."P - - tit 'jt. 1 COUR TIFT R GEO. S vBAKER, Editor and Proprietor, TERMS : 32.00 pcr Anpun. '. i- ' ' " " " VOL. IV. i ...-.- . , . LOUISBUKG, , X. C, FRIDAY, JUXE 18, 1875. NO." 34. Fafth. MId nked bonsha the robin sum V That bods will break he in so sore ; So snre that flnwer and all sweet things Will blossom while the years endure. Thongh cold the wind, he has no doubt - Of warmth and comfort on the way ; no knows that all green blades will sprout, , IIoweTer late the frosts delay. He knows, by wonderful prevision, Tha! snramrr oon will haunt the wood,' ( And bring the barren bongh fruitien, I And to the empty nest its brood I A MUTINY AT SEA, Graphic Description of the Mu tiny on lion r a the American Schooner Jefferson Borden. The story of tho mutiny on the Jef ferson Bordrfn, an American vessel at sea, is thus toldjby a correspondent of tho Tribune : Tho vessel is a large tbreo-mabted schooner, and left New Orleans for Liverpool. J The officers and rcw nnmlbred nine men, and the cap tain's wife Was on board. The crew was augmented at New Orleans by the ad dition of three men, who hailed from a Bailors' lodging-house in the city, and to whom the captain agreed to pay the port prico of $20 for the voyage. Their names were Miller, Clow and Smith. Severo weather was encountered at sea, and for somo misconduct the sailor Miller' was put in irons. He repented and signed a compromise and promise to offend no more. , At midnight, on April 20th, the mu tiny began. The twov mates or the vessel bad already been murdered before the captain became aware of tho position of things. About one o'clock, he says, he was awakened by Miller's knocking at his door, and shouting to him to come to tho forecastle to see a man who had broken his leg. On opening the door bo observed Miller standing with one band behind his buck and a countenance that did not at all events beteken peace. He asked him who it was who was hurt, atul receiving tho reply : " I do not know, but come up and see," ho inquired whero wero tho mates, but before he could reeeivo a reply, his wife, who ap peared to havo a suspicion that some thing was wrong,, warned him from within, tho cabin not to go. Fortunately ho did not, or, at all events ho did not venture forth till he was armed with a revolver. Meanwhile, -finding .that the mates wero not in their berths, hio drew tho conclusion that something serious had happened. Tho ship's cook, who bad boen called from his bed by Miller, wont to tho captain and inquired what was tho matter. All that the latter could tell him was that tho mates were not in their cabins. . The cook thereupon went on deck, and when Miller and the other two men had gone to the forecastle he went forward as far as the deck-house, whero tho berths of all the able seamen wero situated. Seeing the PuiF.sian and Smith talking together, he aked again: " Where are tho mates ?" to which the only reply he got was another request from Miller to come forward and see the man with, the broken leg. He emphatically refused to go forward, adding: " Don't fool me." . Sucing nothing of the officers of the ulnp, and noticing tho demeanor of the men, ha was satisfied that a revolt was being arranged, and he at once informed tho captain, who now camejlforward arm ed as above stated and called upon the men to submit to his authority. The only reply ho received was a shower of missiles hurled at the officers' quarters at tho stern of tho ship. Bottles, bolts, pieces of cast iron, portions' of a smash ed grindstone, vere made use of by the mutineers. . la response to this, their first sign of open warfare the captain iued hi3 revolver. . This caused the men to withdraw to the deck-house for shel ter. The men showing no disposition to emerge from their shelter, tho captain held a consultation with his faithful ally Aikin, the cook, and with his assistance collected nil the available firearm -three revolvers and a double-barreled gun and made ready for a' renewed attack. Tho men, however," did not emerge from their quarters, and at five o'clock in the morning, when day had broken, and sin gularly enough a perfect calm had suc ceeded the boisterous weather that had attended them without intermission from Boston,, the captain crept thither, and finding tho mien all dozing, he hit upon the happy expedient of nailing up the deck-hou3o door. They did not offer . any opposition to this course, but per sistently, refused to surrender them selves, and declared they would not yield submission to the captain. GapL Pat terson,, though in this dire - extremity and, suffering nn anxiety which can easily . be . imagined, acted apparently with great mercy. Ho offered to accept , the submission of the men on their con-; 8enting to, b pat irons, but plainly told them if ' they did not he would fire upon them and bo disable them. The men, however, were very firm in their refusal, and at length the captain had, as hojstatcs, no alternative but to fire upon them. Shot after shot -was fired in r through the deck-house window and through a hole made in the side, and attacking nor defending party appearing ! to thin! of him. The cook, of course, was with the captain, and the three men were in the deck-house. This left three members pf the crew to be accounted for the two mates and the boy.. The captain had at first his doubts as to whether the former were not secreted in some part of the ship, but he concluded that the latter had been thrown over board. The men for a long time would not admit that they had thrown them overboard, and, with the hope thafr they were still alive, he again and again demanded of the men what they had done with them; The American, Smith, at length volunteered to give up the mates if toe firing, was stopped. The captain replied that as soon as the whereabouts of the mates were made known, the firing should ri .. . . cease, oearcn was made in every con- 1 1 A. II 1 - a. ueivaoie pan oi ine snip, out it was not until after the men had yielded to L-apt. Patterson s authority,- that they admitted the fatal truth, and Miller, who was suffering much from the effects of his wounds and from thirst, frankly con f essed that they had thrown them over 1 1 mi '1 1 1 m . ooaia. xney naa, in lact, Deen mur dered before the captain was called from his berth by the false alarm about the man with the broken leg. It was the second mate's watch upon deck at tho time of the outbreak, and was spared. On Thursday, the 6th of May, the vessel entered the Thames, having at the Nore the entrance to the riyex taken on three extra hands and a pilot, as well as a medical man sent .by the consignees of the ship. . The latter, Mr. J. C. RusselL of Gravesend. trave his attention to Mrs. Patterson and the sufferers. Messages were sent on board from Mr. Nunn, the United States Con sul in London, and, on arriving at the docks, CapL Patterson was heartily greeted by a number of American cap tains, whose vessels were in port. Various suppositions are offered as to the motives of the men in perpetrating this terrible deed. The motive thev themselves attribute is harsh usage on the part of the captain; but that idea is at once dispelled by a knowledge of the captain's general demeanor. Moreover, according to the statement of the lad, it F.AICLY DAYS OF CALIFOBXIA, Gen. Sherman in him Personal Xar rat ire Telia urn About Them. General Sherman, in his new book, tells us about California in. its early days as follows: Our vessel arrived at theroadfted of Monterey bay, after a voyage of one hundred and ninety-eight days from New York. "Everything on shore looked bright and beautiful, the hills covered with grass and flowers, the hvo-Qaks so serene and homelike, and the low adobe houses, with red-tiled roofs and whitened walls, contrasted well with the dark pine trees behind, mating a -decidedly good impression upon us who had come so far to spy out the land. Nothing could be more peace ful in its looks than Monterey in January, 1847." "We found the people of Mon would appear that their object was plan-1 terey a mixed set of Americans, native der. They frequently asked the boy a3 to ins observation of the captain s cabin, and what he saw there whether there was any money or greenbacks. A Long Drawn Storj. Once upon a time there was a king who had a beautiful daughter who was much sought after in marriage, and being very fond of stories, he made proclamation that whoever would tell the longest story the method of disposing of him seems to 1 should, marry-his daughter, but whoever have been that he was struck on.the failed should have his head cut off. head with a capstan bar, he falling in sensible from the blow. Hfe body after ward found its way into the sea, but whether it rolled over "into the sea, as some of the men state, or whether all assisted to throw it over, as is more likely, does not clearly appear. Tne American sailor next went to the first mate's cabin, and told him it was eight bells and time for his watch on deck. On leaving his cabin the unfortunate man was accosted by Miller, who felled him to the deck by a blow upon the back of his head with an iron bolt. The body was quickly disposed of in tho same way as was that of the other officer, by casting it into the sea. The man Jacob Lumber, who was at the wheel, says he heard cries of "Oh! Oh!" from the di rection of the officers' quarters, but did not at the time suppose they came from the mate. His position would prevent him from seeing anything that was going on unless it took place amidships, as the helm is stationed upon the top of the officers' quarters, on a raised quarter deck. There can be little doubt that the modus operandi was planned for the murder of the captain, as the position and manner of Miller at the time of the false alarm about the man with the broken leg would indicate an intention to belabor him on emerging from the door. The boy appeared next day from the captain's quarters, and states that, previous to the attack on the watch, he was gagged in his berth. A large hand kerchief was tied tightly round his mouth, and his hands well secured with a rope, by which they were tied behind him. He was thus dracrered from his berth and dropped into the lower hold of the forecastle He managed, in course of time, to extricate himself from his bonds, and he seems to havo climbed up through the hatchway, and in the dark ness of the " night to have crept aft and secured himself from discovery in the officers' quarters. The boy, who is a native of Calais and whose parents reside there at the pres ent time, states that the ' men suspected hirr of watching them and anticipated that he would, if not put out of the way, be very likely to thwart their plans. They would no doubt have murdered him had they not known him to be skill ed in the use of the wheel, so, as they surmised, they conveniently stowed him away until such time as his services would be required to assist them in get ting the ship to laud. The men having surrendered, they were brought upon deck and secured in irons, it was tnen found tnat, witn tne exception of Clew, who was seriously wounded, they were not so badly hurt as to be totally incapable of work, or so much disabled 'as, without restraint, to place them beyond the reach of further fear. The ; following day even Miller and Smith took a turn at the pumps. Their wounds were dressed, and though carefully watched for the remainder of the voyage, they were well attended. It was discovered that Miller had received five bullet wounds in ; one leg, one in his side, and one bruise on one should er. The Englishman Clew is in the worst condition. . v He has two wounds under the left rib, and he is not expect ed to recover. Smith, the American seaman, had been shot through the right wrist, and bullets had seriously, grazed bis left shoulder and two fingers of his left hand. 1 Though the mutiny was thus to all ap pearances effectually quelled, the, posi tion of the captain and those who had remained faithful to him was by .. no means without cause for anxiety. They were at least a thousand miles from land, and with a large vessel to manage only a crew of poor hands to rely upon the captain, two men, and a boy. For seven weary days and nights this small crew When this became known crowds of young men flocked to the palace, each to tell a story, but it did not last long, and off went his head. Then another went in, but with a like result, and so on, no one being able to tell a story long enough to satisfy the old king. Tho people then became frightened and for a time there was no more stories told. At last a young man expressed his determination of trying his fortune before the king. - His friends tried to dissuade him from it, but it was of no use; he appeared be fore the king, who told him it would be certain death. But he began his story thus: " During the seven years of fam ine in Egypt in Joseph's time, there being nothing in the fields to eat, a flock of locusts came upon a small hole in one oi tne trranaries in wincn the corn was stored: it was just large enough for one locust at a time to go in and come out. So a locust went in and got a grain of corn; then another locust went in and got another grain of corn; then another locust went in and got another grain of corn; then another locust went in and got another grain of corn" " Go on with your story," said the king; " we will imagine all that." " Oh, no; I cannot go on with my story until all the corn is out." So, he went on: " Then another locust went in and Rot another Grain of corn" for about three months "When the king asked him how much they had got out, he answered: " About one cubic foot." The king groaned, and the man went on with his story about three months longer. The king then asked' him if he wasn't most done; ho answered: " Oh, no, they have got to clear cut the seven granaries that it took seven years to fill. "Then another locust went in and got another grain of corn." Mexicans and Indians, about one thou sand all told. They were kind and pleasant, and seemed to have nothing to do, except such as owned ranches in the country for the rearing of horses and cattle, uorses could be bought at any price from four dollars to sixteen, but no horse was ever valued above a doub loon or Mexican ounce (sixteen dollars). Cattle cost eight dollars fifty cents for the best, and this made beef net about two cents a pound, but at that time no body bought beef by the pound, but by the carcass. Game of all kinds elk deer, wild geese, and duck s was abundant; but coffee, sugar, and small stores, were rare and costly. . There were some half-dozen shops or stores, bui their shelves were empty. The people were very lond oi riding, dancing, aiul of shows of any kind. The youncr f el lows took great delight in showing off their horsemanship, and would dash along, picking up a half-dollar from the ground, stop their horses in full career and turn about on the space of a tul- luck's hide, and their skill with the lasso was certainly wonderful. At full speed they could cast their lasso about the horns of a bull, or so throw it as to catch any particular foot. These fellows would work all day on horseback in driving cattle or catching wild horses for a mere nothing, but all the money offered would not have hired one of them to walk a mile. The girls were very fond of danc ing, and they did dance gracefully and well. Every Sunday, regularly, we hud a baile, or dance, and sometimes inter spersed through the week." At that time, what is now San Fran cisco was called Yerba Buena. " A naval officer, Lieutenant "Washington A. Bartlet, its first alcalde, had caused it to be surveyed and laid out into blocks and lots, which were being sold at sixteen dollars a lot of fifty varas square; the understanding being that no single per son could purchase of the alcalde more than one in-lot of fifty varas, and one out- lot of a hundred varas. Folsom, how ever, had got his clerks, orderlies, etc., to buy lots, and they, for a small con sideration, conveyed them to him, so that he was nominally the owner of a good many lots. Lieutenant Halleck had bought one of each kind, and so had "Warner. Many naval officers had also invested, and Captain Folsom advised mo to buy some, but I felt actually in sulted that he should think me such a fool as to pay money for property in such a horrid place as Yerba Buena. eabOity, and next by adds. 1 took a piece in my teeth, and the xaetallio lus ter was perfect. I then called to the clerk, Baden, to bring an ax and hatchet from the back-yard. "When there were brought, 1 took the largest piece and beat it out fiat, and beyond doubt it was metal, and a pure metal. " Still, we attached little importance to the fact, for gold was known to exist at San Fernando, at the south, and yet was not considered of much value.' " The winter of 18iS-'-43 was a period of intense activity throughout California. The rainy season was unfavorable to the operations of gold mining, and was very hard upon the thousands of homeless men and women who dwelt in the moun tains, and even in the towns. Most of the natives and old inhabitants had re yet there were not roofs enough in the country to shelter the thousands who had arrived by sea and land. The news had gone forth to world that gold in Producing r. Consuming, The ladies oi Warsaw, Kentucky, have taken the bull by the horns in their declaration that they trill purchase no dry goods exceeding in cost twenty-five cents per yard during the rpaor of one calendar year. For some years pre ceding the panic, rays an ricluvrr, commenting upon thin action, tb in ports of the UuitM Stab the exports by about $100,000,000 per an num, and this mainly bcc&une th9 ladies of the land burned to out&hin one an other in braveries of appareL Their lords were not the men to say them nay Items of Interest, The man oi the . Thef type-setter. Old maids should remember that mis fort ones never come singly. Ia Vermont the tar cn tho cheapest kind oi dogs is about $L10 s year. If a man is natural nowadays, he i charged with tryinj to be jfecntrio or silly. - t Men who stir up strife art generally cowards. An anonymous writer is care ful to non in any must himself. Many a man has reached the summit of fame and then looked down into tho m I while the bills for the same could be put burnt rtliej n came jrva wiu off. "We sent all our surplus wheat and oacx How a woman can keep on talking while she is twisting up her back hair and has her mouth full of tairpiai is a mystery not yet explained. It is stated that there are eight muhona cotton and silver and gold to pay in part for these braveries, but, even then the monstrous bill was not altogether footed. "We had to send the balance in bonds. It would stagger the ladies of Warsaw, while it would tend to confirm I of Gexoan-epeaking people ia the United their frugal intentions, if they could I States having three hundred newrpapers the whole civilized J know how many bonds of ours Europe I and periodicals ia their own language, fabulous quantities holds altogether, and what proportion I i vfl. York State man has been prae- was to be had for the mere digging, and cf them have gone to pay for the iMnir h?ht months for the State shoot. sartorial kickshaws' and ravishing flam- J wrr to win a two dollar medaL Four- mery in which they and their beauteous I tea dollars per day wouldn't hire him sisterhood have so long arrayed them-1 to plant conu, a U selves. Now bonds at Lome or abroad adventurers came pouring in blindly to seek their fortunes without a thought of house or food. Yerba Buena had been converted into San Francisco. Sacra mento City had been laid out, lots were mean a mortgage on all the labor and all being rapidly sold, and the town was tho production of all the land until the being built up as an rjxterpot to the uttermost farthing of them, principal mines. m Stockton also had been chosen and usance, is paid; so hands not yet as a convenient point for trading with born must toil to nar for the rros-crains A v w the lower or southern mines. Captain and' the moire-antiaues. the laces of Sutter was the sole proprietor of the Venice and Valenciennes, the iewela of former, and Captain Charles Weber was I Genoa and Lyons which already crowd the owner of tho site of Stockton, which I the wardrobes oi American dames and was as yet known as French Camp. Apprehension In the IVest. A gentleman who ha3 lived in Nebras ka, and who is conversant with the de vastation caused by grasshoppers in pre vious years, states that needless appre hension has been caused by recent rfports from the "West. It has boen stated that not only are the grasshoppers doing much damage to the crops of Kansas farmers, but that the insects, having crossed the Missouri river, are destroying the crops growing upon farms im the western tier of counties of Missouri. It is furthermore seated that farmers in the "West fear that the locusts will cross the State of Missouri and de vastate the wheat fields of Southern Illinois. Hitherto, the gentleman states, the grasshoppers have never passed be yond the second tier of the river coun ties of Missouri. ILdched in the moun tains, the grasshoppers in the first year of their flight eastward rarely reach the Missouri river. Indeed, the " grasshop per line " of devastation the first year is at least one hundred miles west of the Missouri river. At tho present time. they are not full grown, and do not fly in clouds as they do tho first year ox their, flight from the mountains. They will probably be destroyed after only a short advance into Iowa and Missouri. They deposit their larvw in the ground in the falL Sometimes, as last fall, when the winter is very late, the larvse hatch out, and in the cold weather short ly following, are inevitably destroyed. This circumstance ought to diminish their numbers the present spring. No grasshoppers of this kind have ever reached Illinois, at least any that were recognized or committed any remarkable devastation. demoiselles, or, beyond farther polite use, flutter in dishonored strida in the alleys. It is, therefore, a very whole some and sensible halt which the ladies of "Warsaw have called in the march of fashion and extravagance. they will have the courage to their principla during the time appoint ed, even longer if necessary, and if the custom should take wing and overspread the land, as did the spelling mania and the mania for closing lager beer shops by means of prayer, while it would go far to cripple the trade in dry goods, and occasion suicide among feeble-minded provincial haberdashers, there can be no doubt that it would bring a solid increase of advantage to the nation. "We must learn to consume less and produce more. That is the road to wealth aad pros perity, and there ia no other. If now the men of Warsaw would assemble and agree to drink no high-priced drinks and chew only small quids of the cheapest tobacco for a corresponding period, the town would bo a perfect model of frugality, such as would have delighted Make a note of this young men, and when yon are " oldest, inhabitants" yon can tell your grandchildren that ia tho year 1873 navigaUdd was "not open on tho canals until May IS. " If any young-man expects to go to New York and marry a young lady with a brown atone front jort because b parts his hair in, the middle, he will find out that he has made a mistake, v George IIL, speaking to Archbishop Sutton respecting his Urge family, made the remark: "I believe your grace has better than a dozen." " No, air," re- tt4 plied the archbishop ; "only eleven." standi " Well, replied the king, "isn't that Deiier nun m uuwu i Are the young ladies of the present day fit for wives ! asked a' lecturer of his audience. "They are fit for hus bands, responded a female voice ; " but tho trouble is that yon. men are not fit for wives I The spplause was grrat, and bo was the discomfiture cf tho lec turer. The Constitution of New Hampshire contains a religious proscriptivc clansa. No person is eligible to tho oEco of Governor, Senator or representative un less he is oi the Protestant religion. At various times attempts have been taado to strike out the proscripUTe, but they have failed. The first ounce oi blood Injected Into Oen. Frank Blair caused an effect upon tha c-encral aimilar U intoxication. the heart of Joseph Hume or Benjamin I Upon investigation, the physicians dis- Franklin. and a hundred years hence would deserve a centennial celebration. The king here broke down and said: "Take my daughter, take my kingdom, especially ridiculing his quarter of the take my lands, everything I own, but, in the name of the prophet, have done with those infernal locusts." Tlie lTTieat Harvest. The total wheat crop of the United gtates for 1874 was estimated at 300,000, 000buahehC This -year it -is expected thai it will rot "exceed" O.OOO.OOO bushels, a falling off of 70,000,000 bushels. Usually we have exported about one-sixth of our crop, but this year it is likely that the home market will consume the entire product, and at prices that will pay the producers a fair profit. In Europe the promise of the harvest is so good that there will prol ably be no call made upon our granaries. In New York State the average yield of wheat is about 8,000,000 bushels, but this year it is feared the crop will be short about one-half. The Philadelphia Press, which has been giving details from many of the States, published dis patches from two hundred points in the wheat-growing district of that State, for whose accuracy it vouches. From these data it appears that while the early sowing of last fall attained an unusual growth, the intense cold of midwinter killed. both top and, root in many sec tions. Pennsylvania has ' suffered as much as New York.- In the West late frosts and the grasshoppers ravages have worked additional in jury. In Minnesota and Wisconsin the prospect is more en couraging than in other Western States, but it is only in California and Oregon that .an abundant harvest can be ex pected. It is possible that the farmers may make up their losses by an improve ment in prices, owing to the scarcity of grain. There is every probability that the wheat harvest of 1875 will be smaller than for many years. city, then called Happy Valley. At that day Montgomery street was, as now, the business street, extending from Jackson to Sacramento, the water of the bay leaving barely room for a few houses on Itussian JPiinri. The Russian punch must be a nice drink. It is made of a mixture of vodka, champagne, nalwka (which is defined as a kind of gooseberry wine resembling the French casis, which is much affected its cast side, and the public warehouses by tho Russians) and any other kind of ?u u rsA.A h,r AiA -hx managed to keep the vessel in its course. vieM .. but with what difficulty may .be well Having thus secured himself from fur- imagined." Mrs. Patterson, witli a ther attack, the captain began to con- heroic courage and devotion, made her- sider his position and to search for the self oi great use, frequently relieving her missing members i bf his crew. - The husband and his watch, and so allowing Swedish sailor was- still at the wheel, he him to take the rest he ao greatly need- j having, strange to say, remained there ed. A Norwegian bark, bound for Loa darinir the whole cf tha affrar. neither don. was hailed, from which one sua The worst thing that has appeared about the ecosntrio James Lick is the statement that he has been sued for $55,000 by his physician, for services during a period of twenty-two years. We hope this will be contradicted, for, were on a sandy beach about where the Bank of California now stands, viz.: near the intersection of San some and California streets. Alone Montgomery street were the stores of Howard & Melius, Frank Ward, Sherman k Buckel, Rose & Co., and it may be one or two others. Around the plaza were a few houses, among them the City Hotel and the custom-house, single-story adobes with tiled roofs, and they were by far the most substantial and best houses in the place. . The population was estima ted at about- four hundred, of whom Kanakas (natives of the Sandwich Islands) formed the bulk." f The time passed rapidly "away until the spring of 1848, when the great dis covery was made, which at once produc ed a social and financial revolution in California. The event is simply record ed by the author, without the prelimi nary flourish cf trumpets which a man of less common sense would not have failed to sound forth on the occasion. "I remember one day that two men, Americans, came into the office and in quired for the governor. I asked their business, and one answered that they had just come down from Captain Sutter on special business, and they wanted to see Governor Mason in person. I took them in to the colonel and left them together. .After some time the. colonel came to his deor and called to me. I went in, and my attention was directed to a series of papers unfolded on his table, in which lay about half an ounce oi placer-gold. Mason said to me : What is that!' I touched it and ex amined one or two oi the larger pieces, and asked : 4 Is it gold t' Mason asked me ii I had ever seen native gold. I i answered that, in 1844. I was in Upper Georgia, and there saw some native goldjNj out u was mucn nner man uns, ana was it was in phials, or in transparent quills; wine that may bo at hand. Apricots melons and cucumbers are put in to flavor, and sugar to sweeten it, and the whole is then ignited and allowed to burn till it boils. Sensible people who should see such a drink as this, and be come acquainted with its preparation, would know what to do with it without hesitation. But there are some remark able individuals who think it proves nothing to have other people experiment with such a compound, they mnt try it for themselves. It looks as if Mr. Mac- Gahant had felt called upon to allow the mixture to work upon his own constitu tion, for he says: "Though palatable and insinuating, it is the most diabolical compound I have ever tasted. Every drop of it is laden with headache for a week and dyspepsia for a fortnight. The Stan With Xo Hair. A man in Troy, N. Y., was lately ar rested with a stolen horse and buggy in his potucsuon. Shortly after his arrest he was taken ill and died. Before hie death he confessed that he was born in Sharon, Litchfield county, Conn., and the fact of his having no hair attracted the attention of Birnum, when tltat showman first started, and who engaged him to travel with him, Bamuia ad vertised him as Vancouver, the no haired man of Vancouver's Island," a feature of the early exhibitions of B&r num which will be remembered by many yet living. He was with Birnum eeven years, and left him to follow a life of crime, which he adhered to ever after, ne was married eight times, and seven of his wives, he declared, are yet living one in New York, two inPhilalelpliia, one in Connecticut, one in New Orleans, one in Lock port and one in Boston. He said he had been concerned in no less than three hundred burglaries since he left Barn am, three of which were at tended with murder. Had been arrest ed one hundred and fifteen times, and nerved many terms in prison, ranging from six months to two years. He ap peared to know all about the great rob beries of the country and who was con cerned in them, and if a tenth part of what he said was true, he was tho most confirmed rascal that ever lived. fwrrrM that the subiect who had fur nished the blood had been on a bit of a spree the day before, and with the blood had been transferred somealcohoL It was a 'clear case of drunk by proxy. Talk about puzzles, but here is a tough one : Two men, A and B, bought one hundred acres of land at $100 pr acre. Each paid $3,000. A took his hare off the north aide at $110 per acre, while B took his share south side, at $09 per acre. How much land did each gt F How can the question be proved t Of all the men who have figured on the problem, no two agree exactly. Running for Office. I never ran for office but once, says John QuilL At the earnest solicitation of my friends in n unguarded mo ment, I allowed myself to be announced as a candidate for the office of justice of the peace. Previous to this fool move I had been considered a decent kind f a man, but the next day when the Bugle come out it was filled with accounts of my previous history that would Lave curdled the blood oi a Digger Indian. A, susceptible public was gravely in- informed that I was not fit for the office, that I was almost a fool, besides I had come West under very suspicious circumstances. I had starved my deaf tmndmniher tn Aesih nA then acid I times a very aixious question. A xuedi her remains to a soap factory. I had cal practitioner of Cremona propose a stolen a hand organ from a poor blind simple method by which the question cripple and ran away with the proceeds, may be answered with certainty. It ia I had sold my grandfather's cofia for to inject a drop oi ammonia ueneaia iae if true, it puts Mr. Lick in a very awk-1 but I said that, u thi wero gold, ward position, ' I could b easily tarted, firsl, by its CUl- S14, and buned the old gentleman ia a boot box. In utter despair I rushed around to headquarters, withdrew my stsxa and swore a solemn swear that 'I would never indoles ia politics ayiia. And ntvtr wilh .1 General Fainting Hpell. A mysterious story is told by a New Haven journal. A knot of girls stood chattering in a factory, and began to talk of sadden deaths. It is not a very edifying subject for young ladies to converse upon, and as the talk went on, nearly the whole knot became very much depressed in spirits. One spirited girl, who was sot thus affected, placed on a work-bench near one of the young girla a common land-turtle. Tho girl turned and aaw it, gave a shriek which sounded elfish in Intensity, and immediately ftU to the floor in a faint, as though she had been dead. This apparently led to a touch of horror in th minds of the othrr girls, some of whom grew white la coun tenance, with a set expression "on their faces, and for an instant, sot a word or cry was uttered. Boon the same kind of thing happened to another of the girls. She fell to the floor in what looked like a dead faint, or the trance oi a person exhausted by prolonged mental excite ment, leading to exhaustion. Shortly another girl was seized with the same kind of an attack, and she, too, yielded to the fnflq""1 and was numbered with those who had already giren away. One after another of the girls fainted and fell until no leas than seven oi tha yousg ladies had been brought low. The affair was so unexpected thai consternation or at least deep interest was shown by the workmen employed in the men's depart ment. Some oi them grew pallid and tremulous as ii with sudden fear, and pretty soon one of them was taken with an attack' similar to that which afikted the young ladies. He apparently sum moned all the forces of his zaind and body, to resist the mysterious tendency, but he, too, yielded and fainted away.. A Xe Indication of Demth. I The thing began to look aenous. . Yi nai Is the patient really dead or not! is at I ailed everybody f was the question with everybody not uaaecuaiejy azeoeu vy or under control oi this singular nervous dijpensation, and at this jtractare eo painful was the sense oi apprehension, that when the iorenaa ordrred a stop page of the work, and a dispersion cf the A Japanese Bride, The marriage of Mr. Mori, late Jap anese minister at Washington, to Miss Hirose, a Japanese . young lady, wan somewhat novel even for Japan. The bride was dressed ia a light-colored silk, white tulle veil, and carried in her hand a fine bouquet of flowers. The service consisted of the reading oi a marriage contract and terms oi agreement, after which the couple signed them, and they were declared married. No allusion was made to any religion whatever, and not a word was spoken by the parties con cerned till the dose. Then the bride bade the groom go out and bring in some wood, and make a fire, that she might get supper, remarking that they couldn't live on love or bridal veils and orange blossoms alone. skin, when, if death be present, no effect, or next to none, is produced; but I work-people to their fcory. a great rtv- I there be life, then a red spot appears at the place of injection. A test so easily applied as this should remove all tpprt henaion of being buried alive liei was felt. All were recmred to move cT quietly, and by this Judicious treat cent further dtmcsitatica became It.

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