. . ; - . . .- - " iML.nr -iiim!imme'&J,'sxF0Zx -ir7"XZ:uw. . . .cilafm-. r ... v . - . .. . 'v!!2 -,:r ,?, " : -, u ,4 7 rAj., ' ,. . f z em t - - ,T.-I . ? r Q?P:'vS-jBIt;a-Editor arid Proprietor. I TERMS : 32.00 per Annum, VOL. IV. LOUISBURGf, C., PRIDA.Y, JULY 2, 1875. ' ' T --2LQ...3Q. HE kx i ii t" 'II ; ; ii ix ' i " i i t : r i f xi ik i i i i i ax nil s . 1 r "Where the wood-pathH Jrok in twain, Doubtin'lbony ctjocVWl ber rein. "If I take tbt jithf ? pjnued hbe, "I f na 'I rawt with Homebody. Nay. but that woul-l never do : Jlafi iiu Kh-mld tie wboel, not wdo fM Bo )b.oJi'7 "at! fhfi Trended, " 1 Wli f- tbat with Dollr there? ."VIit b-.ta& J ber rid r f.r? 1 k1 the Hn!f-mme wiy to-day ; And tb're, aroon S he green wood8Tdim, !Mly told her ;hoioto him. :nmvs IW4I Wb wjwlng wbi t her heart conf essed, ' Trill' H.Of1 A tl.rtll rr V. aoV' The Open Polar Sen. wuFuu oams some ume lo-nicni. increased thflv sAnt nn flmA ITO. 1 . i i , .rf .1 4 ; r ' 1L J3 -Vr" w P,wenm OPP. tnougb, making the dreary nicht and the dark. L. Two vesseh of JbA ISAlvCIT navv-lhe so yop abetter keep well in shore, till rushing waters more hideous than any Alvandlh Dtyverjhave left you get nearly there. Go, Jim. go. . imagination could picture. - Mrs. ,Rost Vortmoutfi, TliiglanJ, 6n a Voyage of The boy hal not answered her when sfnoned down tnnvflr TiPr r.n1 A Arrtic exnloration. the nhief n,l of H she fiifct spokej jn fact, he did noieeem almost shrieked as her hand tonfrhd hiR I which " is the diacovexv .of .the North to takeffa.metngL of her words. jfeoldJ "claiarayrorebetdlh'hol felt his tPblifIt Vaf safely be asserted that no I,uiha' 5el.raIto Us feet pulse. It was feeble-and flnttecin. expedition has" ever stirCeit ona similar . u.iMt .. a , nuiw., ow . mw wwu !" Kn tnr Tir uta .11,1 ' c 10 mri rnu wi TVriMt v mnin!Mii tnr t ia t&qr " Yonr father is wnnw. Wtcli ifnr setrlfarft.V Th fofiijfers and crew.' Go rhcHedl'-i'Rid vori mean I v. v ; : : I .tJr,. r, r .UTr,.t wu Jrasto gplbjnam,!likeft sneak, and leave fofydti khowSanilivd& just opposite it" man the two vessels, have been carefully you ana aaa to ue swept awaj? is o, you Ifwas long pait midnight when ; the selected for their mental and physical Jf.vvY j,.,a aui i,,x jiwu. on was jeacnecu, xne ..'water tnere -was nmess ior tne worK. ine oroinary sea tt f you did; at'a all the same Ihing, calm, taid the -current comparatively J men are all between the ages of twenty Wl0?6!-1 stays;- and ef youind dad weak. Mrs. Rost laid down her oars 'and r four and thirty-one, and 'have been "llio home of Jim stood on the left bank of thp Mississippi river, Surrounded on tlirco sides by a low, swampy cotton wood forefit.; When the stream was hrh the forest was a great lake of watert and o.wn when it was low there were every where green, estering pools, and a rank growth of fan palmetto and briers.. No neighbors lived within five miles . of the hut, for it is not for the interest of the woodehoppers to be near "each oilier. 4rhy locate- far apart, so that a boat woodtug at one pilamny .findHtnecegi nary to take in a' fresh supply of fuel by the time the next is reached. ; ?r T t I lie hut had f two robms meanly furuished, but very r clean. It was drviiry,.deaolaUspot enouglifcbut marks of thrift' were everywhere visible. The yard was full of turkeys 'and "chickens Titss where you would, Simon Rost, the owner, was eithor hiuling his wood, or piling it on ine lower oanic, to be con von tent to the boats, and Mrs. Host might bo seen spinning, knitting or sew' ' , iug. .,. , " ;'.:'..'j' .." ' '" ' ' . -? Jim, too, their only child, a sturdy, . briLxht-eyvd, freckle-faced boy of about itwolve, took his part in the general in dustry, lie cut and dried the palmetto '-'fi'om thf swamp, junf braided ififtolth Jle the oeswhy,! reckon yon treedn't leave te iehind. - Don't, get downhearted, maav VVny, we ve gotr loti chances yet."NJjJi4 " ' The woman signed and looked hope-i essly , around, but to her more experi enced eyes, the chances of escape were sUm, indeed. - - " " "First and foremost,' cried " Jim, cheerily, unhooking the chain of the A Jtito$try at sen. i We. were in the Gulf stream, knocking about in t pretty rough s-a.' The effect on a missionary stomach was the same as that' upon the stomach ' of all landsmen. I remember one 'morning when the decks were in a very disagreeable condi tion in conseqnenee.' After repeatedly cleansing them, the patience .of, old Pease, the first mate was exhausted. He accordingly .wrote with a piece of chalk on, the companion-way: Passengers feeling sea-sick will please go to leeward., , ' . , ' . Soon Brother Bradley emerged from the cabin with a rising breakfast. The 6tooped over her husband. It only needed a touch to assure the poor woman that never more .would that still pulse thrill with the, pains or pleasures of life. lie was dead. , She covered her face with her hands, and tearless and silent, sank beside him. ' ' 'v-y ' s ' I . At any other time," Jim would have wept and moaned like other children at the loss of a good father whom he loved. The SUtlng Xulmnnee, . With th return of suuun ir days and singing birl.,? naes that chronic nuitance, the callow jorjTn in with dog; aud gun, io ; hunt birds and iitu&4 lb" natives with his prowess' and Ui? prnfll Af guu- ptnader. He ha nrni of th inincta Item Interest, The estimated vnla$ of the last French rintage is $100,000,000. . 7 0re arc ninj nra wao cmreaoi wu fights the battles of a country so long as they are allowed to be iU ratlcr. As mga as ci,vaxi naa uwn pa iur of sportsman, to wh wn wo are iudi'bted 1 front scat at a performance of JnJie, tho skiff from its staple on the levee, first, But now, with the whole responsibility moost kind of hats and baskets. . drove tho wagoafand helped to cord wood. To him, that great dreary swampV i aJtrotehct for '. miles back, ; was a erfoct" paradise. Such a quantity of fish and crawfish in the pools; such lots of Hqiiirrchjand rabbits to be snared, and ho many birds to bo Ehot ! Hti had a gun of his own that he had Thought from tho sale of his hat3 and . , .baskets, ajul wai a.very good ma?ksmajo i, llien' tuoixj were hickory nuts, tchuv y rquapiiyi ami wtdnuts to be gathered iu the " antnnm on a riiige about four miles from tho hnt; ho; 'take it altogether, though Von uxjiy wonder how a boy could lire in . , iic-h a desolaty place, without any play- iuatc-3, it is certain that Jim thought Ms home Lho uwwt delightful in .the. .world. ; i To bo sure, ho was often sick with! chills and fevers. ' The long, gray moas which only grows on malarious spots hung thick on the trees around the hut.' WWcvcx, ypiij see that'ephytes,-"; or ai fiCiinfc vtn may linldeTrstand that ilfis . . ,b;umer liat disea Jiangs puticare One morning everything in and arognd tho hutwprv s 'etrnuge, dull look. The i Mmiyiippi had been slowly and steadily rising- for' many weeks, and the forest Nvaa one sheet of water. Mr. Rost had thrown up a leveo around liis yard and hoiiso, ami they were comparatively dry; imt tho water "had now nearly risen to t tho tcp of tho lqvoo; a few.nioro inches,' and it would bo over. at l. ..'I you re to nelp ;me, mam, to haul this skiff up to thediouse, and tie it to the doorposts. - I heard dad say that was to be , done, so ii the water come , witlCa rush," the boat would bo handy to step right in." i : . ,' f-o they pulled and tugged at the skiff quaver ; in his voice, until itadbaged-to the doorsteps and left, and I'll be a goo securely fastened by a rope which ex tended within the house, and which was tied to one of the rafters. j By this time the sick man had awak ened from his restless sleet. and Mrs. Boat's heart sank within her when she perceived that his fever and delirium had increased within the last hour. She knew something of the treatment of this disease in its ' early stages, but it had now passed beyond, her knowledge of its proper treatment' She could only watch and pray by the bedside, and 1 wet his pafched lrps-with' water, :" r ; X Meantime,! Jim was as busy as a bee, preparing the boat, The., boat was too small to hold any cumbrous articles, and their valuables did not make a. large package ; so there- was quite room enough.' Mrs. Rost watched her son's labors with silent interest, but when he concluded by fastening in the bow of the boat a large fire-pan used in deer hunt- ing at night, and .filled it with split pine knots, her astonishment was great. -? What fori earth are you doing with "that fire-pan,' sonny Vr ";' 1 ' ! " " Why, jou , see, mam" (nodding his head . knowingly), "-if we're obliged to start at night, it'll be handy to have a light, on dad's account, you know and of the situation thrust upon him, unable to leave his oars for a minute, or they would have drifted down the tide, the brave boy choked down his grief, though his heart seemed breaking. . ! O mam," and there was a pitiful J you've got me good son ty you al ways.-: jJOHi't gojon'so mam, please don't. Help me to cross the river to Uncle S&m's, for you know I can't pull across myself." , , j He knew right well" this cry for help would rouse his mother. She rose, and still mute, took her oars,ancLthey turned the bow of tho boat td thel opposite shore. ' ; ' Then commenced a struggle against the strong, rapid current, to which all their previous efforts had been child's play. They were dashed against snags, and whirled in the roots of floating trees. The torch in the bow only threw' its light on dang3rs when they were upon them, and they were conscious that in stead of crossing where they had intend ed, the tide was bearing them far below. thirty-one, chosen out of several hundred candidates I notice caught his . eve. but 'notT under- fches of the Berviee. J No standing its significance'he siaggered about for a moment, and then gave oc casion . for another application 'of . the swab to the decks. .This done, he look ed meekly into the face of Mr. Pease, who was regarding him with a mingled expression of pity and contempt. I noticed the direction," blandly ob served the divine, "but I am not aware what leeward means." "Why, it means the lee side of the ship, of course,' replied the ' second mate. , "And which is the lee side I' ; "Which is the lee side? Well, it'a t'other side of the weather.side.' , . "And which is the weather side ? "The weather side t Sometimes its the starboard and sometimes it's the lar board (for the term larboard was then in use). It's the starboard, now we are on this tack.' ! "Really, said .brother liradley, "you must excuse me. I don't understand theso vaiious terms. What's a star board ? What's a larboard t WhidVa tack?" , ? Placing his arms a-kimbo, while the tottering missionary steadied himself by the - belaying-pin, . Pease regarded " him for a moment as an object beneath the from all branches one has been passed; who exceeded the maximum height 6f five feet nine inches, or who was under the minimum of five feet six inches, whose character and in telligence were not above the average, or whose teeth were not sound enough to enable him to support life for a lengthened period on hard biscuit. This careful and minute attention to details has been carried into every department of the expedition. The special feature of the equipment . is the unrivaled per fection to which the construction of the sledges and the general organization of that mode - of travel have, been carried. One ship will probably proceed as far north as eighty-two deg. before winter ing. jsFronv that point the, journey to. Jae Pole-by sledge is calculated to be ebout six - hundred miles, and the ' most elaborate preparations have been made for enabling this part of the enterprise to command -success. Commodore Markham sails in the Alert as the chief of the expedition, with Capt. Nares as the navigator who is to guide the vessels through the Polar sea, f - - : ; L mainly for rtnr trui Kt. and for the fines and penaltl lliat are laid upon their, willful violators. The' chap, we have in mind is generally an idle, igno rant vagabond from the city, who wants the fame of' a -mighty hunter, and so dresses fn sporting jacket and long-leg-boot, invests in shotguns and metal lio powder fiaaks, in setter dogs and whisky. He can hardly tell one bird from another, and is more "likely to shoot domestic ducks and ceese. than the wild water- owl that visit secluded rpots at this season, lie shoots birds upon the nests, birds feeding their young, and all birds alike, whether they are the farmer s friends or not. This great nuisance. -which was formerly confined mainly to the suburban districts, is now , widely scattered almost everywhere, like thistle down , along the lines of our railroads. Every depot far inland is haunted with thesa verdant and downy youth, who come to kill and to destroy. They by no means confine ' their destruction to wild auimals.. They stroll over your farm with as , much freedom as if Jhey owned it, shoot chickens in the absence of woodcock and quail, and broil them under your nose, worrying, witii! their dogs your . sheep and poultry,' throw down your-fences in digging out rabbits and woodchocks, shoot into your notices -A Heavy Loss. Intense excitement and consternation was caused in the United States Treasury Pl47 J contempt that he had at first be department, by- the discovery of a theft 8Jed npon m .. of -a package": containrng - $47,098.52, PlehJe earnestness, he ' mostly in $500 notes." Gen Spinner immediately called on Major Washburn, chief of the secret service division of the Poor Jim's little arms ached as if they Treasury, and had all the clerks in the Parisian comedian, at St. rctrrsburg. Politicians occupy a perilous position, morally. To make their public clirac ters bright they generally kill their pri vate virtues. There is said to be less drunkenness among the colored people of the South than among tho white inhabitants of New York. ; When you see a lot of laundry girl at work, how natural it is to cjcc'aixa, in the words of England's poct-Iaurcato : " Wring out, wild belles P A 8L Louis attorney has recovered one eent damages for harirg been called "shyster." . Tho jury explained that they could do to less for him. The death-rate of St. Louis in 1871 was only 14.15 in 1,000, and iU health officer claims that it is the healthiest city of its size in the world. ' Graham bread is said to be 'excellent food for the children on account of its superior bone-giving qualities. ' You can feed a child on that bread until he is all bones. A little'pet dog of jsiagnolla, N. C, died all of a sudden recctrtly, and a stinging' snake four f long, and a rat tlesnake a fool long, were found in Lis intestines. , , It is the sagacious remark of a kcn to, sportsmen, or tear ;ahem down, run 0b?rvcr that you can generally toll a over me growing crops, ana u injeriereu newly married couple at the dinner tabl with, treaE-yott to the foulest slang and by the indignation 1 of the fcroom whe: wouia arop irom nis snouiders ; out in spite of the ache he would manage to say, at intervals : " Cheer up, mam, I reckon we'll be at Uncle Sam's pretty soounow." , Suddenly a sound smote upon. the boy's quick ears which froze the blood in his i veins. In spite of the driving rain and the muffled ' sound, he recog- cash room and the employees in the branch office' of the Adams Express Company, " immediately ufider the cash room, examined, but at last accounts no trace of the package or the thief had been, discovered, though Major Wash burn feels confident that he will be able to secure both. Gen. Spinner is much depressed by the loss of such a large missionary? Going to "convert the heathen, and don't know two sides of a ship twenty-five feet apart ! You'd bet ter go home in the first vessel we speak, and make two or three coasting voyages, and then try it again; perhaps you'll learn something." Desperate auietde, j The body of a man was discovered floating in tue Heine, and from all . ap pearances the police concluded that some curses ox the J grog anops.. in is is a great evil and extends much beyond the personal, inconvenience of( the farmers, that. are. most' exposed to thetlepreda tibns'pf these vagabonds. " They greatly mlucethe number "01 birds", :and so multiply insects that prey upon our crops, and reduce the profit of pur gar dens and fields. It is settled, to far as anything can be, by the studies of roea best acquainted with the habits of these birds, that almost all of them at some season of the year live largely upon in sects.. . They are the conservative force iu nature, designed to keep insect life in check. If the birds eat some fruit, they save a great d al more, by, devouring the ? various f caterpillars and t worms" ,hat prey upon the b'ark and leaves of fruit trees, and tfpoa thV fruit themt nized the puffing of a low pressure boat, sum of money at a time when he is pre- e by the indignation1 of the groom when a fly alights on the bride's butter. It is said than an onion grower, in Massachusetts, who refused three dollars a barrel f cr his , crop, . lately; sold two hundred and twelve barrels for fifty dollars, the best offer he could get. . The omission of a comma once gave a very awkward meaning to the inscrip tion on a tombstone: Erected to tho memory of John Phillips, accidentally shot as a mark of affection by his brother. 1 . r . " Come, come, my dear," . said an in dulgent mother to her eldest hojn, 'tho sun has been up theso two hours, and here you'ro not yet out of bed." " Oh, well, the sun goes to bed at dark, and I'm up till midnight," was the reply. Mr. aB. Deuio, of Vallejo, CaL, lias had presented to him a brick "from tho ,sa as .the steamboats. won't run us down in ine aaxK. y "--' jgMra.i Rost looked upprbvinglv at her uvj. auu uiia reminas me. ,vny not nail the first boat that goes up, and then we can takeyour father comfortable like to Sam's? I reckon it won't cost much." The puffing of a boat just round the point below took Jim in hot haste to the levee. The boat, 1 however. kept near the opposite bank, -arid the Mississippi in high water is a mile wide in many places. Jim's shouts did not reach the Eieri on the boat, nor did they see the handkerchief he waved at the end of a long pole. ; I Even had the officers on board the" Steamer heard or seen them, they would probably not have heeded, for there were several ugly snags on the side of the river where Mr. Rost lived. 1 Were they in its line of way ? In answer to the agonized question, a dull, red eye, not a hundred yards from them in the mist, seemed driving full upon them. He gave one, cry of warning to his mother. " Pull to the right, mam, a steamboat's on us," and put forth all J aileged this money was taken make it a iiib sbrangMi in a uiai, enperauinan enorc J Either Jim's torch' was "seen: or his omcials and the "secret service officers al mother's despairing cry? when she re- contend that the robbery must haye been cognized the danger, ,was heard on the committed by some one inside, but it is believed by others that it was done by a sneak thief, just as $20,000 was stolen by Chauncey Johnson, a famous New York thief, four years ago this month. mnrdw had been committed. - He' was selves. ' It isonrv in exceptional vears dressed very poorly, and although that we are able td gd fair fruit in the great wall of China, and proposes to giro no marks of violence were found on his older' parts oi tns conntry, wncro mere person, his legs had been lashed together has been the greatest destruction of birds and his arms were tied down to his sides and where inects most abound. Our finest so as almost to exclude any possibility displays pf fruit come from the newer that a suicide had been oommitted; An S tides, where there are 'ewer insects. inquest was opened, and the result was j The promiscuous slaughter of birds, so 1 up right, appeal to his patriotic feelings. that the identity of the body was eetab-i prevalent in tho early . summer, is a I There is a lad in this town whose mother very! "mysterious lease fthe J treasury lished beyond all doubt, as also the fact nuisance 4 that ought .to, be abated. 'We I cured him of a bad habit Jurt by saying paring nis accounts to turn over lus office to his successor. If the money is not recovered Gen. Spinner will have to make the amount good unless Congress should come to his relief as it has done in several previous instances. ine circumstances under wnicn it is it to the Odd Fellows. The bnck is fourteen and a half inch? long, seven and a half wide and two and a half thick. . . '? , If you want to bring an American boy iiw IWUIU WUC1. t.,. . jiei 'U IV., i,L TT lint , this : was not the worst calamity I easily avoided when the -river was lowf ..... i - , 1 l.- J t 1 - 1 IV B64 but very dangerous when hidden by the water. ' - Vt Boat after boat passed that day. Poor Jim shouted until his voice failed, und wfty4iuUl.lu-.axAiia.aclAdr--but to no avail. Dusk came on, misty, rainy, and Jim crept disconsolately within. j'fTauit nolusejjmam;" he i said, shaking the fahTfrom nisdripping hat. " ThK iboats! -won't stop, nohow, and we've just got one inch and a half of ofc eveu. a- neighbor s.couiiTbe tlMmkabefore the river cpxaes oyer.'' ? to assist tlie "iinha'priv wife in " Can't be helped," answered his mother, with a deep sigh. " Seems to msVs Jim, your father is easier and quieter like now. Come and. look at ,S Oni iiptpoi the, , boy ( epproached the bed. Jle had hardly reached it when his FwQh$jf sprung Jto her Teet and shrieked aloud-" 0 4 r 'f O merciful Pod, it's : come l"r a Jim did not need to, ask what had come. The levee had broken, and a great wall of water hurled itself against the hut, staying in tlio ffputd lifting the boy offjais feet. ' j Ha was prepared. ..a j c uiowever,' lor tiie emergency.. srTit:'' au-'i ii 5Uan't bo scared. maml . tliat Liy iu their path. Ia trying to save ....."l5me of his wood, Simon Rost had placed. V A Vu.'n clujy 'Pf H 3J119 luicl gone 1 I A pfcee3f'aiu -'ttiernau harjjrely es- !iiped with hi3 life. Ho swam ashore,: but tlnj exposure and grief at his losses brought ou an attack of "pernicious . J j f rver.'he mot fatal diseas bf Ciq Mis- nissippi coast. - " i i., Holay.mosnia and tossiny with de- llrhrra. It was impossible to tiret a! doe- tor, and no called in her ministrations. ! .ttHiKi4ifWconia. j He cooked their simple meals, and swept nitd;cfojuicd iitf h'ttffeaFas-fS1 savo his luothci' as rartcfi tlronblVas pJbssible Th ...wutiot. mak, tha,t he had rut out th( dputly. the river must hav been, rising I mow rapidly within the last .few t hours, c and ho ran down- to' the levee to sep if this wai true. , As ho stood there look1' ' " iug o'ver tiie dreary gray waste of . water. steamboat, for a signal was given, and the engine was stopped.- It was too late, however, for ttiei little skiff , was ; swept against the sides of the huge vessel. Jim threw one arm around his mother, and dropping his oars,- cast the' other against the side of steamer, asj if to shield her. , One moment of intense agony, arid he lost consciousness. When lie recovere4 ifcjtras to find kind faces bending over . him, and his poor mother weeping beside him. He' strove to utter the usual formal, ."Cheer- up mam, but when he . tried to raise his arm. and put it around her, he fainted again from the pain. His arm had been j crushed in the collision, and he : would never be able to use it again. " It was the most wonderful escape I ever did see, gentlemen," said the cap tain of tiie boatalfew hours afterwards, when the-boy's arm - hail ;been dressed, and he was laid in a comfortable berth. A Woman's Fight W ith a Snake. A foimidable rattlesnake was killed re centiy on Mir. Klingle's farm, on Rock creek, near this city, says the Washington Chronicle, . under circumstances evincing rare courage on the part of a lady. The reptile was first seen by Mr. Klingle's manager, while driving . the j farm-wagon loaded with sod. Battle was imme diately offered, but the snake declined and retreated with the utmost celerity in the'directioni as it happened, of a colored youth, who, believing himself attacked, in turn precipitately made off. At tracted by the cries of the youth, Mrs. KHngie,' who was near by, struck at the snake with a croquet mallet, but failing to inflict any material injury, the reptile that a suicide had been committed. It appears that the man's name was. Gara-j pin, and there is every reason to, sup pose, as it is known that he was an ex cellent swimmer, that he had tied him self up as he did for fear that his instinct of self-preservation .should (prove 'more powerful thao bid fofcerminatson to ' fin ish his life.. Poverty is supposed to have been the cause which jtempted him to commit the act. At one time he was a man in a good position, with an income of 1,000 a year; but he squandered his money and lost it at the gambling table, falling lower and lower, until he was at last obliged to work on ths roads for tho parish. . , 's: A' CJtlll Dtater. ' . need '. mova stringent legislation, and a 1 to Mrn one day, when s4io Mt very ncr better enforcement of the laws against vous : Willie, Gaorgei Washington 'TV at - - - a? I transgressors. nn very lewexcepuons the birds should be "protected from early spring to autumn." farmer s best friends. They are the The German Oeemn Onem Dry Land, "" The German ocean ,ror North sea, like the EbgUsh channel, is supposod to have been once an inland plain1 or valley raised far above the sea level. The sea has but recently invaded' Uus pressing plain, submerged its forests,11 and super seded its river J course: , , -The buried trees oi -its sunk forests arc still stand ing, rooted in their own vegetable noil,' although beneath the .waves. ' Cromer forest, which dips into the waters from j treal, has twenty-fiTe chudron. . ... ?t t? never cracaea ntcaoryirai wuu u teeth I" . f ... t He leaned on the. fence pouring out warm vows of love and admiration to the lovely being on the other side. It was dark. We could not see her face ; but ahe said: "Pray desist. You are too vacillating. Only a week ago you told the same story throe doors below here.' They parted. There is a family al work' in a cotton mill in New Brunswick, Me., which con sists of father and mother and twenty four children, " all tho. children large enough being at work." The woman is. the fourth wife; a lrotbexOof tho hus band, living with his fifth wife in Mon- As the skiff was almost swept under witn ligntning-nJce speed coiled nimsell two thousand of all classes, it is esti- lot oai; alder, side that boy threw the rope up, and around the mallet to within a foot of her mated, being present. Tho interior'was been standing u sailoiscauffhtit. tit was more than hand. To the surprise and horror of the i :t,i tr -V Vcondition of- ' a iniM ii nan a iui w n il ta a.Liiui nva a s a a r:z a. i the two touch and go with him, I: can- tell joui fann,hanils nows gatherednear,' Mrs. The boat 'swamped; almost beforegotTKlmglfdid not drerthe inallet and run, the woman up, arid 4 she isrys' her dead but seizing the horses by the bridle as husband was in it. Now, look here, she turned, placed the mallet and snake for wile under . the ponderous wheel, which at once killed the reptile. The rattle has been extracted, and will become an heir loom in the family. Ills mother joiuod lumlf" t . .1 1A 1 'Ctrx : A ne.ro a yxo maxKf . ene as&eo, uiJ 'a 'VXherivtt'aHris.doiuxoy be 5aeed,mam,I,hei tho boyj. 'Ijook hereJ tnaih, out, cheerily,' l"? got the ropainmvj cried -.- swored (for mammy),, we can't stah'd fotti irichea hand, ,au,d iho skiirs safe." 10ianior of water inthotft iin'toeri Arid TheterVas rushing U like amilldam W ! gentlemen, l vo iwooded witn Rosl two years, and I know he and his to be good, honest, industrious folks, and Jim,' there arfioj in) ten thousand. They've lost their all Rost is dead, and Jim's . arm broken, or worse. Let us take up a collection for thenu'.- The response was unanimous. ...In a few minutes two hundred dollars were collected ambric'; ,1.he nasseneers. " and i Wasliington big talk, "what security placed in Mrs. Rost's hand. In aniwer I would we have that the whita men would to her tearful thanks and expressions of 1 not come in a few moons and dnveie retain fathers, ourchil- up in the recollection of those who have the'ooast of Norfolk, is the mot famous A remarkable Verdict was returned at lately been in Santiago de Chili'a comer of the submerged forefdV of the Ger- Cheahire quarter sessions at KnuU- plot of sodded ground, with a monument man ocean. This ancient woodland has fnj-j ia England, the other day. Two in its center, marking the spot of the been traced, 'at low tide for 'more than neD who were accused of dstroying dreadful disaster in 1862.1 A Roman, forty mile? 'Alcertaia aeasonsand e- flgU by putting chloride of lime into a Catholic catliedral-was full of women peciany after great " storms, the stamps I stream at WcodlDTd, were, alter a long: yew, and'l-iktrlv arelUbeTatioA by the . jory, found not pright ia thewater, Ths pjfljj 0( the offwsce with which they At . 1 a ' a1 ISI . - and liffht cloth, and ffluminated with t cones somo -t ioc lanterns.: Twentv thoatand candles audi bitten PTrnals)tiliia that thesink- fnp"" with which thfr wore not charged, camDhena lamps were buminz. 'A breeze I io g of thf had hera-'srxtrnd at nVidia- The ebairman, Eirllrarr Main waring, swung a flame against the alUr drape ry",T taut' period 'ia tie pkyical history U charuicriiW .the verdict as the silliest ' nil lb a nrtno rT!tti'on vu almost i rattan-1 our. noantrr is 1. ,',-. I he had ever heard ia his lue. ine cr-n :Ibe resiaina of Und ,AnirosI too, as I were, of course, discharge!.' well aa oi. ths .fureaU, they! Inhabited. An Indian's Idea. "If we give up our barren Black HiH country; and gqj south to 'thi strange land," said theehif Spotted-Tail, at the The rig and the Ventrilmmimt, At Macon fair, France, a ventriloquist, named Comte," saw a countrywoman driving t? pig' before her, which could hardly move, so Ladea was it with fat. What's th rrca,ox jour pig, my good woraaa V..m . - , ."A hundred francs, ray good looking k ' . , . a. T a i i . ,l.TV;sftc.iefeVt amlMridereltietoJtoB.cert poor -Indians .ontl. If we canft EoicVr feckoh-uT tlie- levee. M!ihe1Bosl, waistMee hi it; was holding on to Capt. B. answered : land that has belonged to ouf vJl water's seepin through 'cm, . I'm a-goiri' T the floating bed' on which 'her husband I f ' His no more than our right, rndamt where wewere bornand where a w.to plug. 'em right np. So down on his toy. " u , V' 1 to assist you in your present trouble, and Ldrtn' weiff, brojqg&h ut what ' '-i knioetfNvaht Jim. Bcraping rip' mud eridl---ShAcoald.swim-asLjweH'M Jim him- no more than yours to accept it without have we that we will be suffered nrirt, arid pfehing it in the holea. ' ; .f Nooda do that ". Faid ;the .i 'with a tsit seif arjirianaged to keep from being swept away, "intd tiie skiff into shame. : mother, being swept away, until the skiff into ward be my care. I like the boy. ;!u " You cau't keep the river j which Jim had scrambled was pushed to I honor him, madam. Mot rd pluck, and iram.coinin' over, to night or, to-niorrow, her, imd Mr.- Bxt lif ted carefully ta. he :shan!t Jwant Jui ardacaiioji if I can and itM boiind to do it unless God; helps She got in then, and, taking up an oar, give it to him. ns. If it won't break through, and will Jim 'and she --managed to push away only come over gradual Jiite, -it mignt irom cue nut ust as it was ? h Hvo uVaaucc." , fS;ftfrIMCMe.lTAnfT I Then' why not start right off; mam ?" " Keep the skiff well fhy not start rign . haaske!. MsrrW. ' " We can take the said his rriother; "the skiff here and ptU np ta Uncle Sam's byi ning ,too strong here ..1 V A Tl a. . Al. .il. - I Ti'fi?l'ifrriVr4-V ' Viii Auiik. , j. AU muru lyuau avajl wik-o. in ehore, Jim, current is run ' So, -with all theif strength,' the boat 'wals propelled guarantee to keep As for Jim, he will hbneef or-1 that which you give us again !' When tney were told ina mere was no money to give them for their country, Spotted Tail said: '"When, I came here I ex pected to find everybody rich. ! All the people yeu send out to us have heaps of big pockets, tod jthey -keepf on filling them tiu tney am satisaeit, aaa tnenmey go away. 1 1 thought everybody got rich , For more than , a year, now, Jim has borne down been to school, and from'what one pf his teachers told me, he has grappled with the difficulties of learning" very much with the same cheerful resolution with which he met all the troubles of his past life. He shows a decided talent for " It would kill youf fflther.'tan I th4f near the Bhorett Jeast,;.aear the trees anything connected yuUx fthe exact womatl's Voicd shoolt. " Me Hwhicn grew.on tne Daaic, aor tne.rjvei: i saenqes, auoju -auyoi ouryopig reaaers. t be, takfinlont'lnall this rain, had covered the land for miles back of in years to come, should hear ofa James r Rott who has distminii&hed hi poor couldn' 6, we muaC tkepuf cesl but you, IWbanksf s. l s f Jim, you had better go rigiit off. . You I Jim now lighted the pine knots in the ain't very strong, but I reckon you can ' fire-pan.. In spite of the rain, which had taneously enveloped with fire.' As-at Holyoke. the single doorway was soou blocked, and e cress rendered impossible. I are discovered in, the bed pf the German Only a few of the . women ' escaped, , oceaa. t Ia hi ;.rbjsical Geography of Nearly every household lost a member, NoifoU" Mr. Woodward tlls n that and the city has not .yet recovered from than "fifteen years' the fishermen '!"' I of the villaicre of HappLdmrgh dredged ! t , . lap from "their trystcr lcdslas many as Baggagis Ma?r. The 1 tell a lorjghTtwo tnousaca- -xctta Of mammouiv story about a new baggagw man'oii one j Boiies knx! taskt k)! fftarSmoCrs liavo oi our xocai sraina, says ane xajb Angeies L" iw. at' Totrr rrric if von wiak AS-tVxr. He was told topile up the tnrrika ToVpths. lrtafcesMis mXa1o te Xaam 1 . nw tjj Of course Iwiahto bay, but it's a great deal too much. - lean offer you ten crowns. v "I want one hundred franc, no more and no less ; take it or leave it. " Stay, said Comte, aprroaching tho animal; I am sere yocr' pig ismoro reasonable than you Tell me, on your eoriscicaoe, xay n fallow, are yon worth one hundred sous . j ' I am meaaled. "and my pierces is ia a baggage car, and be sufe! io"' txang-iwhea tha Europoaa miinlAnd, instead of . . .... .1. . .. . A - t Ta1 At the checks on the outside..' The literal minded youth piled up the trunks, and then took off the checks, with the leather straps attached, and hung them up on the outside of the car.' Ths baggag matter at the depot was rrvea nearly frantic by the passengers per the Orizaba attempting to identify their poxes. nself inn-rmi iset the secrtarr of the mtrioxsn any walk of itfev&ey twill rememhy rj. ix-xaiaple in Iwif h be-.pifght ittle true tale. HsLm. A man at "a hotel sat down at the breakfast table andr speedily de- in WasijicgtprjL.i 1 fiud everybody is I molishedabearty meaL -He then ordered poor so poor that they want to take the I another beefsteak,-nd on ita peipx poor Indian's land and give him nothing I placed before him, he suddenly covered in return." Spotted Tail is a very' re- his nasal organ with his hands andstarted markabk looking Indian, and in dignity I for the door, ippsrently taken L with. and true native breeding has more than bleeding of the-j. Uobol rHoa j AS9e1 through.. Uie uotet )aa4. nc acrosstne street to a pump, from whenei Te soon bolted down the track and xaaoe cZf'H tixaaiap I have i imitated. terminating, as it does . to-day, with the isoasts of. Norway and France, stretched far westward ia, one unbroken area, be yond the-present, coast of Ireland. These, were i.ths flouriuiing.days of the forests of oak, chestnut, alder and yew, which are now submerged ia the Ger man ocean and 1 tile Erlish AaaneL Lciturt Jfour: -1 i - - t ! 1 - , ...v f!;,.-' j . . .J . ; A, t id; j Xacst-CbULoney. of the Fifth Mary-! trying to take you fn.- land regimenW while, addressing lis sol- .The crowd that had assembled around diers the other night about their partid- do woman and 'pig Id back ia terror, patioa'ia the Bunker Hil oeuranial, fancying them boli .bcwiicheJ, while told them that thir "Wdquarters'woald Comte retrrrned to Lis botf 1, where the bo lhe-llcetoa lnstituteof Technolo- story was told with sundry addition, and gr, and be wanted tLtra all to kerp in h learned tLat sorce couragwoj persons Isucix'a condllioa during their" sojourn j had gone up to the woman, begged her thAr'they- would hate ToodiScuixy la to be exorcised, and thus drive the i prcaos03 th rtne cf tlcix b&rracki. I wicked spirit out ox the yz-

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