Franklin Cornier GEO. S. BAKK11, Pr.ormCTOR. Louisbukg April, SO 1875 SPECIAL ITEMS. Wc will send the CountEit and Goley's Lady's Book, with beautiful Oil chromo u Rescue,' 12 months fur $4.50. , Mr. T N. Carlile desires to see every Inxly thai comes to town, at his store on main street as no Mia a large stock, o: of goods, which.he js anxious to dispose of before he starts north for Ku spring supply. FAMILY BACON. 25,0 POUNDS COUNTRY CURED BACON Choice quality, Tlanis, Pidos at d Shoulder?, r for Hal'! by SODA FOUNTAIN FOIt SALE A good Soda Fountain with improved marble Counter Piece and Syrup Tanks. Apply to J. B. CLIFTON, Louisbirg Drug Storo. The name of Mr. II. C. Jones' new 'hack, which runs everyday from this j .lace to Franklinton is "The Rose Rrii," it U both pretty and comfortable. BRICK! BRICK 11 W? an4 preparing to commence mak- iit 'llii k at our Saw Mill.' Will ha 'e ONK . HUNDUKD THOUSAND r sidy f.T delivery hv the first of June. Tl'tie wiyiting, M ill please bund in their onL-r . .BARflOW & PLEASANTS. We would re'spcetfuily mil your at 't??'"n to the new rich, and cheap WiiteWs. Jewelry, Diamond Sdver Ware, Clocks and fancy r"0K nt Youngs,: Marble Kront Je.wwlry Store, .comer Sveauioro fc Ink streets. . Petersburg, Va., Solid 18kt. plain finhl Rings for engagement mid wed hittg -purpose. Youns. .Celebrated Perfetted Periscopi" Sjetnel?s and ' Kye Glasses, will improve land benefit your eyc-ight. (hill and sec them when you visit "JMershurg. MALLORY'S CA8JX. mourn. o PERUVIAN! GUANO. i n w w w w a. s ' ' ' iieiuune rmu. IAIN uuano Ui- rect from Oovcrnment warehouse Guar- .ran toed pure and unadulterated. Very low for Cash. W. S. MA LLORY, Franklinton, N. C. The Waverlt JIagazim: This Iagazine published by Moses A. Dow Hostun Mass.. is now in its fiftieth yer. It is a sixty column aanc, and furnishes with each number a page of the choicest music. There are nocon- tinucd stories all are concluded in the Vaner in which they becin The j rico of the paper is ?o,U0 for 12 $3 for 0 1,50 for 3 nonths. TnE Cjmino Issut Do.s'r Viss It ! t he next issue No. 10 tf 4,77ie Su ny So tli will contain a fits ensrravinc of Jno. Younff Brown the Demosthenes of Kentucky, and a strik- inr. Hfe-sixo portait of John Mitchell, tne Irish I'atrioi, wun a DriiuaoiEaetcu of las life, by Tlun. (J. A. Lnchrane, of ia. AUn, three rascinatmg storifg, "lany br.llidnt poems and essays, spark 1 nz editorials in the different depart ments, all the current news, theatri cal fashion notices of new Looks, nw .tnusic. distimruiscd nnranna. k et. Fa- cup a copy J. ft JBAfiS, Editor & Proprietor J FLOUR, -I BACON, If J LARD, A Molasses, V iaud Sugar ra ) e. rr. VV Fuller'.. Local ' Items. $2,00 pcx annum is the price of the Couriek. ,.. (sc -Drain the in ad ponds on the south ide of the liter. i Repair the Court square, and save the shade trees'. We have heard of no lucky num bers in the s ( reensboro Lottery being held by parties in this section .. The registration books' re opened in the office of the town clerk. Mr. W. H Furmari, iu the Court House. Our Jailer complains-that he has not a single boarder. What a pity that bo fine a jail as ours should be without an inmate. Married. At the residence of the brides mother, in this place, on Wednes day evening the 28th Inst., by the Rev. F.-L. Read, Miss Tempie Person, to Mr. William Montgomery of Frank lin ton. " ; -''k . .. . l&iMASOMC. The members of Clin -Nton IxxVe No. 124 A F & A. M. will hold their regular communication in their Lodge room on the 1st Thursday night in May next. Music pal Election, The follow ing ticket will be voted for on Jonday next tor municipal omcers. lor Lt uis- bursr For Mayor W. II. Pleasant. For Coram's ioncrs. Thos. White Jno. II. Ppperman. K. w, Fuller. R. F. Yarborough. . Mkcklexbcko Centknxtal. We notice that in a onmbcr of towns in tb State, busincs will be suspended on the 20th of May in honor of the Mecklen burg Centennial, an event which riow s out a proud page in the history of our Good Old S'afe. We hope that our Merchants and other i. business men. will not be liehind in thi matter, but will give one day fro.ii business, in honor of this occasion. "It is not "generally--known that ilaryland and North Carolina are the only States thai have provided institu tions for the care and education of blind colored clultlrcit.'-. Yes, and N rth Carolina has now made an ap- J propnation to provide an asylum for thfe colored insane of the Stte, in spite of the opposition of the. vote of every negj-o member of both Houses of the General AKScmbly. ) Tn Pav v C. liT VI .This is the .name of a new Puily, .published in llalcigh, with Mr. Jno. Uragg as local editor aul Mr C II. Harper as Iai air'T. It is exceehngly neat-in its aj pe:irancc and make up,'(Ontaining all the latest telegraph new?, market re ports &c. The. enterprise has our best wishes for its success. Price per annum $0.00. " f 6 months 3.50. " 3 " 2.00, " " 1 " 50. Adress Capital Publishing Co. t Raleigh N. C. ; Louism:ua Wisa at the Spell ing 15 ke in Peteuskuimj. At the Spelling ilatcb. in Petersburg on the 2ird mst , Mr. "Arthur Arlington of this place bore off the prize, not having missed a single word during the even ing. There were 19 rounds, in which Mr. Ally of Petersburg held ground up to the 1 8th, when he 'was floored. The prize,a large Websters Unabridged Dictionary, was presented to Mr. Ar rington,by Mr. W. Gorden McCabe. We congratulate our young friend & conntyman upon his success, in hold ing his position and not being "turned down" (as it used to be called, when we went to school) in the .entire lesson. The Masonic Hall at Franklinton, was sold on Thursday last, to the high- est bidder, it was bought by Mr. Reams, who intends converting it into a' tobacco Factory. We also learn that Mr. I5ob- bit will soon y commence building a factory in another "part of the town. It gave us pleasure, during our stay among our neighbors to notice that they were in excellent spirits, their motto is, onward. Franklinton is trrowins: last, tte number of new houses that have been recentlv -erected, and the several new stores, together with other enter prises that have recently been started there, all bhow a spirit of progression. If e wish you great success nctrhbors. and we hope that you will spread and widen so rapidly, that you will soon be called 4he city of Franklinton instead of the totvn. Our advice is to go on, let nothing be done to clog the wheels, I but all put their shoulders to this car f improvement, and pull and puV to- gciner; owning uxe wrhng logcuicr. nnriihfr nf ladies of North Ca.o- lina after consulting together on the subject, have issued a circular dated at Chapci uui, in wnicn mey uie pmscwortny sencme oi ninnS a iunu for ' th supwrt ami care ot the poor i c .i : and infirm anions their own sex in the Stste. The cncular says. These ladies propose to raise such sum as will purcbasc a house, witV land attached tc fit un fr the occUDa- tj,,n an(j icave g0mcthins to be inves- tpA ror -n income. 'Appeal is made to all parties and all denominations, and it is to be hoped the appeal will not fall on listless ears. 'Communications on the subject may be addressed to Mrs. C. P. Spencer, Chanel Hill, and reference may be made to the Hons. W. II. Battle, W. A. Graham, B. F. Moore and W. N. I jj. Smith.' InbsTY Summer ix the Past. In New England, the Spring of 1794 was distinguished by the forwardness of the season, and by the destruction oc casioned by the frost on the night be tween the 10th and 18th of May. Ap ples were then as larjre as grapes FFintcr rye had attained its full height. The apples and a great part of the rye were destroved. Tn 1798, snow, fell November 17. and lasted nearly all the time until April. "The cold year" was in 1R16. That summer there was frost in every month. On the 7th of June there was snow;. on the Sth it was too cold to ride com fortably toward the 2Vbrth, even in winter clothes ; and for three succes sive nights there were lanre white frosts, which cut the corn down to the rots. Corn was so thoroughly frozen on the 25th of September, that it ws hardly worth harvesting. In 1818, i.he season was extremely backward" It rained or snowed nearlv every day in the month of March and April. i AStandforLifo. Mr. Editor : I saw in the last Courier, a selection, headed 'A jump for life.' Now I propose to give you an -incident which occured in this, (Franklin county) showing as much nerve and presence of mind as your Western selection. . Mr. G. when a young man went on one occasion to a Store in his neigh- borhood, where he engaged in a social gLss with some of his boon companions, and according to his own statement he took a glais too much. When he reached home in the evening, a ser vant who was hauling with some oxen, met and informed him that a very large rattle enakc was lying a cross his path. and lie wanted help to kill it, where upon our hero proceeded to the spot and finding the reptile as reported, he proceeded at once to dispatch his snakeship. To accomplish this he se cured a stick of sufficient length and size, Lut in attempting to strike, his stick broke, -, which threw him forward with his heel on the snakes head, now if he jumped he would in all probabili ty be bitten, so throwing his weight on that foot held the snake fast until he could get his knife out, and then cut off the head of the snak?, and upon ex amination found he had 13 rattles and a button. So I' head my snake story a ."Stand for life.'' 15 B. la reading the snake story of our Correspondent u5. B.,' it briugs to mind one related to us by aunt Abby House not long since. She states that on one occasion whi'e walking a through path from Pony s Church, she saw a large black snake coming towards her, it very naturally frightened her, and she ran with all her speed,-(which she said was faster than gals of the present day can run, she was then only about 18 years of age) and the snake right after her, very soon she came to a small creek that crossed her path, and cousin 'Sally Dilliard'' like, she pre p;iri:u lo vrusa, uutiuu u;nu cau-jumer just as she reached the bank of the I I Pi K 211111 I f II 1 1 1 1 If l 1 (1f I Wl lllllltr II IIII I n i. i t.: self around her Ie in a marncr too tight for comfort. She seized the rep tile by the neck with one hand, and with the other drew her knife from her pocket, which she opened with her teeth and cut off his snakoships head. This in connection with our friend 'B B." communication, makes out two very giod snake stories, Ed, STATE NEWS. - - The State Agricultural Journal, has been sold o Col Jno. T. Whitford of Newbcrne, who will henceforth con- duet it as editor and proprietor, assisted by Mr. Chas. F. Harris. From the Ca itil, we learn that Col. W. II. Harrison, has so far recorered from his attack of pamliic8, as to be able to ft'alk on the streets, Jac-b E. Rumbough, committed suicide on Thursday night last, in Raleigh, by shooting himself. A Ball to the Puess Coxvpx- tiox. Ihe Journal says that Wil mington will jrire a grand ball in honor of the Press Convention which meets in her midst the eleventh of May. i Managers Opt.- U 19. Wyers, chairman. F. AV. Kerthner, Mai. J. H. J- 1 -layior, - Green, Kichard V Andrews. J H Wat - tcrSj g g :teh, U Mc It. Holmes, Jas, j p and Wmiam A imiiams, Jr. lT Honorary Managers Hon. Geo. "v f J Davis, cliairnian, Hon A 31 added, a Cil Wm L launders, Hon O P Meare, j Uou A Wright, E H Barruss, Col Robt Strange, Dr. W G Th' mas O G Pntsley, Jr. ' he State Medical Convention, meets in Wilson on the 18th of May. ' Dr. W. II. McKee, one of the oldest physicians of Ralcigh,died on Friday night last - THe young ladies of Peace Institute, has deposited ia the State National Bank of Raleigh $50. to the credit of the Orphan Asylum, and also $3.00 as subscription to the Chlldrens Friend, for their reading room. From the Wilson A 'ranee we learn, that the residence of Jr. Calvin IFood ard. about five miles from Wilnon, was distroyed by fire. Mr, "NVoodanl loss is estimated at near $6,000. The Citizens made up a purse of several hundred dollars, which they presented KM 1JIIU. I COTTON MARKETS. Louisburg, April 30. - - . 15 Petersburg, April 30. - - 16 Cotton Cotton, Norfolk, Cotton 16 Ral.igh Cotton 15 New Advertisements, One door Rst Corner Blount and Morgan Streets. Raleigh, N. O. PRACTICAL STONE CUTTER, Ani Dealer in ITALIAN & AMERICAS MARBLE. All kinds of Monument, Tombs, Headstones and Garden Statuary made to order on reasonable terms. Orders from a distance promptly filler. Oil in perso", or addiets JOHN CAYTOS.P. O. Box. No. 803. FITS CURED FREE!! Any person suffering from the above disease is requested to address Dr. Pbick, and a trial bottle or Mtdicinc will be forwarded by Express. j FREE I The only cost being the Express charges, which owing to my large bus business,. a re small. Dr. Price has mrde the treatment of. FITS OB EPILPSY a study for ;earp, and he will warrant a cure by the use of bis remedy.' Do not fail to send to him for a trial bottle; it Costs nothing and he WILL CURE YOU, no matter ot how long standing your case may be, or how many other reme dies may have tailed Circular and testimonixla sent with FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Be particular to give your Exprese, as well as your Poat office direction, and Address, Dr. Chas. T. Price, 67 William Street, New York. April 23-12 m. j Consumption Cured. To the Editor of Franklin Coumrr IEbtkemkd Friend : Will you plise inform jour reaJers that I have a positive CURE FOR CONSUPTION. andjdl disorders of the Throat and Lungs, and t lat, by its use in my praci tice, I have cuied hundreds of cases, and will give. $,1000 00 lor a caso it will not benefit. Indeed, so -a j i.v t :i i 3 free acy sufferer addressing me. Please show this letter to any one yon miy Know wno is buxicuok iioiu these disease?, and oblige, Faithfully yours DR. T.F.BURT. 69 William 8tM New TorV. April 23-6 m. Notice! O An Election for Magistrate of Police and lour Commissioners for the Town ot Louisbarg will befceld ia the Court House, on the let Monday of Maj 18 5, it being the 3rd day (of the month. The polls will be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. and close ar-P. M. All persons of Lawful age, haviog lived in the State for 12 months, and in the Corporate limits ot the Town of Louisburg for 90 day, preceedlng the day of said Election, an entitled to vote, provided tbey have registered their names according to Law The Registration Books will be opened from date, hereof, In the Court lioase, until the 1st day of Msy, for all persons qualified to vote in said Election to Register. By order of the Major, W. H. FCRMAN, Town Clerk. April 9-1875. NOTICE. Vohiohlo Flnnrinn. HriQl hd Saw iS, for Sale. The Davis mill property situated on Sand v Creek in Franklin county ia fered tor sale on reatonaDie terms. The Mills are in good running order. and draw custom from a large tcope of country. Connected with the mills is 80 acres of good land. pply to W. L. THORP, Rocky Mount X. C. PIANOS! PIANOS!! . August Doir Manufacturer of Piaxo Fortes, best to announce, that be is supplied with new. and second hand Pianos, which he offers at low prices; applications by letter will receive prompt attention. I AM PREPARED, assisted by com pe teat workmen to undertake the moat extensive repairs of every description. Reference made to the musical pro fession in general, tad to my large nam bero'patmo. ! July 17-12-ia. JUleigb.H. C White & Shaw Their Slock of Xcw and Desirable Good. Selected With Great CAEE For Spring and Summer TJRABE. Fr Y. ri -ty o! Styles, Q i .My oi O mmU. M -deration in Pricw, Th.y Canun Be Exc lied. Ladies Dress GOODS. We have a Ptock of Bvan Uul Bew S:)le Dress G.KKfs, very CHEAP. While & Shaw, Ladles Trimmed Hats. We hsve tne Lnreet Stock of Tr'm md Hats eer seen in L'xrisburg. Pot no eireslv for n. bv some ot the most Fashionable vhlliaer ia New York. White & Shaw. LAWNS, ORGANDIE?, PERCALES. ' CAMBRICS and CALICOES, A full Stock of the Latest Btjles, For Sale by White & Shaw. Fancy (Goods. We bave an elegant Stock of German and American Cologne, Foreign and Do mestic EXTRACTS, Fan cy Toilet Soaps, in Musk, Windsor, Jasemine, Vio let and other delicate perfumes, F.i Si'e by White & Sliaw. Eeady Made Clothing- WEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS. Gents Furnishing GOODS. SUIRTP, COLLAR?, SHIR'I S CRAVATS UNDER DRAWERS, 30C K3 Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES- We lave a d ppTiat atteotlon to this branch ot our budine-s, and have A FULL STOCK FOR Lidier, Misses snd Children, Men, Tooth's and B-js, For 81 Cheap. WHITE & SHAY. We call special attention to the foj. lowing Departments, in oar S'ock. which will be found as Largs, and as CHEAP as any io market. HARDWARE. fi-T . A SSW ARKi. CROCKERY, HARHESS SA0DLES 1 BRIDLES- VnnnViARtT Till Aim Fanners .will find it to their interut to I n j of as. We have a heavj Stock of, MOLVFSE,! EUGAR, COFFEE. TEA, BACON, LAUD AND FLOUR, Joit to ban-', for Ba'e Cn CAolJ. Wtite & Shaw, LOUISBURG, N. C w A. q D & IB o. Franklhton, n C, - Are d.UrmlDsd to cIom oat tbeir L1R3X and ASSORnSD rTOCr GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIQUHES. II you want gcoU CHEAP-CALL ON THEM. Aay kia4 f prorfa - Ukm at beat prW, AT 1 W A B D ESTABLISHED 1S47. V. H. Morris & Sons., COTTON FACTORS JXD Commission -Merchants. 23, 2S and' 37 Commerce St, Norfolk, Vtu WIT maVe libera' "urrency ad van cesou produce or bill lading in hand. Nr. A. M. Noble, of N. -, Is coa nected with our ltouse, and will b pU-asctl to receive the patronaj of his friends. ii i 1 PEET & ATKINSON. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants. No, 45 Roanoke Avenue NORFOLK, Va. flpt. 1 8 1 y MACHINERY. FOE r S ALE. COMPLETE THIRTV TIORSE POW EH Poitable Steam Saw Mill, nd sir months, warranted to 1 n perfect as ny rew mill. Ct $2,759 cub. Pi Ice $2,150. Terns eay. 25 HORSE POWER-PORTABLE ENGINE, IN FIRST CLASS ORDEK. SECOND-HAND AND NEW ENGINES of various Horse-Powers, Gum and Leather Belt ing, Steam Pumps, CIRCULAR SAWS, Etc. tST S-nd for descriptive Circular. O REFERENCES. We mention a few to whom we have scld second handed Engines : W. B. Malitit, Franklinton, K. a II. J. Grime, Lxif gtnn, Ji. C J. A. Bcxtos, & Om Jar kson, V. C Banxow & PuaaaxTa, Loalsborg, T. A. Pbios & Co., BUteviIle, V. BnnawAXT, Happy II ease JIVQU & 11UNTER, Richmond, Va. J-D.-29 6m- THOMAS, Wholesale Oxociki Co m mi r ion Merchant i, Xo. S3 'yettevill Street, KAtEIOH, X. C. Oppo-ite Uetmpolitan Han. JoIhl Armstrong, X. 1 FajetUvi'le 8rret, RALT'Gn. X, C. S00K BINDER, JLXD Blank Book MnnnfuctvrtY, .Xrwvpaper. If atzloea and Law Books of every description bound In the very hnt Style and at Lowest Prices. jaaSO 12a & B R, 0. Farntilnton, N. C, EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, II. C. A, D. Czcca PHOPMKTO. The present propri tsr hat leased the Eale Hotel, (fornirrly occupied by James Dent) fo-a number of years. He Is prepared to accoraniodate regular and transient boarders, has nice rooms we 1 tarnished, and fitted up lnthebettyle. HQ has also lars and convenient rooms for Halcamei to display their samples. The table Is dallr supplied with the best the mar ket afford . ne will spare no pain In;maMng his boarders comfortable, and hopes he will rrce Ive a liberal patroness from the public. Js'i. bih 1875. To the Public. Having movKl my shop to my boose about bslt mils from the business part of T own, on the Fraakliotoo road. I taVe pleasure in Informing the people of Franklio, that I am prtpaml V do all woik l:i my line, as cheap as can bo done elsewhtrr. I am verj thaaklal fjr past patronagf, and siDcertly hope that yon vitl cntinae to pstmoize ma. I am very Resuectfally, ISH iU GREEK. P. P. Parties wUhing to have work d.or, will leave It with Mr. Bllard, at Messrs. Barrnw & Pleasants store and will be attended to promptly. Jan29-tf. r- . 53 63 PETERSBURG, Va, E. RICHTER. "Watchmaker and Jew eler. YISX Tatrtm n& Jtwelnr f the b Msnudrtonand at tlx lowr.t v, ttk All woik pe omJIjr attoodrd tu aad war nnteJ. U U Hymmore 8L, rerUmr?.T it I n. G. W. MINNIS, Photographer, Old Xo. 47. New 141 Syeamora St. PETERSBURG, Ya. Executes errry style of likrneas from cid to life size, la the best stvlcsof at. Priors modrrtr, sstiitioa goarsntei d. G tiler j establhe-l ij 1974 Oct. 2 ly mmbm .mmm Raleigh & Gaslon R. Rf company. RvrauxTEXDET Omce, ice, I i. ''2- Ralelli, X. C, June 11th, On and aftrr Monday June 17th, 1872, trains on the Kaleiti Si Gaston Railroad, will mil dally (Sunday ex ccptvtl) as follows: Mail Titxrx. leaves Ralclh 10.00 a. m. Arrlvr at WeJ.lon Z.ZO p. ra. feavrs Mon .......... 0.15 a. m. Arrives at lUlcl-u....... 2.0S p.m. ACCOXUOOATXOX TfiAIX. Ieaves Ualleli '. SX0 p. sa. Arrives at TVeldon.... ... 6.29 a. m. Leaves WelJcn a. tn. Arrives at Kalelb 8.00 p. ra Mall train makes c!oe cooactloe at WeMon with the sahard & Ilsonke RJ1roa.l aid Biy Dre Steamers via. Btltimore. X aM fmtn a'i point. North. Wt M Xorthwest smf with the Pefcnhnrr Railroad via Petrrsbonr, Riehmnd aad WaaUieetosi Citv, to and frcm all poiota North and Nurth WfSL And tRaVb with tbe'Xortb Car olias IUilrad to aad frr-ta all points, 8oQh aad Southwest.' and with the RaleisB & Aevsia Air Line to Hay wood aad FayttUviile. Aecommoatino aad Freight trains coatct at weldoa with Accommoda. t'um and Frcizht trains on aVaboard & Roanoke Railroad aoO retcnbuxB Railroad. And at Rtlfigh with Accommoda tion aad freight trains oa North Cera Una Ralir.ted. - Prrrfs living a'ong the lioe of the road can visit lUldgh la the morning by AccommodaUoa traia. aad rtmaia rvrral boars, and mora the same eve a . A, B. AXDRZT7& Geal Bspt YAIlUOnOUGU HOUSE RALEISiL f L C. G. TT. BUlCKKELL Prcjrictor

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