1 TOIER H GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: S2.00 por Annum. VOL. IV. LOUISBUKG, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1875. NO. 28. V .Franklin Co Across the. Street, Wo not know it if be knows I watch her, m she come an i go's ; i : -I wonder if she dreams of it. i Bitting and working at my rhymes, I weare her eunny hair at time Iutb my verse, or gleama of it. , Upon hr window-ledge I net A b-x of 1 w ria j minoiette ; M -iiin? a-v! ni jht she tencU to them, Tli seiel fljwers. that do not care Tj kiw t iat Mtrand "of loosened hair - . A prettily she bentU to them. If I could once contrire to get Into tii at box of mignonette, . Home morning as nhe tends to them ! Dear me ! I see the sweet blood rise And bloom about her cheeks and eyes And bosom, S3 she bends to them ! Atdrich THE PUJtPKIX EJRE8HET. Ilemlnlscenccs- of tint Great Flood of 1S3V at I'ort Jervls. The -worst fresh that ever took place along this old ditcliwas in the dead of winter, in 1839, said Joe Leggett, of Fort Jervis, to a World correspondent, with wnom lie was oiscussing the ico gorge at that point. You see it was in the month of Janu ary, when the weather came on as mild as a summer's day. It didn't stop rain in' fur two days and nights. Everything hereabouts was under water, an1 there's jio cae'lating how many people lost their lives and how much property went to de struction. That was the time that the three families on the island below I'ort Jarvis was swept off afore you could say Jack Robinson. Every one of 'cm was drowned, too, afore they fairly know'd what the matter was every one except Jorry Patterson, who lived in a shanty by himself ; and when ho found everything was going by the board, he just made for the biggest birch tree on the island, shinned up among the limbs like a monkey, and stayed there two days, till we could git a boat to him. That was the time .that the frosh sliced out about half an acre from the Pennsylvania bank, five miles below hero, and let out the big- , gist den of rattlesnakes I ever sot eyes on. You soe they was all in their win tar sloop, and arter they had been clean ed out, and the river fell, the weather turned as cold as Greenland, and every ono of thorn varmints was frozen as stiff as an icicle. Well, there I you ought to seen 'em. They was scattered along the shore for miles, and there wasn't one of 'em that stretched out fair and square : so as to make a decent corpse; but they woro twisted up into all sorts of knots and cork-scrow3,' such as would have made you hurt yourself laughing to see. I picked up one that looked exactly like a fancy necktie, and if I hadn't- been nfeard of it3 tha win out, I'd worn it home to see how Betsey liked it. Howsumever, I started out to tell you about the big pumpkin fresh, which is the name it is knowed by from one end of the river to t'other. It was in the fall of 1815, just when the pumpkins were ripe and ready to haul in. Any body going down the liver 'bout that timo would have seen several hundred ' million bushels of that fruit in the fields. You see the practice is to plant it among the corn, and when that's cut off there's the pumpkins ready to bo hauled in. Tho coavso kind are used to feed to the critters on the farm, while the best are slapped into pies by the women. That fall I was to work for 'Squire Good rich, who was a deacon in the church, and a mighty ftpod kind of a man. The weather had been cloudy and mild for several days, but there hadn't been any rain, though it came down like a young deluge up nejuiiheliead-waters. That give the fresh a sortof body as you may ' any, and when it overtook us wo was all taken unawares. I was eating dinner, aud the 'squire' had gone out on the porch to take a look at the weather, when he came rushin in, all of a tremble, . with starin' eyes and white face, and he pays to his wife: "Polly, all our pump kin pies aro gone. . You see that wasn't a very 'lucid re mark, and Polly asked him to be a little more clear, when ho pitched out of the house; we followed him, and there was a sight which was worth seoing. It couldn't have been more than two hours since we had seen the river at its usual height, and here it was ragin and roar in' , and tearin' along, and risin every minuto as cider does when you let it run into a pitcher. It was full of trees, logs, and boards of shanties that had been standing along shore. On the' roof of one of these residences stood a rooster, that looked as proud and peart like as you yourself; and two or three times every minute he threw back his head and let -out a crow that I s'pose was to call the attention o: all the chickens along the river to him self. But the greatest sight was the pump kins. The river was full of 'era. There they was, from the size of your fist to , that of a bushel basket, bobbing up and down like the cork to a fish-line, and all of 'em running a race down stream. The stood their terrible loss, she called me aside and axed me if I couldn't catch ono of them bh? pumpkins, only one. for the deacon's sake. He had doted on em, for weeks and weeks had petted 'em, and when he wanted to be special loving to her, he called her his pumpkin. She wanted ma to try for the deacon's sake. . I've alien a tsnder side for the females of the other sex, and when she asked me bo sad 'like, I answered unto her that I'd do it or break, a trace. There wasn't any time for to lose, and I slupped on my hat and started on a run down the river bank, so as to keep the pumpkins in sight. I didn't 'exactly think how I was going to get that fruit into snore, cause x went on in such a hurry that I hadn't time to think. .'. , Well, there was one expected .difficulty in the road. I've no doubt the deacon could have identified them pumpkins in a thousand, , but I wasn't as, well ac quainted with 'em as what . he was, and when they was all covered up in the water, excepting their yeller tops,-, there wasn't any more chance of knowing 'em t'lan there would be of identifyin' bald-headed " man by the crown of his head. But I had promised Mrs Good ncn, ana it woman t ao to give it up without trying, j When .the, river is high. it runs mighty fast, and T1 kept up a dog trot ior a naiii'mue, ana tnen i come down to a walk, straddling' but aVa man must do rwhen his steps is a half dozen feet long.- That sort' of . travfilin' is all well enough for , awhile, but in time it gets monotonous like, and I was on the pint of throwing up the job, when I spied more pumpkins than I had ever seed in my life. r At a place where the river narrowed, some of the logs had managed to catch themselves, somehow, and the pumpkin procession "was stopped. There they was, five hundred thousand of . 'em, bumping and piling up in a style that was a sight to behold. . My heart gave a bigfbound, for I knowed the -deacon's pumpkins was there, and I thought I could identify the biggest. I orter had a boatj but there wan't any, and the fruit was jammed so tight that it7 looked ' to me as if they would bear my weight. When I reached it and tried it, sure enough it was as firm as .a rock, and I picked my way out to the center, where I fancied I seen one of the deacon's pets. It was rather ticklish work to reach it, but I got it at last, and then was sure it was the identical prize the deacon's wife axed me to get for her. But it ain't any small job to tow a pump kin up stream agin -a current running ten miles of an hour, and you can't pick one up and carry 'em off, for they're too big to reach round,- unless yon run, a rope through 'em and string it round the neck, the same as you'd carry a bass drum. I stood there out in the middle of the stream looking down at the pile that was growing bigger and bigger every minute, and meditatin what was best to do, when all at once I heard a shout. Cl'ar the track thar, or yees'll get hurt." Looking up, what should I see but a shanty afloat, with the Irishman sitting on top smoking his pipe as free and easy like as if lie was under a tree on shore ? I hadn't more than time to see him when his shanty pitched into the dam of pump kins, and the whole caboodle broke loose and started down stream agin. When I seen how things was going I made a a rush for shore. The first step I took was over the deacon's pumpkin, and the blamed thing turned over with me like a greased log, and down I went. When I came up the pumpkins ;bumped again my head, and when I struck out to swim my hands and feet knocked again 'em. ' x nau just got iuu steam up ana was I 1 m " a 8triKing out ior snore wnen mere was a collision ' between a pumpkin and my nose, and I'm certain it was the deacon's pumpkin that mashed my smeller so flat it never tjot over- iti It seemed to me. that that'.tliina, was alivej It kept bumpin'. at me till I had to dodge to save my brains being "knocked out. When' I looked about for that Irishman that had raised all the mischief, there he, was, sitting on the top of his house, smoking his pipe, as happy as a clam. When !I reached land again I called out to him, and asked why he didn't leave the shanty and come ashore, "Whisht, now !' said he ; V don't you , saa I'm movin' ? Me goods are all inside and I'm superintend in' the job." Then, as he was floating off, he asked me what I was doing out in the stream when he shoved me loose. I told him that I was hunting for a particlar pump kin that belonged to Deacon Goodrich. He asked me if I worked for that gen tleman, and wheal told him I did he advised me to go back to him as quick as I could, and the deacon could be sar- The Different Color of the Tempter. A gentleman took his son to a drunken row m a tavern, where the inmates were fighting and swearing, and paid he: . "Do you know what has caused all his?" " No, sir." His father, pointing to the decanters, said: ' ' ' "That's the cause. Will you take a drink?" The boy started back with hflrror, and exclaimed: "No 1" . Then he took the child to the cage of a man with delirium tremens. The boy gazed upon him affrighted, as the drunk ard raved and tore, and thinkincr the demons were after him, cried: Leave me alone I leave me alone ! I see 'em 1 they're coming !" "Do you know the cause of this, my boy?" - ' i ) "No, sir." s "This is caused by drink; will you have some ?" and the boy shrank back with a shudder as he refused the cup. -Next they - called at the miserable hovel of a drunkard, where was squalid poverty, and the drunken father beating his wif eA and, with oaths, knocking down his children. ' ( s . . ; -c ' "What has caused this Vr said the" father. . ; ,. The son was silent. . ! . t ; Wheri; told that it was rum, he de clared that he would never touch a drop in his life. But suppose that the lad should be in vited to a wedding feast where, with fruit and cake, the wine cup is passed, amid scenes of cheerfulness and gayety, where all the friends are respectable, beloved and kind to each other, and he should be asked to drink, would he re fuse ? Or suppose him walking out with his father on New Year's day to call on his young lady friends, to enjoy the festivity of ushering in the New Year. With other things, wine is handed to him by a smiling girl. His noble-hearted father, whom he loves, presses the wine-glass to his lips, and compliments the young lady on the excellence of its quality; what wonder if the son follow his example ? ' A Common. Error Among rertimerm. Xon-Ad- A correspondent reports the substance of a conversation overheard between two merchants, one of whom advertised, and tin other did not. "A" com menced with a general protest against advertising, and, as a clincher," remark ed (falling into-a wide-spread error) : "Why should 1 advertise? am I not as well known as I can be; was I not born in this town, and am I not known to almost every man, woman and : child in this county ? . Why, it's absurd." .'Do you think so?" asked B,, It seems to me that you only make tho mistake which everybody in your posi tion is likely to make. To be well known is a good thing, but if you sup pose for a moment that being well known will make up for your not adver tising, you make a great' mistake, and one that you should do your best to understand and5 eradicate." A " How so ; what do you mean ?" -B "Why, you should remember that it is not altogether you or your name that is important for people to re member, or for you to advertise in the Going t the Dentist. I like to come across man . with the toothache. There's something " pleas ant abont advising him to stuff cotton in it, to use camphor, creosote, prpjr- mint, and " relief," that I al ways fel better after giving it. I have been there had an aching snag, and I know just how it feels. It used to wak me np at niglA, and make me mal at noon. I didn't meet man or woman but what they advised me. One said that a hot knitting-needle pushed down on the root was excellent, another said that opium was an excellent thing, and others said that it must be dag out by the dentist." If I sat down to dinner, that old tooth was sure to growl. If I went to bed, or got up, or went to a party, or The II t or of n Kknli. Until within a few yeAr patt, nays th Elmira Advrriiert thre has been in tha poaneion of prominent family down the Chmnng river fmra' Elmir a few inileA, an obj ei that po-tseasea a history of it owu t'w skull of a human Wing. It was put to rather a trango uaj as it hl lvn rieT'l np for a chipmunk's our and set oi a 1uch nar th kitchen-dnoT. Out and in through the eye-hole ran the little animal, grinning at the bysundert from the month, and mnuchiog its corn and nuts while watching from the nose. Hight in the center of th forehead of the skull was a small bullet hole. When Sullivan's army .passed through this valley, an adopted son of thi Indian Cmmtmtn Emdo9 Jettte. Captain Eads hat given a rrporter of the St. Louis Republican the following sketch of his plan for jettie at the mouth of the Mississippi river, with which Congress has authorized him t j proceed: The jetties will be made of willow twigs, which, after cutting, are bound inte bundlas, called in engineering par lance "faacinea These fascines are nay eight or ten feet in length and as many inches in diameter, though of coupn their size is varied at the convenience of the workmen and according to tho re quirements of the work. Having been cut and properly secured the f seines are put together in the form of a raft, like timber logs, towed to the required staid at home, it growled just tho same. Cornplanter, named Watt Baldwin, pre- spot, and then load.d ith ttoncs until It wasu always a growl. Sometimes it ceded it as a scout, as ho was thorough- j they sink to the bottom. This process was a jump that made my liair stand I ly posted in Indian warfare and knew j is repeated with successive raits until a up, and again a sort of cutting pain that I the country as well as he knew hii own I continuous foundation is laid the entire made me make up faces at the baby, and dooryard. On the day before the famous length of the troroscd line cf jettie. slam doors, and break windows. I ate I battle at Baldwin's creek. Watt was The first or foundation rafts will Iw cotton, peppermint, camphor, and opium scouting about the hills between the j from aeventy-flve to two hundred feet in until I got black in the face, and that I army's camp at the .foot of Newtown old snag kept right on. I put bags of I creek and what is now Wellsburg.' Caro hot ashes to my cheek, applied mustard, I fully making his way through the woods. width, aecoxdinir to the depth of watr where they aro sunk, the decpeet water reouirinflf the widest raftv As soon as newspapers. It is the associating your held my head in the oven, took ,a sweat, his quick eye saw tho head of an Indian j the foundation is completed in this man namo with . something that people want, and the ache still ached. . After the dod no from behind a loir at a short 1 ner another line of willow rafta is rank and your power to convince them - that third week neighbors didn't dare ,to let distance, from .him - He placed , himself I qa top of those already down, and so on you advertising man thinking of the one the other naturally gerie, . and at last ? decided to have . my valley: 4 Ten 1 or twclYT years after 'the t will not be more ' than teri t t recurs to the mind of the buyer. tooth out. I decided to, and then I de- close of the war, the scout, with his I By this means a channel Is created with "So it is your goods, your prices, your cided not to. I changed my mind four J grandson, was walking on the hills in sloping sides. The water gradually fills nil ao well Dy tnemk that - makes their b6ys pass my house, and hawkers behind atroe and watched. , i When, the I until the surface of the water is reached. valuable. It brings the t and book ' canvassers went" round an- head came ur atrain .he' fired, and there I each line of rafts bcintr narrower tlun and his croods together, so that in other street. I was beeomincr a mpna-'l wn mm W ImlUn irt"lhft f!himnnfri r k1rw"il nlil Oia'trttimoet lino amw. specialties, the advantages you have to offer, and not yourself, as a mere man, that you want people to understand. One step further: Though you may know everybody and everybody know you, when you may happen to see them, or they you, yet the old proverb, ' Out of sight out of mind,' should re mind you that they do not see you un less you meet. Now, this is the very tning tnat newspapers are cauea upon to remedy, and do remedy. They cause, even compel, people to remember you and your store when both are out of times in one afternoon, and at last I went. The dentist was glad to soe me. He said that if he could not take that tooth out without hurting me he would give me a million. It got easier as he found the tree fr(pa the shelter of which the vicinity of the occurrence. " Lotey," he said, " Cornplanter killed an Indian somewhere abont here and left him. Let us see if we can't find him." He talked, and I concluded not to have it pulled. I started down stairs, but a jump caught me, and I rushed back. He said he would look at it; perhaps it did not need pulling at all, but he could kill the nerve. By dint of flattery he got me in the chair. Then he "softly in- the chipmunk's cage made. sertcd a knife and cut away the gums I looked up, and said I would kill him; he had fired, and presently, the -. log behind which the Indian had lain,- After some further search and digging, the bones of the fallen brave were discover ed with the bullet-hole in the center of his forehead. And out of his skull was sight. You cannot fail to impress them but he begged me not toj said the cut- A Itath In the Dead Sea. up the interstice between the twigs with sand and sediment, and in the course of a few years the structure be cornea as solid as a wall, being in fact a submarine levee. It will readily be seen that an almost incalculable Quantity of willow twigs will be required to con struct these two long lines of jetties the whole length of south pass, and the work of cutting and preparing them will furnish employment to a great many men. The stone work will not be elaborate, inarnnfh as the rock will not require any cutting or dressing, being ued Life, in Persia. During the great famine in Persia many more persons died from the oppres sions of the governors and officials than from any other cause. The Governor of Rascht asked the Sultan to waive the payment of rent, and the request was granted; but on his fall tho Shah re voked his decision and appointed a new governor, whose exactions drove hun dreds of the peasants into Russian terri tory, where they received land and seed, with provision for their immediate wants. This exodus creatine: a great sensation. the Shah executed the new . governor and reappointed his predecessor. But it was too late. Only the infirm, blind and lame remained, and . this province, once the 'richest in Persia, exporting large quantities of silk, corn and cotton to Russia, has not yet recovered from the blow. Considering the . diamonds possessed by the Shah and his wives, he is, personally, the richest sovereign in the wferld, but his country is the poorest which can be found. The thirty thou sand persons who yearly make a pilgrim age probably expend nine million rupees out of the country, and all imports have to be paid for in cash, so that gold has almost disappeared. ..... ' by persistent advertising,- and at last they could not forget you if they would. But to answer you in your own way, by example, let us consider the case of one of the largest and most persistent "firms who advertae." This firm is not only known in New York State and city and throughout the whole . country, as a household world, but is known ver the whole civilized world. , Do they adver tise the less on this account ? Not at alL On, the contrary, judging from the legions of column and' half -column ad vertisements which have flooded our newspapers in the past two years, they have done more advertising in that time than in any previous four years. Yet they were never so well known as at the time when they commenced to adver tise so largely." Advertisers' Gazette. Cliased bv a Wolf. A good many years ago, when publish ing newspapers in Michigan was a brigandish sort of business, a man known as V.Old Sol Shipley" waa employed on a journal in Eaton county. He had just come from the East, and was in mortal terror of wolves, bears and the other wiia ammais aoounaing in the swamps and forests. The proprietor of the paper had a big dog, which took a great liking to Shipley. One evening, says the Detroit Free lre$, the old man started to go out to a farmer's, about a mile from town, where there was to be a Payment of Totcn Indebtedness. grand "hoe down," and the dog sneaked A bill is before the New York Legisla- after him, skulking along so softly that tore to regulate the manner in which any town of the State which has bonded itself ' in aid 'of any railroad can pay eff the inde"bb5dnes8 thus incurred. The bill provides that upon the application in writing of ' . citizens or taxpayers of any town of that State to the supervisor Old Sol didn't see him until dear of the village. Then happening to turn around he found the dog at his heels, and he made a clean jump of ten feet, believing that a wolf was with him. The dog gave a yelp and made after him, and,hipley fled down the road like a rabbit Agoing ting was all the pain there was in it. Me nnauy got me to ne.DacKana open my mouth, and then he slipped in his forceps aud closed them around the tooth. ' Ohsordorordonbordosof orsor I " I cried. But he didn't j?ay any atten tion to it. He drew in a full breath grasped the forceps tightly, and then pulled. Great spoons 1 but didn't it seem as if my head was going ! I tried to shout, grappled at him, kicked, and then he held up the old snag and said : " There 1 I guess you won't feel any more aching." . I leaped down and hugged him. I promised him ten mil lions; I told him to make my home his house forever; I hugged him. again. I shook him again. I shook hands with everybody in the street, . kissed my wife, bought the baby a dozen rattle boxes in a heap, and it seemed to me as if the world wa3 too small for me, I was so happy. To'lVhoBn She Says "AW A woman never quite forgets the man who has once loved her. She may not have loved him; she may, indeed, have given him the "no instead ol the ",yes" he hoped for; but the remem brance that he desired a " yes " always softens her thoughts of him, and would make him, were he reminded of it a friend forever. There may be girls who make a jest of discarded suitors ; but they are generally very young, and the wooing has been something that did not betoken ' much depth of tenderness. There are mercenary , offers, too, that only awaken scorn and hate' in the woman wooed for money and not for herself; but really to have touched a man's heart is some thine: not to bo for- Mr. C. A. Kingsbury writes as follows merely as a weight to sink and hold the in Forest and Stream of a bath in the rafts in position. ' But very little pile Dead sea: work will be required. The prosecution Beaching at length this most remarka- ef the work will furnish steady employ- ble of all tho seas and lakes on our globe, ment to at least fifteen hundred men for we prepared to take a bath and such a several years, besides the additional bath I can hardly expect ever to take employment that would be afforded in - I had previously bathed in nu- carrying materials and supplies, ana win do much to temporarily relieve th financial and commercial prostration of New Orleans. Captain Ead further sold tliat the summer would be consumed in surveys and in making contracts for materials, . supplies, labor, transportation, etc-, aud he thought he could get ready to link his first raft about the 1st of OctoUr next. The south pasa will be choeen for the work on account of the fixmne cf its bed, as compared with the other again. merous seas, lakes, and rivers, but never did I enjoy such a bath as this. The specific gravity of the water is euch, from its holding in solution so large a proportion of salts (twenty-six and a half per cent), that one floats upon its surface like a cork. At the time there was only a gentle ripple upon the soa, and being a good swimmer I at once struck out into deep water. I soon found that I could not only swim and float with wonderful ease, but that I could actually walk in the water, sinking only passes of tho Delta. , to the armpits. Discovenncr this fact, 1 made for the shore, and taking Dr. C one of our party, who could not swim, led him into the sea where the water was many fathoms deep. At first, ho was quite reluctant to follow me, but he soon gained confidence on finding there was no danger of sinking, and he enjoyed the novel bath as much as if he had been an expert swimmer. ' Should the bather al low the water to' get into his eyes or mouth he would suffer considerable abatement to his enjoyment, on account It a in Diet, This is what children ought on every account to e acenstomed t j from tho first; it is vastly more for their prtiwnt health and comfort than" little nice things, with which toni parents are o often axt to vitiate their appetites, and it will save them a 'great deal of morti fication in after me. If you make it a point to give them tho beat of every, thing; to pamper them with rich cakm. of such town, asking for the payment, in for a hollow log. The dog kept close to whole or in part, of the bonded indebted- him, thinking it was all in fun," and the ness,of such town created, in aid of j any printer's yells were plainly heard half a railroad thejrem, the supervisor "so re- mile away. Nearing the house, he questedj shall at the, next f .town election thought the wolf was gaining ' on him, open a book' in which the application is and he turned aside and began circling tin' of having a bigger pumpkin-head than any that was in the river, and dd you know, stranger, that I sometimes thinW that Irishman was" more than half right? - Had Him Fire. In giving a sketch of the Tiltons, the deacon's pumpkins was all in the corner Monmouth (N. J.) Democrat saya: Dur- j addressing officers of the government. written, ana any voter or taxpayer so desiring may sign his name thereto. This book is to be submitted to the county judge, and upon its appearing to him that the subscribers to the applica tion represent a majority of its taxable property, he shall certify to the fact, and it shall thereupon be the duty of. the supervisors of the town to raise by tax a sufficient sum of money, which shall be sacredly applied to the payment of the town debt in the manner indicated in the application. - Hints to letter-Writers. In writing a letter to the President or the Governor of the State, it is proper to i begin in this wise: " To his Excellency the President, or the Governor;" then comes his name in the next line. If the letter is to a judge, the proper pre face is "To his Honor;" then follows the name of the judge. If to a mem ber of Congress, " Honorable" is the proper prefix, which is also used in a log barn and yelling with all his might. The folks came running down the road, but they saw what was up, and they stood back and yelled for Shipley to put in his best licks until they could get a gun. And then they stood there and counted until he had made the circuit of the house thirty-five times. At last he found his lees failing and he would yell out as he came around: " Oh, Lor' githegun giterquick give ye fifty dollar !" The race came near using him up, When he stopped he had but one boot on ana was bareneaaea, ana no one could ever find the missing articles. sweetmeats and aucar plums; if you of its extremely salt, bitter and irritating allow them to aay, with a scowl : "I nature. No fish can live in this sea; but don't like this or that," "J can't rat various kinds of ducks abound here at that,", and then , go away, and make a certain seasons of the year. The water little toast, or kill a chicken for tlu-ir. was as clear as ordinary aca water,' its dainty palate depend upon it you aro temperature was agreeable, and it had an doing a great injury, not only on the oily feeling, and altogether its action on gcbre of denying a full mnacle and rowy the surface of the body was such as tp cheek, but of forming one of the roost develop those pleasurable sensations per- inconvenient habit thai they can carry gotten tme sue mes. . , ,i:vfi .Tf,;i.r.;nn I t t rti v.i v. Always sue rememDers now nis eyes 1 , ,, , 4i .1,1 rri l .v.- v. looked into hers; how; perhaps, lie " 0 "J""" rT ' lam JUu iriu j)irjiw ukui ' " s and grumbling through lite, the verit Ilomane fn Oregon.' , . j slaves almost in the wprkL: Mothers, The Portland Orrfjonia'n thus ' gives J listen : and be warned in. lim. tor tho the particulars of a marriage which took tirae will cone when you will repent; place at Kahuna : More than, twelve feeing youx, sous . ana, tiaugnu-r mxxa touched her hand with his, and how hei heart ached when he turned away with out that which aha could not give him, She loves some one .else. Some other man has , all the truth ot hex soul al ways has ' and always will have j-but she cannot forget the one who turned from her and went his way and came no more. She is crlad when she hears of his sue - cess, gnevea when she Knows that he has suffered; and when some day she hears that he is married she who has herself been married long years per haps; she who, at all events, would never have married him is she glad then T I do not know. A woman's heart is a very strange thing. I do not believe she knows herself Glad! Oh, yes; and is his wife pretty and nice T And then she rays to herself that " be has quite forgotten," and " that, gl course, is best," and cries a little. years ago a certain gentleman (nama not necessary to the interest of the etory) was acquainted with a little jrirl a mere child, as she was only seven years of age out of Washington county. When the gold excitement broke out in Idaho, the their home . miserable by. complaint. and raising their children np in the same way. . feed for llamt e, A reverend doctor of Georgia had a gentleman, then but a stripling, caught of mwdx Boene the chap. 1 the auriferous contagion, and, along with of lanxtie He was prcach- thousands of others, took his pick, . mustrxti2g 1 ,abject by the shovel, and pan, and started to make his of a zxa condemned to be hanc. fortune among the hills and canyons of reprieved under the aeaffold. Ho uiai region, v u . . srrihe. the ratherintr of the . 1 1 1 - crowd, the bringing out of the prisoner, his remarka under the raHowa. the ai- IE! pt aown yonaer, close to the river, on e slope, and he had two pet ones that was about as big round as a cart wheel, and he had nuss'd them with the greatest love, going out quite frequent on moon light nights to sit down by 'em and figure up in his mind how many pies they would make through the winter. So you can understand his sorrow when he seen, 'em just- rise up and jine the procession that was going to the blazes. The deacon's wife was one of the kindest women I ever tWd, andwhett hi under- ing the Millerite excitement, thirty In writing to a friend, whether the friend years ago, one of the Tilton family in this county became a convei t to the crema tion theory, and on " the day fixed for the final conflagration he watched : all day for the sound of the angel's trumpet that was to be the signal for the com mencement of the pyrotechnic exhibi tion. He was very much disappointed at the failure so much so that he started a fire in the woods in his neighborhood, which burned ovar one hundred acres of timber before it eould be stopped , is dear or not, fashion dictates the use of the expression "My dear Mr. or Mrs." In closing a letter, many say " Yours truly," or "Yours respectfully," but there are letters written by dignitaries high in power, who simply sign their name when they have said what they had to say. ; The date of a letter is usually written on the upper right hand portion of the sheet, and, the body of the letter begins on the line below where the ad dress ends Singular Incident. A singular incident is thus related by a Virginia (Nev.) journal: A few days since the Virginia City and Gold Hill Water Company had on their big reser voir, near the Ophir grade, a crop of ice six inches in thickness and perfectly firm and solid. They were about to be gin harvestiiig it when a heavy gale oc curred, and in a few hours all the ice on the pond was destroyed. As soon as the pressure of the blast had broken a hole, the wind got under it, and in a short time it was broken into fragments, driven against the shore and .there ground to atoms.. In no other country have we ever heard of such a thing occurring on a small pond such as is this reservoir. It shows something of the f ore of what is here popularly termed the "Wash a w gephrH Hxb Wat. There is more than one m m sta . a . il way out 01 a aiiemma, . a. genueman lately told his little four-year-old daugh ter that it was hard times now that if she ate syrup on her cake she could not have butter also. The child worked in fantile philosophy for a moment, and then, arching her brows, asked: ' I can have two cakes, can t I, papa I "Yea, my dear," he said. "Then -I will eat butter on one and syrup on the ether,". she naively replied. What is Said op Tbxm. A Memphis paper has set afloat a paragraph which is going the rounds of the press, in which one of the managers of the Louis villa library lottery declares that all the five concert scheme were frauds of the first water and that the project 1 ocived in sin and born in isiquiiy." a St S in? yiassituaea our nero came uown from Idaho and settled on a farm some where in Washington Territory. Al though twelve -years had passed over his head, the gentleman never forgot the sweetheart of his boyhood days. Dur ing all these years lie never aaw the girl, nor did even a letter pass between them. A few months ago the gentleman eat down and penned the young lady a few fins, reminding her of "old times," and asking her to renew acquaintance. and brighten up the old rusty chain of friendship. In a short time, to his great st m joy, he receivea a lavorsme reppoona Correspondence followed, photographs were exchanged, and matrimonial over tures were made and promptly accepted Every preparation waamade for thenup tials, and a few days since these partie met at Kahuna, after an absence of tsrelve years, and were joined La wedlock within an hour. The happy .couple came, up to the city and took the train southward, intending to make a hymesMl tour through the rtiitj. pearance of the executioner, the adjust ment of the halter, the preparation to let fall the platform, and just then the appearance in the dirtance of the dust covered courier, the jaded borae, the waving handkerchief, the commotion in the crowd. At this thrilling point, w hen every one waa listening in brredLh-w silence, the doctor became a little pro lix. One of the lunatic could bold out no longer, but starting up from among the congregmiion, hejahouted: " Hurry, doctor ! for raercya sake, hurry ! They'll hrE the poor man before you get there J ' Tot Sex. Science has reduced all knowledge of the sun and the plane U to ao CLe a point that it is bow generally known that those bodies are composed cf much the earn material. aa the earth; and further that the earti wai oncn the tame condition thal.th rtm is bow. a Varsirg teethlaf saa. cf re.