Frairidiii Courier trrr-rr 'i; tri"" :- v rr - , ... 'If'1'1 - - - - ,'. ' vm Fishing is the rcrt now. Jnnsnurta. ...... ."April, 1G, 1 1$T5 w Clroquetfeeascn has opened. , SPECIAL -. ITEMS,. TH We will send tbe CouniER and dodey's Ldfly'g Book, with beautiful Oil chroma" Rescue,'. 12 months for $4.50. . . ' The name of Mr. H. C. Jones' t new hack, which runs every day from this' J place to Franklinton is "The Rose 15ui, it is both pretty and comfortable, . ; !' ' ; ' ;; .- -', Mr. T N. Carlile desires to see every 1ody that comes to town, at his store on mayi street as ho has a larjje tock of of good, which he is an x!ouji4o dispose of bfforc; he starts north for his . spring SODA FOUNTAIN.. FOR SAJL3T:. i ne town scales ' are : being repaired t with i.ew timbers. ; :w . . - r '. " 'i v .;-. - Thereafe more dorrs in this county. III tan fchcep7ha;6e, . i - J)o not borrow your neighbors Couriku. "" ' - " '. " . - rM-'; - . ?:;,....' :v '! Spring time-ia coining gentle An nie,r wfcll come ab ng don't wait. 'A A general repairiug of fences around gardens, for the past few days. ! rr - " . ii31r. Allen Harris, la quite, ill at his residence, about 5 miles 'from town. E. V. . FULLER has lxn selling some, very fine Flur during the ear, .but on his recent trip succeeded in finding a lot of Family Flour that ex cels anything he has ever before offered to thepublic . It is simply perfection ; and for creamy whiteness, - oft rich texture and fleecy lightness can not be approached, by any flonr in the market He challenges the far famed l'atapsco to compare with it. Remember to get the"Knston Family," from & W.'l Fuller if you want the most snowy de licious bread that it falls to the lot of mortals to taste. . . The Cour t Yard pump is a nnisance will not our town Commissioners have tha wen filled r a : J. .' Tlie a:r is redolent with the per fume; of -Guano, healthy Wonder if it is s pricetthe ;Cot'ElEit .12 month - - .' . - ... ", . . ... ...... .$2 ,'00 orer' 900 columns of reading matter each year. A marl r(tni Soda Fountain with improved f "1 Mrs Sjencer, mother of Ml. W. H. ,1c Counter Piece and Syrup Tanks. Snciicer, we are t-aiued to hear is quite Arplyto J.R. CLIFTON, jjouisburg Drng Store BRICK 1 BRICK Vk. nre preparing to commence mak 1r..' Rrik at. our Saw MiU. Will h 'c, ONE- HUNDRED THOUSAND.- Toiuly for delivery bv the first ofJunov Th we wanti ng, will please hand in their (JARKOW & PLEASANTf?. ill at her dairliters home iu PaciCc. ....;;t .. 1 1 . l. .x Mr, A. M. Noble, with the Grocery house of Me!f tsi W; II. Morris & Sons, Nyrftflk Va. was in town last week. ore hr . r Tjye third unmral session of the N t$). Press AiiMotiatti n wi 1 meet in Wil hiingtou'outho 11 tli of May next, n The Oxford Tutxh L'Vi. atd the - ' - -. - Milton are' at daggers Doint. well " it aict our' fierht: M) we I 5 j. stand ofif and sav netting. , Gen. Jaet.h E.Jchrstfn, haC';n rented to act as. C!.iff Marshall, at the Me liii'Mjrg Centennial. The. lion, JoL llerr will deliver the addres, . The Raleigh Light .In far try. has ben piiiicntcd with a beautiful flag.- I It wa'i-resentd' by Col. T Fuller in behnlfof the ' itiz.n ofRal i-Ti. ." Ti.e 3I:i.tcrs of the Granger of the r (ADVERT ISEULXT.j NOTICE. U; S. Internal Revenue SPECIAL - T A Mat 1. 1875, to Apnn..30f 1878. Till, nwiaasrl - Rtktnta r( ttit TTni Soutlicrn States will ntcM in Ralei-h I cutinn. who . o- W H JD & 3 iLi O Tlie April number of 0r Living av'f Our Dtad,ms been received. The Maeraiine is brim full of useful ....... . .............. .and interesting facts connoted with he Jatu war, as well a -having a de partnent for History,. Riopraphy, I.itrature and Science- The book is in May, at the mc time with ti e Southern Agricultural Congress. Tl.c Wihnimrton fur, wishes Gen. Clhictunn -'- to write i the Historv of North Carolina. Thero is no man in tr e S'atQ better - fitted for the work than the General. ' t -' - Tie Danville Times on bain'; a worth tlie price. Address S. D. $239, rtquirw ry p roa engaged id ahv Iipsiii avoratfof. or emiilnf ment which renders himliable to a SPECIAL TAX. l-0:.PKOf:UR AND TLAuE CONSPXCUOUvSLY IN HIS ESTAB LISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSI NLbS a STAMlv tteootirjf die .pj, mect.f Mid Special Tax tor the Special-Tax Year beginning My 1, 1873, befure cinraeDCinij or cmtaiuin bui- Drti hi cr April SO, 1875. THE TAXES EMBRACED WITH. subscriber, says ; If sonbody. did not f.,li : l ! til. ... i . Pool RaleipK N. C. with M n- ,u" uat " t IN THE PROVISIONS OP 1 HE LW c ...... I .1.; i.i i..4 j..ii I , closed, which willpav for this valuable l B,"'u,u "" " Wrt' ecil,"o ABOVE QUOTED ARE THE FOL- book for 12 months - . Franldhion, 11 C, T:,' ,: ; - . , , . Ar dtnn!itl to tn nat :Kr L VR1E aoi ASSOIirBD :K J "-v ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE -. - ' m " ' AT Tni LOTTEST POS9IBLS TIQCKE'. -'-.!-... . ' ...... - . . Jn w..t fcoli CHEAP-CALL OK THEL A.j kUA f pro4w " " - l . ' : . : . .... ' taks t liett price, ' ' . " . at '" , ...... : IV. A R D & B ii,o. : J If and uninteresting. STARLLSU ED 1S47. CominiwiWvnei-s, to Jet tlie, contract for extending Xhc, bridge over the River at thiaplacj. ' . ;'( 31e hoary rains for the past several months, have .washed our streets bad ly. : Work on them before they get worse. Tliore ' are fouvteen GranL'es in this bin" purposes, koungs. Celebrated h . , L .AA Perfected Pensepic Spectaclss and YVr:1"'" i rn,J,l'v,ul uu rrT; Eye. Glasses, sill improve and bencBt bcrs in all We .letrn that the. order, your eye-sipht. - is rapidly growing in strength. ;? (Ml and see them when vou visit ' 5 . i . t t -wio larmers are seen lonnmnjr aoout -l-, ,.v i f .... . , i. our streets, iney are an at wvk, tuey We would respectfully call ymr' at1 tention to thvi new rich, and cheap. Watches, Jewelry, Hiamoiuls, S Iver, Ware, Clocks nnd -fancy pnoW at) Youngs. Marble Front jJ?wlry Store, corner 'Sycamore & ltik - street h. ' IVterfburg, Va., Solid lSkt. plsin Gold Rings for- engagement, and wed lounjrs. Celebratwl IVtcrMtrg. MALLOEY'S i . Household Magazine. The 3rd number of this most excellent majra- zine, is befyre us. Tt is a credit to our State, and we hope it will be sustain ed. ; This number contains a splendid portrait of the Hon. W. A. Graham. ffeteafter ti e publisher will give twot portraits in each number instead of one as heretofore.- -Price oMln-Mra- zine without premium chr6mo$l. 50, brlScts per sinjrle eony. Address J. A. Bonitz, Golcbboro N- C. r , .; The Chi drens Friend says, that there is a rail way at last from Hender son to Oxford, but explains in a P. S. that the rails are those stolen frcm the neighbors fences. ' The Hotel at Weldon has a new Gon. Manninc savs. the 'consarued, LOWING, VIZ : Rectificra. . - Dtaltr?, retail liquor Dealers, wholesale liquor i : 100 00 Dealers la malt1 liquors, - whole- Dealers in malt liquors, retail 20 00 Commission Merchants. t2oo oo w h. Morris1 & Sons., VW I .... r . I i I . '.' .... - - ' 1 COTTON FACTORS JSD ,. Dealers in leaf tobacco ' 25 00' Retail dealers in lcat tobacco 500 00 the citizens, . to death. It had .the cf- Tect To carry Bro.' M.y back to his boy hood days. V . . - ---' .Mr. F. H. Biisbee-deliveied an ad dress on Saturday jnight tthetUnd inst-, vTite Waverlt SIagazine Th's I before the school of the Messes fs'afb Mogazine published by Moses A Dow rand fjellog. His subject wasi'The Boston Mass. is now in its fiftieth veir. Imortalitv of Force." His lecture is Tt is a sixty column rgnfcine, and highly spoken of. furnishes with each huniber a "page of the choicest music. There are no con tinued stories ;'all are concluded in the paper inr u which "Ihey." bejrin' : The. price of the paper is 3,00 for 12 3 for 6 1,50 for 3 nonths. thing liked to haye friglrtHned some of And pn aIeg of over fl000 fitt cent$ tor every Uollar in excess ot 81.000.', 2S.'5 and 27 Ccnnmerc ?t. ' k . - . - 1 Cotton Cotton,' ! Dealt rs in manufactured tobacco 5 00 Manufacturers of stills , 50 00 And for each still maauf ctared 20 09 . And for each worm tuioul&ctured 2000 Manufacturers ol tolmcoo " " 5 10 00 Manufactures of cigars; j 10(1 Peddlers of tobacco, firtt class (more than two horses or other animab) 50 00 Peddlers of tohrcco, second class I (two horses or other animal) 23 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (one horse or other aoimsl) - , - : , j 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fonrth class (on foot or public convejanre) , ,10 00 Brewers ot less than 500 barrels 50 00 i Brewers oi 500 barrels or more 100 00 Any person, so liable, who shall fail Petersburg, April 16. j to comply with the foregoing require- , WH mae libera1 urrncy advan Cesou pro luce of bill lading In hand. - Mr. A. M. Xobie, of K. ., Is co i nectel with' our bouie. and will be HAWKINS d CO. Collon Factors ' and . ., - Coiiimlssfoii Hcrcliants . Mt. 43 IT, Lombard Street. . BALTIMORE LlVral cah advances mad nui lU-aed to rccelretthe patronage of j con brn mentis IajKlng and Ties fur hi friend . ; "', ' I nUhd t lowt ttet. . . Sept. 11-Ciu. - . , ; . . , COTTON" MAKETS.V Lonisburg, April 1C. . ; . 15 16 'The )Varrcntjn: Gazette in 6 peak- . , . : 5 5 w it or LorusM meets will be subject to severe penal- tn-s. 1PT At - urr; ays : 'yf hntv trip to Louisbnrg Inst Friday, found our sister town in an apparently tbrtvinif ''-'conditioni The merehnnts said. " 'fhev we"e doinr wMl Norfolk,' Persons or firms liable to pay any of terms. . W. 0. WOLFE, Martl. ' Rton. " ir-ditonea, ,Mounmenl Trtmls," Oraol'a .,.. i Work, Ac., &. V)Tf of Morgan mod BIoot SirMta, R A L E I d II, N. C. ' .Work !dona on tr most . rrtsooabl Cotton Cotfrn Ital.'igh 16 15 - 1 3?RRTJ 7IA.N! C.enilimj' PEUUVIAN --Cuano di rect fronif ttoverniinnt; i Cruar ranteed pure and unadulteratevl Very w for Cadi. . W. ,S. MALLOUY, !VankKW, ii. C. He asks then t'k'ase to 'stwi it, as he is not a 31 in i -tin. ? - ' . "f r . Itcauiiful and Interest- intend to w.iik the. h.!irfb:- m npriniint Vr . i-i , i i - . 'r for ti c 'tinges vhile.'"thfl hnn huiU' .nfjteinjr a litt.e ln-hind in their r.irmp. , i iin.rjs poffi-e-i oiii.o nnsv. i!-. minnow SLimnl'l,Mnr . .1.1 i-ft'e-urf Ti-n I TV .f il . IT.'. - J - lills,of the Orphiii i Asylum, as 'K ;v.M has a flonnshing school and there ap of vrrnl Trosfrrnijs Pma1e schools 'n th rillnr.1 Ir. Jriser-h J.. Davis,' C' oke and 8oenrorand Baker as usual wrrf . g(nid.' snd bosritablo,- and ae mort worfhv rrnresentn'vos of-tho worth and intelligence . of good old Franklin. ,: ' f-A Titk Ccvxtkt Sqtjarr. We wish to rail ' the attontion of onr ' loard of Countv Cpnuuiss'onfr lp -condition f th.e Court square. The . beatifnl idm shad?' tree's, mnst ero lonjr Ifin nrn?sh and die.f fsome'liin is not done 'optop the washing of the earth from heir" roots, on th.j south and west side particularly. . it is --imnrtnnt , -It .gives' u.-plonsfire to s'atfi that Mr. -W. K. 1 for ton', . who has bei very il I fr some time with Pnr-u!noui;t, is .agsiin'ablc to attend to business. I' -iv(as ulile:turi to learn "that ,MajiunhanV?i?s so-' far rcctivercd as t6 be able, to be removed lo.lits fathers, in iliuintnu:-' -- f 'Head the attractive advertisement of I ' . ' ' : , 'Ti Jfr:, h.; A . duller.' ou '. can. fl ways llev. M'. 1. agenfor hei jrv)j uixiii-getting ; the best bargains 'Crossoiid Crown," a 600 pa pec " Tiook. fro"i: tb.oso whoadvertiso by the llev. James D- McCabc ir,: Y t ! omu t J i.J - ; ' 'Have vcur Letterheads. Bill heads. The book isa history of the J?"f:r -that :someth:shoiild be done ard n.l tnump..s ot the .heroic tmnv and, a (Uus" Office. Tl.ev will ' bo done at 1 nftt " women, who were persecuted - for) the-1 -r zrBl't" :'n "i '''n"n' - in. the State tlrt. can boast .of a better 'leligion of Jesus Christ, Tho book is-l i (q - ' V; j and more conveniently arranged Court printed on fiae white paper, with largo J ,' "Tlie contract for "making the addi- J TIoue. than Franklin, and we revnem- elear type, and contains 17 large J tioato , the bridge over the river at J her when tlie square ,ws the T-ride of steel engravings. He sure to see Mr. rinnell, tma ctve him your name, as i iu May ihe book is only sold hy subscription I 14$) feet,1 with 5 ntw stone pillars J thin "place, will be let the 1st Monday nur people, but for number of years, J heart pce ; iu .uav uui. xne auuiuon will be l ine raiunsr nas,jo?en iown,:ana -in Newr ;A (Ivertiseiiieiits, 1 NOTICE. Hav:n2ben appointed a Oommi tee by the Board of County Commissi on ers, to receive sealed proposals, for ex tending the bridge over the river at this place, beyond high-water mark, We will receive sfibl senled proposals, nniil 'the 3rl day ot Msy rext hi la o'clock M. " Bidders will state in thtir bbls, what the work will cost in mouey. and also in County Orders. Bond imd approved security , of $500, will be nouired ot the SHCcesslul bidder, for the- fni'hful performance of the woik cording to the followirg spccilica tionsr't " " . ' V Bridge to be a double track, 1-iO feet long 18 feet wide, . 4 New spans,1 " ' - 40 8tringer3 36 feet long, 13x9 in., to be well hewed. . 13 Cap Sills 18 feet lone, 14x14 in. 28 Flooring plank 22 feet IoDg3xlO inches. 4 ' 'rf ' ' V , 28 Post 4 feet long Cx8 in. ' 28 scantling 3 feet loDg 3x4 in , 56 Plank 20 feet long 1-2x8 in. 140 tVet ot timber in length for center track 4x8 in. " The flooring to be 18 feet long 3x8 and 10 in. All of said timbers to be of good the Special Taxes named above must apply to 1SAAU J. OUNG, Collector ot lot roal Revenue at Raleig , N. Ca, an?' pay fpr and procure, the Special Ti:x Stamp or Stamps they o-fdt prior to Mav 1, 1875, ard WITHOUT FUU TIIEU NOTICE. " - J- W. D ouglass, Cvmm 'ssioncr of Internal Revenue Office ot Internal Uevrnue, ' aahmgton', IV C, Ftrbiuary 1, 1873. Building' Contractors " ' AND : - ' 6A.33I3srET .! LOUI?rUIlO, N. c. .... . : Ponr. C, Ston, Ascent, -spr 10 ly., .' iI4 uiVurp, Jf. C, PEET & ATKINSON. Wholesale Dry Goods M;Mercliaiits, J No. 45 Roanoke Avenue NORFOLK, Va. Bpt. 18 ly John i Armstrong . . . i ' . Xf. 1 Fa jettcTil Street, RALEIGli. X, C. 300K BINDER, " Blank Bock JIanvfiiettrtr, ' Newpper, SIt?xlnes and Iaw ' Btoks of every descriptioa bound la the Tery bet Style and at Lowest Prices.' ln3012:n ; 7 EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, N.C. j A. Grcca" PxormcroR. '' Tlie prcfcnt pronrl tsr has leased the Ka?jle HotcJ, iformrrly occupied SASH, BLINDS AND .1)0 OIIS ' MADE to ORDER, and all kinds of Machine work done at short notice, on J '('OMPLKTE TI1IRTT HORSE TOW nsicasuuuuie i'iius us rmcwucrc iu iuc S'ate. All grades of CofSln?, Furnish ed, 'with bearse. ' r .. . . '. 3 r Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. o Latbes ' alwavs MACHINERY FOR h7 JarnMnef.t)fo-anumlKrof jrari. .He U prepared to accomiuodaU' SAJLE. ERP 'itble $eni Stwr Mill, uuM tix mon hii, wrrantel to ! perfect as Hry. nw mill. Cost f2,75'J cash. Pile 12,150.' Terms esy. -; Plustcring on Wellons1 Family Prayers. Fouare used ns a lot,for storin? cotton, tinber : feedinafc Tiots fzo Wfi kn-w Slon6 Vork. heavy, and that, the, Board Thf Yl. Pliiirr.h nt. lliie r1fA la tn . dx r T, T.. , I that the expensed ! of tlx county nre have a new Organ, Afr. E W. Ful- , v'j ; , -. . - . - J: ' ler will purehase'tt while in Now York. Seventy ryornin and Kveiilug Pray- j , Tho-Pulpit is also to be remodeled, era, ruuuiug through 5 weeks ;3S "1-and other repairs done to the Church .Pra vers for Snetial occasions: 5 -for j 4 is veM loth to do anyth'.ns that will necesi- tte, the fspendlnw of money. But when a necessity like the above is sen, Children, Graces before nd after meals n . j. , J , . ,v , . ..... ' - , ,. . , , . Commissioners, takes place on the 1st but shoulder the responsibilitv, and with Dcncdictiona. ' . Prepared by-yan- ; . .. .. . , , ; , - i i-ir , r' Vii Monday ui Slay next. Registration have the work done -at once ous authors of tho different Lvangclical . , J J.. lf - . , , , . i in i. u w rs iirwiTi 111 Tvin jii linn i i k mm u 'ok i . . 1 VlVlC V (It VI4i? UUiLU VI UU I TownXleskr. jr. It, Furman STATE NEWS. denominations. Type large and clear," suited touted eyes, and the forms of Prayer new and fresh. Rook jreU rThell owing jnierchauts have rc- bounJ,rpapcr white aud heavy aud price I turned froni' the North, where they low. Boundln full gilt $20, in lloane J have bfeen for? spaie time purchasing ' leather i0I.5O;' in : Moshn 'r$ 1.25;; j their spring goods. : Je&srs. Carlile, When soiit by n ail, 15 cents additional 1 Barrow," Fuller, and Person. tuittniM IcL- rmif ' lliirtrKpli fbr 1 . 1 55 v. V5-r wif. AKravKDw Mrs. W, II. Furman. . : - - v !? .'""." 1 i fiMK .iLnnt n.Vn I (rrou will m fo t in T??i1at1i in Afar Agents wantea to canvass lor uie visitius? her son Mr. H M. Fnrman. There are 593 convicts in the Pcni- teutiary. ' -'; ;" " ' " . Tlie Torch Liqld reports the wheat croo in Granville backward.. Southern A "ricultural Con- The , Tbre are two wooden arches and the stone abutment to be. removed, and stone arches to be put in their. place, in all seven arches or pillarr, 18 feet loner 6 feet wide. The abutment to be a wall ot stone on each side, Io a line with the bridge, said walls to be four bet wide and run to the hill on a level with the floor t the bridge, be . tween the wails ot said, abutment to be filled with rubish stone and dirt. The Arches to be first class rubblc woik, Dry. ; ;. ' ' , J. A. 8TONE. 1 Bridge X. M. HAWKINS, ( Committee. April 16 3-w. . . 5 . N o t i c e! . An Election for Magistrate of Police and lour Commissioners for tbe Town ot Louisburg will . t held in the Court 1I0D8, on the 1st Monday ot May 1875, JPL 1 -V -Ill N i 5- ? lie" i r- -f 'VAwn r 71 l Th Green county , Jail, bnrrel a it being the 3rd day of the monxb. book. Second edition just out Apply to editor of the Ashcyille Czen, arrived ... The?iotls will be ooened at 1( J, W WElXOKSr :s Franklinton N: C. Atlantic HotA . NORFOLK. VA. .furaitrly Of the ' IVUNTAIN HOTEL, . . propr'etor. Tliie mRnificont rtOTEL, ftr having bu tl rouhiT renoTtteil - and r fitted,' i jjow open r tho c.onirufxl&iion jrgaeU.' Board, Qrttt aud second floor, ti per d& . TLinl sajfjanh llrir, $2,53 per (!) Ti lr. i tnn to rH-rmnt TVr - home on Mond iy last. We learn that sll0rk tirae ag will soon be rebuilt. Mr. r urman .with his family contem- 1 Pl?tJSiiSlA5beve u permanent hom. We do hope Our Conimissioners will not allow the itagnant pools of water on the south side of our town, to re- main, but have them ditched off into the" river. The cost f will bo very trlSing, and the good to be derived to our people Incalculable. . WTe notice one ot our prettiest side walks, on I" ranklin street leading to The Oxford Leader has established a reading room in connection with its ' office. '.'- i .' - fc-' "r ri ' -": ' . Raleigh is -JLn. have" another new Raptit-t C hurch. It will cost ?bout Th Ueat and Oat crops iu lqnt gomery county, are said to be the beet, for many years, at this season. - i - i . The Commissioners of t Warren county have refused to grant license to "any party in the county to retail TAKEN UP, tliaiiiWoiKil Church, in a bad eondi-" timl The iide Jitter bavins become Pin hl tle drlnk llci up fthe wat-erhas washed out tbe walk for some 0 or 3D yaids, just a J meeta few minutes work, will stop this wash. The ' polls will be opened at , 10 o'cl.-ck A. M. and cloe at 4 P. M. . All persons of Lawful age. having lived in tbe State for 13 months, and in the 0ri orate limits ct the; Town of Louisburg lor 90 day, pneeedirg the day ol said Erection, an entitled to rote, provided they have registered their names according to Law . The Registration Books will be opened from date herof, in the Court liouse, uaul the 1st day of May, for all persons qualified to vote in said Election to Register. - ' : V 1 By order of tbe Major, W.H. FURMAN, Town Clerk. Apiil 9 1875.' r NOTICE 25 HORSE P0 WER-P0K-TABLE EXGLSE, IX FIRST CLAS3 0RDE!?. . SECOND-HAND AND NEW ENGINES .-. . . . ,f ol varlons Horse- Power, .' ' Onm and Leather - Bel t- A if : ' ' ' ' . ' ' .... . : i v ! ing, Steam Pumps, . rr', illtfphldt'i Ptmo. he careful and r.VIHIITLAU SAWS Etc. see that it has my trade mark, as apoTe. I f ,., , t, 1 ' - ff von do not .know where to buv. de-, I , , , scriptive circulars, together, with the .'. fGT f- ' fletcrlptiTe CircbM n me and address of the agent nearest vou, will be promptly farnuhed by'ad dre6sing wi lb stamp. ' ' Charles E. Blalchley, -.: Haitfactoer. 500 Cn merce. ft "PtdU.lepbis, Pa. April 2-1'- 1YHTH &'.BEACHAM. . Ttr.s.TCHI.l'Y'fl Improved Cucum btr Wood Pump is the ncknowledtred itsV st a vninn . market, by popultr rer )oic the ljest pump tor the least mom y.' 'Attention it in of j vitea to Btatcmeya improvea ry'St Bracket, the Urrp Check Valve, which can be withdrawn with out disturbing the joints, nd the cop per chamber which never cracks, scales or rusts and will last a lite time. For sale by Dealers' and the trade gen- crally. . In nnler to be sure that you -0- , regular and traiiplriit boarders, lias iijce room", we 1 fornUhod and fitted up to tlto beat tyle. I has also larjrV and roiiveiilcut rooms foraJesaeo U display their. sainjl. TIm:, table l dallr supplied with tlie bcrt the in-r-Vet afTorI Tie will rnm no pain a , In mAMnir bU Imanlers comfortable, and hoiM'S be "will rett-ive ft liberal patrouaas front the public. Ja-. tiili ltJ73. .' To the Public. 4 ..... ITavtng m"Xl my shop tt my boos alKnt halt n il fomthe bnslai part nf Town, on lite F.nkliatot rud. I 'sk pleasure lu inroiminir tha people ol Frnk'int iUni I am prepar-d t dtt a'l work in n y l nef km c'leap at caa b lrne lsewhrr. 1 4 am rrtj ihaektul f r pt patmoag, and klncerely bop that joa l I c- niinae to pris cb. ; I am very Qespcctfally, IbniirORECf. P. F. rtr;es wlfLlae fo h?e work dune, will (rave It with 'Mr Ddlard, at Meri. Drriw & Plea nts store and will ! attroded to promptly. Jan '. U. r W" - ' Raleigh & Gaston R. n, 1 : : company. , Sci'tBixTicnCT's OriicR," 1 ' rEal-igb, X. C, Juuo HUi, 72. On and after Monday Junt ' 17th, , 1S72, trains on tlie Kah l-ti & OtMmn Rail rmf, will run dally (Sunday x ceiled) as follows; Mail, tai.t. r. . Tavrs Kalelgli 10.00 ft. m. Arrive at Wcldoii ZJZQ p. m. Ieaws Areldou . ', . . . . V.1 5 ft. m. Arrive at Ralclgli . . .05, p. ta. , ACCOMJXODATroX Taxxy. , r. We mention ft few d wb we have Si ld ectnd hsndrd Engine : ny tue unaersinca, on wonaay last. .rt ne nu,it T, tl.i. tn rt . mare muie, uie owner cau get iuc rae.and jcrelvo funds for tbe Orphan eame by applying to me. proving prop- Asylum, ny contribution given to eny pay mg cost ot tins aayerusemeui either one of rbo committee, will be .and for kcopiug said mule. forwarded to the Asylum, R. F. Yar- yvlLLIAM ALLEN. .April 15-1875. Tbe Kjjscopal Church Convention Valuable FlOUrfng, GriSt ieti in JNevrbero on tbe 19th of 31ay. I t - ; fl T!dreeonib! count r has a man lirlnif i . . J, .... i o j c , G. W. M1NN1S, -Photcgrapher, - ' Old jf.. 17. New 141 Sycamore fit r ' PETERSBURG, Va. Eve'ca every te of YVrwp frnm caid fr lif. zi. n 4he best Hvfsof i-t. . Prirra ' mod rut,-- sstbfrin uunrant. Gllerj estbsbeUa 1874 ' "OK?. 2 t . -ft ' 53 - v '.':'',,-:ry - 53 PETERSBURG, Va. '.Z E. RICO T ER. ; r Icaves IJalh-i BSC p. at. Arrives at WrMon ....... 6.21) a. n. Tmfm VMn - O m mm. W. . "Ui bt, Franklinton; . C. I Arrives t Raleigh 8.00 p. Mll ra'n mk close cosarctloa at in it, who cuts and splits 100 rail in one hour, his; name is Marcus IlilL . " The Leader will soou begin i enca borough, Jno. G. King, Thog. White lle cuts of 9llUrcbes and Geo. B. Jwker.. . .: ihc articles. "fCJESE iWatclimakcrland Jew- The Mills tre-in good funning order, I C'lCr. and draw custom from a lrge scope ot I risr. WaU-hSnJ- jwtl rVthbM of articles on the Cbttrcbea of Gran- 1 untry, Uonneded with tbe mills is ! .Mansion ail at the loetp kr. 3ppyto W. t. THORP, I nwiei. - ; . r - - T : ,J; - .Hccky Mount K, C. f .retetstmrTft , II. J.GitXB, iAxlrgVr, y. C J. A. Bcrrojr, & Ja'kwr, K.C " Bakrow & Pi,asaht, LouUburg, T.A. Pbicsj" & Cv, Bt atrsvil, Y. Si irk walj, nappy IImb ; ; ninu a h unter, f Rxbmon.V-. '!"J.p.-? m - 'l, " ' "'""" riM.iAU40N apcauu;u T lib MAS, WHOLEUALC OHOCIII '' I A5D ' Co viviiMMion Merchants, Xo. 53 FyetUvill gtrcet, ' ' ... EALEIGII, X. C. !. Opposite UetmpoUtaa Ililf. " Weldon with the seatard & Ookt Rilto4l and By Lie Steamer rift. Rltinvre. Xn ard from ft!l point. Xiob. Wet ftad Northwest la4 h . th Pc?crburjf Railiod vu Pet Ricl'mond nd W.hlptrto Ctf, " and frcm all points Korth and If rtb wst. - And ! RaVjrh with tbsNorth C. otina Rtilroad 'a ft I tnm all ipnlara. P'h and SouthwcU. and with thm Raleich & Augusta Air Lint to liar- . . in. ,. " wooa ana r ajciicTutc. -Aec'mniv'io3 and Freight frais. conoict at weMoi wlrh AccomnvHa tut a 0 Frrt-jHt traiaa oq !sUoftrii A Foaaoke Railnwl aoI Prtcrsbftis; IUilrnast. . . , , ; And at Itleigh with Aeenmswlft tioa ftxl freight tralcs oa North Caro lina Tlalirol f rrfKM HvB? tb hna . cf th road can visit IUleich ia th moral by Accinio5aUoB train, . nd. rraiin several boars, and re I era tLt tics crc nrs. ' A. B. AITDIHIT7H