r. Fr Courier ANKLIN GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor, TERMS : S2.00 per Annxim. VOL. IV. LOUISBUKGr, K. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1875. I : ' l . i l NO. 20. She U Xot Fnir to Out tear a View. Bhe is Dot fair to outward view. As many maidens be ; Her loveliness I never know Until she smiled on me ; O, then I paw her eye was bright A well of love, a spring of light. Tnt now her locks are coy and cold ; To mine they ne'er reply ; And yot I ceae not to heboid The lovelight in her eye ; Her very frowns are better far Than smiles of other maidens are '. IlABTLKTC COLEBIIXiK. IIVIIIED ALIVE. Tho broad shores of Massachusetts buy, lying between tho head lands of Cape Cod and Cape Ann, afforded many vivid chapters in colonial history, about tho period of 1G00, and the legends at tached to various localities along tho Houthera and northern shores are still familiarly discussed. The rivers and bays along the New England coast were, at the period named, the haunts of pirates and smugglers in numerable. Theso adventurers were so lold as often successfully to defy the king's cruisers, either by open fight or stratagem. Sometimes these rovers wero attacked and conquered, but the capture- of one or more amounted to nothing, where the offenders against the laws swarmed like bees. This scourge became so great at last that the home government applied itself earnestly to eradicate the evil, and it was suppressed by tho cloao of tho century, though iso lated cases still occurred. The vicinity of Lynn, Nahant, and . Tir itt l - i-i i inlets and bays which formed) anchoring ground for these contrabandists, and where tho navigation was sufficiently dangerous and intricate to make the pursuit by tho large vessels quite im practicable. The rovers, knowing every inch of tho bay, wero of course quite at homo in its navigation. One summer's evening, of the period of which we write, just at twilight, a Hmall and rakish-looking fore-and-aft Bchooner, of that general appearance which showed she did not belong to legitimate commerce, came in shore from tho main channel, doubling the headland of Nahant, and dropping her anchor just off tho mouth of Saugus river. There was no communication attempted with tho fchoro until after it was fairly dark. Tho people living along the coast were -accustomed to see these roving vessels come and go in a somewhat suspicious manner, until it ceased to be a novelty, and they had also learned that it was decidedly for their interests not to in terfere in any way with them. On the present occasion tno stranger was watched by some of tho most" curious and at about ton o'clock, by the light o: the stars, a boat wa3 lowered from the side of tho schooner, and four sturdy oarsmen pulled up the winding course o tbe river, being soon lost to view." On tho following morning, when those who had thin kept an oyo upon the suspicious craft, looked for her once more at her lato anchoring ground, she was not to bj found. She had spead hor wings and flown away with the firs cray of tho morning. She might have been n slaver, with some peculiar errand lierc, or a smuggler, or even a pirate: . tho honest fishermen "teould onlv coniec- tare and gossip over the mlatter. They had not ono item of facts whereupon to boar any theory as it regarded the char actor of tho flyaway. As wo havo intimated, those were stirring times, and the visit of the jaunty -looking schooner was soon for gotten. One day tho village blacksmith, a man named Ewing, fell siek suddenly, and it becamo very evident that he must die. He was reputed to 'be,-' and was,', an honest man, a' good father and friend, and held an honorable position among his towusmen; but whon'tho physician told him that ho could not recover, and that if he had any business arrangement which required adjusting 6a his own part, ho had better attend to it,' he was evidently worried in his mind. , Ho sent,- finally, for his pastor, the old, gray-haired clergyman of the town, who cnue to console his parishioner in his last moments. "I am troubled in my mind," said tho invalid. . -" What is it, friend Ewing?" 14 It weighs heavy on me." "Then divulge it, and let us con sult together," said the well-meaning clergyman. Being thus encouraged to confide the matter of his troubles, he disclosed that on tho day after the visit of the unknown schooner, on that May morning, ho had found a noto at his shop stating that if a certain number of shackles, hand cuffs, hatchets, and other articles, which were enumerated, of iron manufacture, were made and deposited at a certain place, with secrecy, an amount of gold richly repaying thejr value would be found in their place on a given day. " Did you comply with the order !" "I did." " And you knew that these articles must have been wanted for some illegal and unholy use?" " I surmised that they were." -"Then you were guilty of com plicity." "I know it, and have suffered many hours of remorse in consequence." " Did VOU receive thn navment ?" "Yes." 1 . " But did not see tho purchasers?" "No, though I watched carefully," said the sick man. "I could not dis cover when the articles were taken, nor did any strange! sails, approach the harbor." The humble blacksmith had confessed what he felt to have been a sin, and died with his mind more at ease. It was some two years subsequent to the death of tho man Ewing, when the mysterious schooner, at nearly the same hour of the day, was again seen to ap proach the shore and to cast her anchor once more at the mouth of the Saugus river. That night a boat left her ' side, and well-laden with baggage and various materials, wound its way up the narrow water course, propelled by four men, while the schooner hoisted anchor, and one sail after another, and glided silently away to sea. Not long afterward the dwellers along orce to accomplish the arrest, when the he shore found that they had some new great earthquake occurred which caused neighbors in the thick forest that lay such fear and consternation all through adjacent to the town of Lynn, and known tne New England colonies. as Saugus. It was sof n discovered that rom tne 7 of that catastrophe, he four, men who had landed in this neither Thomas Veal nor his companion ton, whence she was to be sent home to England for triaL Short shrift was made of such characters in those days. The sheriff, it is said, tried to serve this warrant and to arrest the woman, but Veal appeared at the mouth of the cave well armed and told the officer that it would cost him his life if he attempted to take the woman, and the officer saw that Veal meant what he said. " I shall take care that you do not sur prise me, said vue pirate; "and I can kill a score of you -before you can make me yield. The sheriff returned the warrant to the authorities of Boston, saying that it would cost the lives of a score of men to enforce it, and that he had no posse suitable to perform the service required. The authorities considered the matter. SI ana were just about to send a proper suspicious manner had selected a most secmueu spot ior tnur abode, amoner craggy and precipitous rocks, . and shrouded on all sides by thick pines and hemlock. Close, at hand was also a fine lookout which commanded a view of the coast and harbor for a great distance. The spot to which we refer is visited by the curious to-day, and is known as the Pirate s Glen. It Was supposed, many years after those men had lived here, that they had buried some of their ill gotten wealth in the vicinity of the spot, but the earnest efforts of those who sought the possible treasure, never di vulged the locality, if it existed. were ever seen in the village. Finally a party of men got together and sought the place of. the pirate's retreat, in order to ascertain what had become of him. They easily found the spot, but what was their surprise at the change which had occurred there. The earthquake had rent the rock asunder, sending a great mass down from the face of the cliff, and thus in one minute inclosing the guilty inmates in a perpetual dungeon. They had been buried alive. Temptations to Become Paupers. Appended to Mr. William P. Letch- I III 1 a 1 M The four buccaneers here built a stone ,wo"h e report to tne legislature oi new r l - a i " -a m cottajre. and dus a well, the remains of iorK on ine condition ana care oi pan which are still extant. per and destitute children are a series of The home government had its secret "Notes n bich much interesting in- spies upon the coast, and the pirates r B"o- were finally ferreted out, though they narea ana tmrty-two cruidren in one were unobtrusive, and onlv came into P"uouse K vo.) tne village, irom time to time, to re new necessary stores. For these they never failed to pay scrupulously, and then to retire again to their secret abode in the glen. The king's spies sent word to the offi m it i ' cers oi tne crown toucning tnese men, and a cruiser one day came into the mouth of Lynn harbor, off Swampscott, dropped anchor and prepared to clear out the foul den. A detachment of marines was landed at midnight, and, directed by a local guide, they succeeded in surprising the pirates in their beds. Though the house was surrounded, only three were se cured, the fourth'having made good his escape into the hills and forest. Three of the buccaneers were trans ported to England, wnere tney were tried for piracy on the high seas, and were duly executed. Their companion, who had escaped from justice, was not pursued, and seems to have been forgotten by the king's officers. His name, as was , afterward known, was Thomas Veal. He had escaped to a cavern used by the pirates to conceal their booty, and here he made his future home. This lonely life would have been un- supportable without occupation, so he taught himself to make shoes ; and once a month he would bring the product of his labor into the village, and exchange his shoe3for more unmanufactured stock, and also for groceries and small articles of comfort, especially tobacco, which he smoked incessantly. Veal is represent ed J to- have lived thug for some years, a hermit's life, at all times anticipating the fate which overtook his former com rades. When he came to tho village of Lynn, he would sometimes indulge in the pur chase of what was deemed luxuries, and when he did so, he always paid for the articles iu bright, golden coin, 'showing that he was in no want of pecuniary means. The inhabitant of the Pirates' Dun geon, as he was called, is referred to in tho history of Lynn as being Jnot nnfre quently seen in the streets of the village, when he came to purchase, as we have said, domestic necessities, during the year 1658. But his lonely life became gradually insupportable. ; incited by ins loneliness, ne made a trip to Boston, only ten miles distant from his hermit's cave, and here he made the acquaintance of a woman whose character was as abandoned as his own had been. - After a while he succeeded in inducing her to leave the temptations of Boston and to come and make her homo at his cavt in the Saugus's hills. How the two lived together in that isola ted condition was unknown to tho vil lagers. His female companion, it was said, had as good reason to fear the hand of the law as himself, vand she was never seen but once after joining him at hi? cave, when she came into the village to obtain some needed domestic articles, which she procured, and at once hasten ed away, seeming to avoid all social con tact. About this time the officers of the law- came to Lynn with a warrant from the home government for one Mary Hodgson. The document described the woman, and charged her with the murder of a seaman at a sailor's boarding-house which she had kept in Liverpool. By the description in the warrant it was .very plain that the murderess and the companion of Thomas Veal were one and the same, and the local sheriff was called upon to arrest her and bring her to Boa were re ported temperate, eighty-nine in temper ate, and the habits of one hundred and thirty-five could not be ascertained; the mothers of two hundred and six tem perate, fifty-one intemperate, and ninety- nine unascertainable. The fathers of thirty and the mothers of one hundred and seventy-nine had been or were pau pers. The fathers of eight and the mothers of eight were in the peni tentiary. . This permitting of so n any families of children to be brought into the insti tution, to remain, as it were, at their pleasure, and then leave after having been corrupted by older children, who have been reared more or less in the almshouse, and whose natures are thor oughly saturated with poorhouse vices, is one of the worst features of the sys tem. The listless, idle habits of the poorhouse are so saductive as to con firm in pauperism the transient adult whom misfortune, for even a short time, brings within its influences. How much more is it likelv to fasten itself upon children ! But families here come and go in almost infinite numbers, and then repeat the process again and again. Who will assume to say that the damaging re sults spring from these moral contamina tions are not incalculable ? Such an in stitution comfortably warmed, where the inmates are well fed, must have that charm for youth that will t draw many who are sure to come again and again, if they can plead an excuse, if for no other reason than to renew the social life be gun therein. May it not be properly asked whether such an institution does not offer a temptation to individuals to become paupers ? ' A Picture "WmJtire Ban. We are to picture to ourselves, says Science, a people very like the Esqui maux in circumstances and activity. II lived in our own Europe, but Europe covered to a considerable extent with glaciers, and keeping up a hard and con tinuous resistance both to wild beasts and the rigors of a climate at once very cold and very damp. The mammoth and rhinooerous, as we life seen, wert protected by thick, woolly liair, and fed upon the twigs of the abundant conifers, as fragments yet found in the interstices of the teeth and ribs show. We must not be misled as to the then climate of Europe by thinking of that of the pres ent habitat of the elephant and rhino ceros. Even now the Bengal tiger traverses Asia as far north as latitude fifty-two degrees, and the Hon and tiger are frequently met with when snow and ice are present. The tools and weapons of the man of this ace were simple indeed, but no mean skill was employed in their manu facture and use. kven with our many and marvelous inventions, one of us, cast upon some uninhabited shore, could hardly manifest more self-helpfulness. And the manner in which the dead were buried one of tho common modes of expressing a race's faith in a future life shows the possession of some degree of spiritual development. The indications are that the primeval man of Europe and his nearer descend ants were of short stature. The popular notion that the present 'generation is physically weaker .and smaller than the primitive or ancient, is not only utterly unfounded, but there is abundant evi denca that the reverse is true. Most of us would be amazed if not shocked at true and life size portrait of the real Evt ; 4 mother of all living. " We often hear, indeed, of giants' bones here and there dug up, but intelligent examination in variably proves them to have belonged to the mammoth or other animal. Itotldttum If Hummtm. The national amusements of the peo ple of Russia are simple, joyous, and peaceable, In harmony with their char acter. The towns all have their religion festivals. Some of the latter are of very ancient date, as, for instance, that of the Semik (tern, seven), celebrated the sev enth Thursday after Easter, onoe held in honor of the goddess Tan. On that day the young m&rriageble girls of an cient times used to go into the dense forests consecrated to the goddess, sing ing songs, and performing dances, hold ing in their 'hands green boughs orna mented with ribbons. The dance over, the boughs were flung into the water, and, if they sank, it was a sign that the girls would not be married within the year. A similar custom is observed on Pentecost Monday to thii day. A very gay season 'is the Sviatki, lasting from Christmas to Twelfth Night During these days the streets resound with joy, and people meet in the houses to dance and masquerade. The masks go from house to house, often most singularly representing scenes derived from his torical reminiscences, an entertainment quite grateful to Russian taste. Mr. Wahl gives a description of a dance called the " tchijik," during the performance of which a strictly impas sive countenance is preserved. The gen tlemen, dressed in long caftans, their heads covered, and the hands in the pockets, dance in a circle before the ladies, who follow them, all the time singing, un certain accoros oi tne music being struck, th gentlemen at once turn round, take off their caps, make a little bow, and kiss their partners with a tran quility of soul and countenance almost incredible. The towns only of course, know of French dances. Nothing approaching riotous conduct is ever witnessed on festival occasions, also no true gayety. On great holidays all the world and his wife will turn out the roirxwa riELD. YITiat an Appetite. Little Johnny, in his composition on the ostrich, relates the following inci dent: A Arab chief was lyin a sleep one day, wen he was woke up by feeling some thing in his trousers pockits. He saw it was a ostrich, and lay still to see wot it wud do. First it took out his peg top and laid it one side. Then it took out his kite string, wich was wound on a stick, and put it with the top. Then all his marbles was took out, and laid away too. Then some cotton reels, and some peeces of cole, and two slate pe nails, and a lump of chok, and a bras button, and some toffy, and a tack hammer, and a hanfle of nails, and a ovster shel, and a Pumper Lmmt limp om ErthA 8m Picture. A Chicago paper deaired to know tomething of the inside workings of th poorhouse. It dretwed on of its re portera up as a pauper, and the enter prising Bohemian went overtlw hill to the poorhouA0.M He tolls us what h mw and experienced. Here is what h says of the place where the paupers are buried: l nere is always a dismal una oz ro mance attached to the pauper's burial place. There is something in its ancient name, in iU utterly sorrowful and cheer lees character, that has rendered it pecu liarly adapted to the wants of the novel 1st and the dramatist. Hence the Pot ter's Field has figured from the oldest times in fiction. Even poetry has been mployeJ to dress up its aomberness. And add to its unreal reality. The coffin of the drunkard rattling ov?r the pave ment to the pauper'a graveyard is common frontispiece upon temperance tracts, to stir the hearts of the rising generations against the terrible effects of the intoxicating bowL And, it may be added, however often the picture is pro duced in the mind, whether by tract, or feil tvr rliT-m nr uprmnn it i alvaTS .resh and effective. It may not always procession formed in line, and aUrV . i : ; led toward the burial crouno. xiral remain a iosnon, uui it uinrutuij pro vokes a shudder. When we analyze this profound feel ing caused by the mere picture of the Potter's FielJ, it is easily seen that tliis sensation of mingled pity, disgust, and horror is not against the Field as a ceme tery. It is at the idea of dying fnend less, forlorn, and unknown. To those two other diggers and th driver of tha ox-team. There was an eay air of un concern about every on of LLcm mm thai struck ma as being admirablj adapt ed to tha occasion. As we carried out the boxes and dumpsl them into tho aleigh, various pleamni and jocular re marks were indulged in to tho edifwatuni of the email crowd of paupers who stood around looking on. I had occasion to notice, among th bystander, a little girl, crippled and pale-faced, who did not seem to enter into the spirit of tho occasion, but stood looking on with wida blue eyes, expressing first wonder and then horror. She was evidently na cuatomed to these scenes. In one of t!i coffin thers happened to be a knot -hole. at which one of the men exclaimed: "Halloa! This ua'a got a windy to look out of. The people thought this was the joka of the season. There was oas excep tion however, the little, crippled, ps faccd girL She burst out crying, trimetl to a woman standing near and sobbed : " Oh, Jennie I if I die, don't M tho awful men come near me ! Don t lrt me be buried hers I oh, don't I" The woman appeared greatly affected, and led her away. Having got our passengers all alxxml. ed toward the burial ground. went the driver at the Ifead of the ox team, with his long whip iu hand, -which ho cracked over the hoods of the ani mals, accompanying each motion with vociferous remarks not alrayi elegant. After the oxen, of course, came ths hesrsc I mean the aleigh with its pile of long wooden bcxe. The grave- people who are actuated ia their daily diggers brought up ths rear, and thus lives by ambition, yearnings for fame. establishment and popularity, the Pot ter's Field is most horrible. The poor I and icnorant resist it from traditional to walk uu and down the boulevards or I P16 house is also the receptacle for the un- promenade, where people pass and re pass each other with almost silent indif ference. A foreign visitor, struck by this want of animation, once put the f ol lowing characteristic question to a per son near him: "For what great per sonage's funeral are all these people as sembled V known dead from every port of the county. Being so distant from Chicago, it is little visited except . by corpses. During my brief sojourn at the poor house, I managed to see it under circum stances which, if not of the most agree able nature, were certainly interesting and novel. I became a semi-official that is to say, a grave-digger. It may be well here to stats that the Tribune, a portly and patriarchal gentle-1 same beautiful system which the anthori- man might have been seen passing along ties apply to able-bodied paupers is Leavitt street, pausing at each house to equally applicable to the dying and the ring the door-be 1L When it was answer- dead. Thus, suppose a patient at the ed he always sighed heavily, and with a hospital has but a few hours in which to mournful air asked if a eentleman who breathe the mundane air: orders are An Unexpected Itetcard. few davs since, says the Chicago wasn't known in the vicinity lived there. At last he stopped before a cottage which rubber bol, and a steel pen, wich it piled gave to the eye an impression of humble up to one side ; and tne last tning it comiort and refinement, H not oi gran foun was a jacknife with thirty-two deur, and rang. The mistress of the blades. Wen it had got every thing it house answered the ring promptly. The could fine in the chiefs pockits it went old man's face lighted up with pleasure, and stood over the pile and et one thing and taking from his finger a diamond af ter a other till it had every thing et but the jacknife, wen it see the chief a settin up a watchin it. So it took the jacknife and turned it over and over, and tasted it, and put it down, and pick it up agin, and at last brot it to the chief and laid it down a little way of, and stood back and lookt wishful. Then the chief he said O, I see how it is, you dont like to eat seek a nice mossel, as that with out you git the flaver of it ; you want it peeled. So the chief he opened all the blades of the knife and laid it down, and then the ostrich come up and swollered it and smiled and licked its bil, like it said wot a deliahous kanife ! And the chief felt almoce as if he cud taste it hisself . nng, tne blazing solitaire in wmcn weighed nineteen and five-sixteenth carats, and was of the purest water, he said, with a voice husky with emotion- "Take this, my dear, and this, too," taking from his pocket a roll of parch ment. " That is the deed in fee simple to a mansion and corner lot on Calumet avenue, with a blank for you to fill with your name. Nay, refuse it not. I ant not your long lost uncle, but I have de voted the past seventeen years of my life to seeking the woman who before answering the door-bell did not strive to peep through the window to who was there. Good-bye," and with th issued for his coffin, and promptness of delivery is strictly enjoined. Sometimes the patient may cliug to the tender thread of existence a few hours longer than was calculated upon. In that case. his coffin is brought in and stood up against the door, a mute remonstrant against 'such useless and vain struggle with fate. As soon as dead, th body is wrapped in coarse cloth, lifted into the coffin, and carried down stairs to the dead-house in ths basement. Here- it remains how long, think you t Why, until enough bodies have accumulated for a good slcigh-lcad. But they never have to wait long sometimes a day. sometimes a half day. Then the sleigh is harnessed to a yoke of oxen and brought around to the door of the dead- house, the coffins are brought out and stacked up in the sleigh like cord-wood. and the procession commence. There are three grave-diggers in mates assigned to this duty who ac- we passed out cf tho back-yard, followed by hundred of eyes. I nsticed that my companions held up their beads, and stepped with an air of conscious pride and importance. Some distanos back of the county buildings, on a bleak, open prairie, un protected from the tun of summer and the aleet of winter, there is a little plot of ground, called by a name tht is fa miliar to every Enguah-speaking tongim both hmisphere. Several Iour hummocks of earth alone broke the dead eveL These appeared to be formed by the loose earth thrown in trendies, an, indeed, they were. Pausing at the end of these elongated hillocks wo found a ditch recently dug. . V lthout further ceremony we applied ourselves to te task of letting the boxes down sule by side by means of ropes. As roon as the sleigh was unloaded the driver turned his oxen homeward, leaving us to com plete the job. Ws shoveled th earth and snow into tho trenches until thy were nearly full, when we, too, should ered our tools and marched merrily back to th poorhousa. Th dy's Uk was over. A few more paupers were burial and out of the way. O at of a world of misery and want a world of toil, vexa tion, and heaviness a world which hd greeted youth with a stare, had frowned upon manhood, and had persecnte.1 and harrassed old age down into the gloom of the valley of the shadow of deatli. agility of a boy he sprang into a magnifi I company each load, and perform the last A Sad JFate. - r The sad fate of a Mrs. Mills, of Cincin nati, teaches a lesson of the need of care in regard to fires, and of presence of mind in emergencies. Mrs. Mills had been an invalid for some weeks, but feeling better one day, commenced cut ting a dress pattern. She was in fro at of the grate, her back to the fire, and her first consciousness of danger was the fiames leaping over her shoulders. It would have been but the work of a mo ment to snatch a blanket from the bed and smother the flam9s; but her presence of mind was; completely gone. She rushed, screaming, down stairs, the flames increasing at each step. She attempted to reach the cistern, but fell to the floor a blazing heap. The servant, the only person in the house, was too frightened to render any aid. Mrs. Mills screams brought the neighbors, but not until every article of clothing was burned off the poor woman. At last accounts little hope of her recovery was entertained. A Jump for L,ife An exchange relates the following in cident which recently occurred in a Western town, and is one of the most remarkable examples of presence of mind we have ever heard of: A jump for life was what a man decided to take while at work on the pile driver at the Green Bay elevator. He occupied a position away up aloft, to work the hammer, which oc casionally needed attention. While in this unenviable position, a huge pile was drawn up by the machine, the hammei was up, ready to drop on call, when the whole pile-driving machine began to sway. The man aloft saw that it was going over. He took in the situation at a glance. If he remained where he was, it was to risk his life in the fall with the ponderous hammer, weighing twenty two hundred pounds, an immense oaken pile twenty or thirty feet long, and ths larce timbers of the machine. It all flashed through his mind in an instant, cent barouche that was drawn by priceless horses, waiting outside gate, and vanished. two the a Petition. An Indian Burying Ground. A correspondent of the Columbia (Ky.) Spectator tells the following story: Dr- R. H. Perryman, of Casey's Creek, has made a discovery that is truly wonder ful. On a perpendicular cliff not far from his house, about twenty-five feet from the bottom, is a shelving rock about one hundred yards long, sheltered from the rain and stormy blasts by an over hanging rock, which was once used by the Indians as a graveyard. Hundreds of well-preserved bodies were lying there side by side, with a thin rock slab be tween them. Each body has a atone vault, covered over by a thin rock, and the whole row is covered with dirt brought from a distance. It was a very cold dsy when the doctor made this dis covery, and he opened only three of these vaults, but in each of these he and, turning upon the ladder, he made a fotmj well-preserved corpse the hail leap for His me, lanamg upon tne piav- aTerything complete, but . they form of the freight dock, thirty feet be low. The weighty hammer went down through the dock, and the machine went over on its side, but the man was safe. His jump saved his life, and, aside from a little soreness in his back, he felt no his work. 117iv He Ought to Hare The son of a Michigan pensioner writes to Col. D. C. Cox, pension agent, giving a detailed account of the death of the pensioner, his father, aged eighty four, and his mother, aged seventy-nine. -itVi m iuwinnt of thpir nine children. I injury, and resumed and then proceeds: " I have a wife and twenty children; four twins, then one, then a boy and a girl, then four girls at one time, then two girls, then a boy and a girl twenty in all Married in 1851. I am a pore man, my wife brot six chil dren within ten months. We have been a shoe (show) to the nabors." His " nabors " think ths pension agent can continue to pay him the pension formerly drawn by his father, and perhaps build a house for him. He thinks he deserves a pension for bringing so many ' persons into the world, quite as much as others for taking a less number out of the world. melted to dust as soon as the air struck them. The bones remained intact, and one skeleton was of enormous size, some seven or eight feel long. In these vaults were willow baskets, ornamented with shells and various trinkets, showing the handiwork of the departed. These trinkets all crumbled on coming in eon- Education of Girl. tact with air. This place,' the doctor Six years' experience in the university says, lias been observed before, but then of Michixran indicates that the oo-educsv I beimr nothing visible but dirt, has ai- tion of the sexes in that institution is a traded no attention. The place is al success. The lady students, according most inacoesssibls to man, and how to all reports, compare favorably with these bodies and these stones wers got the gentlemen in health, attendance, and 1 there will ever remain mysterious. recitations. Moreover, it is said that there is no failure on the part oi the gen- I A new swindler sends around or tlemeu to extend to the ladies those re- cnlars with descriptions of his prime spectful courtesies which are instinctive- I teas, and adds: "If I do not hear from ly granted in outside social circles; ncr I vou to the contrary I shall consider it an do the ladies become " unwomanly by I order and will send you ten pounds of reason of the intellectual culture and the best by the 23th inst, and draw cn discipline they gala day by day you for the money. rites, which are truly sadder than at any Christian burial. As it was my desire to sccompanv a party of cadavers to ths a r w Field, I ingratiated myself into the conn dence of one of the grave-diggers. This grave-digger was a man of serious air, as became one of his profesiion. My first criticism upon his appearance was that he did not look like Hamlet's grave-digger. He who dug for poor Ophelia was not a brute. He was a cogent and a witty reasoner, and decently appareled withaL Our poorhouse grave-digger was none of these. His clothing was un patched, and his face was void of intelli- gence. in nis moutn ne conunnaiiy car ried a quid of tobacco, a daily modi mm Of which, I learned, was bestowed upon him as a compliment to his eminent ser vices in behalf of the dead. This grave-digger 1 captured by a sc ries of careful advances. It sras neces sary to deal tenderly with him, for h occupied an exalted and semi-official po sition, and wore a somewhat contemptu ous expression toward the inferior pau pers. At length I managed to introduce the subject of grave-digging, expressed my predilection for that noble pro: sion, and stated my anxiety to' become initiated into its sublime mysteries. He listened to me kindly, offerad me a word of enepuragement, and even said he would try and get me an opportunity to serve in that important station. On the second day of my arrival, he inform ed me that the oua were to be brought out, and added that I might go alotg with him. At about two o'clock iu th afternoon the sleigh drove up. I followed my com panion to the dead-house. On th way across the yard he pointed out to me several bed-ticks lying on th ground, and explained that they belonged to the people who had died the previous zight. He said it was easy to keep track of th. dead people, as one had only to count the number of ticks in tho yard every corning. We found at the dead-house Xot Farmer., It is stated on the authority of Pitfi- dent Anderson of the Kannas sgricultnral " college, that of the whole cumber of students having that institution sine 1867 not one has chosen farming fr a buauMMS. This does not look cnlibli and yet it may be true. rerhis Uk w young men were induced more by com psnionsbip than anything fls to k the city, and it is by no means improl able that as their minds mature tlwy will conclude tliat a country life, afUr all, is hot to be despised. Borne of our lcst farmers began their careers in town; they obtained a good knowledge of gen eral business, and then, after due refiVc- tion, they saw the sdvantages they would possess should they choose a rural life; Much, however, will depend cm tbe kind of training the young men received, in the college. It will be too ld if onr agricultural schools fail to bear good fruit. Compounding m Prion g. In the Engiiah House of Common at tention was called to th fact that Lord Dudley had offered XI ,000 reward frr the restoration of Lady Dudley's jwrl case, with the paragraph that all com munications on the subject would be con sidered as strictly confidential, the acla object being the recovery of the misnicg property. Mr. Lewis, who prepared the investigation, said: I 'hall ask if Lord Dudley is not a magistrate, and chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the county of WoreesW, and whether it is not calcu lated to bring discredit on the adminis tration of justice that he should Lave taken such a course as to offer to receive satisfaction for a felony committed; an J,' finally, whether it is intended by the government to suffer such proceedings to pass unnoticed. The annonncement received with cheers. Scch Bcttxju Tell us about the butter in Armenia." said one of the audience of s Miss West, who was ' delivering a funny speech on Armenia, deriving the materials for her fun from her experience as ft missionary in that benighted land. She responded with the interesting statement that the butter u carried there ia goat skins, with the hair on the inside, and that when the mis sionaries want to use U they hare to somb it.