Franklin Courier GEORGE 8. BAKER. EDITOtt AMD PBOFBIETOIU All letters addressed o i Geo. 8. Baker, Feidat .. June, 11 1875. FOR THE Convention, OTJXt CAISlIIVTK Col William t. Green; the gentleman to whom the Convention in this place on Saturday last coqfided the duty of carrying our banner to victory in the Campaign thin summer, noods no In troduction to the poopleuf the Umnty .f VninVlin at our hands. e I known to them, well and favorably. In every contest that has been made by the friends, of purity and hooesty In the management of the government, and of tho lovers of Constitutional liberty, against the opponents of these elements in our government," he has been heard advocating the claims of the cauo so dear to our jcnpie, and carry ing ,the war into the camps of the enemy with an ability that has always made him a favorite with the Citiaens of the County of Franklin. Always on the side of bis popple, he needed hut to know his doty to perform it with alacrity and teal. When we say that he is one of the best Informed men as well as one othe m at effective speak ers on the hustings In this part of the Btate we but utter what is in the minds of all who know him, and vho have heard him so often, when pouring grape and cannister . Into tho ranks of the enemies of honest government, .. Our county should be proud of the honor of sending one to the illustrious body that the Convention bids fair to be, that will reflect so much credit up on hia Constituency, and give the County character, as will be the case, when Wm. F. Groen enrolls hii name as a member of that body, and assumes the duties incumbent upon him as such. It is the duty, now of every man who loves hia country, and who has the local pride about bun that every citiien of tho County of Franklin should feel, to lay aside all other mafr ten for a short whiles and devote their time, their energies aud their moans to I II IT I III r &.U.U A A ULU IUM1UI V i 1 3. mat nas Dorno u aown so long, ana w plant our gallant little couuty firmly on the Bide of the mends of Constitutional liberty, 8o that the fruits of the vic tory of last summer may soon be gather ed. Let us all go to work and con tinue to do so until he shall be triumph antly elected. We raise bis name at the head of our paper. THE CONVENTION LAST SATTTC- PAY. The Democratic Conservative Con. vention which was held last Saturday was largely attended, and it was indeed gratifiying to soe the perfect harmony and good feeling that prevailed. A. C. Perry was called to preside over the Convention, and it Uidreoly look like a start bad been mad to get back to the good old days of good government, to see this venerable old gentleman, who had filled the seat so often in other and. better days, presiding, Kvery township in the County was largely represented, and the delegates after retiring for a few minutes, returned having unanimously agreed that Col. W. F. Qreen was the man to carry the Democratic banner through the cam paign, Col. Green responded to the call of the Convention, and stated that he had not sought the nomination, but now that ha had been nominated he did not shun the responsibility and work imposed upon him by the party, he spoke for about three quarters of an hour, touching the several points that would be brought to the sonslderation of the convention. Messrs. Davis, Mitchell and Thomas were all called ; upon : and responded ia abort, speeches. The KUowing resolu tion was offered by T.;7. Mitchell and was adopted without a desentlng voice Ilesolved, that' w reoognixe in the Franklin Couvier a scaloua and vigi lant scnUbd ou , tho watch-tower of good honest and pure government, an ardent supporter of the principals of Constitutional liberty,, and cordially re commend it to the support of the Demo cratic Conserve t Ire rotors of Franklin County. Tho Convention adjourned an well pleased with the nomination. and with a da termination to work for the elcctiou of their nominee. Aouou oxT ti&0 OomxnLsv aionora tux SXoiulay The Board of County Commksloners at their session held on Monday last, very properly rccnrtfldered their action - taken pt Uieir,Vv ui Ting, in refir. ence to the account of the Snperior Court Clerk, for expenses of his office The following order rw passed." "Or dered that tbi two order Lamed to Pr. IL H. Timberlake, f isy 3rd 1875. ope for $93,54. and i one .for rescinded, and that Dr. R, H. Timber- lake bo notified to appear before Board on the 1st Monday in July 1875. For tw Couwee. Mb. Kdxtob.- It is iot my pur pose to write you a long letter, tut simply to congratulate jou" on tbe bold and able manner in which yon have brought to light and exposed through the columns of your most ex cellent and valuable Dane, some of the rascality tho4 stealing that has been practiced upon our taxburdened peo ple, by those in antbo ity. Tne peo ple are with you. go ' on, don't atop, sift the whole matter, and let the eitixens of the eounty know who the monudrcls are. that thev may be Mf there is oni matter, about which I w juld like to inquire, it is in regard to tbot County bonds which have been changed. Posh not the Regie' er of Deeds have charge of the ooflks, that were tampered with? Are they pot in his possession? Then is he not re sponsible for any and all fraudulent entries made in them? ; If ha is inno cent, then who hut his deputy,' (if he Las oue could have done it? IFho " but the RegUter or his deputy had access to the books. $lr. Kditor these are plain pointed questions, but pert! nent and proper. I hope Mr. Editor, that you will not relax your efforts in tryipg to find out the guilty party or parties in this dirty business, but that you will soon be rewarded for your labors by seeing them brought to jus tice, wishing you and yonr alu-I able paper, ( 6ich should be in every household in the County) that success which your efforts iq this matter de serves.'"'"4 ' ! : I subscribe' myself Yours very truly, EVankltx. ADDRESS OF THfi CECUTIVE DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COM- Mi l TEE TO THE PEOPLE OF NOA'TH CAROLINA! Rooms or the Democratic Con servative Cen'l Ex. Com., Raleigh, June 1st '75. To the people of FqUi Carolina t The General Assembly at its recent session called a Convention of the peo- I pie to meet at Raleigh on the Cts day I II' Ulll K-TH A U A I IID IIU1 1IUBC Ul M , . r. suggesting sucu aiceranons in our or- I I ganic law as may bv deemed wise and expedient. I necessity FOR change. I Tbe necessity for changing many of the provisions of the existioc Consti- tution is generally admitted, and is too apparent to require extended ar gument. -It is tlma that some of our prominent men at ene time opposed the call for a convention : but tbeir action waa passed on prudontial con sideration, and not on an Indisposition to have the Constitution s thoroughly revised. They feared that our pur pose in seeking to reform our Funda mental Law, might be misconstrued by the violent and. illinformed men then controlling Congress, and tbe prosperity of our people checked, and the peace of the State jeopardized by nie harsh and unconstitutional action on the part of the lhitcd States au thorities. That fear no louzer exist. Wo now have every assurance that tbe Constitution of the United States will be obaerved by the ofSeers of the Gov ernment, and feel a satisfaction in an nouncing to you that the time has at lart arrived when the officials at Wash ington City concede that the people of North Carolina have the same right to manage their local concerns which the' eitixens of other Statss ' eniov. Y can proceed without apprehension to perfect our Constitution and remodel it in the interests of our people. Till COXSTTTLTlON, TUB CREATURE OF XXUTABY LAW. ' This Constitution, the eivature of Military dictation, waa born in the throes of a Military reconatrnction. Its authors were mainly Seiolists and adventurers, who had lived among us without preferment, or pmarssed of qualificiioAs entitling them to it; others were our reoena slaves, who had known no law save the will of tlir masters and wthera still ware carpeUbaggera, both black and wU to alieb in feeling and Radical in education who s.ught positions iera that were denied them where known to dospoil and humili ato us And when their work waa submitted to; the people at the polls. tbouMUU of our beat citibena were de prived of the right of voting upon it. and over, eighty thouKand ignorant negruee were riven the ballot to secure ita adoption.;. It is no exaggeration to say that not one perseo in ten who tot! for it could read the instrument, and not one ia fifty had read it or waa even moderately familiar with its pro visions, aud many gave it their sup- port believing it would be merely tem porary, and to escape further agitation and retention, it is natural there fjretbat'a Constitution thus formed and adopted should be found t-twuitee to our ' condition, and thtt we should embrace the earliest opportunity con- tistent aith reason ana pruaeuce to secure such changes as time and ex perience have shown to be necesraiy. Our organic law should be expresed in lai.guage clear, simple and perspicu ous, so that nethingmay be. left to in ferenoe or construction; our rights, so precisely defined as tola comprehen ded by all men of ordinary intelligence; and eauh department, of the govern ment should b so restricted, that while left free to discharge its appro- pria t duties, it cannot by unwarran eacnaehmenU embarrass the proper action of others. th ooysrrnmoH vbsvttej) to ouk COSPITIOV, That the Constitution contains some good provisions no one denies, it rould be singular it it did not, but its abominable characteristics were so manifest that not a single Conservative member of the Convention that passed itcculd be induced to affix his signa ture to it, aa a fit instrument to be submitted to the people. Indeed its provisions are so loocelj worded and so badly arranged as to constitute but a medley of inconsistencies tnat difics the successful construction of the court j in fact, to reconcile the difficul ties arising from its practical workings, the court has in some instances been driven to supply omissions, and in others to introduce a new principle, hitherto unknown in the juridical his- tory of State, distinguished aa "judi cial legislation," an innovation anti- republican in character and invasive of the righta and duties of a separate department. Its provislona are soob- acurs that within the brief space of ita existence many more decisions on con stitutional questions have been deman ded than In the entire previous history of the State and of late we have witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of two sets of judges In both the 2nd and 8th Judicial Districts, contending for the same position, one ot which claiming to bold by an appointment from the Governor for a period of ten years, an office that the Conaiitution seems to say is to be filled by the peo ple at the polls, and whose term is ex pressed to be only eight years. In many coonties, tbere is a practical denial ol justice, tbe courts are inade quate to the public demands, and thus they are driven to resort to ep cial term, which are expensive and un satisfactory, and persona accused ot criminal offenses are often confined for montns wituout trial. . We reed a m . a . speeaier justice ana. a less i xpt naive judiciary system. We should abolish every useless office, which is n.w fi"!ed by a mere consumet : lor onlv bv u rigid and prudent economy in our pub m - lie as well aa private affairs, can we n0P o restore tne ute to prosperity it U believed that -the laws ' will be more impartially administered by a return to the old practice of a rotation of the Judges. AXKHDIfKSTS TO THK CKIXTKAL 11 W XECXaSASY, - It is alto hoped that a greater incen tire U honesty and a purification of the ballot box might result lrm de privmg thoae who are convicted ot in famous crimes of tbe elective franchise. The matter of tbe Penitentiary which already contains mote than six bun bred able-bodied men, also demands careful and practical attention, to re move in some measure that burden from our. -shoulders. Most of our private legislation should be excluded from the General 'Ascembly. How ever, our limited space does not permit us to catalogue the numerous delects and imperfections of the prcstnt con stitution or to enumerate the remedies to be offered. There should be some genera! ordi nance adopted in relation to private enactments, thereby reducing the ex penses ot the Legialature, and in or derto prevent bastv and incortsicder ate legislation, that no new matters be brought forward within- days of their adjourning. CAREFUL SXXXCTI03T OF DEL.rOA.TES. As to the specific changes that ought to be made, these are to be conaidered by the citixena of the varioua counties, who should be careful to select as dele gates those who will properly reflect their wiahea. Mao ef - enlarged and practical ; statesmanship, spotless in tesritv, representatives of all classes of aodety, and whose positions among them will entitle .their labors to confidence and support and la their hands they certainly can more safely confide their righta taaa in the Convention of 1853. KXTHODS OF CHAfcGK. i Of the two methods prescribed for changing the Constitution, that by leg ialative enactment la expensive, uncer tain and dargrrour; the eeveral amend menta recently submitted to and: rati fied by tho people encountered the greatest diQculiiea in tlxlr passas and even aftr the will of the people was declared In their favor by over 40,000 majority, aerioua appreheaaiona were entertained as to whether they were properly adopted; again, leglsla. tors when possessed of qualifications for such duties, 'are encumbered with oBiawwua uaitoa,- aau cannot Diiog thatatteatba to each provision pre- seated for consideration, wiSjout meet. ing such criticisms as may imperil I their labors. I The Convention method is speedy and conomica', the body Is composed only of tbe same number of members aa comptlse the House of , Representa tives ad tbetr minds are directed alone to constitutional reforms and their work may be completed and raified, if necetfarT, ia six month. As to the expenses that will be Incurred Jt la be. I to litved tb-y will be more than defrayed . ?K- .-r. .v.. In, . I M - "J 15 I be inaugurated, ; I The restrictions imposed' by- the Leg-'s'ature, fatly and , amply secure the Homettead, llfcch'anica lien. Rights o married women, and Personal Liberty and should quiet tbe fears of the most I timid, for they are recn$olxl as of binding efficacy and are ci.letly enjoyed by tbe frieada of cons titutionai reform. Indeed fhey were incorporated . ia tbe bill maluly to remove partiaaa clamor and anticipate unscrupulous agitation. They are not the property of a mere party, but had their origin in thj ne- ceaaitiet oi civil u.a rociety ana were found among the statutes of raiious States prerioos tolbewar. quALiricATioNS or dklxoatx. It is useless, howevtr, to seek to qui et the mere caviller; the keeu opMcsof some persons defy all law. The mere tact that the h-jnor ol the best men in the State is pledged to their preserva tion, should satity every reasonable vo ter. This Convontion is called in pui auance of lw, and each delegate be fore ube shall be permitted to sit, to be entitled to a seat in sid Oonventioa or act aa a delegate . thereto, shall awear to observe these Testrictlons,, (see acta 1874-5). Should a part com ply and part refuse to take this oath, 1 i oniy inose wno ooey uie uw are mem bers of the body, nor are we without precedents; simlr oath was required t the members of the Mrlsiricted Con Yention" ot 1835, the tame question I was raised, and alter debate all tbe memberstook the oath aod observed tne resuictlons of high paity excite ment. In that ditcussum the diatin guished Judge Gatnn . nstd tbe fol lowing lagusg: Tbe 8tare Legisl ture had indeed no authority to impose aa oath upon the member of the Con vention, but the people had ratified the act of the Legislature by choosing delegates under It. It we transcend the limits or refuse obedimce to the conditions therein prescri!ed, we are not ti.e CouYtsutioo called by tbe peo ple, but a self constituted bod;" these views were concurred in by Mcon, Ed ward, Morehead, and others. , We will dismiss this subjec', h wver by calling attention to the able wot k ot Judge Jamis o on 'Constitutional Convention?," where by argument and tbe ca? ci eil by h ui in elation to this mat er, he demonstrated that Con-' vention? uro Ion ad to obey tb te btr.ctioLs iioposcl b tbe Legislature in tbe Act by calling the Couvtution, AID FR'jM BEPrBLICAKa. In ou. last election it was gratifying to see Republicans who had hitherto submitted to the control of unscrupu lous leadtrs under mistaken belief that they were promoting the general wel fare seeing tbeir corruptness as demon strted by the "Credit Mbi'ier rcva lationa," "Sanborn ContracU" and oth.r frauda and defalcations, aud their vindictive and relectles policy, where by they sought to degrade the superior raoe by this iniquitous "Civil Bights Bill," ov rcome their party prejudice and give us their cordial support. To them we extend an invitation to re main and continue the work so auspi ciously begun. . To those who opposed us under the delusion of their leaders who assured them this bill would nev er pass Congress and it it did would be vetoed by the President, though I it now has his signature; and who have witnessed the earnestness with which the daorerous "Force BUT' was urged upon Congress, we say no longer re main where there ia neither safety nor honor to a North Carolinian The bat tle tor eivil liberty Is not yet oyer. "Civil Rights" is still a part of the se cret carpet-bag programme for this 8tatr; though driven from the hails . of Congress it will be renewed in the Aoutbern States. We therefore iavite their cooperation. The Contention owes ita final success to the sqpport of some of their ablest representatives ia a a a a m . . um uenerai Assemoiy ana ' tney axe doubtless aware that the visa provi sions introduced into the Convention of 1863, by their ablest native rrprerenta- tivei were scoated and defeated by that aanse element that baa brought ruin npen their party sad coniusioa to eur State, , - - xxcxasiTT of omQAjrrzaTTo. The frieada of Coaraatioa aheuld at once pet fact ' their orgaaixatioa . aad bring oat their 'beat taea la erety Ooaatyin the BtaX. The leaders of the Bepublicaa party know that by their reckless violations of tba coasti- tuUoo aad efXbrta to centralize all power iathe hands of vhe Federal Government, they hare justly forfeited the ; confidence aad support ot the people; they therefore trust not to their owe strength but to our apathy, aad will endeavor to secure our detect by dvlaioaa aad false leaders. T7e there- I respectfully iaviU their attention to the following resolatioai aduptcd aad aueceasfully followed ia our last caapain: " -, .-. - UXSC1X.TKO, rnat wa earnest ry re commend to the members of the Demo cratic Conservative party to dlacouraw I indapeadeut eaadidatea, aad all other disorganixers, that ail support bo 1 promptly withdrawa feocx every ax. pliant fer office who shall oppose the regular nominees of our Conventions. fnr Penary county Ooavtntioes be duly advertised and see that the people hare a full opportunity of at tending and expresains their wiabes. Tho ccateet ia important not only la ita tmme?iats tcects but ia suoeeqoeut results, Tbe Ilrpabltcan party. umjar the leadership of carpet-bag irs still remaining among us, will advocate tbe election of delegate, who will agree meet and adjourn without holding a a mie in tbewisbes of tU peopU, expressed - f l.t I through a two- third mi tort tr of tbeir chosen Rrpreseatatirea, and alter a considerable . part ot the rxpenaes tor mileage and per dita is llncnrrecV we Lelier, however tne promise ts but a delnuoo and saarr. for should shey ascertain they have a majority la the body, it will be aa easv matter for tbea to evade their promise by the rtfasol of a few to concur; as.thry do ant acknowledge the 4restitctionsi' as binding, they . will resort to the moat revolutionary measures to sustain tbeir desperate for una, and iathe end will fail to submit their work to the people for ratification or rejection. . Let us, tneretore, present a united front, and with a general advance along our lines Radicalism will not only be routed but overwhelmed, and a victory for Civil Liberty assured tor 1876. Wh. B. Cox, Chairman. B. H. Battlk, Jb, C. M. Busbxx, K. B. Hatwooo, J. J. Davis, W. H. Joins, W. N. iL Sicrrs, 8. A. Asks, O. P.Uearxs. Executive Committee. J. J. Lrrcxrromo, Secretary. gOUTBEBK ILLUSTRATED aok! Raleigh, N. C. The only 1 LLUSTRATED WEEKLY in the South. . Eight pages. Forty columa, . Containing more readlog mat ter than any Weekly published in the South-- States. Tm first number of the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED aob will be iasaed on Catvrlay, 23th day of Juae,167S. Tbe PublUber intends mak ng it aa Dluit rated ro d of the ttmea. It Will treat of every topic, political, Histori cal, literary, and Scient fic, which is o current ioieiest, and giv the beat illustrations tbat can be obtained, original or fort-tra. " ' . The SOUTHERN lLl.C8TnTKD AtiS will lie printed u bw typ-, aim heaV book paper. Oi its Iie tf enfnbotnr wll he found ill name of mi;y f tba lat 'arret in the rii'h ?eria nal ! l atrie, poeioa ami sketch-, ,and a el. n imIuc cd d paiiiueu j;iviag the i at est ptraoutl liteiarj, ac: u I tr, Mtitical rrli nu au I coiiiiercinl i..-t-l'Uenc , will fur i It very weik an an.a int c r adinf n at cr ur.vura-Mfd ly-'tbiT pup r, in rxee l -iceand bari ey. ! : n.Ui.-e.l nuke the . OUTUEUX II. LL ' HA I KD AGK.a )uru l ut tht- fi.ritiili; several co uuin a Ih? u.prciwi J l v eil t a I u j Cla I r n.u'njj ttiurs it'itud ci l lite. f laiul y bu'tit artliMjt i . S l rrip 1D price only f i p r aw- uuu.. I -tH - ir- . iuT. FU .tatiTM. Edit- r. KM h, N.O. Building Contractors AND OA.I3IITJET LOUISBURG, N. C. SASH, BLINDS AND "DOORS MADE to ORDER, and all kinds of Machine work done at short notice, on ss reasonable terms as elsewhere In the State. All grades ef Coffiinr, Furniah- ed, with hearse. Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. Plasterins Lathes : alwajs , on hand. SU1TH L BEACH All 5nn oasoit. One door . Hast Corner Blouat and XXorsaa Streets. Baleign; N. O. STONE CUTTER, And Dealer la - .. ITiUAH I A11MCAH MBBLB. AQ kinds ef Monument. Tombs. Ilaad stones aod Gartea Statuary rf to oracr oo reasoaasie terns. Orders from a distance Dromstlv filled. Call in person, or addreaa JOHN CAYTOH. P. O. Box. Ho. 503. Atlantic HoteL KORFOLK, VA. - S.I.DODSOS, iftke . ToxxsTAia ucrrzL, ' -' "' - ."- - '.' ' t . aVeprletac. This msci2Bi ZXOTEZ. sftsr navtaa? baaw taroal7 raaoratad aad rtffttd. U now opea for the M-nT7wTtlv of guaata. Board, first an! asrnn 1 fioor. t3 aer day. , Taird aad foorth floor, t3,& par ar. 2STOXXCE. TO THE PHYWcTAVS 07 FTUincr UN AND WAKE COUNTIES. TTavta!? been . appointed kArut, for tbe Kentucky- utnai P cue fit Ak- clatlon of hy-Wan for Fmnklln and Wake CMti:tles, 1 Respectfully Informs the rii siclans of said counties that they can procure ertlflcatca of life Membership by applying to me. . LouUburg, N. I . - T J, B. CLIFTON; 5!. D. LOUISBURC, . I keep always on hand, a geod Ptock ofthe purest and beat medi clues. . ' . I , ' Piescriptlona' eornponnded at all hoars, by a c ireful Druggist. A full line of Fancy Tdilet Soaps, PERFUMERY, HAIR, Hail and Tooth Brushes &c. PAINTS; OIL,! LEAD, A fall Supply. 4 My 60DA FOUNT is always clurg ed with COLD SPAHELINO BO D A WATER. ' . J.IL CLIFTOX. M.D, f IibuisbuTg, J. C ladlca Trimmed Hals- ," ...... A fresh npplv of Trimmed H-ts. Latct styles very cheap,; ut re ceived by k While & Shaw, Calico s, Percals a, d Lawns. 1 W ST YT.K C A LI nS KEW STV1 E PElfA!.. A second npptr ofth-rJMfc-tp fill vktnrl: lawn, Jt rwKrtl. by v White & Slraw. ILadeis (Dravats AND RIBBONS. hand-win Tot of cravat "fplr t of Pafli, Piirrt a?n I i IiiJs Jirt rTt" frrd y White & Slnnv. Grain Cradles &c A MiTVilr of Cnihi f'radh-s and Gras llludes For ale bv White s Shaw. Choice Cfder Tenrcar. Three Parrels Ture f'lder Yenegar, two years old. Tor ?ale by White & Shaw Uo Tap, Eusgy. One haiidmnne I etv stjb box' boly Dugg- for ale very cheap. Wliite & Shaw, LOUISBURG, X. C. i wiLMAvms, urcujR m ; THOMAS, Wholesale Gro curb ' ' AKD Co jTi m i s i o A r c A a n f , 1 fo. 5S Fyet-TilT Strret, -RALEIOn, X. C. : EAGLE HOTEL : ; Lou:sburgvn. C. A. D. Green. PxoraiE.oa. ' -o Tbo present proprl tsr has leaad the Zajle Hotel, (formerly occupied vj James Lfenx) ior numoer of yeara. no is prepared to leefimmu regular and transient boarders, has nice rooms, we 1 furnished, and fitted np In tho beat style. He has also larjra and convenient rooms for Pa3esoe to display, their samples. . The table Is uaur atrppued with the beat the m r ket affords He wm s(re no pains In niakluz hi boardera comfortable, and hopes be will reerive a liberal patronage from tbe public Jan. 8U 1875. r JiSTABLIUED 1847. a, W. H.' Llorris 4 Sons., ' A COTTON FACTOIIS JXD Commission LTorchanls. 23,25 and 57 Crniraeroa St. ; - TToroEfc, Fa. : o WTT make libera rnrreney ad van ceson proiluce or bill lading In hand. Mr. A. If. Soble, of IT . C, Is con necied wtth or bocse, and will be pieaaeu to reoelre the patronaga f (us iricuus. Professional Cards. ,lr. X. E. KEV'G DENTIST. - Ofiers his ha public In Professional Servicea to XTrrry dtpcarlxatnt or IJenttslrtf. orncca, . Leuisburg at - Warns ton errr Dents IToUl, Korwood & Davis 8tora. JOS. J.DAYIS. AilTail CODHsELtOR ULA? ' luoinssoa,,0 Win praeJoa ta tba rnl CMrta of Oraa villa JTraaiiia. Raaa, Warraa aad Waka. ia, Raah, Warra aad Waka. ProBDi attaatioa paid to Ul eollaa. Urn aad mnittaae. ot xnosT. Jatjl5.1STU ... , - : . - 1 j ATTOKOTT AT LAW. ' -- Fajuncxnno, N. C Will practice la tha eoarts of the llh Judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collect tion of claims. No 50 tf ' C. n. Cccle, ; . V.H. cook &.cj?euoi:ii 1TT0 RHETs AND COUKsE LLO Rl . 'AT LAW, Aad SsUpltusa ia " BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG 1LC. ; Will attend the Court. ! Nash(Frai k fra. 0anville. Warrenaxl Wahf t'ua. !the8upr-rae dart t N rth t.'arolna and the U. 8. Cinnit and ul Coufts.' Mi 7 -tf a. r ir m ss SADDLERY ESTABLISH: - - MENT. ' o- . - , I'havr Jart j'rm! a h a rr eas a r Kl.lle th. in Lnilit-t I shall, krep r la ai fa hard a kI troek .f Maihin nid Parr- and 8aldl. 1 en p'y rtd ar. . x'Vrirrrr wrrr ttier, and f aarfrt aM the work put up hj m ; ail kinds nf r;lrii In nif line rbne on al orr notr and on rry raronaMr ft-rtsp. ly hHp oTr Mr. T. N. Osrli!ef sjtnr. m Main Wrwt. I licir tle palruna ot th p'piatl Franklin. Y. a CLIFTON. O PHOTOGRAPHIC Gallery. At my Gallery orer Mr. T. X. Car tile's Store can l-e found a all time, ruad, sQuare and matin frams I ana alo prepared to take Oera tTpee, r4 and cabinet aire- Photographs. When jou want a good plHo n yourself and faallv, callat ray Oalhry. Very Res pec U oily, ."... j . . . Y. B. CLIFTOS. ; SIX- REASOIIS VHY you nxocxo mraa nr THE ; PENH 1IUTUAL LIFE - riSUslMiSE C0L!?A!iY. 021 CIIESTZUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1st. Because It is one ofthe oldest eocapaales la tbe country, aad past Ua day of experiment a. td. Because every policy hslder Is a member of tbe Company, entitled to all its advantages and privileges, bv Itg a right to vote at all electtoas for trusteea, aad thus has aa iafloeaea la its management. , , . . Sd Lrcauas it has tho Isrrest scea I l fatd of say Iils Lunraace l.vompaay to tne Diaia. io. iccauso vj eccBaxz.)cai cts agemea'. l!s ratio of ezpenata'to totU inonrae la far Krlow th averajrs ot IAU Compaaiea, (Sao OSdal Iaszrxsca rport.) ' ' 5th. Cecasso ft his drclartd dividaods ta auciber, ead of a lartj average perceatajra, thuaay Coapaay In th railed Ftale. Fnr example; PoHcy 2to 16, foo fvCCO, has bora paid to Its widow of a Philadelphia merchaaL epea whlcb tweatjthrts diridrads had fctra da claxed, ave scj . tttj aerea rcr crtt. TT aVrl flriovo A I rllsf a Kfa aal a Wv ehase additions to this policy, C3.CI J mote wocld have beta rrtllrdcxsJc g thopc4'y wcrlh Cll.CiS. -' Ctb. Because it xs liberal ia its cut- a - 9 . . unsni. Twrau in. lis friuwrnn sate beyond a coatiegecry, aad its rates are as low ss any Cnt-clxrs .Cwaptay la the cnoatry. " ' Principal yeatarev. Email expenses, ahao tats seca r i ty .tarpa ret ora pre mluma, prompt paytneat of loaacs, aad liberali ty to tbe iaured. TT. IL riNCIJ, OcaT, Uasarr fcr ITorh Carolias. 7. D. BrnUTXL, , CeaH. A-rif, Frasvnztca, 2T, C,