I tiff sqqo ll J odir i21o iei '.tst.q Ml -d tbw li ii7vrIi Jtj 7 ... . .. - - - . - . SO J TOTi i i II I . r I -M m . . i riX IAlA'.fbfl V I u 1 C!AU .8 Hl'-'IO.'iO rt&Pvii TT'X V at a J .AW" II: 7 j ! to i.-fj:-. 1 tX'Wl f! - ' - 4 I II!1 9 r ... r; : 82.00 por j.nniin. .7 T!4 sir I .n"rT"' : moTT t 1 I . M . ' II jo I L t .. .r.J 'J VjoiMo'gs t;j V , iVAl - . i vi ix i i ii- ill ii ii si ii i I r Mteaaa 'ffff' vamaaaaawaa mmm I ( - 5 , . ..w ..-.w .ijt-j i ,,T mt ';t t ..'i ,.:; ? ... , w i . - i r " ' " " - aaaaaMiMalaaJaaaaiaaiaama -.r.-sn-Mif. a; to.'.1, i 7 : iP" ,r. -:4.;.' ? u .!. -r ma . i oj iii.uu :, " ; " ' Gf tilt :cm .wniertirhj VOL; IV; thought fidneBieiPaitthLig .'HinLcjld, or XogxirJieat; Lo. Monday i tha '(whlnaaftT.', - qmtfOAnsht mj4 umniet-hkfcf withal Ar Th ofiloea rioa cammand can naa l Memoible of dinpeik"iifieil -wera like this, wil such beaminj? eyesTaimv! aa1 relfiyfn "fexxtrx Geif Sherrn&iiV f Ajd 9lubMM,wliit6 m enow j' -jijrff dnfl stm-tinted cheekanand as they rode perebhal Hfiiorrrffom hfdf a, 'qtiit:'! AodTae-d i- th.tywinf day," n ,tcl alW he chatted pleasantly, just to "theb&ltf joibltoeifTOD; evOmHrnt'smU'akairii HofreBHind lvrhp&jli$pjqvp(Xt&e- uuwuuuuuibKU tuiu lull oi rare sweet- j kubuijihiu wuKrfWH;;puir)i neBjnugnt uqv , oca a girv , pe. pro ugj paignr "irooa- iaaoectt ppourteo ;w up m.tper.'woods, ana breathing, in. i their, I (Oommaca xne rmj 5 lh& Kouta ur place fclean clear air? He waa tired of Icity j:of Joe John ston,' because of Tdiabeinga TkAnnla Pilfir i-kArkrtlA Vw-f Vi man anil nadHbeex inutnB; eame ( class atwes We tdd6')mYthibffWtr theJhamtialBoini4 ,todJ 'wlwnrit iiraaFaeed,,ihat tt An'l We 'f' sewing dajST To -e f UvWbW unneal f Aud Tli'ireday ia a teinnre day. ;nd Friday ropnj be n , Toflfpawaj.lhe 'Frirn Mnnf1. jmhArvd in Pies, biddings, cakea and bread, id the,' the we&r -week 'is d"on -An wetnargS to'ted') pi Ll " Antr Ka Teens, ilarjory, by tWt time somelxjdy noaygtilsJUft. VA Marjory shook her pretty head. She had not just jqdw: her lavtr'a. hopeful- - ii rbmen-vereo opnYentamaliaipossi- Dhtine imutTmttMMdWt to do some good iiuthe world. .He had oifen,mougait maajyw asruiaoui in "ft ! new path, and break through old usages. All tbmcijoldlUmily had marridi fashionable .women; .they had; weaitn.tney-nad'position; but not'one HdDd hadV beengirdn ! th& command fi t pe opposing army it was agreed thatw ought to be mnhially'catftious aifdre- p;ared at all timesrforsa3ii4 ad'.hard 4ghting, for Hood, though Oiot deemed f much of a scholar or of. great tnejital thejCOUDArTltere were jOnf ,jcoUlipn (japacity, was undoubtedly teaVf.' de- fiya hundred i and,,8iy-fivilhpnsaiui of them had a amieik iht.j Now a tfcsrmined and rash naiuf'PItwti during threpJhune4.a?4 Bj7"JPC?yplU-I urigub cntjery nuaxbu, wiui a pieasani i iie progress ui u saujr cuuueuiy uiaao beinaftir VtTiaclanan -Tier- W' ihe doederJn",e6uVt:1- Jl Lii;. ba j Y6uJr narae-ia-! -ttiatt . M aalcad' . UJaToriirHCieorge IJaTey.r't Ji y.T jAiypwjktrrwhak!; J,f el V.ino MSfruu wsbi nf yj ibfc' sudden, intaresti. this ,i. worth those men who stand on the edge of . the waft at &?depota and shout Ha i r . r . . . " I have to gltassengerS, ar:M 'J "3 " DbVt Bass tfte, backi' ri'DaVey I foow all Jiboub you if Only Ike ic tier day.as J. jetnrned from jy-daj parfe i...t ..1. :i i i i j 1 I o j - 77' a -TxXzr Z i " -SffiUAwe beside it-that might incite a man by Hood at h fich acf,'ilancihn ana tne. snaw, pi, M.wt lifeAtSich agMtMir ndwi ff $. . , o rnrrz : .Four Aeaiha fronv diphtheria, eoentir pecurrihg In tjrootklyn. KV "l hayeat krctea the'attentiori "oT herJ health W khonties of tliat bitj- tc the mditka of Lhatoe-in which lliey. tookpi,. Xh xeporthichv m Bacitarj mmiUMmade Tipon. we p,weiun sonnoa a nove oi wtwti fing 4 which is certainly unely at' thia jespecial period when aaoying ii 'fevery- ion was new. and.dP' A11 eTer7 room from cellar to attic. or there LPEr3 i . . r'' ;' ' l i .Tt Jiiii.. tiiaye Deei no euun maue. vu qxt uie iwalli. This ia precisely the condition of soorei" ol dwelhncfalhtowfucli families lWaAhingWa, ppo 1 of the' incid killed-try every txtef oetrrwaWsx aiieiXua-Ay nii xaatf tzkckl id tbt xmjknojf lrr in (en whrt wfl reoocfnizA the am I traMiUiliv.s of this uW.hoTwas engJSVl t a ra.'4 ti.auiful larL'the'rride d'lddrfrii all' wb taw bvoa Ti: hr rexte&al In the conf erenoV on public charities anl ltl'lCtSLlnl tS atfl-TubHo Charitr, which " contained an elaborate tatittiral rst Wm l ' thp prfrat itaU of injMB ia,;thsix r. England staves, jjJkint na nreiTB uaaaroa u- even hundred kn2 iineiy-iwo witli bn uo, jwu -b v u Bweepmg Biia uuw and fcying herself a lady riding into valkedto oi xzmnear iT fAW Hdwn with, a eay eallant.beaidilier.7-- cottage was' Marjory's ttay-drealn a ;ilia Wiliily!! Wi&J UuMJ"' i iuduoji. jtixoj i t miij ill a imreiy pwuuto w i am ort 'distance,, and tnwtalteh!Jt!hea-cTiarge fHaVyBu rca.'tree' V aiudjf a wrs ryingpb lie walk drtink.!''-M -s) i" asked the squire, rousing from firing and artflleryV but suddenly Iri one Bide o house.7'i ! di 95otii -K-df lao feHd -- And ?MaTjoiy told i him 'bt part of thdMii bcAsldhal.Hjotbega 2y ThM's'jtoojfine a .poixrtritoargae. 'tirtsitf(-'rmM ih 'ATinLtKflt to Jdg heard. . t.Sherman-JaskedJklcPher' ."Wot von drnnV l.'I. ... - . Tl, ..A 11.-1. V ":z:" W rode along, seeing aU.the homely umU e f ..e.Ufaniiliar'tninW from, a 'Rmn 'distance, about the prospects' for the day. TW ttriWrV 1kletttftlaln a road, a short aatdbn at the f6at:6Tf3L"tr6d V studjf a wr ryinfirwa There WO ah'6oasioh"al XhUSke'trr ) ffXw&snt. sirrTfWa aitfciria nri flVmiTv uut, cozy, nower-ctaa uay-aream, wiin i i ( 1 .f. 1 .!i!:y 1 t V. .'r1-- l-oout a guou uo.iiani-iai waii ana a Tme-oqvr tx. j ereu neuge aoout u. in ina; autant iu- iiA-mtlA i f 1 gon -what it meantl i 't'Xvaxooki m-ftvll "fink mmnff. ? nnU a lltiu fancy tage, porch evening - " . xT -i. -5 t I BVUtU Vlit) BLUUU. Lilt UUil V WXHilLUr V UI1L1 VM '"H V". W W y-"'"V.,yj;'m"'.Ti the elm. Tho pjaehnigpd tq Squire hot-houses. glafeA'd6orseteopeh. facts,' and heiastily,caUed for. hia horer ! -6, xnobect Hfeu!wtoeep"ryoh Acton upon the hiU, but the squire .was scent of ' rare eibticaflbatea HHlie hWstaflf and his orderl&s.'r McPheraoh in prison all ybur Bays. i, irtlMft.? -4 .air, mingled with ,the.arihlf . odor fit Vaf.eninis prpeut'fly-fu i Oh,Het tirJ o& d fellttrT pleaded the juarrjrwas at lunyervj, uerwurek 1 theardJ laVelinets ahM fu!3MathonnaraJea4 rone'asrlxnn, aoeotiodxtiAg iocr hundml. charms, wip& capture the errr-roYing ifn4enlla W whosa art isfnrabla., Ke's fancT l lWtonKer. and 1 aadsl 1 acilo I IlaiiDeliirft , has about wtwi hnndrtyl 1 her lisP of IoVerm." althbuefi Se waairabtl I TnntHrta. . , , About threa-. hundred and jhveWtefeoililhB nrst of 'thenbuth;; enough'lo facluiafrectiirtts ooc I ernty are in'he jaiylum'at Coneord. ahlleBS'lo:treatlris betoScoLt to ricel tW retui3x,snd IhathU bworn tne hondred,fand "flnr1 ia1 tie eoufcty f utthei c&W& of fUnesf hni Qdath -will- be ' Trieni rU thej ucoeaaiW ui tor. f Jra almaliouaea, ' one lunlred ia town abus- thxJSttjfrJeilect: fct. UaooJi ' Pi74i.T.,Ji01r ?fn j8. fpftf' ViaasiV'Mdaini rt,;irhAiTfr. thir If .ariyireadBrMl this foornalj sayathe, wayf "an he entreated' Sey"with lii axrnabaxeaay be, ara. lupported iapri- &khtiJl&lAmerixxr7,thTefati c& farewell treatu tal ibblc alter-Ixrs iweet TattfAmiHea, XJf these cothing is own. lnmsalf located. in.f a, dwelling, on. th& h'eart, tLnd toaeerinat V&e wanted BoC Yemont has Vitht hundred inaanai witli 11 1. : .l.'il. l4 1 J.J I tnrr Anting xm iiimtArrTrtmrw dtr. ... ! I nri '.Tlnm fVs-irA- irr4 f-i.rr ' tV.in Key obf Jfi his,4rien4 bejondholf Xr Curteea hundrea," ' witb 'two: Iu Rhode tar: ior, more .uaivK awenuona, were i Laixna 1 Uirtrrac3iy- niairaanno 4 -4. -wwff? fVi.Pt- siMorttr70riheisi jOTrsp r.jfflu'4?u;m'a , or tito? Matties summer TO7Mda rowot toUDOBlaW. Near the aSthSgfffi faffi : "'(nff-bSi 'oo'utlip& down at tne little crate under i thiJi.-' d 3 An. urt fA KAtiaoi Kv.Unm k.i i) ttuf :dm i miin.xen ici 1 garden mold.i -1 jThe; sun. was eettingr J tenant it wjth a dream. ' She-nerer passj. 1 'v-h'inil ed the cozy little nest without a longing gianco tmtnerwaro. . . "Prettier than this?" asked the The "by that tunor" of which Adaml D' .. tt, .ia i; years old, pvef sir f eM high; and a.yery V. 1 prisoner.', r This i the tfirfelr i time, and 12 .... x i r ti 1 11 i;j ii the, poplars, fhiBhiBg every handsdme- man in every Vay, Kuniyef- it shall be thelasL iil'ye alarge.'family, thrse-ct)lor4 r , Wy like4 aMd.jiiad, ng 1 tr-r .1 1 i a 1 ... ' walla of which, the no jstnre oondenaea in neafv, aa qij Uie. oijisio 01 an loepincn ouor o oy aampjsensatiQu. witn a. strap." plaster, or Jiy portion of which not, .on waii, ceiling, or noor. xeei pcr values nis'o wn "life 'and iha oihis fainiit (or opel. 4es1apel'from3 Vh'eUaJ ruhgitodlldnfedIseL7ana thVfike') never bfote'ttoeived.bj any woman, an& i pcraonsvM ThaA parage prpvuion for the as he suooeeded in' Intercepting' lettera I ehrm jpaaaa in this ctata is deeonring u-1 .-... - . t. i ii a. .i ' I . ' ' LL'- r i?.r Deiween ure lovcrB. ne-wonaaaeauae 1 epecay nouea as oompxrmuyriy a ucw tolaaion'ofl eotoforUr ta ft is hthra UnUrs. j thing and aii experiment trhich has been Dyj fdxcanc$).and -addrepMf . made called w qiistioit. 5 'TitHnleo hlV of each believe the other faithless, and when ' tne seeds 01 aiatrust were naoes inorougn-1 start' tlre'f aV bnceV-'BetteVaste a-feV Hy sown, and- He f eeEn ' bf pTqW anft tnaTavirlW-tlmes-''the reaentiieot crushed troe first-lhjoTjt of the liopital.T24y-t! found aa urylura oxa tanking largs. Innxaber : of, , patients than the hofpitalitaalf has. by the rmoral of chronic cases the truslei ecLare that its result 'is to cnlargo the - a'i .IK.'l IT "l V I . . i - . . i : mw . . j a ana won iao u-Vvng iM4 mj-ij-vxtii. j jpaoiy oi iao nospiuu ror vuq uwuaru. bride, to -his .arms., effort, to kindle 1 of rCctuvi r0f iniaaitT.- knd thereby osla&izi intdrincrtcs3J ita'bcocrijU .'agfOar a spoke -ws jory it seemed somehow this morning further off than ever. J AiUin. tU.e sturdy. QungS?otsman, , t saw Ma;iuBei fori cptOrini this Uev; ' coimtry, with its fertile soil and sun shine. He wclh a gardener known in all the region for his skill- and thrift, and he trusted to shape tho future with his own strong hands. Yet'to be owner of a pretty place like that, with its low eaves, ita tidy shell-rbordered path; and its elm ahadow, was- a r thing worth': dreaming about, j and 'he let Marjory ' have . her pretty dream. ' ,'" " ' 'fit's not .unlike the.wea " bit i place" ai hamef"said Adam, eyeing it with a lin-r - . 1 . 1 M T A J 1 1 Kt'nu -KaHuc t as u tuniea vo ine roaar ".Well, well, go" your ways,' Adam," said Marjory.1' "It's long past' noon, and I've to stop dbvn the lane with this basket for Widow Gray."' " And Adam, 111 ting, the basket over the stile for her, went his way, whistling thoughtfully. Slyjj T Jlarj ory Paaedf P J 'the ian with ' Iter! Ia5erfi. snmmer-'ooors 'about her, and summer blossoms everywhere shedding their ehelUiko r petals in a fragrant snow-faU, 4iowhicer nor sweet er than the clean linen she was carrying to thelVidoGriypfor Marjory was -a ties t He! had on hist booU i outside rhl4 pantalodas ganntletaot-his hands,-had widow'$ gartie vith.U goodly, freight of vegetabloar fqx the'housefulof youngsters; for whotti thayojing girTwas purveyor, and the afternoon shadows were length ening as patient. Mor went bar wav up the law onto1 nAjMAStfe1 ajweda 1 moment sd iho stmw est ver-tha the meadows were golden ; a veil of im palpable miatv iiung iMijthet; drowsy air. M orjory lingered, with her red hood w ojead, ,-,1 tiuuicrsi kJ iu ? nAi I His honor.took ja long-time, toA thinks on his major eenerars uniform antrvbre and then renbedi. j a sword belt but'iioUword! ' 1 'tie ' hastily1 It's wrong, to let you off. Tlia exu-1 hfereKV.--ra-fR Al?fdrfvlft4: a' gardener to work for you, and to bow to the .dust aSrJouhtotfE "bKOujuet of those wonderful flowers ! Mariorv r - mi i. : i mm . . .j i ia, i . t r . . i t in: a ' . mt 1 . - ,i j 1 " " r aa,v . j ,a ? y : didnot answer immediately,? for at that horp; saying he would, hurry, .dqw. his, slMl tkecp7 Watch 'tit 'touL' Yd feast 1 time,., for, sprjng locQupAncj, ,J4Many of moment a man in a rat?i?ed straw hati at una andsend me bacK word X wnat tnia mend your waysnght,bI.v, Instead of, these have been frozen from, top to botJ- r . r. . o i ..... .. . . .- i . - . . . . . i i . . ; . m . i .. i ...... . noV pbssess,' into a 'bcketbook jrut ' it papers jWU''bljw at" mo'; iXi I believe I'll j in breast ppckgt apjumpfe op'liis glveou'k" 8.' : Irbuinay 'gohiit i' work in he beds,,:lif ted up7 his heated face, and touched that ragged hat to the squire. Hiseye lit 'lip ."when he saw MarjoryV It wasAdam. I! It "Thank ye, squire, for gieing tjie lassie a Hf'V hesaid.cong Jorward. " l U e'en tak' trie basket, and walk the rest o tho way wi' her." mi,'; 1 iZ .i-u r!H-rrrt' i. ; J.110 j-ullujj Bquira wuito up. vnab) strange distinctions, there are in'life, to be sure. Here was a girl whom he had actually beeaoremplating in the light of a wife. 4 lii his -musing he had dressed her liko a queen, and had seen her sweep gracefully, in , at ' he, de portal of f his mansion." "But on th'e"' threshold1 of that door her own familiar friend, it seemed, must pause', trainble and hatless.' 'He your ways- 'nglit sound1 'taeant,''fi Ihi ai few : ininutes yeHiiig Hai !'. at a man; do Sherman," -who'iri'-the -melntinie!'bad and softly whisper: '.'Sircan i some oies- this .":, The. prisoner promised,, and was. al lpwed to, disappear, limping , sadly with ''. Ztiiar iii Keuf j?6rk lCit y. J l! amount f doctors' bilU' ar-A still greater sobwaadiH(ha!ja vato';o( them&nsyfin hnScann Ik&d &.!lir. rrra . .'4Vm nrtT cml r-irw jtvATf crate. nd. kear iU arnii?litaaiid,-dayi ppe.srark pf xnterest pr enlhi an1 if. Via vma thai . mlmi t. f Vl mw. nrtT J the breast of his- 'wife provinjar unifUi- cntaiive- lnsUtuUon..,MaasachuctU has thaindaWj40f fjvfthe object of, Ihereajis, meni-neiajwrxns aa ruauoecn dry put the KallsVnot spmuch'tyarci "ai.ri??--1 tnS i SnB for comfoU .Thenas thi tween herself and her only lover, that wettnef rmeswann.ct 'anra'rjul had destroyed their mutual correapon but the'ffunice: retainmlP flfcmfif W ence, and she had been fool cnAih l . . a"' a m Ala . " j ff " . t mmt f a II . . a . . iieve all ' tliat ' lrad leen told to ner.. I p4rtme?at was lgutia la&o, rjy ermg ciTd LKa lia( of thi disclosure the I a lanr hniltlinirronnectad with' the afWtnivii UfcT LttifivM) intii!-rfiw I leautif ulwoTnajj rt w whiter and mote fStaU almVibnWatTewkabury. In which nobses but f clxkm it 'ta 'Anvcharwisel j Wiej'iXtH bl'Tk'(kErJiaaVIili nat tIaiteawtalingthat isanphorl Mendei!lLiiW:t-3llclohep r--hlye bei EupaorUd at aa tsxpenae of W4I.WI?f jxrrta fyvpfxa tie $2pch per i wcek,i ItTif g tlvvthjjrrt r weary are at jej. ( ;1 ; r,, ) . fclWDQ annaUj .tothe, BUta.. In Ue rmatcr of commuting persons in iLwaa- ?9"UZ TJLll'lJ chunStta h6rpiUlA, ;thaV proVidea The X oilbwing is a summary pi - the ult of tha Investigation iu regatd to four nundred are in Statainfitutlons. Qne of the mbat ' imporU&r kdei iaken in legislation' UasachuAStU' is the provision tuul - lor -thi ? sapport of the chroaia insane ly themttirev, THf ex- .exxteft awtallrig that mi npfcW- ougblXejat5dnddi jJnaeitieBcJ)Vakof houaea.ar Qpatructedt i? Uo jflimsieet motiino a in irvyi-nrli h ff ennrt . inail rw gone back to the hbu'sti, alarmed by ths pHeasure of conveying you to increase of tnemys"terious 'nrihg," niei ignated point Promise' too ered with sweat", "who reported 4iat wthe general was feitheu : killed Or a, prisoner. McPhersorr had" ridden ahead, giving an order to some troops to hurrv forward, an disapp'e'ared in. the wools, doh.btle53 with a sense of absolute security. 'Instead "of , these ha vejbeenfrbzcn from top tb jbol you : -smile, torn dumig tlie recent Be vere Vinter ; an n I have the ! jnstead of ' tlie wat er ' 'drying out, J it " ha d has 91: feO,dOO gaHos of "ater"are absorbed toy the brick ' and mortar 1 teed m 'the' fconj- fttructionv and ! -this mmeobe qnantlti must ail or -nearly allubei got ridLc&,t fore they!ara safa As dwelHrigai i &iznhu' FirsC86hcl-wor,tf, if - performed ah ansuiXablt atradsphere) is.: per T lhaill a?kne'a one liy rViendji; by Ocers Tofcrtieahd ftfwnVami by tha' judges of . ooarta. i 13at in all 'ctsfts a, certificate ttojVb'igQ4.)b7 twa "persons, one of whop should be tht family phyaician. Complain it haVe'', been made that It waa tboeany (o1 corInitrsolS,, TrmnlSiV) fo loTO.Hhwj mur a deddftd incrcaao of The "1 V w Bound of muskeiiy was there hsardiftnd McPherserVs horWbamo baclf-'bleealng, wounded and rideresa. ward the body A bullefe hadrehtorcd heart, andMePhe in a few seconds.; i . Al remains were sent f 1 . y - . I . . ' Though' the 'New'1 Tbrk 'iherchanU think they-see a oonfeiderable revival of JFtorefim Trade -at the I'nited Statu Trftil u : tha mnrtvArg uvnantaM rui in I . ... ........ -r r-, . .-.-- v-k. j .'iajteport ot . in bureau j oi statuc exs,, stone,, critters, brick layerstc I w am At -arx . y r i any cbuld not make a place . for' A'dam' ; ! he remains were st nUn.A na'Wi 'Aom in o Ar-r.rr. frjhl thenCO to ttgAl erlnbt 'exactly tWl&Mt honor, and are now I dreams were made of. And, as I have said, the, sriuire jwjfke uj! olC " We have "had a . very pleasant ride," 4? he said, as, getting Marjory and her I basket down,1 he bowed an'd drove pn to the stable. And as he went li thought that it was all well enough wuen tnmgfM came tor tne praofacai test, you must give day-dreams the go-by. iBut when .Marjory'sT wedding day came at - last and the little " cottage was hers by his own gift it nluB4 have been gratifying to him to know that he had buried .in a small ths uncertainty of ri&transrfcji cemetery close byJhis. mother a house, ara thpj niofet itQpartant : f acta whkjlycejneteryiis mpoaed in. pari pf the-of ehird tnV wMuA t hslused ItG 4y when a boy. 27e G$rliniijbjtie. fulfilled her day-drearna ft least, if not l-kia nwn in " minnn Viai a lif r " wistfully yet wearily at the scene. Her iloetuiWul kUdJsUaiag shadow ecki ing ,tlv?nv JIow distant .they .seemed, yet horweW iifid faMfliar llllShead never visited them, though they seemed so near. AlJ3TOMal the beaten track of liousehold ways the eldexjjitepp'atieniry. chrlagior the old follotiilA-tli&littrwhtkis? dt v.i r - Never, in her,remenfaii'cefiad tnere a hbluUy such' j ftVfWgin pft h ?i4 famSrutis aainflw,,whep, : setting down hsr. laden basksti sha'lcaned upon the stile, and shading her.eye with her hand) 'fobied dbwh' Ihe wmagirWi; ' Jt was 'alls3 baUmyr sJTuring''d 'qutet: Now and thona laborer .withes rakd on farmwagqn wjih4t eleepy oxen, Jtoiled up the rise; and presently there CroflB- sunlit ciodd of rlUstr a -litUo distance -off, is a ) 'Zi i t ' -2 ' 1' " , What One State Does. Hon. S. R. f!ox. in an addreRa bp.fnrA tie!AmericiurSilk jissbciatibn, said But as we arQ apgroaching om centfinnjal, I tiink a baby one hundred years old is of pretty good size. X year or iwo ago I vtfent to-Connecticut:'1 'The' purpose of niy"trin is not worth mentioning, more thai id sifp noto nuoh con-l nbcted witn the moral condition of the State as ipi13 JpjlpaiJhre the I most wonderful varities-jof industries. txney nave een two -nanaracT ana nity years building hem. jUp, j And what don.t tney make there f lie ginning with the Charter Oak and working down to tiievlas4 election, ihey have i every .variety XbulTtfixuk - of 1 1 They :Wl . andtthrougtij'ltf nWiwkTin bf red-tpt)led,0sfeifder - VJieyspreftV Mi inn i- : : 1. 1 r-ns i ' I svi . . .nlinister i,pf itheGjOspeh Sirnefrmeft 5tW4n4PjXhrassware md-brains but Ithoyj don't always go to Cangreas. ,i Thy bliai eo ,in'e,JSSa ftpi . national ' Ot the twenty-four, lljoclpt'lldnl one free from debt, and in only four cities ithe debt less than fifty dollars f A Wh,h;13 raii.!adla n iUl tant. In three-fourths of the cities of the State State, l lifty dollars, for each voter or head of a family, andJmltalfiiiitJtftsxt it will average more thanflne hundred. The simple meaning of this in the cities of iew xurii., nun uiuuppuiauun win njJij; to the cities of other States, is high rents and narrow accommodations for he laKrfrHM3& ff ffcI0ii- nesa- men, property -owners, manrjaf turers andtthekko what- they ara now Be marking, upon this the Tribwte saysl Tftheievil3,Jf vi6tfcgurid principles of fiilance"' iin d government were matters of fancy and not of fact, ben lna&a. PSlUVm&'l- the weather, a return of confidence or a tup of coTeAaar3Sem. TJnfor tunaHy Kwagdppeerv tb- -a rETt iervro' frcpntTacnng dems isN5f vet little inpaymghfnvfIiajbondholders, bffioe-holders, and others who draw their air frnra an article iaihn Jen York JI'Hai : rj-ivTr latrara jwai vaf f irvyw fAM per dayOOaut o,nthaV)OQ,iii "wa IniSr rnftfr:",Sl.:.nimfl WWSPy Pifeo yeaH exporbwl 575,7t7,(ir5.o Of this gelS ag9 Aey.Texargetting.$4, per, day. and vrifHf Mflitfc.iaVWai'aafli t , , i -. - " ' it r - -" ot- 1 ?iTOT f i , memDers.: gw 4nd UterTportilexrini tkai ---To f, of a tba: aiaiavel -prodocti 6Xi- I - ..v. --"-J . "J! I aaLWVr,rnlT. I-.' a't ... ''-iBa producUToqfroua Afaawtb. ftW ihatcf exhaiisUoUj ;.j , , I . : poprjeiidiv. amounting r to, twcWt.pr . CSZJ StlH" ?Th to. a certain ex- meant close Afr W a5r Th'U hpf -f Kcw TgW KtaU-. to chill tha faaVo, tbai ,V burn pr j. I -r n I.-. or LJimatrnrn in liter. and ona man , will atrcai. Sacra- i T i rt rnarm nrppa. i'iikk-.l BLrvrL. .j it 1 aua ut hnw mnori l a't ttallr I ' ttJ aohef bilf rrbnWi-tiMriMlat treeUand alloyn which lie between, ara -:v lii.vI; ,,-.! V.. the Chineae quarters of San t nnciM. bb ppi V4J a DUAlaiU 'XaVlV AJIV VT TV iaXIOJ in&inc.;Rp:ia-t2s mfdHat hMT. h """r1 "-""7" .... , . I JVIPi-Wii-v aa, v- r-'-v The amount bf strulf raulrfd f?W- -N "rj1 machine" tha men, I meaa ; lure, in . .a. aaua. TlfvMl fAL.t 1 iff i fbl a &hol bewailing ataiaida dJ Sixth. Jaebax$wbi ZVesUei Wtrifo ' . a a a. a a a ' a nd. ip rulo rflfh,ym pc aiaoai oertaia , to bacrna aicklj ot to bcik J ' Seventh; "Gymnastics "are peculixrjy fabeded by g6B ia targe'' Catte Vtft wijh have m4n and they hara 4mpor14!inf 'otot'of5 Ck)Mecticuis.tb-apitfioBUte: ai 'the'Vafe of '10,000 or; 15,000 per aiv man0drlxJP' CaMarjorycwpuderaa JbocJ JKefernng to an addrsa,s oiJ Judge it wokW feeiio o sweeping 'along the klelley, in favor or protectton,MJJr Ubx 'saidr It-isrtr Judge -Keeyt fanrtrthat ne is a protectionist ; iiis nis rnisrorrune. There has beena recpgniripn to-night pi. a!o rUauiOuii f ojMgiiet&f equlpage'VaTwein .-vBIlir3giesito little pony Btopd,8mpinjf wipatienUyi Cjairistoph Cklrimbus dpwn let aiioLarrJeasini ttuc6iBaidi:ij-i.-'" .-ifd them cbme'here 'freely. Ihero is no Vhll I gitayoti. a lif tl""-"iq ,!3 .i rk prohibitor MaridrV-IckSI,Tft !!'ih tiiestlolier4rateaall doulfftalsKdi'noiftyiydre 'told by, physiologists, is .made up of ing. There .rsat the.visioxi pproca, every article subject to our tariff. We nuUiig aud M aU the gausaa, and "iron is in our han'ds to : hefp Jez4u4 ttitl Jxerr basiek 4 bloody So ,theref m enough jLron comes Marjory felt herself dusty and nntiuy m vin ai ue ,aeaaownaere every the cbntrast.2-Tui might b4 the youngimouukw mane atamsnip. squire, who .was coming hbrnb "ta liye,"r M !r V"r ... i-'i-:.I4s she' Tiad'heard;' Wtsha syiied 1 Settu Green's little tOiad i plan ted j ih smile as she found herself actually lifted the upper Mississippi three years - ago, to tha vacant seat, and tha young man I are beginning to coma up. , and. what they receive .those.. who tna taxes must Jieoessamy ao witn- DflV put. osjolhelpsaya the' ciues.1 by-, tha owners., i land. and btiildirigs, -whaiaf ?Dnrae ehanotf pay thme tWreirb'MffbWnbJitn ihey are vmable to get high rents- they atop butoc)I5asi1rWAfkeps to make business dull and ia creases stagna tion. TTnrsifTTOT.T. Woaxs.&torj tout noise I Shufup tlna minu "111 box your ears ! Hold your tongua La Let me be I Get out! Behave yourself ! I won't! You shall ! Never mind ! Youll f calch it! Put awaya&oaai-Cainggl Youll kill yourself! Mind your own business ! Ill tell mi1f v?Ybu mean thing! There, JTtoldydct o! I did! I will have it! JST WWt:H imports for 1874, it wmarbWaee: M.fTi tt day TliPrnftM 1 101 in. thaw L f- j, . - - - -l. r ... . -- v .'-f awv twi i p f '7 wrr.ry mor tti... ya ar."m . od "f a JA ",- II "CIO TI(Uall IU icm uuu iui aUllt aui ".Yiy00 m fVYloJ?- 3 auAVJ1 xpbtta ' SI iC0,f42h vtrt taafln-i 2? 3? 4 fflVS, 'W73 What-is dmetihiea alld't UilUU ttUU iW AlUU-lLUlUaall3. : . A j , .a- .:-a -.a V OO..Vli. r-!ir --".a yi 't T IV; r Z?7iT 1 -The repprt of Grxat . Britain jshowk 'i I LliAa X1ILUAU CA UUI LH 1UI AO J K WffX3 w fc ptetarerat mdfiiiitaia diaasii !. eiirtelT. Vralicisr Wjwkjai Hi wuilixupraEi axajuj.r.iugiier.i ing-ao- ercss rof'iibports of -f!28;9OTl. I bil fea. amvlrtlotf thaT thatoa wageaoaiqtt situs i.w'i Ti .tttl i 237. - Thesfe tiMt :vmiOt aholrlthe was created loz tho rurpoae of dri laai x-J LySifJ jtwr.Hry.; -i-w.'t:J ' ttofeMelatof goldlaiaaeariaoai oiw taiyprcKsut fjuvhkxi'lol ' Itaiia gyfemaUiM aro impract icablfi for largry feirl a'H :?mightlaw rTfjealOitxf girls a thpbJ nod of .the devalopraent of the mntrti al function ought to .be waiclieu ov wtK uiusual CJiebyyxoaapc4ieim Of tai'gbod'jafliinftit; cadtviMaozial knbwladga ofT tbaii eharacierxj xt I ' , .2inth-.Pnf -ci tha taatcstaquroef bf harm is Jound in, sircuanataows lyiag ouUide of school Ufa. The social lib it bf many older" cJifidrca'afe eqialfy fsBob-j uskiii ittu a'. ia. ha ibi vum afT'rau ji Jaudiia L t'. t ar enqrnto TleygraniersJbi Burlfctinry.! 1 n I7a -T.V' tS, a f rnW aWrl; j fca f J , 0 Q " 1 1 ness on their own account, not ottlV fni a x a- ; I pWvait can be frea froa' thapc&t.' lie iwfW TTfrian will riot rtfaftlr&e warn- ihajSUfitnit4 tji4cti i JlskJXSictfbi little linuid which answrrt iwo trarpoaea first, to render tha blood kin. enough. to oe orawn . up -iuroui?a ua luue, aaa CiafTirlct4Wofainiaa. cr? prirftaplea of d Tb.'dii2ealty with I Ilia, rofieati eV tt My Dhy )Vwh&tfda thvB''d0c tTwas in v house! Who s afraid of you! Get Mtfi(nircctlt a 'A XabflrrUo 'bcAavaJaXsraJa agricu2turaJ,tels5-iiTrM2aaepa lastratticail ata cilai aajt n onuft tha ranta.-eJU Medlortl they bava piirefelsed atkiring Kiucajaiaaj Da lMerfSjingj alargabuildiag.1 srhacUJ tbey. an eiabo-! uyeTf w writ a fejlra Ji-Aays ratflji fittings nr4 S Oa JJiee iarsjflporj ftjaost jnueiarae r. cj rhcyA will ba mt Rtran. .ilayrRTTiirlj . dum ' I fail to -do this, as . VOnr. SllCgC 3ft dftJCTai . .a . . II . 11 a T -al Ja P-1 rW- fefJrtWijJ 1116111 conditional- :,,hav tem tne second, oor there will be the band sign your canvassing book, even on cor- onoi.tne ptate urange, bank,' aiuon tnatuiey may uute uie Dooa rertransTOiUtJncceriaW Wh'ehbm cwntodeer.'ftiO offlces, etc.'The'thrrd ' story Vffl'bo giUg:f leadlfsg-naxaea. U ihtv uforlcTooia; MUixtadTtg- Tiamt.af sax i ar . a 1 lPtp-Ccrt,t i thakiirbf.ttev' peoplf arte unablfcti) I ttiha X4auau raalt aadlsihy. tratvTaifri?rWt9-M nW iTTa u . TSa I bny-aj&l ax - a hlner theoaak. lot I lnaJUitlJW, iiirorjpac ro-aea tendancy toMaTUgar-.-Miaiiingi torKpical rdaadittinrm,..wt)nkl , dia-j Uaka Ujt iafhynca the ixmditijtlttusftugiy uie jTf-V couragsv ameliorating ba tha wt Pope'mrn''iheri Wottrur Pauketn. rbbrkanr Paiaii xfet1 rrr.a:s '-"t) ti-n ra 1 J deviled an atonihinj oarlane for cab- 'pMba?""ika 5ifcImnvJnto H Cify ,T which-will M l.'-VrryprCi.jl 'roama Becrc tiiry-'lMWJTtJse" A rio I TrottmAt -2dayet. h foarul. oat tilt to pet ii osryhaTi U ii dose, dlaf are fcVn:; bet, ; whera s tmokc , dnckt, piga head. liTers and gizzards pf fowl, whole "chicken's 'cooked la' oil,' abddm pork and aaus2;es are soldr' He is ihir f chttic3i, or tanrple.'-wilSr Ie-w llnagas of wood and Xinarl;btiaia whliia&dal. 'wood is l) or .taiaU:,&rvackera H .Well, on "bunday H u all juat as It was on tiirdy ptJy all.tla xioreaoJ",,Tha 2abp' afe" ill -tjpi,- shd-tha rrv ac- binlinlaC' cn a.ltingrp H&xxcm ad thi abacaavAr tootica j theis fJffTs,'Tba pallars are aa fall as ever cf djr-makers; the, eatmg bouaea are xolier than, ever ; . and ft evi-CT eatail!Lcra aie at least's 'doin (raUlng LbtifcaO f- J A Caiaaaa gaiialilhj hrll cchxiita bf a xuurfrr jrhiicTMhed cctry ai tha, end of which Jiariy? a flap cf c'th, . .The play room lies' at n'jht ajl-rwitBthe -ntry, asil"!. of course, 'but It rii if. r Zii tha retry' s2a st rh43,',srTrecl!y or raia2ir4gJKear tail head yon will p-r- bapa tAic 4i roy.b;Jayad ta hook. This rope lrada taa door, If you a whiia pan and ncta rlkyraan . ahould Vtimpt lb enter tha narrow" rjaaaaee. tha witditauS wbnia pell t rbpe the top TOlI -ptaU Io-Cjo dooi;-aM as' that cloGcs-viS OpSs lock, you wonli bo I. I counted a dotra of these plaofa ia a aingle Lloci ; fofty-fiye, or lh"eta" jrera bpcif biTfianalay "Lighi ; Wt police aiytlit'f i If not ary to prove that th-y of ha -noaq fiVjiha if-rrW w' g-g dgna;tor. no Chfnarnan .a I a. I -T m . A. . A a I a t pon thercjKindrr ,lDftt eiDlxininor whv it ia that, in hundreds A t&Jrfeaiy tealtSy'locailtleaUe'liaiaaa TTUm tiiAiM. ammJn mA hiiiaIfla. T aTTWST tH tTTaCnna: aZAXWalT XIl XCtOaaf r-'- : I r . . a. . . .. . i tt b2aadtatasnd0 :ti caarnaarn tit -) j taataea ua tzutp, ( ..vt. u i r. f hai aT.inmi jnf t tti- -ifi ahy. y in all my born days. indeed. tima in having iirectifLeUL they hear with their antennax wiU bear.witcasa tgvc? them aad they uxejBo xarx.troia s wjuta man. , U'' VWr'4n' 4V.' af VMM III., aa'iu A .11 limiatf mtmmw . v . .la willi tacir g,4ba only' erne e3aaIon has ha been tespted to mala a -bet. TTbao on a to WhitciaU to aa his t2f Qaeea Irtha, he f ked lira. Scott, wia cf tha tzcrwhat wcc!Xarin lha Oaka. She xezLBt'' QscLa IUrihaiii:yl3rd,'' Lqx' J-raf-v bttrhea aixpaaoa that this would not baao. Ilialoidahip had th'bftcf tha l'Ito'3:',:1 -I19 V wag-r, as the Lily won.' Oa thday af ter ther "he obtained troni'tLd Mint a Ira'xcwruc'wluih hi LaJ set ut rubies and diamonds and presented lUto-2Irs.ScoU.

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