her ears alone. She never once nsked if this would make him "vain." She know, as if by instinct, that it was making him a wiser, a more- thoughtful, more earnest-hearted man. I And when, after a happy silence, he took down the big Bible, and read a chapte, as he had been wont to read to her mother in former times, she bowed her head and prayed. Yes, prayed for strength to fulfill every duty in the future, for blessings on her husband evermore. She prayed and not in vain. three feet wide, eight feet long and eight feet deep. Two men jumped into it and shoveled out some dirt and found fifteen cents' worth of gold the first panful washed. The men then surrounded the hole, took off their hats and gave three rousing cheers for Custer. About twenty five prospect holes were sunk, and in every instance there was good color from grass roots to bed-rock. The distance they had to carry the frozen earth to thaw it out before washing necessarily made prospecting very slow, but in the short time intervening between the fin ishing of the stockades and the depar ture of Messrs. Gordon and Witcher they had obtained about $15 worth of float and shot gold, which we saw on exhibition in Sioux City. They have likewise discovered some rich gold and silver bearing quartz lodes, which old miners believe to be as rich as any in the country. between midnight and two, oclocr, an immense swell agitates the nver. its waters fairly seem to boiL Thousands ot turtles come clumsily tumbling out of the river and spread themselves over the shore. The Conibos, squatting, or kneeling feeder their leafy sheds, and profound silence, await the moment for action. Tho turtles, who separate themselves into detachments on leaving the water, dig rapidly with their fore feet a trench often two hundred yards long, and always four feet broad by two deep. They apply themselves to their work with such zeal that the sand flies about them and envelops them as in a fog. As soon as they are satisfied that their trench is large enough they j telegraphically ton, and Pembina and Duluth, with as much certainty and accuracy as could be obtained from places within the range of unaided vision. - The sub-offices are officially known as "stations," and are divided into two classes, viz. : Stations of observation and report, and stations of observation, re port, and distribution. Bach class is equally valuable and indispensable, and bears the relation to each other and to tho chief office, in Washington, that the veins and arteries do to the heart. All stations are known by numbers, whether located in the United States or British America, and in transmitting reports year. The difficulty lies in the fact that deposit in it their soft-shelled eggs to the several of stations are there are more of those brutes here call ed men than there are of those angels called women, and the men have a way of coaxing which generally, in about four weeks, transforms an Eastern girl who came here with the best intentions to work faithfully, lay up a great deal of money, and go back and support her mother into a wife, with her time di vided between presiding over her own home and hunting around town for a Chinaman to do her housework. If this the number of from forty to seventy. and with their hind feet quickly fill up the trench. In this contest of paddling feet more than one turtle, tumbled over by bis companions, rolls into the trench and is buried alive. Half an hour is enough for the accomplishment of this task. The turtles them make a dis orderly rush for the river. Now the moment has arrived for which the Coni bos have anxiously waited. At a given signal the whole band suddenly rise from over "circuits the names understood by figures. Seven regular observations are made divided into thirteen rings. This grub, or, more properly, larva, devours the surroundings- -that is, the decaying vegetable matterand consumes any filth which accumulates around the premises. The grubs grow rapidly in their luxurious surroundings, and are, when fully grown, nearly or quite three quarters of an inch long and abdut an eighth in diameter. In a few days more they assume what is termed the pupa state, becoming shorter and thicker, the outer skin assuming a brown color, and becoming quite tough. In this state the insect neither eats nor has the power of locomotion; but it does not remain long in this condition, and if it is examined by holding it up to the light, the fly can be distinctly seen within. To see a fly born is an interesting spectacle. Tho best method to observe this event in the last suggestion is of any interest to you, thf lurking-places and dash off in pur- rule, the predictions are verified, you may depend upon the miners living 8ult OI tne anrp&iDia, not to cut on tneir the signal service thus War do living daily, viz.: Three to be reported by hie of our great and ever-present domes telegraph, three for local use, and a tio friend is to gather a few of the pupai special noonday observation, telegraphed and put them in a small, clear vim!, wliich must1 be placed where it can be fre quently seen, for a dozen fli may appear in a few seconds. In emerging from the pupal case, the fly separates a circular piece from the end, leaving it attached at one aide, thereby forming, as it were, a hinge to the door, which is pushed open, and the fly crawls out full grown and perfect. The wings to aanington only in tne event ox a sudden rise or fall of the barometer. The " synopsis ' briefly recounts all that j has occurred during the preceding day, while the Probabilities announce the meteoric condition to be expected for Uio ensuing twenty-lour nours. As a but) not Mr. Witcher says that his companions here know ajvanco tliat anY retreat for they would themselves be claim to be infallible; they simply fore- may be a little lax at first, but they soon T 1-1. - i. AT 1- i -l XT i I J J i . 1 i ..iii -.i I.. . .... . ....I . 1 m I - 1 J . feel that they have struck their fortunes, The return of the two gentlemen was for the purpose of obtaining reinforce ments. They left the little colony quite well. Snow in the park and on the hills is about six inches deep, but on the plains below two feet deep. The cattle and horses have thriven well, the grass under the snow being perfectly cured and very nutritious. They do not liave to feed their stock anything else. Game is found in great abundance, and there is plenty of good timber and water. ' . Etiquette in iVatthitiffton. The hardest thing for a daughter of society visiting in Washington to learn, says a letter writer, is said to be that social rules here are as antipodal to fash ion's fiats in other parts of the country as tnougn tins were a city in Uoclun China. Ladies come for a few days, and almost crack their stays with spleen at learning they must go around and do all the initiatory calling. " She knows I am here, and she ought to call first," said a Chicago society lady stopping briefly at the Arlington House. It was the wife of a Western Congressman to whom she was referring, and all the ex planation in the world could not con vince the fair sojourner that she must start out, find the Hon. Mrs. Blank, and make the first courtesy. Why this should be etiquette is more than I will agree to tell, any more than why it shouldn't be etiquette everywhere else. I am only doing all possible to save feminine heart burning by telling the dimity dears what they must expect. When you come to Washington, be prepared to hunt out your society friends in person, or do not tear your chignons in anguish at finding yourself neglected. A Prison Botnanee. They had a little romance at Sing Sing prison. Abont noon a pretty young woman, with an infant in her arms, was driven up to the prison and asked to see one James Dolan, a con vict, who was to give his name to her child and to herself the title of a wife. He was a rough, uncouth-looking fel low, but the little woman loved him dearer than all the world, she said, and so the chaplain of the prison married them, and, after a few brief words of parting, the newly-made wife went out into the sunshine and the convict trudged gloomily back to his task. How much of romance there is in this worka day world of ours. Cure for Diphtheria. The Hamilton Spectator (South Aus tralia) publishes details of the " Great head " cure for diphtheria." This Idis ease is declared by Mr. Greathead to be of hydrated growth, and that the germs of it floating about in certain impure atmospheres are inhaled by human be ings. For a grown person four drops of sulphuric acid diluted in three-quarters of a tumbler of water; with a smaller, dose for children. The effect of this treatment was said to be instantaneous ; the acid at once destroying the parasites and the patient coughing up the obstruc tions. The papers have teemed with the accounts of sufferers who had recovered in a few minutes by adopting the "Great head" treatment. Children, almost pre viously, in a dying state, were declared to be playing about within ten minutes, and at a moderate computation some forty or fifty of these sudden recoveries have been placed on record with full particulars. A Sunny Temper, What a 'blessing to a household is a merry, cheerful woman one whose spirits are not affected by wet days, or little disappointments, or whose milk of human kindness does not sour in the sunshine of prosperity. Such a woman in the darkest hours brightens the house like a little piece of sunshiny weather. The magnetism of her smiles and electri cal brightness of her looks and move ments infect every one. The children go to school with a sense of something great to be achieved; her husband goes into the world in a conqueror's spirit. No matter how people annoy and worry him all day, far off her presence shines, and he whispers to himself, " At home I shall find rest." So day by day she literally renews his strength and energy, ! and if you know a man with a beaming lace, a Kind neart, and a prosperous business, in nine cases out of ten you will find he has a wife of this kind. one oi tnem nas more reverence lor an appreciation of a worthy woman than a thousand of the youths of Vermont, who, being brought up among so many women, never realize that they really are angels in disguise. A Model Juror. A juror in Erie, Pa., who was unable to follow the evidence sufficiently closely to satisfy his own mind, last week sought out the defendant in the case, and got from him all the facts he deemed neces sary. The result is thus set forth by the Erie Dispatch : When the Lehman vs. Hlig jury re tired, upon the first vote cast, eleven were in favor of a verdict for the plain tiff, and one for defendant. This one is a farmer, passing the prime of life, a conscientious, dignified personage, a pattern of probity and simplicity, who wouldn't on any consideration have his verdict influenced by improper mo tives. After some persuasion' "he yield ed to the very strong majority against him, not because he thought them ex actly right, but because the majority was so overwhelming. After the verdict had leen rendered he expressed his position in this manner: During the trial he had suffered considerably from rheumatism and neuralgia, and the pain had attracted so much more of his attention than had the evidence, that he was not very clear what the testimony had been, and so, to enlighten himself upon it having a passing acquaintance with the defendant in that suit he sought him out on the evening preceding the morning when the jury retired for consultation, got from the said defendant a full explanation of his theory in the case, coincided heartily in his views, and after an hour or so of conversation with him in relation to it, went to bed fully convinced that the suit should never have been brought, and that the defendant was entitled to a ver dict, which impression he .carried unim paired to the jury room. trampled under foot by the resistless I shadow, from what is known to exist, the squadrons but to rush upon their flanks, I character of the weather which will nat- seize them by their tails, and throw them I urally follow. over on their backs. Before the turtles have disappeared, a thousand prisoners often remain in the hands of the assailants. With the appearance of daylight the The instruments used and consulted are: The barometer, standard ther mometer (mercurial), hygrometer, ane- dry, and our house-fly is ready to per form his or her allotted labors in this busy world. Now we wish the reader to observe particularly that flies are born of full size, and just as large as they ever will be; in other words, flies do not mometer (electro self-registering), ane- J grow as flies, but enlargement or growth moscopc, rain-gauge, and maximum, I occurs in previous stages, and not in th massacre begins; under tho axes of the minimum (spirit), and water thermonv perfect or winged state. Small flies aro indigenes the shells of the amphibia fly to splinters; their smoking intestines are torn out and handed to the women, who separate from them a fine yellow fat, superior in delicacy to the fat of the goose; and the disemboweled corpses are left to the vultures. Before com mencing the butchery, however, the Conibos select two or three hundred turtles for their own subsistence and for traffic with the missions. Of these they cut the sinews of the feet, tie them together in pairs, tumble them into trenches, and cover them up with rushes, to prevent the sun from baking them to death. After melting, skimming, and depositing in jars the grease from the dead turtles, the natives turn their at tention to the eggs of the turtles which, as well as the grease and flesh, is an arti cle of commerce with the missions. What Can You Dot This is the question for every young man to answer; and it is to be hoped all who read this will be able to answer as well as the gallant young officer of which the following is told: Since the marriage of Lieut. Fitch and Minnie Sherman we have been let into eters; in addition to which the several atmospheric phenomena must be care fully noted, as, for instance, name, amount, and direction (moving from) of upper and lower clouds; state or the weather, amount of rain-fall, snow, sleet, or hail in inches of water; all electrical phenomena, halos, parhelia, ana mirage. wnen auroras occur, every phase of the display matt be minutely and accurately recorded, in cluding their duration, altitude, and azimuth. On lake and coast stations "cautionary signals,' or storm warn ings, are displayed when danger to shipping is apprehended. When obser vations are reported by telegraph, the signal service cipher is always employed. The Atmomphere and Earthquake. During the terrible typhoon which occurred at Hong Kong in September last it was observed that the clock upon the clock tower at Peddar's wharf stop ped shortly after two, and it is stated upon good authority that five or six other pendulum clocks stopped at the same Hour, itow, mis was exactly tne time when the most violent throe of wind that was experienced throughout the cn a distinct species iroxa ins large on-, and always remain small. Millions of the latter pass through the winter in a perfect state, hiding in warm kitchens, cellars, and similarfavorable situations. The eggs laid in the fall remain cither as deposited or in the larval ttata until spring. Sabbath Day Law. In 1016 they made a law in Massachu setts, that if any one "contemptuously behaved towards ye word preached, or ye messengers thereof. For 'ye flmt scan dale, to be convented and reproved openly by ye magistrate at some lc- ture, and bound to good behavior; and if a second time they break forth into ye . like contemptible carriage, either to pay , 5 into ye publick treasury, or to stand ' two hours openly upon a block four feet high, on a Jscture day, with a pap r affixed on their heart, with this, A Wan ton Gospeller, written in capital letters; yet others may fear and be ashamed of breaking out into ye like wickednes." In 1677 the general court ordered that " a cage be set up in the market place of Boston and in such other town as the county courts shall appoint, wherein OJ m m a a . . the secrets of the courtship a little. i The 1" : 7 . Tl" T P. remm uu examined ana voun man waa not over samruine When - r-; ".T finished, any one breaking the young lady referred him to her pa; . and he approached the awful presence hehtf anock of earthquake probably feeling uncertain whether he would sue- pointing to the conclusion that ceed, or be tried by court-martiaL th .tmn.nvn rf;tnrb.n indn However, he managed to ask for what he pbjBiaj urbance in the crust of the wanted and stood waiting for the yer- poibility of the existence diet. The general heard him, and then nf . itinn h mrtml at All in Secret. Nothing was known of the amendment to the new. United secretly States postal law until it passed, and the editor of the official postal paper was Hours passed before John Harley re- not sure of its passage until a week after turned home. He was a man of good it had become a law. The express corn abilities, and well-to-do in the world ; panies whose business was injured by the and having married .Madge because he law succeeded in getting the bill through truly loved her, he had expected to have I secretly, and before the people knew a happy homo. But partly because he what was being done the bill was a law WMrsmved and sensitive, and partly I and in f oro Smart Indians. Several of the Modoc Indians attended the Baptist church at Lexington, Ky., the other day. A gang of boys were seated before them, who turned to stare at them, and continued the staring pro cess until it became unendurable. One of the Tp'"i took the boy's head gently An Ingenious Operator. The Zanesville Courier tells how a railroad telegraph operator contrives to get bimaplf waked when a train passes': When he gets ready to take's snooze he takes a stout piece of twine, stretches it across the track, one end tied to a tree and the other to a coal bucket filled with car links, coupling pins, old oyster cans and such other xn3tallic substances as come handy. The bucket is nicely ad justed on top of a stool or bench, so that a slight jerk on the string will pull it off, and then the railroad employee stretches himself out contentedly to await the com ing of a train. He receives the first in timation that his' services are needed by a crash that would almost startle a dead man, gets up, notifies the other offices that such a train has 'passed " O. K.,' fixes up his machine, and then relapses into the arms of morpheus to await the next call, and thus he stands guard all ... . . night. In the morning the machine is taken to pieces, distributed about the turned upon him abruptly with the question: "What can you do?" " Do ! Why, I can build an engine, put it up and run it. Give me your hand. You are the boy for me. Now go and ask Min what she thinks about it." That is the way the general got rid of that application. It is almost too late in the day to speculate as to what Min thought about it. So Far. How near and yet how far! The Columbia (Term.) Herald relates the story of two brothers who were in that city one day recently. It says: Cap tain Hubbard, of this county, was in the Confederate army. He had a brother, from Misiouri, a captain in the Federal army. They separated fifteen years sgp, and fought on opposite aides in the late They accidentally met here on the length by Professor Lyell in his " Princi ples, where he states that tho inhabi tants of the Stromboli are said to make use of the island ' as a weather-glass, its volcanic disturbances "increasing the Sab bath. For the prevention of the pro fanation of the Sabbath, and disordr on Saturday nights, "by horses and carts passing late out of ye town of Bo ton, it .was ordered that there should be a ward, " from sunset, on Saturday, until nine of the clock after, and no cart was to pass out of the town af Ur sunset, nor any footman or horseman, without good account of the necessity of his business. Officers called tythingmen enforced the observance of the Sabbath. Tm law ravmiUI O.fei. AM M. mAtT (it during tempeMuoua e-iher,"ao that "the .aUck of two foots long, tir t at one end with island seems to shake from its founda tion. He considers that extreme changes in the atmospheric pressure ex erted upon a vast superficial area might well be deemed to influence the confined gases and liquids interposed between the successive layers of strata. That earth quakes are the result of movements amongst these gases and liquids there seems little reason to doubt. Caught. A young man living near Spring Sta tion, Ind., was cutting down a tree re cently, when it fell unexpectedly, split ting up the middle a short distance. His right hand happened to get into the brass, about three inches. This staff soon came to have a feather stuck into one end, with which to tickle the noses of drowsy sinners, while the end tipt with brass enforced order on the pates of unruly boys. In this manner was the congregation kepi attentive during the sermon, which generally lasted about an hour and a half, measured by an hour glass standing on the plate. in his hand and turned it toward the minister, giving a significant gesture to f nobody i the wiser, the other boys at the same time. : It was enough, the boys listened to the pxeachsr It is a serious business to be 'funny; and left off the staring operations. , Vat it Is not vary funny to be Mriouss public square, and were within a few feet of each other, but neither recognized ! the other, and so they separated again without speaking. r hung on the imprisoned member. His cries fortunately brought friends to the ' Three witnesses in Lawrenoebuxg. spot, without whose assistance ha wouia Ind., didn't know what year this is, and probably havs died U pain and ahaos-1 ther wars not allows to tssUr. I turn Wax Ur. " Wake up judge, wake up; there's a burglar ia the house," said a lady to her husband, the other night. The judgs rolled out of bed. split, which ot a sudden closed itself, at grasped his revolver, and opened the the same moment his feet slipped on the joor to sally forth for the robber. Then grass, and the whole weight of his body turning to his wife he said: " Come, Sarah, and lead the way. Its an awful mean man that will hurt a woman. Dentist ballad Oh, tht jsws wa fstl r rho tail 1!

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