r v HUT1 11 II II A AS QKO. OBAJSIEK, Editor an Proprietor. T-ERIS : S2.00 per Annum. VOL. TV. LOUISBUIiG, :NT. q., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1875. -. i tilt ft it NO. 27. t Friend. Two Frioud, Jet ma to th ee ; Wealthy art thoa ! Men tlirotigh their poverty, - ' Throni want aud nusery, s ' ' Have tun ued aud sorrowed Often ere now. , FrieDd, Jet las speak to thee ; Poorer art thou ! From oijKrtanity, ' Frm wealth" and"Iaxury, " r? Men oft haro borrowed Sjrrow ere now. -v- ' Friend, will ye tell to me, Both of you now, ' Despite your disparity, ...-" From each other's charity How oft have ye borrowed .Comfort erenow. t t Tin: musical bobbebs. lears ago, when I was but five or six years old; we lived on a ttttaLfOllxhanae was on a ;weU-travfelba turnpike, Tlnd tramps very often stopped at the door to bog for food "or money." I vividly re member the childisn "ierror with which I used to flv into the house at tb an. proadi of theae visitors, and liiding my Kclf in the folds of my mother's dress, peer out at tlum with, wide-open eyea. ' Onr.travt'lers were pf every kind and cliaracter, from . the.really . needy beggar to tha clHver vagabond cheat,or the kzy drunkard." Most '' of them tailed in the daytime though 'occasionally "on ' or moro would come' late, and beg a night's lodging. i (- , My father was a minister, whose duties now and then took him from home : but y i , f , ; - . j, -,-1 t t I was reassured, by her manner, and ran to do her bidding! V That evening was rather lonely, as was natural after the departure of three of our family. If I grew nervous again, and thought of the two tramps, it was not strange, iv; ?, , - , Eight ' o'clock came, and I went to bed, but I did not fall asleep. Nine o'clock struck, and mother put away her sewing, blew the lamp out, and, retired herself. But before she, did so, I, noticedNrfth a creeping fear at my heartr that she went to the window and gazed out at the peaceful moonlight, running her eyes uneasily up and down the road. When, however she had taken her ' . 3tr,'Beeehmrm Dentul. The most dramatic scene of the morn ing session, says a New York paper describing the Tilton-Beecher case, wa3 3Ir"Beechers solemn assertion on. the stand of hi? innocence of any and all of the charges brought against him by Mr! Tilton. Mr. Evart3 led him by slow degrees to the culminating point, and the effect of the final declaration of inno cence was thereby heightened. He was questioned as to the scene described by the nurse, - Mrs. j Carey, wherein , Mrs. Tilton was represented as sitting on Mr. Beecher's knee and as calling him " Dear father." He gave a brief and emphatic denial to that' statement Again, as ! to Xot all ' JZifinaner.' All the night-birds about the great cities are not "dead-beats." A San Francisco newspaper man passing along one of the principal streets of that city, late in the gray dawning, weary and cross, wan " intercepted by a weather beaten wayfarer whrrhad the usual story about ' nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep." The newspaper man repulsed him with . some ill-temper and hurried on.- Turning back, half sorry that he had been so rude, he saw the wayfarer shambling off with a slouching gait and a peculiar hopeless droop of the shoul ders which roused his slumbering tender heartedness. He called the man near place by my side in bed, my weary eyes ! Mr Richards meeting them under sua- j and said: "See here, I needn't have soon closed, andl forgot all my troubles. I woke again about midnight. Mother had slipped quietly out of bed, and was stealing softly to the window. I sprang up and called in a frightened whisper: "Ma, Oma!" , "'Shi" and a quick jgestnre, bidding me be still; was all the response my mother made. picieus circumstances, he declared that he could not recollect of ever having seen Mr. Bichards while on -a visit to Mr. Tilton's house. : Mr. Brashier might have seen him on the stoop of Mr. Til ton's house at , an early hour of the morning; but if so, the witness had no recollection of the visii . He denied the truth of Mr. Tilton's allegations concern- I sat quaking with fear, for I heard "" acts oa October 10 and 17, 18b8. now what had doubtless aroused her- ThenMr. Evarta, slowly and with marked the crunching of gravel under approach- deliberation,put the following questions: . ... .. (.: a r t : - i ing leet outside. Presently mother f curing your enure aequamiance came baek-to-io-badside with Mrs. Tilton,' Mr. Beecher, and up insulted you, beggar though you are. The man came up, and, under the gas light, the editor saw that the poor tramp was actually crying, gulping down his tears. He said: "It's all right, Cap, the town is full of dead beats, and I'm just as much like one as any other. " He told the usual story of no food for three days, lodging on the cold, cold ground, etc. ; ne received a trine lor ms imme diate needs and was told to call the next day at the editor's office and he should have work. . Punctual to the hour he ap peared, received an order winch gave SuifleT tM BheaiidI could aed H "'K.Vsf611 f ccemTDer, 1CT0, had tfm work on a .ranche in Sonoma county how white her face was, " you must not stir nor speak. Lie very still, and don't fear. God will take care of you and mamma. 1 promised to obey, but clung to her and began to weep. The footsteps came bciug a man pi very domestic habits, it nearer, and I could hear them stealthily was oniy wnen some special call sum moned him away farther than usual that he ever left ts to be gone over night. . ' It became necessary, however, one au tumn afternoon for; Jiim ta take ; my brother nd' sister, both much older lhan myself, back to their school (about twelve miles" -distant Jfrom which they had come home some time before to upend a vacation. there ever been any undue personal fanuUiarity between yourself and her? A; Never I ' Q. Had you at any time, directly or indirectly, solicited improper favors from her as a woman ? "A. Never I Had you ever received improper f avors from her ? A. - It was a thing im possible to her never I . ; ! Between each of the three questions there was a long pause, as if Mr. Evarts wished the fury 'to take in the whole and a passage thither. He disappeared for months, and was dismissed into the limbo of adventurers. But at the close f harvest he presented himself to his benefactor in a tidy suit of clothes, walking erect like a man in his right mind, and ready to pay back all that had lioen advanced t him. Recalling his past mishaps, he said:, ' ""When you told me I was a bummer, like all the rest, sir, I was clean gone. I could not walk, I was so faint with hunger. I to "You will not get back to-night,' I hastily slipped on a wrapper and a pair tmppo.so?" eaid mother, interrogatively, of slippers. ! ft3 sire musued the packing and .wiped her heated face. - . " ' , "I think not," returned father, lock ing the last trunk, and lifting iiinto the wagon with brother Johnnie's help. "It ia three o'clock now, and I shall feel too tired to ? undertake a night ' Journev un- ascending the stone steps. Then there were low words and sounds, as if some persons had seated themselves upon the porch which shaded our front floor. . n'n " ifi"w" ,1." i&int t i.t i " Two men," was her answer, placing force .of '. the emphatic denials ; which thought of , my wife and children in the 4Va came in response to eacn. Tne last was owiujs, x was no use, to mem, auu x given with increased emphasis, and the long pause between it and the next ques- For a minute jweheard nothing, and , , . , , , . w 'lit ; - . i j ' ' general applause yet heard during the y motlier, coaxing, me.to lie down, - i:LiX fa : tive that Judge Neilson gave orders to the police to eject any person . detected in a repetition of the offense. - - a hand over my lips sound of my voice, ling!" F my smother "Be still, the dar- ji course sue supposed tne two men to be the persons who had begged their supper in the early evening at our door, and fwhom m? incautious words had in formed of my father's absence. " In a small closet in the room where we slept was a little iron box, containing a larcre sum valu- lfs it is necessary. You'll not be afraid, black pocket-book with quite a will you?" ,f of money in it, besides some very " O, not.BaH,-motJxerl always t prget- ablejxotes. T j .T ' lulof horsolf ; "Susie and I will get Intending to prepare for the worst,! along nicely." ., And, kissing my brother mother now took but this pocket-book and sister, and warning the latter to be and secreted it in her bosom. A minute very careful .of hor health, she, patched more we waited, trembling (and it seem- them drive away. - 1 j ed an hour to me), hearing no sound Tnnva ntrrw1 in tirff l-i-rtrr tTraa L iu. 1. LZ. 1 but with the dinnet-disheaitiujrill un- ; tt.i, tati- kv v, ruil I XlUA. 1 I JXJ1K3V LILIAN UlUITD iilK3 . bal X 1U1D -y U wasnea, ana tne uoor unswept, sue was not a woman to sit down and idly give way to her feeliugs. Soon her hands were bivy with horj worl and I "was as usual at liberty to'make myself quite as busy with my play. j ? , It was a. lovely afternoon. - The sun was shining gloriously from a "cloudless sky, and after a good look up and down the road to make sure' ! there were no tramps in sight, I took aittle tin pail of water in my hand, and, stole - cautiously outside the gate into.the dusty highway, to amuse myself by manufacturing mud pics, .5 r". f- i In this occupation I presently became absorbed. So intent, indeed, .was I on my pio-making that I did not hoar, foot ( tcps rijor the sound of strange voices un til I felt myself roughly grasped by the nhoulder. Glancing up from beneath my sunbonnct, I saw two. "burly men, with very ill-looking faces, and armed with walking-sticks. For a5 moment I acted as ir petnned. ' men, witn a . shriek which aroused the echos far: and near, I toro myself away, and. tumbling wildly through, ,tW fence, dashed into thobousek i ? ; vn - i -i ii ". . No time was given to tell my fright ened mother what 'had-happened,' before the stragglers presented themselves j ai the door. ' ' In brbkerf ldnguagethey beg ged for sonieihing to- 'at. It ' :wasnpw , nearly sundown. Hie time to milk" was approaching, but my mother, hiding her uneasiness; set.before them food. t . After eating, they expressed a wish, to stay all night; saying they had traveled far that day, and were exceedingly tired. At that I was more' terrified than ever, and cried out, child-bike: "Don't, mamma, please don't! Papa isn't coming home, you know." suspense ! but it was not the picking of a lock, or the forcing of a window. A strain of music from two sweet and Facta About Flour. The Journal of Chemistry in article on the effects of fine flour says : ? At the present time it is' the practice to a large extent' among millers to grind the finest, soundest wheat into hue flour, and the poorest into what is called "Graham flour." The team "Graham flour " ought no longer to be used. It is a kind of general name given to mix tures of ' bran and ' spoiled flour, to a large extent unfit for human food. What we need is cood, sweet, wheat flour. finely ground, and securely put up for family use. : ; ! This - article we do not find in the market, and the Western miller who will could never get to them. ' There was nothing left for me but to drop into the bay and make an end of it." This waif of the streets is, or was, at last accounts, a prosperous gentleman, and. when his "wife and kids came from the States," as they did at last, their appearance was not like that df the family of Dw, of Dow's Flat, his crowning misfortune, but a token of his prosperity. . , Out of Town. ' The ' late James' Fisk used to tell a good story of " Uncle" Daniel Drew, in r FuaXin Sotem. Yak and guipure insertionsare 'still used, Basques' are too much trimmed thh season. A nw style of f Mithe pistol fn buy one and pull the trigger. Striped and colored stockings are put on babies just in short clothes. Jet beads are still shown in the trim mings, but not so profusely as of late. Camera hair braid im dark shades is used for spring trimming on soft' goods. There is a rumor that crinoline Is about to be restored in its greatest dimensions. The new knife "plaitings for dresses are so finely folded that they look like crimping. Pique, trimmed with needlework, will make a pretty dress for a girl of eight years. ' Shirring is done in rows that are very close together, . and the Fpace between clusters is puffed up sharply. II you wish a pretty, inexpensive suit for early spring, get the gray tweed which sells for twenty-five cents per Something new Acrafes for hats In the shape of anchors, birds, wings, etc These arv of rubber and not expensive. ' Black cashmere polonaises'are still im-1 ported for spring wear. They are found ! too useful ft garment to lose" favor entirely. ' ' uv- ' Foulard calicoes are now in the market in camel's hair patterns and colors, and when made up will look like the Bum mer camel's hair. A new trimming for the spring wraps is a ru:he of crimped tape and crimped floss strung with jet, and resembling the mos3 trimming once so fashionable. New waterproof cloaks for spring are called McFarlanes. They are Jong with a belt " in the back like the Ulster, and have, a capo that is carelessly 'thrown over the right shoulder. " ' 1 The co mi eg" yen which" is the long scarf veil, is quite Spanish in site, and the mode of arranging it is both becom ing and elegant It is three yards- in length,' aud is thrown carelessly over the bonnet and held at one side by a bow ,or rose. The ends are crossed on the shoul der. It ' has the appearance of a hood.' Price from $5. to $75. Ladies wishing to avoid the , use of colored . necktie3, . thinking white more dressy and becoming to the complexion, mav succeed bv makinor a narrow col- wnen ne was one oi Mr. urew s opera tors. - It occurred during a very hot summer that all the young brokers were anxious to leave the city, but did not cafe to. do so' while Mr.' Drew was in town. All sorts of expedients were tried to induce the old gentleman to take a trip into the country. There were soto voce conversations just loud enough for him to hear of the number of deaths by cholera and other dread diseases, but all to no effect. The wily operator was the" early days of his (Fisk's) career,' krette of lace cut to suit the neck with a mellow male voices swelled up in the giye earnest attention to lurnisning not o rbe driven from Wall street. moonlight night before our door ! pxe such flour wm realize a fortune speedily. pinnUy, I-the fertile - brain of Fisk jhii song was?" Home, Sweet Home." j The brown loaf 5 made from whole wheat up0n ft unique idea. He went to an un- I need" not say how in a moment the is to our eye as handsome, as the white, jertaker, from ,whom he hired, for ' an ll Ml " At .11 1 1 1 T CiT Vtf TY- Wrlf T oil A AYAaI 1 AH rtl A O . . . . inrui oi mac tenaer meioay caimea pur J-a "u iwuvuvi nour, tuo uso, ol a nearse and two car- friarhtened hearts. We knew now that oi the white, so far as lightness' is con- riajr w;th tho nfrrppmpnt thai Ihftv our burglars were no desperadoes. They cerned, nd it is sweeter and more pal- ghoia be driven in front of Mr. Drew's had come to rote us of nothing but sleep, atable 1 IVith this loaf we secure all the house during that time." In accordance How thankful twe were ! ! important nutritive principles which the jft, a concerted wrreement. one of Mr. Mother hastened ta the jcvjndow, but Vreawr ior.wise reasons, nas storea in. Drew's brokers called upon him just as wneat. . this time not unattended, for I had clam bered out of the high bed, and was stand ing by her side, robed in my little white night-dress. ' - "Why, ma," I cried, as soon as I had taken agjpod look at our serenaders, " it's Harry and John Richmond," nam ing two noted musicians of the place, who were also great friends of our family. "So it is," said mother. "I was so frightened I did not recognize them ;" and by the time their ongt"wa ended, she had placed refreshments upon the table, and, opening the door, bade them come in. ' i . " I felt all my fears depart as soon as you began your music," she said, ineon- cludinglier story to them, "for I knew tliak nobody intent on crime could be singing 'Sweet Home.'" ' ; ' Of course we slept well the rest of that night, and afterwards you may be sure I told the story of our grand adventure to everybody I met, till in fact it became quite a joke in the neighborhood ; and it was long before .Harry and John Rich mond lost the title of the Musical Rob bers." Youth's Conivdntori ' What he had to Sau. The apprehension of a speedy depart ure to the abiding-place reserved for murderers seems to have exercised an unusual strong advisory effect upon the late Vasquez - of California. Vasqaez issued an address to some of his former companions, quite affecting. "The threats," he says, " of revenge which I hear have, been, made by some of my friends are foolish and wrong," from which it will seem that Vasquez's moral sense had been appreciably sharpened. He therefore advises his friends to let the matter go for what it is worth, and reform. jHis lecture to parents, in which he condjBscendingly assuree them jthat "The state of society in the next genera tion depends upon the manner in which the' children of the present are instructed and trained," is full of food for parental reflection. Coming from Yasquez, who had provided for the next generation by conveniently removing thirty-one mem bers of the present, is at least thoughtful and considerate. one of the supposed funerals was pass ing and incidentally alluded to the great mortality in the city. During his brief conversation tne nearse and carriages passed and repassed two or three times. When he departed Fisk entered. His cue was entirely different. He was to talk of nothing but business, but was to suddenly notice the extraordinary num ber of funerals passing the house. Mr. Urew became more and more nervous until he finally ordered his valise, jump ed into a carriage and was driven to the depot, while the young brokers chuckled over their plot and cheerfully paid the $15 demanded by the obliging under taker. tab front, and upon the edges arrange a neat Swiss edge or lace. This is put on after the '"ruche is fixed around the neck, and it may be fastened by a nn or a flower.' ' ' "' ' . Something IMtm m Cnt. " Talking about cats," amid Uncle Tim, a regular Yankee, "puts tns in ' mind of a cat I once owned. Xet me UU you about her.' - She -was a Maltee. and what that cat didn't know wasn't worth know- in. . Here's one thing she (bid: In the spring of '46 I moved into the little eld houn on the Crooked river. We put our provisions down in the cellar, aud the first night we made our bed on the floor. But we didn't sleep. No sooner hsd.it become dark than we beard a tearin' and a squAakin in the cellar that was awfuL I lit the candle and went down. Jerusalem ! Talk about ratal I never raw such a sight in my born days. Every inch of the cellar bottom was covered witn tiiem. lliey ran up on to me, and all over me. I jumped back into room and called the cat. She came down and looked. I guess she sat there about ten minutes, looking at them rats, and I was waitin to see what . she would do. By -and-bye she shook her head and turned and went up stairs. She didn't care to tackl 'em.' That night, I tell you, there wasn't much sleep.' In the mornin I couldnV find her. She'd gone. I guessed the rats had frightened her, and, to tell the phun truth, I didn't wonder much!' Night came agaia, and the old cat' hadn't comer Bays Bty Ann that's my wife to me, - TJm," if that bid cat don't come back' we'll; hatd Co leave this place..! The rats will eat as up,' Says I: Just let the old cat be.' I didn't believe she'd left us for good and all. Just as lktay Ann was put tin the children to bed we heard a acratehin and waulin at the outside door. I went and opened it, and there stood our. 'old Malteoon the doorstep, and behind ber a whole army of cats, all paraded as regu lar as' any soldiers I I let our old cat in, and the others followed her. ' She went right .to thevcellar 'dobr and acratchipd there. 'I began to understand.' Old Maltee had been out for help I opened the way to the cellar." She marched down and the other cats tramped after her in reguki order ; and as they went past I counted: fifty-six : of 'era. Oh, my ! . if there wasn't a row andjt rumpus in that 'ere cellar that night then I'm mistaken I , The next morning the . old cat , came up and . caught hold of my trouers leg and pulled me toward the door. I went down to see the i sight. Talk about your Bunker Hill and Boston massacres! I never fcaw 1 such a sight before nor since. Betny Ann and me, with 'my boy Sammy were all day .m hard at work as we could be clearin' the dead rata out of that 'ererellar. , It's a fact every word of it !" , , sTAumn TO dzhtii. JThmt m CXIema Jtepmrter Tilt terf Im CStW Tull of IW. Another tragedy la low life, none the less a tragedy because ' tome feud or violent deed had sot bero committed. corns to the surface in Chicago, a local paper says, while the ofScials were on their innnM inspecting tour of the fire department. - It was not a murder or a similar bloodv deed at which the whole w 1 1 ijusitietM Frospeci. I immediately felt that I ; had said something I oiighi not-to ;have said, for With the final disappearance of snow T l i .t . 1 . - .1 ... 1 anil f wilf(ifi tVio Tnnn'rs a! nw. proof on my mother's, face, ttj&s too clian&se the JJew "Xorkf Bulletin: looks late to mend it, however, and saesaid cheerfully forward to the speedy revival nothing, but decidedly refused to lodge I of business, bays the editor: the travelers. j I watched them as they went away talking together in low, earnest tones. They disappeared round the turn of the road. s "Will they come back when1 we've gono to sleep and kill us, ma!" I asked, creeping towards her as she stood iu the door.- - -J i - t Kill us ! Why, darling, how in the world came such an idea into your little head ?" said my mother, smiling. 1 "Why, I dont know," X answered, "only they look so dreadful and talk so iff ." So . alh people -who look dreadful' and ' talk queer ' think ;6f coaiiig to kill us, do they?" said mother, touching "my cheek playf ullyfc " No one wants j to hurt little girls like you, I amjsre. Now get your pail, and well go and see if the oows hart any milk tot Us." The future has in it every element of encouragement. " It is too early as yet to speak of the crops except the winter wheat, and that is reported to be looking srrperbbieYer there is rea son, from present indications, to doubt hat these will prove as plentiful as last fceason. The great manufacturing inter ests are gradually expanding heir lately suspended activities. As regards the New England mills and factories there can be on this point no FiyitV if the statements of the local journals lean be relied upon. We wish it were possible to speak as cheerfully of the South as of the West and Northwest. That section, it is well known, has still to contend wilti many 1 serious difSeultiei; but, in the nature of things, these must ivear themselves, out, and, leaving it free to better influences, the door will open to a revival of its f snaer prosperity. fterical 'Carelessness. Quite a number of clerks in the Print ing Bureau of the United States Treasury at Washington have been discharged, and the pay of all those retained reduced twenty-five cents a day, in consequence of an oversight on the part of the en grossing clerk of the House of Reprfr sentatives in not incorporating in the en grossed Deficiency Appropriation bill a special I appropriation for the Printing Bureau agreed to by both branches of Congress in addition to the regular de ficiency appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars. , " ' Sheep RaiMtuo . . , 4 The people of Nebraska are deter mined to pay great attention in the fu ture to sheep raising, and the State Ag ricultural Society, at its late meeting, offered a number of valuable premiums, with a view of stimulating this branch of industry. From investigations made by stock men it is known that Nebraska has millions of acres of good pasturage for sheep, and yet at the present time there are not more than forty-five thou sand of these animals in the State. In Colorado the rramber of sheep is esti mated at over five millions.' They con stitute one of the leading elements of business strength in that section, and wool is sent from there to Eastern mar kets in great quantities. Thus instructed, Nebraska cannot make a miste in i creasing the number of sheep opou hei fields and hillsides, and thus augment ing both the importance of the State and the wealth and prosperity of the people. ' ... lA Cardinal' a Bobet. As Archbishop McCloskey is the first American' cardinal, ' it is interesting to' know5 in what deo his new position differs from his caT; The new dress he must wear is thus1 described: The dress f a71 cardinal i is peculiar both in style and texture, and tha difficulty that was expected greatly perplexed those who had the matter in charge. According to the official programme the robes of a car dinal are eomposed of three separate and distinct pieces the cassock, the mantel letta, or t full cape, and the mazetta, or short cape, all, when worn, assuming the shape and having the appearance of a single garment. These three articles are made of a peculiar and very rich and costly fabric, technically denominated Sicilienne silk, which is usually manufac tured fifty inches in width, in order to avoid unsightly seams in the garments. The color of the Sicilienne silk is a rich shade of scarlet, and bears the name of "cardinal color." The dress of the new cardinal is lined throughout with rich gros grain silk of the same shade, and was made by a New York firm. The robes are very, rich in appearance, for the silk is interwoven with , the finest quality of lamb's wool, which gives it a luster unequaled among such . fabrics. . The long, flowing , skirt, surmounted by the capes, make up a costume both rich and elaborate, so that when , Cardinal McCloskey receives the berretta an l assumes the robes of hit high office lw wDl appear in the precise dress as worn in Rome on great and im portant occasions. .4 - .YeM Way . to Beta lu .Subaeribexv An indignant subscriber to the Eliza beth ' Newt came into . the oQc a - few days ago, and ordered Lis paper stopped, because he differed with , Richard lis Rue in his .views, of, subsoiling fence rails, i. Richard conceded . the j man's right to stop . his ( paper) and remarked, coolly, ai he looked over his list : i ; "Do you know Jim Sowders. down at Hardscrabblef ' "Very wen," faid the man. "Well," he stopped' InV paper lait week beeaune I thought a farmer was a blamed fool who didn't know . that timothy was a good thing to graft on huckleberry bushes, and he died in lees than four hours." " Lord, is that sot" said the aston ished Granger. . . . "Yes; and yon know old George Erickson, down on Eagle creek I" " Well, I've heard of him." " Well," said Richard, gravely, he topped his paper because I said he was the happy father of twins, and con grata la ted him on his success so late in life. He fell dead within twenty minutes. Tliere s lots of similar cases, but it don't matter., Ill just cross your name off, though you don't look strong, and there's a bad color on your nose," See here, Mr. La Roe," said the subscriber, ( looking somewhat alarmed; "I believe. Ill just, ker,p. on another year, .'cause I always dil' like your paper, and," come to t think about it, you're a'young man, and some allowance orter be made," and he deported, satis fied that he had made a narrow escape from death. nature of the sensitive znaa would revolt, but a striking illustration of how the poor suffer, and bear their sorrow, until the weary spirit passes into another world, while on the other side of the thin partition dividing society, all is comfort and ease, and naught is known and but little cared for the poor man's woe. In this case, perhaps, the victim's life was one continuous struggle to obtain bread, and he struggled on and on until th angel of death came to his rescue. What multitudes of similar cases lie hi Jden in the heart of the great city no one can compute; but they are there, and their existence should .touch the chords of sympathy in the heart of every man and woman who cares for the well-being of their fellow.1 This particular case oc curred at No. 2&4May atreeLi , From the dwelling a krw jKipalid-lookiEg build ingissued forth the walls of a woman. which too clearly indicated the torn and aorrbw-Iadea breaU. 'No one seemed to know, 'and, strange as it may seem, none in the neighborhood seemed to care, why the grief was caused. Dr. Benjamin C. Miller and Alderman Tom Scott, accom panied by the JiUer-Ocean . representa. tive, entered the building, and there, in a room devoid of any furniture except a wretched bed, table and a. chair, on the floor crouched a woman, moaning laid crying in the most angshing man ner. She. would .not be t 'TOaforted, al though the kind- hearted oElcials did their best to assuage her grief, but only pointed to the bed. ' Oa the bed was a white sheet, and, rai&og the covering, there was a mandead, and from Ins looks he had been dead for some time. When the man's face was exposed the poor woman's grief burst out afrwh, and, in broken English, she cried out: "Oh, my Charles, what ahaUI do 1 My God ! He loved ma sol .WhaC ehall I do!" What stronger tale of broken brart could be told ' He loved hr, he strug gled for' her, he died' for hrr, and his emaciated face and body howed too plainly that he had died from poverty. . Ben Miller; took the woman aside and comforted her as beet ho could, and, le tween sobs and half-choked utterance. managed to obtain a few facts regarding her husband. 4 He died three days ago. and for want of friends, for want of money, she could not provide for the bu rial of his remains, but was compelled to live, for three whole days with the ghoetly countenance of her once loved husband and why cannot the poor love and be loved as weU as the richest of the rich I to keep her company, and her htilo babe -of .twenty-one months must add to her grief by its childish prattle and merriment. She aaid that for two whole days she had had nothing to eat, and, poor woman, she was really faint from want of food., Her husband had been a consumptive for some time past, and if he could obtain work was unable to hold his situation. Now and then he managed to' get some work. merely in name, and on the proceeds of this they had subsisted for some tune past. But the end came. Prostrated by his malady, he was taken tick. She knew not whither to go for aid. I or three days he suffered from hun ger and disease, and death came a merciful and welcome visitor, and Kate fAitT : was left alone and helpless with her infant. Bat the cries of the widow and orphan are heard, and Ben. Miller and Aid. Stout were the messen gers of mercy. Give them credit for it, for they deserve it. They told the The .Yew Gold Beatotm. The papers all along the forbidden route to the Black Hills are ecstatic over the gold business, and in consequence the country is as minutely described as ever anything could be. .. A respectable proprietor of a mail line in one of these border towns has posters abroad inform ing the public of the .time his coaches Xot That Kind. . In a case of investigation into alleged legislative) bribery, ' pending in Wood county, Ohio, James Ii. Gordon, a legisla tor, testified that three members of the House of Representatives had offered birtv money to vote for a bilL One of them said: " Help us, and the day after the bill passes some one will hand you a cigar, which you will unroll, and you will find one hundred dollars there." ? The witness "asserted that Ills ' reply to this was; cigars." "I do not smoke that kind o Young Walworth. The condition of Frank IL Walworth, the parricide, who is in the Auburn In sane Asylum, is said to be so bad that his friends despair of his life. To the casual observer, the Troy Timet says, he appears to be slowly wasting away, and his health certainly is rapidly de clining. Epilepsy in an aggravated form is his principal ailment. His mother, who visits him at . intervals, is weighed down with grief at his deplorable con dition, and her interviews with her wretched son are described as mct ten derly pathetic. ! (of a very primitive sort, no doubt) will be furnished for fifty cents each during the journey. Every precaution is taken to detect and prevent parties from going to the Hills, and to facilitate matters fifty of Spotted Tail's band of the Brule Sioux are to be enlisted at once, to serve three months, and are to receive the pay of soldiers. These Indians will be under the immediate command of an army cflJ The Black 11 III The Sioux Indians, it is said, offer to 811 their title to the Black Hills region for the sum of 1,000,000. A delegation of them will visit Washington to try and make a bargain, and it is intimated that they will bo met in a ' willing -to-beg spirit, and that a rata of money, net as large as that asked, will be paid them. agonized woman that she . would not be left helpless. They gave her money, furnished her a. coSlri and gave direc tions to the nearest undertaker to pre pare the body for burial. From the house theT visited the relief and aid society and exacted V promise that the. thould be cared for. Thence to the county agent's ofice they went, and he. j too, promised to look after her needs. This is a history of a few days of this poor woman's existence. The neighbors cared not enough for her sorrow to ten der her aid, and it was only yesterday afternoon that the wife ef awantint firo marshal Petrie, who resides in the vi cinity, heard of tke case. As for the kindness of the o facial can it be over- start for the gold regions, and that meals jf the Interior department can purchase it will open the country to settlement under the laws governing all raining re gions. The Sioux to remain in the Black Hills country, subject to the same restrictions as all other Indian tribes under governmental control. , I tie Found . On. Somebody wanted to know "who wrote that article " ia a Southwestern mf mnA will Vm nvAil mr-ontm in wKIefi t w will n.l r-ttrl ht exchange, and the paper promptly re- noTmoTeKt the miners making for the Plrd thus: "The man who wrote HUls. A great many of the small parties who succeedia elud'n z the military will be .overhauled by them in the Black HUls. and according to existing orders I estimated ? ' Ilerciim it not confined to the battle field. This act of charity, simple and unostentatious ss it was, was s noble one, which stamps them as heroes above the victors of a Lard fought bat tle, where pride, not the lore of man, inspires them. The deed of charity which is done, the left hand being in ig norance of the work of the right hand. and for which no recompense is gained, is the noblest of all. It is the work of an almost divine inspiration. Verily, for such aa'sct they will be rewarded. Sncxnro rrr ttoc Wat. One of the be conducted back prisoners. -n w t; wt4. .lrfOTr.1 ru followed tha profession of prize-fighter. l.-t..j j , . . . i fWh bv atArvalioa so as to become more of a success in his peculiar line," Tbe editor of the paper was net asnoytd by further inquiries touching the natter tht article early in life was a hard-work- Sioux chiefs selected td visit Waahingto n ing blacksmith, later be was a drck-hand t and diapose of tn llack Ihr.i was asked on a steamboat, then he was a cow-boy on the frontier, but of late years he has ' New Jersey henceforth puni&hes prize fighters the same as ordinary criminals cr assault tad battery. hy they demanded so ranch as one mill Ion dollars for their land. The chief, in the peculiar Indian way, said that whenany lmoney' went to Indians so much of it stuck1 ia the hails of the agtnts by the way that evea with a mil lion paid, very LUle of it would reach poor Indian.