r Fr Co hi ANKLIN UBIER GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IV. L'OUISBURG v N. C, FRIDAY, APEIL 16, 1875. I NO. 25. We WatcJied Her Breathing. We watched her breathing tlirooghihenigLt, Her breathicg eoft and low ' Aa In her breast the wave of life Kept hearing to and fro. Bo (silently we seemed to speak, 8o lowly moved about, As we had leather half our powers To Lke her lU ing out. Our very hopes belied snr fears, Oar f ea s our hopes belied Wo thought her dying when she slept, And sleeping when (she died. Tor when the morn came dim and sad, And chill with early showers, Her quiet eyelids cloned she had Another morn than ours, Thomas Hood. tiii: nisi: jiax8 choice. It is a simple story wo have to tell and it is a story of to-day, with the actors living; therefore we will riot direct the stare pf the multitude by publishing real names. T - . J. 1 1 . A w w . xjci m Bay mat .air. ueveriy was a merchant, wealthy, respected and influ ential, doing a business large enough to Batisfy the ambition of an Astor or a Bill Grey. Previous to the fell sweop of the tire liend in Boston, his store reared its . !l e i ' -ri i , , : Kmiuiv ironi on rraniuin street,; and multitudinous and bulky were the bales and boxes that found daily transit to and frornjho busy mart In Mr. Beverly's emolov were three a. r clerks-Georgo Acton, Fhilip Lewis and Clarence Bugbee who had entered to learn the mercantile business,and who had given promise of i)roficiency. The fact that they had been retained in the house a year or more, was proof positive to those who knew Mr. Beverly that they were of industrious, steady habits, and youths of promise. At his home Mr. Beverly had among daughter had come upon the scene, once more to look upon the ruins of the grand storehouse. Lewis and Buzbee bowed respectfully, and then drew aside in mor tification that one of their fraternitw should be found in sc menial a position, for xfc was evident that both father and daughter had recognized the youth in he garb and grime of toil, as the former clerk. "Halloo 1" cried Mr. Beverly, as soon as lie was sure that his eves had Tint deceived him. "Is this von. Geortre Acton?" Mes, sir, replied our hero. His face was flushed, but it was with healthful labor, and not with shame the steady brightness of his eyes showed that. Are you regularly hired here I" "Yes, sir. The contractor gave me this berth until' he can find one better." " What doe3 he pay you V "Just the same as he pays others two dollars a day ; but I earn a dollar extra in the evening by keeping his ac counts. It's better than nothing, sir. 1 tried to find a clerkship ; but there were at least a dozen applicants for every vacant place. Of course I couldn't starve : and while I have health and strength I will neither beg nor run in debt. I was brought up to work, you know; and, ; thank Heaven, I am neither afraid of it, nor do I feel above it." "Hoist away!" shouted the master; and George Acton applied himself again to his work. Mr. Beverly went over and talked with the contractor, and from the fact that they looked several times toward the windlass where- the young clerk was at work, it was reasonable to suppose that they were speaking of him. " And during this time Miss Florence spoke with Philip and Clarence, and a delicious fluttering seized them as they met ner weicomino: smile. Thev ex- h:s children a daughter Florence by Ipected that she would speak of the sal name who often came to the store, and wl 10m tin clerks had met at her father's lnnso. These clerks could be -j gay and gallant on occasion, but never toward Flojvnco Bsverly. The feeling they en tertained toward her was one akin to worship. In their hearts they adored her afar off, giving her respectful atten nou, aim prizing nor smua oi recogni tion as a priceless boon. bo far as tho family connections of these three young men were concerned, tiny were all honorable, respected people, but none of them wealthy. On a certain occasion Mr. Beverly was heard to remark tliat he would rather give his daughter in marriage to a man poor in purse, who could bring the wealth of a pure and upright heart, than to tho possessor of millions whose manhood was tainted m the least de gree. and humiliating spectacle exposed be fore them, and they were prepared to tell her how mortified they felt; but she mada no allusion to the circumstance. She did not even intimate to them that she had recognized the youncr man at the windlass, i By-and-bye Mr. Beverly came out from amid tho ruins, and having drawn the arm of his daughter within his own, and bowing to his former clerks, he departed. He did not bow an adieu to young Acton, for just then the labor er was, busy at his work. And Philip Lewis and j Clarence Bug- bee walked away talking of their pity for poor Acton.; "Mercy!" cried the former. " I wouldn't have been in his place when Florence Beverly came upon the scene for all the money in Boston.' " t was certainly numiiiatincr. as This remark came to tho knowledge of erted the other. 'But," he added, re- uiu cihm, uuu ii is noi surprising mat nectively, "Acton never was really high tin y thereupon experienced wild and brilliant day dreams, in which most stupendous and dazzling castles were constructed in the air. As time passed on they became more and more familiar with Florence's sweet smile, and wero admitted to a degree of friendship which proved, at least, she did not despise them. At length came the devastating fire of tho ninth of Novomber. Upon viewing tho scene of desolation, and calculating tho chances and the necespities of busi ness, Mr. Beverly resolved that he would i not immediately seek new quarters for tho continuance of his trade. He had toned. I guess his family ia rather low bred, any way." a i m Ana in tins conclusion Dotn young men xully agreed; and they further agreed that they should not in the fu ture recognize George Acton a3 an ac quaintance. A week later Lewis and Bugbee had occasion to call at the office where Mr. Beverly had established his business headquarters, and they were not a little surprised at beholding George Acton seated at the desk pf the confidential clerk and correspondent. It was a pri vate room, with a glass door, which United State Iron Interests. According to the census of 1810, there were 153 furnaces in the United States, producing 53,903 tons of iron, and four steel furnaces, producing 917 tons of steel, the importation of steel for the same year being reported at only 550 tons. The. commercial and financial re vulsions whiclx followed the war of 1812 15 affected disastrously .the iron manu facture in common with all other indus tries; but that it did not entirely inter rupt it is shown by the fact that some new establishments of great importance went into operation at the time of the greatest depression; and .in 1816 the total import of pig-iron was but 329 tons. By 1824 the iron production and manufacture were both very active, and tne pig-iron product oi this year un doubtedly exceeded 100,000 tons. For 1832 it was reported at 200,000 tons. The first furnace for smelting with an thracite coal was built in 1837, but at the close of 1843 there were twenty an thracite furnaces in successful opera tion. The first important demand for iron in the United States for railroad purposes commenced in 1835, during which year 465 miles of road were con structed, followed by 416 in 1838, 516 in 1840, and 717 in 1841. In regard to ! tha production of pig-iron in the United States during . the decade from 1840 to 1850, a period characterized by extreme variations in the tariff policy of the gov ernment, there has been little of con troversy; but the most careful investiga tion yet made into the subject (that of Hon. W. M. Grosvenor) leads to the con clusion' that the product of 1840 was about 347,000 tons, and that it increased from that figure to an aggregate of not more than 551,000 tons in 1846, and 570,000 in 1848. Subsequent to this date thef progress of the pig-iron indus try mayj be accurately indicated as f ol lows: 850, 564,755 tons; 1855, 784,- 178; 1860, 917,770; 1865, 931,582; 1870, 1,865,000; 1873, 2,695,000. In 1865 the production of cast steel in the United States was 15.262 tons: in 1873, 28,000 tons. loots tne production o pneumatic or Bessemer steel was 8,500 tons; in 1873 estimated), 140,000 tons: The recent progress of that department of the iron industry of the United States engaged in the manufacture of rails for railroads is also indicated by the following statistics of annnal product: 1849, 247314 tons 1855, 138,674; 1860, 205,038; 1865, 356, 292; 1870, 620,000; 1872, 941,000; 1873, 850,000. . W -a s- J n 1 1 m n ia iu tne consumption oi iron in the United States for all purposes was estimated at aoout iorty pounds per capita; in 1846, at about sixty pounds in 1856, at sixty-four; and in 1867, a (approximately) one hundred pounds, The per capita consumption of Grea Britain and Belgium alike for this latter year was one hundred and eighty-nine pounds; and of France, sixty-nine and one-half pounds. For the years 1872-73 the per capita consumption of iron in the United States has been estimated as high as one hundred and fifty pounds; and that of Great Britain at two hundred pounds. THE OVEUCBOWHEH A Hint that i Worth the Heeding Country r. the Citg. There U hardly a dry in the United States which does not contain more peo ple than can get a fair, honest living, by labor or trade, in the best times, says J. G. Holland, in Scribner' Monthly. When times of business depression come, like those through which we have passed, and are passing, there is a large class that must be helped, to keep them from cruel suffering. Still the cities grow, while whole regions of the coun tryespecially its older portions are depopulated year by year. . Yet the fact is patent to-day that the only prosper ous class is the agricultural. ' We have now the anomaly of thrifty farmers and starving tradesmen. The agricultural classes of the West are prosperous. They had a good crop last year, and have received good prices for all their products; and while the cities are in trouble, and manufactories, are running on half time, or not running at all, the Western farmer has money in his pocket, and a ready market for; everything he has to sell. The country must be fed, and he feeds it. The city family may do without new clothes, and a thousand uxurious appliances, but it must have bread and meat. There is nothing that can prevent the steady prosperity of the American farmer but the combinations and "corners" of middle-men. that force unnatural conditions upon the fi nances and markets of the country. This is not the first occasion we have had for allusion to this subject, and it is not likely to be the last. The for saking of the farm for city life is one of the great evils of the time, and, so far, it has received no appreciable check. Every young man, apparently, who thinks he can get a living in the city, or at the minor centers of population, quits home upon the farm and joins the multitude. unce in tne city, no never returns. " Notwithstanding the confine ment and the straightened conditions of his new life, he clings to it until he dies, adding his family to the permanent population of his new home. Mr. Greeley, in his days of active philan- go where they can find the niinistry they need. What is the remedy t TLovt shall farm ers manage to keep their children near them ? How can we discourage the in flux of unnecessary nay, burdensome populations into the cities I We answer: By making agricultural society attrac tive. Fill the farm houses with periodi cals and books. Establish central read ing rooms, or neighborhood clubs. En courage the social meetings of the young. Have concerts, lectures, ama teur dramatic associations. Establish a bright, active, social life, that shall give some significance to labor. Above all. build, as far as possible, in villages. It 13 better to go a mile to one's daily labor than to place one's self a mile away from a neighbor. The isolation of American farm life is the great curse of that life, and it falls upon the women with a hard ship that the men cannot appreciate, and drivei. ihe educated young away. CEXTEXXIAL EJCIIIBITIOX. Hints to Employers, We may safely hope, says the New York Tribune, that with the opening spring many new enterprises will be started and many old ones revived and enlarged. It is quite tfine for our busi ness men to shake off the nightmare of hard times. The one invariable charac- George occupied, and they ventured to no need, and he did not care to do it; so ask one of the bookkeepers if Acton had teristic of the periods in which a good he secured an office where he could meet been permanently employed. deal of money is made, is that, during " I don't know about that, reulied the them, people in creneral believe that bookkeeper. . "I only know that Mr, Beverly seems to have taken a sudden and strong liking to the young man, that ne intrusted him with his private corre sponden3e, and has given him a home beneath his own roof." and consult with his correspondents, and sottle outstanding accounts, in pursuance of which only the services of his private Becroiary and two oooRkeepers were required. Iho three clerks were summoned to the merchant's presence. He told them what he had concluded to do, and why hej had so concluded, and he advised that they should seek some other em ployment until ha was ready to start again. I shall rebuild as soon as possible," he said, "and then your old places will be open for you. In the meantime, if you are hard pushed, do not hesitate to come to me for assistance." Within two weeks from that time both Philip Lewis and Clarence Bugbee called upon Mr. Beverly, and asked fpr the loan of a hundred dollars each. They had been unable to find employ ment,, and were in arrears for board. Tho merchant kindly gave them the money, aud with it a little fatfierly ad vice touching care and economy. One day, after this, as Philip and them, they are going to make money. Such a belief, widespread, at the present mo ment, would start anew the busy hum of industry all over the land. Mill wheels would turn, forges would glow, immi- - gratien would receive a fresh impetus. Another day came a day when the sleicrhinsr was excellent, and when the merry bells were jingling far and near. Through the kindness of a friend Lewis and Bnsrbee had manaared to secure a team for the afternoon, "and they drove out upon one of the Brighton road3. Out in the country they met the superb double cutter of Mr. Beverly, drawn by a pair of rattling bays. Upon the front seat sat the merchant and his wife, and on the back seat, smiling and chatting with all the grace and charm of friends who had given to each other the fullest trust and confidence, sat George Acton and Florence Beveily ! What did it mean ? t If Philip Lewis and' Clarence Bugbee are not stupid beyond belief, they must ere this have solved . the problem ; and Clarcnco were walking down the black- may the solution give them new and en- cned track which had once been Frank lin street, they saw a young man in a guernsey frock, working at the windlass of a derrick amid the ruins of the old store, whom they thought they recog nized. They crossed over, and found it to bo their fellow clerk, George Acton. They were astonished and scandalized. larged .views of life and its duies. Were Frightened. The transit of Yenus seems to have caused some commotion among the na tives of Tokio. The Times, of India, tells us: Qn the morning of the 9th inst. the mayor of the first grand divis In mercy's name, George, what does ion of Tokio posted up the news that in this mean? Is it only an escapade of yours?" 1 "No," answered Acton, wiping the sweat from his brow, "I am fairly and honestly at work.tand I earn two dollars a day. That's better than loafing." "Heavens J "I cried Philip Lewis, with a start, "here comes Mr. Beverly and Florence. Go and hide yourself, Acton, before they see you." But the young laborer did not budge an inch. Just then the boss called out to "hoist away!" aud George applied himself to tho work. Meoawhilo Air. Bayerly and his a few hours Yenus would pass across the sun. The ignorant, principally women and children, not understanding any thing about this phenomenon, believed, on reading the notice, that the sun was going to burst, and became excessively frightened. Some hid themselves in godowns, others ran about the streets with a terrified air, and sought shelter from the flames of the sun, which were abow to fall on them. They wept, and when any one inquired the cause of their lamentations, they would reply that tho fire of the sun would to-day set fire to the earth And money would be made; not in every instance, not by every enterprise, but by the community taken as a whole. For the origin of wealth is labor, and when men are not busy, or are only partially employed, the community run behind hand. This needs no demonstration as legards workingmen, but it is equally, true with respect to their employers. We hope with the revival of business to see more attention paid to the con nection of interests between employers and employed. The world moves for ward in that direction; slowly, it is true, as compared with tho urgent desires of reformers, but still it moves. I here is a continual increase in the number of concerns that give their workmen an in terest in their prosperity, and there is from that direction the brightest ray of hope that has ever been shed upon the labor problem. Several manufacturers have made and are making notable efforts for the improvement and edueation of their workmen. A few have made some efforts to help them in providing against sickness and old age. When it is con sidered that nearly all ths workmen's societies that organize strikes are in their origin benefit societies, why does it not occur to some employer to offer to his workmen at least a portion of the bene- fits that are proffered by these societies! His business knowledge would enable him to organize a better system for the management of the funds, a - cheaper mode of collection, a safer investment, a more prudent outlay. At least so far as the use of these funds for the benefit of the sick, the widow, and the, orphan is concerned, such an arrangement seems practicable. thropy, used to urge men to leave the city to go West to. join the agricul tural population, and thus make them selves sure cf a competent livelihood. He might as well have talked to the wind. A city population can neither be coaxed nor driven into agricultural pur suits. It is not that they are afraid of work. The average worker of the city toils more hours than the average farmer in any quarter of the country. He ia neither fed nor lodged as well as the farmer. He is less independent than the farmer. He is a bond-slave to his em ployers and his conditions; yet the agri cultural life has no charms for him. Whatever the reason for this may be, it is not based in the nature of work, or in its material rewards. The farmer is demonstrably better off than the worker of the city. He is more independent, has more command of his own time, fares better at table, lodges better, and gets a better return for his labor. What is the reason, then, that the farmer's boy runs to the city the first chance he can get, and remains, if he can possibly find there the means of life ? It can only be found, we believe, in the social leanness, or social starvation, of American agricultural life. The American farmer, in all his planning, and all his building, has never made provision for life. He has only consid ered the means of getting a living. Everything outside of this everything relating to society and culture has been steadily ignored. He gives his children the advantages of schools, not recogniz ing the fact that these very advantages call into life a new set of social wants. A bright, well educated family, in a lone ly farm house, is very different material from a family brought up in ignorance. An American farmer's children, who have had a few terms at a neighboring academv. resemble in no decree the children of the European peasant. They come home with new ideas and new wants, and if there is no provision made for these new wants, and they find no opportunities for their satisfaction, they will be ready, on reaching their majority, to fly the farm and seek the city. If the American farmer wishes to keep his children near him, he must learn the difference between living and getting a living ; and we mistake him and his grade of culture altogether if he does Put Yourself in Her JPtaee. Take a man, says Mary Kyle Dallas, and pin three or four large tablecloths about him, fastened back with elastic and looped up with ribbons; drag all his own hair to the middle of his head and tie it tight, and hair-pin on about five pounds of other hair and a big row of ribbon. Keep the front locks on pins all night, and let them tickle his eyes all day; pinch his waist into a corset, and give him gloves a size too small, and shoes ditto, and a hat that will not stay on without a torturing elastic, and a frill to tickle his chin, and a little lace veil to blind his eyes whenever he goes out to n&lk, and he will know what woman's dress is. Fasten him up in one house with three or four children and two hired girls from dawn to dusk. Let his legitimate occupations be drag ging a needle through cotton cloth, and walking np and down the room with a crving baby, and he will understand some of the joys of woman's sphere. Turn thing3 topsy-turvy, and let him, somewhere in his teens, be married to another somebody, who ever after will say to him : thus shall you do, thus far shall you go, and yet be perfectly free herself; who can forbid the expenditure of half a dollar, and dole out shoe-strings The ftpaee Allotted to Different Coe ernmentmTh nuiUllnw In teresting Stmtistieo. More than twenty-five genera in en U have notified the United States authori ties of their intenti on of taking part in the Centennial exhibition. Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and North America are to be represent!, and doubtless Australia alo, coming in un der the title of Britiah colonics. The space allotted to each nation is in square feet as follows: Siara, 3,496; Persia, 7,776; Egypt, 7.776; Turkey, 7.776; Russia, 10,044; Sweden and Norway, 10,044; Austria, 23,323; German Em pire, 27,264; Netherlands and Denmark, 7.766; Switzerland, 6,156; Italy, 11,664; Spain and colonies, 15,552; France, Algiers, and other colonies, 27,264; Great Britain, Canada, India, Australia, and other colonies, 46,748; United States (total), 123,160; Mexico, 11,664; Honduras, 3,888; Gautemala, 5,508; San Salvador, 4,536; Nicaragua, 4,536; Venezuela, 5,508; Ecuador, 3,888; Uni ted States of Colombia, 7,776; Peru, 11,604: Chili, 9,744; Brazil, 17,520; Argentine Republic, 15,552; 3,883; Sandwich Islands, 3.8S8; Liberia, 2,263; Japan, 7,290; China, 7,290; re served space, 21,408; total, 485,000. Work on tho buildings has not only com menced, but has been carried forward energetically. Considered merely as ex hibitina surface, these buildinirs will U w form a central avenue 1,832 feet long. and 120 fept wide, with two aide avenues of tho saine length, and 100 feet wide. These great avenues are separated by covered spaces forty-eight feet wide. and two others twenty-four feet wide A Chapter on Cats, Happening to see a cruel man the other day on bis way to the water's edge with a bag, to the mouth of which a heavy stone was attached, and from the interior of which i&susd unmistakable walls ol sightless kittenhood, our heart fr the moment went oat to Mr. Bcrgh, as the pirtire arose of a bereaved felice mother mourning for her children and refusing to be comforted with mien or milk, aad we thought of those innc e:ut little lives gurgling out at the bottom of the dark and noisome river. But on further reflection, as emotion yielded to reason, memory reverted to the Dar winian postulates of struggle for ex istence and survival for the Attest," and in short, has it ever occurred to Mr. Bcrgh to consider the abstract as a geometrical progression f The period o f gestation of the Ftlit domestica xs sixty- three days; the young number from threi to six in a litter. Allowing the fusi bility of four litters per annum, it is evident that each household pot may give birth in five years to 120 kittens. In the second year twenty-four of these kittens will have reached reproductiro JUji 1 maturity, bringing forth 2,304 in , the ensuing four years. In the third yrsr we shall have 624 cats with a potential fecundity of 44,923 in three years. And at the same ratio of increase at the end, of the five yeass the offspring of our original cat will amount to Sl.413.07i individuals-enough to form a feline procession one hundred feet wide and a early one hundred miles long. It is manifest that if Mr. Bergh's sweet will were made law to the extent he would wish in the preservation oi all nine livi of every cat, tha time would speedily surround the whole. The whole length when the human species must be of the main building is 17830 feet, and the whole width 464 feet, dimensions that from their very strangeness almost fail to givo a clear idea of its enormous size. Vast transepts will break the monotony of the long roof line, and in crease the exhibitincr space, which in the great hl amounts to twenty -one acres. Separate buildings will add to this as follows: The art gallery (a permanent structure), two acres; machinery hall. fourteen acres: acm cultural halL ten w m - a come exunct. in new xora aiy ir- ticularly its insular position and pussy's known dislike for swimming exercise would unless strenuous efforts weie made to complete the Brooklyn bridge preclude the possibility of feline im migration, and the biped population would of necessity be crowded out lorg before each household attained its first quinquennial complement of 91,413,074 tabbies. Clearly, then, the que turn of survival is only to be settled by deciding hich, of men or cats, are flltosL Both cannot coincidently harmonize ilh acres: horticultural halL one acre. The and hair pins with grudging looks and m:n bnildincr is constructed of built-np inuendoes about extravagance, whilo he wrought iron columns, placed on maaonr the environment ad Infinitum, and since is aware that, simply as domestic servant foundations. The columns are place! man's somewhat more advanced stage of and seamstress, to say nothing of the i.-ntv.fnnr ft nnart in the longest selected development has given mm a rest, he earns his wages well; or, let direction of the structure, and the open perhaps unfair advantage over bis m home and provision therefore be liberal, gpj g fiUeJ with panels of timlier and evoluted quadrupedal cousins in the cxe and yet be left to spend long evenings seven feet hizh. Above this are cutive department cf social life, his in- there, while the being who has promised cUred sashes. It was dehrnd to open stinct of self-preservation will proliably to be its protector, en joys herself any- I exhibition April 19, 1876, and close lead him to an egotistio and arbitrary how, gives no account of herself, and : October 19: but in compliance with I decision of the matter, despite Mr. regards her duty done when she pays the v,fl rftnnest of the forehrn rommiasioners, Bergh's dissentient rots. Bat one exje- bills; and he will know what marriage xs xn ordr to take advantage of the dient suggests itself whereby these con best season of the vear for fine weather, fiictiug interests might be reconciled in these dates have been altered to May accordance with natural laws; and this 10th for the opening and November 10th is the importation and domestication of for the close. to very many women. A Han in a Furnishing More. A chatty writer in the Boston Globe, who has been shopping, says: The strangest sight of all is to see a man enter a ladies furnishing store to execute some little commission for Mary Jane, who has Tgone into the country. He steps carefully in at the door, treading as gin gerly as though he expected to find in numerable babies lying around under foot, and really looking more bewildered than he would if he had suddenly bsen transported to tho moon. Standing stock-still in the center of the store, he surveys each counter in turn with a puzzled air ; then as if he had discov ered the object for which he is searching, he stalks up to the hosiery department, slowly proceeds to pull from some hid den recces in his innermost coat a huge pocket-book, which he opens, takes out a letter, carefully unfolds it, deliberately reads it through, then hunts through the pocket-book until he finds a little scrap of blue ribbon, and, scrutinizing the face of each lady clerk, finally selects ono and informs hr that he wants " le er yard and, no (consulting the letter), two yards and a half of ribbon (reading from let tar) 'er, two shades darker and a breadth wider than the sample." He is directed to the proper counter, and, after paying for his purchase, packs away ribbon, letter, pocket-book and all, then goes on his way rejoicing ; but very likely comes back the next day, for the return mail has brought him word that it was one shade darker and two breadths wider than Mary Jane wanted. A Warning. A story told about the great French j artist, Corot, ought to be a warning to landed proprietors who- meditate em nlnvinc womenrjardon us ladies to not stop over this statement, and wonder i their rents. Corot, when, in the what we mean by it To get a living, to ; n yeara of money began to make money,. to become " forehanded" flow -m on invested his savings in this is the whole of life to agricultural ggain Paris, and employed a female multitudes, discouraging in their num- 1; collect his rents. Whenever . x a. 1 -1 rn .1 41 ... Ders io coniempiiMe. xu mriu uit-re i 0r vu tenants could not pay up Am lneident. On the horse cars, even love and sen timent may be discovered. I was corting home the lovely Charlotte - to whom I was quite devot-d. She J could scarcely find room to spread her j crinoline and arrange her voluminous I flounce. I stood up near her, there.be- j in or no vacant seat After a few minutes came in a poor woman, who deposited a b4ket of clothes on the front platform and held in hrr arms a small child, while a little girl clung to her dress. She looked tired and weary, but there was no vacant seat; to be sure, Charlotte might have contracted her flounces, but she did not Beside her, hawrfer, sat a very lovely and elegant young woman, who seemed trying, by moving down closer to others, to make space enough for tho stranger between herself and Charlotte. At last she succeeded, and with the sweetest blush I ever saw, she invito the poor female to be seated. Charlotte drew her drapery around her aad blushed too, but it was not a pretty blush at all, and she looked annoyed at the proxmiity of the new-comer, who was, however, clean and decently, though very thinly clad. The unknown lady drew the little girl upon her lap, and wrarped her velvet mantle around the smsll, half -clad form, and put her muff over the hUf-frozeu littla hand. The rravJ Was ma crrat that I alone seemed j to observe that the child rhivered. I i saw the young lady quietly draw from under her mantle a little shawl, which she softly put on the shoulders of the Little one. The mother looked on with confused wonder. After a short time she rose to leave the cars, and would hare removed the shawl, but the tn- thm f.Tnona aelf-limitinff Hibernian va riety of 111, of which the veracious poet sings that: Thsrs once wr two esi of El!ennr. AAd eh tboogbt tbs other too tasoj t fto they stragll sod fit, AjA titty senuhoi sod tbet tt Tin. lct4 of two etU. tbsf wira't aov. lneident s of a Hood. Patrick Creighton lived with his wife and nine children in a little Louse n the German town flats of Port Jcrvu. N. Y. He lately had cue f his legs cut off on the railroad, on which he was em ployed. The flood came so suddenly that the ice was knocking hoi' in Creighton's house before he knew it, and the water was pouring In. -Iug un able to escape In this crippled condition. his wife tarted her nine children out oi the bouse, and then took her helplem husband in her arms and hurried sway to a safer place. This poor faaily lot everything they possessed. Mrs. Mary Moloney, an aged widow, lived alone in a small house on the fUU. In the morning Policeman EUton went to her house and told her ahem ut move. She refused to go. Your bouse will be knocked all to piy," said the offi cer. Then IH go wid it, shore," Le replied, and did not leave her horuw. It was surrounded by large cakes of ice, and carried twenty -five feet away. She stuck to it, and still refused to quit it, although the ice and water were a foot deep in it, and it was propped up on every side by huge cakes. When the flood was bearing down with great speed on the town, an Irish woman rfa to a bouse near the river, and soon appeared with a haU -grown pig ia her arms, carrying it off in the very face of the flood. known gently whispered, "No, keep it How rapidly tho coal in the bin be comes the coal that hath been ! no difference between living and getting a living. Their whole life consists in getting a living ; and when their families come back to them from their schooling, and find that, really, this is the only pursuit that has any recognition .under the paternal roof, they must go away. The bovs push to the, centers of the cities, and the girls follow them if they cATi, A young man or a young woman, raised to the point where they appre hend the difference between living and getting a living, can never be satisfied with the latter alone. Either the farm er's children must be kept ignorant, or provision must be made for their social wants. Brains and hearts need food and clothing as well as bodies; and thoso who have learned to recognize brains and hearts as tha best "and most important part of their pirtonai possessions, will promptly, they, knowing Corot s fine heart, would waylay him on his way to tr ' i 1 1--- despair, for I wanted to follow s id dis- VhW. as si v- vv it for her." The woman did not answer; the conductor hurried her out, and her eyes swam with tears. I noticed her as she descended to a basement, and I hastily remarked the house, b xm after, mv unknown rose to depart J was in . j Two CoTrrrparxs. " Bub, did yoa to mention the matter to his woman of business, would lend them the mount i of the rent out of his own pocket, charg ing them solemnly not to mention it to his collector. Bt Jckt. The difficulties under which the jury law labors is thus told by an exchange: When the jury in a case of damages returned all but one was in favor of allowing from $500 to $1,500. The twelfth man said: " Gentlemen, I am in favor of six cents. I won't change my mind, and if you don't agree with me we will have no verdict at alL The jurors debated two hours, and thea graed with the six-et&i man. Miss B. How glal, thu, I was to see h-r bowing, as she passed out, to a mu tual acquaintance who stood in the door way. From him, ere many minutes, I learned her name and address. To shorten tha story as much as possible, that lady is now my wife. In the small incident which introduced her to me she showed her real character. A few days after our marriage I showed her the blessed crimson shawl, which I redeemed from its owner, and shall keep as a rae xnento. There are sometimes pleasant things to be found in unexpected places; certainly I may be said to have picked mX my wife in the car ever stop to think.- said the grocer, as he measured out half a peck of pota toes, "that these potatoes contain sugar, water and starch!' Noah, I dida t, replied the boy, but I heard mother say you put pa and beans in your eofZae, and about a pint of water in about every quart cf rfc you sold." Tne subject of natural philosophy was dropped right there. Tk Bjusox. A PottsviHe man, wbns chickens had been stolen, advertised for the thief to come back and take thi coop. The next day the following was received at the Sfinert Journal ore: I examined with care the coop of Mr. D. G. Matthews, when I stole the chick ens, aad had I found it a good one I would Lava taken it along at the time. I decline his oZsx ia this cxroisg's JcumaL TjctText."

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