----- - - , ' " m a - -r - . i . a s l - i I r --ri -r TU.E GARDEX AXd'hOUSEIIOLD. ' Xotea by the Way. Half the lumber used in the United! States is spruce and pine, of whicx 6,000,000 feet were cut in 1874. ; If pear and apple cions have been cut 1 in due season and well preserved, they I can be successfully set up to the 10th of June by a capable hand. ' p T (",' " f J., " s" J ThA lurcfi nnmlier of sales of "fancy short-horns " on the tapis, suggests to the Tribune the old saw about rats de-j serting a sinking ship. Hot alum will destroy insects indoors or out, says iMio Journal oj Chemistry one pound of alum to two quarts of water. It should be used while nearly boiling, and applied to all the cracksand crevices. ! Commenting on the claims put forth for the cow-keeDinff-on-three-quarts-of-meal tkcory, the Detroit Tribune dlaref that few stock-growers or Uirynfii cafc le made to believe such a course of fecd- incr either profitable .to the owner healthful for the animals. . None but a lazy teamster will allow the harness or yoke toremain on Jeams jwiile, they eat their" middaymeal eams will perform more labor on the ' same feed in a given time by giving them water every two or three hours. , The .water .should etand in tho sun. ,if - practicable. ?It should not be cold on' any account. : The male turkey does not attain it greatest vigor untti the third or fourth year, therefore a, cock two pr three years, old is better than a year, oki lor breed ing. But it .is well to" change the, male every year, which is believed to produce healthier and stronger chicksj and hens two years old and up ward; arg alfio.best. for breeding. . A story comes from Blue Eath coun ty, Minn., that a. fanner there, found in ono peck of earth, eight hundred ra3r hopper eggs, alL of which bjeing warmed . near a stove harched out. . Southern and western Minnesota with the insect for Interesting Item from Home ana t Abroad An Sffeilient8 taken place between government troops and the Carlists near j Toloaa, the latter being defeated with a loss of J t one hWdredkUied A'i Aln'answer to a question to what coarse the Enusb government1 as r or illl woulitAkw-4f the adepwtwiettee- ef -Belginm 1 waAtafceaienadln doiaftiicif iUfiijiion of PruBtda'a demands, Mr. Disraeli said that there had been much exaggeration in this mat- hter, but 1f Belgian peutrtBty.wl s threatened England was prepared to do her duty ine steamers Ocean an l Fa-Sing collided at Shang hai,' and th4 latter eaat: immediately, causing 1 great loss of Ufe. .... .Much damage has been done by floods in Australia A party of Mexicans," reumiDg, ,from Texas with stolen cattle1 in their possession, have been arrested at Camargo.. ....The explosion of a boiler in the gingham mills, at South Adams, Maes., killed three men and fatally injured three others,,.... Go. Haanft,of Pelflilylvania, has signed th1bill tirepeil the Iffcsal option Uw . . i .Thadaeus Smith, tf North Hadley, Mass., farmer, has failed. His liabilities are tl5Q00V and his assets $100,000...... Dan 'Bryaht, "the noted minstrel, died in such poor cireasMtancee tb4betneaieooiate had tocdntrlbatemoy'fiirliteBariaL rt ' L 1 . I L , it kl 1 1 I I The draft has been completed of a bill pro- hihitiBg religious orders in Prussia except Eads was MtfeJbyDari IXcAIhsteri af Peoria, HI. thief eeized a package con taining $500- from a bank messenger in the Boston post-office and escaped.. A family at Dutch Hollow, HL, were poisoned from, eat ing lobsteralVebiii diedani two ol ta. men are not expected to live. Twenty-two lives have, been lost in the Canada Pacific railway survey, and steps have been Jaken in Ottawa to raise a memorial to the victims John Donohue had his head blown off by an explo sion of fulnagiatuaj powder: at 'Sew Hcren,t fionn '. . Abram J. Buckles, auditor of Dela- tsaa mors interesting and tnstrttctivw than any other. It la the great memodon known as i "The Congresa of -JloriarrJia." , The Havxr'9 emitted toentionmg this, because, probably, they supposed Mx, Xarnnm .wonld not dare to incur the expense of transporting such an DOZTnoufl kSalr throusb. the conn try J ;But hs will do so, and, here M a brief description of this dizzSng ' md bewildering exhibition," a' givenby-aKewXorkeotemporaryr vr Of all the gorgeous ' pageants the world ever saw the 'CongroHS of. Nations is the greateetj and how the surpassing genius of eren Barntnn' eould "produee it' is a wonder. ' The eoetumes are trua Xo life, and tnanyef thent are genuine, having beeh procured direct from,tne jiatmaauries mtuax mtj represent ware county; rlcd.f is "BecfitreSTaTdefaulter to. tTha-mdiTi4aals employei to personate iUm . i3 -i- V - ' f - . t hMAfifl raltM harm Chs tatt fitMnl Ttt tae amouniiji) tiuw urj;111 "t" being taken by the New Jtreey farmers' clubs to prevent the spread'of cattle disease there. Serious and, damangv oo4Sva.toccaed, along the line of the t?nion Paafic raHroadt. A mischievous boy in New York while throwing stones Accidentally killed: Et5e girlte'yeaaB of age. . 1 . . . A ploV La Wen flisooBredi in Uruguay to assassinate the President and his Cabinet. J.... Seven pereons are implicated in the Washington post-offico coatrscV frauds i r A receiver has been appointed for the Northern Pacific railroad ..... i-. . Indians surrounded the miners in the Black Bills,' and 'endeavored to burn their stockade, but were unsuccessful They killed and scalped one miner, who was WW f rota the stockade Government "ttoops arrived, rescued the party, and tookthimiroia the hills.' nas Deen amictea two ? yearaf, 'and is those employed in mrsing the ifk , The cholera has appearefrm the province -ef- Oude,- aetIudia......The Bothschilds have issued the TJTOBpectu) of a new Jiusaiarf loaff of 15, 000,000, with interesCat'fdur ahdVh'alf'per cent, per; aunum, to be issued at ninety-two ..'..Disturbances still continne; in.jBoUvia arid 'Buenos Ayres ...... Sir Mich ael Ilicks- Beach, Chief Secretary for Ireland, stated in ihelJouBe of ..Commons that the law in regard, td the bearing of arms in Ireland, would not in terfere with? tii American, riflemen who axel golig there-. w.... A government geologist eft Fort Laramie to make a survey oi the Black Hflls, ... Chas. D. Thompson .was trying to escapetOj England from the law, and an officer haying found him on the steamer, Thompson shotlaimsetf . .'i'.!rAnother insane man was ar rested all the ' miie House ''m Wasamgtou while lookfcg fdr 'PVosldent' Grant.' A loaded pistol was found bhis'rson! .V. The pleasure yacht Ella Anna,4 rontalnirig' a party of eight likely to be again. . .Many .farmers, are I persons, capsized and sunk ; iA the1 harbor at reported to be; thoroughly discouraged by the news, and are preparing to .leave the country, '.(; i Almost a Cure for Consumption. I will only' tell what I know of a woman who took" a heavy 'cold that eettlod on her .hings.-- She is 'getting pretty well up in the forties and inherits a tendency to consumption, and one' 6f her children died of it. Her cough was almost constant, and that, .with, pains, lasted, as she said , , " f or weeks, and Chaflester. S. C, in a sqnalL Four of the party were saved and four drowned. . . . . .The Jesuit College at Buenos Ayrea wis turned bya mob and several of the priests killed or wounded. Agents' bfPh0 Hrenei gf erSqien have made contracts in Bohemia for ten thousand horses ...... During a debate, iu .the Pussian Diet on the bill withdrawing ' the State grants from the Roman Catholic clergy, Prince Bis marck made sfseeo declaring that hQ was not anTSnemy "of'he 6atn6uc Churcn ;Kh'ewarrei only against the Papacy.!?.. .The1 German government journals give tranquUizing assur- ' Peter -.Henderson, out NeV Jerwy horticulturist, - in aUusian to - the fact that . all food qualities of fragrance, beauty; hardiness and constant blooming are. riot to ,be found in one, rose quotes, the words'of ; German ' neighbof , "who came to him in great irritation, and said: I Lave eo much droubleil,4e . when dey comes to buy' mind 'rose; dey wants hardy; dey wants him dou bles'; dey wants him mondly; dey wants fcim'lnwrrand: ' dev" wants him 'nice coulert dey wants him In 1363 P.fc Carman WTot bis autobiography for Burr Ox. th eelahtated pobtiaher In Hartford, CL, for which they paid kia fifteen thousand dollars. ' It made a book of eight hundred pages, was profusely UhistraUd, rave articular account of Barnusa eventful life hrated lecture on "The Art of Money Get dnx.! Horace Oreeley pronounced the book "worth a hundred dollar greenUck to many a beginner in Ufa." . Tho publisbera sold ninety thousand copies of the book try" rtbecrlpon, at three dollars and a half a copy., Ia 1371, when ilr. Barnum started hisreat traveg ahowB,! be . bought back the coryright and stereotype plates of his book for ten thousand (taHam. added an appendix bruurinir the ac- e very dings in j count ef hie life up to that date, printed an edi- ooaW.(I.hcewm0dlmeSM7 to da Vi'0 Zii ladies, Madame, X never often seen dat whole of them at cott. oue dollar each. lie has UA flat W Wntifnl- dal' was'rich: added an appendix each year, which has now increased the volume to a thoMMnd raeee. It clever: dat was berfectkm in one ladies. I Bees her much not !",... . Saved from Drowning. A new mode of resuscitating drowned persons, and otnors- minermg s ironi as phyxia consist in,plaeing-ftherpatiEtit,on his back wifli1 Vie armsext5dAea 4 A roll of clothing is then laid below the false ribs .sqat fo throfjjtiher, anterior margin into prominence. The operator ! thpn kneels jtride .the patient, placing. ms.nanaa sq tuat tne dj isoi tne. tnumDs rests, upon the false ribs, while the fingers fajl nat the rib: the tdni tot,' against in the depressions between each side. An assistant holds e oi the jiatient, 'andUthet opera- th his elbows firmly pressed Bides; throws hisrwhole weight! forward, by ;whlch the. false -.ribs : are- pressed upward and inward, producing great motion-of the diaphragm, and Sis- placement of the conteni s of the lungs Suddenly raising his l?ody,the opexak): allows fche false TiW to return to' thei: historical ehexacters har (he tocet faithf al r semblance to the ooginals in face aud physique. Each nation ' finds its special portraiture In some kind of triumphal ear, brilliantly bedecked with appropriate flags, emblems, colors and in tricate devices, and all sorts 'of characteristics in the way of peculiar uniforms, animals, soldiery, attendants and music. - Scores ' of glistening gilded chariots iUunnne the arena with a naio oi luster, as it were, ana cue aispiay ox royal splendor Ys far imore imposing' and im pressive than words can describe, thrilling the auditor .with unspeakable amazement acd admiration- .. . !i - .. . As the name of the grind Congress fan-" pues, it is a' stupendous gathering; of i the Monarcha of. (he universe, bringing in' vivid view the living' Kings, Queens, liulers, and Potentates of the past nine centuries, culmina ting in an affecting -final so touching that it must awaken 'the emotions of a stoic. Her Caiestyi the Queea of England, beads the glit- Ltering column, surrounded by ber royal court rand followed-! by ; km 'ancestral " line, the notability, and ; nchiyjinuoxmea , nr e guards? men. hen France in the person or riapoleon the First attd his famous field narwhals ; Ire land, Borne, Bussia, Germany, Italy, Turkey, India, Japan, -Cluna, and so on, unui all tne Monarcha and. Courts of the entire world pass in review, winding up hke a jewel besprinkled coil around the continuous circle.' To look upon this beautiful historical procession in all sitting in full view of the courts of all the horse judge in America who .could guess e&xxa. ao irutm our reuiuc mre mo Dcwuuer- i "witimi tnirxv-nve years oi His aare on a W W " ., ladies flat was beautiful; dat' was'rich; dat was good; -dat was young; dat was 1 aTenMn) sal of qm hundred thoaxkl vrie Ctra vear. idct m ucaut wuuu w iimt gilVabd sold in all his traveling a4ftnott IXm him nasrona emeree frosa-bie atahow tents with his VMk jufAr , teir. areas, thy look as, if coming from a circuiting HbraryT Tso book ui thi country ever naa roco uvwrnoM uk. d mo abonnds in curiou. iiidi en U of real aT Pitts- Tf Yajuexperieu Co . Bmmiir'k Obobxcrirts t2ie beet and eheap4st hair dreeaing iu the world. Cwn. ' An Ajjed, llorme A correspondent" of 'the Turf, Field and Farm writes ''T WTote yon last year of living curiosity that I saw burgh, and, as I predicted, it is still liv ing a horse owned by Mr. Wm. Smith, of. the National pipe foundry, which is now, forty-seven years old. f ile uses it for the children to. ride, and they have no trouble wiin it uu spring, wnen ine grass begins"' to shoot Trp its sweet ten drils. , He longs for the green growth, and all at once, feigns lameness, so that he has to be turned out. lie has played this trick each focoeesive spring for7 the past six years. I don't think there is a position, producing a corresponding movement in the diaphragm and inrush; ronts of this kind artificial respiration is produced. j . 3 : ' P. T. Barnaul's Latest Wonders- Colossal xhlbition. narper b wtetay ueyoies neariv two columns to explaining and extolling the great enterpria- i weeks. ' After trying many remedies and I ances injregard to the relations of Prussia with getting no permanent relief,' some one told her of linseed oil, which she .took according to directions;,, was much: re- lioved in a few days and seemed entirely well in a month. That was about six months ago, aud she has had no return of it aud "feels as well as ever. She took fifteen drops of linseed oil on a lit tle brown sugar three times a day before eating. Some stomachs may not be able to bear it, but it certainly sounds as palatable as cod 1 liver oil. ' The woman kept cold coffee to take the taste out of her mouth. , . 5 . , ; In conclusion I will say .that this patient took the linseed oil straight along for a month. I do not pretend to say that it will cure a deeply seated case or any kind of a case, in another petsdn, but I do say that in the present case the effect was marvelous, to me, and the cure foreign 'powers. 4 . . , .The-, Carlists .have sur prised Fort Aspe, near 1 S&ntaader, and carried off two.hundred prisoners and four guns;. . . , The Anti-Slavery Society of Pennsylvania cele brated the ; one hundredth anniversary: of its organization in Philadelphia. "Vice-President WL'son called the meeting to order...... It is roported that the Turxs have muderedi270 Christians in Roum'elfsiuA iuigafia Vfujing the last jthree months,, and that, the names of the victims have, been communicated to the foreign representatives in Constantinople. .... In a match game of base ball at Savannah, Ga.. two players,' McCullongh j and Pailey, were badly injured. MoCuUougU'si leg was broken by a runner jumping on him, and Bailey had his nose, split and eye nearly put put by a 'red hot" ball. ' The game was then stopped. . '. .1 President Grant has appointed VLeatidei C Tennessee Consul at Odessa, Rue ie' stage fVom Downieville to S&cra- Dwyer, of. sia The positive, so far, and I regarded ! her as a $5,500 in gold dust,' bars and coin, was great sufferer. , ' away. ! .-r j u ? i : mento, CaJL: was stopped 'by highwaymen and Wells,; Iago-tV-o.fs tfeaHury box containing carried A Con alt. . . . The best method of casing a cough is to resist it with all the force, of ( will possible, until the accumulation of phlegm becomes greater; than there is something to cough against, and it .. Michael McHale, - who lived near Fort Lee,' 4 Not" Jorsey, attended the election, became intoxicated, went home, knocked his nuo MJmu auu tubum iuimi frtuift iuvia fia pictures revealed in rapid auocession, .Buoh . a dazzling half mile of solid gold, jewels, silver, precious -atones ana tinsel eaukX only be pro- - d aped after years or preparation &na . the ex penditure of half a 'dozen competencies'' Any attempt atinutauonon us pari of ambitious and unscrupulous showmen tor years to coma wiu result iu the most inglorious failure. xone other than the ' ' Prince of Hhowmen ' himself would undertake it, and none other tbaa. the great and irrepressible Barnum could achieve 0 sienal a triamph." " "" " " The entire exhibition Is advertised to exhibit inNew England in May, New York, eta. in June, Chicago, early in July, Ohkv Illinois and Michigan in July and August. . . It is due to our readers that we inform them that Mr-, Earnnm. announces that certain im- . Vir ; : t posters in uucuuiu xiave copieu ms ouis, pos ters, cuts and advertisements, and with' a: ie w- broken down circus horses and wagons will precede his exhibition in the West, and ' by an-1 nouncing the Great. Roman Hippodrome will attempt to make the public believe that it'is his unrivaled r establishment. . , He eautidna . the i public against being thus deceived, and reminds tbem that it would be : impossible rith any ' amount of money to organize and equip even a semblance ef ' his establishment without pre-' paration of several years. JThe Cincinnati J)aihi Jfruruirerl of Jsbruaiy 37th,. 1875. says that this pretended "Hippodrome" hr simply the wreck of that stupendous fraud known as the Great Fstera rand Great Southern Circus end Menagerie combination, which exploded at Selma, Ala..the 16th of last November, a nunv Pzrvt horses having to be sold to pay the ex es with, which P." T. Barnum is making liisic-ri-' Reuses of shipping the show to this City, where L Who the real proprietors of the business were, difficulty, and that is entirely cured. May God Daniel . HaydeaVfor sfevirffeerf yiarSSMHfetk- in the post-office at Hartford, C t., was arrested comes up very much easier and with half charged with 'hstracto wnlatalters frem i.o 4 ' -li jr.i . . the mafls..... . Annibal Capafti,' Created Car- uwuKuaus.. K ucui ui iiacamg dinal in ;1SG8, 4ied at Rome, , . A Vill making, and hemming and coughing in mvahds thg UfOSCf pcirlnppleaf baKi is purely nervous, or the result of mere rel9 hblding less than 110 quarts dry measure a habit, as is slwwn by the frequency with criminaj offense was defeated in 4Se.3rew York wmcn it ocours wnrie- the patient is J Assembly. aft-er a lqngndeba.to.l,,.A.detach- vninKing aoout it, ana. its. .comparative rarity when ho is so much engaged that there is no time to think or when the at" tcntion is impelled in another direction. ment of United States troops left Port Laramie for"a scoutr aet'-fiftr miTes.'ras' far as Scots Bltffs, after a -party of, forty aiiners reported; w) uayo jtifc ine nne oi me union raciuc rail road roij the huTs. Their orders are etrtngent,- and wfuire theto)b iestt&i pWperfyMid ar rest ' the leader V. A . . A W- pSrovidinV f or system ?of public parks for Boston passed the our government has professed to deal Massachusetts Housej rfTkiediedtiyi4e ti the In-1 taa thl United States government Vul soon 'open up the Black Hills gold country for settle ment; CheyeorSEi' WT.; l8fcidl5filliC witd Taming the Savage. The Nework"Tin says:,. In theory justly, eyen generously, ' with dian; in ifiyt, it has generally treated him as an iricumbranco to ba gat rid of. sistent with our reputation .as anaion. Tushed, driven, remtvcdufroni reserva-, tion to reservation, tho Indian has only known our border civilization, wliich.we have no reason to believe is of, the pious. missionary type, or that finds its nighest enjoyment, -in , mperanco ; , and peace. The contractor has not tartclii rlWm honesty, the frontiersman has 'nbt in structed him in th'e: art of agriculture; indeed, he has had, more- oppbriunltles of learning from his white neighbors' (he mystery of draw-pokef and thestimulaV ing qualities of cheap and nasty5 whisky,' than the arts of peaceful, .mdnstrioup people. And. thus it . happens that while the government -is paying ix or eight millions annually to the - small traction remaining el the race onee 'scattered over tho territory now ' called the United States, onry small numbeTS - W these ' In dians are- "less ' 'savage ,:than . those : who uuuwu iu m uiiuruji.t'ii wiiaexness oi three centnries ago. To-day, the Indian problem .confronts .us with- difficulties much the same as those encountered by the colonies of Plymouth 'and James town. ' ' v Turktan Time. A letter writer in Constantinople says': One of the perplexing things s, the oom putation ,'of Unie. The, Turks reckon from the time of the flight of the pro phet from Mecca, and it takes five hun dred and' thirty-seven Turkish years to max nve hundred and twenty-one 'of our years.. At . sunset, of. each.V"dav watches and clocks are set to mark twelve o'clock, and until jthe twelfth hour after sunset the hands on the dial indicate the time that has elapsed since sunset. After that hour they indicate the number of hours that will intervene before sunset of the next day plus or minus the daily .i .. . . . vauuwa in vno lengtn oi the days. ra rror. i-iii of i do.....lThe.new Upited.St: cent piece js nearly reayU Herald iajaj ."if , the bituaunons , ates sdver twenty hewftrk miner&j oal his fortv years' career as the-, most liberal and daring ahbwman in the world.1, The statis tics which, Harper Brothers give us from 1 authentic sources are neariv overwhelming. They make an ordinary head dizzy."-' Mr. Bar num has. always boasted that .he gave his patrons double their money's worth, and his claims are generally acknowledged ; but Una time he seems to have far outstripped himself. Last year he obtained from the Connecticut Legislature a charter fer "The P. T. Barnum's Universal Exposition Company," with a capital of a million of dollars. Mr. Barnum, who is president of the company, andJVIr. Coup, his manager, have spent many months in Europe perfecting their plans. The object of this great company, as they announce, is to elevate amusements, divest ; them of all objectionable features, and thus render them worthy the patronage of the most moral and refined classes. They say that eventually they will harera score or more of exhibitions (traveling and permanent) in America and Europe, and they intend that their chartered title shall be a guarantee of the merits of whatever they bring before the public. The present season they have but two exhibitions. One is Mr, Barnum's well-known ,u Museum, Menagerie, Circus and Traveling World's Fair,".;tlie other; is simply; called ' The Great Roman Hippodrome.'' Mr. Bamum seems -to have devoted years to per fecting this great enterprise, and nearly every year bf ; his personal attention was paid to it in Europe! fAt.an expense of several hundred thousandHioHars he -erected '--a great hippo drome building in the heart of - Kew York city. and under an outlay of over hyd .thousand dol lars each day he haa run his establishment in New "Yrk for nearly a year. This exposition cpmpauly are engaged to ship the entire Hippo Aiome to Eoxvpe nextautnmn ; meanwhile tnoy have undertaken, . the difficult , task of transporting it entire to' the principal cities in Americi. Harper's Weekly says' : " ins ureac ltoman mppodrome wul re semble a moving camp. There are 1,200 men, women! and children in Mr. Barnum's service.' and the stock includes 750 horses and ponies, besides! elephants, . camels, English stag Una Btag-hdunds, ' trained ostriches, Cons, bears, tigers feud other animals. For the. exhibition of Ahe menagerie and the various shows, dis plays, and performances connected with the en- 1 terins6d,.tvo U6inouB tents, each 500 feet in T ljt-.u 1 1 orv : : .1. i 1 i - one 01 iv men win oe Kent in aavance. m-Tuer that nd time may be lost by delaying in making toads, j The quetstion of transportation by rafl a vety serioud one was solved by the con struction of 5iii83fte1uuaprhftlC built epresslyoT'ro4sJpwrpiee. Vuiae tSenr are a ni irnner oi j-juaiBQ-paiaco cars, construct ed witL comrandious stalls, in .which the horses, can he lownTLiidrst while' on the journey and arrive ) .t he place of exhibition quite fresh for the perff fntanee. Beridaa Kiiinc the -tTtt i L auimala rfrfd1 lft)thetraaterial hi these Hippo utvmo cus. uerius m uo proviuea m tnose devoteft to tho perzotiel tf aha company for nearly I all tae employees. .Besides the ereai exhibition tents, aud stable tenta for the hoases And other animals, there is also attached to the compaey a large corps of blacksmiths and carpenprs aiW .Leaders,; sme pf whoin precede tne proprietors leit a numDer or tnen em ployees unpaid and penniless, and vamosed,' critical examination' and ho' knowledge of ;the circumstances. - Of course there are cases of greater longevity, . but they OVA VAVT MM J ty . 1 . , i. i ; i . fi '"... . rimples, Erupllons, Eouh Skin. 1 The system being put under the influence of Dr. -Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. for a few weeks,' the skin' becomes smooth,- Wear, soft and velvety, And being-ill amioated. with the glew'c-f perfect health fiom within,' true beauty stands fortli ip all its gioryv The effecU oi all medicines which operate upon the sys tem tnrougn the medium or the bieod' are faeoessarily somewhat slow, no matter how good, the 'reoBsdy employed- . Fhile one to. three bottles clear the skin of pimples, blotches, eruptions. yeOoW spots, comedones, or jcrs.bs,M a dozen maypoeeibly be required to cure some cases where the svstemts rotten with scrofulous or. virulent blood poisons. The enre pi all these diseases, however, from the common pimple to. the, worst scrofula is, with the use of tlus most potent agent, only a matter of time. Sold cy dealerew medicines-. , i; OQVKKKO WITH KBURI05S. CUBXD. I ' CLAViaACE, Columbia, county, N. Y.: Dear Sir I am sixty years of age, and have been amictecL witn alt rheum in the worst form for a ereavt marir' rini nntiL ariilABttv. I saw: one of your books, 'Which described my. case exactly. I bought your uolden Medical Discovery' ahd took two bottles and a half, and was entirely cured. From my shoulders to my bands ;i was entirely covered with eruptions. also on face and body. I was likewise afflicted with iheumatismy so that' I walked with great EniCmacrttts J-rwc-i-AUorrons djv ordersl chronic disease of the chest, head. lirer, ktemaelr,' 'kidtfeys' iud UotacbW and pains, j nervous and general debihty. etc., goieklt cured after drugs fail by wearing Volta'a tiectnc llts ana lianas.- vcroaoxe ow iree, by VolUBelt Ca, Cindrmatl, Ohio. Cww The ' Brj!ct Hrrxs 1 Gold Rroiow. The rmhbBher of the Cbeyenne (Wya.) VmxVt will issue, April 17th. a twentv-eight-oolumn extra, contain in ir a fine map of the Black HiihV including all the mouBtaln raages known under tnat ntune also, a large variety ox Mioaco in- rormauon gatnerea rrom ornciai ana private owrcea. retatuur toffctus au-eUiannii(T tppte. Fnce 1Q cents, bend your order to u. uiaicke. publisher, Cheyenne, Wyoming.-- Com.' fthsr as : abadr wot M i SMITH. CortWSl Suvai. K. Y. The Croton Grape. Two Ha tw.)rwMN4ld VIbm of this tiMllwl Walt Or 9 Nil rty mxl.jyt pata.lor IMimrv ' S W. UXDKKHILL, CrHnw Lajdtnc P. Q.. tf. T. JOHES FRUIT Ear Dim J. Walkerf CallTottifaTli. tnri TUttprs are a rurir i eetawe prarationfiiiride,cietly.fxoia the na tive herbs fount! oil the lo-rrcr ranges of tte Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicicol propenics'.oi wnicn are ektracicitltrcrcfrora without the use tf Alcohol. The -truest ion is aimoss dlraiked vhat w ihc caiao j. unbarallelTjuicacss of Vikegau Bit- I Kits T Our answer is, ui.ii uirjiti" the cause of disease, and the patient re covers h' health. Tbey are me great blood pui fier and a life-giving principle, a .pence Jccnovator ana invigoraiur of 'the stem. Never before in the history o the world h4 a medicine leea COmpoum 1 pesseK tu rrnwaauiw qmahties f Tistaxz Brrmts In hcalinir the tick of c err discs man U heir to. They are a ge tie runrative as well as a Tonic, relieving Con?ejtion or Inflammation of the larer rnd Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases i- -r r llie p:Dpertlcs of Dr TAiJtxn;s VlJtSOAR t ittkbs are AporienU Diaphoretic, Carminafve, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative Counter-irritant Budoritw, Aitera. tive, aiViAau-iiUious. .. roiau and Oea. A?X Franct-cn. Canf.rBla. i -cJ eur. of Waaalurtos aw! Ckartua fi N. Y. Sold bjr all UrrtCZ11 m n tWalrrm. If. T. K. U-Wa 17 Ah -Cob. Om Waft bm. KaferW and Cm nvaaUd for t C raVm mai 7ATOSATQ2L Tb tmt pmct, fnttomlfeaL'KvabofiiK mod TarrttdrUl &Ubta for uW. RrU&bl Amy tutai Knd atuiiB for c ire alar. vJocm frit SWPwxtn0.. t40 Uau8curv nf a, (ilrla aad Bmmnhmdr awhd Mete, for Fin Oanl (4 tinU) with rtnriml oUy printed In Gilt. lO Cudt 1 5 ota. J. R. HAHPaHAWaaitbtoww .UL.W.Y. br DErUUVCB EEULK CO i i a rr atoxEV i it rti: I ' J w J I t UU. HtaduiM, C AN SELL CWp SmLmtm-f A uw chAlM. Aan. NEW tlAhS. CHAHfS. Etc. Oor' ww ahaVU-riinlMTI AN li KAl l-H, la a apiaorfKl newai. Cut-Tn--1' prmomm MM rVnrt rmi IocTtDrtlCtlHRIlKJMA?l.aBiti Uyht-N.Y.. m H W. h H.nn i. ;., 1 3 r- pope's Air, XJBiol OPMICMEi rrw. u. .Uffiifr. KaoonoDwadM mai tnooraad b tha baat Can daafef id Ui world. Swod for tr eoUr. P4IPK IIKOH 46 lllh REMARKABLE etill remains a matter of considerable mvesterv. but it is generally believed that Andy Haight, one . Gibbons and George Webber and others were large stockholders. The -defrauded circus men and others connected with the concern finally obtained the aid of the law to compel a settlement of their just claims, and the whole matter ended in the show being attached at Hamilton, and in an auction Bale of the circus property at Lebanon yesterday afternoon . The best of tbe joke is that Dellaven. Webber, Gibbons and others are abeut toie- organize a Hippodrome out of the " wreck" to start out with next Bummer on another tour. Tne wnoie snow was raaicr aDoor concern.. only a fewlfetfs being- in good eoeefctkm, and tne menagerie including no really rare or valu able animals. Our readers onlvhave to use ordinary caution to discover which is the Teal and which is the bogus concern, though we see that ULr. Barnum complains that some shows obtain an employee named Barnum, and then advertise " Barnum's atest enterprise, and resort to other devices wherein they use the name of ' Barnum " to deceive the public He says that all exhibitions with which he is connected will give his initial f, " F. T., ana also puuisn his portrait by way of identification. ' To be forewarned is to be' fore armed. ' A word to the wise is sufficient," As Ilr,1 Barnum's great Hippodrome travels under an -expense of nearly ten thousand lol lars each day it can exhibit only in large cities. These can do reacned by cneap excursion trains.' Mr. Barnum says he can eaeilv lose half a million of dollars by this summer's ex- periment,'eiiathattin'ny jem he? ftannota is patronized and approved by the clergy and religious classes, as well as by school teachers and all beads, oi rermea jamihesJwBo; neBir' their children 'to Improve "their minds "tmder this great system of object teaching. Beyond all question this is the most extensive ana ex traordinary exhibition on the lace 07 the earth; and probably this generation will "never see ita like again. ts ot B B are you mankind. a loug lire to remain a blessing to ith nntoln grautnde, Mas. A. W. Wm Tiva. carry olt it, Ureat.ttrjkCwW a" few J sevAfa! vJay, Wmake5 reaay for the " j jvfcs.rii " t: iit,wiiuii-ou uj ureusrms wi KTouna. eruciini? eoats, etc The dressuig-room tents alone will cover mqre f, roinian a prduiary xircus. "Tdmove sach an enormous estaflihmftnfi witlrent h!th ot delar, requires th e wrrpl jyrnenl oi ciear neaaa, .prauuaai men ac-ih aeaof ;each department. Everjthing i&jto arranjpreojj as to move witu me emootunesd and precision of clodk-work. At the appointed hour the can vas will go up, the street liScesaiofi hUt Acnk. weeks every furnace and factory in the United j ni&uM wouia oe stopped, xne aamage inac vnillif rARlllt. Mnnnf Anuilv Ka AatJmafArl " Auothei medical mystery is furnished by West- hesterJN. Y. Tle dootorsgive a maoadose of .morphine to set him asleep, and succeeded so-, well! that he never awakens. Now the coroner will have to find Oiil-what kilfeihim.- ' The wife of a physician at St. Taul, Minn., committed smBide T) tataicr atrrchnina - i k Mrs. Mason, aged seventy, hanged herself at rroviaekee, It. I., and Mrs. Irwib described as i'lespectabib jroung -wids'.drowaed herself and ehid at HannibaL lo.,-. . , , .The. Qupaan, iuVef mine at NeVuryportVXass Vas liolor id fl.tOO.OOO to a- jWi'-stck'OTirrAnv or- otJief pircela of ifufM- the. ieiait. . . . Htmterj of CcSgw,naaafS1asi:ieB seniencpa to louneen years imprisonment for ineecciarism with intent to dXrau4 thq Hart ford Iuturance Company A party of three persons1 ascended inHl;laUooB Zenith at Paris to make ecientific obser vationsT The balloon attained heeraofdiary height o S,000, metres (ovefi &$ko feet). TwilPtbe aronauts were suffocated to death, and when the balkxn reached the ground the third waa almost nseneihle and. has suce been so ill that his recover is doubtful. '..h Three thousand bales at 0099 were dee tfojfO pr a lire atj The xnos erninet jort (rcrajixsta ol 1'axis and Eohfrrfi, 49 wiejl as Wa-V ftyT&P J Zuudel, 01 Trinity, liraoe, and other principal churches in New York, have given to theMasoni & pamnii Urji Uo written tesumernala la the anneriotviat 1 iheir cabinet organs, which they declare to have excellencies not found in others. j 1 fl-v ILflOohsv l i S 'Vhv Rhnnld n.nv one hnv ft Rrian Vinlf rosinj orlfchiyi wh'enTfcobblns'J ilibtil soip (made by Cragin & Co., Phila delphia), is for sale? It costs but a trifle more, ar tiU 'o fvf 91li Try it. - 4 The Queen of all Sewing Machines In speaking of the merits, of the Wilson shuttle sewing machine, it is sufficient for ns to say that we think the invention of this ma chine marks one of the most important eras in the hifttory of this countrv: and when we con sider the bxflnenoe it has upon the social well being tf the masses, it is difficult to conceive 01 an invention or more importance. 11 naa a beautiful, noiseless movement: it makes the genuine lock-stieh' alike on both sides, and does to perfection all kinds of plain and fine sewing; it needs ne commendation; its rapid sales, the increasing demand, and. the many flattering 'testimonials from those who have used it. is sufficient proof of its merits. The want of a sewing machine is deeply felt in every . household, and as the Wilsou shuttle sewing machine, .on account of its extreme simplicity and less cost of manufacture, is sold at a much lower price than all other first-class machines, it is meeting with the extensive patron age th at it so j ustlv deserve! Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this county, .free of transportation charges, if ordered through the company 's branch house at. 827 and 829 -Broadway, 'New York.' Tbey send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. ' This company want a few more good, agents.-ora. , m The Elastic Truss of Fomeroy A. Co., 714 Broadway, N. Y., is by far the beet in nee. Com - The.. Question Settled, Those emi nent men, Dr. 'Jas. Clark, physician to Queen Victoria, ' and Dr. tlughee Bennett, tay that consumption can be cured. . Dr. Wistar knew this when he discovered his now widely-known Balsam of .Will Cherry, and experience lias proved "the 'correctness of his Opinion.' Fifty cents and One dollar, a bottle, Jarge bottle much the cheaper. Com. I "2 ' 1 'i . - .lCVVe have heard recently of several severe cases of spinal disease cured by Joarf- son s . Anoajme LimvwrU : one case of a man irPORTCMTY foa JLaaaotal 1 1 n nrtrt XO eants tot Boot rtrlaa tha mA . t.hJl"l.pa)r!r lavMUaant of tba 4af. Addxwaa Has IMJ, ww i ara. Free ! Free ! ! Free ! ! ! 1 . 1 The Pioneer. . A fcaadaotna UlaMraUx aaaaoaaT anatelnln lofar. matioo for avairbnUy. TalU bow and wbara to mrtmrm a Bona cbaao. bajfT rau to iix raaT or ru WOULD. li cm tain tha tw noMfiniD aad TiwvKa Laws, wua auaar wwnwai aiaucr lowoa otuf la lam paaar. Send for it at Once i It wfll only coat roa a Porrai. Caan. Htw iimbtr for April jut oat. AddlwM. O. F. DAVIS, Laad CvwjaalaalaaFr U. P. ft. " Owiaaa.. Nrw. The nel4a CwMaamalty. II. ii. A., mm: Ara wjncli pi J a-Ua rami Baa Foam." Tha bat wot. A. MrFmrlaww. Cefm4!tm4rm miU, yrimUtmid. Mm., aaaa ." "ToarSaaFoaoitaaKwlWat. Ur Cnatomara moat aa4 W4ll haaa h." ITaa Saa Fnaa and pw mMm wUt eHuxa aad . dalle Dt yoor auaaU. Your Orooar. U otUia. wUl v Us Tba mart aowia fal raraa4 of tba araa. da Hand f Pa oa OtMnra Raw Hot 474. lworf.l4. SOLD ON TEIAL. THE YORK 3IATrAC- TrRINO COMPANY. Edition o Pol1y. ShfUM. a n1 ail ktwrf of Mill lUn.t. aia alrln tba Roi uorj Truiixl WlTlB KRIU TTT.X CHXafLV. tb"B-b th tMt la naa. for !rrt(HI-w l'Bphl ad- t . Terb, Fm. dtraa 8,ObO AL.nr.AnY SH.l. CCXTS XT A. NTH D U tho aw boea - i urx a'd ADVajntaxs or Kit Carson my kaiMfit4W4,aW.CrM.wnU Cta aarrwa.W.a Ab-ai awaa4r klaw Taaca ttkiim i-raTa U'mmt Ammmm 4 HVSTKK. TS rfLH. aOOCT aaa CLIUS aad. ll mmmm U aa4 i '" mt M U4Ua mm aftVa fAJi WEST aaava T S fcCatwa. tBt4 ummm rOa ait !. ll prmmUiLr WiM afUaMOrXiCS, aad taa MO wuC WAS. A a waaailiUTO RTtWtaaalaaaia. A ,ia 11 p irtaaity lnalHaaan. Da miman liatrralar mtXm m'l flwia Wwu4a vara man at aaaa 1L'aTLN. 1LMAX A LnJ If thm baat, paMUljad. for aar alj-a tnr.i t .4 !tAT).iai. PL BI.Illlw . FTiUadrlphla, AGENTS WAITED ebatpaat aad faatas4 mrULBf Mdtim mmt pltUlj ,r. 810'PERDAY! im Vtaitlnc and Uaalrwwa trda.t t A ra rmmMT g W klanloa UWf .tha Wat ta th 7 4 KtctManl aanpt tn hia work wtth ant low a eta. AdJraaa IL V. II AMJCV. aahloaaila Kotbw. 3 1(1 Waahlajrrt ftH, H-too. Maaa. ,Ka-. kt for yam. It aaaaa MUk.V ate., and taaka tba mnat dali f jm QtVMl. rimn mami mmj yvw mrr-T mtm mmw. tod for Ctreaiar to OtO. Y. U&KTt A Cofc tl Daaoa KC.K.Y $10 eTtaEaa AQSNTS t Moat Muirnlflcent Gift EVtfUOFFKUkU, LOCALAVEilTI waalas mnwWt fcw Taa Ecwa, a wwAly mymVlj ar Wul. mi I Urn mm-. Faawto4faa. i.n. WnAZaal li ftvaa away taa BMcaiAeaatlr koaad aaarta valaH'tUla iaiHn IBwilt, a aaaw aillmilia af awwtrataiMMj. lm,ml JffV warty il akiw. i. KaVID WILUAMS A (fl..i lit!.) IkIbm K. V. El A S T Z Q UT Tt TJ 8 'rJ) Vh-.ll l W-Jtj-I for "Olir J. H. nUKl"OKI; fHNR. Kwoaj, 3IONTII ArU wanted m'-f bar. Bwuxat bntnTMbia aad firat a. Partlralar mmt It. AdJraaa KTH A (M..M l.at. M. . T.M ta Troa W o b Mrf art c m ( o r ntCil aad day. Aaaa aaif ta wry Sx af .-tow Ixxlr f?intTyr Him- , rwr ' wmAv t mmtl- tindx M t rtrala mmt'.l rrcitl caiwd. " rsafj chaap I r la Elastic Truss-Co., No. G83 Brtaaway, N. Y. City. j ai by niaU. Call or ad f" Olr -Ur. aw-t d (dOer PF.H. IlATCViiaaaWtoo.wr SJ SO a wwak Ra.' tJM J miy aad UiaoM. Ma oSaf it aad wfU pay i. Wk'BBKK A t. Martoq.o. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. WM i- 110DED Vaa aly rmratiMi that rta pwrfart aattafartlno la t.rwo ww4)U to raiaa liaard or Moabacba. 1 m Imv Vlwta ptpar a?y la ram. Ka i-xUrt warrmi aoa m-vm vj " wspt r M 1 .Ot. harap tarn, ma f T I . A"aaa P. rRANkLIK, a lW, Jaray tiy. S. J. WHISKERS It rt TIP i OKHT8. p. Oooda I Oiu fSkaaw aalla al aict Tho 0IdoaLarsiai.aw1 Moot Porta Maaa!aiwr7 M tho Ualtod bUtaa. mv,w aw . mm wvy ,mm Arlfrri p WO VdwPW VI IIIPII fortv-five years old, who had not done a dafe work for four year. . The, hack, ahould first 'be washed, then rubbed wih a coarse toweL ' Ap ply the linuneni eoid, and nib in -well with, sue hand. Com. , , , . YOU COOD namaa onnat its. 'i' j. ' Of al bi:y mk. all cm mod I of DO AM) I'LL. ea oi riddis th hnmaa iraparittoa of tho blood, dyt prpaia, 5S.:0, 0:0 9 Kwia tha it kindred diaaaa. noaa ia an tacoaaafol aa tbowaa I.A(;l.KVN UIII1T HITTER- Thar aoa ao a poteot AND HEItn tooia aad caolla andar aay taalliiwy to a. TLh mmm tho aaieat and baat aprina aad inmmctr Biodieino rat diacowwd. ' FamOr - phyalflana ' mralarlr taioailLio aperient, ara mild to their operationa, aalo clrcurastanewa, aad tbtnauana hmrm barno taa tho beoaAtathrt hawa aautd rsota thotr Oaa. A henpecked husband s seldom blesa- : edh fjypsoffrnHlst ii vfawkleUl J 7:ll stillness and humihty are perhaps virtnea. bnt somehow or ,other. folks BoefCattl j" VAA. fl A iMA-AJ aVAA. WAVaVS. AV aAVAAVoV M I HI! wa AAV - A) I JiJ liCl iyOW m m tV UU mrnVS v Dolaaalo Araota r Sa other Xaateal Taatiuiaaut owar abUlawd tb rw r T-t w ddreaa. The Markets. . I . ,.-,W TGaa .4 Prime to Extra Bollock1 10 : . 'a the performance will caaiiwucel Arteaill l rAemory of Father Matthew, the great over, and the great tent is emptied, everything nKarn tUtv. Xmir-mtrrAiJA will be packed uu bv those detailed WOrk, kjucrrtLearavarC Tritio-3t he' minnt, r'rif roii Li Kiove -towaAd-. place Of exhibition. ra. nmirrtmmA flf fmrfn i i.i irything for the f a text ,iae programme 01 nerrpmance win tx svariavi; and attractyre JCufcaldieajwiritnaki be e daily balloon ascwAcrns'-'wlfir' taWlaxo enough to contain a company of five or six per 'ThwO th ere aif h h5 " iLsS in Kew(Tjtf fnfi te, wkmg, thei.ra rum. ama pa-'i T-j( $4l.0fin thr V h f1? races, in wliicn rorty wild horses are capable of getting up and raising a row when the occasion callrf orit. ' til j Uoga Live j Dreaaed iMtH A Second Father Hatthete, J . .. ..'jj'j' J'f!f ... j yv no is mere tnat doesrnot re.pectthe champidn'of temperance.11 Irmrrraerable societies bear hra honored rnaioie; bxit there is one man who has struck a more sure ! dth-Udw-'to'cmtemparaxacie and that is Dr. J. Walker, an old California physician, who haa tHaoovaned -innaturefo- maoV o t I 1 -kwrl ar V nvVta a tnejliMTtAl AAAa-AA. AA,VbV 1VTI1J AaC-AaA CS) fM" I1' - Irhl "toiiio.ruia riUa. stitAulApt thai oin- JUTD th ri ppleieily takes the place of the fashionable aic&h e fatoctw tarnivil riete ofeme aad It bareback horses ; hurdle races by ladies ; flat races I by English, French, t and American jockeys ; besides CameL elephant; ostrich, and monkey races. Another feature will be the ex hibiticoof Indian life on th p'ahuvm which, the actors will be scores of Indians with their squaws and pappooees. They will put up a genuine Indian encampment, hun ; real buffaloes, give war dances, ponv races, foot races against horsee, exhjbtnoni of daring horsernanhUiry. laaBO-thrbwing. A band of alexican rtderv mouated on famous mustangs. wul make a pretended attack on the Jn'Vn 10V4 Wi 06k (A . OHV LaBahs.7.7.i;.."UA:.y.V.M....:!. ''MiaU i 01 Cotton Middl law lt(4 1S Flout ira Wwtwm....v.... ...1 In 4 ' I SUta Extra... i 1 (4 tl Wbaat BM Wrtera..i......T..:..' 1'fS - 1 9 Ko. Fprias k. In i4 I 11 ity state. .'.:. . : ; ... : r T a a i o Barley Jmlt..r.V..ii..-.: .....I'l 47X 1 V4 u vxi rajern, , 73i4. 78 i Ajru-aviiru neaiern.. ............ TO V4 Tt 90 A 1 as Straw, per cwt....' ' 60- (4 aS IIor...i..74'a SJ 03S ....oUU' OS .OL J" forraMes..j 1....;.. ......U td (427 0 -ara, XeUH 71ah-t-Haekart, No, l, new. l 00 (2 " -OV2.arv ....JO 04 410 SO vtj txi, per tn...i 1- BCFFAI.O, S. Y. . Y-'a acmooaoo taatfawUl ffthw satioa w. wiaaan to . applleaouls any city or iowa wbara wa have mm aaaal oa tUo Mar raraw od at the' aaaia Jfiinwr dcaUrajwha BarctaaAa frwasujw Jo DbajtM ralweap ally, i . "Tbo aot ol oww baiAA Me mimmmt aad tory a ha Ualtad Slataa. with l&A aoa, la a atsew.at (txaraaiaa tho aarll ot bar aoaUoaMOiU. 't it " V' y j 1 i m ...... . - Naa4wi. IT fWiTT' f irvrft WAVTED fawwoWkaaMat, T V VOIX' or war mvwaoAbUM bad l i'FWP1f ' -iU 4 l!L LrtJM-'Jl'? ! I . w- L.rfiiAir.toti. AO. A. FJllACK tXL. L I J. 'mT . . af-i-w 1 rwA-aV U . " ' 'Ji 1 I -i fi IwaAaMjaar ' ' ' I ra. mmmm, .mm awf mi j I r II I I I aiyiiartai. . iMrv.w. . . J -rrwaa i ' !'f!' v'i . ' Hirv. i-fl I V l-a iai an a I a-a Lmym.- . arta. fl 1 i V Jomd Ooad. lli' 4 aaw a f..". ' hi.. j i' f 1 r. pwa aif with rmm t w ry T u- -:i i XiORTi? T II AIT nJ -?ui wa-ia w-i o.. t -w. w wx Iff H , m--m-1 "J-M ! 1. aaawphajtt wf 1 rwaw. w4-. a mm rmm. r , -jo j ! vuutuuwuatvauwutuuiuai'jHui iiprnmr, bcalec per box. . . n a U M 4 poptflar as a compromise between strong 4nth the mania for diihk and in reality cuiu.va.wjs an lnvoiuniary oisgnst ror tne same, it even does more : It acts mxra tha entire physical,-fmexn,vjDTuifies the Diooa. ana produces nale, hardy health. The tliscoTrrer ofi .thia great medicinal stimulant is surely entitled to the thanks o r a wbole nation, and it is not ex travagant., to enjaWev.him "a second Father Mait??rA IX i TTO eamp and give a mimio but faithful representa tion of the wild scenes enacted oa Ue Western' axDnutr. uia AAnun staz bunt will tt'tn tr btlhe BTkjrt itself, with a rarnraww of 150 men and women in full hunting costume, and sj large pack of r.ntriiah stag hounds. There wul ;alex be) Saanr otheranterewtine and 4 Attractive features, the mere mention of which Are meeting with gTftat wonldfrnaku a. aroaJl rnlrtni. .-i . rJlT- Joarnum cortamly deserves great credit orj an enterprise which is calculated to afford A vast amount nfrinrHyMtnLnnnnl.r mentT and, althfeeglfiAis gigauaarf n- present too many attractions not4o be generally nstaiAod. y yi ' J '! f Amazing as this exhibition seems front the description given by Uarpcr'm, we can say, from actual observation, that one feature is to be introduced into the traveling ELippo Oiarlotle, N. O rTwo wouaen, and two men i exat tiitnra hhoj nitorC itAlf with. Iiave Deen recently tent -IrymTashington to the asylum for .tbe.iiaaehAfinf got rax Over the Beecher trial...... The American xe vtvalis BUI sands Marcus L. Dean eotrwnitd'tcdus aPaw tacket,R. I. . . . Ac!nm!ofJaBl4?lMaxi burgh, N. Xftccedexyg his 'wife, sib ter-i it-law, and a fellow laborer, with a shovel. The parties were severely in jured by blows from the weapon..... Joseph 55 hWool-(norniA Fioece ! 1 XA8 . - a-.... fclii... I " A m. m. 1 1 mm. A .WtoT-at4u.i;u...JVill.Vr." w'eoUrn Dairy V.'eetra TeOow..'.. .Woatrrn Ordinarr., FAylwattirno..rt.;.. Cheeoe SUta, Factory.. : fot Skinned : Weotevu., . Ew-W...i.-........'.i 1 U..U.U ira. b. - mm f-f4 A alaiUwaVb TTAjrfTTJ r.rxTWBrit-Tw 1 1 i iaaat mT mf - ,.. a l i a STEM i s UAUFAjCTUREDBI AjlaT i'.ti aw an. a yv ' . MAMS ' -m-m-i WMU ttmm ill v. -T - la KOh KT 1a..4d. Aixkx's Lrxo Baxsam has proved it- storing ine cone oi tne liver, it excites the pblegm, which is raised from the lungs, there by relieving the cough, pains, cnrAwsion, night sweats, andiujucaltTcC J't&ilWiig. All the above symptoms will be cured, aod the whole sratem again reetexed to -health. For sale by all medians deafest tCdntX. L rHorsemerrarpthers, wio-prrtrncJTto now, say that The Touowmg directions Had better be observed iqTjehg f?aritff Cavalry ixm&hn. rovders : Give a horse a table- spooaiul every night for a week ; the same everj otner night for four or tax mghtA the same i or a mucn cow, and twice aa mnch for an ex. The addition of a little fine salt will be an ad vantage.- Qom, (4 10 A' 18 , 34 (4 lf4 'S9 14 17 (4 a 4 s n 30 14 17 11 .1. w- 'r- - . .. awwW rt. Caaiwal nt n aad II tsaaawa. luK 'H l.aaar 1ml waa lwnilt :i aaataf lmaw f V I. oa,airMl aao. I I Hit tw.A A. imArrxcBonw, tt. Pm vow Itxrwraavaw CiTAUca 40 A Ox, f-atlaa. 1 W I CO M t as 71 7a o. 7 8piiaf...... i i j4.. ....... i (A 1 to 1 li, w . 9 7JX H 1 IS a. ii 4 7J 1 It 4 1 Tx-v ... Byo State. ........,, a vtorn CreA T . Bff1 , 1" Oata , Stata.. I SCTVaXO. wheat So, Core Mlaea r" mm w.M.., 70 K jo. ... t.i.. . . ..... V- Barl ...... ..... mm . . . ... ....... . . . Cottcri Low afVddltnca............ Uda IS F.wt Extra g O (44 00 1 Wjeat Bed Weouem j 4 1 79 Kre... ... Ill 44 l is Cjra Touow... .... tg ' OitMUed . IS 14 OS p4fim..ii. .... ) i;,(a 01 , rwruabKLreia. rVml Pnaaaylaaaia Kxtra (35 (a f f Wheat Waeura Bed 1 X 4 1 :t Jljm i Zmt.m . ........ .. 1 1 (O) 1 1 Oori Tellow. ........... S 4 Sl . aol...... . .... .. ,. S a4 f Oato Mixed to a '1 FoUwlewm -Crado. U Boaaad. l aOOaKwWlaodaaaMlaa. TaAaaoaarow agents Irr-iRrKr OffwfTwtaW ' kaaaaaa f fcwattaaa, laVvuiat r.W MmllO,H aat A On T7BKE OF C'flAltiJK a X Drurwl will wat mm, OpraaaaVauoc aa4 1twj. rmar. J. taaa aarv a rootuwo Cut aa ll., Chartaau.aa.yaoa. S22 yfcaSrr-r-; aawata aawiftawav Aillia I M - tlaahawaa.al T7rrnT fa milt wajtm Ali SoU wf Ao-awta. ASAraao M. J. 3S: rl' oaaxU. It, w. Aotwaa I'll ihooaarWiaai I IT. W ooay as H. I I UJVKLX, Vfmn.rm. v rORTABLU VSODAFOUnTAfflS I, $40, to,$:w,x:$ioo. I i CHEAP I'JIAM b an fraa br auTlL B. WHITK A lX. ten Xojr wt. Mi.aai I napia im c-trwa. wr. . J. I IT ii anaati aw Mun do you n own pniriTinci -T. TO OTTSlLraPTr 40 frOu;m4 BaAar: AO aa. : an4 teoaj UckMOthw aaaewstawd A'aadka rata W tacawwea. MaoWa. A WDaoa.4 cMl( UmiX II raw rwreaalwautl a4 AataUar II I 9eA mm. m aam avakula BaV. A w L . mm. IVJ am awa. a I , I I ' . n . .TT. . . - -T-!. -r . i i 1 . - . .w ' i -t- a . ,w - ' ' owoaw. I v ' . . . . , .A . i . w. If , m J m II UW I J ...... I I UEMJ.O. WOOD A CO. MuwfnaaA I I i tar ana aaaU. AEFJActt oocUwawtUwa XFFTJLK TO., . ' fc-wi la aj Llala rl nf, r Material. lUUiMMjaal 4AAaaAfc.A' T7OR TAtXADLR IFOK3fATIO.' Xi ia U. llAata,i. flwa ,K, .., At aAvoiS

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