4 . " Z s v 1 w n v i 1 E IJDj :JJL1 Grl0. S. 'BAKEE, Editor and Proprietor. T.E'RMS: S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IV. LOUISBURG , N. C., - FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1875. NO. 31. i.f. V s " OltTBcnool FttnishmeHt. Old Muter Brown brought bin forole down, ' Andbis face looked angry snd red. "(lo. seat you thero now, Anthony' Blair, Along with the girls," be said. . , t , Then Anthony Blair, with mortified air, ,. ; -With but bead down on hi breaut, Took hit jxnltnt wat by the maiden sweet, That he loved," cf all, the bent.' ' M And Anthony Blair seemed whimpering there, "1iC the. rogue" only made believe; ' '. ' Tor he peeped at the girl with the beautiful i : burls, ; ' ',-'' ; '. . And. og?I them over his sleeve. . ' ... 1 T : , : . , , , . . '? ROWJf. IN A COAIriT. jTrifles "often lead to great disasters, and it. seemed. but a trifle to me. when, on November morning; a telegram was put into my menu wuus nands as we ceased, to linger like the recurring nn- J ancTleariifg me once more in ntter dark-r dertones ?qf some monstrous passing- ness, both outwardly and in my heart bell, I am- not superstitious! bnt it I Worse still, as I turned the lamp I felt seemed just as well not to be ringing my the precious drops of oil pouring ever own knell; so I determined to waste no my fingers. I would then have wiLingly Tho French In Mexico. , The. Princess Salm-Salm, in her V. Recollections of .Mexico," says : The French officers treated the Mexicans with the utmost insolence and contempt. more powder in utterly futile attempts to J given all I possessed for another match. I Gentlemen whom they met on, the street over which I had wandered was honey combed by the operations of the col liers. At all events, this was my only chance, and it seemed well to keep up were preparing for a day's shooting. His presence - was demandedjin London oii some trust business, and he had lm mediately to give up all idea of report. He bogged me, however, to take Rover and the keeper,' and pursue my ' recrea tion as if he were with me. I was hot f)agerto make a large bag ; "so T deter mined to discard the man, and take a Jong rainblcoa ,the lonely.- hills behind Jlradfof d, in the-hope of .-picking up a fttray woodcock, as well as a brace or two of; grouse. Perhaps r.was at little v tired of partridges' amongst the turnips, and wanted an excuse for a walk as much as anything- -The day was "Somewhat gloomy. Torn;wispg of, dark cloud hur ried Wer1 (lie hills "at 'the pack)f niy friend's house, but I did not mind a wetting; ' so 'started 4 with Rover, my pointer, whb frisked about'in as exhilarated- a state as his master. Soon I gained Baddon Fell, the highest 'point in (ho district, and turned to look' on tbQ tall chimneys and smoky' pall of Bradford. Thence' my cburse;lay over hill and valley, . succeeding one another in gentle . acclivities. Neither grouse, which were very wild, nor woodcock, fell to my erun. At noon I rested, and ato a couple of biscuits, by way of lunch. Then on again ; and on rising a slope, 1 beheld a small scrub of brambles, spruce firs, and larch,-with a holy or two inter mingled, surrounded by a dilapidated fence. It was about a hundred yards across, ana none of the trees were mpre than ten feet high ; but it was in a shel tered spot, and was just the place in which a woodcock would rest a short time after its flight. Rover divined my intention, and pushed on a few yards before me. No one was in sight. A few sheep dotted the face of the oppo site hill. Rain had begun to fall, and the whole landscape was cheerless to degree. I climbed the slight fence, and followed Rover into the brushwood. dozen steps, and I suddenly felt myself slip forward. I "caught the stem of larch,' i and, to my horror, glided down with a crashing of sticks and a howl from the terrified dog glided down as it raighjt be for a moment or two, through v ' imsir ana brafco i oij uu. After f this , disappointment. I once - r A Jow moan. of Dain at my side now i more beiran td despair; and yet, deter ma le me start; Jbut on calling to Rover, mining not to give in without another I found it proceeded from him. He had great struggle, I went on, blindly hop- fallen with me,,but. less fortunate as I ing to light upon some clew which might lound on BCrambling to where tne moans perchance leaa me to a wonting stiu proceeded from had broken his back in actively , prosecuted; f fori 13 knew that the descent. It was piteous to feel the much of the-district underlying the hills poor ahimaV licking-my 'hand, and to know that he was powerless to drag him- self ajrard. TEyenln Ihe upper-world there would have been no cure for him, and sorry asI was to lose his companion ship In the utter 'darkness whidi envel-, oped me, I knew it was more humane to put an end p his sufferings. . There was agony hi 'the thought, but what conjd be done ? Immediately, the faithful crea ture was no more, and now I was left ab solutely without a friend Itt' the 'bowels of the earth. I in a measure encouraged myself, however, by thinking that after dinner had waited an hour, Mrs. Willis would probably beooma alarmed, and send out to scour the neighborhood. But who would dream of looking for me in a de- were insuitea ana maitreatea; ana tne ladies dared not venture into the street, from fear of being subjected to like indignities;' Their rapacity was un limited, and their conduct, when they were on any military expedition, equaled in horrors everything the old ' historians have recorded. . Wholesale butcheries, the execution of innocent persons, nd the plundering and burning of houses, were r not the ; worst , of their crimes. Their treatment of women, and that, hope to the lastr All at onoe, I fell over too, in the presence of their friends and found it was an iron chair yet in gitu. I nished facts, would , not be believed. Thnntrh th Tails and transoms had Vm Their name will be forever held in exe- removed, here was a discovery (though, I cration in Mexico, and their recent dis T nnM Tint hnild too mnoh on it which comforture by the Oermans has, l am serted coal pit ? and who could track my a frequented pari of Ihe pit. The most steps over the barren moors, to the point intense listening disclosed no sound. It "where - the earth subsided: under me t was quite possible, I thought, if I pur- And then once more hope awoke strong sued this track, that it might bring .me kindled hope, and I felt in front of it till I kicked another, and then another;' These sucdessivbi chairs showed that I was on a track, at all events, along which" I could hasten without constant fear! of running against the walls of the pit, and which, so long as I was careful to keep. touching these chairs, might lead me to sure, rejoiced ever true Mexican heart. liazame earned nimseii in Mexico as though he were the emperor , and Maxi tnillian only his under-strapper. Every body trembled before him, and even the. - French despised as well as. feared hinar-et least every man of them did who possessed a spark pi honor. . . ; ' ; His brutality, arrogance, - and cruelty re well i known-to the world;! not so, liowever, his : treason and intrigues against -Maximillian, whom he wished .to 8mm the (VHeiu Result the . Work ofthek 8wrgit. , The power of the lower forms of ani mal life to withstand mutHatioD.' sayt the Scientific American, ia well knows. Cut an angle worm in two, and the tail end, will reproduce the head and the hed a tail. Other worms may be cut into W A many pieces ana eacn xragmenK wui straightway develop . a complete worm." A polyp will endure decapitation a score of times, a new head growing on every time. In like manner, the stomach of one of these creatures is capable . of de veloping all the other parts. , Still lower in the scale, the normal method, of mul tiplication is by division, and elementary cells of more highly differentiated or ganisms seem to retain more or less of the primitive character. By virtue of this inheritance, spiders reproduce their lost limbs and crabs their claws. In the higher forms of life, the power dimin ishes so far as complex organs are in Tolved; still it is retained to a-much greater degree than is commonly sup posed I j Pull out hair or a finger nail, and it will grow again. 'Removes portion o the skin and it will be . renewed, unless the wound is . too broad or the life o! the surrounding parts too feeble. Even then it .is possible to transplant .to the denuded, surface minute particles o o y.W , . .- "-. iw,. 1 .Vin vnm -vtVioy narta n.f and irrepressible within" me. ...ii to a level entrance into the pit. I must compel to abdicate, because , that better, T 7 , I 1 - 11 ' t J cmit-aA h tut in f V.nAlsnn III I Un I Jiv -" w.v..w Being greatly exhausted, r I could ho I nwfW onger resist sleep, and when I woke and then,' with- an awful plunge, wo all disappeared into dark ness, while, bushes and earth rattled over mo for another Afew 'seconds. To this succeeded a crash and a stunning blow, 1 nnd I kiiew no more" ' t p " .After what seemed' an age, I came to 'myself, cak and Bprely numbed; every limb achiiig, and my Iiead splitting with agony but without any , broken, bones, as L discovered when able to stand up again. The faot omy having slid down on the mass of debris had providentially saved my 'life, but (the xrisentangling . myself from the bushes and briers which , had almost smothered rne, tookof, itself somo little time. Slowly recollection re turned with the flow of blood in its old I e ' channels, and after having .-been frozen, as it wero, by the shock. It was pitch I dark, Tond awful , silence reigned around. High up, I could discern a patch of gray sky, but itj was evidently j the- hour oi ' V n llJilt, unu nuuu xv, w luucuvuh i a length, I gathei-edU my, senses, and thV 'convicriou'ther floshe"d Vpon that J had fallen down the shaft of a disused ccmJIilnd.iK81"1 .such an out-of-the-way valley over the Weakillsiaes; hh "rescue1 extreme " ' V nnprobarilo. WillisV Vnotm- , , foo a w clays 'agO and liad told iap that . . .scrub and brushwood were usually , plant- a ! ed ovtr tho sicrht of them ; or some roufjh Jlank and hurdles loosely thrown over. struck a fuse, I "found it was again six o'clock;, six a. m., I supposed, of th day after my accident. Shortly after, the watch stopped, and I-was far thV future obliged to guess at the lapse of time, ; as the watch key had been, left on my dress ing table at home. Energy returned after my slumber, and, together with' a burning thirst, drove me to leave the mouth" of the pit, and search for water. I left my gun and pocketbobk DetiindIffe, having first scrawled a few words on a page of it, in case rescuers should descend in my ab sence. . I walked on boldly, from the mouth where higli above, the,, circular patch of sky was once more i appearing with dawn, and affording me aj ; ray of hope; . When fairly in the darkness, I stopped to listen, and. the silence was awful. . Again I pressed on through what seemed light sand, but which I well knew was dry coal dust, which invaria bly carpets a pit, and extends up to the ankles of any one walking in it. At length v I heard the pleasant sound of water trickling down, and immediately I was on the edge of a rill, at which I had a delicious and refreshing draught. I lay for some time by the rill, and left it invigorated, and1 once "more," strange to say, hopeful. I . How to find my way back wa$ no my difficulty. Hunger admits of no parley ing, and ,1 .was now resolved to appease my appetite on what had before seemed so revolting, the flesh, of ; poor Rover. Staggering back to the spot where he lay, th re was a hurrhjd rush past me of ari army of small 'ardmals. The truth flashed upon me. Poor Rover's body was being gnawed to pieces . and ; de voured by rats. . - ' ! f i ! Strength of mind almost again forsook me. These frightful creatures, I thought, were waiting in , the gloom . to pick my bones as well. Though this were a dis used working, the presence of rats, I felt assured, pointed ont that there were worked portions of the mine at no great distanced If they, did not, .muster up courage enough to " overwhelm 1 me by numbers, I miarhtyet be saved. Now I my monotonous task, of kicking .these iron chairs, which recrularly succeeded each other at intervals of four yards, till, to my great joy, I reached a rail fixed on the chairs; and a few yards fur ther, finding the rail continuous, I began to feel 'certain thatjl was n'theTright mode of escape. Taking the last draught of water which remained, I made a mental vow not to lie down, j for I felt I should never rise again if I didl Fortunately the "end was at hand, i :; Was I dreaming, or oat of the body in Hades? Did a dull -knocking strike upon my ears, or was it the labored thud of my heart's slow beating that I heard ? I shook off fancies for a moment, and realized as I stood there, leaning against the wall, that repeated blows, smothered v. , 1 " i i --l. . . Dy xusiance, were,oeing struca peiore me. The knocking continued; two or three blows being given, and then a momentary halt. I recognized the sound of colliers' picks, and thankfully strove to penetrate to them, butmy. knees would no longer support' me; I staggered on, and fell prostrate. ' Still, it seemed so awful a death to die within reach of succor, that I shouted as loud as I could, and was en tranced when the knocking ceased, as thouglj the colliers were listening. The revulsion of ! hope-was too much iny faculties all becama dim and hazy; I fired off in succession the two barrels of my gun. ; k My "next recollection is that of a knot ef colliers, in semi-nudity, who had just suited, the policy of . Napoleon HI.' ; He even furnished the Liberate' with muni tions, and surrendered to them cities; yes; her even went so far as to offer to surrender the capital to Torflrio Diaz, which' ignominious proposition "was re fused. ' Porfirio Diaz, who is a man " of honor and incapable of telling a' false hood, told Prince Salm-Salm this him- Self.' -.' " 1 r .n ' ' I have said that Baza ine was low and avaricious. To justify this1 accusation I have only to cite what, was well known to everybody in Mexico.. There was nothing he would not stoop to to enrich himself. Among other things, he had in the name of others, of course two stores in the city, the one a grocery, the other a draper house, in which were sold French stuffs aim ost exclusively. - In this manner he grew rich very rapidly, for he found means to avoid paying any transportation or duty. In order to account for his rapidly increasing wealth, or rather to conceal the means by which it was' acquired, he gave out that the Mexican lady whom he married was very rich. This was en tirely false; the girl he married, and who is now his wife, was poor. A OUMLAT JIYSTF.RY, Jtnetlrml IIntj The strongest aids of a piece cf timber is that which in its rut oral position faced the north., . .... ;t - ;- iToremare the rUina on poons caused by naing thera for boiled eggi, rub with common salt. . Oak timber loses about one-fifth of its weight in lessoning, and about one-third of its weight in becoming- perfectly dry. . .Tp-dinnfect, moldy 'caAkVf'flrst wah for 'about fire Vmrrulea with an alkaline solution of soda, and then aoak for one or two days with a . liquor addulsted whydrochlorio acid.-; , :. A.woond made by f keif e r other sharp instrument is -- best healed by bringing ths edges .tORvthfr sd putting on a bandage which will not exclude the air. . Nature will work the cure, if the person be healthy, much better than any salve or ointment. " ' An ox will consume two per bent, of his weight of -bay per: day1 o J inainU la his condition. -If ptittd modswte labor, aa increase of this quantity to three per cent, will enable .him, to perform his work and still maintain his flesh. If he to be fatted, ho require about four Frtfh Cheimtwt Pweeeed tm T ru in m Ctfm tmtm Silh, nn4 then Mwmierfumlv llmymr9 . ' . A few weeks ago there arrived in New York city from New Orleans, the World ssys, a dapper little Frenchman named Paul Msgner. He had l-n a practicing chemiMt in New OrUans, and claimed to be the discoverer of a wonderful process by which, flax or cot tod fiber could be converted into silk, or into a texture so nearly like silk as to defy all ordinary inspection and tents. The results of this process of which the Frenchman alone had the secret had already been ex hibited bv sample to a limited circle of . ...... . manufacturers and experts at the boulh.. So thorough and deceptive was the change which it accomplished, that the majority of such persons ceroid, only im agine a fraud. They smiled, with In credulity at the assumption thai the specimens submitted to them by the Frenchman were ' other ' than genuine silk, which, they insisted, he .must have substituted adroitly for the fUx and cot ton yarns that he professed' to have transformed. "But Paul Magner was a cnemist ox some rrpuiuuu. ' uo mmhhhi . - - . , . . , . . ,.n. that he' had devoted lopg,. ItientM of U. Veight daily ii.. ..riT,; in nutntioos food. t- U1UUUXV W Uio eaAi ssaj mm v. mv . v fibers. In the cocoon of the Rilkworm he had identified certain elements which were wanting in the fibers of the fiaxaod cotton plants. These" elements, chemi cally obtained, he claimed -.ta be able to apply to the latter products in such man ner that they should be . converted into an article which must be regarded as ilk in all that the name Implies. Parcels is 'Too crest care of the bValOi cannot be exercised." r Because a in a snort epidermic islands will extend their borders until the wound is covered and the sore heals with scarcely a scar. In like manner a severed finger may .be made to 'grow -together again, and an amputated nose built up in form with live flesh, from the cheek, . . In such cases muscular fibers as well as Klein are restored or reunited bv inter- laboratorr , bv the - dozen, and within " . . . - nal growth. " TW may be observed also I fifty, minutes he bad returned corre where a deep out is healed. It has been sponding ones of lustrous silk I 'The 1st- at this S3 period tew days are open, .bright and warm, all the windows in the house should not le thrown open, the fires put out, or flan nels thrown aside, Tt is better to err on the safe side, and eii dure the trifling dis comfort; than, by free exposure, to in vite pnenmonia and other dUesees com- of cotton and flax yarns, -accurately I mon' during tne damp wcaiaer pi a im weighed, distincuveiymarasdanu ower-1 spring. , wise identified, had been passed, iato .his j found, too, that the .muscular tissues which perform involuntary motions in the interior of the body possess the same power ef self-restoration. .It is tins re cuperative faculty which enables the cattle of Abyssinia to supply their bar barous owners with steaks without losing their lives. The hungry savage throws his ox upon the ground, makes a cross cut in the skin of the flank, lifts the skin and cuts out a chunk of beef for his terliad even been 'analyzed by expert chemist' and 'certified not to be real ailk, but to be : veritable cotton and Jyix yarns aforesaid. ... .... . Magner made arrangements with" a silk house at PaUrson, N. J. A quantity of chemicals, prepared for the transmu tation of cotton, flax, etc, into ailk, was soon in readiness. A small parcel of flay yarn was operated on; woven into ribbon by the machinery; came ut as ' t ; A Defaulter' Gold, Ten years ago Charles Windsor was cashier of the Mercantile Bank, New York. He became a defaulter to that institution to the amount of , $160,000, and fled to Europe, where, it is believed, he still remains. Previous to . his defal- dinner, replaces the skin,' and drives on j glossy as the purest silk. All concerned were in ecstaaes. " There s millions in it" was the unanimous cry. and it was thereupon .baptized, and it was to be known in commerce by the name oi tolcne. : '' But now comes a most singular story from Paterson. Suddenly the French man disappeared. The friends of Mag ner could not account for his absence. The proprietor of the factory, still main tains perfect faith in the Frenchman's process, aud tho integrity of the man himself. He thinks that the latter was left , their .workings; -and oome through cation and flight he lived at Factoryville, tnejoratuce wnjcu. oiviaeg ineir portion of the pit 'from the disused partj and were standing round with their safety lamps. They had fled, they afterwards told me, at first, thinking an explosion had r taken place in the abandoned workings;! and.it , was , longbefore the butty" could persuade "any of them to follow him. But when they once saw owning and occupying premises now the property of Mr. Albert BodineJ and which, for.( eonsiderable pf, the inter vening - time ' have been - unoccupied. Recently Mr. Bodine.made arrange ments to have the place put in order far a tenant, and while three men were at work clearing out a . cesspool they '; came upon a large amount of gold coin, vari ously stated at from $20,000 ,tp $30,000, reioicincr. trust in a: to internal growth to restore the mutilated part to health and soundness.' InjBvery wound of the skin or muscle, nerves are severed. The restoration of the functions of feeling, and motion, with the progressive healing of "the wound, shows that the nerves are like wise capable of reparation. The renewal of nerve connection has been watched in cases where, as is sometimes neces sary, a section of a large nerve has been cut out. In a couple of months after the nerve is cut, a gray lump appears on one extremity' of the severed nerve. Growth proceeds towards the opposite nerve end until a new connection is made, at -first more slender than the original; but by degrees the nerve ele ments increase .in' size and' whiteness, until, in from four to six - months,- the nervous cord is fully : restored. The process, it is said, goes, on, even when two inches of nerve has been excised. 1 - The 8tveple It is singular, says the Dmbury Xctci, the influence a stovepipe has, upon r cnarried. man. There is. nothing in this world he respects so much. ' A pawing load of farui.uro may. in its general sp- pearance.be so grotesque as to rail forth the merriment of tne thoughtless young, but if there is a piece of stovepipe in it no lanrcr a hat, he will not laugh. We don't care who the man U, how he has been brought up, what Is This posi tion, wealth or influence, there is that about a length of stovepipe which takes hold upon his Very soul with a force that he is helpless to resist. And, the mar ried who can stand within reaching distance of a stovepipe without feeling his heart throb, his hands clinch, his hair raise, and his throat grow dry and husky, is aa anomaly which .does not exist. . Stovepipe has only, one in gredient, and that is contrarineM. It is the most perverse article ia exUtenoe. It has done more to create heartache, embitter lives, break tip homes, and scrape off skin, than all other domestic articles tocether. The other domentio -V i i f -rrrv. 1 screwdriver pales its ineffectual fires ia iha niwwnmi oi m BWJvriniT-. uu , . . . came entirely crazy, and fled to Europe to escape imaginary evils."0 Ajbox of ribbons, woven from common flax yarn, but brilliant as from the looms of .Lyons, at his office to testify to what remains might have been. About a Diamond., j presence ox a ...... family hammer just paws ia ine aust and weeps. We don't care bow much pains are taken to remember and keep in order, the links, they will not come together, as. they came, apart. This is not joke, this is not exaggeration; it is Kimnlv the solemn, heaven-born truth. If we appear unduly excited la this mat my deplorable condition, agonized, with huncrerand thirst, crimv from head to which is doubtless rart of thd S1G0.000 subject to the same laws. The cartila foot with coal dust, thin and cadaverous taken by Windsor from the bank and I ginous tissue of dogs and rabbits wss witha$xiety,"'nor sisters of charity xuld 1 placed "by; hiai in the cesspool for safe- j divided, and at the end of two months -nave oeen more xeiiuer in uieix mmiBira; j aeepmg. ujn.ii. sucn ume as jie migni took up my gun as a. protection, and re- a -wagon, and drawn by one of the solving to give up. what" I had previously pit horses to the pit-head. regarded as a . treasure , of r inestimable value; the rill of runningrwater, prepared to strike boldly into an opposite . work- inga Uke-lmychancei 'My flask was might sup- days, if the the yawning mouth of tho ;v. Aast List ctutioM8 h'al heeu Uirown. away ! Ul " St .-iking a light with a f ase! I fouid ing,"ana tate my cnanco. my m tijh 'pt onct ' with iff I rAig port life ' f orT couple 1 of ; days. tions. Warm tea and bread in spare morsels were given me; and then I was raised, and carried to the working, put Never shall I forget the delight of beiijg. brought up to " bank," and once more feeling the identify it. blessed air of heaven blow on my ' hag gard cheeks. And if any day my resolu tion not to shoot again on a Yorkshire moor were in danger of being shaken by hive the opportunity . to secure it. . The. matter was kept quiet - until the bank officers were informed of the discovery, and have,' it is understood, made arrage-ments-to claim the gold, although there some doubt about tneir abuitT to is nightly dreams would soon force fnetp abide by my vow. I inking a light ' . - .it was nix o'elockt so that I must have ,. : been ciaconscicras foroxne.htrar8.-it X b 'gin te-" moyo' nftouVfor; though mjaeh 1 '6rmrpsseif witri th hbrrdr; of : mr'situa- tion, I wanted to circulate my blood, and -aloned.workmgfrom;the main v ,: sevueu st pnoo tnap it was no use 10 give in and lie on the heap which had fallen wst etiwiorsl,! 'gtened 1 itah1e invitations of Willik, my my waisf panJr-f a , piaui: w . pp cravings Of hunger rwhich :I had lesrned fsls6 frdsr thepRedj Iadiahs-ahdidrpping a finger oFmyC kid 'glove in the'flask, by dint of chewing iv, riladV'a sorry meal, batet tone ."that greatly relieved my pangs, ana openea uiesauvarv guyius w my wonderful refreshments My new track Trtrt . tn a fl.Tor of vnrv tiupvpti nntriTt. and "ve ,waiciu' 'he roof couldibe felt, vet coat nmtched weU. - iW u fnr. Supposed to be," was the answer. ht w v w-v.. a f w w A . hsnken working . than! a. -thoroughfare, so h And yu owtorbeu ma peace I in L'tAunV nt MTtriri-kfi'frt rtn Ma Cothex Vords, you galloped into a saloon, - - r. . i - ' . . ; side, where the roof ain'rose,"cChis I knocked a man down, Kicaea over ine supposea w do uie passage icaoing w Hint a to Economist. :. Old ingrain carpeting, carefully washed and dried, .can be put to many uses. From he ' larger pieces pretty rags' may TLa old Princess DcmidorCT tted to fur 'it. .but we cannot a i.'l ' T 1.-,1 I V" 1 ' I a Tt-. srn'U nnrTt tlaiv sttlll . . - m i ine iiiiv ana wwnn r -vx i is sister iiiihi isviaaa suiu l nss ti ilj aw m iiiuus w mi m . . S -n to .visit Ivre, and Ject staUwiutfeethebW tingle to be incapable of renovation, ; was -also taking off her shawl, becaus I the gallery at;our very fgers .ends. , fi,. TTTrl nf fr. Elisa Ford, a lady VT.. . T.1 neW between fire sad six bun- astound 'to be completely ' stored. MV rxrands, took pW' (he 'other dsy irailarly th tendons by which' muscles ?e ? WJ?i " lieVJ , la Ih2adhU. Her are' attached to bones are able to reunite .? "".TT TLlZ fcSrv ha. been very pacriiaT. Seven- when severed or torn out: a fortunate ww r T " lt i Thanksririntr dsy piece of glass. . Ua geiung mio per car- j - " Tv' . riage the princess asked for jhW shawL Ford, who then ret Ixrbr. burforgotW inquTfore diamond; was engaged in rnS . and drove off. , The next W. she sent guests wto had J' around to Janln for.her precious stone, jooa .with her.. Buddly J. but no diamond was to he found. . The lr nns dropped to Her stl, and from !l !, nnfl the wash tint time lo the preaent ah has beea was s: circumstance for s prominent clergyman of this city. . whoso tendo achittii was suddenly snapped while walking along the street one day last winter, thus making his foot , temporarily, useless. Thanks, however, to iha gradual reunion of the tendon, the crippled limb will in time bo be restored to usefulness. . . Still more remarkable is the reeto ra te ade,rand the smaller pieces can be rf Win in nbnomll rnontlona bv the caaen u cover Doxes. a. long pox sndwithit IheSancy. Offwnl Janin in tVepidatioa' to the domicile of his washerwoman. : In onlef to avoid sa?pi-. dorChe askea her quietly - if she hai lil Reference. j " "Your name is Jack Leonard, is it" asked his honor, of the Detroit police- court, as he looked down upon a young man whose short hair, black eye and vei- tion of bonesj and even the development tol Z!J-rJ: fVB" -fm- ly found any thin gin the pocket of his vest, hold woodsy ;the kienVraftting-rbom kembrahe sarrouudin bony structures ' No," ud she. Qcute sare asked frre;r.tto Vfi and the principal agent in elaborating h;&xn, rcoming lividly pale. 'Ah! ia usedr-are comfortable aeata, and really n-- Formerly, in "case of a badly yes, I did, by . the way; -a btg piece of ornsmenKu waea , wiereu . wna wptv, khattered or diseased bone, the amputa- I e1 i "lv, " with mo, till death came by 'inches. ! Terhaps, if I tired a shot, it might at t tract notice, and enable ine at the same . ..time to sec, for a moment where I was. Accordingly, I took ami ia. the direction 0 J. . I conceived the shaft was, and drew the - 'trigger. I shall uever forget the result. For an instant the vast caverns that seemed to yawn on every side around 1 : "nie were lit up, and I could catch a 'cUmpso of huge buttresses reaching up on high, like the arms 'of Atlas.. The . r.viC T .nnLl nnf Rfifl. owinff tO'the mO- was appalling. The explosion echoed 4 and reqehoed round the dark vault, and ' ' then fled away in muttering tiiunders into the unknown, darkness, seeming to ' be caught up, "and buffeted between the buttresses, and, for 'several moments after these repercussions of Round had andusty jftoor, rh"ereackemcthing which sounded metallic, and picketl up what I rnadf out by feeling to be ajold safety lamp. The padlock was still on its side, and the ring at the top was not eaten away or rendered less easy in its plyll)yirust5i: Clearly, the pit had net been many yeais abandoned. And then brilliant " thotfght BtrucJt me. w un hands-, trembling from excitement, I opened my pocket-knife," and forced off the 'littles padlock - with some' little trouble; ' The 1 1 urew out my fuse-box, scarcely daring to allow to myself that there' might be sufficient oil left in the stove, hit a man from Sandusky on the ear with Ttarnhler andjbeld aSosh hand fOfKerime4Anf r .O A :JL '. ' I have references as to my respecta bility," replied the prisoner. ! Nate them." ; f .,, V " WeU," there's v Chicago'' Bob, the Cleveland Infant, the Toledo Masher, Buffalo Giant, Cincinnati Joe, and ing. v xiia 1 na ox - snca a dock aaouio, ne enshioned by placing upon it a layer of hay -or straw, and then alajer of cotton batting, and tacking tightly over this a covering of" old drilling or stout cloth, before -hearpeting is tacked upon ' it. Smaller boxes are very convenient for holding' the slippers and rubbers of the family, and serve, jalso, as ottomans or small seats. .Others of the same descrip tioni lined with old calico, are nice re- ceptacies for the sewing or mending of the household. If neatly cushioned and covered, these are handsome additions to the furniture of a roorair A shoe box is a very good size to cover for "holding wodd. 'Soap, starch and salt boxes will t ion of the limb was the only . resource. Now the skillful sareeon excavates the damaged parts; and in a few months the ,lirab, which has never lost its form, re pairs its losses, and regains its .strength .Attempts iisve also been made, to, graft healthy bones in place Qi diseased, ones, but they have fallen short of perfect success. - . 1 , 1 i " - A Tcssua--Two aational- banks, one waa At . . A 1 . . TP ia . iiiinois,- ana me ouier xa Asnwns, he is plsy ing with it- in the yard,, and Janla rushed out to recover jthe gera brilliant colors of . which wcr? delighting a batch of dirty urchins, who wVre even shattering ' A man who is recommended by suck a serve for ottomans; all the expense will list .of distinguisned genuemen is en titled to the best I can do, and I fine voa twenty dollars or make it three OJ months." "Youdol" lfnx the.tackaandlungee, and. for the smaller boxes, stout leather may take the place of hinges to hang the lid. Cheese boxes, OT. anyjmall loir .-box, cushioaed as" mentioned above, and "covered with 'That's what I said, and if. you leok carpeting, make ptetty hassocks or foot- up at me that way again 111 have ttrjah j stools. - - mentariness of the flash, but the noisellawftnit of my obtaining a light, if was it was but for a short time. There but'one fuse left. '-' All my hopes, almost my existence, seemed, centered on it At length 1 plucked up courage enough to '? try to strike it. n It, fizzed for a mo ment, and then went ' irrecoverably out, comb your hair with a hanging basket. Go ia and sit down on the saw-horse and repent of the. error of your ways.' A lawyer ia, Corinne, Utah, advertises in a Chicago paper as follows : Divorces ypbtainadm forty-fivelsys ; no pubUa i-'-Ufrw in Mnm - !ial everywhere, Smce ice has'dssWesred f roui Mjt-Mcffve in advance rgal everywhere. flreat South bav. L. L. it is found that residetfceTla Utah, not required. , An ex- about halt:theoystirs left on the beds tremely liberal divorce lawv Jncmpab . , u A ntinr the winter are dead. 1 buit V SUSde&t cause, ICXmS mOOeraU. flgpiTigji mj mycuumwiM nw ub imwimwi o - claimed the same lot of cattlea herd of seven hundred head.. The directors of the Illinois bank proceeded to the prairies where the herd still roamed. took possession of the property, built fortification, and intrenched their force. The directors of the Kansas bank, head ed by their president, sallied forth from the board room, charged the works, routed the opposition, and secured the spoils. ' Several shots were fired, but no one was seriously injured. It may be interesting to know that the people of this country consumed last year 1,636,335 pounds of arsenic, 783, 737 pounds of -camphor, 116,053 pounds of jalap, 2o,201 pounds of ipecac, 237,213 pounds, of rux vomica, and $333,333 worth of vaccine virusail of which was imported; " powerless.: 'She then took to her bed, nd has; remained there until he died, requiring as much attention snd care as aa infant.? To maieratters i Vorse, she began to Wcotae exceedingly wteut, and ter weight Irjcreased ttniil bet arms snd xtreraitiee Iwsre said .to be, double the size of those f an ordinary person ia good health,, Ehe. weighed at lea five hundred pounds, and requireu xour cien to llTt her from her bed. With ex treme aifleulty ihsoorpae was iTonght down stairs and. laid out ia ce meaa nrinir thirty-six inch scros. There r"-,PIw.W- rr r Mmorts suCdenUy strong to the jewel into a tnousana sparaung xrag-r f . . rrrcin lhm m'nU- k'" i r . - bear ua weijht, it was laid cpoo Uie ments. The Ptmrn-m of Buffalo Cnmtti A letter from Mempius. Tena. asyf : Complaints are rxmrinjr iafrora all the surrounding, counties of Ihe fearful de-1 struction of horses and mutes cry uunalo gnats. Many small planters, especially colored ones, are ruined by having their only horses or mules killed, sad being unable to replace tnera at a tune wnea they are so badly needed. The Ledger publishes a letter from a planter near Macon, Fsyeue county, which says : Not tens than two hundred horse and mules have died daring the past three days withia ten miles of this place. I went down to my farm yesterday, diitrnt six miles, and counted thirty-eevea dead on the' way. I have lost four on my farm; and Dr. Hunter five on bis, while some planters have lost as high as thirty head. It looks like starvation to a people without money. Borne of the farmers will be compelled to turn out part' of the crop planted, as they have no caooey lo rtplaot tl stock fWr nd al tLo f unertl lae case placed sideways orrroCerl, and taken out through the. front-door. .... . u irmskimm Xot token Mm. hlgooloU minUter cf'a'New Eng land Baptist church was- agreeably surprised by the inteliigeaee from one of his flock, that five individual had ex pressed a desire on the next- S&nday to have the baptismal rite pexioroeu upon themselves. After its performance, now- ever,-he was somewhat chagrined that only cao of the five Joined the society of which he was pastor.' v a few Sundays after the' same worthy elder waited on him with the intelli gence tht ten mora desired immersion. . And how many of Jthera will join the society V, queried the tainUter. Two I regret to aay, ars'' a?l we can depend on, was the eLlerVreply. Very well,'' ; said the fcobd old man, you may as wH fcorritha other eight that this chsrah doesal take ia waah- i