F KANKIJN ESI i i. ' i : 1 x GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : S2.00 per Aniinm, VOX,. IV. LOUISBURG, N. C, FEIDAY, JUSE 25, 1875. NO. '35. Tlie, Heavenly Country No clouded skies, no long, dark night, ! No fear, or pain, or withering blight, No death, no sorrow there can come; No wanderer there, all are at home; i No eickne" there, no fevred brow; Na lod of cv. th form to bow; No slavery with it fcallinir chain, No aoxion torturing of fh brain, No eiWer Mol. no oi of grJd, , No honor that'n there bontfht and sold: ' No whinnered envy with tongnea of flame, No dander to brinr; the blueh of ehame; No thieves or robbers with stealthy wead, No murderers there, lo multiply the dead; l HiH glorious Toice hall rule the wide domain, And Eden fair, 1 beauty bloom again. LOVE Br TELEGRAPH Miss Pearl Silverlv was teleorftnT, 0 x" Lucy: " The young men." " No trifling. How are overskirts?" " Very much puffed up." " Perhaps you can tell how they dross the hair now ?" " With brush and comb still." " I, mean is it worn off the forehead now?" ' " Ii is very much worn off the fore heads of the young Jadies who crimp; and off the crowns of the men who live in Jheir hats." ' How do you wear your own, pray ?" "Curled." j ,. ., " Splendid I Have you such a thing as a lover?" "I have one devoted lover, for a surety." but no ; youH tell him." ' "You won't mind when I assure von that my lover : is only myself, Lucy Lorillard. Now you've sometimes thought?" ; " It would be'delightful to be first in somebody's heart." " No matter whose ?" "What a plague you are ! It seems to me it would be delightful to love somebody better than yourself so well "was operator at Jones Station, and Lucv Lorillard operator at Nineveh, the next point of communication, with nothing but the distance to prevent their inti macy. They had never met, however, except electrically, and were total strangers to each other till one New Year's morning, when it occurred to Miss Pearl to send the following tele gram to her nearest neighbor and fellow- laborer: "To Lucy Lorillard A happy you could die for him !" .Hew Year: Pearl Silverlv " partlv be- "He would be a fine cause she was idle, as hers was a branch xoute, with very little business and less pay, and partly because she was in need of a friend and a friendly word. The answer returned promptly: " Thanks. The same to you, and more also. If wishes were horses, etc." 1 "father slangy," thought Pearl, but good-natured. I guess she has a brother at home." And so the ice, once Ihawed, had no chance to stiffen acain of .a ex- 'figger man ' to let you die for him." : "You do know how to put an tinguisher upon sentiment. " Later. Pearl: "I've got something dreadful to tell you." " And bad news travels fast." " I've got a lover." " I knew that before. What's dread ful about it?" " Oh, I don't want him ; he's old. " Saints and ministers of grace defend usl" "And Aunt Hidden says it's ' my duty to marry him." " And I say you shan't." " He walks with a crutch, but Aunt Hidden says I can ride in my carriage. He is deaf, but she reminds me that I am not dumb. He wears a scratch, but after this. There was little business, as might be my grandfather." l said, going over the lines from Jones Station to Nineveh, and as the operator at the last named place seemed likewise to have unlimited leisure on hand, the two held frequent electrical iete-a-tefea, and Pearl bogan - to feel as if she had known Lucy Lorillard from infancy as ii tney nad gone to school arm in arm, and learned their lessons from the same lxxk. 1 Pearl's home was in her unci a's family, -where there were three cousins and an aunt, but no uncle now. . She could never exactly tell how it oame about, but gradually, from exchanging pretty civili ties and pleasantries and the news of the day across the wirys, she found herself presently telling this Lucy Lorillard, upon wnom sne had never set eyes, al most everything she knew and felt and mffered or enjoyed, and receiving expe riences and confidences nnd words of comfort in return from said Lucy Loril lard. Notliing was too trivial and noth ing too great for the two to discuss . acres tho lines between Jones' Station, ani Nineveh. Sometimes they conversed in a novel manner about the books they had read, and the journeys they would take when He was found in his library chair stiff and cold last night. Aunt Hidden says no doubt he has left me something handsome, and if he hasn't, it's justice upon me 1 I shall never accept an iota. It belongs to his poor nephew, and would be only legalized highway robbery." " You have the nephew's prospects very much at heart ; he ought to feel flattered." Still later. " Liz and Aunt Hidden went to Squire Gable's funeral. I had a nervous head ache, and so escaped. Liz came home raving over the squire's grandnephew, the only mourner she had eyes for little else. Bat how foolish I am! What do you care about Squire Gable's nephew?" " Perhaps I care more than I'd like to own, alas !" "Ah, sits the wind in that quarter? They sent for me to be present at the reading of the will. I didn't go." "You might have seen the grand nephew." "I wouldn't have gone to see the Grand Lama. But I saw him at church, and thought it wouldn't be so difficult to fall in love with him as with the squii e, upon my word now don't laugh though he isn't my beau ideal." C" Let those laugh who win." Miss Liz was wondering if the squire's nephew would settle down in the old place or go skylarking over the world, and if Parson Longmeter would bring him to call, or how she should contrive to make his acquaintance, and whether green or blue became her complexion best, like the foolish milkmaid in the story; while Aunt Hidden's mouth was watering on account of the old china and silver ware at Gable Hall, ''that might as well have been in the family as not," she grumbled. "And there wasn't a track in the carpets nor a scratch on the furniture, and I've no doubt there's silks that would stand alone folded away in the attic, and nobody the better." ' And while she bewailed Pearl's folly, Lawyer Verdict dropped in to say that rightful owners as can arrange it." ' Your motives soon as the lawyers , Swindling JTomen. The Working Women's Protective are commendable; I Union of New York has published a I raising in California, says: Raising Tfhrmt in mCmllfml. A correspondent, writing of whsat THE THIRD THIS. The first rrrUet but do not disquiet yourself," returned statement of the policy pursued in that j thing that Impf esse one in thi depart the squire's nephew. " Another and city by sewing machine companies to-1 xnent is the multifarious and al Gr&at TTrltee i HaWerf. letter mm ia later will has been- unearthed, which I wards workinx? women, which deserves renders your somewhat Quixotic design public attention and indignation. It is unnecessary, a-t the bequests are now re- carried on so brutally and on such a versed : I have the fortune, and you liave the five hundred dollars. Pardon; but I have a message to write." Which he scratched hastily off, and gave to Pearl, who presently dropped in a heap into the nearest chair and burst into tears, at the discovery that Lucy Loril lard was a man ! The telegram read : "Let me persuade yon to accept not only Squire Gable's money, but his graceless nephew, "Ltjcy LoanxaaD." "It allow, was perfectly inexcusable, I Lorillard averred, later; "but what can a man do when a pretty girl wishes him a happy New Year! I took pains to satisfy my eyes many a time aid oft; and found she was more than fancy painted her. And as for the rest, I have my maternal grandfather, one John Lucy peace to his ashes I to thank for the legacy of his name, which I always despised till I found out that Pearl Silverly loved nobody so well as Lucy Lorillard." And so, you see, Pearl was persuaded, after all. Cruelty to Cattle: The Cleveland society for the pre vention of cruelty to animals has re ceived a letter calling attention to the ill-treatment to which animals are sub jected during transportation. The story is as old as it is disgraceful, and it is strange that when such practices as it re hearses are made known to the public some action is not taken to suppress them. It is generally known that cattle coming from the West are transported in cars which are packed so full of them that they cannot lie down at all, and nere tney are Kept witnout food or large scale that it must be a swindle of long standing, and is probably not con fined to New York. Under the weekly- paying system, the New York companies "Bell sewing machiea to persons who promise to pay small hebdomadal in stallments. The purchasers are required to sign a lengthy printed form, which they generally do without reading it. This gross carelessness is the cause of their misfortunes, but what is to be said of the men who deliberately take advan tage of this feminine ignorance of busi ness to practice' extortion upon a class utterly unable to protect themselves t This printed form, which purports to be a bill of sale, is really only a lease of the machine, and one of its clauses em powers the companies to instantly seize the machines upon any default in any payment, and to declare all the money already paid iorfeited. This power is maliciously used. Within a week, fif teen women whose machines had been seized by one company complained to the Protective Union. One of them paid G3 of the $66 originally due, and had tendered the other $3 a day or two after it was due. Another paid $102 out of $110. Her machine was then seized. A friend paid the remaining 88, but the company refused to give up the machine unless $20 " interest ", was handed in. A third case was still worse than these. A sewing woman bought a machine, for which she was to . pay $30, and which was to be kept in thorough repair by the sellers during a year. Before this time had expired, she sent it to be put jn order. She had already paid $84. When most humanly conscious machinery, which gives o te man dominion over so many acres, and has eleTatd Calif ornia in twelve years from an arid wa t to the first wheat-producing State. Down in tlie San Joaquin valley there is a ranch so vast that the men atari in the morning with their gang-plows, traveling on until noon, take dinner at a mid-way station. then drive on until the going down of the sun, and return the day following. So immensely is one man s profitable ownership broadened by machines. True, the plowing is only skin-deep, and the average yield per acre has already fallen off orer five bushels in the State; but who takes thought for the morrow f Then in harvest, the field actually swarms with machinery. As the cum brous header moves on, with its long guillotine reaching far out into the wheat to be decapitated, a wagon is driven dexterously alongside to receive the heads. Every header thus employs five men, three wagons and twtlre horses. Sometimes three or four head- are going at once, eacn wiin ins The following is the letter of Presi dent Grant to the Pennsylvania lUpnbli can Convention relative to the third ierax question Exsrrny Mascorc. Washctotox, D. CL, May 25. 1875. Dear Sir : A short tins snbquent to the Presidential election of 1872, tha press, a portion of it hostile to the Ile publican party, and particularly so t the Administration, started the cry ct irVtaanrm" mnA thil third trm. ers little army, and simultaneously in the middle ef the field a steam thrasher, with its greater army of men, dark as mulattoes with tan and dust, working with an amazing energy, at their several tasks, while the header wagons come and return on a trot. Perhaps a spark from the thrasher ig nites the standing . grain ; the farmer leaps on a reaper and whips hi horses to a gallop to cut a swath around and arrest the progress of the conflagration. The wind sweeps the billowy flames upon him ; he dismounts, slashes off the traces, bestrides a horse, and gallops for Ciesarism" and "the third term.' calling lustily for me to define my posi tion on the latter subject. I believe! it to-be beneath the dignity of the Sew which I have bm twice called upon to fill to answer such a question before the subject should be presented by compe tent authority to make a nomination, or by a body of such dignity and authority as not to make a reply a fair subject of ridicule. In fact I have bwu surprised that so many sensible persons in the Republican party should permit their enemy to force upon them and their party an issue which cannot add strength to the party, no matter how met. Bat a body of the dignity and party authority of a convention to make Dominations for the State officers of the second Bt&U in the Union kavirg consideicd this question, I deem it not improper that i should speak. '- In the first place, I never sought the office for a second nor evn for a firt nomination. To the first I was called from a life position, one created by Con cTess expressly for me for roppo-d ser- even running rendered to the republic The po- siuon vacatpu a. u&eo. wum been most agreeable to tae to have re tained it until such time as Congrers might have consented to my retirement with the rank and a portion of the emoluments which I so much needed, to a home where the balance of my days might be spent in peace and the enjoy ment of domestie quietTrlieved from the cares" which have oppressed me so constantly now for fourteen years. But I was made to believe Uiax ine pnuiio their Khips came in; about the music they thirsted to hear; about now and hereafter. , "It struck mo oddly the other day," telegraphed Pearl, "that I had never heard your voice. Wonder if I should recognize it. When I listen to the 'Traumerei,' which somebody plays next door, I seem to hear you speaking to mo." . Lucy: " You shall hear me some day lo some purpose" "I hope so. Would any one believe rthat a companionship between two who have never seeh each other could bo so sweet? I sometimes fear that it's too good to last." " Don't you never come to Nineveh, shopping?" ; "No; I'm too poor. I don't mind telling it, because I suspect you of the irne infirmity. Don't you ever come to Jones' Station?" , " Of ten in spirit." j " "I used to be so miserable before I knew you 1 I used to think there wouldn't be anybody unhappy. The keggar woman had her child, the old crones at tho workhouse were - f riendly with each other, the humpbacked, girl in the alley had a sister; and now I have a friend 1" "Friendship is love without the igVs the poet says. Wouldn't j you 1 rather say: I have a lover? "Now you're teasing. There's no love worth having without friendship for a foundation." ? "Amen.". Later. "Ira going to confide to you how foolish ll've been. I was invited to a ball -a county ball. Cousins Liz, Bell, and Tan accepted. I made their gowns such beauties ! pink and blue and sea- green tarlatans, like sweet clouds. .'I felt like Cinderella, and sat down and had a good enjoyable cry after they were gone. I had nothing but my old brown alpaca to wear. I couldn t sleep half the night, thinking of what I had lost such giddy galops, such mazy quadrilles ! : though of course I would have been a wallflower?" ; J " ' The flower that all are praising.' ' No: nobody but you." , r it "No?. I fancy you resemble the , woman I heard a clergyman praise in his sermon last Sunday, with whom he said it was pleasanter to meet than a poem of Browning's, Paul's epistle, or a chapter of Epictetus I" "I shan't listen "to; such- flatery. Our meeting will be one of disillusions. ' Sometiomes the telegrams 'were after this fashion:- , - j Pearl: " What are the latest things out ia suits at Ninsveh she assures me that 'scratch' is masculine for chignon." "Did I understand that you were willing to die for him?" "I'd sooner die than marry him." " Good. But you won't do either." "But I must decide to queen it at Gable Hall or be turned out of house and home." "My arms are open to you, as well as my doors." " How well that would sound, dear Lucy, if you were only a nice young man whom I might love 1 I hope you don't think I'm improper. " "I think you're an angel, and the pink of propriety." "Squire Gable brought down the family jewels to dazzle me. f.ir. tried them all on. I couldn't touch one. I felt that the dead woman who had shone in them would rise up and 'curse me if I should purchase them at such 'a price, and so cheapen love and all womankind. Squire Gable has a grandnephew who will come into his property if he marries no one, but he takes no notice of the young man, because his mother married against the squire's wish. This is all heresay, however; it may not be true. But in the mean time ' the nephew is quite poor, they say. I pity him." "And pity is akin to love." ' Yes love's poor relation. " Still later. . Pearl : " Advise me, dear Lucy. Aunt Hidden warns me that if I refuse Squire Gable, she will wash her hands of me. So I temporize, like a fool." : ' , "And the woman who , hesitates is lost." 'I demand a month for reflection. But when the month is ended, what am I to- do? My salary here as operator wouldn't buy my salt. I don't know how to do anything else; nobody would give me board as a cook, ! sewing girls are a drug in the market, and to beg I am ashamed." , V If you marry him, rH forbid the banns. All that I have is yours ? But the trouble is, you haven't got anything to speak of, you dear i old " Not much to be sure; but enough for us two." ' I can't take even your bounty. You know the old story poor and proud." 'You would rather take my heart and make no return?" s " To tell the truth, I'm afraid to' meet ' . "ms" r'. you. . JNow you can Deueve me every thing that is beautiful ; then there'll be no more illusion, and you may not like the result. : And I should die if you turned against me. " " Then promise not to marry the squire ; ta&e ma poor grandnepnew in stead.! . " If vouH forward the young man. only the 8qnire leffc his money t0 earL water from the time they enter till they and cut off the poor nephew with a paltry five hundred dollars ! . ireari Hastened to telegraph the news to Lucy Lorillard. " Now, I fear, you will not wish to share my cottage, gentle maid ?" ' ' You don't suppose I'm going to keep the filthy lucre ?" answered Pearl. "I certainly do." " I wouldn't touch a copper of it for the world." "If you don't keep every cent, I'll have nothing more to say to you." " You're joking, of course." "I was never more serious in my life." " " I can't believe it of you." " If you give up the money, you will give me up too." " Then dearest friend must part; you are not the one I took you for." " I'm your best friend, however." "I couldn't follow your advice and satisfy my conscience. 'V . , " Then you love your conscience bet ter than me." " ".'I could not love yon, dear, so well, Loved I not hon6r more.' " ' "Let me persuade you to keep it." "You cannot; the woman doesn't live who could." " Let me come and talk to you." "You may come and talk till the heavens fall. , " ' fl Kail vni irfiirrioT falra v1oa of . A 3m Cause of Trichina: in Pork, your aunt s i "With Liz at the keyhole and Belle Some new cases of deaths, due to the at the closet side? No; here at the of- eating of pork infested with trichina?, fice. The messages are (oo infrequent wLich are being quoted in Western jour- to signify; only you and I have kept the mus, snonld, the scientific reach New York. Many die. and all are unnecessarily made more or less so that so long as this system is toler ated it is impossible for us to have per fectly healthy beef for our markets. The cause of much of the disease which pre vailed among the cattle three or four years ago was the way in which they were treated on their way to market be fore they left Texas. They were made to perform long journeys in such haste as to ruin them and spread a sort of cat tle plague wherever they went. At that lime attention was called to tne neces sity of putting a stop to this cruelty and false economy if we did not wish to suffer its physical effects in our own bodies, and it was shown that in trans portation it would pay to have cattle cars so arranged that each animal could lie down in its stall, have food and wa ter, and not be tortured in the old stupid and infamous way. The improvement in the condition of cattle would more than compensate for the additional ex pense attendant upon the construction of such cars, and there was no good rea sons why the change should not be made. Still it was not made, and strict legislative enactments rigidly enforced in regard to the matter seem to be the only means by which the brutality of drovers and transporters can be countervailed. life, leaving the reaper to iu Late, it , i ,iflv.. sue went to get it again, sue nanded mm miffht as well be burned as lie outdoors Withnni nepkinir the effice for tlx) all winter. It makes one s head dizzy to how they do things 'in California in harvest. The mora sareful farmer harvests his grain witu a reaper, and bin as it into sheaves. .In the hot and dry interior the straw is too brittle to be bound by day, so you shall sometimes see Jchn Chinaman binding wheat all night long by the light of the moon and the stars, and sleeping by day in a dirty tent or underneath a spreading oak, perfectly secure from rain. The ranchman's over the remaining So. Then she was told that shevmust pay $13 more. When she refused, the $6 was given . back to her, and the machine, with the $31 al ready paid, was declared to be forfeited. The Protective Union brought suit in one of these cases, and the corporation sued transferred the case to a court where it cannot be reached within a year. The companies concerned seem to have elevated swindling to a fine art. It is fortunate for their future happi ness that they have no souls. second term, the nomination was ten dered to me by a unanimous vote of the delegates of all the States and Territories selected by the Republicans of each to represent their whole number for the purpose of making their nomination. I cannot say that I was not pleased at this and at the overwhelming indorsement which their action received at the elec tion following. But it must be remem bered that all the sacrifices except that of comfort had been made . in accepting the first term. Then, too, such a fire of personal abuse and slander had been kept tip for four A Jleauttful Picture. During his plea in the Tilton-Beecher for himself and his family, and the work men sleep outdoors, like Boiiz, at tho end of the heap of corn. case, Judge Porter drew the following beautiful picture: Husband and wife you know, gentle- their gray California blankets. men, never grow old to each other. Usually the grain is stacked and left We see upon one whom we all honor and in the open field for months together, love turning to Judge Neilson the without fear of rain or thieves. By-and-marks of maturing years and advancing bye it accumulates around the little age. I have not the pleasure of know- country depets. corded up in quarter ing the lady who has been chosen as the acres and half -acres. For month after light of his dwelling, but I know that month immense trains of platform-cars she does not see him as I see him; she axe rollincr down to the bay with this sees him in the health and flush of young gorge and plethora of wheat, and f re manhood, with the glory of youth upon quently tke rainy season begins before him and to this hour, his age is that on it is all removed. house is generally too small for this sud- year, notwithstanding the ex)nscienUous den host of laborers, quite small enough JmJ f, t the light of subsequent events, many which he pressed upon her finger the marriage ring; and he, while he may be looking upon one whom time has touched with some of . those changes which time leaves upon the faces of us all he sees her as she came before the clergyman who solemnized their marriage rites, fresh and beaming, glowing with youth and bright as the morning star. times subiect to fair criticism, that an wrapped in indorsement from the people, who alone govern republics, was a gTsiincation tnat it is only human to have appreciated and enjoyed. Now for the third term: I do not want it any more than I did the first. I would not write or utter a word to change the will of the people in expressing and haTing their choice. The (question of the number of terms allowed to any one ExecutiTe can only come up fairly in the shape of a proposition to smend the Constitution shape in which all poli tical partie can participate, fixing the length of time or the number of Urms for which any one person shall be eligible for the office of Prcaident. Until such an amendment is adopted tin people cannot be restricted in their choice by resolution further than they are now re- Ilightcagtnen in Jfejrico. The works on Mexico which I read on the voyage between New Orleans and Vera Cruz, says a traveler, impressed J stricted as to sge, nativity, etc fool's 1 day in would wires from rusting. "But all that is at an end: To-morrow, then, at the office. Ain't I a dis interested mortal to travel to Jones' Station just to "persuade you to keep a fortune ?" , . ; " Excuse me if I call it a errand." " Philanthropists are always called names. Au revoir." Pearl waited at the office next a fever of expectation. What this friend be like, whom she was about to deny herself; this' friend whom she had once longed and now dreaded to see persuasive, and difficult to resist, with soft dove eyes ? Every step upon the stairs sent a quickened pulsation through her being; yet she was already absorbed in her reveries when the office door swung , open and. admitteodark browed women. In an instant the color flamed and" flickered in Pearl's cheeks, her eyes dilated, her - hands trembled; but the dark-browed lady calmly wrote a message, and made way for the gentle man who had entered behind her a somewhat short and 'thickly built man, with large gray eyes and curling blonde American tells us, be the means of directing pub lic attention anew to the horrible dis ease of swine, called trichinmit and to the fact that, when once the parasite at tacks a human being, the result is pro- Jlotc Lttnburter Cheese is Jtmde. The preliminary steps in the manufac ture of Limburger cheese are similar to those employed with ordinary cheese, except that the curd is taken up in a moister state, more whey being permit ted to remain, and the mass is heated to a different degree of temperature, thus preserving all the richness which other wise would be lost. It is then taken me with the idea that Mexico was filled with rascals who rivaled Bichard Turpin and Robin Hood. It was asserted that " the country is fall of robbers. Stage coaches are rifled on every road. The government is powerless to protect life mm . . . or property, ana mere were Brave stoies of warlike preparations to meet these banditti. But I have seen neither robbers nor fears of robbers. We came up over the railroad without either guard or weapons, and I am told here that the apprehensions of brigands had no founda tion except in the imagination of the writers. Ani so of the " Alameda or It mir harmen in the future history of the country that to change an ExecutiTe because he has been eight years in oftloe will prove unfortunate if not dinuitrous. The ldsa that any man could elect him self President, or, even j renomi nate himself, is preposterous.; It is a reflection upon tho intelligence and pa triotism of the people to supposs ach a thing possible. Any man can destroy his chances for the cCce, "but no one can force an election, or even a nomina tion. , . To recapitulate, I am not, nor have I ever ben, a candidate for rencmination. I would not accept a nominsuuu were Undered unless it should come un der such circumstances as to make it an longed suffering and, in a multiplicity from the vat and put in perforated public park here. It Is gravejy asserted tmT)crative d ury circumstances not like- "rm PTistinC 1 1 1 a 1 I iri latt n'l(m n1 mn( inlorMttn 9 I U tn iriu - -.; of instances, death. The worm existing in the pork literally bores its way out of the stomach and into the muscles. - It has lately been found that swine may become infested with trichinae through eating carrion, or even decayed vegetable substances , This is a point worth consideration by farmers who in cline to the belief that dead chickens, putrid swill, or other filth about the place is legitimate food for the pig. The animal is not dainty in his tastes, and will lunch off his dead relatives with in finite gusto; but it is the poorest econo my to permit him to assume the role of scavenger. No milk dealer will allow his cows to eat garlia if he can help it, though the brutes are crazily fond of the odoriferous weed; and there is cer tainly more reason for the farmer to see molds five inches square by seven inches I in the last written and most interesting in depth, which are placed on the drsin book on Mexico, in speaking of this ing table, where it is allowed to remain park, that "one cannot walk there in ior a anon time. i is uiea i&aen into the cheese cellar below ground and put on the pressing tables, where' it remains about twenty-four hours before it goes to the salting table. After four or five days it is ready for the shelves, where it is placed in tiers and changed amd rubbed daily for about four to six weeks before it is packed. The packing process is done by rolling it in heavy paper and midday without peril. Yet the Ameri can minister tells me that he sends his children there almost daily to play, and to-night, about ten o'clock, s friend took me to walk there. We wore our watch chains and breast pins, and carried no weapons not even sticks but no one ly to anse, With great respect, .1 Your obedient servant, (Signed) U.aGaJurr. To General Harry White, President Pennsylvania Republican State Con vention. i ' " ' Another Case of J2m. Another case of a home made desolate through the effects of liquor is reported In New York. While some boys were troubled us. Hundreds were promenad log under the trees in perfect security, j playing la a lumber yard a drank rn and I returned to write this letter, with I watchman ' fired' rrrxm them with a re covering it with tin foil, when it is ready I my faith in the stories of Mexican brig- j reiver, killing a boy fourteen years old. for market. I andage terribly shaken. " Ax Oaiocrix. Dxrzxsz.-7no. Boyd is a white man who was convicted of steal ing two ' horses and two mules in Noxu bee county. Georgia. , When asked what ' JJe in Chin. At the death of the last emperor of China the most severe puniahment menaced those who should get'thexa- The boy .was the only support of Lis mother, and there seems to be some fatality attending the family, the father of the boy having met with a sudden and terrible death some time sge by faHinjr into a lime kiln, and another They say he lives in Kiaevefl nl that L hair and mustache, whom Pearl instantly he's one of natures noblemen. Do you j recognized as Squire Gable's nephew. know him ?" Again the warm flush stained cheek and ! doubt if youd : agree to the de- forehead. -Had he come to upbraid her? scription if you knew him as well as I Had he come to demand his own, to do. however, you might prefer him to appeal to her sense of justice ! What 11 his granduncle. " I should prefer the King of the Can nibal Islands." ' " Then why reflect so long !" " To gain time." " To waste it, I should say." So be it , 111 refuse him to-morrow, and trust to luck." - Never 1 put : off till tomorrow what can be done to-day." ' w Later. . v -.- " I feel so wicked ! I shall not refuse A nsrrible Present. The Shah of Persia has profited noth Lucy Lorillard should meet him, then ? j ing by his visit Why not steal a march upon Lucy, and that his porkers have no access to un- ne vj , MT. Mr. Boyd declared he had selves shaved daring one hundred days, brother having been killed in a street clean food. In the one case, if precau- j .imn tntAArl tn Tu-mi nd tW I The crohibiiiTe measure was applied to A t i L 3 a x - ii rtt i . . - i .. . ...... . i uoa oe ncgiecieu, uiv uuo am j Qe ij not think of stealing the mules j tne nair as wen to tne Dear a. amtn- is affected; in the other the entire flesh more a month before he did it I ( can lady residing at Pekin writes to one is rendered poisonous and dangerous I Rpfpmner to the time when he was of her female fnends that "ahe trembled food. 1 arrested bv the officers of the law. he said he was, as was' natural, straining put- it utterly - beyond her power to be persuaded? not that she doubted her self. Why not, before he could demand it or reproach her ? " Excuse me, she faltered, "if I take this time to talk to you about a matter that - troubles ma. You are Squire Gable'snephew. I merely wish to say, to Europe, so far as - "WW . . A economy is concerned. ne nas post been marrvinf? his daughter.' and the affair has cost him 60,000. He has also been organizing his army, and has bor rowed 48,000 to do it. He is also go ing in largely for the purchase of arms. Lately he has received a ghastly present 2,500 human heads cut from Turko mans. In this matter some economy every nerve to get away, and that if he had succeeded he was satisied he would have made a good citizen. , . I may not meet you elsewhere,' that I j was practiced, for, in order to save the - w . " -..I . "to . . m w ww a a. do not mean to accept the fortune lett cost ox transport, tne sxuus were cut out the squire, and I shall not marry hia. me in his wilL I shall restore it to ths ! and only the tannsdakias wtrs sent. only at seeing the head of her Chinese professor." Her terror was explained by the fact that the man in question, after the death of the emperor, had the misfortune to lose his father andT was therefore obliged to mourn for him a As a vehicle, containing a lady and j hundred days more; so that be had re- gentleman, was proceeding along the mained nearly seven months without road near Blacklaws, in Scotland, the shaving; and ret cabled a veritable other day. a spark from the gentleman's brirand. Nor was this all; the death of pipe fell among straw on the bottom of I his parent had obliged this unfortunate . . I Arms m. the machine. It was soon in a blaze, uunaman to wear wute Ciouurg on an and the lady was severely burned about ( occasions, whether in his own house or the legs, while her dress was destroyed, 1 abroad; he had obeyed that law of e ti ers the fire was subdued. The vehicle 1 quette in putting over his dress s white was charred, and with difJculty the garment, and never quittis; H . niauts horse, which becams rest! vs. was ssTsd. I down to ths end of the terra No Mom roa Mi Ha was lately asked by a friend his reasons for spend ing his bright morning hours in bed. "Well," said the sluggish gentleman, you know the old proverb, the early bird etches the worm!-" "Tea," re plied his friend, " but what has that to do with it t" "Well, sir, I don't want the worm; I had ne cnoe."i Chicago's So so. Tho ftUowisg is a verse that, repeated as easy times as desired, constitutes a popular song in the social gaiiierirs cl.die&0: There le oU Bazs Kaon And rooer. Zx ffoona,-' Old Earn Etxaosa'e eon, - AM yocr j Li arms WkH X Zath El noes Whs ei 8jjs C-aa Is t