7HTFI 11 ' TV i. : . . .. 'fH :- yy'.: t yy, ' i.?? h t'f GVEO. SI BJKEB, Editor, and Proprietor: TERMS:. S2.00 por Annum. : ' " ' i i i " ' . . ....... ., , , i , ,. , - ' . i i - . , ( f . VOL. IT. LOUISBUBG,. 2s. , C.. FRIDAY; MAY 14, 1875, .... : f -NOt-29. ' Ml ... . . - - ' - t - , . I m ! ' - ---S " -" 1 - , , ,. .,.,---, ,---.-,,,- .i , i i.i. I . -I ., I . I I . " " , ' . I -... .. - ' ' V t: Clasp Llghtti). v - WiJJ flowers di wben warm close bands Their fragile feteuui tub eaer neize; 1 Hold loone'y child, fc'j- Jit lire wanda j Of Joy, tha wonld wave free like theee. ! Tonnh gently the flue fairy thing . . ... .. I Th-vt lean their sweet forms 'gaiobt the One hTTh thought InlBbrer blootrf from wina i Tht coyly fan love's tUrer bower, 1 " ' r 1 j 1 4 Clap lightly what thy heart would keep ; Iu dearent hope, in deareftt fearj The ttof t wind woes the May from Bleep-? f What haa rough March but April's teai? ! Clergyman r' WlTo giveCh this woman to be married to this man?" 5 Mr. Lis! i man nodded his head at the parson, and then winked one eye myste riously several tiftles. paraded the street the bride and the groom leading the van. A tremendous volley of old shoes, slippers, andiiether besoms, was thrown after hex as slid left her father's house. They now proceeded up the ' row ", to see the uewly-f urnished HOmiKUX CAltlFOUSIA. THE MISKll'H Last year, during an extended ru- The paptomic feat, was followed by house, preparatory to repairing to the more coai-se-merrimeat, which was angri- "Cross-Keyd," where th weddidg lance ly rebuked by the curate. The ring was then demanded, Geordje producing it,4 neatly secured on the end of a brush handle. At this, another guffaw was evoked from the six men, ad convul sive tjlfari JKoifi! jbix aaids. By this time I could appreciate the clerk's sagacity in keeping the other crowd outr side. . . . When the names had been registered ual lee pad, the : : ii, :u- i .-r i i-inu the -trv. and the usua if riiir.iirii in Lim miiiiimr if ir it 1 1 iihii i . t j-j ? -i pcnod into Burradon, England, onTa tfii Baturday morning. Long before tile the newlymamed couple 'Oinkmg and fi,k ,,.! hm.. wu, rAnw T Vnai leadu?g tjie van. The clerk then turned by certain infallible signs, that it wis the f thf lo?k and Pfd. "pay oaturuay.' ivo sucn' poiBteros revelry characterizes txq' t 6ttt fa.ivu- In addition to the fortnightly, pecuni osity, there was to-day the additional excitement of a weddintr. "Geolrdie' Fois- foi" lin1 luin Tllrintr" TintKin? I and crroom emercred. In front of LLslman six suocessivci " Sundavnee'ts." i1184 htside the porch door, the Last "pay Baturday" he had bougnt ting-stones "bad. been , the ring at Newcastle,; an j&4ix the singuhprifof typim , nuptials wre to be solemnized at the parish church. Intthe lonr 'row" of pit-cottages there was no difficulty in discovering the residence of tlQ bride Vu cp. A crowd of urchins surrounded the door, and were glorying with all the optical power at command. Finally, about ten a. m., the procession emerged seven couples, each lassie linking " with her laddie, the . blushing young bride linked " with the grDomsman There was some brave cheering ! on ' thd jiart of the miscellaneous mob when the paudily-dres3ed party triumphantly pranced up the middle pf thtf street Parterres of orange-blossoms Mid1 fur longs f)f white ribbon were flaunted in the sunlight; and the silks that com posed the dresses of the bride and her maids were of wondrous sheen tnd bril liant hues. There was more velvet about the room and his men than I ever re member to have seen on the backs ; of seven persons before; and there was more watch-chain distributed ;over the ccven velvet vests than I ever expect to hco again. Mr. Elijah Lishman the brido's father, and an old acquaintance of mine, was present in an official ca pacity,, and it did not require a ivery pressing invitation to induce me to join him. "Old Lish," as he is famil iarly termed, and I walked behind' and aniilo from the hymeneal procession. We were surrounded by a motley crowd of ; tag-rag-and-bobtail musketeers, armed with shot-guns of every conceivable de scription and'possiblo antiquity. The pigeon-match gun of to-day marched i-heek-by-jowl with the " Browa Bess " t hat had lain beliind the linef pf Torres Vedran, or banged away at Waterloo. There were about fifty gunners, besides fourteen .men," under the directions5 of two major-domos, who wore white-satin favors, largo as saucers, attached, to tieir coat lappels. . T , . l - -i Tlio genius of disorder seemed Iq per meato every . individual , in that .cyowd. The banter, tho yells, thie purposeless profanitv entirely devoid of malioe were absolutely astounding, 1 A etr4nger out. Instantly the howls and yells of' the outside crowd filled the air, and sug gested the idea that it jyas a turbulent riot, in8tea4tflatariihonial rite, that had been celebrated. f Through the church portals the bride them, "pet- frected. This iigjal antiquity" is composed of three stone pillars, each about thirty inches high. Two are placed upright, about two feet apart, while the third is placed as a cross-piece connectinsrthe tons pf the two. As the bride apiadaenei tftis ctirioas die, the two favor-bedecked major-domos darted from each side of the doorway, and very unceremoniously clutched her one by either arm and hoisted her clean over the " petting-stones". Thence oil fheeft lussejljei:, wfiile the folheri re ceived ' firing-money " from the groom. Simultaneously there was a deafening, indiseriminating volley of jubilant musketry outside the churchyard, that vexed the nerves and the tympanum. The bride and; groom then " linked " and" marched toward the crowd. Two other pit-laddies jumped at the first bridesmaid, caracoled her over the " petting-stones," kissed her, and black mailed her partner as before. And so the process was Repeated till r.all the ladies had been hoisted oyer,' . Some of was to be held. 1 There were about thirty couples at the baHt. , The ladies, plied their feet gayly. They double-shuffled; they' one-two-three-and-hopped ; ' they executed the ' high-cut;" and they ex-: hibited the intricacies of the Highland fling. The bonnie pit laddies r doffed their coats and jumped and hallooed and beat - time. Until the perspiration ran from them in trickling streams. . :Thft fiddler - scraped away ; at a breakneck pace. Jlis body swayed to and fro,, and his foot banged away, marking time as if he meant to burst a hole in. the oor and disappear through it, chair, and fid; andalL... At the end oJL-eTexyaance, there wara mad , cries oL "Squeak the Decritttrfr Jleimrtu it Xntttr ml tleaofCUutmte ' .J hare recently, says a resident of Ban Bernardino tmty, ,Ca orrda, seen an article from anta mrDara with tnia cap tion: " Personal Experience1 of a! Cali fornia P.riidise, on : Paper!"" I have also read an article from the Los Angeles Herald ' denouncing in" 'the -' strongest rUH HtlXtCK BROKERS. language the foresaid letter, and prom ising him; should he visit tho " Angel ihty" a -ride on the ragged edge ol a three-cornered rail to the . tone of ' the VBoguea March." , , .....t , n , This we call strong language for 1875, and has a strong savor of lawlessness, if not of barbarism. I also consider it good proof that you? correspondent told; the exact fcrathi hit the hail .on 'the head;" Slander never makes men wince after Both cameo ax! chi"tnF aaa Drrr(rtl f m Xt mUm net ! I pljujj are renve.L . ' iuivl Xetr Tmrk Sprlt0r J -.- The fasiJoriAblo borjrrt tritftming U rAll the tranweti'jas U Wll ;trcet, Tr gilk, rtllcrw and tPn rtU- aays the Sun, are earned on without any J J ptrffr.' re agmin in favor.'eftcn rtrj . TChmt. Xeekttief.w y. We have no doubt the wife of Lieutrti ant Fitch thinks it "a little manM that she cannot have her necklace preeetited by the Khedive. It if four months it haa been at the custom house and .there &jnix3U:i excq)t the mere wonl of a man, f ;. f pMlly. t . nned by n is uaeay w oe, uiueaa remoTeu uj mo j a case of a diTputr bronchi payment ol regular aaues. me reborn- tore an arUtruUon rotrunitU in au ex- tion merely authonzea the acceptance oi -MtuA tire ocwinvocft. . Tni, tho present ffm a foreign potentate. It .j r fdthful m mjl w c ii a &i arwii( w w- s by tome anpposed; that ?thA'- treasury t for if ' formitJ ia the i i . ,-i , . r T i ... . 1-- I " ' I oia auow.ur ina. wngiw. praeu m i- h . contract had ben in- InHm TWi-nmi ttinr 4 Via ilinmATfil TIIVMt liVSA I - : 4MMWU lAMUUfiaUH wm I w w ! to be delivered to Mrs. I Jc.)UckfIlk! are rrefrrM fta blue blacks thia seaaon, and t& .fie.rrpa are in gmter favor than the t earyeoniA. 5.B0flaH-WOQldf trgWfUMUl larr. m ahown in ronch aurtacea ua f ":7V- f.,1 t mitr. wauling . was produced, upon hearing" which" every Jackey " kissed his ' Jemy;: The wedding ball wound up with "Joan And?rson7 or the cushion 7 dance ' Va peciiliar pOTfo'rmahce, 'where there; is alternate .kneeling by men before womenj nd , womeiL- before ,Jhen, a&Jiifinitumt ndktesihg-iadnataeiwL The poor bride thus was compelled to kiss every man in the room. 3 j .i At eleven o'clock,. Mrs.' SallieTFoeter oond necklace would not U able -r. poods. , Prk f roaVvrcty iitcu ireo oi . trt.nwrl one-tenth ef Itha buaineaa - j. i 'm dnilir and twealHre cent. .duty. Such is not the fact. It may seem lhrr tnast now . accardiiigry: - i whrf at! bf wkirboot di- ahtaeodd.but jt ja neyerthelesa true K tUi kind of . honesty la j -rL-, ud toii.' with flO) fixing of "TTiTn r, .7 r not ol a very tugu son, since peopio air? i prtIieJiJ kid, broo4 JTeoca wpo. fa u VJ our ouuia , ox u ma vwua. eimply because they fannotaaora h evince anv creat cnnositT to ascertain its , , ..- u n: - I actual value. ; This is perhaps attributa- ble to discretion, and calls to xrand the u ntM . hrotherhobd. ' Except tv7,' 1 x" I WW nm traonalfluamla Wyji VB 1 T.tri sk' hibited in thepalaoeatJ-asbon., ihia , . . onril- , th-i.roV-r- ire all ! cm i ' . rt-1 kf.i.Wfc. ifcfcad net. . 1 i . . .... . h ' i mim w 1 -a . ' l rrw ria . m w v "r- such 'a manner; and we wish to say that diamond, though it ism largeas a lien a UsTma ot exceUent fellowship with .each I An,tJxA th tliit buttfn, and olifown exenenco 'and.that of others egg and weighs over 800 karats, otLer; Tho youngest bf them look Tery . Tir on tha hooIbW All aortsoftrac-l.- " . Irish, lace made of puje CinHhread is UwrWlor tHcnniE wtramA dr- of Untrd, batiste,' tA -The Vre inacr tiona to match. tuti Ja w, tof. wearinff i th'. hair is to Vlw J w - i . . . I l . a a - - " f j t lI V ) . t I i 1- a m.. Aavma VSA r 4 iM 1 f I I a - Mv wv I p i f w r A VLrVi A V MflT - ' 1 T a ji nacue i wnen a noma Kina oi cater- wuo nave -iwu. owiud muo m u.t.u. , ,c Dc du.ujwcvi . .oy , .-j, i:vft Rrhcoibovs. Aiiaonaoiprac- i,- 4 .., . - 1 -.! ; . 11 i a: :! i. r i i,;l,- !, 1 . . - r ... . j - tcxuwv 1 that youir tmg and lishing , aimply ,'t ti fokk iu indulged , .1-: ; is a doubt about it. For there are ex- . mr:, vr LT . .. .. i . v . ...' ' -- .- I " O'' that cannot long De con- perts in me iraae wno pronounce wo oe by hi 1 le .world is being terribly merely a Very fine piece bf chrysolite, j j. ,4 j' California goes to confirm all Correspondent has said. It is a truth coaled that the deceived in regard to southern Cali fornia, both' as respects its. being a para dise far invalids and for fruit arrowers. I have sen many articles iu its praise. All' the newspapers . here, ( . ioweyer t much they differ on other points, agree in exr tnllinir it in th utronffesl laniareas if brides-, it were tho " heavenly country " itself ; was' escorte'd home "by her 'six brides-, it were tho . . .'. . (me hur maids, undressed sewed in a sheet, put and every poor invalid who reaos tnm '. U tdAlrft: After th'e bridesinaids 1 tliints that if he can only Teach 'here- he left the bride, the irroom and his men 'will hardly fail of a speedy recovery.. As came' along .With many , good wishes, they left him .at the door. ; Tlien they santr some ribald verses, and went honle to bed. ' . ! t - .-; v . ' Half the charm' bf the Khedive's present would ranih if this celebrated necklace were tested br the appraiaer'a-art. -The Jevxlery. Circular : Rtyeet an LXaeUnt, drawing of the necklace, and says of it: The estimates of i the yalue these jew- elj have been exaggerations beyond all precedent, and $40,000 really represent the most , liberal valuation, .that ' etui be put.upon.them, thei number ami, axe pf the diamonds are 89 counterbalanced by 2 'Mnilli LL wUtjlb iSfearfullv different from that of New,England and I . ir. t 1 fn ototwI flci..tvof the Colorado river. wortnern otaies.. Jnere are no snow This remarkable stream has terrors out storms, no days of pinching cold. There 01 sight more impressive than its canyon The Fatal "Swlrlijl a ooDsequfence, 'many . are selling home and homestead at ' a great sacrifice, and arO coming to the " sunset land," and in many if' not in a majority of instances are coming! here to die. ..;: 1 The winter climate here is indeed very in while bTluneas seldom Will jotl ler faixiily name; it xa Ben," or Char- - ' W i 1 1 -- w f .!-' ! - era become weu aoquainwa, mere i hairdl ' any service thAt they wduld re-' fuse to each mother. tTt . I I y- tijf iront,raw U, back to the nap pf thTneik, 5 let it Jiang or -re thick cui La. -,.. several "clerks, and 'always reqtliro from a customer a -very heavy margin, while the vagabond- boys do business in a free lance kind of ptyle, and wilj satisfy them i fV 1 ' J ine luieuive nas prooaoiy never seen ft pjtee of $100, wherq a the necklace, ana ne? wouia ruiTajy do ... . rtMtAvU'hrm would renuire pleased to learn that thosd who were in-J fl1 ywy. - . vt. ,.- ; walls, and more dangerous than; its rapids :, , , The Colorado' liver is noted for "swirls," so-called. They occur every where,' but only at high stages of water. A bubble rises -from the bottom, 'and breaks.- with a slight sound.- on the sur- the girls strtTjgled, some giggle'd and 'facei The4 rater at the- febint- begins a inTTrfl. vcViilo thA RAvpntb. r VlnslT. rotary motion, so small that an inverted naiad of two hundred pounds or j so, stoodand submitted to be lifted with sullen resignation. Coarse jokes circu lated jjwhen two 'slender, pittden made a frantictittftcipt to elevate her avoirdu pois; but it was a signal failure. They upset the stones, dropped her, took a hearty smack at her lips, and the lifting teacut) miiht cover 1 itl Lararer and larger graws the circle, till a surface of forty feet in diameter is is motion, spin ning round a funnel-shaped hole in the center, two or three" feet across at the top, and coming to a point in the depths below. ' Often a large tree, floating down the is much beautiful weather. The beauti ful perhaps predominates. ' But it is not Eden, as many would have us believe. The thermometer has quite a wide range.' The nights are often very chilly, while at midday the sun scorches. It is a land of fogs and frosts, and what is equally bad, of fierce " northers," which are as bad to face as a driving storm, raising, as they do, thick clouds of dust that must be as damaging to a consump tive as the worst jNew England damp ness. . . We say, therefore, to all invalids who contemplate comincr to this "New Italy," take trusted with the order in Paris had an eye to quantity rather than to fjuality, in making the purchase, s Thia ornament contains, it is said,4 about seven hundred and seventy, brilliants of all sizecy from a seven or eight karat stone to some as small as one-twelfth pf a karat, The ag gregate weight of , the diamonds as at least three . hundred karats; but the quality is what is known as Cape By wa ter, a quality of diamonds technically described as being " off color," and they are well paid for at $100 per karat, oost of setting and all included. 'The duty at twenty five per cent, on the jewels would at the utmost only be $10,000. - What f JLorelln? I ! It is not in pearl powder, nor in gbl den hair dye, nor in jewelry. 1 Jt cannot all reports of its marvelous be got in a bottle- or in a box. It ia healthfulness at a large discount; other- pleasant to be handsome; but all beauty wise you will be sadly disappointed, as is not prettiness. There Ls a higher like every .other, .iiaas.oX.iaen; Uie . .Im for vrtartig the hair U brokers may be divided into respectable q,, ealffonv ith lhpso wave in and vagabond classed ,The rctable ftmt . trapped-with MnpFT .Tct ones have plenty of money, large offices, n v - behind. ShirrB lit by no mean had it ly, and appcT-on flounce, sleeve, waiU and pvexakirta, after acrving.aa a mean of draping the latter garments. Tnint. tTlYn art Jxnor Wtiful Uian even i Paie ailrcr; cream ielcf, delicate piak, straw "color, light sblae apd green are among tha jtpo a W;on. Jet fringe re "alUl ahown.in gTeat variety, aS will UiX Osgood to wHch they are knroriatr-oth wiUi ind without thepaaaamttttrria.'to match. Aaolty:jutintrodacsl4.u h Uo ol blacker of white tullftyith nnre or with pointed ends, rmbroidfred with ; flos and dotted with tiny aile aiut uuv- For summer traveling ootk-aoled boot will be ahown, tha advaclftfa thre be ing thai tha cork aolca are. wn-oondnc-tors ol heaV a & thu are cwler for the 'Sixk'Uai percales wiCi'liaudnomo 'white lace border, will bS aaia worn Ibis mmmer.i Bomb are bayiig thera in profereac to the laoeKWiereand ether design., Like the brokers themseWe,' o also the stock may be' divided into jwpoc ta ble and blackguard ones., The, respecta ble stocka will allow you to sleep (quietly at night, but, very seldom w thexo. any profit or any fan in dealing in them. while the blackguard stoc, tnougn dj no means safe things to carry over night. will' give you ample, chance to gain or lose hundreds of dollars in a few hours. All you can expect to make in specu lating in Rock Island,' New York, Cen tral, New Jersey Central, or any similar concerns is about ono aoiiar a wee, un less you lose that sum and have to ' pay the commission besides; while vagabond stocka will make you lose or win bun- dreds possibly thousands of dollars in the same period ol time ana wim tne same amount of capitaL . ...... . . I -J.; . 1. . 1 il-. .II.. . .1 was over. As each pair lett the churchy J tcviJI f?!" . K c " yard, a handful of pennies was pitched tnrusi in tne air iweniy or uuny ieet into theair,tofcj3 s5 rambled for by. the boys, and the way these young ruffians mauled and tore each other was a cau tion to see. Amid the firing of guns and the cheers of therowd, the weuldng-jarty entered the? v'Bhi Bell''? parlor, Tvhile j the while the -olhf : losses underneath the expose.d end .9 be slowly drawn dowh againand- to disappear Three soldiers deserters from Camp Mohave passing through the ravine in a skiff, immediate ly below the fork, suffered their craft5 to run. into a rwirL L shooters ancT their friends entered j the kitchen. Half a dozen lialf -gallon jugs of ale were soon cir?ujating among! th: uproarious fellows, and the noise, inter-M svanj ,awhy - . 1 11 1 i las uoas Onb of the fcrewi at the: first intima tion of danger, himself overboard D.eyona ine cnarmea c",cie; auu w sny .ILe-lurned. his he.i.inoiid. as he saw hundreds have already bean. Few can afford to die here, and the best place in which to die is home. Think twice be fore you start for this new Eden. Con sider every - laudatory account as rose- colored. The probability that you will not be benefited by coming is greater than that you will be. , . . , And that southern California is a para dise for farmers and fruit growers is all moonshine. Nine-tenths of . the land, if not more, is mountain 9 nd desert. Next to good society, the greatest want is mingled with occasional musketry, grew" fast and furious. ' ". One endbein& m M I v ,A -v - 4-VM.Tj.A 11V VMTI spin rronnq aiia) reunq unui, l:ttWrri uu,l . UitiA,-c ," drawn into theVertex; and peacn or iruit 01 any, una can you nave beauty that makes us love people ten- . 1 'mm derly. JKyes, nose, hair, or bkiu never did that yet; though it is pleasing to see fine features. What you are will make your face ever for you in the end, whether nature has made it' plain or pretty: Good 1 people are never ' ill-looking,' Whatever their faces may be, an amiable expression atones for ' alL . If they can be cheerful also no one will love them 1 . . ' the less because their featured are fiot regular, or because they are, too fat tot too thin, too pale, or t too dark. ChlU vation of. the mind adds another: charm to their faces, and, on the whole, if any - i ? BTia. . . ; . - The physiological and anatomical con-1 r-rojjercd buttona' andfancy cro- of the-body of brokers u not a 1 v . .tv are ucd on Hk' and similar 1 . ..... r . . vlCAlc V . , ...... . an1 smoked Yrl. mlJ. horn. dition very easy suniect ior- iQveegau, wr 1 great brotherhood being, composed ci 1 torWUo shell air. nM oa eus- membcrs ' very dulerenuy , conamuieu and situated. Xhere are altogether alwui 1,300 brokers in the. Gold and Stock Exchange, and of theee .barely COO arri in'. Rtate to buy to-morrow new auit I I tame matenai. ' .. j.j-i -tmt costume for theprefnt ewon are always, composed . of eitl-f r two ma Uriala or twq'colors.'or ahidi4 of color. t.,: f.ioV.ti fifTiiar rpfibte wear aro A v 4B W W-M' w of dothce: The vast aiajonry of . them 1 TmJontliy silk and eaihmjatte. are muh like brv-fiess bartUtert or doc-1 ot IvCW shape pf linnet tluit tor without practice, the only differtrncej ' w. JU that with a ' being that ,hfth the.lawyer and the Ooc- i.. . irim Unre'own. Tho meeting Uie procession would have! as- cscajoa. lunatics, vju iwo or uiree oc- ..7.,. v casions Mr.. lislpaoan uttered Mfea):fi f i J-Ji imprecation rat fu3 6wH es, ihd Hqujest- silken trophies. nriiW .nmnoil m-. r tli TiA.ltyo nrniAr come for the bride s carters-i-an extra thoimpe&sipntliathejBaw.companof pair, of blue-silk ribbon, worn in, the escaped lunatics. On two ox three I oc- bosor for the potion. The men join- ins, bearing aloft the Before long thejp"ro-' a.i iio rotrri tr ann thir " Vilfturih'-" cession was arain lormed. some or the but tho ailmonitioh seemed to encotufage crowd following, others remaining to rather Uian repress their vociferous make a day of it. ! h merriment ... - 1 A i i When wo reached the church, only home, a female relative met her'jvith a the .sown'lcollplea of thIbldalj pai-ty, plate of bride-CalM cat JnM small 40ldLlsli'thdimyseU,VWrfeMited squares. A white napkin was then toente. J. Thoitwo iqrTdoipoe wculd thrown over her hat to protect the film linva . o. . o.Ityi itoV. lt tViA lol.l oranre-blossoms. and the plate and cAke clerk w inexorable. Vtt6 Been 7OVL Lwer2 Pitcke- OYer her head, the jchil i.,n. WfUJll.'l yXI isi. ol.mXil.vr.lii anrmmblinir for the Tiiecea of cakB.' T -s ' -si. i i LUt ,'rf n A imratTTrA.n Kill IS UeSlXOUS OI Deinff Ukdl ,DT Ifl.B tne otner upneavea in me air, . eiuwiy 1 i6vv. .uu c- w t , , , i" j . - OT,v i-: h-WaI, SntA ' thA'-tirhit 'money and hard work, and the nxaii who rnany and loved by the one, it more l UJaL. Uf AW AVVAW. A mmm mrv v&v - '. M , - . . I a I a -pe .mg-s.one ..n now enteral amiu of . .,ta himan Jreigh 'can purchase a good ' ranch h great laughter and approval. They had f?m - mf T r? 7 TJ xr .1 mMJ.W comnlish that' ob ect.' Cosmetics: : will nm for the hr.l'n rtera-an extra . De seen no more ; ;lor me . voiorauoi --- V-j rTTy tM.'.- V-Ji t Tliw meh) aha i'hadi piciatel at the 'petting-stone " rites now entered amid tnr Are tirettv wire to cro onward once ihey"get a rtart, while tho broker aiion Ktantlv 'cruititr up and' down hill, partly In . nnnifin tt ; the - nature of his 1 Iwisinea ainl rrtly because easily-made money is easily gone. . V , Tliero 1 a large numtx-r, 01 ueaier in . '-. :, tl -i river, does, not give, up the dead no corpses lodge on its shores, vj. ! r? ,s : SoM Jits Boa. , ' 1 . i Dick Layboue was the pwner of a large dog, which'' oosWs much to keep as .two pigs; a tSeog waa yorse than t-A1. nrtrl ' -Jn "huniviikil Tiilrt. U& ."Etangft-he bog." cried fe.? without conking here. The foothills and plains are already beginning to turn brown for the lack of ; moisture, and, re member; that no rain .will fall until next all or winter,!. S; ..j., .j, ; This is also a terrible land Except a few, cottonwoods found pn the river bot toms there .are no trees but such as the Whoever, not accomplish iC however. ' Neither will fine' drees; though a1 woman who does not dress beOomihfcb wrongs her self.' Forced Smiles and affected amia bility will be of no-avail; but if she can manage to feel - kindly to everybody, not atocks aud gold who are married men of the most quiet and dotrreaticatod dipo- sitiotti ' The other Uay, far oLfcUnoe, on seeing a man '.who had never before touched any.yagabond stock, buj Tew khares of a fjuctuathig. concJeyn, T asked what was th matter with' lilm. j i- v-'1. M Oh,4 springl tbmin; awl I iwat. tain 9 .-. tho iron-studded door iu their faces andi MnAVA1!t. " 51 -"'f 3 It1 was' almost' pimpo.!0. '9 silonco when -.the curate took. p ace s behind the alter -tails. ' The bridessn lids talked And l giggled; the 'gicssmen ' whispered and nhdged each1 5tfief and. their partners. Iently3a,wliii3per ran round, .QaU's,,bnbhiing;7! awi:8hc rtly . after fa' murmured . imprecation fep ing reference to .Atho. speaker's eyesy that Sail's fainted. ' Sure eriougn.hjhe was sprawling on thd pavemeht; but itVast ' transparent piece of ' acting that ; ;could 1 deceive nobody. Mr.' Lishmah watched her contortions and with much 1 satisfaction. thought his daughter had. achieved a triumph; for he remarked directly to his eyes, and indirectly to me, that her poor mother had " bubbled and fainted before her" under like circumstances. ; " Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live -together?" etc, asked the clergyman. t H Clerk (whispering in Geordie's ear) " AjisW . I will.'" Ger1ie (firmly)" Aw wull cer tainly, sur; aw- cum here a-purpose." Clergyman (to SalHe) " Wflt thou have this man" .: t 1 Bailie (immediately mterrupting) "Yes, sur." .Clerk (raising his hand, imploringly) " Hush-h-h 1" ' Clergyman (continuing)" to bo thy ' wadded husband!" etc. J ' Bailie (quickly)-" If ye ! please, sur, Clerk (with an offended ' air) "Answer 1'" CAltCT thelsubstantial portion of the wedding dinner had been dispatched,'' Mr. Lishman rose with a glass in his hand, and said: she. s f 1 Mr..IazyboneCl "j yu would seli him, ot do something or other with him. 1 1 .wonder you keep such a nseless aniirud." Well, well, my 4ear,V said Dick. y ' say no more about, it. ... I. .will get rid of him one of these , daya.'! This was intended waa a merft V- get off on -the paxt-s of Dick ; but; as his wife kept : daily dinning in his ears about Ifie dog; he was af last ' fcompeHed Ho take" 'iMtiW' tn iTio Vn.tti.r 'iWpirr wife:!' 1 tentment, then something will come into ' .' . . . m a therefore, comes here thinking to make a her lace that will . outlast youth s roses, fMiTo iw i?T.y flATritrm.iil frnitq or 1 and train her not only a husband but a ." . 1' x- ' .' it 1 ' 1 1 "..-I. I 1i. 1.T.rr Inror in any nonesi way wiuiuu. wuu wwi, i f ""t , and patient waitittg, is sure to be disap- toibe jealous,, not to ; be , cross, to be gowrt- eed for my wife' rarden, happy if possible, ami, to encourage con- J, aQgw(rvj fee, oTa Uring to' make a . . , i ' rii i i ' ia tnrniHl nt Lroaoij aixjvo uw fofeheaX'wiJ'! ttrrcT on the tiaeaandUclf. 1 I 1 Fringe will be adiaffMjJ trim" ming thiss-Bion, and is shown in every gadef 'tfoahfy aii an rtidfci variety of jtylee. -NbYtftle are numeroxi, among which the Uk braid fringe are worthy nf frrecikl Taeiiti6i I t i f I EnglUh thread gkrrc axf Ininhed in precisely the. same way a lf and have the same numbe$ pt butlota, from two t !flr. 'Tlu ' flt ''ncitaid smooth. 'T.rom'cighty-flTe'ccnWV ono dol-lar'aridtwrtry-flveeeiitJu ri if -a rr lw dollare to. oqverthe xpcn.M An other will in the same waj buy a Te-w shares of Atlantic and Pacific 1 telegraph la the inhabitant J ' Tte' Ne wtirt miUr aart : The &kct ht 'Cie- tt&ai id lai gely develo tu A vr-l .Ivinlr oil rT rmda TAHVia QT.iT SaUie's too, and may all her ducks, be saia ne aaj je souxpw i !" This 1 you, ujuaeea i. , ane cneu, .-a m dreadful glad .to hear it. , How much geese and her chickens turkeys ! witticism was followed by uproarious ap plause; but, UMortfcBat5 St reminded Geordie Foster's tfclVof ysory, that he proceeded to relate, accompanied by much apparent disoemfitiiira onfhe part Tf liof o(4o44gct Mr.' Toster: "When 'Iijah Lish, there, began to keep cocks and hens, he used ether. her S'brinngtVltwatehfemt thhufc ion. He evidently f HaehnTiotight'abotir pfeultrf did you sellhim-for!'! Five dollars, V . Five dollars ! -What ! five -doHats . f or one dog t How glad I ain I : Bnt wherej the money,3ny-4ove? , "J&orxej r tre- -. "' l . - ' I 9 m m eiOed-DiclC tattngr ft lonK T1?0 laruj" from his" mouth.: .'"I didn't tret any, money ; X tqpk two puppies at two dollars and ;a half Vpiece. ' Saida V loves me not. Oft head to s lick ''my checia, I then; but yen day he bought a deuk (duck) at Newcastle market, and carried it home, Tvond4& i pipers AIte Iputtinir the new-arrival among his hens, he went and got their bait out, and scattered a hand ful of loat'i among them, nTho hens peck- peckedbut the hungry deukTaid its flat bill on the ground, ana, running n along, scooped updts grub jiu the whole sale falliion ot kltsH (general.; 1 Cum, .?. r - a at . . now,' said the lather, oauie, 10 ma new. bird, ye munna slother it in like that,' But still the hungry xlsnk ?went on. Cum out wi ye,' ciiy6rMKer;;an on like the hens none o yer filling yer self wi a shovel like that' The deuk: eat away, however, and 'Iijah he tucked! it under his arm, took out his pocket- knife, and cut its bill to a aharp point. fillnlwthe,ieukt&wn, crying: There, now, gan on, fair play,' one oattfl TZf at atime,' " -f -d j Hxliagerist, whef has to be bolder than After dinner the aeven couples again lion in his business. , ryX2P, v Tdtnier, , A Gallic herooljsrvea" the following as the only way to deal with lions and lionesses not to be afraid of theme " Look here, I who speak to you I make Saida fetch my whip or handker chief like a dog; You have been her. Don't believe she acta through affection. Oft, raising her my cheexs, l reaa inner look a ooncealed wrath and an indecision possibly fatal to me. It is in those mo ments that I ponoentrate all ; my energy in my eyes I cause all my i will to flow into mi brain, and there emanates from me a fascination that must be believed irresistible irid--. Saida executes her self. If, iu that saxind, X should have the misfctsne, to exhibit .tho least ap prehension I would bo "devoured." " So Bibel, ihe'fihionablet Parisian . V . !.; i " a . - 1 V..n pointed Before, therefore, you sell your ,A paternal acres at a sacrifice and come to ' this famed land; think " twice or you will repent but once. .- Hundreds already here heartily wish that they had remained in the States,;' and.'gladly would they return j if they, could, - An acquaintance, .past meridian, who left a good home in the Et, .thinking from the glowing ao- 1 counts he had f ead of the couhtty that he couiaoive, nere wiin less woijc :.aaa make more money, says : ' " Words will not express the greatness of 'my disap pointmeni" -IMany of thO people feel that ' the country 'is actually ' imffering from the : 1 shamefully false statements that are circulated far and wide txmcern- ing-it. "Water,- i. j indeed , scarce; but truth kscaraer. ' . t , T ' We have said nothing in malice of this RiaM of XaitirntUed Ctttten: It may interest "our dennan citixeii, ( says a Boston paper, t6 know that a reqi dence of two years In' the -mother coun try invalidates their American jcitieft- sip: under the. "present treaty; ,The treaty which was made in 1868 between the United Btatetl and thttoU orth German Union provides that. eah coun try will recognise the naturalization con conferred by the other npoa resident 'oi five, years. . A s naturalised citizen 'wf tnrninr to his native oouniry. is Bable kWJj.t cyoJaTr ot a ahawl for his spouse. ! V The youneer and as yet uam-trrjeu Uoif 'of LroYefV Is, : perlip. loped of cthrr aea-girt We, aadw .tiebl4ad-,Ug?lVnd mall, the son of ; the Ckmqurrtr and of Horw are forced iopiqe4thj2Jffrable UtO. foxe and timid harcwbci are au tne ceneratioif of broJcl"fs, perUipa, not quite rt trr)pe.y behAveS? rfledy of per- aiiisit AaataJSyCi. It aaratsxxing to note sous. in1 tact, -snyouug . w au. jt the seal ana exon ur; broW a1 k tot" -man ar-4fcnist syno- xliitlt. il maxh cdi tX women nym - Dut fthis faatneaf U ikiir i and brave Uirtt; asd scUi landowners gteatirattriboiaMe to the naUrp of their vh their dogC go -f ratlky scouring occupation. it)kcrkgt lxlh. hi atotk OTCr country "aritJa IwCJ enthusiasm, and gold-wa, ex?itiag. 3 J, man j mast: be f.jabwing alpoor litUe aairaajnot half so very quick md n'rf,a?,.. af daagtuoua asa good-ilod totficaL Erg- all here, and, the develprment oil bfctb Uahiowxwko: Lave beat,' itf ia true, go theee. characteristic naturally influ- I r th world ILn Msicii wtnlhy rport, i or4 the whole of hi Hf for any punishable act committed befoifc f " " t ? he immigrated; if he returns W hit bi- T I4f. CM ' tive country, without intending to'-ra- jt Lrrnddrf Kjirtsrrrwii telUng rather mm a raidenoa in hi kdot.ted.lie i held ' twvirwOU.' wih7Qt rrsch t tlnt in to' tiave : renounced his" natuftdiaation U t lr tbxswabirsoi iaUeorlpany The intent not to return may; pe Wd to exist when the person mturalired in t the' one country resides more than two wonderful country that has given tis so much' grain and gold. We write to pre- j years in the other country. yent multitudes from being deceived by the too highly colored reports of the climate, and the huge fortunes' to be feeinbled far-the green' roOm.' Their Jlmwev. Writing about the medical profession found in I nut raising, wnicn reporu are i 0f eir York; a correspondent says beinj? scattered through all tho Eastern and Northern States by interested parties ; and if this article shall 'be the means of preventing jUiy "'from coming here, without proper consideration and careful inquiry, we shall be glad. fashionable practitioner ha diOcult role to perform. Ue knows that sound advice to his patient is useless. Were lie to speak his mind ho would say: You must stop this course of diampa- from the bufZJo tf oar plain to the tiger ia AU.'Btit thow rhi iy at hfme mriat put up iti such pTJ a thy have, and 'to "the fcaialognar C ick, hare and m flldand doe'thi -tarer UUiy adJea rptonL'rehieJ oe by ctocirom a trap, YXcrtl bf I i. :i . m?Ju- irrt rn a 1 wuuo m lajwm i.i- -.- - - them yeotihant,. . they - alt langhea J vj, tow. without UistmUngi to much a loudly at the Xebe. jest I )x pardon, jk. fit '0f hit lid ftfovt. The kle all but one. ,The dH dog who refused I Joubtkas originated with'some London , to laugh, , and. who. ioob'xl. profoundly J1iberddcr' clerk who could not pre miser&ble, wa at lat pnugea rry nx i for day sbootin, and wa eageT- eompanion. , Why. don t , Un Torn! why don't' you larigh I -.Dea't you see the governor is iouxu-g ai yoa i ... i w' T .. U. . up liini iooa, j uu ioj, w "An swer, "don't you know 'I'm going to M digit lay; 1 indeed, ha become leave on Saturday 1" '-,- ! tkm; go to -bed at ten, rise at six,' and ! ; ? t take a lwalkl before T breakfast,'-" etc A Michigan paper says:: Tounginaa, if you are looking for a wife come to Michigan, the noble Peninsula State, and we'll put you on the track of a young lady who can husk her fifty, bushels of corn per day, yoke oxen, drive horses, -j - " . " 1 a I teach school, aud saw wun . a cross-cut saw.' She wants "to be loved for 'hsxaelf. alone. , Such' language, I however, would be in effectual. The patient likes a social - .m . m . chat, and -the elegant manners of the physician make him a pleasant companion for a. half hour.:. - A little: tepattee, j little gossip and a.little allnjriontg Ql health is' all .that is wanted;', and the physician is entitled to charge f 10 for such an interview ' ' ly welcomed by those wIkj would fain be Niznroda la rrputiUcfa, -without the riak r . a i i. : 2 i .! ' Li ." TV.. OI even m mtauio uwi m Prince of Wale ha made it a specialty. A Vrar Bix Cmxaxxx Jndge Wil son had a case of "hrey ld Chinaman" in his court at SaTLDLcgo. ; One Mccgo- lian t -charged : another wih' steslifg several hundred eigar from his store, and denounced the accused ia terma aomethirgjike three; "He, rery 14 Chinaman; he Jived iu my. house woak: he et my grub," v y jae not doll; he bummer", no good for wofk, all - f ..:- - rm n ITT m jwmwi known to the world mainly through Li oonquisst at Huiiirphaa 4 the Opera Boue. But Ar "Kto not only have the "instinct of the ehae,but the most abundant and cheapest mode of satisfying it in a manly way, are not likely to adopt ray grnmlly this p"11" beck imitation of gporl f t ."Whatd'you Bootblack rut tzi a aiaay ar.irx oa gcnUemcu'a bocta, Uhutl ms eyes. i j " ' . t I ' BatlwUOT. OldUect- r ri ... . -,,'!. i 'is. one I wear them tcca i-r, tj t I "Co I