77 I In n- "N j r4 2Qr S. 'BAJKKIl, Editor and Proprietor. 1 TJETRMS : .92.00 per Bim, VOL IV LOUISBURGv C. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1875. ' Tie- Singer.' Bhe ftitfi snl ding in the room below A tender ajaS of love w.d woe, Wedded tontuld plaintive and slow. ' And who would dream tfhifct her heart is While he uingeth bo nsds lay j " Heemliig to poafhfir onl sway""? T Why not ? Rhe doeth her heart no wrong f liipw J7-ln the whole day lon 4 VeT1 can afford to Borrow in 'nbug ! j ( Bo keen lyr Heaven ! ; nor lei her know Other mgUiugte than -thone that flow. Jlhvttjinlo, through ' ballads of Jove "and woe. J novel reader, and as that was t he hey day of Mrs. Kadcliffe's popularity, her brain was filled .'.with visions of the mysterious and the terrible. . Whe Mme.' Morin was cudgeling her and the dictates of prudence. Although' ill at the time, she hastened to Ragou- leau's house ; he was not. at . home, but enjoying the balmy days of early autumn at his country seat. From this cozy nest brains to devise 'some means of inducing he was soon roused by Jouard, wha sent Ragouleau to sign the notes,' Angelique to him a trusty emissary with full details THE I'LOT OFJMIE. JIORIX. ' A Story of Crime 'in France. One day in the month of September an individual named Ragouleau, attorney by profession, money-lender and reja.1 ( ebtato speculator by , practice, presented himself at the prefecture,; of ? police n t ho city of Paris, with : the . statement that ho was the destined victim of a plot laid against his life by-a widow lady named Morin, ana her daughter,, iAfc glique Delaporto. Everything was pre pared, he said, for the consummation hi tho crime; a house had been rented somo where in the jurisdiction of Paris j he was to be. attracted thither on- some pretense; once there, ho was to be de coyed into a cellar, and j forced to sign notes for an enormous amount; after which he would bo assassinated, and his body secreted. j - Had Ragouleau any proofs ? Oh ! yos, he replied, producing an invitation from Mmo.. Morin to take breakfast with herself and her daughter on September 21th.... This was not much, - but the frightened attorney went on to state that -a-woman named Jouard bad warned him that tho widow Morin had for a long time vowed to have his life, and that fci ptempter 21th had been fixed upon to lure him into a deadly ambush. Hero Avaa something more, tangible. Mile. Jouard was an old friend of the . police, and au officer was dispatched post has to to bring her before the pre . feet. This woman lived a dual sort of existence, carrying on the professional tiudo of an cngYavcr in the Rue Dau )liine, and at tho same time keeping! a , Kin.vll tobacco shop in tho Rue de Jui ' verie. j ftho had, however, some other means' of obtaining a livelihood, while iu order to pursue her various callings without interference, she jotted down ami reported whatever she thought might provo of interest to the inspector of tho police. Produced before tho pre fect, fcho confirmed Ragouleau's .story, mul gave fmther details .as to tho ;mo tivea which had induced tho two wjmn to undertake so strange a crime.' 1 Mme. Morin, said the wituess, had had cor- - I . tain pecuniary transactions with Ragop lenn, in which sho believed he had cheated , her j Carefully , .qoncealing? her iitititionj Kho a6xst-. Wfrfy tfa'WJ t avengo herself. "With this object siie eulled on Jouard, and begged the latter to irocur9tto,ilpsperte rascals wto migni nil ner oi ner enemy. - Morin- secured f the services pf . ,o named Xeiebvre and.a woman, known . as Iiucie if "Jacotinfji tott whom - i she confided' her project ' Mm 2 Morin next rented a house in 15 the suburbs of l'ari-s closed npr the cellar' openings, and with tho aid of her two assistants placed tliero a "stako with chains and ropes it tached, in orde to bind .Ragouleau, when, once- coaxed, was then, paid Jouard, to bo forced Jto sign bills pf excluuige to - the f amount o 300,000 francs, whereupon he would be strangled and his body thrown into, the Seinp. Witness also said she had realry seen the was engrossed in the perusal of a book. It was quite to her taste. OoL Wolmer, the hero,t having learned the death of an rnlcle of fabulous wealth, sets out to take poaaession -of his unexpected heritage. On his way, passing through the somber shadows of a .-Bohemian forest, .. two menacuig phantoms appeared to bar his passage. , The intrepid tVolmer 'drew his sword and chased them through the underbrush. Suddenly a , trap-door opened under his feet, and i swallowed him up. When he came to his senses he found himself chained to a t take in a vast dungeon, beside a table illumined by the light of flaring torches. ' Upon the" table were writing materials and promissory i notes j tor an enormous amount.1, : ? Vxe.M : ft This thrilling episode was a revelation to the romantic Angelique; she had found the means to persuade ' Ragouleau to 4su3m means which her mother ap proved. It was only necessary to pro cure a dungeon and a 3 pair of muscular phantoms, Jouard, who was let into the secret, undertook to provide the latter, hot forgetting meanwhile to collect the money one ner lor ner various services in the malterT v SHe took good '.care; to natter ineir nopes wiin promises oi sue cess. of the plot. Ragouleau,' incredulous, hastened to Paris, s He no a sooner reached his house thanHh concierge placed iu his hand the fatal invitation to breakfast. With a single bound he 'was at the prefecture in the Rue Jerusalem, and the rest of the story has been already t0ld. , , . i ., The police were satisfied .that the plot in all its details was to be carried out. Upon the trial the mother and daughter were found guilty of the attempt to ex tort money by force and violence, ibut innocent of the attempted murder, and received the severe sentence of twenty years hard labor and exposure in i the pillory ? the two- accomplices were sen tenced to five years' hard labor. On the day of their exposure in the ; open square in front of the Palais de Justice, much pity was expressed by the crowd for these poor women, . guilty, , it, is. true, but hardly realizing what they were abput, egged on by an emissary of the police, and brought to the ', threshold . of crime by terrible provocations. ' There was no mitigation of their sentence, howetvers and they suffered the full penalty' of I the law irf the prison of St. liazare.'" 7- - '- t- The widow havinsr errown tired of waiting, she and her daughter resolved to act, and secured the services of Nicho las Lef ebvre, a stout rascal ' of 5 thirty seven, and Lucie Jacotin. They next discovered at Olignancourt - a small house quite hidden in the foliage of a large garden; Mme. Morin hired it, os tensibly for a dairy, and the two women aided by their new .assistants set to work The subterranean architecture , of 'Olig nancourt consisted of one large and two email cellars opening into the garden by two large air-holes, flush with the ground. One of these was covered with a grating, the other was open and form ed a dangerous trap for any one not familiar with its situation. The widow, on taking possession of the premises, said she would have these walled up, as she considered them dangerous and likely to become a nuisance. t This was accordingly done, and thus all connec tion between the cellar and the outer world, save by a door inside the house, was effectually cut off. The stage being thus arranged the assistants planted in the cellar .floor a stout post, which Mine. Morin, with her own hands,, secured ; with plaster and rubble; a chair wa3 placed with it3 back resting against this post, to which was also riveted a' chain "provided . with pad locks at each end. A table was o placed in front of tho chair with writing ma terials, and, in places of the flaring torches of the novel, two- candles, eight to the pound, in;. iron candelabra, shed a dim, quiet light on the scene. 'Angelique and her mother next, purchased two rusty dueling pistols, and' Lef ebvre instructed Angelique in the use of them a neces sary Vxiomplishraerit, as she i was to play the leading part in the coming drama. She practiced at a . mark, and her co-v adjutors uttered dismal shrieks in the cellar, while her mother, stationed in the garden, discovered with delight that eho could not hear a sound. ' V ,u The actors being now perfect in their parts, a full-dress rehearsal was next on the programme. Lef ebvre was seized and-place'd in the chair by the three Women, his hands were imprisoned in the KlnderlAtohin For It. " Do you answer to the name of Merri field Scott ?" inquired the Detroit court. "Yaas."- ; . He was a young man of four and twenty, and the "duds" on his back weren't enough in bulk to make a gbod sixed mop. His hair was down to his eves, there was coal dust and dirt all over him, and he moved around with slow and solemn step. ' Well, sir," resumed the court, "you are charged with vagrancy. The warrant says you have no home, no occupation, and that you couldn't buy a lemon if they sold 'em at a 'cent a million. Straighten up, look me in the eye, and j give me your candid opinion about it." " Ther' hain't no work," drawled the prisoner. " Have you sought for work ?" "Yaas." : "Where?" ' Wall,-I've been' kinder lookin all around town." " And your efforts have not been crowned with the successf ulness of suc cess?" "Naw." " Mr. Scott," continued his honor, as he fastened his teeth into an apple ; and drew a whole side away at once, ' sup pose that Daniel Boone had kinder look ed around in his young days were would Kentucky be now?" . . u " I dunno," sighed the prisoner, j ? ' Suppose, Mr. Scott, that Storey, of the Chicago Times, or Sam Bowles, of the Springfield Republican, or Dana, of the New York Sun, had spent their early days in sitting on a hydrant and watch ing the operations of ' a , pfle-driverrr-would they have ever had ' half ' & dozen libel suits at once, and been able to ; pay a coal bill on sight ?" ' - j V " I'tell you work is mighty skerce 1" exclaimed the prisoner, seeming tp be annoyed at the questioning. ? ; i " Well, I'll put you where you'll have a steady job for six . months. I make your sentence for. that lime, and if they are an economical set p there they Won't try to wash you up, but will just take' your hide off and raise a new man. ' - It may be asmmed, Bays the Herald of Jfealthy without , hesitation, that, whenever a pronounced case of typhoid breaks out in an isolated country house, or when any form oi low fever occurs, though it may fail to assume a distinct typhoid character, there is iu that house, or 'about it, or in connection with its supply of drinking water, some accumu lation of neglectod filth, some pile of rotten' vegetables in the cellar, some overflow from a barnyard, some spot of earth saturated with, the slops of the kitchen or some othor form of impurity, to which the origin of the disease may be distinctly traced. This being the case it lies perfectly within the province of every household to remove any source of infection to which his house may be liable. Yege- tables in any considerable amount should not be kept in , the house cellar, and at least once a week the floor of the cellar should be swept ' and every shred of waste vegetables removed. : Even when this is done, the cellar should be venti lated by a window or other small open ing toward the quarter least exposed to cold winds (and in summer on every side), - A , The privy t if a. privy is used, should be well away.' from the house, and es pecially far from the well, unless its con tents are received in a tight box and en tirely absorbed by dry earth or ashes," and even then frequently removed; the chamber slops of the house should never, under any circumstances, be thrown into the privy vault, nor into a porous cess pool, from which they can leach into the j ground and through the ground for a long distance into the well, or into and around the foundation of the house. The same disposal of the liquid wastes of the kitchen is desirable, but not so absolutely important. It is, however, The Ftrut Cattle Itfught Imf Unl tea 8t at em Territory. , The first animals that . arrived in any part of. the . present territory f the United States, says the SfaacAiuetl4 Ploughman; were probably thone taken to the colony on the James river, in Virginia, previous to the year 1600, the exact date of their arrival noticing known. Several: cows' are known, to have been carried there in 1610; an . A irorktmmm'm rry. j Three yean ago," said a stoaa tut-' ter telling his story to the New .York Sun, there were 2,300 atone cuttcra ia i " ' i A -IT" " t - . ...... - mJ - . cuy wno were geiung nve uouaxm a i men, and include 'JUUUU Ckfwacza. the : Diligence CQTamrjl, veajya. Bat doa not alwaya jpbcfef , TL RusuAn acay nnmb r 2, 000,000 day and plenty of work." There wma no 1 need for aingU ooe to lid n&employed. men and Englishmen whu had jwrred ! long apprenticeship of rlvt jmra in the j old country, "and there many of them An actma .said of. a inaparer: He during the following year, , 1611, no lesrf baTe returned during Che past twii years. than pne hundred head arrived itherei worn otxV by their' trouLloa here. To- from abroad. "j t ... , s,. j i l' I day our uniona number laorinoro than It is probable that those first .intro-1 1.000 xnembera. r and when the last dnced ihere were brought over, by the I monthly record was made up, oclj SSt of wuuwt auiuikiucia iuiu vuiuai uuuv I inrm vera IU PIUDlOTIIiruw UUknlUB Ki the unions there are perhaps aeventy-nve a on -society men. We get but four dol- from the West Indies. It is well known that some of their cattle came from Ireland- Those from the West Indies were the descendants of cattle brought to America by Columbus in his second I times we can work but nine months in voyage,' in 1493. We have seen' it as- the year. Three years go they paid os serted that so important was it con- fire dollars' a day, but they have aider ed that ' the cattle introduced into knocked it down fifty cents at a time to the infant colony should be . preserved the present rates. " Fifty cents' a 'day and allowed. to increase that an order I does not seem much, but it just pays the was issued forbidding the killing of rent for ray home up' there, and he domestic animals : of any kind, on pain pointed as be spoke to the story of a tall of death to the principal, burning of the I tenement house " I would go back to pea arcs better thaa any Vniger of the time. . We tris independent ana" rbn trolled by UAbody ; ' yci tdwrs'ehould be a master oorsalves.' ' - t'A r.xinlO i The Cincinnati Times $?hlLdics a lUt d aboat ts-ecij-rg jfflii for Gov ernor, pf Ohio., jj Aa'lxuliaBa. hirV-xecenUy n t urnod a written Yerdid ct..Bl6d A pieces by a bfler bursting. f t ; r yj I A young fellow accused hli girl- of lars a day. which is but small pay When J hrring trifled with his eelini and sho you consider that in the most prosperous J promptly pleaded jury. rhioh poverty. pVecnU hand and cropping the ears of the acoes sory, and a sound whipping of twenty four hours for a concealer of a knowl edge of the facts.- " Such encouragement Debt is' the wont Tliflpnt the tKivertv man from getting ilo djeblj , - ArarthiaaBhaa.-4Ckt0w, I'm leavin' of yar, mcra; I oayjo t-ll ycr as the key of thokiloliolVloor' fiU your storrrooxn I . .r t vi Artists have adopted yzzz-t emblems of charitr.1 We-wonder Tnjne of them sent to New England. The first cattle' that were introduced into the Plymouth colony, and un doubted the earliest brought into New important that this should be led by an England, arrived at Plymouth, in the impermeable drain to a point well away from the house and from the well; swill and all manner of nondescript refuse ma terial, such as is sloughed . off by every household in the ordinary course of its living, should be removed at least daily from the near vicinity of the dwelling, and the vessels in which it- accumulates should be frequently cleansed and aired; manure heap3 should hot be left to fer ment and send off their exhalations at a point whence frequent winds waft them toward and inio the dwelling, nor should the barnyard be allowed to drain (either over the surface or through a porous sod) toward the house or well. If all these precautions are taken, the well will be tolerably safe, and in most cases absolutely safe; but if there is any doubt on the point, then let no water be drank except after boiling; or the drink ing witer of the house may be taken entirely from a filtering which the filtering bed is sufficient to hold back all organic matter. ill v-iTintrTr ' vn t ? rr1.1 t if T could, but I have not the money to move I ever thought of a piece of Tiufla rubbrr. my xamuy mere, inougn many a i ume x i xiiuu b1",. ."Y , T7 T- Ham tmntk A Untm irk th iWUitii 1ml I stance. ' 4 r" .". being given to the raising '6f stock,.itis good-bye to eom fellow workmsnV and ' The New Yorkoonl'acrested for not surprising 10 nna me numoer oi cav- nave come back sad because I ootdd not I keeping open ounosya, ciiura xo open go wiui uiem. x vnru so muo more j now jus p joea w? puajv?w money for my little ones by going to j canaries are dvo feet odd. levies high, Canada, where wages are good and work I and mostly, take whisky. T;ao plenty, but I had to leave my: family J Two Irishmea trafAinr;oahe Balti more' and Ohio railroad kraciCjme to a that I was called back here again. , crile-post, when one;ol'.iixa said: In midsummer, from all reports,, it "Tread aisy, Pat; hem lim si m&n IDS looks as if the stone cutters, as many as rrarm old his . nam was &21ilrs. from are left, will be nearly all at work. . j Baltimore." 4 t . ;eos9 If you ever feel uneeftalaCbout any of the details of yoGfprivae affairs. dmex (or the bedbug), says the So- consult your innuisInttrTriecas. Ibey eniifia American, among other peculiar I always stand ready to gtre you p" points tie in Virginia ' in 1C20 amounting to about five hundred head; and in 1C39 to thirty thousand ; while, from the fact that in 1613 the number had been re duced to twenty thousand, we may infer I here, and the children all got rick, so that the restrictions on killing them had been removed. Many also had been A Xotable rest. d a a a , mmmm snip unanty, in loz. lney were im ported by Gov. Winslow for the colony, and consisted of three heifers and a bull. A division of the stock, which appears to have been held in common, was made in 1627, when one or two are described as black and white, others brindle; an evidence that there was no uniformity of color. These animals were to re main in the hands of individuals re ceiving them for ten years, ther to have tho produce, while' the old stock was still to be owned by the colony ia com mon. Twelve cows were sent to Cape Ann in 1626, and in 1629 thirty jmore, while in 1630 about a hundred animals were imported for the .' Governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England." These cattle were kept at Salem. i In the meantime the first importa tion was made into New York from Hoi- traits, hates horses . and wages deperate J about your own rmsiaessKiRrou never war on fleas. He will not attack fowls, even dreamed of. ; r but will 8 wallows and bats. Goeze has - There was once a legislator? who laid kept him six years without food, and he by thirty thousand doUrta one ses- has withstood a temperature of five de- aion. When he was iilVdho w he man- grees below zero, Fah., without injury, aged this with a salary of 'oiie' thousand The female deposits two hundred and dollars, he said thai he tared it by doing nity eggs at a ume, wincn require inree i without a hired gu f -vt JT rme doctors say uiaxnj-qfjaseieion weeks to hatch. Against these thero is practically no remedy save mercury ; heat, cold, moisture and dryness being alike destitute of effect. ' The insect is possessed of keen: sight, and of . an ex quisite sense of smell, by the latter of were never so cheap. & Qf? A good one can be had for tiod a;vrry fair one for $30, But reaWew4 not bo ia a hurry to buy theu 'lTFtatket,,?ul- There is a prospect thalthej,wju be stui which, nd not (as pop .laxly surposed) djcapej little hOer ia Ua sjbn. by the etnsalion of heat, it is guided to its prey. - The arcn enemy or tne beunng is a bug which rolls itself into a ball, covera paper containin g the ,r terrible 1 threats padlocked , chain, his f eet were: fastened which would bo used to extort his signa- in , the Yungs of Hh chair ; Angelique, . Ragouleau was instructed to postpone the projected breakfast till October 2, and the intervening- time was employd iu entangling the accused in the net pf tho police. : t n cj j Everything being at last satisfactorily nrrATirroil - TlnrrniilMui .nre&ented himself on - the . morninc oi the ?ad ol:.dciobeVtTwith these, words: and presented his ' regrets,edlining to deathaadreiringto memy own; 200,- accept mo invitation w ureaikAJWb. i wv . t ' Mme: ' Morin'. however insisted " that id f toris Write on each note, good for 20,- " should tro with her to visit V country 000 francs,alue received in kind,' and Aeeiijei Advertising. Newspaper advertising is now recog nized, by business men having faitii iri their own wares, as the most effective with a cocked pistol in each hand, ap- meana . for securing for their froods a proacneu nim, anawitn a gesture, snow- wide recognition of their merits. eu nim a paper containing tne iouowing lines: "If ever "in my life -I have a chance" to render Justice, you will' be the first to it receive." Then followed along recital of ; the many wrongs he had done the Widow Morin,"and thewholei concluded Choose between t' house she thought , of buying, though she would not close the bargain withoht consulting her " dear friend IA carriago was sent for and the trioTep tered, . ll u I " ' 3 The grounds of' tHeT animosity whieh !Mjne. Morin felt toward vftagouleau need not bo rehearsed 'in -'detail,. lA widow with considerable means, and no . the slightest knowledge of business, she sign them. I give you a quarter of an hour for decision. 'If r you prefer my vengeance, I wiHcatwonco "execute jit. You will understand it can only last half a. second; . woulcL. that T could prolong the pleasure, and. thus, repay, the horrible injuries ypu have inflicted upon me and mine 1 - , Mmej Morin, Jiaving completed her arrangements, hurried to Jouard, to ask : Newspaper 'advertising I compels; in quiry, and when the article offered is of good quality, and at a fair price, j the natural result is increased sales. . j - , Newspaper advertising is a perinanent addition to the reputation of the goods I aayenisea, Decause t xs a permanent influence always at work I in their! in terest. . ' ' '.' " j Newspaper advertising is ' the most energetic and vigilant of salesmen; ad dressing thousands each day, always in the adverstiser's interest, and ceaselessly at - work seeking customers from f all classes." .' : 1 ' ' - -. '- , - Newspaper advertising i promotes trade, for even in the dullest times j ad vertisers secure by t far the .largest share of what is being done. . , .. - , I While the advertiser eats and sleeps. printers, steam-engines and printing The Irish, Morally and, Physically. Interesting statistical reports have recently, been published which bring into comparison the different nationali ties composing the "United Kincdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In this the Irish appear to a great advantage on two important points in respect to morality in the relations between the two sexes, and in respect to physical health and mortality. Scotland is the best educated of the three countries. England occupies the second place in that respect, and Ireland tae last. But according to the reports for 1872, Scot land has the greatest proportion of ille- gitunate Dirtns, Jinglana less, but least of all Ireland. Only two-fifths per cent, of all the children born in Ireland i were illegitimate. . The reputation of the Irish as a moral people ia therefore' well founded. . The Irish, in spite of the poverty of the masses, seem to be the healthiest portion of the people of the United Kingdom. In England the proportion of the deaths of males under five years in 1872 was 41.49 per cent., while in the same year in Ireland it was 36.82 per cent.' Of those who died during that year in Ireland three hundred and sixty -eight "were returned - as persons over ninetv five years of age. The number of deaths of males in England during the same period was more than five times as large as the total number of deaths in Ireland, but only one hundred and ninety-five were returned as being ninety-five years old and upwards. This is a pretty good showing for the Irish people, and a strong testimony in their favor. A burglar who visited Kh4 -rolling of a woman in Union Cify.'TrwL, a few nights since, armed wifh Virvol ret and a set of brass knuckle 6ue in che conflict,' if necessary,' wiJi pif to flight itself with dirt and then lies motionless tion wasmaue into new xorittroxn xioi- . . ... . ... I wumi-s n cwmj, tr " Cistern, of Wb the Dnkh West India Com nan vJ pouaexng ou uxusg . mUtrmn of the boUsK'wbo cm x I T1 ' I rimer, the moment tne latter I comes I . . w . . within reach, and suckxcg"ita jcarcan dry. The objection to training aid rear ing' the hunter of bedbugs is that jit biton the - human race with much mono spite tnan it goes im natnrax prey. and the foundation laid for a valuable race pf animals. The number in jail in troduced was one hundred and .three. consisting of horses and cattle for breed- ing. The company furnished each ten ant with four cows, four JiorsesJ some v .iliJmJ ?f sheep and pigs for the term of six years, , - Tfl t Jis, when the number - of animals received was to be returned, their increase 'being,, left in the hands of each farmer, j Then , the cattle belonging to. tne company were distributed among those who were unable to buv stock. 1 - have any, .beneficial to man in simply to preach cleanliness ; xpr wbere toat xs maintained, ho finds' no 'Testing place. l I. 0 The indite JTonetH- who. Uvea i in an frouled him wIUTUieTeff ftta table. mK Western editor appeals to his delin quent subscribers by. saying : This wwk we hire taken In'potAtbrJ sad pickles on 'subscription.- Now, If yCwia bring in oma vinegar foe the picklcand some wood to .roast the ? P9E,fS!ws can live till artichokes gt .pig APg rhil XL Buarwas UVeti task the other day. by a aaloui brothe r cliurcli- Ugloui serviee.3 -"tt rained sid he. JL TWW WOTTiftTI. And so, for the settlements along the vT1 W ' bpdy.i'J think: W fTf , fiiatakm.- Delaware, cattle were introduced ty the exrctedlrpoesW Zuej&tx. Toodr Swedish West India Company ' inj 1627. "morxey ,wxth wbxclx prorvorty e . t., It will be seen, thereforethat before ch. troubled as "Captaxn .f ,mth : fP,. T y the close of the year lbJU tne n of horned cattle in all the colonic must have risen by natural increase "and by importations above named to seyera thousands. . rl" , I the' money which lie dared not Upend, was airaia to suqw, ana coma not carry about " him "for lact 'of pocicti. c She would have taken it to the baik, but ceuld not leave thkouee.-s J .f'- At Last she akca 1 tne advlcb oi - a French- 'CbsiMi.t - 'A Prsneh fam3y earft5Vr4and live well, on less Ihezx-WcxxkLis CdnaiderMl audcient to save . f xynx rratioa an American famUy pfjthefiamgumbers. w i ---.- . - . ... 1 1 . was: a pigeon nt lor ?piucjng7anai j-."!.i,fc t presses are at work lor nim, trams bear- icked her unirierei- " Xour plan is au very weu, saia tne vr- worii Jtagouleatt had plucked fully. Ha was a shrewd man, a .lender on usury, and had persuaded her to em bark in sundry real estato speculations, the issue of which he knew must be dfa aHtrous. lie loaned her, on mortgage, largo sums, which he knew she could not repay, and then foreclosbg hislies, bocamo possessed of the property jie)iad iu. latter, " but when Ragouleau has signed the bills, what will yon do with him? If -you let him go, he will at once inform the police." Here was a serious and, to the conspirators, iftu unforseen objection; how did thev answer it ? That was never known ; justice could obtain no certain information; but after Jpuard's remark lueod her to bnv. while she lost both there was added to the former accessories IxniV tvn'a jUni'all this was done under a new and terrible - weapon in the shape tho guise V friendship,. and' shad'e- of a silk cord with a.shp-noose-. ;The ruiiuod upouieVnge , ,r s tit 24th of September, was fixed upon for Angeli-juo Delaporte, -daughter xxt the the performance, and it was determined widow Morin-: by her fii rnarriage, was to invite the leading actor to breakfast now sixteen'' years dl Her ''xnother, at the,Tilla of Caignancourt. Allle. whose education- wasabdutf Wtallpar Jouard. Ihereupou suddenly, awoke to a withherbusiness captr, 1iojlli ip .V'?K$toUot 6iety expenses wi the girl much' ' s she helf -had0lteen ia neral, and of M. ; Ragoulean ; in evening the. , rouuiupAngellUd had a passion fpri pan-ioiuur. e u iv0 .""n"" rly fowaja$o &y n w r- the stage, and looked eagerly 1 It .a - . . me tune when she should appear as a quota, of tragedy. 8h was a great ing . nis woras to , inousanas . oi towns, and hundreds of thousands' of readers, all glancing with more or less interest at the messages prepared for them in the solitude of his office. No preacher ever spoke to so larger an audience 't or with so little effort or so' eloquently, as you may do with" the newspaper ! man's assist ance, - V ,.. r : 1 'i A Good Place you TiTE3i.r-By a vote of the majority of the taxpayera of Iprt Jervis, Nt Y. most of thp tax "appropria tions, including those "for salaries of different officers,' policemen, lighting of street lamps and gas, printing, and every thing necessary for the ordinary village were suspenuedi xne same town was in complete dark ness, and the board of trustees disci larged men. ; . Almost h imtaedwtely thieves from different sections of Stcalloteed by a SJiark. A sailor jras painting the sides of a bark in the harbor of Matan7AS lately, when suddenly the rope sustaining the plank on which he was seated gave way. and the man fell into the water. Being a good swimmer he easily kept himself afloat, shouting to his companions to lower a boat for him. By this time he had pushed his way . alongside of the vessel,' when his companions flung him a rope. At the moment of catching it, and 'while thev were preparing' to haul hjng up, the unfortunate man was heard to give a terrible cry, while at the same time the. sea was assuming a reddish color, "and. the . body t of the man dis appeared below the "waves. A few seconds after the upper half of the body Spread of the English Tongue. Bayard Taylor, upon bis recent visit to the city of Alexandria, in Egypt, says ho noticed one striking change upon his return there after twenty . yearat and that is the astonishing spread of the English language, in that time, result ing, as he says, both from the numbers of English and American, travelers who visit the East, and the use " of the lan guage by travelers of other nationalities. French, which until the last term1 yearr was indispensable, has been slowly fad ing into the background, and is already less available than English for Ital yand all the Orient. I was not a little surprised in Borne, he says, at being accosted by a native bootblack with "Shine up your boots?" In Naples, every peddler iu canes, coral, photographs and shell-fish knows at least enough to make a good bargain; but this is nothing to what one meets in Egypt. " The bright-witted boys learn the language with amazing butcher of her at-quairrfanc, telling him A.l1) tu frLi i;n in th ome yean la France; Kail to me last summer, in rpeaiicg or one eoonoxaxau habits and akill in cookery af tle French people,, that : XfenchrvillAfctiof a thou sand .inhabitants . could, -be, appported luxuriously ' on the waste of one of our large American hotels. ' The remark was not far from the truth.' 'TT the art of cookery wers unJeratfod 3dpractioed in the United States a it Is bi France ; if our people knew a,well hg to make most cf their provision as the French do, the cost of living, as ,Urfood is regarded,' in iuost'of tLe fiuibs would be red need more tbaa'CTlyer orcL Domestio economy, aa nid s neither practioed nor understood by jAmericans as it is in Francs. It msy jt be too much to say thai the entire 'rxmlation of Francs could be suppcrtCKf on food which is litcrmUr waed Li tie UniUU States.1 The nuinbaror pet7pi who lire beyond their incomes'; i and the number of those whp-n jai-m exceed bouse with such a sum of money. , "Never fear." said the butcheri "! will leave my dog with you, and -Fll warrant you that no one will dare . to enter your house. So toward evening the dog was brought, and chained up close to the place where tho' money was ... In the middle of ! the night 'a robber made tus'wsy intd 'the houvid was proceeding to carry off the tnoney, when he was seized by the dog, who held him a prisoner nnui assxstauce earae. ine thief was the butcher himself, who thought that be had made sure of the money. He had not considered that his dog was a better moralist than .himself, and, instead of betraying a defenseless woman, would even take her part against his own master. - Trrg Cruel Bey. ! The donkey boys of Smyrna are ex- rapidity, and are so apt at gueaaingwhat ceedin ; tte . expenditure, u greaUra Franc they do not literally understand, that the traveler no longer requires an in terpreter. At the base of Pompeya Pil lar a ragged and dirty little girl came out of a Fellah hut and followed us. crying: "Give me a ha'penny!" All the coachmen and most of the shop keepers are familiar with tho words necessary for their business, and prefer to me them, even after they see you are acquainted - with Italian or Arabic. The simple, natural structurs of-, the English language undoubtedly contrib utes also to its. extensive' use. . It is al ready the leading language of ,the world, spoken by ninety millions of peo- under their charge. A child five or sxx years old will trot up to a great mule, seize its fastening rope roughly, and with a stick beat the animal to its prop er plaos; if a horse is not feeding to suit his infantine maiesty. ha arranges it with the aid of a stick. Why does it sever occur to these animals to aunihi late all the children who torment ihrm 1 The only reason imaginable is that the in proportion to populW;Lxa in any other country.- "r1 .: , U irorktmg Hen tr, Ke$e .JTork. A recapitulation of t&ft K71J stories told by bosses aal workmen in the city of - New York to a reporsslhere shows that since the proeperotJ fCajn of 18TJ v folly twenty-five pt oeTrtcjJ e skilled mechanics have beendpvfu away either across the ocean or iito 'cii- 'r States, sft'morsu-ia c reappeared, the dorsal fin of an immense I p extending its conquests millionaire from a violent death was to f olloW at nee the instincts of humanity country began to visit the Tillage. feet off. k The mate ordered a boat to be loeredeo as to ret 7what remained of the poor' 6ailor,' but the shark gave a i ndden .lajn on his side and '. swallowed the I the other half of poor Jack at asingls year by year tnat its practical value is far in advance of that of . any other tongue, :.,.. . i - t ---. . Said 'a - justice to ' an obstrrperooi prisoner on trial: We want nothing but tilenoc, and but a little of that. poor beasts are so beaten, hauled about Anr tro.f,1 IU- it ttpt entn ana tn Ol UXOSS Kit BCTS OUe-nall into their heads to re'sist any one with uothicg to CSdif the past a stick. It is almost impossible to find J winder, ana iou oaet r.; r. ua to se- and beast of burden ia this CDuntry j cure ezypiojrzrzx lV-v ccrj that is not wounded ia some hearVsickwiing to go near them (j f i i . tr i prcnucevaip, xave UTti !way, Ilia The uuemplcedmen Vr jenC ; r of whora haveypasied Uirpuc. longap- " pn;nticeiip, havp'JlTtv! ia"crowded It must have been a woman, who com piled .the table of fiurrs to ahow that the sversje man who patrooxzes; ths bir. ber spends for shaving ia forty ytars ths ram of $t,C00.C7i tenement' houses Ihxoua winter, ia soma cases ia "the grcLUxt atitutiou, . and glad to secure the poor i-paid work which laborers have always dou cu ths docks and ths boulevard.

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