wr i1 " " 1 "" - ' " raiiklin Courier GEORGE S. BAKER,! Editor and Profkietoe. Jl letters addressed to Ceo. S. Bakkr, matter rests not upon his shcuJUers bat upon the shoulders of the Clerk vbo presented - ,tbet account andtbe Board Jcf Commissioners who ordered it to be; paid; In our comment! we disclaimed f ind do no aisclaim:any intention of rtflecting on 5f r, Horton'a integrity, and we referred to Mm only as Deputy while onr Hows were aimed at thojse who" held higher position!, We would not intentionally do injus tice to any one and we are glad Mr. nortOD has availed hiroelf of the prof fered use of our colurunstd set hirrrself right before the public. Our com ments of last week in foference to threats made on the streets were in to, for the purpose of nominating tended for a set of outsiders and busy- landidate to represent the County bodies who soem to k.now amch better Franklin in the approaching Con hiw to manage other people's matters utlonal Convention, than their own, and not Mr. Ilorton Let there be a full, turnout. whose name ras not connected with tbe W. II. Y ARBOROVO ff, tbreau reported to us. While this Chairman Executive Committee, true, yet the article in question The above notice has been handed mould not. hare ; been published for since the article oh this subject, in fear of being misunderstood, if Mr. j weeks paper wss In type . Horton'a card and personal explana- 0 . , " . tion bad been received before the pa- Our Convention on Saturday next is " r led upon to perform a weighty and per containing it, went to preti. We iponsible duty, Upon it action de- make this statenwnt in justice to our- nds, the election ot a .yele3ite to tne I gef. proachiojr oneiition, who sliall be consonance and unltv with the views I A CARD. fsaDXT Jvxe, 4, 875. NOTICE ! k Convention cf the Democratic tservativo Party of tbe County of inklin, is hereby called to meet In Court House, in the town of Louis g, m Saturday, the 5th day of June. Dkar Sir -In re- 4 Jfrnf f i.nr twinl nr :hft.hfr I - r: : -l irrz ri i editor of tub courier, - a m-n who has cone off after the U of Radicalism, plunder and van- gard to the Account presented to the lism. With a wise selection by the I Board of Commissioners of the Cjunty jumped into the sulkey of the young ravenuon louowcu ujr gw wuu of YnMin ou the 3rd of lay, and gentleman she was soon to marry, she r Our pcup c, vicwjfjr w in ciuvru vur louse lies a mile nearer Iiouisourg, ana i oi tue great ana gooa man, ivcv uoun at the time when the writers mother J Early, to sift the balanccof the article purchased ilu belonged to Dr. Richard tenner, who moved shortly afterwards to Tfnnessea where he lived and died. Be raised some very distinguished sons. Dr. Erasmus Fnoer, -Distinguished himself as agret surgeon i New Or leans, where he lived and died, Dr, and substitute facts, for fxtiun arid tivth " for ;f;i1ehoid jTJicn to brin, John Early did not preach the funeral of Mis Sally Jeffreysthe idiScuVy between Jeffrey! and " JETarly did not occur at Por'eragc Church, but at the I a rfa TT w Fencer moved to Little Rock, be- iu wuoueu wun iiuuse in auourg came d'atinguiabed as long as he lived, Early did nut ay that 31issJef- and if we mistake not, there is a son of one ol the brothers who now is. win nin a. " rreat' name in the city : of 7 . . . . -- - Sbreveport, When our mother died, the land with tbe old hipped root house and grove of stately oaks was bought' by Col. II. J, G, Ruffiu, and we tnink beloog3 to his heirs to this day. In connection with the history of this old Porterage church, we will tell ot a circumstance which took place in those days. Tbe Jeflreys iamily were noted for their bravery ! and high ; sense of honor. They nevei allowed any one to rt fleet the least upon themselves or family, and when any one attempted it he was held iespbnsible. There had been given a ball or party in the neigh. borhoftd at which! many of tLe young people gathered.: Among them was a.beauiitul young lady named Saily Jeffreys, a sister of Marmaduke Jeffreys. She had been engaged to young gen tit man for some time, and was soon to be married. The morning after the ball when the horses had been hitched to the carriages and sulkies, and the company was ready to leave, Miss Sal ly Jeffreys in a gay and lively mood, this grasshopper, or locust plague, as or dis regard the dutier eajoioed nor it might perhaps mora-properly be the rrstictions imposed upon the .Con called, wdl not extend itself rer the ventioa by the act of the General A- whb!e continent; 'ifornWbe Rocky sembly authorizes yor election.- So Professional Cacds. Mountains!:) the Ailantic," The con section between moralanpbysictdruinis 'more intimate tbaa many in j this in credulouj age believ1. A fruitful land maketh He barren fur the wxkrdneas of them that dwell therein, is the dec- neip you voi. , ; - j . And no dtlVgates shillbo pcrrtitted to sit or bacntiiled tn a seat ia said Cotfvection, cr act as a delegate thereto, until he shall have subscribed the above oath or affirmation; and ss soon t i.:u :- e !brt by a majority, that will forever . eafW bury the ltadical party so far yor PPer pf .the 14th Inst,, I desire ouruounty is concerned, out oi me to say, mat curing uie time emuracea ia said Account I was acting aa Peputy Clerk for Dr. R, H, Tiwberlake, the Clerk, under an agreement that I was to porfcrm the work of the office, and pay a certain proportion x)f the expen ses attending it and receive et ujpensa tion from the Ueeeipts in the same proportion. I was to pay one-third snnection with the nonination may of tho expenses of the office, and he e fully and freely discusne, and that a Vas 'to pay ' the other t wo-thirds, and rise choice may be made,- One that j to' rcceive 0.tUird of the prof - annotfail of succcsa. hvery personal . , . " , . Terence, however irtmnz. should be ts an1 be o-thirds, and the Account unk in the one common thought and of expenditures . was kept by mc en od, succms. It wculd, afford us plea- tirely with referenco to, and for the ura to vote for , any oiie ol tne gentle aen whose name IiuVe boen nut for. jht of men. We will not after that entbe again troubcd with these men ho have proved recreant to every trust tat an ignorant and confiding con ituency have been beguiled into re ngin them. Wo hope that a large legation from every1 sect iou of the ranty will be here, to the end that the rong as well as the weak points of all le men who have been mentioned in and a Miss Hunt, and was in the act of driving off When the young gen tleman cried out I to her; ''For Gcd sake don't touch; the horse with the whip," She iu her wild gaiety heeded not Ins words, but give toe norse a freja had been dancing all the night before, and he had no doubt she was then dancif g in hell' and Marmaduke Jeffrey did not ri?e from his teat, take him by the coat collar, drag him out of d;or and give him a territl? whip- Probably no more falsehoods were ever Lcrowded in the same Dum ber of word ; Now for the-facts and traditions as handed down to us by our parents and venerable friends. Mr. Jjariy was on the eastern part of his Circuit at the time Miss Jeffreys was killed. In a sermon delivered in Xash CTouiitv against the popular vicos and disspa- tions cf that iime, he made reference to the lamented death of that gay young lady calling her name, and holdinc ur the unfortunate circum- w - - . stance to the vounr and sinful, as a warning, stating what a fearful thing it was to be hurried from the house of revelry into the prcsnco of Ggd so quickly. Hi remarks were distorted, and icpoited to the Jeffreys family " that he jumpped out of the bU room into the gig, and out of the gig inte hell." On Early s arriving in Louisburg to meet his appointment come days after, he nreached at the Court House, then the only place of christian' worship for laration of Scripture, This has long as a majority of the delegates lect ago been realized in Oriental history, thall have thus appeared anJ beeon The locusts are often spoken ofin holy sworn in, they shall then proceed to Writ s God's avenging array. Tl eir elect their own presiding ofScer, and sucn otner oacera ana scrvaaata as they, from time to time, shall find necessary; and if a vacancy shall occur, they shall be filled ia the same maaner as they like vacaocies are filled by law in case of vacancies Id Jibe Geaeral I Louisburg at DENTIST. . Offers his Professional Services to ha pubbc ia crack with the whip, and he dashed off I a11 denominations, and having conclu- rard, and we beljcvni that we would tave a good apd hont representative n any one i of then). e earnestly lope that the strout st wan may be shoaen. Then let us go to work and lot cease our efforts until wo , reaffirm mr brilliant victory of laat summer. Ihe people of our gallant and glorious Ittla county did magnificently them rhey can do the mine in the approach ing Campaign, and we have the actions of the pastas a guarantee, that we thall gain a glorious victory this sum- purpose of, a settlement with the C erk, and 'under the irnpression that it was not a charge upon, the County, as to niost of the items embraced in the Account, and this is the reason why the dates, quantities &c, were notr more minutely stated. The amounts expended are correctly stated ana Dr. Tiniberlake paid his part of the Ac count iu pursuance of our agreement. The Account is made in the name of the Clork and by his direction, and I mer. The fight is about to open, On j .'hmk you do me great injustice iu the tne one side are the friends ol good and honest government, and the lovers of Constitutional and civil liberty, on the other and opposed to them, are the devotees of plunder, rapine, and tyran ny. Choose ye 1 which side you will take? Tlint Acqount Aprnin, In our issue of the 14 th of May, we published an account, (with some comments,) ahich was passed on and ordered to bo paid by the Board of Countr Commissioner, as expenses of tha 8uptjrior Court Clerks Office. "Wa drew a comparison between the expenses of the office as kept for dlf. ferent years, whioh comparison showed that this last account was extravagant, as well as informal, and ,not made up as tha law requiros, which fcta was sufficient cause for the Board to have thrswn it out, until it wss presented prominent use made of my name in. your comments. As to charges of extravagance against the County government, I have only t say that the matter is with those who have it in charge and not with mo, Respectfully. ' Thos. C. Hokton. ; LorisBURa, May 19th 1875. The article refered to by the Tort Worth (Texas) 8tand ard was pub lished in the Cctj&ieb some . weeks back, taken from the Raleigh News. Tbe Standard,' says. ""' uTbe above Is taken from the Ral eigh News," a paper which has beei established since we left North Caroli na, Wl know somewhat of the'history of that location, having lived for many years in that qnalnt hipped roof house with dormer windows. This in proper torm as proscribed by law. house was tbe only one in the nelgh- ftera more thorough fxaminatioii, borhood painted red with, white door wt find that thto account was not only informal, but that there were a num ber of articles charged in tlie sccouit, for which tho county should not have paid. Tha law makes no provision for furnishing printed blanks to the and window facmg. The writer in the News' has got matters slightly mixed up, the bid Poterage church with its ancient pews and lordly oaks does not, nor never did belong to the same tract of land whereon the ancient nippaa rooi nouse siana?. it was a Sir a r . .... I unit ren cmcers Cj ti c county.Lut lays miie furth r on the road to Pranklinton Aowa tho form in tho Form .Book, and or as the road wss then called th prasumea that each officer writes out Hillsborough roadV Porterage church his form, tba county furnishing the atationary. Now take such articles frata this account, for which the county ahould not pay, and you have the ac count reduced from 140,00 to 'about 17 showing a saving to the County of 123.00, just in this one account. Now wa ask, is it at all a matter of waa deeded to the English Crown, and if our memory "is not at fault, some 4 or 5 acres on which it stood,-with it. This was before , we knew any thing about it, but it belonged and was cut off a tract'1 be'onifg t a gentlem m named James C. Jooe?', at the time we lived in that neigh1oihool. Old Potc'ase was occupied by tho Enclisb furprisa, that the peoplo of the county I church for a time but they ; cease to ahomld . riaa. up and, comylain at t'te I preach in it, and it was then for two with lightning speed; in a short time tbe sulkey was upset, throwing Miss Sally Jeflreys with great foice against a stump killing hei instantly. Miss Hunt was cast beyond the stump and recoveied with little or no injury. Tue stump remained many years alter, we have seen it frequently. In tbost days the Merbodist itenerant preachers oc cupied old Porterage a place to nrnQ1 i r t t Vin T?tt T n a rl i vt -' Virgiaia was then the itenerant preach er, lie was called ou to preacn tne funeial, and in the course of his ser mons said that "Miss Jeffreys had been dancing all eight before and he had no doubt she waa then dancing ia hell." Marmfuluke Jeflreys roselrjm his seat advanced to the pulpit, took the Rev. Mr. Early by tbe coat' collar, dragged him out ot doors and iravehim a terri ble whipping, remarking "lhe might think what he pleased but he should not express it." . Mb. Editor ! In all my reading I have never secnl any transaction, hav ing the least foundation iu fac more "mixed up," than the above extract contains. At this time I do not pro pose to deal with any portion of th article, although there ia very much. which deserves correction, except that part especially referring to the unpleas ant encounter between- Marmaduke Jeffreys and Rev. John Early, after, ward Bishop Early. Bishop Early had before his death national rcput-itionj-nd his memory is still cherished and is dear to thousands, hundred of thou sands of good men and women. Sixty -six yeais ago, he was appoin ted, his first appointment, to the Tar River Circuit, then a part of the Vir ginia Conference. He was then about 20 years old, and the difficulty with Jeffreys occurred that year. He was afterwards dn the Tar River circuit and District before the division of tho Con fereiicc, several times. He was devoted ly attached to the'people of this section, as he was to all sections where Ke had labored to save the souls of man and women. ' Marmaduke Jeffreys wa3 the blood kinsman of my Father, his wife was the nrst cousin of my Mother his! sister married my only maternal uncle. I have been at: his house and knew him well when a boy. He was one of the most popular j men that everlivod in this oountypmen and women loved him, named j their children after him and his name is now borne by clever and intelligent men with grey head?. It is true that the Jeffreys former! v then, and now, are of the nighest style of men and women. The collaterals ded 1 is sermon and beinr about to leave the house he waa met at the door by Marmaduke Jeffreys and a crowd of friends. Jeffreys had a large loaded horsj whip, with' the thnug wrapped several times arouud his hand and as Early approached the door Jeffreys on the first 'Step struck a heavy blow at his hcad Early feuded, off. the blow with lus left ixvra as well as he couM in tho sudden attack, Laving - his hat knocked off by. the blow, but he prompt ly and firmly caught ihe whip by the 1 adf-d end, nud with a ' powerful jerk ravage are described withatartlinx force, but perfect truth, by the prophet Joel: "A fire devoureth before them; and behind tbtm a flame burnetb; the land is as the Garden ot Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. The only- means of averting tbe curse is pointed out by the stme prophet: Therefore, alo aaith the Lord, turn ya even to m with all your heart, and with fasting and with weeping, and with mourning. And rend your heait and not your gar ments, and turn unto the Lord your God. for he is gracmut and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, aod repenteth him of the evil. There never was a country more blessed of God than waa Ibis, and there never was one more uograteful and wicked. We have already been visited by tbe great calamity of civil war, but like the judgments whicu came upon Pharaoh, it seemi . to have hardened our hearts . Another and a terrific affliction is looming up like a dark thunder ctud in the western horizon. In view of tbe prevalent political cor ruption, and the moral abiruina'ions of I term therein shall expire or racancie (JQQJJ EI?ET?OER trial, may nt the ' land well tremble! I such vacancies, otherwise thtn as now. No mere formal religious observances I and limiting tne terms tbervof. Ni)r can save the' country from peril. 'Beod shall said Convention adopt or propose your. heart, and not your garments,' an? plan or amendment or scheme of says the prophet. It becomes not only compenfation to the owners ot erasn. the people of iliio-ari to do this, bet cipited slaves, nor for the - payment of tne inhabitants of all tbe States, fr I any liability or debt incurred wholly Ajaemaly. Said Convention thall have no power to consider, debate, adopt or propose any amendment to the existing Constitution or ordlnaaca cpoa the following subjects: Tbe Homcatead and Personal Pr?p erty Exemptions, tha machaalc'a and laborers lleo, and the rights ot mar women, aa uow secured by law nor, to alter or amend section 3 or 3, article V.; of said Coostitution, nor change the ratio between the poll and property tax as therein established, nor shall the said Convention have power to propose or adopt any amendmeot or ordinance vacating any ofSco or term ot oSce now existing and filied or held by virt- mErcry . drpcrfmrnt or Dentltlry, orriCEa, - TTarreaton ertr Dents note!, Norwood & Davis' 8 tore. JOS. J; DAVIS. iTTTari COHBiELtOH lU iLonsuuna. tillsxxi.c.k.o WiH rraetto ia Vb nnril CoorUelQraa vUi rraakiia, K&a, Wrrta and Waie. Y. lYotnpt atUniioo MtoUl coll. Utn aad evaUtteof roey. - Jtjl5,187L 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, , .FKAnmnoir, N.C ue of any election or appointment no Will practice in the courts of the 6ih der tbe existing Constitution and lawa Jadicial district. nrn th am anal! h rt o . Prompt attention given to the coll pired under existing laws; but the said Convention may recom.end the aboL Q JJ fjgg . . ff ishment of any office when tbe present ,. , i their infidelity and inquitie ot many kinds have lonz cried to Heaven for vengeance. P. Netcs. drew tho whip from Jeff: cys hind and threw . J effreys at hid feet on the floor of tho Court room. Early having the whip in hand and Jeffreys at hU feet, remarked to Jaffrevs " that he vras in his power, but that he did not wLh to harm him." At thL instant there was a fearful excitement. Ttay were both men of powerful boic and muscle and ali'uc brave, and Grin an the Gi 3cks and Trojans. But there were other g .od m.n ,'piesont- there were peace m kers ou the ground and -Early dis claimed tha offensive remark ascribed to him and expressed his ngret that he had even used Miss Jcffrevs name in mt his sennou iu Nash, in as much as it had been made tho ocea-ion of so much strife, and thereupon the matter ended. .The fats as stated above are suh- stantially the same as w'ere currant in our community 30 or 40 years ago when many of thetctors were living and would have supported them by affidavits. They aro aa nearly aa I can recollect, the same as detailed to me in the Kast parlor at Harnuins Hotel the night that iSell aud Everette were nom inated for President and Vice Presi dent, by Early, himself. The article fr in the Fu t Woith Standard is in outrageous slander upn the character of Bishop Karly and the surviving kins pcople of Jeffreys are too truthful and . honorable to take . pleasure in : its circu lation, (especially a- this remote time, and after the death of the venerable Bishop. ' ' V Mr. Fditor a3 I have not the prefix of Rev., nor the affix of Dr. or L' L. D. to my name, it may be thought I am giving myself unbecoming p. omittance to sign my own name to the statement ; but I have enjoyed the confidence and kindness of the distinguished man. whose - name and fame are so cruelly assai ed.jind Ielieving that I have the possession of all the facte, more fully than any other living man, not only from the traditions of the fathers of the neighborhood, but also fYwin the lips of the good man himself, volun- The Pi Bits or th k ttAit. Richmond Military Companies Unthackkm : WHiLisr Rbtumnio fhoji Char- LOTTK. ' . ' ' RiciiMo'nn, Mv 22. V ?p-c;al train on ihr I'iortm t Air line retur .inw f om t:ie r.-?e.-knlur r CVnt-nii' witli tli RMimo i-l ll.w z rs was untrucked la-t nn::.t i-i-rr i?;'ith r.s ton. Vi. The fl jt CHrryifj; tho pm ot tu Hiwitz r f.nd t'le fnfif.ir tr w-e nr-.lil an 1 fiv? 1 l.tr i jurc ?I Nnc scritiu". ANT ACT TO C LL CONVS'! W OV THE PKUi'LE UF NOUTl! CaIU.INA. want of proper watchfulness on the ' part of thoae who have control of the eouaty and who have the paying out of their money.' We tell you that the people are aroused,. aud they demand of YOU as their servant., that vnu or three years occupied by the Metho- Lave heH an? are folding high politi cal positions A. 11, Garland the pres ent Governor of Arkansas is-of the dis circuit riders, after which it was neglected ai the fit abode of bats and owla. But belongs to theBntish Crown to this day, thongh It is not worth a cent. We think; tbit man James C. Jonet married a daughter of one of the Jw" -eir Juffreys, but as the laws of Xorth Caro- interest. " I lin TWinirvd thrt m,Jm wlf V.') ". i - - a " UAU ii - - 1- ' ' ' . . . . ' " ' We publuh below tho card of Mr fnT7 - nP l IM.a bCT bu Tn ITaim , . .. , band under her own siscaurr; she . C ilorton, in reply to onr article A, , . C I, 1.. n. ,.r xt: i i .,. . d,e? V1 ?. . Joaes became wuuir-n dccply inTOiwt Uis property was a'l injea tha expenses of tho Superior sold at a sheriffa sale, to , satisfy bs Court Clerk's office. Mr. HorWs creditor?, the title to the land was con- Cxplacatiea is ent'rely alisfactory so veyed to the purchaser, and after sev- fsrau h$ it concerned, and shows that ha la sot responsible for the extrava iat and unlawful charges complained x& Ha occupied the position of Depu ty, and carried out the orders of his rxperior as It was his duty to do, and eral years Jonrs children sued for tbe land under the plea that their mother had never conveyed any right to their lather they recovered tbe land, and if we mistake cot it belongs tn the m thU bl od of tho j Jeffreys, Cartel B. Har rison Esq. cf Baleigh and Co?. Wm. F Green of this County, are cf the same stock. Wm. A. Jeffreys deceased, and Col. Richard I. Wynne arc well known in the Legislative records t-f the State. IFynne was the nephew of Marma- duke Jeffreys But to the "unwritten nutry;, ; ; Where truth and error are so "tun ed up,n a. iri the above article it is ex ceedingly difficult to separate them, without distroying all the parts. That portion of the extract ia respect to the ball-pthe danc'iDg, and killing Miss Sally Jeffreys, - I shall not pre- X. 3 'M. t- 1 dav. thoueh the risht ot the Brifi.h tcuu very maccu- crown to the old Pntrap-e nr rately stated. . But it is due to the iwhlpTer of blM att nMios to this hrought in qnetion. Tne hipped roof I truth of history and to the reputation . Vir-RP.S, Tn- I r -vn r,r.p.titnion of Norrii CariiiniHU, i intiy iui;"itaa particulars:, ut euiud i,: vhi:Is mt d (unditiio ot our pvj)H ; and wl ercas, ia the ju.lgiu i ol tin? Gntr 1 Assem bly, a convention f the jeple is the only sure, and is besides the most co nomicHl mode of altering or aou-ndng it. and believing th end in vi.w utterly impractiCAble by lfgniltive enactment on account of the great number of dis -cord ant and conflicting provisions of the Conrtitution at it ow' ip, now therefore. Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, (two-thirds ot all the members of each House con-, curing,) That a Convention of tbe pe pie of North Carolina be, and the tame is hereby called, to meet in the Hall n! the House of Represeotativea in the city of Raleigh, on monday, Cth day of September, A.D. 1875, forth pur. pose of coniidering and adopting such amendments to the Constitution as they may deem necessary and expedi ent subject only to tbe restriction here inafter provided., ., , i , 4 . 8xc. 2. The said Convention shall con cist of one hundred and twenty dele gates, and each county shall be entitled to the same number of delegates that It haa members of the Honse of Repre sentntatives under the present' apor tionment, aod the said delegatea shall have tbe qualifications required of - ' "... -v t m . memoers or tne uouie ot Representa tives, of which qualifications the Con vention shall be the judge. Sec. 3. On tbe 1st Thursday of Au gust 1875, the sheriffs ot tbe State shall open polls for the election of delegatea to tbe said Convention from their re spective countries, aud the electien aforesaid, and the registration far the same, shall be held and conducted; the officers thereof including registers and or in prt in aid ol the late wr between the Stater, nor for the restoration . f imprisonment for debt; nor shall they require or propr.ss any educational or. property qualification forMUce or vo ting, nor shall said Convention past any ordinances IcgitUtife in their r.lmruCtcr, rxcept such a are n-cr-Piry 31 su!mi? the mended Constitution to the p ople for their ratification or rejection, or to eonvene tue General Assembly. "' 1 ' '' - - 1 ' ' Sac. i The Coutiutio amrnded shall W submitted to the-peop'c for rA'ificaMoo or n j- ctioc, and -h 'd .ot l oindin until the smue. phU have tnea ratifi d vutcrs f the S'aie, and ihe Couv.ition th..ll prrncillx the morle troert by ihe sense ol tin ' people tuercon stikll lo tkci t:d rrrorrtcd. Sec. C. There shall te printed immi -dia'ely ten copies of this act lor ech mtmUr if tbeUmrrai Aexbly, and hrndied epic wit'da thirty lj at tr its Mtifictin for ecr bourd of county o. mrni-i'Mcrs. aod the ue of ti e registrars and indues ot dccticn in thrir napective couorie; nd this, act shall I in lorce und take vflcct irom and alter its raMcciln., Ratified the 19th day of March. A. D. Building Contractors AND CA.BI3STJET - LouisBnua, n. a 1TI0RHETS AHD COUNSELLORS , 1 -' t ..... LAW; BANKRUPTCY . LOUISBURG H.C.-' Will attend the Courts nf ?Frar V liil, Qranvdle. Wanen.r.d Wakr Con. t; a, tbe Swprrme ('- nrt t t Nrth I'arolina and the U. S. Circuit and ti a Owiif. ... , No 7-tf ii:- j. r n .ic s s & SADDLERY .ESTABLISH ; M ENT. o I have Ja?t opened n htrnri sn l saddle h-p in L'-oitborv, I hall kerp alttav no lind i mmI tiKkt .Machine mdf Harceas and Saddle. I etnp'oy -m1 , ainl xj-rruiicetl woik me: and 1 arrul all tu: wmkput u by uk ; ail kiud uf ririr iu raV line doue n abort 1.0 lc ann on vtr rermmb':c trrais. My Shp i over Mr. T. N. Carlile. Store un Min btrret. X solicit tbe patronage ol th p ple tl Franklin. Y. nCMFTOX. PHOTOGRAPHIC V- Gallery. 5 . At ray Gallery over Ifr. T. X. Car. tile's Store can Ie fonod at all tirnet. rrmnd- lanari and rnati frma I am SASH, BLINDS AND -SSSCSlMSSpK- When you want a good picturt rf DOOES MADE to ORDER, aod all kinds of Machine work dne at hort notice, on aa teaouable Uxma aa elaewhere in tba S a'e. All gradea of Cofflin, Furniah d, with beaxae. Tongue and Groove floor ing dnd ceiling, a SPECIALITY. ; o ' '' . Lathes alvsva Plaatoring hand. oa ludeea of election, anoomted the rotea tarily given in a long and moat pleasant coanted and compared; the resalt pro. conversation, ! assume the responsibili- I claimed, and certificatea iaaaed T in the same manner as is provided by law fcr tbe election of members of the Honse of Represeotativea of the General As sembly. ' - ' Sec. 4. The said . delegatea shall be called to order at 12 o'clock on the dy fired therefor, by the Chief Justice or one of the Associate Justice of tbe 8npreme Court or Secretary of State, vrbo, if there be not a quornro, shall adionrn them to the same nlace-and fmm The grasshopper plagne in the west davtc-dav.nntil a onornm .hall .r.r- is becoming a very grave qnestion for and on the appearance of a qnornm be the religious consideration of the whole shall admlniatea to each r.f tfc. '... country. The Governor of lCaaouri I folio winging oath: Bue.reaay.ppoimea a cay or lasting "You. A. B. do aolemnlv swaxr for ty. ' - . . I may Mr. Editor hereafter tahe 00 casion to desect other potions ot the Hjena like article of the Fort Vforih Standard. Very Respectfully, Thos. K Thomas; and prayer to beseech God to avert the tareatening calamity, and we think similar action should Le taken by all the States of tha west. In fact . sach calamities have been national in other days and countries, and we are cot as lured, as a contemporary resoarka, that af5rm,aathe delegate elect shall chorse), that you will (aithfoJIy maintain, and support tha Constitution of the United States and the several amendment there t, including the 13th, 14th and 13th amendments; and thai ' you will neither directly nor indirectly evade SMITH & BEACH AM. One doer 'F-Mt Corner Blount an 4 Morgan Streets. Raleigh, N. O. " PZIACTXCAZ STONE CUTTER, And Dealer la - ' 1TALUH It illERICAK HiRBLE. All kinds of Monument, . Tombs Headstones and Garden Statuary Irnade to order on reasonable terms. Orders ' from a distance promptlr tilled. Call in person, or address JOHN CAYTON.P. O. Box. No. C03. Atlantic .HoteL ' NORFOLK, YA. 1 nB-DODsba, . . former. "Jfthe yOUSTATH HOTEL, ' ' rroprUtor. ' Ttta'manlSeent IIOTJX, afUr Larfcae been inorsQsbly rcnv&U4 nd rsfiued. U aow open for the aoeommodailoa of cuaeta. , Board, first and sepoad floor, t3 per day. Third and fourth ffoor, per cay. liberal Urms to penaiaaat Eoartera " yourself and family, call at my Gallery. Tery Respectfully, Y.B.CLIFTON. SIX REASONS VHY ' Jm TOD movLD Dim nr THE PENS HUTUAL LIFE IflSURAffSE CCMPAHY. S21 (mESTSUT STREET, , . PHILADELPHIA. 1st. Becansa It is one of tha oldest eocpaaiea in tbe country, and past tia day of experiments. V. - td. Because every policy balder la a member of tbe Company, entitled to all its advantage and pntihgee, .bav li g a right to vote at all elections for trutteea, and thus has an icf acace ia !ta mansgemeot, - Sd Becanaa it haa the !rpet accu mulated for.d of any. Life Insoraaca Company in the 8 tare. . 4th. Because by tccnncical rain agemea ifs ratio ef ezpexaea to total lDCma is far hetew the a? erse o Life Companies, (Sea OfScial 'Insurance Report.) . iu. Bjcaoae Ural df clsrad more dividtads in tuaber. aadof a larger average perrecte, than aoy Company in the TJoited State,- . .. 'For example; Policy No 1f, for I3C0O, has been paid to the widow of a phllsde'phia merchant, upon which twe ty-tbree dividend! had been des claredClaveiatnj Crty seven rcr cent. Had these ditidends been csed t pur chase additloca to this poller, $5,M more woold frave beco re a H red oak -eg the policy worh f 11,01 Z. . 6th. Bceacse it is liberal ia Its man-ajrecestf-prumpt fn Ita setttlemect, aafe bejoad a contirency, aod its rates are as low as any Citdxia Coapaay la th coca try. Principal ieatcref. Eziali expenses ahsotuts tscty.larra return prtaions, procpt pijceit cf ictscs, and libcrali ty to tha iouretl. XT. IL n::c:i, Ccal, lfaaarr for North Carclles, XT. D, SPETJILL, CI. Agtaf, i

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