Franklin Coiirler GEORGE S. liAKEU. -Editor axd pRoriuEToir. . All letters aJdfCNcJ to Geo. S. TJakku, Friday!... Ai-iml, 9. 1875. Good Navr .Faroi Cvxxtic-lt The Democrat have, earrkil t' e State by three or four ihousan I majori ty. Democrntie tiigrcssuicii elected in the find, second and fourth district. Inacrsoll elected Governor. Xovr let Gen. Grant dicj.ort him J self. Let him sdntilon that third-term nonsense. "L-'i Mm comvnit notonly 'thai particular treteiiei, lutWe'ch ers in general,' to the cust-dy of the sensation press, llv U rich, middle aged and eelbr.'Md. Cong ejs has adjourned. Th? .'"family w provided for Let. Lira Uoy'wi to jure the verb yo out-to go out; going-out. eono-out. "I go out," is trie iiumxI, tonsM. gender and number for him, over Ins spring julep and his midday cigar, Gist, last and all the time; Between this innd the 5th of March "77, be can make himself personally a popular favorite, rctirir.g with a patriotic address and a national sal uiQ. -Courier Juvvul. For t lie I?op!.o- The T.assage of tho Convention Hill reudeM it necessary that htalljngaiu measure steel with our t ohticnl oppo nenta this summer. Ire would have been pleased if the Convention cam paign wAild have ben coiidui-ti-d with out regard to party line s. It would have afforded us pleasure to have joined in with men of both politicul parties in tho selection or the ucegatcs wd ehall revise aiid adopt the Constitution our State to the want of tho people ThU state of thinga would have been in the highest degree felicitous to us, and we believe Unit it would have been hailed by the great Lody of tlic Demo cratic partv asn harbinger of a let iirn to the good, honest and prospered times enjoyed by the people of tins Common wealth, under the old native North Carolina Constitution. But from what weeau gather, from the ltadkal Tress, and the exponents of the party in their speeches, we are satisfied that they will resist with all their power the attempt of the people, of iVorth Carolina, to di vest themselves of the alien Constitu-. lion, under the workings ofwhuhall the industries of tic State have been languishing for the past seven years. This being the case, we accept the issue. And the Democratic pnrty.assumes with , l oldne s and a idor,and pride, the work of ichabitation of bur good old State to her forme? days of simplicity, and honesty, whon we had prosperity and happiness iri the land. Tho Democratic party has so far done all that has been done to evict the alien cormcorants, and rntivc thieves from the places of rower in North Caro lina. Not wnce the Radical Legislature of 1 8GW.70, 1 as the Capital build ing been infested wi'h a corrupt swarm of bribe givers and b.nbe takers, who emitted a stench tl at aluiost suffoca ted honestly im lined people. The Temple Consecrated to law ai.d liberty had been literally mad$ a du oftlne es. Our j arty turned these .Robbers out of the house, and now it proposes to rem . tstatc the old family code of gvernmint that was" so ruthlessly thrn tout bv tliesc 'Tncn and trample! under fnt. and scorned as an unholy thimr. ! hev propose to ci tallidi wich a government as liberty will flourish under They propose to maugnra'e a system of government under which- our whole people,' white, black, rkhand poor alike can prosper and live happy v.n h r. To this end our tteoplo bhould be thoroughly informed of, and aroused as to the true condi' ion of thiusr. Thev only need to be informcdthat a chanec of bur Constitution is ne-ess;iiy in order to do away with many of the new faJig led measures oontuiued in this instru mcrts to arouse them to their duty. - Let them understand that this odious and meddlesome township sysni Tnust ; Mcp . 8ido tor the old eeutral ' county Uovcrument. and the old. Captain s dis tricts, with tho justiee i f the Pea; to in airy the young mcu a id young wome and to be a geueral coiwervator of peace lu tho neighborhood; h.t them know that we will pay only three men to ndjudieate causes on the Supreme Court Uencu ; that e will cut down the num bcr of district Judges to a rcaf onab!e number; let them understand tliat a pvstcm of Courts will be provided for that will, bring the com nissum ofeviuie and tho puuishment therefor uneoui- lonitoiy near togetner tor th pcrpatra j tors Uiereof; let theui kivw that all useless officers ore to be dispoasod.with; let them know that all offiw-holJers will w lu , a bU aeeoumuoimy nr. r ZZ rt y " . J r"WM ltiriii. mini 1 11 nr n n rn ri a- Carolina bbrdersVi and from the. Siim! l.illa on the Atlantic to the uiouutaii:8 " nnu vale3 of the Tennessee line, as nc wan with a trem mdous shout for 1 ihc. t y anu iiuiicsv coveriuueiiu ino .n asses v of the people ar nlv a;s honest; and controlled iby a .-iicih spirit of inihlie Airtue. , Nov U tlia , time to call for,tli : .;theo grand oaditi. of the yeomanry . oi siorux utrouna, who nave b;en lirmj - u:ider tha heelcaud ojpressiou of tyran nj, while thetr. 'Puhslancc liave been stolen from them , by the th civet. , The tyrants and theives have been evicted. .Let us now. proceed with great state - u out to the doK the works of those who derised our dcr radation and ruin? but .-which they were impotent to aceonipUali. 5 i-4 ".We republish by rrqncst the Usury Bill, a? pasted by the IiSt Sessiorjf Iv g:s!attre. The folio jving is the bu'. Sjxtios 1. The General Assembly of North Crohna do euacV Tbat the le gal rate of interest sha'l be six per cent, per annnrr, or lor encb time a interest ma7 arcra'', and do mor ; Provided. hw v- Tha u on epci 1 c ntract in vnit1frprrnedHy--tHe-pM-ty to - le - 4 - ebrperl- derewitbir'r.hia went, so crent a ra'e as eiiiht oer cent may be at owed.3 ... . . 8-c. 2. Tha n feron, banking icstitntiop, corporation, or company, upon any contraet ahall directly or in- diree'ly take for loans of any monfy, war s, merchamdee, real estate, or commodities whatever; abov the ya'ue of six dol'a's or eight doiUre as proyi ded in section first of this act, by way rf discount or interest for the forbear ance of one hundred dollars for one year, and so after the Irate as above specified for a greater or le3s, sum, or j f r a longer or shorter tim' . All binds , contracts, and assurances whatsoever, for the payment , of - any principal r money to be lent, or coyenauted to I e pe forem'V upon or! cr any usury. wheieupon or wlureby there r ahal .be' reg'-rved or taken a'-ove the rate of r t'x do lars on a Lund red as afotes 11 shall be yoid.a d ev rj p- n ori b it king insti- tion.or compjinjj Wh , bp m any cons tr ct, shi.ll ttke, accept and receive, by way :f any cpriupt J argaiD, loan or oth r , means', jviiatsoevc r for tbe lorbearwgnr giving, Tay of payment, a ra e ol intirut g:e ti r than, here in be fere specified, shall forfeit and lose for every 6uch oft nee, the double val-r ue ot the. moneys, wares, nv ichand se or real estdte so lent, bargained or tiv changed to any per sou wh . will eue for the same. . 1 1 Sec. 3 Tbat every : person, panking institu ion, corporation or c mpany, and all officir- ,vid agents of at-y banking lostifa ioe, c rp ration or , c mpany, who shall violate the provi, ions of hia c , shill be gui ty of a middeme&nor, aul, on conviction in the Snpt rior Court, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more tv an one thousand dollars. i 1 -; Sic. 4. That tie provisions of this act eh all not be tonstroed to ' app'y to any ix s'yig contmet mecL'ln Conform ity with law, nor tto invalidate any remedy or tigh snow exercised by any Baiding and L 8n Association for the redemption oi the r own irto k. So. r. That j II laws or clausis o' Uws in cocflict with thii acr are hertby repeahd. - Sec C. Uhat this act shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and af ter its ratification. Ratified on the 22jd day of March, 1875. A Fmall Hei.l in the West 1n- diks. A man named Merrill from Troy, N. Y.,ha3 leen prowling around the ls-hnd of Dominica, in tne West Indiis, and has discovered tomething which very nearly resembles the Bible defer' ption of bell. I ;s a bottomless lake f red-hot water, boiling avagcly, half a mile wide and twi miles in cir cumferencc. In the center the seeth ing mass shoots lar into the air, and the arid, desolate shore is laved by s'ram. Ibe wattr. is beavilr charffed with sulphur. Merritt is the only Amer.can who has visited the horrible piace. An JStiigusn company is going ' -MB o ty to manufactufa sulpnur at the burniug ak-. -A- JiUt ol""leatli. Terror of this Geoboia. Tornado 1 11B W.iSUKK OF THK WlND iNa- Vc-XTs WlTO zUTPARALLFL. i-., 3 V (. , i -. .' Onr Georgia exchanges bringi addw tioual details of the terr.fic tornado t of Saturday last. We extract aomo of the most striking incideuta : Mr. CrtDnon, of Ilurris Coaoty, lost five children and bk wife, and tWo other children were badlv hurt. Ha was not at hia house at the time, bat knowing that IU family wag m dan ger he was straggling to g -t to tbem -h n he met the bodies ot two of hi little daughter being carried along -b. the cyclone- In, Talbot county Mrs. Culpe,. r loutd h r bu&b.4n.l . crushed und r ' a c 1-1 tv r K 1, W. n n4 . ' 1 " ii cniuuiuiu Bu;ui 1 sne littea tne immense r puce not uuib?r from his body only to finl him ciadi ca to tieai b. no two rom in " the coii r try c o'd lift the piece of timber nndtr ordinrry r circumstanc?. M' Clement-, when he saw the Ytorm corns i;u, gather d Mi t.mily together in a .corner ot one loom of his house and btgan to pray. Ilia hous- was lifted off . and utterly ruined, 4. but no one f h 'a family was hmUt' , I u ; liild win ; county , the broad apex - iiti ttt. fuoieNf. rtd.1denuB of the i . i . the rate of more than a hui dred miles -i'U hour, and the nil row base which to e I he irtl 1 Si up iic-tr. e ' eveJhit g in ls pa h . T bin? onae gothic cottage nceatL i c ,mm j Sh, dwin Lane was u t. rly d m "-: tflu-d inl tt.o(fu away. ".A shinj'e a d iven icharp end ,'onm fevenil inches into the body of a smill oak tree i? bappnext to strike directly. A d'fe" Us negro woman waa found lodged in the f-rnnchi s of a lofty tree not exactly ii the buricare'a path, and a child ol the same race was bvown avay anl has not been found at alC Dick Gonder' j w8 Wld by having tha upper halt his head cut off nn othly by 'a ph of driven with the ind, and tbe nrss'ng p Sbf hi bead has not been foun-. ? In Hancock? county " Mr. Masy made a fraatrc eflort to save his?wife aod chil f. He ran into the Vtfe and re'zing I hem attempted to set them out of doorr, t ut lfote he reached the door the wal's were rrcsied in. He tbru-t them towar l the dor and was himself caugh; ia . t ho timber. Whn the storm bad passed he discovered his wife Win r ent hint with her "brains cr8'e4iuIlis - xhil.sjLjnrJy line,. C7 ... about- two years jo'd, h$ (ound in tie garden with a fearful hole, torn in its a de. It wai dea. M s S Hie Beny had: been vlova into the top of a j pine tree, whhh had fallen near bj.. Her legs were broken in 8ev ml p'aces acd she wfsotbrw:ae awfal'y man'ed. She lived four hourT ' ; ' ' 'in Glascock county the loss of l.fe t-hd property was immense. It is re ported that thirty-five 'p-rsons wen killed. Mo'nnt Z:on T. Chun h, t .ur n i'es below Gibso-, was struck by tbe tornado about 1 o'clok, and o ally demolished. Sunday while Dr. Burtcn was preaching at Zhm Church, he re cti ved a m ssage from J, D. Usry, seven miles below Gibson, asking for btlp, as sixty persons had been killed and wonnded in that vicinity. . When tho tornado swept over Wan cn county Saturday evening the' of the Baptist congregation were hold ing their usual Saturday afternoon srr vicei at ElarafChurc , a sho:t distance from Camak.' Tbe" storm struck tbe build;g before the people could , pr ceive their danger and leve'e t it to tbe earth. Three persons were f und dead among the ruins, and many made nar row t (capes from , death. . A .great many were injured by the falling tim bers, i . : ' ' , . The list of dead foots cp 103 and of wounded 133, as lar as receiveed. We have already given a; description of this feartul clou f, but the tcllowiug graphic picture is full of interes: - Those who ' viewed It from the south describe it as being densely ' black while all who viewed it from the oppo site direction agree in dtscrihing it. as being luminous as flame. It was fun nel shpef', with the p int resting up on the ground, and it3 broad top . melt ing; in, the dietance where t the ey could not reach It . moved with a lumbering-sound, as ' if - Ihouean la of puces of artilrry were pouring an . in cessant cannonade upon the earth.' O .e gentfeman says if : every cannon n the world had 'been fired simultaneously anel incessantly, the ro .r could not have equaled that ot the wind,,t- Never . was such a tornado felt': in Georgia. The front cloud -was pitch black, halt a mile high, and half.a mile: wide. It . was" barrel shfpe at time?, and at times it took the form t a halt moon, revolving from north to eonth. The rer was illuminated with a lurid, phosphorescent, but wholly unnatural ligV. It trave!ed at the rU of seventy miles per hour. It was fl inked on the north and south sides. by dense clouds, but Stood out in bold relief aloi.e. It demolishcd'eacii plan tation in twenty , seconds. It was ac companied by a soui.d as o' live hun dred Cannon iu the decishe mo of pitihed battle. . Not a dr. p of run itll from it, but a great rair;B orm c me up three boors afterward, and deluded t! e earth, accompanied by :hai', wind, thunder and lightning. The Portsmouth Entekjtrise, in speaking of GenRansoms speech, in answer to tne infamous accusation of Senator Logan of Iliinoip, 44that the people of Virginia were mdiff rent to the Constitution," says : 'had om of Virginia's orators ol the past come forth from the grave, he could not h-v .answertd the charge moretfectu ally than did this son of the tid North State" , We make the . following ex tract from the Senator's speech, thank ing him forHtlie brave and eloquent words in which iie defended Virginia, and repelled the 6landeroirs ' charge 'of hert Radical ass lilint: ' Virginia indifferent to the constitution, while abe holds in her bosom the ashes and cheiishes in her heart the memories ot Madison and Marshall I th mother o- Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Tyler; Taylor, Sco't, Mauy, Thomas, the tlume for a jat, tbe subject .of-, a. taunt! Wnen the Senator- or mj self or thou ands like D3 shall have achieved tor liberty and glory a fchidow ot what Virginia hasi then a jeer or flar upon hfr great name may have some grace. Ifa3 the Senator forgotten how much this nation owes to Virginia? He mu t for -the moment have forgotten, that she had given to the . Union the States of Kentucky, Obi , Indiana, and Iliino s. . , , , f Had the Senator rtfl cted that ' his own State waa one of the monnments of Virgioii patriotism thes words could never hara fallen from his lips. Nor s'r, are these a tithe ol fcer coattibu tiona 1 1 the republic. She has borne a ven Pr aident?, who, at the head ot the goverjmen", have , illustrated her dsvodoo ia liberty, K She haa nurtured on heireast the , soldiers who" have covered your arms ; with renown, ' - the sdlors who hare brightened your flag with honor, the scholars' who have ea 'tendetl the conquest1 of science from the bottom of the sea to the Terge --oi the stars, ,ner trophies, her memories, her great name?, her priceless rirtaes are before the w rtd; thy , are the brightest je w tis of the republic, they the noblest heritages of humanity. ' pray tbeliy may never iojne when the grVat spirit at Hount Vernon shall nk n t -f roie'et V r trorn Instil t and aTtrt he fn m error. Her proud sorr- wa are scblim , an-f lik h-f glo ies-pwill be immortal. iWben she beathedy-her gr.tM idI returned V th-.i I'nion her coast met t h r ntionl da:iea and her loyly to"htT"i-ier""Stafe8 were renewfrd with all tbe r -riinl vigor aud truth. Br cate tor tbe Onstitn- tion and h r dev tion to the rights ol man have rever -dumber-". Gre-1 Statt! Whatever is grand an.l patrio- o 'C nrd et lent should t compared - . - . - . to t ti Wlun th v n nae de not insyi e the respect, excite the' almirition and k ndl- the' affections d 'Amer'- an pa trVt, ti e love of liberty and of coun y will be expiring in our heatts.' . "., Foil THE COLIJIEa. I'm alon, I'm alone; ." The wo'ld's all a doer t, thore'tJ none but uie one, - ';-, For everand ever as time drags along; I'm aloheis my song." ' In my once happy home, I'm alone, not a sound, not a shadow or form, . Of tie loving or loved comes to lighten , , tho gloom. : I'm ulono in my home. So lonely, so lonely, An this mad busy -world I've none bu : ' one oidy, " - All. have fled, though I've loved tbeui ' so fvindiv, ; Aud le.t me so lonely. 41one, lone one ! -j! Not the last leaf of Summer's so lorn . and so lone, ; Not Nouh's poor dove o'er the wide 'waters borne, ' Not a twig for its moani ' Was. ever so, mv heart with it a' teudrili from A . even til morn,'.ehiii out forMMiio loved one. aud oh ! f-o forloi n, ' oo June, nuuin!x none. S, t : ' All alo- e. all alone ! Let mo mourn : only teach me to ?ad , ,, den my ton-, Lonely" mc ! only ino ! cir.e th ic day "I wai b.m, ; To be L-ft thus alone. L ftahme! left alou, Ovctboinn with alone, and alne over borne. My hqa:t with the ghosts of irSNwaiits - overtorn, v - All alone. left abne ! H A li N i!. tt S SADD .EP.Y E3TA3LISH- BIENT. o I ' v jt opened a lir-fte a" ft -d;lie hop in L U'l-ur , J shall keep hIwhv- on Iih l n en -I tock .t coit e m de I euip oy go d and xienVic d woik- X erJ in. , to 1 wHrr.viit nil the woik put up 'y op ; a i km 1 f r'pniri'g lu my I ie doi e ou bhort 1.0 i c nnu ou very r-Hs-ouab e 1. ro. Mi S .'U is over Mr. T. '. urlili' Sior m M-in otreel. CST I solicit thr p op.ti . t; Friii' k I patrouage ot the Y. B. CLIF70N -O PHOTOGRAPHIC Gallery. At my Gallery over Mr.- T, X. Car- 'ili 'a Store c Ie lountl ni nil times, fnnl, -qnve Hii'l tusrir "ram a. I am ds- pieparcd to tnke Gem tvpes. Card and aize'Photogrnpha. When von wint a fijood picture of yourself and fanvlr, call at mr Gallery. ' Very itesp ctiuUy, Y. B. CLIFTON. PIANOS ! Pl AN0S! ! August Doepp Manafacturer of PiaLO Forte, i)ecs to annourc. Mint he is nnpied wh new and secondhand Pitno, f b:ch h rff n at low prices; apoMmtins 'ty letter will reefire prompt atteniiop. I AM PREPARED, Hiien .;ly competett workmen to rndnnke the mot -extensive repairs of very decn- ion.1 tlJ ' R-frenc mae t the muflal rro- fi ssi-m in geneia', and to my large unm. ier. o: pa rrn. , . Jn y 17-12-m. Raleigh, N. C Whiielaw & Crowder, . Cor. pf Blodnt and Morgan s rce'.s, V- f Are Prepared to Furnish Marble Tombstones J Of all kinds Keutly Curved and Engraved. Also, all kinds of . -.-. -,- .- ' - . . . ' . r .i-.i :i ' Sncb as .' r Pust, Step, 8ills, WaterTablen. Street uraTc yara twurostoQe, , t f 'All orders from the country or city -ammnt ttMil-t l. a. r -vv Wf) ,.t . . . UK iIJ HEADQUARTERS. Barrow &: Pleasants, VuoLK&..i.VJb Retail Gnociors 1 f AND .i Commission Merchants. LouisBURr., x. a WE take tlii mctbotl of infonnin the p-opl- ff Frank in and adjoin ing- omit iH that we hilt tid. after tbe tirst of January. t87-, to conduct tlie i WHOLKSALK& RETAIL Otocery- antl--onmii'Uih -busio'--io all Its various br uches. paving innde all neeeMsary arraiirements with Man- ufaetsirera lllers aud Pork Tackera and bavins: made ' SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS with the Pail Roads and Trarispotation '.ompa Ie.. thereby Bee ring the very t"Wi-sr rossinLB fkiigqt, and havlu? ample means to . PAY CASH for all of our goods, we Inte-d to cll them much lower than they havj ever been sold lu thU market befoi-c To Merchants aud Farmers who desire to buy lu pac' age, iulessq'iantitiei' tbau a c-r load, we vi 1 guarantee to sell at "Northern Prices Freight added" We are now receiving the 'a'sr st lo of Flour ever offered for sale In this L.artet manufactured xpresly for our Hoiiiip, wbicti we re offering at greatly reduced prices. We warrant every barrel to be represented. We c ' 1 sHcial atte tion to the follow ing fl and wide i cannot c had any where elje. HARD TIMES, MADE EASY :,: AT M . Barrow & LMcasantS' Whol e s ale House. 200 RARRELS FLOUR 200 BARRELS FLOUR 200 BARRELS FLOUR 200 BA' RELS FU)U-t. $11 Ff OUR AT $3 00 $ 0 FLOUR AT i 7.50 f 9 Fl .OUR AT 50 IB FLOUR A G w T VFnY flMl'-h h fl ur wa lanu HCtuie ex T''ly f r tar WHOLES" LE TRADE nd nhiped lo u-'y the ai lond, l spt-cinl freilt a rir m nta. arl we will iruHi-tnt. e to sell it raueh bilowt'. e rank t p ic. KV-BT BlKB LWV BANTBD. 20 0OO !' UVD4 RACON 20 000 p UNO Bvro 2o0( IM'UND BVN" 20 COO TUU Db dAOO l AT VTirT.ElK AT v-IIO! KSIE A1 WHOLEAL AT wijni K.ALK a hi p d d-r c 'y 'r o-ir pHckinif Huv. I'triod xpr a y r ur AVIiolesalc Trade ahi'-ped ' y sn p I -nrrurg n mx'e wj li t e liiinr""H'ion C-'U.- ranie-, nd e irf off rin n p lfwet I osbt prior. D nt I tiv ltf ie ex 'mini- r our p"ic a we re g nrig tt at bo-t-i fiur- A 'u'l l'n- if nrocer:P kept c"""- atanMv u band, a 1 of r.b arc offered at Norib""n pricn Fr-ifht ab-d. BARROW & PLEANTS. Feb'y 1875. In addition to our stock of Floor we arc receiving many other good mak ing our ftock f r superio to any oc in the pl ce, and we desire oir fricds to know that we bought tbem to SKLL We shall keep cofstantly on hand a large supply of meat of 411 kind a d shall se'lat tbe 'owest lignres. I.ibe al advancements made 011 cotton placed iu our ha- da for sale or shipment. BALD MOUNTAIN ALL RIGHT. Th ia no rnj fir ririlpmpnt The burning no'iAe dtilji beard 14 can ed hy the Inrge q U4ntity of ttfjrirg movfl at Rakrow & Pleasants. Wh. l.:a!e Grocerv fcttre, nd tbe Great Excitement at their Retail Drv G od Store is cans d liy the great tush to get goods at ihc b'"' l" D,J GlKu'- BEr CALICOES. BEST CALICOES, . BEST CALICOES, BEST CALICOES, OXLY TEN CENTS. OSLY TEN CENTS ONLY TEN CENTS. ONLY TEN CENTS. Their Stock, is the largest ia L -cis burg. Laving arrived within the lat week, lu addilr, they areiflf.-ring TEN THOUSAND Dollars worth of all kinds of Dry Goods at gieady reduced p ice . Thy li4T tLe largest Stock ot Quods m LoaUburg, and ih-y intend to sell them to make room "lor nbers to arrive. Dou't buy any where, until our Stock aud ptics hare Uea examined. . t Xouitburg N. C. Bo VOU take lorj": Professional Cards. s FRAMvLiN HiDRlBR It is a 28 col mini paper, devo ted to the inter est of Franklin County and the IPenio cratic Par ty. It only cost $2.00 per year. IT FURNISHES YOU TWELVE MONTHS .B0mT 900 C0LUMHS OF READING MATTER,' AND THIS FOR $2,00. It is a good A1D) - VBETISING Medium, as it ch'culates in Wake, Granville Nash, Wilsonj HalilaXjWarren, and Jo3i n st oh Counties and is read in nearly every family in Franldin. Katc for Advertising very moderate. Saad us 0 and get a EmSE C&iLSS B'Be? tax a WIiqIc yew. . , Wfi "WnTIT. PtV&Trr mnn J in r ran Kiin uonnxyxo SUBSCRIBE for it and stop reading his neighbors paper. PRICE only 2,00 perannnm. ; JOB 'WOEEL We are now prepared to do job work. ; Let us have your orders, they sliall be fuled- with -, . ... neatness and dis patch. u ;; Geo. S. Baker, EditOr & Proprietor. fe-trm5 : vvjV -tv .yy Dr. It. I-. IIJG ' DENTIST. '' , Ofiaia bia .Proieaaiunai Scrvicea ta be public io Evtry depart mm t or Dcntittry. OFFICES, LoaUburg at Warrttton o y Dent IIuUT, liorwooii A Doii'Strv. . JOS.' J. DAVIS. iTITaiii COUNSELLOR i m CTjOUISEUI-Q. F:l:iv CO. cta tfill prictie in tU tvv-r f'wn -f Oi( ?U. F-atkliu, Nh, WrrD at ! Htk. Pnnft a WbMOu 1 10 tk. i"u il rnu c ol uca -. Jalj i5, 1871. .1- ATTORNEY AT LAW. FBAMUS105, N. C. Will practice in the cootta if tie I U jid trial dtvtnct. I'roiBpt atu ntioo given to th collet lion of claioit. ' No R0 - if C. H. Coole, . H. Stsctt ITTCKNEYs ABD CODKsELlOSt aJt law, And Selicitcsa ia BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURS N.C. V 1 ate -I thf'l'irjtUff N ,Frt. k. lit U kiiv lb-. U Riien.nnd WW- C-uo. t'tk. r it.e 81 pr-ihh t un ! N nU Cui . N 7 -if SIX REASONS VVHY T- V fH t'l.P ! ru" 1 ths pexx mutual ufe immis. COMPANY. 021 CJiESTSCT STREKi PHILADELPHIA. If. R-tnitt "m .r t ol 't iuw -s- ? m nt r. ar.d iif fi d r It n - -fT io'Vt t Vr t am n-' r t't -. 'ntrl ! i. fY nr' p 1 tf . It- ff r rf. !.; ft- fl. ' r "tf ' 0n bi ko i flu ne in ' r"f. jr ni- 3 ' n f n - ' t r f rr. n-iul fo' fi d r ny Tyle I rarr t ;i ii t lw S V. " 4 ' . Tt fnvfm 1. n rrdrl -Tt 'Z oi-n . 5 tin of riM rpninmKl irc m i "r '"'(i H rer ot L'f n.mrniea, (Ste 03 il Imurane nport.) 5. XI re itta drc'aed mre. ditidn'U m rumt-er. and of a larprr averaee r-errtaf e, than any Company . In the TJitt.-! P'a'. Pr xanplr: ro':.y No 14. f.r I500O, haa 'rn paid to the wMow rf a ph''l-ph mTchan, upon which twenij- Urn: dividend bad len de' cUrel ae. ajraj City aevrn i-ercen. Had lb e dlvilTirfa l-een srd t pnr ihae Iditi-.t a o thi pdlr. 5.04& uiie winM have been rrxd- toak ng Ibr mVcj worth f 11.046. 6 bi IV cnae it ialiUrMn mo treme-', prompt in iti t e"tlniert. sife tejood coollgtiry, ar c) its ra'M are a -w s any first clas Compacy in thr -TMinltT. Pri t 'pal Feanre . - Small xrrt". tSfcoin esernrityjareerotornpr mlam. rtrm t py?r.ent of losses, and librrtl -ty to fh loOrd. W. !I FINCn, Gen'l. Harsgrr for Novh CNnli. W D. SPRUILL, Cen'i. A-rrt. Ff)klintor, N. C. Railroad Schedules. SCHEDULE OP THS PETERi EUnO RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINS. Fxprr Train 8 30 a. a. Mail Train .4 13 p.m. AaaiTK at PrrewuvTW. Expreff Mad 12.10a.m. 8 0-1 p m. LSAVS PSTXKJBCB.0. t Mail.. 61 s n. Expreae... 8.17 p.m. AXBJTBAT WSXDOK. . Mail.'..'.. 9 30 a. m " Exprtti 7.00 p. m FaKiQBrTjLauis. Leave Petersburg 9 00 p. ra. , Leave WVMon.... 8 30 p. ra.' Arrive at WliLn S,0t a, ra. Arrive at Pcttraburg.... 4.00 a. ra. - - Gara-jr Txatx. Lnre Penrsl.nrg C:33 a. ra. - Lrve Ow oo 1.15 p. in. Airive t Oaatoo ...13 30 p. ra. Arrive t Pe!rburg .... 7J0O p. ra lFieithtsfr G-:on Brrch ill be nrceive at thPeterbofff depot ocly on MONDAYS and THTJHSDAY8 The dep wdl becoed at 400 p. ra. No goods will receited after that hoar. i aad Geniial Manager. 5