Franklin curie GEOllGE S." -.BAKElt t3 Editoh and IKOPi:iETon. All letters addressed to FnnAYi',tf Aiimiv 10. 875. Tlio IIoniONiciid, A. Dcm Knnotod ' 1.V ' ' Hxmo- We notice ' thi-r'tbc" Ra3 u at pa p?rs are cndcavpvinp Jo cxcHo.fliciWr of our people, by vhi'g t'tciu ;tlft if tltf Democrats! luve a . majority' m the approaching' fVnventio'n, ' tlat their',l' 1m- tal c raway! fro;n them. All j)co;.ie, Mio are ivtu , formed undaituiid, and, know thirty he a mere pretext to prejudice tho. ped .pie against' the p:ir:y that has turned. out and exposed thi thieves and 3cdun droU of the infiimi Ai.s J:Wbiblc.iVc1ant that will soon agiiiri eyloav'or, tp loin utate themselves , in -.ihi .plates from which they have h -ori' cj'ictud, rby ari outraged,' phrndevwj a4 insulted jmb- hc. v c tell them that 'the people o Jforth Carolina, arc not prepared nor do they intond, again., to bo domineered over, and stolen from, by ulienfv pealla-. wagsand niggers, fn they "werdibiccd to do at the' joint of the bayonet in 18C8, Op a'nd'TO, They do not ' in- tend to te diverted, from tho main uue' - ,....', i i -. in this, campaign by , these nttcuipts to claim for the Radical party the patonyl ty of thow Homestead, vhen indeed the. Democratic Legislature of 180 ! arid 1807, enacted , ailomcKtcadj ,find p'1" tian $r)s F. A'. 'noliijes tsoual property t Exemption law, which, very interfcsti'd ' lecture t was quite as gtoodsm that of the-Rad l, cal Convention of 1803, iUx v . By' chapter CI of the lawibf 1866 and 18G7 the ' followin- T.fobcrtv was exempted ifroi wle under, execution, to-wit : ;. Ona Hundred acres of land, if in tho countyr or ono acre f f jvhhLu thu city or tdwfl)' ' thesj to include tl e, rebidences of the. ineu tc gether 'A'ith the 'i) out' houses,3 also all necessary fanning and mechani- cal tools, ono work , horse,, one yoke of. oxen, one cart or waem, ouc mUkt cow- .u-i,xJ-,, i drcd poUnds of pork' or bacon' fifty bushels of corn, twenty bushels' of yheat or rico,., household , and c'un .furni ture, not to exceed in value two huu-, dred dollars, the ; lihriirics of 'iictnscd .Attorneys' at law, practicing "phyUnms and Ministers' of the Gosp'el, apd'the iri- tstruments , ot suips and j dyutists , used in heir proKsjoiis, ?, : j: , f; This law ; vrna enacted February; 25 Ui 1867,' by' a 'LegLslatnfc in which - then were hoC liore than fifteen ot twenfy' Itadicals; ," aiiLt 'more "tnaii ii. year beforct the adot'tioo of the Constitution ,vhich. - ' ' - - I ...... ; contains the IJ(?iicsteudv incasurcin it. IllllQ if Will liti utum tliuf .iitb.. mil T icinoerauo party oemg iiortrue to tins " o" anu i umanc in ensure, to it oc longs the credit 'offirst eiiging it its . : ' . i, a proiiuiKJiii. luiwure unou our eystem ( t Jurisprudence. . Lcsides thu, theDoniocr-tie party is infinitely "more 1 intcretftJ1 in ' the reri-' potuation of.. this measure than"' Is the lladicul jmrty,; .Within , the- ranks' ;of" the Democracy are. found about a'l the. persons wlio are 'benefited by iu The iwuicai party composed .t otnee holders and niggers are riot'lntercsted in'it. i Tho former donott-iTe for a honiestb.d ' .t ' 'i . - ('c ! ' i? "' Al or anythiug else aiuong u .longer, than they 'ard iir officer :aidf, eating out the substance -of he country i.Tlu; latter clasa never havinjr" had any credit ju-e 119 , indehted, "and neither have tiiy any tiling of i ,comHMjueec o he exemp ted hy t hi l laT. . , he , JX-m erjitie party is the-only cla in the ctunuiuui-j ty that' ' ore much J interested in the conliuuancc i of hfs ' ' nasuteanti a it wa. tlio-mrty tlaVi.umgB.V it'i.. iid reason to thorxwo ht .a Muuuieut that i r ii ... they would do anything to detiiyts utility'; p l" 'i . J;,; f,....,.. Iet the "Radical Hessy' and stump . orators nowjecpse their1 pbhle 'about Demecratic hostility bthe Ilomcsfead feature of our,, Con.stiUitionwheii,;.o, . tho Democratio party, helouKS tho ci'(.d it of first enacting n Homeste;wl Javr in our State, and so denr ithw measure w. V ; v vA)UYeuuon.iro:u fawmpa. in any manner with the daase of the CuiMi- tution providing forth Ls"iu.iasure, iu O inserting, in1 tho; oath of rjrpuixtitiyii a . claiisc'.'to rdspcliaiAl !l6vdisi'le; thrf i Thw,nokh-pteh inij.oscd tUjon dur people, by military:, ibrw mut giv way ! to a eysteuK of ivrnnic:it that, shall he North C: rolin t r.rits idko ur -ftud features: and such as our'peorle can 'live under and. he. h:ippy and pros perous instead o Iinguishjisg aiid ro-( pining as they, now are, in conscqcencr of tho inconveniencea, i tlathi ujr, ami ' collisions under 'thW instiimieut.'i 1 We "are going to have a good Con stitution,' and the Democratic llcmc : stead too, the rantrigs'and- ravings of ' 1 ' the Hauial patty fo the contrary not- fUtnstanajng. From tli Lniulof Wood- bv - n ir ft I n i k TiiprcsuK, of the peetirm ipCon-A r.e.tKUt was gloi ic t beyond our most Ba'nguiiic anticipations. The Lsao was UBta; made on the- "endorsement --ur nh en- dorjetnciil 6fIG4ujl administration, AnJ the people of that State repudiated GrantLjiu" i:i a mos-t emphatic manner, notwithstanding the appeals and Z3Zt18v&t Stem of 5lamriafor Xg&iy 6f.IUiob."nd manv xtae s totnud up. for the Kadi cal part v, The bloody shirt was Run ted in tlis clytheio'bunot tlStandi.ig all'itUtheliadrcjd fcrtj got-tlu worst beatujg;. there t:at it lias, had yet; ThpTcauU i.fecysolj fiujo crat; elected Governor: by.VSZ orer G recn llepubliesirt. and iS i majoioty ovcra.i;Taihiu of 'iibont1 :i0'or't last' year....,: ;,;;,r,.i: .. 1 1 f,,,. J --'.i! hreq Pmocuta ,acd one fPidical elected to it'Qngre, Je:pldleleq- tion' stood throe; H;tdit;d4 and ope Jtaino ;crat; ' The State Seij atcstand.s j54 DomV cjats aii'G' Uadie'als',' 'IIouscJCS Raili, caia. 133 .DjmociaLs . aud 1 Indepen .dent. , ; Connecticut has Sred-aluii'lguo : Ifcr action will be hailed throughout the ? C ion a the "first uhstatittal evi dence of the feeling, of,' Northern pu! lie seutimeut in condemnation .of Grants hist infamy in LoUiiaiia, and jSheridau's bindiiti dupath " JVe -turn our eyes;' now to " Ohio'' in Ovtuief. Lot' -'old ' .-...-. ... .--, . f ..,. t. .Bill Allen clo his bcst, and cons titutionul liberty wU assert itself there again ? A New York correspondent ol Chris- speaks ot a delivered "be fore the New T'-rk association for; the advancomeut or bience Art Oy George .Ticknor Curti?, subject,. j"Tl!e, Nature of the American Union as the prjncipa': controvefty in, . the late (. Civil War.'' ? The lecture was so,f wt 11 appreciated that a resnlfftu n of thanks to the emi -naut speaker was name by Jude Piere pont and seconded in rah? able speech of Dr. Crosby; (Cha lnrlof Univrsi y f New Yorki) I "D'Prime courteously if vited gentl men in' the audience to ,make r?inlrl:3 1 P;age, which c,?,Kd lort, coinpUmcntary addresse. from RvV, Dr. .".Rl S.' Morar, late of Wuming'on, N. iC David Dudley Field, and lion.. Edward Pierepont. ;D', Motaii's remiiks were par icularly well ciioeen, but I have never yet beam h;mseak otherwise than effectively.. Addrossing th& President (who reco niz d him as Dr I Motan: ironj' ;Norih OarobnnJ, he said in tubstaoec 'ih;.t thouiir'V a comparative Bt ranger -among them from the Old North Sta'e, yet I-fet-1 qtjite at home abidst such sui CO 'an J i i r uisv uision oi tue great constitutional questions which have so J long "and sy; I tiq l n fml 1 tr nrrtfotnrl nnr rrtiTitiTf Tr 5jj1 I r . . ,'-,e!.-T. .1 painiuiif.amtatea our countiy. l. Ui ,0i. Vi,Vf Vt 'Jy 4f"'T-n "u - -.rv;r-4? Ja,10t efu..q; complete aod so unanswerubleo: the honor. and . ,-'', . ; ;- , . ,i t , , it r inr this.unlortuoate .controversy. om mrtPptlon orfatpfn Turn lull ri f at the bearty, ? cmphatiq endorsemeat 'which thia'mrst rrghteous and reason able (def trice 'of the much r maligned S'mth has just received from" the dis- sucurou"1'! r1. -cu i ave reason w H...Fg'-; . 1 ceptance of such -views andt sentiments throughout the Noi thernf State?, what' ever interested demagogiies might urge; to the contrary, is just , the one., thing yet needed to silence the hateful ) dis cord ol svetiona! 'strife and,' usher in" that new era ot good will and brothcr'y ' kindness for which the whole - South has been anxiously ' waitirg' W lore:. The resentments 'naturally result ipg frnm rpnBtprl inoi-iltc nnH Vnttiriu r : i --" --. socii be forgotten amid ' the amenities ergies wUt immeatel, ; give sign ot' w,,.uu.,ii; aucu , as migot u Jt ue uaapi j symooi.zeu oy tne ap pro c ing rcsusita ion of the natural world un 'er. the qu!ckeciag ; inflenees of the vernal sun.,, -These remarks of r. I r i were hartily applau led hy fie1 en:ir-3 1 andience. The ' Doctor. though absent fnm North : Carolina, seem not to have allowed his aff ctioca for h, r t . anw co 1. but thev hi Lrather been inteasifi-i', an I she Mails .. . j DOt wberetver o?ca ion allow- t speak a word fv that Southi rn laad hieh he h us learned t 1 vc so well since it ws , tlio houie .ol his d'ptiop., s ? r t' . ; - u ,r - Kead the fo. lowing bnliant 0e hundred gun at ' sunrise,3 and nogini'; of ci y bell " under charge 4 1 the Artillery Com nine.". - ' ta.To march a' 10 'o'clo V a. m. G -and proceseinn through the pr nc'pal streets of the c ty.under charge of Ch cf SUr- and thirty Assistai t Mrhal follows. ,1 ,,..'. '.,,;.,, - J.f Mditary Companies. - : - :: ; Fife Compauiea. , ' u 4 Masonic Lodges. -t -Odd Fellows. ' v-t.-Kiiigbis of Pythii ' - 1 as ' r roun.hngs. ' T b'tc'h tenerV with dep-' est interest. an(t" 'rare pleasure to 1 the i, ; i - - '" ' ' , . - t Tnntlmnn'i liirirl sirirt' lotrlr'nl r'pir .A. Coocty OrgaciJcatinn". ' J- 0ierAssociaiJ Bs otcity, coontr, and cit'zjpi. f Press Organizations, . V rion8Centen-jiJ C.-smTi'teC!, Acct mpanied oy varhmi bndi rf Mabic, and their own epccial banner, emblems and iniiijnia, Piocession w'll belormed in loll -w-ioirord.rrT:-' ?H 1 T UH - i - r i , ? - witt .Iilitan Uorcpanios on botnaifea oi i tSWMWM J C in! frVml Of Central ftSteUv vJa v Fire , Companies on West Trade I street end on Cbnrch Street. Oooos.te 'if h l m ai.Ij Hall Gran esS ..Lodge?. Cvuptj, ,Or ions, . oihwr, . j$!Jf ; cou n ty . . a n( I ganizuttons. Shite Associations.: and citizens and Pnas Organiztici.i.-joa;fEst Trade .etreer.:,;': .rAt-i I-.i.':, "I 31afonic! LodfW, h Odd.i . FIoa?, Knights-of Pyibia -iand Gox1;lTem plart, frn Noitb Trjoo strottXfrom: the square.)1 -i J . -'--.w vjRt i, To-be -followed by band of Music with Military Comany,!;(t6 be assigned bt'Chict Marshal.) as guard' of uonor or escort j. ( . . ; , . . .Ja , carriages the . iollowipg; The President of tne Uaite-tStaesGovtrn r norofemiessec and staff, fioyrj ur bt Nortb qArolioit an 1 staff, .Uoitefl, btates Senators, and, . buprcmtt ; jand r Superior -Judges of North Carolina,- Major of tbe city," Other inyjted gutsttiK)rators nd readers, accompanied by - commit tees.' t r Parade to be tUrongh principal streets to arrive at the 'speaking ' groun Is t at 12 ocldckA:r VL -'After1' the vatfous After the vatious companiesr and, . orgamzatb organizations; &e., have been jarranged by I Chief Marvh 1 .and Assistapts, the Centellnal,, will) Ibe opeUjd, with pxayer t'lje Chaplain, -Kev, ,Rcbt ilaU .MorrisojjD., Xl'. , t after' which - reading of k the ;;Mecklenburg Declaration filndependenoe by " followed! by address !bjr-r .!irAtter tbef address 'there -.will "6 ocloek :.' P. 7M',V'a grand barbecue, after Jwhich Military and Fire Compapy display. At nigh r, at 7 oetock P.-Mit -Grand Torch Light Proce?si6:v'vr th Chiirisj Lanterns, emblem , transparencies, i&e, fclt' aftert whip b, addre?8es will be ' de-f l.vtred'from ' s'wnu in'" Independence ibquare, oa theite o(.he original Dec laration ot May, 2'Jth 1775, Corners of Trade aud Try on streets., .There wi.l be general illumination Ot .the houses on principal street. i1 , The Celebrntion . to; poocluda with' Griisd'PyrxKoehnic". Display, consisting of beautiful emblem .figures, 'mo.ttie &C.V '&Cm a 1 " ppropri 4i-e to the occasion,. UnJ r'C-.argc of thtf Ar iHefy - Comni tee. . ; n-r'- The C hief Mirsha', with thlry:: AU sis' ant Mursha';;, to be' hereafter an- nouacea. , . . 7 , , 1 r ' uiia i'K-.4ii.r':( .-r ' We repu bli sh by request -the U u ry - Bill, "as passed by tWX.kf Session- : f Leer's! The folio inj; is ' the 1 " filrrHltA'a' 1itrrvlli riarLfral. A Tw, 1 ,1 .,1. ' North Carolina do enact, - Tuat, the le gal rate ollu terest shall be six 'per cent; per annum, or lor such time a -Jfitei-esr. may ace'ruv r"and : howtver.TbaU'Hm special cntc? in H pahy to,I bV , ' .- fM : T i-- . . .charged therewith, pr1 his agent,' great a rate as eigne per cent may be aiowed. . ....... , f -.Sec 2. . Fhat no, person, .banking, institution, corporation, or, . company1,. upon any contract, shajl .directly-or. .in directly t take for loans iof.anyr. moneys,- warf 8,f in"erchanvise,f real, "estate,; or commodities whatever, above t'ie yalue of six dollars or eight doilars aprovi'' ded la sestibn firsl of this act,-by 'way of discount or interest for the ' fdrbear-1 ance of one 'hundred dollars for one year, and so after the "rate" as ab ve speciuea ror a greater or ie3S sum,- or f fr a longer or shorter time.' AH.binds contracts, and assurances .whatsoever ror iue payment noi . any pnneipal or money to be lent, oc venauted to be peiortmd, upon or tr. any usury; whereuppn or whereby 4here.,shal be Treserved or taken above the rate of ; six do larson a hundred: as aforesaid ahalf A0Toid,-.teT.ty per-.on barking insti- b, ay cf any' Wrnpt bargain,' loan i iiau.UHii iB&r mi:riit unit rprnivn - -.- g -v. -) or other" means whatsoever for the forbearing or. giviDg day of payment, a ra e of intereft'greltt r than here in before specified, shall forfeit and lose Jor every such.oflunce. the double val ue of the moneys, , wares, ; merchandise or real estate eo lent, bargained or ex changed to asy person ,.whj will su -' for the same. - r ; . Sec. 3. That every person, banking tnstituiopi corporation or company and all 'officers ' and agerlts of any bankmg Instin ion, c rpration or company, who shall'violate the provk tjuusvi .u.:c,suau ckj gut ty of a miademeDor, and, on conviction in the Superior Court, shall be Cued n I less than om hundred dollars nor. mo r tan one thousand dollars. -ec. 4.-That the provisions of this act shall nt be construed to apply to any t-x sMng contract medj in conform ity, with law, nor to'inva'idate any r m?ly ox righ.s now exercised by any Baidiug and Loan Association for the redemption of the r own stok. Sec. 5. That nil law or clauses o! Uvtg in conflict wi;h thb act are bertby repealed. . A-, : t : ' -f Sec C. That this act sbtll take effect and be in force thirty days from and af . ter its ratification, -f '' " Ratified on the 22nd day of March. 1 Good emplars Compliment to Sovrtli- 1 4 i I The foilowmc? !from tha i Salisbury ! B WATrauia-ttjii im rexd. with i.intreat. . 'Tbebest thins: we hare beard on tb raggid edt" tr a, and at the sami time one of the most truthful complimen a to the Bouthern ltdiea, whs ctt red bj a Siliiburyan at Sara toga last summer. He wa discuts nar urea: acanua . on .nc uiiiza ui uus lUU liatelawltb-aaothtr. centlemaa. and of cursp. like a!) - right thinking j eople, was fully coa?ined of Beech- er's guilt. While the conversation was proceeding.- several elegantly dresaed several elegantly Northern fadus stop pea up and to his great astnn:shmeht chimed in and dls cus-ed witir perfect jreedora, the proa add cons oi lliis very 'disgusting cae. This was rather strong for oui Southtrn friend, but he stood calnOy until one of them in her gushing defense of the .libeitio', turned shirply upon him and said, no chritiu mn would speak in that way ot Mr. Beecher; y.ssir I'll go lurtherand say that no gectleman rwouM speak oil himliin ;! such- teims. This raised him, and' be I replied, in words for which every Southern lady should thank him, "Mlidanr, I do not know tybether you area lady or not. DUt tuis i uo Know, inat in xuu oouiu where I am from', no woman dressed like a lady as you are, and looking like a" lady as yn d", would think of dis- ;cnsiing such rcandaloaa , immoralities, rpublicly, wi'b gentlcmeu .The ladies (?) retired in high disdain with mam- ;liug cbeekf3 The implied . compliment to our Southern ladies is a deserved on', and all tne more giattful that , it came from the lips of an adopted citis zen of foreign birth and cosmopolitan travel." . ': ' ' : 1 ' ' H'ARN.E S S jj't SADDLERY ESTABLISH- : ' ME NT. io - '' if sri' '- .: -, ' - -' ' ' . ' I have just opened a' harness and. .saddle' ' fchop in L uisburg,J ' 1 shall keep: idways oir Ua.-.d a go m itock t - .vtscniue 'uiitdtf LiarLesa and b add 1 8. I emp y go d anU t xery i c d woik inei , mil 1 warttl nil tlie woik put up by uie ; aii. kuJs 'of . .reptiiirg iu uiy I be done vij eiiort tui'uu a.a u Vvry 'h asouib.e n r u'a. My .ip oyer 31r. T. t. Uarli It'.1-Store on M iiu oireeU ''2f- Is solicit the patronage at the ;p i.e ot Fii.kl : , ; ,... i : Y. B..CL.FJON. .0 ;'-.7.';J ,'. PHOTOGRAPHIC :iAt my Oallery'oyor Mr.'T. X. Car-. lilf;,s More ca t be found at all; turns, . r-nrf, fouaie hn-i msti iranva. . I am ,ul f j)iepaie'i V take Gein tvpes, (Jaxd' and caiiioet h'cn I'iiotographs, When you want a ijood picture of youistii and I am' If',' call at' my Gallery. ,...f , -v . Vcry'Kesp' ttiu lji PIANOS ! pianos t ! r August Doepi Manufacturer of Piano Fortes, bees to announce, that he is sunpiied with new. and second hand Pianfii",, which he offers at low prices;' applications , by.' letter will, receive prompt attention. I AM PRE ARE D,' ; assisted t by competent -! workmen to undertake the'-mest extensive repairs of every description. -- - ?r ::rKelerence made to the musical pro-. fession in general, and to myilarge unm ber o' pa'roo', , . . . Ju y 17-i2-m.l Raleigh t C ' Whitelaw ; & Crowder, . Cor. of Blount and Morgan streets, , '. . . ' "baleiqh, n c, ; ! , ji Are Prepared to Furnish l. -f .( - r 7.;'-'r:'.T.-r -t r..- . . Marble Tombstones ( ' , ; . 01 all kinds ' ; ; - . . . ..... -1 Neatly f Carved and. Etigruved.' Also, all kinds of amK isb WOES, .... ;, . " I - . .: Such aa Post, Steps, Sills. Water Tables. Street r, , and Graveyard Curbstones, &c I All orders from the country or city prompt attended to, . , mh 27y i SEABOARD & ROANOK RAILROAD COMPANY1 Omcz Saboaed & PoaxokeU It OQl. ) tr ;r - rpiUmouih, Jan lsl, 18 ( . - , CU AJSGB OF SCIIEEULK. -. . . Oo an4.aftr Fridty, Ja .uarr lat 18751 Train will leave lYrldjn dauj (Sandaj ex tniu iii!y a. 4 x. . No. 1. -Freight" train dailj at 4 a. m So. 2 Freight train at 8 a. x. . ABJUVJB AT POnrSJIOUTH. Mail train daily at... I... 7i P v No. 1. Freight trio daily at 1 2 00 non, ; No. 2. Ft ijjht Train at 4 P0 r. x. Freight trains nave a passenger Gar at tached, ' I . Etearoer fo Ed en ton, Ff month & Laad. Irgs on Klckwater. and 'Chowan Rfrers le&ae Franklia at 740 a. icon Uondavs. Wedneadaj s and Fridays. 1 P.G GHIO. Sapt. of Transporjuion. A . ;J I . ' I afro w "Pleasants To Buy ; . T t Everytliing you Their nev, isnow d And . constitutes ( ! I far the largest in Louisbunr. Low for Caslij i Our MottOi -1 i, All loud of (groceries .(bruaranteed; at "Northern - . i Freight 1 1 -1 i Added." O la r r els . - ;" ! . . . ; . .. r Fl o u r, bought tlie ad- vaiice, which we are selling at old prices. ' I ! - , Barrow & Pleasants . .. Ixmisburg, N. C. Arriving Prices- befdre Mo you take tlie X 7 ! -111 114 It is a 28 coir Ir -r v ir M - t ; t uiun xiaxier, devo ted to tite inter est' of Franklin ppimiy and tlie Deinocmtic lPsiv ty;!.V;it:.only';;'cost $2. per year. IT FURNISHES YOU UI TWELVE MONTHS ABO'oT ,900 COLUMNS OF READING MATTER; AND THIS i F0RS2.00. It is a acood AB- i i i VEETISIN(&. as it circulates hi att , ' f-i . ' . . . ..1. - ..; r ; ; - . . : .:. Wake, Granville i r :-.;-. J . , ...... Nash, ' ; Wilson, Halifax. Warren, ' ceiiiiii lililtUU m. Johns t0arure;waaSEC.fc!?ANY. if Qvomzuies, end ls :,. . V .- - . ... ' . . . . jread in ; nearly py ery family - hi ITrajjidin,; ates 1. or;: -Adverlisnig 4 moderate. very. - i 'I il :t.: : Sea1,.ua s2-00 aad get R-H5S1 O&SS k685 - I ' in Franklin County to SUBSCRIBE and; stop 'reading liis neighbors paper. ., , r :PBIOE only .2,00 per annum. " " 0 Tl ; JOB WORK. '" ' ' ': ' ' 1 . i t ,. .- - t :- , .... j : ... r, . , , . We are now jprepared to do job. work , us haye your orders, they shall :..J 1 . - be filled witli - . - neatness and dis patch: Gco;S. Baker,:: Editor & Proprietor Professional Cards. . , 3 - ' ' . . feU'!-" ' .... Jt&gg&r , rr. IE. E. iiirvo DENTIST. "OCeis-ois ProiesiioVarBervicea To he public ia , , Every department or - " DeixtUtry. OFFICE. Loa'ubnrg at ' Warreoton ov r Dents Hotel, Norwooil & Davis' Store. JOS. J. DAVIS, ITT'Yasi CODKsELLOR at LAW t SixuisLUiua, 4JL ki i v co. n c "U rrctic in lh r.l Oottrof Ciai vil: iuili0; N.k, W.rreo and Wkk. Uu mi r mit , o of uioa -t. Jaly 15, 1871. i a?.ar.""3mrcKEiii. r.r: n J r ATrOUNEV AT LAW. FaisKLiMox, N. C." Will practice In the courts c f tlie h judicial dinner. . Prompt atteoliorgivca to th cnll,CH tiim f claims. No 50 tf C.H. Ccole, : W. H. SEsncer COOK & :'SPD50EU ' OTOEHEYs AMD COUNSELLORS -.. A.T LAW. i And Solioitoifs in. BANKRUPTCY v.;.: L0U1SBURB C. . W 'U'r d the CuuiLW fi-Kr. Ui. (jiaovdU-; Wrten,-nil W.k C an. ts' ! il.c b pr me art . 1 NnU t arol.i. 4.0-1 Uiv U. S. . C.n uit anl ii ' O.ui r. N . 7 -if S'.X- REASONS VHY . v usu rt-nt rn. ix the r.:.. mutual i ... 9ii vhlt:ut street. . : PHILADELPHIA. - ' r. i j ; In ;. -niy, urul iutt tS u, ' J.1:CT ' I Vr Ik iin f. n- -. ntol"! ti a ui''ur-f nil 5 1 n et nn-l ihiU bis ho i flu nee ia . . V'r It r. u r i.b f ; Crr. Lrnul ,o b- d f tiny Life Insurance " 4 1 '(nniH-bv t-conondcjil mtn S.u'n i ' r' fb of rxp nf a to tokl inc 'in-; i ';ir lel'w ih reree ot Lfe an o.. low vf.uciai iaiuraoc .Rcpoit.) . , j 1 ' ,. 5tb. .? Tlerarte ill a d-clatl tnor dividend. io 1 umber, and of a larger averaae nerreta. e. han any Company In 'hi- Unlud . a'-, Tt ' m-npK- Poiiij IS. for f$00O; h' Un paid to fbe widow of a pb'WMpbia roTchan, o poo which twer.ty-ibro dividend4 . ha! beea flared, a-e-tir n- City seven iercf0t flad t pspivinends feen nfd t" por t ha., y i,iiti.. o tbU p. licv, $5,041 mie omd have heer rf xi'ted mk ng tbejAl!cy worth $U,04r3; I Tcanseit'isliUral In tts man ?ej , prvtnp- la it seittUmert, tt Iryond 9 rotsiiru'-rt y, and its ra axe. a nw auj, flr.t cUs ( ompany Prr.rtpa' F'a'or. - Small xpfnet abiM eserjritr,trzer'nm pr mlam, Vofppt r'Tenf of lot-t and liberal -ty tn iU' inrurwl. - - II .FINCH, Cfn'l, M.rar f.r Jfor ,b (Jn li". W D. SPhUUX. Grul. XzroK I Frrkpntor, N. C. Railroad Schedules. .SCHEDULE OP TUB Pf IH lijj V'a RAI LJIO A D COM PAN Y. i 'FAS.-ENGER1RAIN3. , , LTJLVg WlLDoI. . Txpr Train... ..8.50 a, n llail Train .. M 4 13 p.a. Abbitkat PkTtwBUsa. Exprest. ..... ' ......... .1 2.1 0 a. tn. 1ail.. ............. :....805 p. tn. .Vf.f rTf 1 c LXAVB PtTXttBCBO. Mail . ... ............ .. l? a. r. - Exprt-s.". .......... ......3.17 p. m r ','Mail. i 1 M a. n Zxpnai. .....;.. 7.00 p. m .,' . - FtnoirTTjL&isa. Lf a ya Prtet sbarg . . . . . . . . 9 00 p. 0. , Leave WIdoo.... 8 50 p. Arrive at Wlthn........ 3,0s a. n Arrive at PcttMbarg.... 4,00 a,m.' Ive Fr rsLoxg."... . . . 6 t3 a. m, Lave Oaatoii... ........ 1.15 fCaa. Arrive' Gatn 1330 p. tn, nicest PcUrtbnrg .... 7jOO p. xa, F'fichu fr Giron Branch will b rtceitel at ihepetrnbo'e dpM only op HON DAY8od THURSDAYd The rtepoi will bect'id at 4.-00 p. D, No gs will riteived alter that hour. . J.C. SPRIGO, Krgiaecr incl Ge rural 14acar,

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