Franklin Courier. GEO. S. BAKEK, PEomiETOi:. LouisKunc... j.... June, 18, 1875. SPECIAL ITEMS. "We -vw-Ill fcnd tbe Courier and CoJoy'fl Led' Bool:, with beautiful Oil ebrorao "Rescue,' 12 months for e i-(t- ' - ' My H lock of spring and Rummer noda, is very lnrjie, and I pledge my .lf to seil as-cheap as any one in Louis-". I bavc also a cood stock of Con- f.wtlnnancx, Groceries kc. all at the lowest market price for Cash. T. N. OARLILE. - , f The name of Mr. II. C. Jones' new hack, which runs every day from this place to rranklinton is "The Rose Bud," which is now in fullblupm. For Sale. A Second-hand Or- , gan, CHEAP for CASH- T&T Apply at this Office. We would respectfully call your at tention to tlfi new rich, and cheap Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver "Ware, Clocks and fancy goods "at Youngs, Marble Front Jewelry Store, corner Sycamore & TUnk streets, Petersburg, Va., Solid 18kt. plain Ciold Rings for engagement and wed I mg purposep. Youngs, Celebrated Perfected Fcriscopic Spectaclss and yyc GI-wps, pill imProvo an hencfit . your eye-si gbt. ! j Call and seb them when you visit 1 Petersburg, i Local Items. '.' The Episcopal Church is undergo ing repairs. : $2,00 per annum is the price of the Courier. The repairs jn the E Church are about comp'.etcd. Dr. C. Boyd and his bride was in our town on Sunday ' o- The beaux and belles were out in force on Sunday night Mr. Jasper Murphy killed 3 large moccasin's on last Sa.'urday," Judge , "Watt's monkey paid a visit to our tonn on Jast Friday. Jude Wattf. was in town on Satur day-last, as will be joen from our notice of tho radical mecetinjr. Tiie foundation . for Messrs. Terrell & Harris new Brick Store, on Mum street, has been finished. The 3rd quarterly meeting for this Stntion wil be held on next Saturday and Sunday. Rev. J. 1 Moore, P, E. Rev. Wm. B. Itoyall, will preach in the Baptist Church next Sunday at this place ut 11 o'clock A. M. and 8 P. M. One MorePic-NioUp toe River. The Friends of Temperance & Good Templars combined, will give a Pic-Nic at Cedar Springxbout two and half miles up the River, Friday June 25th, all wishing to participate are respectfully invited to attend, and earnestly request ed to bring a basket. Those wishing to go through the country can do so. The Steamer will leave the IFLarf. at 8 o'clock. A large crowd is "anticipated. 1 1; P. II. Smith, Chairman Committee. - - - "'O' - Franklin County. Maj, W. F, Orecn has been nominated ts the Democratic candidate for Convention in Franklin. We make this an nouncement with 'peculiar pleasure. Maj . Green will have but few superi or s in the State Convention to which he will surely be elected, for the whice men of Franklin never fail to do their duty. They threw off the Radical yoke at the last election forever, and in August, we feel confident they will add fresh laurels to their well-earned honors by electing Maj. Green by an increased majority. Wilson Ad vance. Willis Sanders and Jessie Ilinnant, have been nominated by the Conserva tives of Johnston County for the Convention. MALLORY'S 1 GUANO. famine PERUVIAN Guano di Ti'vt from ( lovei ninont Wijrchouse (J uar r iiitor-d pure tuid uuudulU'ntU'd. Very low i r , , . r. .uAJiJiOii . C. Honl. David S. Reid and Maj. J -Turner Morebead have been nominated for the Convention by the Conservatives of Rock mh am. Ten Penitentiary Convicts arrived I - 1- X . . i.uju lahi, wcpk. lo work on tti new bridge. They take up their residence every night at the newp-anite house, in -the eastern part of the town. Mr. W. II, II. Lane of New York, was in our place lat week, for the purpose of niaknig arrangements with Mr W. W. Jones, the Pjst -Master. for fitting up his new office with lock boxes &c. It will compare favorably, when completed, with any office in the State, County Taxes fbr We sum up below the taxes as col lected by the Sheriff, and paid over to the Treasurer,, for the year 1874, which is as follows: Regular County Taxinordeis, $7621.97 School Taxf Special Tax for Jail, " Debt Tax, 5023.15 8827.35 7228.01 BARGAINS! .-"BARGAINS!!- .A.T COST. We offer for sale for the next thirty days. Our Entire Stock of -LADIES DRESS Goods at New York Cost prices FOR CASH, together with a large variety of other goods, at, Greatly Reduced Prices call early while the assortment is good. WHITE & SHAW. june 15th 1875. , EXECUTOR'S otic e. To Creditors and Debtors. Having, on the 10th day of June, 1875, obtained letters testamentary on the Estate ot J. J. Minetree, de ceased, I hereby notify all persons hold ing claims asrainst said Esta'.e to pre sent the same to me for payment on or boforethelst day cf July, 1S76, or this notice will be pleaded in " bar of their recovery. Peasons owing said Estate are here by requested to make immediate pay ment. . E. W. FULLER, Louifcburg, June 10th, 1875 Executor. (ROTO) Barrow & Pleasants To Bny Eveything you want. W A. R D & 33 H O. . Franklirnon, N C, Art determined to clots out their LARGE tad ASSORTED STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE'. II you want good CHEAP-CALL ON TIlEil. Aoy kiud of proaiae t taktn at Heat priee 1 AT W A It D Their new & B R, 0. rarnklinton, STOCK. SALE. MACHINERY, FOK PIANOS ! PIANOS ! ! Acocrr Drarr Maoufacturtr of Piato Forte, tx-ci to anooaccr, that bo it applied with Dew. and second batd Fiacrvf, wbicli bo rffvrjat low pricct; applications by letter will rteeWo prompt attention. I AM PREPARED, tsaUted by compctest workmen to undertake tba most extentiTt repairt of every description, Itelereoce made to tho rnxulctl pro fetston in ctnetal, andio my larcttina; .oer oi pa'ioo". is now COMPLETE TniRTT HORSE POW ER Portable Steam Saw Mill, used tlx monthi, warranted to be at perfect at toy new mill. Cost $3,750 cash. Price 12,150. Termt eat y. July 17-12-tn. Ralelgb, N. C BLATCHLIST'3 Amount paid to Treasurer Commissions to Sheriff ing above taxes,for collect 1489.77 28.7oo.47 Valuable Town PEOPERTY Arriving, Overcharges and credits Insolvents, $30.19024 274.52 and constitutes $29,915.72 1,066.13 $30. 981 85 "For Sale ! Taxfor 1875 far the largest in The. following is the Tax as levied for this year. V ri'.Aiiiu'in. am Tiik Wavk:ii,y Maoaxixk This ;M;iizhjC! imblihli'jd by it sos A. 'Dow, IV.ston Mas iinv iu its fiitictli yer.r, It is a sixty coltnnn .Magazine, anil furnishc- wit rath number a' page of tLcM-hnicivt uic. There are no con tinued stories all are concluded, in the paper in winch they begin The price oftlic paper is $5,00 for 12 $:i for G $1,50 fur 3 r-onths. Mr. T. N. rarlilo, on- of our oldest and most roi-pectf Jl mrrcbants. lias been very sick f r the'uist week, Ins coi.di ti'ii in still very critical. We hope however -that lie may recover and be spared u bis family, and the communi ty fora lon;- time vet- .- . -I ' S;iid a colored Georgia preacher; Dili's robbiri and stcalin, all around. Dar's do . jleecber business, de Wood hull business, Summer is dead,'tarnc docs come, wl opj-ii:' de Freedmns bank lias busted, and it, pears ns if de cud was nigh, mighty close at band. On the $100 worth of property. J o8c. 3:)e. Sfntc County County Debt Vol I Special Poll Same tax levied for the emnty under Schedule "B" and "P.." as ic levied for tho State, except Marri.-.gc License, is $1 00 eaeh.- oe. $: 00 75c. Jml. ' I take pleasure in stati:ig to the public, that I bave not located in War- The committe appointed by the Hoard of County Commissioners, to examine the accounts of .the Register and Poor Hoase Keeper, are making Just as ome startling discoveries renton, as rewrtcd. I shall continue to visit Louisbuig sonn as they make their report to the Board, we will publish it entire in the Coukie and Warrenton alternately, until in duced by a larger practice to make either place my home. Then, among my mast liberal patrons will I remain. Very respccuuiiy, ROIVKIIT E. KING. NOTICE, Strayed off or was stolen from ray farm near Whttakers "Mill Nash Co., on the 22nd inst., a very lb c i black mare Mule, closely compact, in line order, nd having a brand on bcr leftjw, which represents Au O. Any one giving information in re gard to her whereabouts, shall receive a humUome reward JHOdES MOORE,. Pattleboro, rT. C. Mr. K. D. Watson, is agent forth Wheeler & Wtfson Sewing Jacbinc. lie also repairs and puts in good work ing ordor, machines of other patents, and alsd keeps on band needles &c. &c. which" he will furnish : at the lowest price, he warrants all his Work. Call on him at the r,agle Hotel. Is Yoi n Like worth 10 Cents? Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody complains of somo disease during their life. When sick, thcyob ject Is to got well; now we say plainly that no person in this world that is . suffering with Dyspepsia. Liver com plaiut and its effects, such as indiges tion, CVstivcnct. Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart burn. Palpita tion of the Heart, Depresse'd Spirits, Biliousness, Aegean tako Gri-xn's August Fi-OWEit without getting re lief and cure, If you doubt this, po to your Druggist JUL J. B; CLIKJON aud get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Keguiar sii: 75 cents. Two doses will relieve yo . WriAT Love is to a Woman What a 'wonderful thing love is to a woman! How it helps her to know that some one is always fond of her; that rejoices when she rijoiccs, and soirows when she grieves; to be sure that her faults are loved, and her facts is fairer to one, at least, than fuccs far more beautiful that one great heart holds her sa cred in its innermost recesses above all .women. Sbe can do any tbicg, be any thin,g, suffer any thirg thU3 upheld. Site grows prettier Under the sweet in flaence, brighter, kinder stronger; and. life seems to be a foretaste of heaven; and all ot her dreams are gold. COTTON MARKETS. - Having determined to leave the pheasant little Town of Lonisburc, I offer my HOUSE and LOT for Sale. This property is situated in the Eastern part of the Town on Tan Sreer, on an elevation and very healthy, then is li arres in said Lot. with a TWO STORY DWELLING, 4 TTvuns 18 feet square, 1 Dinicg and Cork Kroom 18 feet square in the Basement, with an ( fdee and other out Houses on the premise?, and one cf the bet wells of water in the Stnfe, in 30 of the Housr. A'so another Lot. thre -fourths ot an acre with a GOOD HOUSE, on the opposite side ot t!e street. This property can be bought chep for CASH, or on reasonable time. Possession eiven any time. Edi? Apply to W. II. FURMA. P. S. Expecting to taavo soon, I hereby ive notice to all persons in debted to me as late Superior Court Clerk of the County of Franklin, or otherwise, to settle with me by July 1st or thty may have Cost to pay. I mean what 1 say, all persons having claims against me, will present them lor settlement, W. H. F. 3Iay 21-4-w jLouisburg. Low for Cash, Our Motto. All kind of (Groceries .- A Milwaukee chap kissed bis girl about forty tifnes right straight along, and when be stopped the tears came into her eyes, and sbe said in a sad tone of voice: "Ah ! John, I fear you have ceased to love me." "No I have not replied John,'' "but I must breathe." . witii - :.:'...V!. JA3IES li. TXIOXT, WHOLESALE DEALEU IN J" HATS AND CAPJ3, 34 Haiioyer Street. . JMtimorc,,;Md. Personal, Our young friend and townsman, Herbert Barrow, has just returned from Trinity College where he has been attending school for some time. Mr. Willie Egerton of our County is also at home spending his vacation, he has been attending school at Wake Forest . College. We hope both of our young fifieuda will have a pleasant time during their vacation. Hkv. E. N. JoYNEtt.- It wm our i pleasure to hear this- young divine preach at St. Pauls Episcopal Church, on la..t Sabbath evening, Mr Joyner who resided with his parents for several years in our town, -attending school, afterwards returned to Pitt county, where he prepared himself for the Ministery. He with his wifo is spend ing soine time in our town,md is the guests of Mr. C, D. Malene. To Nkwsfapkh MKS.--Any good man wishing to engage in the newspa per business can, with smaH csh cap ital secure the pres", type, fixtures and good will-of the Concotd 8ur. For particulars, address John It. Harris,. Concord, N. C. The press ot Ncnh Carolina is requested to copy this no tice, the pi operty being that of the UifcC. F. HarriP. Cotton Cotton, Cotton Cotton Louisburg, June, 18. . - - 15 Petersburg, June, 18, - ' - - 16 Guaranteed at Norfolk, Ealsigh 1G 15g New Advertisements, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! Yoii can buv the lollowinz Ar J tides at the Drug Store at 5 per cent less than the manufacturers retail prices. Hostetters Bitters, Vinegar Bitters. Simmon's Liver Regula tor, COD LIVER OIL. And many other standard articei . 4 IOUTBERX - ILLUSTRATED age! Raleigh, N. C. The only ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY in the South. Eight pages. Forty colums. Containing more reading mat ter than any wrekly published in tb Southern States. Th. first number of the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED aob will be issued on , Saturday, 26th. day of Juno, 1875 The Publisher inteotls makmg it an Illustrated reco-d of the times. It will treat ot every topic. Political. Histori cal, literary, and Scientific, which is o" current interest, anrl give the best illustrations that can be obtained, original or fort ten. The SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AGE will be printed on new type, and heavy book paper. unusual oi coturiDuiors wm oe T found tbe names of many of the Wat! I! I'IIImmm stories, poems and sketches &nd well conducted editorial departments giving tbe latest personal literary, scien ific, political religious hn.i c'mmcrcil ir teligence, will furnish every week an amount of reading matter unsurpassed by other papers, in excellence and uari tty. It is intended to make the PPTIItnT TT T1TJTOITPT . journal for the fireside; seveaal columns I r f If I ff .11 Vn -.;ltw .1 .11 I w Mill Lc Epcbiaiij u iuivu tru mil cui jcvia pertaining to domestic and social lite. No faroilv should be without it. "Northern 25 HORSE PO WER-rOR-TABLE ENGINE, IN FIRST CLASS ORDER. SECOND-HAND AND NEW ENGINES of various Horse-Power, Gum and Leather Belt ing, Steam Pumps, ' CIRCULAR SAWS, Etc. 5Sy Send for descriptive Circular. O REFERENCES. We mention a few to whom trt have sold eecond banded Engine : W. 8 Maixobt, FranWinton, N. C. H. J. Grime?, Lexington, N. C. J. A. Bcxtos, & O., JatksoD, N. C Bxanow & Pleajint, Louuburg, T. A. Pbicx & Co., 8tateTiile, V. SnaawALT, Happy Home RHM A HUNTER, Richmond, Va. Jan .-2 $-6 m Orncs Ummav BcrmsTCXDnrr, Wilmixsto, N. C , June 8, 1S72. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON and aftr Jun 10th lnUnt, J'a5ner Trains on the Wilmington aui Weivlon lUilroad will run ma followt : MAIL TBAIW 1 2 btr Wood Pump la I vv ,v me acanowiecrea r) il STANDARD ot ".be market, by populir rrr J diet, the best pump for U i . leat money. Attention ! In - J ited to Biatchleyfa Improred j Bracket, tbe Drop Check Valre, wblcb can be withdrawn with oat disturbing the Joint, adthe cep per chamber which neTtx cracks, teak or rust and will list a life time. For sale by Dealer and the trade cen trally. In order to be euro thatjon &e: iil&tchley Pump, be care Jul and ree that it has my trade-mark a apoTe. II you do not know where to buy, d icriptive circular, together with the r ime and adureu ot the agent neamt ton, wiil be promptly furuiihed by ad dressing with stamp. Charles E. Blatchley, Hannfaclnrer. Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. April 2l-m. Railroad Schedules- Of. ir tar Letre Union Depot dailj (8unAijexpte 2 X i 8-05 n.m ArTtifaiioklloro lWlp." Itnrkj Mount 2:11 !. m. - Wrldon 320 p. to. Lcare WeWon (Sunday ex- rented) t !$ a. ra Arrive t I took r Mouat 117 a.m. - OkULoro l:ie n. m. - UulouDrpA 53i. m. Freight EXTUEJSTItAiy. t O D A on,y f3 " an 200 JUa rr els num. l'ostape tree. R.T. FULGHTM, Editor. Raleigh, N. C. QHS FloUT, IjOIIgllt L re Union Ienot UUy at 10-.40 p m. ArriTe a ioUlxro 3;O0. m. - - Hocky Mount 446 a. m- M WrkLn . 2 in: Leare wkkn daily 7 :10 i. m- Arrive at Bocky Mount 82 1 - (ioUUboro 10-SHp.m. M Union Depot 3:10 a.m. Mail Trmln ntake rloi oonTtkn at VitU doa for all ininU North via lUy Liue ami Arqnti Cretrk tvute. Kxi Train cniioecM only llh acquit errck rout. Pullman a labce tn-inn; Car ou Uiw trln VielzU trains .Il 1 are Wilmington iri- fekratJMa. inland arriT at 1.40 p. m- . . . it I itlr at: xn Krvight tr.In will Wti uuiirg- dailf (SunUtXcejU SP m , 11 a. SCHEDULE OP THE PETERS BURO RAILROAD COMPAKY. PASSENGER TRAINS Lkavx-TVexio. Ezprre Train .8.S0 a. a. Mail Train 4 13 p. as. Anaivs at ParrcEJncRb, Ezpreu -12.10 a. nu Mail 8 03 p. aa. LXXTE PXTSMSCBO. Mall..,; 6.X7a,ou Expres 8.17 p. ou Abeitk at WaxzMX. Mail 9 SO a. m Ex pre 7.00 p. m. FBSiairrTRArx. Lrare Petersburg 9 00 p. vl. Leare Weldoo 8.80 p. bu Arrire at Wldm 5,0 a. ts. ArriTe at Petersburg.... 4.00 a. aa.- O AST ox Tbadi. Leare Petmbcrg 0:35 a. a. Leare Gaston 1.15 p. am. Arrire at Gatton It 30 p. ca. Arrire at Petenburp .... 7J00 p. bu Pitlghtaf.r Gton Branch will be rrceired at thPeterbarcj depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be cloeed at 4jO0d.b. No good will receded alter that hoar. , J.C. rJPRIGO, Koginctr and General Macagtr. Raleigh & Gaslon RjR, company. Sri'KKlXTfKT,j OFKICK, ?I lUIel-h, X. C, Jane 11th, '72. j ' i On and after Monday June 17th, 1R72, train on the lUh lh t Gaat IUilr(Al, will run Ially (Sunday ex cepted) aa follow: j Mail Tkaix. Iavra r.Alch 10.00 a. n. Arrived at W il loa 3.30 p. bu I-a e Wt-Moii 9.15 a. . Anivm ai liairiii ZJXt p. aa. AtXXMMOIATXOS TlIAIX.j Ijav Illbf ........ Arric at cMuu Ix-aes Wfldon.. Arrive at iralcl Ai AVomea require more sleep than men, and larmers lees than those engaged in other occupations. Editors, reporters, printers and 4ele graph operators require no sleep at all. Lawyer can sleep as much s they choosy as they will thus be kept out of mischief. . Clerrymen are allowed to sleep 24 boars, and to pnt their parishioners to sleep once a week. Always charged and sparkling. SODA TICKETS $1.C0 prr'Doz?". CALL at the DRUG STOKE. One door East Corner Blount and Morgan Streets. Raleigh, N. C. PRACTICAI. i STONE CUTTER, And Dealer in ). ITALIAN & AMERICAS MARBLE. All kinds of Monument, Tomb, Headstones and Garden Statuary .made to order on reasocab'e terms. Orders from a diatacee promptly filleo. . Call in person, or addreu JOHN CAYTON. P. O. Box. No. 303. Have your JOB WORK done at the Courier Office. before the ad- yance which we SEABOARD A ROANOK RAILROAD COMPANY. CmciSnKun k Boatoaali R rortnooath, Jan l.t, 13.5 CUXSGZ OF BLUZLVhT. On aa4 afUr Frilay, Jatuarr lt 1T3 TmIiu wiK lva Weill in lliijr I BDlA IX. are sellinc: at old -BSttffffi? - O Ko. 1. "Fiibt- tiam Caa!r at 4 x. x. No. 2 Tmgbl trsia at S prices. Barrow & Pleasants9. Louulurj, K. C. abjh vk at rortriiicuTn. Mall train d&lrjr at 7 13 r x No. L. Kreifai trvla Oailj at 1 2 oo nofco. No. 2. T lht Train at 4 to r. m ' Vtetsat Uai bare a pfcnger Car aU tacfied. steamer to Cdectoo, Ttrmoain Jt Iaa4 Icn on BUekvater, and Cbowaa Urrm Imic rrackUi al 740 a. x. cm Uoodtja, Wedneada) asJ TrUaj. eg. cnio. Sapt. of mnponalian F JOO p. . G.2J a. aa. V.LS a. isu Mail trvn mkri il-rtt concecttaa at Wrldon with the calnird & Ltaok iUilioait n-J UtT L'ie btmer via. Uiltimorc, U) nJ fiwia all p aU, 'orb, Wet aa 1 North eat in4l ihe IV i rlHir ll'i"ul ia Prwrwarf,'-l n 1 Wat!inta City, la ml Ir ra aU point North and IwMh Av.A -tHt'c:;ii wii'u tb NmiU .Car n'hi.4 IJ-i r at t rl ifiiu !1 poiata, Si-i'li swi 6-Qtjwut. anj m'uli tbe ;:a!c:;i L u,u Ar Lae U Uj ol ol Fyttteri:ic- , Acc nro i t: aji'l Prriit traJaa 'OB' ci i wcJ t. i t. i:U A -otaioJa auJ Krctht truni m S tford Jk Icnoke nuilr4l 'anI Petrlisi llaiiroad. . Ami at lU!eih wt'h Aecommoda tioo ail fiei$!it tria on Nuai Car Tina Ui rr L IVr n lit in? a'on tfce !jn f the road em rit UiUi;li ha tb aarela try Accortmodatino train, and rtznaia aereral hoax, end ret era tb m arr n rg. . - A. B. ANurtEWS. Jeol fiojt

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