Franklin Courier - 1 " i . j"i " r GEORGE S. BAKER, ' ; Editor and PnopniETOu. All letters addressed to Geo. S. Baker, " Friday .Jrxni 18 1875. for the Convention, Tho Rncllrml Timlo .Ttim Tl IS'" tt-o Hlielveitl I 0n Saturday lat In obedience to a tall of Jno. 1J, Williamson, a small number of the Radicals of this county met b the Court House hi this place to nominate a candidate, as they said ngainst Convention. Having our curioaity excited a3 to what would be dune, after a few ringings of the Court House bell we made our way to that ancient forum of justicc,and found the thinnest meet ing, by far, of the kind that we have ever known here. The first tiling that we heard was somebody putting Judge Watts in aoiniuation for Chair- wan. The Judge Reclined to pre ide na he said just then. Thereupon Nick JPilliams of Franklin tt-u moved that John Williamson be made chairman, which was carried. John said it was customary for the presiding officer to return thanks for the honor. That he alwsyi esteemed it a very high compli ment to be called upon to preside over the deliberations of a meeting of his Fellow Citizens. Then somebody nomi nated John Watts for Secretary. He said he could not accept. Then Buck Tucker, who had hid off in one corner of the house, was called out of his hole to the table in the bar, and he and a black negro whose name yc miss- iu, were made Decrctanes. jiere a I all in the proceedings enabled ps to can the crowd and to ascertain its com ponent elements. c missed several faces that had hitherto been familiar in - -9 WW these meetings, frau Hawkins . was ' not there with his inspiration, (.'apt.. Chas- Thomas was not there to enthuse the brethren with his earnest and forci ble elonuencc. Neither was Frank Bullock prcseut with his bland man. tiers and winning ways. Perhaps. he thought it was not dignified for an as pirant for the nomination to be on hand, and that it would appear more seemly to be addressed by the Chairman of Tnnohmf rr n trmim tit nr in ttr vifi rifirY and that the letter of notification and Teply should be published in the " Ei ( y' At any rates ho was not there. And we missed several other familiar faces, who we thought might have been on hand. A proposition was made that the : delegates from each township, meet in a private room and nominate a candidate. The roll of the townships and a list of the drlegates being called. John Williamson arose and said he desired to submit a few observations before the delegates retired, He then proceeded to detail a eulogistic history of his political career as he said from I860 to 1874, when Tom Mitchell turnedhis p-t of fat into the lire, and not even a crackling was saved out of tho rums, bald that he had done the besthe could in the campaign, but; went down with his party throughout the country which could not stand up Against the load of corruption that it had to carry, together with the Civil Rights bill. Said he had been told with in tho last day or two by a white man of his party that it would not do for him (John) to run, that ho was a negro and white folks would not voto for a nigger. "My God P he says, that ' is what we have boon told by the other Aide, that the white men of our party only wanted us so long as we could be used by tThcm to their advantage,' proved to be true so soon ! Are the niggers to bo lead all tho time aud never to lead ? Said ho was not a can didato for tho nomination. Rut did not say he would not taks it if fjjvul upon Jam. Ahen John finished Judge Watts was ca'lod,fbut said he was not ready at that moment, tl at he desired to address the Convention when .1 3 It . 1 i mi me a.iys laoors were nnisncu. l ne delegates. then filod out to register the decree of the wire puller. As they pass-xl us wo scanned closely to sec if there Tvas a single white m n among them. And have not yet seen him - VV then TnMrml fruni th nvf Jrt v -vyci upon our return, the tjelegntes oamo in and announced that they had noni inatcd Mr. B. F. Buihck Jr. of Frank anion, as the man for Col. Green to knock down. Tho announcement was received coldly, without a particle of applause so laras we heard. Thus was received the , registered order of the Btnng manipulators of the Frankliuton ! ' TT 1 m-mv .. .. Clique, mqge uatis oeing again call- ed for, ascended the judges stand, and anuouncca, ui.-H it mere was any per- present;. d. !;lie notes that he desired him to do so. He then commenced the usual Radical harangue, and all the way. through, as he' thought he was making a gocd point, he request ted that it be put in the papers. The Judge showed great anxiety to have us publish his speech, and it. w uld be pleasing to us to accommodate him, and re would do so, had the Core, eu not entered into contract with rcveral bun drcd gubacri!t;rs to ft:niih thfm a pa per for twelve montd.-?, filled. wh. re spectful, decent, usef ul and eritertai n -ing reading matter, and this might sub ject us to numberless actions at law for I reach of contract. We hope the Judge will excuse us when he takes this view of the matter. After the Judge had delivered him self, John was again called out, and gave in his adhesion to t.he nomination of Mr. Bullock. And thus has the sceptre departed from (not Judah) but Africa. The days of the colored man in getting any of the Radical loaves and' fishes in Franklin are gone- Henry Fuller is serving his last term as County Commissioner. When the Radicals next make County nominations here, all wiill be white men, if they can find a sufficient number to reach round. 'I he niir-jrer .must take a back seat. Their CO leading man is already laril by, and a white man who was on the other side when John says he was making great sacrifices for his race, is now put in his stead. Judge Watts read a string of reso lutions which he said had been handed to him to introduce in the meeting, but which were manifestly the ofifshot of the Judges ingenious and fertile brain The meeting tKcn adjourned. For the Courier. Mr. Editor :- I am lying still, awaiting the maturity of plans to go to work on mv Mining Lauds, I find work is so pleasant to me that I pro- pose to take another tilt at the Fort Worlh Standard. We are told on the highest authori ty, "that charity suffercth long and is kind that charity never failcth &c. But Mr. Editor thai truth of history must Lo vindicated. I told you in my last that I might take occasion to dissect other par's of that most ex traordinary statement. ''The richt of the JMtish crowu to tbe old Porterage Church was never brought into ques tion. And why not because the 'British crown' (unless it might be up on some principle of 'eminent domain,' which it would take too much of your space ' to elucidate, never had any rights in the matter") but has not the Vert yarth SUnulaul heard of the MecMinburg Declaration of Indepen dance and the lafe "Centennial celebra tion at Charlotte with such great eclut? Docs he live beyond the reach of the Telegraph and the postal line of the nation? Does he not know that on the 4th of July 1876 that the Cen tennial of American Independance is to be celebrated in the city of Phila- delphiu? Certainly the writer must havrhcard before he left North Caro lina that Lord Coruwallice on the l'Jtii of October 1791, surrendered his sword to General '.Washington then ...i xii- t. wny unit now ,or me rights ot tne British Crewn in North Carolina? Since the ' surrender of his Majrestie's armies at York Town and the subse- qaent acts of the Continental Con- rrcss in connexion therewith, tint avpti the most loyal subjects of great Rrit- I Cj -w.- tain have set up any territorial rights in North Carolina or in any other htato except in some matter of dis puted boundary. The subjects of grants and charters i from the sood Queen Bess lo Sir Trailer flalcish the suoscqucnt changes under Charles the second and the Georges, are ex ceedingly interesting matters and es pecially to imaginative Editors, who writo bold articles based on fk-tiong aud fantuuis of their brains, without the least foundation of facts. ' At some other tirna Mr, Editor I may drawj'ou an article on these His-' torical subjects, but to save your space for the present. I will consider other portions of the. SturdanU ar- ticic. lhe statement ruaue-by the vrriter as to the high attainments of the Ur.a i-encer is not too highly drawn. Dr.' Erasmus in 1861 visited his friends here and especially the vcoues of his -infancy and carlr lift. - . - I passed some most agreeable hours IVlMft 1 . l i rlli a X ...iu uiui mjii'uu- aiUUUU i 0T1I It dehghted my heart to see him quaff again the classic waters of the Male Academy fpring which have been drunk if by so many illustrious ..ien, lie told rao of his tender emotions on liw .entering again the uld fau.ily mansion, especially in call in ;r Up i his mind tho rrcnUection? of his Ion UiC'tiFod mothcr-r-her pangs in givin birth to hiai and hi distinguished brothers and 'sisters.- His Ligheait heavCd and his full jbjo dropped large tents as kc spoko oa this intsrcstiu& sut iect. I . TJut Mr.. .Ilditor; therr, i aHwr part of the "unwritten History" of j the zianat a tm.ust notice, but L,do I it only to vindicate the trqth of history. The writer' says, "that when the writers mother purchased it, it be longed ty Dr. Richard Fenner and when our mother died the land with the old ; stately oaks was bought by Col. Henry I. G Ruffiu &c. Now Mr. Editor there seems to me to be some strange hallucination about this writer, lie knows nothing coi rectly, about this matter of the transfer tf the let ters of the "old hip roof, he misrep resents every thing iu connection with the subject matter, as badly as he did the difficulty between Jeffreys and Early. The man is certainly enchan ted. I thiuk I can see the maic of lladin's lamp in this last matter of his mothers purchasing th land of Dr. Richard Fenner. He must have met the Genii crying oui, "who will give old lamps for new? He must have exchanged so as to get possession of the wonderful lamp, 'by the magic of which illadins palace was completed in a single night. To throw away all encbantme illusions and magic, the writer would be astonished to know that his statement is in positive con flict with the Registrar of Deeds. The record says that Dr. Richard Fenner sold his tract of land to Mrs. Sally Kilpatrick, the sister of our distinguished citizens Henry I, G. Ruffin, und that the Col as the agent of his sister paid the money in the year 1823. Then the record goes on to show that after the death of the excellent lady, Mrs. Kilpatrick, which occured about 1841, the same old 'hip roof" was sold in pursuance of a clause in her last Will and Testament by Dr. Sam.. R. Haywood her Executor at which sale Col. RufBn become the purchaser and- tradition says that neiiher, a Williams nor Sanders have ever livtd at the "old hip roP eveH as a tenant at will, much less as pur chaser from Dr, Fenner, within the memory ofthe oldest inhabitant Now Mr. editor you ask me to pre pare you a history of the raids of the great Robber Blue Beard, who was h ing many years ago njar Lynches Creek. Allow me to say that the facts in connection with thatburicd transaction are so few that it will be difficult to write the history in a clove" way, unless I can by some ne?i:s got under the influence of the magic lamp, which 1 am justified in supposing is in the Standard Ofiee at Fort f"erih Texas. If you will gt me under in spiration of Alladins lamp or Don Quicksit's lance, T will write you the history, of the alTair, with about as much truth as the Staru-ard writer did in his article, which you published. T. K. T. How happy arc they Who the editors pay, And have squared up for ono year or more. Tongue cannot express The great joy of the press. When delinquents, hae paid the old score. Printers 11 the day long Labor hard for a song A fate that is hard, all agree They have worked night and day, And of course want their pay, To buy sugar, coffee, and tea. One would hardly believe, "What sma 1 sums they receive, For the paper addressed to each name Hut the price is so small, That the good people all, Will pay up for the fear of the shame ! AN ACT TO CALL A CONVEX! ION OF THE PEOPLE OF KORTH CARLINA. Whehkis, The Present Constitution of Norrh Carolina 13, in many important particulars, ucsuited to the wants and conditionot our people; and whereas. in the judgment of this General Assem bly, a convention of the people is the only sure, and is besides the most eco nomical mode of altering or amending: it, and believing the end in view utterly impracticable by legislative enactment on account of the great number of dis cordant and conflicting provisions of the Constitution a it now i?, now therefore. J Section 1. The General Assembly of I XcTth Carolina do enact, (two-thirds o! 11 the mmr8 of each House con- cur,D lQ a nTenuon ot tne peo pie ot North Carolina be, and the same is hereby called, to meet in the Hall of I . II r -wi ... . city of Raleigh, oJ monday, Cth day of September, a. D. 1875, for the pur. pose of considering and adopting such amendments to the Constitution as they may deem hecessary and expedi ent subj ct only to the restriction here inafter provided. Sec. 2. The said Convention shall con sist of ere hundred and twenty dele gates, and each connty shall be entitled to the same number of delegates that it has members of the Honse of Repre eentntatives under the present spor tionment, and the said delegates shall have the qnalifications required of members ot the House of Representa tive, of which qualifications the Con vention shall be the judge. Sec. 3. On the it Thursday of An gust 1875, the sheriffs ot the State shall open polls for the election of delegates to the Vaid Convention from their re- epective countries, and the election aroresaid jand the registration for the same, shall be held and conducted; the officers thereof including registars and judges of election, appointed; the votes counted and compared; the result pro ctaimed, and certiGcates issued in the same manner as is provided by law fcr the election of members of the House of Rf presentatives of the General A sembly. 4 Sec. 4. The eaid delegates shall be called to order at 12 o'clock on the day fixed therefor, by the Chief Justice or one of the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court or Secretary of 8tat who, if there be not a quorum, (ball adjourn them to the same pltce,and from daytoday,untiI a quorum shall appear; and on the appearance of a quorum, he shall administea to each of them the followmging oath: "You, A. B. do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the delegate elect shall choose), that you will faithfuMy - maintain and support the Constitution ofthe United States and. the several amendments there to, including the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments ; and that jou will neither directly nor indirectly evade or dis regard the dutier enjoined nor the re8tictions imposed upon the Con vention by the act of the General As sembly authorizing your election. So help you God.'" And no delegates shall be permitted to sit or be enti led fo a seat in said Convection, cr act as a delegate thereto, until he shall have subscribed the above oath or affirmation; and as soon as a majority of the delegates elect shall have thus appeared and beean J arm in iu, tucj tuau men pruceeu 10 elect their own presiding officer, and sucn ptn;r otneers and servannts as they, from time to time, shall find necessar; and it a vacancy shall occur, they shall be filled in the same manner as they like vacancies are filled by law in case of vacane'ei injthe (General Adsemaly. Said Convention shall have no power to consider, d'bate, adopt or propose any arrcudmcnt to the existing Constitution or ordinance upon the follow: rg subjec's:- The Homestead and Personal Prop erty Exemptions, the mechanic's and laborers' Her, anel the righ s ot mar- women, as now secured by law n r, to alter or amend sccti -n 3 or 5, uriiclo V.", of sairl Co s'.tution, ror' change the ratio bttwe-n t!tc poll aud property tax aa therein establish eel, unr shall the said Convention have power to pioj,ose or adopt ai.y amindmentr omicance vacating my ifn:e or tc.m ol eh"ee now existing uad ill ed or hel 1 by virt ue of any c!e.;tiiu or ttppointm nt un der the existing Constitution and laws unril the fituiy s'lall be vacated .or ex piievl untlof tx sling laws; but the said Convention, m iy recommend ln abol. ishmer.t ot any office w'aeu t e present term thertiu shall expire or vacancies eceur, ami they may provide for filling such vacancies, o.herwisc than aa now. and limilit g tne terms thereof. Nui shall said Cnven'ion adopt or propose any plan or am endment or fechemc ol compeu'ath n to the owners ol eman. cipated slaves, nor for the payment of any liability or debt incurred wholly or in part in aid of the late war between the Brtite?, nor for the restoration wf imprisonment for debt; nor shall they require or propose any educational or property qualification for office or vo ting, nor shall said Convention pass any ordinances legislative in their character, except such as are necessary so submit the amended Constitution to the people for their ratification or rejection, or to convene the General Assembly. Sec. 5. The Constitution, as amended shall be fcubmitsed to the people tor ratification or rejection, and shall not be Dindmg uutil the same shpl have been ratified voters of the State, and the Convention shall prescribe the mode waereby the sense of the people thereon shall be taken and recorded. Sec. 6. There shall be printed imme diately ten copies of this act for each member of the General Assembly, and hundred copies within thirty days al ter us ratincation !or each board of county commissioners, and the use of the registrars and iudses of election in their respective countiet; and this act shall be in force and take effect from and after its ratification. Ratified the 19th day of March, A. D. 1875. . PEET & ATKINSON. VholesaleDry Goods Merchants. No. 45 1 Roanoke Avenue NORFOLK, Va. Sept. 18 ly NOTICE TO THE PnYSIOlANS OF FRANK LIN AND WAKE COUNTIES. TTavin? leen appointed Ag nt. for the "Kentucky utual tcueti: Afto ciation of i hyeiclaii," for Fmnklin and Wake counties. Respectfully informs the Phsicwusof feiid comities that-they can procure I ertiUcates of Life ilembcrdp by applying to me. ; J, C. CLIFTON, .M. D. LoaUburg, N. f. LOUISBURC, ladles Trimmed Hats. A fresh supply of Trimmed Hts, Late.t Jrtyles, very cheap, Jut re ceived by - . While & Shaw, Calico s. Percals and Lawns. NEW STYLE CALI "OE3 NEW STILE PERCALE?. A second supply of those cheap use ful victoria Lawns, just received, by White & Shaw, LatlcLs Cravats AND RIBBONS. A handsome lot of Kevr style silk cravats. A snpply of Pash, Eonnet and "cck hibbous, - Just received or White & Shaw- Grain Cradles &c. A supply of Grain Cradles aud Grass Blades. For Fale by White & Shaw. Choice Cider Ycncgar. Three Barrels Ture Cider Ycncgar, two years old. For Sale by "Jj & Shaw - Ouc handsome rew style box body Buggy for ;iJo very cheap. White & Shaw, I.OUISBURG, N. C. Building Contractors AND CA.13ISrJCT L( UI BUKO, K. C. SASH, FUNDS AND DOORS MADE 'o OltDEH. nd all V.nd? of MnrlMiif Aiik 1 -i e ;'. !:irt fof-. on h'hH Ait rrudes oi CoSiin-, td," with hears . Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. o Plastering Lathes alwavs on hand. SMITH & BEACHAM. WILLIAMSON UPCIIURJII THOMAS, Wholesale Gbo c b b s and Commission Merchants, Xo. 53 Fayettevillc Street, RALEIGII, X. C. Opposite Uetropolitan Hall. Atlantic Hotel. . NORFOLK, VA. H.-8. DODSON, former fthe rOUNTAIH HOTEL, Baltimore, Ud Proprietor. Thi mtjrniflccnt HOTEL, afUr htTixur ua morouRDiy renoTtiea ana renttd. U now opem for the aecommodatioa of guet. Board, fint and second floor, 13 per day. Third and fourth floor. 12,50 per day. Liberal ttrnu to perm&ntnt Boarder AGENT FOR THE WHEELER & WILSON -LOUISBUKG. N. C. IdT OScc at "Eagle liotel." ESTABLISHED 1847. - W. H. IIorris & Sons., COTTON FACTORS AXD Commission Merchants. 23, 25 and 27 Commerce St. Korfclk, Pa. WIT make libera1 rorrency adran cesoa produce or bill lading In h'and. lit. A. M. Noble. ofN. is con nccted with our liousc, and will be kicu iu - rccciye iqo pairona'TD or hls.friends. EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg," N. C. ; o The present propri tor has lcaed theEasle Hotel, (formerly occupied by James Dent) foa msndcr of years. He Is prepared to accommodate regular and traiiIt boanlers, has nice rooms, vve 1 furnished, and ntreu up In thcbot styl?. I baaUoT.nrge and couvcnieut rooms lor faie to dUplay their sainplo?. The tabic Is dally supplied with the best the m r kct affords He will s rare no pains In.ruaViug i5 loardcrs comfortable. and hopes he will receive a liberal patrouage from the public. Jan. cm ioio. Tne only Backing that will Polish Over Oiled Sit face PRES'EUVE TUB LATilElt I H. A. REAMS & Co. Manufacturers of Roams Durhnm !5ot aud Siioc Polih, ' DUREAMS N. C Warrantcd to Ex:d All Oilers Mcn?y Rffandedl or The only blacking that will polish on oiled surfficp. It i? g'urunfetd to preserve the Icallier and n.uke It plihnt, r quiring lets qtmntitj bod tiui to produce a pcrbct lossthnn any other, the brash to bo applied imnitdiatelv ntu r put tins on the hbukin". A per fi;t glo trom this will o-u cod cvitii white clothes. "We fcutiautet? it as represnte', and n$k lor jutronegu strictly on iu ni' iit?. In te?ttnr our l.Ucking nealruh that has no other on it Piiet low oth r IiStkmp. lj:l"-ia" arru m-nu iMtd? wi.h i.iwic!a':tj uua wholesale dt alfr. II. A. UF.AM3 &ro., Manufuclurcr. , Dar.a:j, N. tt T' i rhvckir.g is r eomrnendtd in he hihist irrii9, r.fur trin',' !j fJe.. F. lir wr-, J. llowam, JXew Yo k; the Pr-vid-nt r.r.d Profrs-ors ff Wake Foreit ;lh-p"; wnd n Inre nun brr oi !e.tletn-n in an-1 lnr Lau whoc rrtriiti':,c- bve bctn lur nithcdiiic .MitLu attories. , . Orders Koliriit-d acd pror.iptly fi'Ie'. NOTICrl. Valuable Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, for Sale Tl e Dvis mill property situated rn Sandy Creek in Franklin ounly is of fertd for sh!o in rer.nable urrot. The Mills ure in o 1 running rder. and draw custom from a Hrjre icrw ol country. Uortnec'cd with tLe mills I 80 acrws ct" pood land. ! p y t W. L. THORP, R ckv Mount X. C. G. W. MINNIS, Pholographer, Old Xo. 47. New 141 Sycamore St. PETERSBURG, Va. Executes every style of likeness from Old to hie izc, ia tbe best stvtes of at Friers moderate, satisfaction guarantetrd. Gallery established i J 1874 Oct. 2 ly 53 53 PETEIiSBUllG Va, E. "ltlCDTER; Wiitclnnakcr and Jew eler. FINE Watches and Jewrlry of the I 3Liimfaitoraud at t!ie lmvr tt hr. All woik iMsrtfuuully attended to mud war ranted. tl C3Sycunox8t.,Fetenburs,Ts To lhe Public. Ilavin': moved my -Lod to mv honse about half mile from tlie boinesa part oi iown.onine rranniicton road. I take pleasure in Infoimini? -the reorjl of Franklin, that I am prepared to do an woric in my line, as ccean aa c&a done elsewhere. I am rery thankful for past patrocage, and sincerely hope jw iu tuauoDc o patronize me. I am rery Respectfully, ISniM GREEN. P. S. Parties wishing lo have work dune, will leave It with Mr. Ballard, at Messrs. Barrow & Pleasants store and will be attended to promptly. . Jan 23-tf. John Armstrong, No. 1 Fayetteville S'reel, RALEIGH.- N, C. 300K BIXDEU, -AND- Blank Bock Manufacturer, Newspaper, Iftgizines and Law Book a of every description bound la the Terr best t Style and at Lew tit Prices. Professional Cards. Dr. X. E. ICIJJG DENTIST. OCers his ' Prorettiunal Services to be public in Livery department or Dentistry. OFFICE, Looisburg at Warrccton OTrr Dents TToteT, Norwood & Davis Store. JOS. J. DAVIS. ATT'T Ml COUKSELLOR alLi Ij0UIBUO, FILaNKLIS.CX).N C Will rractic In the trrl Court cf Gna TUle Franklin, Nub, Warreo and Wk. i prompt AtUnliou riU to tat coH Ac tion and iinittaseor money. J!j 15, 1871. I- 5?. T. MIT CKEEtli, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FnASKLisioy, X. C Will practice in the courts of the 6;h judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collec Hon of claims. Xo 50-tf C. II. Cooie, W. H. Siencsr iTTORNETS AHD C0DNSELLQB3 AT LA"W", ' ILufL SelicitQss i.a : . BANKRUPTCY L0U1SBURG N. C. W !1 ale d the Co,utf Xi,Frir.k. Hn. Gnnv lie, Wncn,nl WakeOnn. tWs, a!r the Supn m! Court -f Nnh t arolir.a nd the U. S. Circuit anil ui. Couits. No. 7 tf I-I u. TL .1C S S & SADDLERY ESTABLISH KEHT..' o kJ) !' h rp jki ttr k.t M chir ni -d'.- I!r.rf" nr.d Snnd'M. I cnip'oy fOd arl t-xirh'-rced work mff, ! I krfft:l t'l MTi'k 1 Ct V y m ; si ki. ! rtpniiii in my ir.p n n or: ro-iic inn on Jrrj ffiHi:i ilif rmr. My $wp in over Mr. T. t'urS'de' rjtor.- nu Min Mrret. I ';c:t ttie ptrDa-e oithi p op!e 1 1 Fiaukllr. -O Y. B. CLIFTON. PHOTOGllAPflIC Gallery. MAIN STREET. At my Gallery over Mr. T. X. Car- lile'a Store ca le found at all tiraef, rnnnd, rquare and ruit t'rtmi X am alo prepaied to take Gem tvpes. ''ard and cabinet aize.rnotograpba. When you want a Cftod pictoriil yourself and family, cll at my Galltry. V ery Respect! oily, Y. a CL1FJON. SIX REASONS WHY Toe tirocxD isicuk is THE "PESX MUTUAL UFE INSURANGE COMPANY. 021 CIIESTXUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1st. Bectuie it i one of tbe oldest coezpaaies in the country, and put tk'e day of experiments. v 2J. Because every poller holder it a member ot the Company, entitled to all ttf s-dYanftgcs and privilege, bav hg a right to vote at all elections for trustees, and thus has an iofluence ia its masement. Sd Iirtuue it has tne firmest acco I mulated fatd of any Lite Insurance h. I Comn&nv in tne fctaie. I 4tb. Becacfe by economical taaa- I ggfment. Its rstio of ipecacs to toul i income ia isr rwioir tne average o uie Companies, (See Ofucial Ioiumce Report.) 5th. Hcaose it hat declared more dividends to number, aad of a largrr averace perccntace, thaa any Company In tbe Uoited States. For ciatpple; Folicy No 16, for f 3000, has bem pi 1 to the widow of a phlltde!p!i:a merchant, epos which twentj-;hrte dividend bad been if lartd, ave.tjrin. City aevea Tetctct. Had tlee dividends been cscd V pur be a!daircs lo tLU policy. $5,C46 mote nccjj I. are been realized msk Dg the policy worth $11,046. flth. Iciceit uliUral ioitsra" sgemeaf, prompt in U leittlrmccU, ale beyond a contingency, and its rates are as low as acy Cnt-claia Compaay in tie country. , I'rincipal Fratortf. Email expense, absolute security, large return prtmium, prompt payment of losses, and liberali ty to the iniured. ' W. II. FINCH. Gen l. Maasgtr (or . r l : W. D. SPIiUTLL, FranUictoa, N. C. Gcn'I. Agtaf,

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