Franklin Courier ? - ! ! Editor and Propkietok. All letters addressed to Geo. S. Bakkr, FimAY May, 14. 1875. The Democrats of Kentucky have nominated Hon. J. 1. McRcery at present U. S, Senator from that Bute, for Governor. Too Sou'hcrn JJaptUt Convention as in session at Charleston, S. C. last week, and the early part of this week The opening M-nu.u was preached 1y Rct. Tbos. II. Pritchard D. D , of Jlaleigh. , Hoc. 1). II. Hill, an ei in en t Geor gian has been recently elected to Con gress, to fill a vacancy in the 9th Georgia District, caused bj the death of Mr. McMilliaii. the member elect from that district to tho 44 th Congress. NOTICE 1 A Convention of the Democratic Conserratiye Party of the County of Franklin, is hereby called to meet In the Court House, in the town of Louis burg, on Saturday, the 5th day.of Jane. 1875, for the purpose of nominating a Candidate to represent the 'County ef Franklin in the approaching Con- agitational Conreotion. Let there be a full turnout. W.H. YARBOllOUGH, Chairman Executive Committee. The above notice has been handed us aiuce the article on this subject, in this wrecks paper was In type, ACTION. The time is rpnsdily approaching when the people will be called upon to choose delagates to represent them in the approaching Ccnstithtional Con tention. Less that three months now remain before the election. As yet no steps 1 are be n taken looking to the selection of a cand date to repre sent this county in that tody We bays heard the names of a number of gentlemen mentioned in this connec tion, any one of whom if elected, we doutt not would reflect credit upon the people of the County. We think that the County Executive Committee should be called together at an early day to consider the question of call ing a Convention of the "party to name a Candidate for tho Convention Other counties ate moving in thin mat. ter. Some have already their Candi dates in the field, and we think it night be well to haive a meeting of our Exocutivo Committee, which rep resents every soctioo of the County, to the end that an interchange of opinion may be had, and the interests of the par.'y and tho people attended to. Our townsmau Cl. W. It. Yar- Wough is Chairman of tliis Com mittee, and mn such is the properly authorized person to convene the Com mittee whenever he sees .fit. We hope that he will have a meeting at An early day. 1 OTiO Way r tlio Monoy (xOCM f- ; : - We publish below an account for expenses of the clerks office, presented by Mr.-T. C. Horton leputy clerk, from Dec 1872, to Sept. 1874, 1 year and 9 months and which was allowed by the Commissioners, Jr, A. J. P. Harris toting in the negaiive. XVnnlcliu Coutitj To R. II. runbcrlake, CS C. Dr. 1872. SUmpa 6, 6, C,9, 18, 27,50 & 25 : j : : 1 49 Wood Kio' paper $a.l0 1 7 20 Feb. 14. Paid John Nkh la & Co., for Blanks, : : , 15 70 May. Pfcid stamps 33,15,55, 30,30, 10 &24, : : 1 97 Paid paper 25, 40. envelopes 25, 15,325 : : : 4 30 Paid pen & stafts 20 iuk 125; 1 45 Wood 2.50, rev. stamps 1.00 Paid blanks & enrtlopes : Paid blanks 1.25, stamps 75, 3 4 50 45 pens and staffs 30. : . : 2 30 Paid blanks 6.30 stampa 45, paper 60, 20 & 40 : : 7 95 Paid stamps 25, paper 40 en- velops&e,81, 25 : 1 71 Paid wood 1.25, blank books and blanks 16.33 : : 17 58 Paid blanks 4.18, stampa 45, paper .50, wood 1.25 : C 68 1874.;- Paid, stamps 84, par 40, 10, 55, : : : : . 1 89 Taid blanks and envelopes $17, blanks and envciopes 20, 42, Paid, blanks and ciivelopos , : 37 42 40 00 Total Cr. By 8tampa By Wood $155 59 a- 6 18 9 10 15 28 $140 31 6 worn and subscribed before me this 3d day of May, 187. W. K. DAVIS, ' T. a Horton, . c. S. C. Deputy C.8.C. Tko law rc-uires all accounts to be itemized and dated, before they cat. be allowed; and the Board was not igno rant of the lafri We will now sbow the difference in the expenses of the oEce for the four years immediately preced ing the time Mr. Horton took charge thereof aul while he (Mr. Hrton) was in charge. t The expenses1 of 'the four years, was on!y $183.59, just $43.00, more than tk 1 'tir and 0 utnnths "Mr. Horton state, that, in the account for the four j ears is included the repairing of the office, which amounted to about 14. and also the purchasing of the follow ing Books, which are still in use in the office: Administrators Bond Book. Guardians , " Special proceeding Docket. Witness Ticket Book, Jury " ' . N.w wc arc not going to say that Mr. Horton s account is wrong, that he. has made false charges against the County, but we do say that, we. can see no good reason why he could not ruu the office as cheap as those who preceded him, aud we do not see why, Mr. Horton was unable to make out hi account as required by law. It could not be that he was ignorant of the law, for he is a man that has had too much to do;with the management of the clerks office not to have known the laws governing that branch of the county government, and further, we do not see how the County Commissioners, men intrusted with .the government of the county, men who are placed as I sentinels upou the watch tower, to guard and protect the people, should so far forget their otth, and their duty to the county, as to pass upon an account, which they themselves acknowledge. t to be in proper form and which to them seemed extravagant. We speak plain ly in this matter, for Wfc regard it as a matter in which the tax payers of the county arc interested, and it requires plain talking The county can never get out of debt, and its paper will al ways be- at a discount, if this recklos, loose manner of paying out money is persisted in by the Commissioners- -f the County, f s We cannot closo this article without saying a word in praise of Mr. Harris, who vote4 against the allowing of this account until it was brought up in proper fijrm, in form as prescribed by law J Mr. Harris stated the law to the Board, aHid insisted that the account be not allowed, but his single vote could do nothing,' yet he deserves the com mendatiou of the people of Franklin, for his manly course iu this matter. The people will not forget him. 3Ioxo Swindling: In cur last issue, we made mention of four County orders, which had been changed from the original amount for which they were first made, since then others have come to liirht. and how many more there are still in circula tion no one can tell. We would all who purchase or trade for orders to examine them closely, and see that they are all right, and also to remember the parties from whom thay were purchas ed. The following have locn found changed : No. 48 issued to J. C. Rnid, August 9th 1870 for $9. chang ed to fl 9. ; No, 220 issued to J It. Brummitt, June 3rd 1870 for 62,35, changed to 22.35. It gives us pleasure to State that, tho Board at their last mooting, appointed threo of our beft buincss men to look into this matter, aud we feel satisfied that they, will leave nothing undone, in their efforts to find out the guilty parties , - Tho Costly Pxesileiit. - Such a man a Granf, with his dictator aira aad (alien disregard of every pnns a pie and practice of Republicanism, is Mdear,M at any pric. 5Tbi old salary of $25,000 would be too mnch to pay him. But when we reckon up the dimes and dollars he annmlty costs the country (the loss by bndnesa Js raogement, depression and uncertainty no man can estimate, by no arithmetic is calculable), wt are appalled an J stand aghast at the patience of the peo. pie. Truly ours Is a long-eaffering and llosea-meek, or ele a passing sto ical people, whea figuiea like theso do not raise each particular b&iron the head of each particular ' tax payer. These figures are a list of the personal expenses of the occupant of the Whi e House which were voted by Congress or allowed by law in 1871. Bead : 8alary Private Secretary $50,000 3,500 ' 3,100 2,3X 2,000 100 854 Mi 1.34 90 Assistant Secretary Executive Clerk Stewart Hesscnger Fireman Policeman Assistant Polic man Night Watcbraa-i Three door-keepers one for the night and two for the day twelve hundred each-. Incidental Expenses Postage Stamps - Repairs to the Executive Itan " sion ' 8,t 0,000 603 20,000 New Fonitore for White Hoase 10.000 For Fuel and Hot-houses 5,000 For the Care of and Repairs In the IIt-bou r . 5,C00 For Leveling South ol the , J Executive Mansion 10.000 For Repairs to Pavemeni in front of White House 1,500 For Repair of a dam in the Nurecry Garden L.2C0 For Repair of Fountain south of Executive Mansion 3,000 Total 1121,894 Now if the American people lee'ect tliia extra Yarnt mo. especially after 0 T . - he has shown that extravagance is not hia wnrat am. thev will deserve to " - - J , ,., 'bleed'! to a bigger amount than th alove and to have the whole 8tate svstem overthrown and their lib. rues all taken away., WiZ. Star. An IiriToittiiit "Lxinflloitl unci Temifxnt Sill.' We publish the following act adopt ed by the late General Assembly tor the information of a large class of readers. The bill was introduced into the Sen ate by Capt. O. M. Cooke, of Franklin, An Act to amend cJiaptcr 64 of Battles Revisalt Landlord and Tennant Act. The General Assembly of Nortn Car ollna do enact: Bee. 1 That chap'er C4 of Battle's Revieal shall be amended as follows: strike out all of section 13, 14 and 15, and Insert in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 13. When lands shall be rented or leased by agreement, written or verbal for agricultural purpose", or shall be cultivated by a cropper, unless other- wise agreed between the parties to the lease or agreement, any ana all crrps raised on said land shall be deemed and held to be vested in possession in the owner of the lanr, or the lessor, or the party entitled under the agreement to receive the rent, and his assigns at all times, and until the rent for said land shall be paid to the lessor or puly en titled to receive the rent ot the lame or his assigns, until the said party or his assigns shall be paid lor all advance ments maae and expense incurred in making and saving t Leer op and until the said party or bis aasmgees shall be paid any and all claims and demands against the lessee or cropper, which according to agreement, written or verbs', be tween tne parties, suouia oe a lien on said crop or should be paid out of said crop. That this hen -shall be preferred to all, other liens; such' lessor or party entitled under the agreement to re ceive rent fur said land and his assign ; shall be entitled against the lessee or or cropper or any other person, who shall gather or remove any part ol said crop, without the consent of the saM lessee or party entitled to receive the rent and to the possession of the crop, s until said liens are sa'i fied, or his as signs to the remedies given in the Code ot Civil Prooedure, upon a c'.a'un for the deli very of personal property Sec 2. 'Sec 14 Where any contro versy shall arise between the partie-", it shall be competent for tin par y Claiming poessien of tne crop, by vi -tne of the preceeding section to pro ceed at once to have the matter deter mined in the court of a Js'ice ot t e Peace, if the amount claimed shull be less man two nunareii dollar?, ana in the Superior Court of the county where the property is situate, if the amount so claimed shall be more iuan two hundred dollar, and at the time of h suing the summons or at -any time thereafter, upon the filling of an affida vit of the claim an, setting forth the amounts claimed, and the property up on which the hen attache:, it shall be the duty of Justice of the Peace or the Clerk of the Superior Court, in which soever Court the snit shall be pen I'n to Issue an order to the Constat) e or Sheriff as the case may b, directing them to take into immediate poises-ion all of said property, or so much thereof as snail be n- cessary to satisry the claimant's demand and costs, and t sell the ame under the rules and reg ulations prescribed by law for the sale ot personal. property nnd r execution and to hold the proceeds of such suejecttothe dccisi n of the Court upon the issue or issues joined between ibe partie j. That in all casea in the Superior Court, arising ender th's , Act the term shall be the trial term. Bee. 3. "Sec 13 Any tenant, lcf- see of land, or cropper, aud any person who shall remove any part of said crop from such land, without the consen of the owner of the land, ir lese- cr party entitle to receive the rent, and without giving him or his agent five days notice ef such intended removal and before satisfying all liens on aaid crop, shall be guilty of a miademean or Sec 4 The provisions of this act and of the act to which this act is amenda tory shall apply to all leases or con tracts to lease turpentine tre-, and where such leases or contracts to lcte are made, the parties thereto shall le fully subject to the proriiions and penalties of said act. r, a. This aet shall take effxt from and after its ratification.- Ratified on the 19.h dav ot Anril 1875. , m K - AN ACT TO CALL A CONVEN1IOX OF THB PEOPLE CARLINA. OF KOBTH WmcBJtas, The Prerent Constitution I of Norrh Carolina is, in many important particulars, nnsnited to the wanta nA condition ot our people; and whereas 1 in the judgment of this General Assem- bly, a convention of the people is the only sure, and is besides the most eco nomical mode of altering or amending it. and bererlBe th end in vitw utterly impracticable by legislative enactment on account of the great number of dis cordant and conflicting provisions of the Onrtitu'.ion at it now is, now therefore. Section 1. The General Assembly of Nrrtb Carolina do enact, (two-ibirds ol all the members of each House con curing,) That a Convention of the peo pie ot North Carolina be, and the aame i hereby called, to meet in l-e Hail o! the Iioase of Representatives in the city of Raleigh, on monday, 6th day of September, A. D. 1875, for the pur pose of considering and adopting such amendments to the Constitution as thej may deem necessary and ixpedi ent snbj ct only to the restriction here, inafter provided. Sic. 2. The said Convention shall con eist of on hundred and twenty dele gates, and each county shall be entitled to the same number of delegates that it has members of the House of Repre sentntatives under the present appor tionment, and the said delegates shall have the qualifications r quired of members of the House of Represents- tivee, of which qualifications the Con vention shall be the judge. Bsc. 3. On the 1st Thursday of Au gust 1875, the sheriffs ot the State ahall I oDen Dolls for the election of delegates i to the said Convention from their re spective countries, and the election aforesaid, and the reg'stration for the same, shall be held and conducted; the officers thereof including registars and judges of election, appointed; the votes counted and compared; the result pro claimed, and certificates issued in the same manner as is provided by law fur the election of members of j the House of Representatives of the General As sembly! Sec. 4. The said delegates shall be called to order at 12 o'c'ock on the day fixed therefor, by the Chief J notice or one of the Associate Justice of the , Supreme Court or Secretary of State, who, if there be not a quorum, hall adjourn them to the name plare.and from dajtodsy.until a quorum shall appear; and on the appearance of h quorum, he ahall admia:8tefi to each of them- the followirginp oatl : You, A . R. do' solemnly swear (or affirm, ss th delegate elect sba'l choose,) tha.yMi will f dthtuMy mairt-vn and fnpport the Cor-eti-ntion of the Uui'ed S ates and thn sevtral amendments there to, including the 13t', 14th and loth amendments ; and that ,v-n will nei'ln r directly nor mdm-cth evde or tlis ieg-rd the dnticf e:;jo: ied nor the rv'srictions imposed rpon the Con vention by th act of tlie General As sembly-authorizing your eluctior So Le'i yon Go !.' And n dlsrit-s shsllhe prruHted to -it or b; enti 1 ! t' n wat in said Convention, t:r act as a delegate thereto, unMl lie tball hive subscribed the ve o) or aflumitior; and ss soon as a rojorry ot the nHeamtes - elect shall have tbu- apnarid an I ieedn sworn in. they vhall then proceed to elec their own presiding officer, and uch ob t offi-ers and servanus a th"y. frcm tim-. to time, shall find n-ccssirv; anH if m Taraney shull occur, they shall le fil'ed in the sam manner as they like vacant are filled by law irCcase of vacancies injthe jGeneral Asemaly. Said Convention shall have no power " to eonslder. d bate. ad"pt or propose any amendment to the existing Constitution or ordinance npn the following subjec's: The Homestead and Personal Pr-p erty Exemptions, the mechanic's and laborers lier, and the rich's ot mar- women, as now secured by law nr, to alter or amend section 3 or 5, article V., of said Constitution, nor change the ratio between the poll and property tax aa thtrtin established, nor sha'l the said Convention have power to propose or adop any amendment or ordinance vacating any office or term of office now exisTlnt and fd'ed or held by virt- n? of any election or appointment un der the exikt'n Constitution and laws un'il the same shall be vacated or ex pired under ix'sting laws; but the said Convention miy rtcormcn l the ab ol ishment of any office when the present term therein. shall expire ot vacancies occur, ani they may provide for filling such vacancies, o herw s than as now, and hmitieg tne terms tbtrcof. Nor shall said Convention adopt or propose any pun or amendment or rcheme of compensation to the owners ol em an cipated slaves, nor for the payment of any liability or debt incurred wholly or in part in aid of the late war between the State, nor for the restoration f imprisonment for debt; nor shall they require or propose any educational or propei ty qualification for office or vo ting, nor ahall said Convention pa any ordinances legislative in tbeir character, except such as are necessary so submit the amended Constitution to the p-ople tor their ratificvioo or rejectionor to . convene the General Assembly. Sec. G The Constitution, as amended shall be submitted to the peop'e for ratification or rejection, and shall " not be (rinding until the same shrll hav been ratified voters af the State, tod me convention tlull nrertK tit I mole wnertbv the sen nf th tv-u I thereon shall be takeo and recorded. 1 - m-rv mm Sec. 6. There ahall be printed imme. I lately ten copies of this act for each member of the General Assemblr. tnH hundred copies within thirty d jt it. ter its ratification lor each board of county commls ion era, and the use of the registrars and judges of election in their respective counties; and this act hall be in force and take effect from and alter ltm rHfimf lrn i8.u.iu,.19U.d.7 a. d. LINES ONTO IT: Oh the fre re, the terrible freer, -It came along and killed all the pease; It cleaned the pe e the cherry- and pv; .-- - j Even the Captain's with all his ca. The apple crop which is rather (mall, May "pan u '. m thing late ia th t V: Eut the etr'y potato, that bcautili.1 frui(?) Is cut off smooth, e'eir down to the roo ; So alao the "snap" and early toma. Is withered and wilted as black a? your hat. The lucious strawberry blossomed too oon And now won't be ripe until late in June, The only thlog that holds up its bead. Is the pungent ouioo in Its little-bed. Norfolk Landmark, ti It is my duty to fish her out, I suppose," said the otd man, "but Providence might have let her been in a little longer before I heard her hol low." The "her. was the old man's wife, and she bad fallen into the cis tern, with about six foot of water, and tbenigttwas daik and rainy. She had made the old man's. home a bell with fire rooms and a bisement ki chen and he could not but think how nar rowly he had escaped becoming a wid iwer. One door East Corner Blount and Morgan 8trects. Raleigh, N". O. PRACTIOAI. STbNE CUTTER Axd Dealer in ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE. AH kinds of tylonument", Toml, Ilesdstones and Garden Statuary .made to order on reasonah'e terru. Orders from a . d -stance promptly fl!le.. Call in prso . or address JOHN CAYTO. P. O. Cox. No. 303. sbiiss ..&BH2 AOB1.U Building Contractors AND SINKERS. LOUI-BUIiO, N. C. SASH, BLINDS J ND Doorts MADE to ORDEli, and all mds or Macbiu' w;rk di at short notice, on a irASonable t-ims as ls-wher- in the Sa'-. All grades ot Coffiin, Furnish ed, with hearse. ' Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a f SPECIALITY. I O Lathes Plistcring hand. alwavs on smith & beach am. NOTICE. Valuable Flouring, Grist and Saw Mjlls; for Sale- The Dvi miU property sitnated on Sandy Creek in Franklin county is of fered for sale on reasonable terms. The Mills sre in good running trdr, and draw custom from a large tco,m o country. Connected with the mills i 80 acres "of good Isnd. App'y to W. h. THORP, R"cky Mount X. C. BLATCHLLY'3 r t Improved Cucnm- r 1 2) her Wood Pump is the acknowledged STANDARD of the market, by popular ver dicv the. best pump tor the leaat money. Attention is in vited to Biatchlev'Improved Bracket, the Drp . Check Valve, which ran be withdrawn with out diiturbinff'ibe Joints, and the cop per chamber whith never cracks, scales or nuts and will last a life time. Fur sale by Dealers and the trade gen . erally. In order to be sure that you get tJlatcbley's Pump, be carefnl and see that it has my trade-mark as spore. If yon do not know where to buy. de . scripti re circulars, together with the name and address of the agent nearest Too, will be promptly f urnubed by ad dressing with stamp. Charles E. Blatchley, Manufacturer. 50 Commerce Pt,f Philadelphia, Pa. April Sm. Atlantic -Hotel. NORFOLK. VA. li. 8. DODSON. former if the VOUSTAH HOTEL, Baltimore, Hd PropHator. Tbla mjniifieent HOT IX, iTUr haTiax bMn thottmchty renovkUd aad refitud. & now opea for tha aecommedaUM ef gU. Board, first and aaeond floor. $3 par day. TLIrd and fonrth floor, t20 per day. . liberil Ura to pvrmAint BomW Have your JOB WORK done at the 1 (Courier Office, G0 TO Barrow & Pleasants To Buy Everything you want, Their new. T O D K is now Arriving and constitutes for the largest in LouLsbnrg. 1 Low for, Cash, Our Motto. All kind of Groceries (guaranteed at "Northern Fri Added." m E5a r v e 1 s ' Flour, bonglit before the ad vance, which we are selling: at old prices. Freight BarroTrfc Plcilsants, Lonlshurj, X. C." Professional Cards. It. J3 jcikg DENTIST. . 1 Ofieis his rroicssional Services ta he public ia Ertry department or Dentlttry. OFFICE. Lonhborg at Warretton over Dents Hotel, Norwood & Davis' Store. JOS. J. DAVIS. ATI'I aii COUKsELLOR lWS I LOUISE IQ, rRJLNXXIN .00. N.C v Wtn praetle in tb erral Conrta of Oraa villa FraaUla. Kuh. WimsudVat. Pronpt attention tid ta tk ti&a and rBDittaoe of domt, Jalj 15, 1S7U i 2?. 2?. mrrcsEifS,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, F&ajrxuaioir, N. C Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention giten to the collect tionof claims. No 80-tf C. H.CcolB, -W.H. Sjciccr COOK & 6PBI?CE ITTOBHETS AND CODKlELLORi A.T LAW, ' And SoXtc.itOEB Its. BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG II. C. Will atte. d the Cnvirtsof N' ,Frai k lin, Oraovillr. Warren,nd Wake O-oo. tWa. i-Iaa the 8i'prmr ('curt i t Nrtb Carolina ami the U. S. Cn oit and ii Cuits. N 7 -tf . IS. A. R lSi5 & SADDLERY ESTABLISH MENT. o vlitlf )tii In L uipliofi. I ht'l kr p il r.n 1 ai ! a irl t k t Mn-.Mue m ile l!rttt- ar.d Ha:d . I emp?oy yty pl 4 x rri rd work mri 9 iitit I arrvnt all Ibe woik ut n, Hy rii. ; all kv l . f i -irii ir la mr lire done u l ort li c mi n vrrf r asoitihlr t-rn-s. ily S ip i over M.. T. N. CarliV. Star.- .n Min oirrrt. liT I axlicit the p&trKiLrc ot fie jx pe ct Fruklit . Y. B CLIFTON. O PHOTOGKAPHIC Gallery. At my Gallery over Mr. T. X. Car HUfs Store co 1-e toned at all tirne r-nndt pquare and rosti. irm s I a a also prepare'! to take Gem tvpv. Car t aon cahioct aixe rbotorapns. - When you want a god picture t yourself and family, call at my Gallery. Very lUapectiully, Y. B. CLIFTON. SIX REASONS WHY tou snoctD urtciK a THE PENS MUTUAL UFE ' KISURAIIBE COMPAUY. 921 CnESTSUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. . 1st. Because It is one of tbt oldet co c: pan lea in the conn try, and past tis oay 01 ezpenmeoia. Zd. Uecause every poller balder Is n member ot tbe Company, entitled to all its advantages and privilege, ba- lug a ngnt to vote at ail tU-ctioot I r trustees, and tbus has an icsoeoce to its manameot. 8d Because it has tb largest tccn- Dulated fotd of any Life Insurance Company in the fjtaisu 4tn. Uecanse ty economical mas agemest, it ratio of ripeasca to tnul income la lax I low tne average o Lrie Companies,. (Sen OSdal Insoraaoa Report.) 5th. B-anse- it baa declared more dividends 10 cumber, and of a larger a ret ape percentage, than any Compsay in tbe United States. For ex staple: Policy No 16, fr t3X0, hss been paid to tbe. widow of a Philadelphia merchant, . upon which tweoiy-tbree dividends hs1 been de elaredae.agin City even per cen. II ad these dirioends been used to pur chase additions to this p-)l)CT, $5.04S mote wontd have been realized ruak ng the policy wurb $11,040. Cth. Bccaoae it is liberal in its msn agement, prompt In iu setttlemesU, safe beyond a contingency, and its rates are as low as aoy first cfats Company in the meet rv. Principal Featnrei. Small expenses, toiu' security ,larp;e return premium, prompt payment of iotsc , and liberali ty to tbe ioured. W. II. FINCH, Genl, Uansger for North Carolina. W. D. SPRUILL, Gen'I. Arat, Trankllnton, If, C.

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