Franklin Courier GEORGE S. BAKER, Editor and Proit.ietoii. All letters addressed to Geo. B. Bakes, Fbiday Jilt, 2, 875. I L.. IffS FOR TUB : i Convention, Itontl Xlilx without full. It is a (act that in every county in the I Btate, where tlu Conservative parly has Win power, the countici arc out of debt, arid their paper is readily taken at face value, and a number of them have from Ten to twenty Thousand dollars in Bank And in every county where the Radical party lias been in pow- er, the county scrip hs been at a dis- count, and nearly evefv county has asked fora special tar, to feod and fatten the corrupt officials who hold the offices. These are facta. Fok the Courier. Our Oofinty AJlViiir?- No 2. In the paper of last week wc noticed the extension of tie Bridge over Tar River at Louisburg, ami characterized it as an extravagant and useless ex penditure of a largo sum of money to be paid by a people wl o have already been and arenow payin g burthensome taxes, in consequence of the extrava- I ganccs heretofore indulged in. This too is being done by a coperation that has not a cent of money in its Treasury and whose drafts are being sold at a discount of from 25 to33 J cents in the dollar. If thework had been needed at Louisburg, which is not admitted by the writer, and he is sustained by nearly the whole of the people of the county, would H not have been much better to have borne the occasional in- : r . t i :i I ii u i i i i I T r o I when the contractor could gel his money for hit work immediately upon its completion ? Then we could have had it done as cheaply as individuals get their work done for t e cash.- And the inconvenience that the people will undergo, by reason of the present obstruction of travel across the Uridge, for the next two months will be more than they would have undergone with- , in the next 20 years by reason of the freshets in the River. But it is useless to go further into details on this matter, the people of, the C unty are almost a unit in opposition to this measure. Another matter of very serious con cern to the people, was the enormous expense in arranging for collecting the State and County taxes for the year 1874. This cost was very nearly if not over one thousand dollars, iu items as follows ; J. B. Tucker Kegistcr for making out tax list, $ 589.60 24 List Takers (aj $0 each 144.00 8 : : (a) 10 : 80 00 . 10 Meetings of Board of Com missioners at a cost of 20 per . day, 200.00 ; Makiug . 1013.CO This docs not embrace the pay of the Township Boards of Trustees for meet ing in Louisburg with the County Commissioners for the purpose of equal izing the taxation mhich would cost at least twenty dollars more, nor is the pay of the Register for issuing n ticcs, and the Sheriff for serving the sanre, relative to the tax list, and the Sheriff for delivering the lists, to the list takes inclunod therein. The above item of 1589.60 to J. H. Tucker was ac tually paid in orders issued. That to the list takers is made upon an ennu jncration of them and what the law allows each one That of the Board ot Commissioner! r ten meetings for that purpose may exceed a time or two tho number that they Were engaged on arraneinc the tax list, hut this will be juado up by the pay oHthe Sheriff and "' ifegistcr for issuing nd serving notice, and delivery of tax lists to the several Boards of Trustees. So. that it cannot fall short of one thous nd dollars The allowance to J. B, Tucker the Register for making put the tax list ia as the writer thinks more than the law allows for that service. For the other: he supr.osos it i in accordance with law. I; This is a h.eavy expenditure. Though it is not greatly more than the law allows And it is not certain that more than one item U too wuch for the service rendered, Hut the machinery U too cumhersome and heavy, It takes toomanj to do tlio work. Too many men are eqgget doing what ought to he done hy a tew. Ia there any good reason why there should he more than one list take? n each township, as was the case under the old Constitu tion. Vfa can think of none, and do Hot believe there is n particle of reason for it. Vet nndor ljo 'onsfjtntion there mast be three each in eight toxi. ships, and four in the other two, thus taking and paying 32 men to do what ten ought to, and did under the old Constitution. Thus it will be seen that this one it em alone casts the count y over $1,000 before it reach the hands of the Sheriff. This to the j writes seems an enormous cost. 8ome of it might have been obviated by the C m missioncrs. But under our system of government it roust . necessarily have been large. Much gr.a'tr than is necessary under a wise and well work ing machinery which has ccpnomy in - - view in all its parts. These ar Icles mijrht be greatly ex tended, for the material from which to draw is almost inexhaustible, fcut as the ('otjriek b hittinz hard and telling .... M.i tl,; Vrnonaivo .nil burdensome system of government, as well as the mismanagement of thcof- ficers in contest, I will close by saying to the people, that if they desire a they ft - . , . . . ' government, if they desire a vigilant County government, which will scroti njM wjth argus eyes every claim against the people of the County, and see that none passes that should not pass, if they want to put. down recklessness and ex travagance, if they want to get back to a cash paying basis, if they want once more to have the Couuty managed iu the interest of the people, instead of in the interest of the office holdets, let them, put their energies forth, and carry our ticket to victory this summer, which will assure victory next year. When it is hoped that we will once more see the days of official probity prevailing in our midst. The people and the writer are yet for, Rethenciiment. foe the Courier. Tolm'si Pay at 7as- St- italia. Ed. Courier: - r The nativity ot Bt. j John the Baptist, who was born, as a w a it 3! I suppose, on X4in june, Anno tiuuai baaa - 1 i u I tk. iam f v.t. kr;.in l " I ll!age. About 10 A. M., the Masons present inarched in procession ar und Harri- ion's Squarr, and then to the speakers stand near the center, accompained by tb a Louisburg Amateur Band, which upon invitation kindly contributed its grand harmonies to grace the dignity, as will as to enhance the jovial spirit, ol tbs festival. ; Alter a feeling prayer by Rev. E. Bobbitt. Maj. Robert Bingham, Prin cipal of the Bingham School, was in troduced by Maj. A. M. Noble to an audieree of abvdt 700 ladies and gen- tlemer, as orator of the day. ; Having made his preliminary in an easy and graceful manner, he proceeded, with out tbe aid ol manuscript, to the argu ment ot his address, which was in tbe main: that the Masonic Order was neither self-righteous nor exclusive that its chief object was to organize the benevolence and charity ot man kind, he relics of our primeval purity, for the purpose of securing to all men the comlort of mutual assistance and fellowship in this life that its minis trations began with the cradle and eli ded with the grave that while it did not conflict with Christianity, it did not offer itself to the world as a sub stitute therefor that it war the tem poral adjunct of the Church for good work?, but claimed no spiritual in fluence beyond the n flection of good deeds upon the heart ol the doer, He made a touching appeal in behalf of the Orphan Asylum, and closed with an . exhortation to his masonic brethren which was very impressive. He seemed to have the attention of the audience at his command. The fact w, this address was in good taste, forcible, practical modest in the archaeological, and free from the mys t cal. TLi gentleman, upon whom has fallen tbe mantle worn and adorn ed by his grand father, father and brother has assumed the management of the moat noted school in oar State. with their experienct added to his own, and he has already given evi dence of his ability to utilize it, and I pake It work out even greater things ror cn ducatioo. After a short respite, during which we listened to some ot the finest music al air. Past Master A. Mt Noble pro., ceeded to install the officers of Ct Lodge for next term. ' Dinner waa then announced, and the crowd repsired to the grove of Mr. Henry Bedgpeth, where we found a table long anongh for the "twelve tribce' loaded with seasonable and substantial food After dinner, Co W. F. Green, our accomplished candidate was loudly and repeatedly called tor. With some hesitation, for fear that the poByention waa not invited, he mounted the s and and after a graceful recognition of the pnmioent feature of the pecaaion, be SO adroitly interlinked the political is, sua thaf ey en thj ladies were Induced to listen to a clear and thoioogb expoair tjouof our cause, which perhapa will not be surpasaed il equaled doriag the campaign. -B. II. Buna, EsqM candidate lor Con veition from Nash, well known as an earnest and logical debater, was eagerly called for. He took cp the Ojuestiqa vth,put any pielinlnary re: marks, and presented it concisely wlrii great force and fine effect. . If work and ability combined will elect a man, Nash will be proud of ber delegate. Bet.ator C. 1L Cooke, who had won the hearts of the people of Nash dar ing tue campaign of '74, was next called out, and his well-timed and pointed remarks received lepeated ap plause. You may fill up the "dish" with mnsic and love" and lemonade and per that 9 piration, and Jacko Watts (who repre seated hi Honor "a la mode'') The enjoyment of the occasion was due to good order, go I speaking, fine music, good will, hospitality and peace. In bebalt of the LoJge and citizens of Castalia you mast print our thanks to the young gentlemen of the L A Band whose handsome appear ance and elegant peiformance won the admiration of all. The writer suspects there were a few vibrations whose philosophy has defied the laws of both optics and acoustics from time imme morial. , Distinctions should not be made where all did so wt", bet the manage ment and hospital 5. a o Jno. A. Harrison, recently Master of C. L., and of W. T. .T.:l Castalia, dtfeerv- sq., Mayor .cial mention. of K. Foa.niE Courier. IlardWintern, Inl 1504 the cold was so intense that the Thames in England, was cov ered with ice sixty-one inches thick. In 1693 the cold was so excessive that the famished wolves entered Vienna and attacked beasts, and even men. Many people in Germany were frozen to death in 1695 and 1699 was nearly as bad. In 1709 occurred that -famous winter called by distinction, the col winder. All the rives and lakes were frozen, and even the sea for several miles from the shore. ihe ground was frozen nine feet deep. Birds and. beasts were struck dead in the fields, and men periahed by thousands in their houses. In the south of France the wine plantations were almost destroyed. The Adriatic sea was frozen, and . thft Md;t-flnftfln about Genoa: ' w.. o o ;r- WJ- In 1716 the winter was so intense that people travelled acruss the straits from Copenhagen to the province of Senia, in Sweden. In 1726,in Scotland, toi-oH oTtronu v in rho tinfsr. nitriR it multitudes of cattle and sheep were buried in the snow. In 1740 ihe winter was as cold as that of 1 70. The Zayder dee was frozen and thous ands went over it. 1744, and 1755 the winters were very cold. In 1771 the Elbe was frozen to the bottom. Vast numbers of. the feathered and fmuy tribes perished. We can only learn from history the severity of those winters. But do we notknow from bitter experience that the winter of 1874, was the coldest that we ever felt. The old people shake their heads very knowingly, and say this was the coldest winter they have ever known. Adah. From tee Southern Cultivator. A-iicl old Receipt Worth Ten Xollaiss to tiny ITuv- mer- Take one part f part bees wax ani sound lard, over a Vcv burn r osiiij 1 4 x v a pod fresh or !vi melt together to be sure net to : makes an oint; t:u to any thine I ment ihtt have ever seen tried, for the flesh of eithtr horses or cattle, for either fresh or old sores, and is especially good .to remove old dry scabs. It softens the scab, and it ?ouies off leaving the skin soft and tough. I was using a horse a cold muddy winter day and the next morning his leg was swollen and rough and so stiff that it seemed to be very difficult for him to nove. I brushed off the dirt aud applied the ointment as soon as I could after 1 found it out. I made the application corning and evening for two days, and the third day only one application, and the hor&e was cured. I was compelled to use the horse a lit- tla the first day, and after two hours light work, he worked as well and free as ever, and I kejt on using him every day. .... ? , Tha mixture is the best I have ever used for boots or shoes for out door use, as it makes spongy leather water proof, and hard leather soft. ' County Commissioners In a good many sections of this State thU new system has become satisfacto- I tho PeoP or ai least they accept It WlUtOUt COtliTiTaint. Tn ntbra It l.i. al way been unpopular from the char- 4 4- apWr of the incuuibeutg, and there have recently been exposed by the press an amount of fraud aud oorrup..ion oulj possible iu the administration of pounty affairs under such a system. Alanmpf,. of the Roanoke iYeics, h s unearthed an enormous sniount of it in Halifax Blow, of the Oxford Leader, has done the same for Gran miw buio 101 vrran- YP!, kcr, of the Loislrarg, fur Franklin. In the latter couuty it is charged the county has lest $50,000 since 1 bUO iwur UIB' uu v I. J ,uuiuiueivuvi system by accounts prrd nt properly audited, by warrants for services not rendered, or by warrants the face value of which had been so altered as to jive the holder claim for twice or thrice what he was entitled to. And investigation is sustaining the truth of these charges. I would be well that a general scrutiny should b had. R. Aetcs. AT COST. We offer for sale for the next thirty days. Our Entire Stock of LADIES DRESS Goods at New York Cost prices FOR CASH, together with a large variety of other goods, at, Greatly Reduced Prices call early while the assortment is guod. WHITE &SIIAW. jane 15th 1875. Valuable Town PEOPERTT O I 'Having dctrrraintd to leave thi pleasant little Town of Lniiiehurr, I offer my HOUSE and LOT for Bale. This property is situt.t-d in the Eastern part of tbe Town on Tan. Street, n en Hevatinn and very healthy, there is 1 acres in aid Lot, wih a TWO S TORY DW ELL1 iO, 4 R M.n-.g 18 f t square, 1 Dining and (Jo k Rrxm 18 feet square in the J3atemtnt, witb an tfflce and othir out nou.-es on the premise?, and ore of the let well or wacr in the State, in 80 fett of the llonpf. A'so nnojh-r Lor. thrti-F nrths ot an acre with a GOOD 11 Jl, on thp opposite Ride ol tliesTt-e. 1ms property ran be bought heip for CASH. t on reasonable tiui. . pi pepooSon sriven nnv tini . J3T Apply to W. H.FCRMAV. P. P. Expecting to leave soon, I ht-ret-y give notice to all persons ir. dbttd to n.e as 1 ite Siux-rior Court Clerk of tbe County ot Franklin, or otherwise, topctt!e with mely July 1st r tli-y may nave Cost to pay. I mran wbat 1 say, all ptrsts having claims against m, will prefent them lor settlement. W. H. F. 31 ty 21-4- r LOOK TO YOUR IN TEREST! You can buy the following Ar ticles at the Dru; Store at 3 per cent less than the manufacturers retail prices. Hostetters Bitters, ( Vinegar Bilters. ! Simmon's Liver Rcsula- I tor. COD IVER OIL. And many other standard article?. S--0 B A Always charged and sparkling. SODA TICKETS $1.00 per Dozen. CALL at the DRUG STORE. AGENT FOR THE WHEELER L WILSON LOUISBURG, N. a IdP" Office at -Eagle Hotel" V A 11 HO RO TTH If IIOTTwl? " BiLEIBH. G. W. BLAC KNELL, Proprietor Uave your JOB WORK done at the 1 r Os fW VbQUTier. (LPllICt JPov Bale ! ESTABLISHED 1847. vir vj T1m: f Camp COTTON FACTORS ASD Commission Merchants. 23,25 and 27 Ccnimcrce Ft. A oruflt, Fa. Wir make liberal Onrrencr advan ceaon produce or bill lading Iu hand. Mr. A. y. Noble, of N. ., is cot nected with our house, and will be pleased to receive the patronage of his friends. 2V Building Contractors AND CABINET LOUISBURG, N. C SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS MADE to ORDER, and all kinds of I -Machine work done at short notice, ion as reasonable terms as elsewhere ic the State. All grades of Coffiin, Furnish ed, with hearse. Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. Plastering hand. Lathes alwsy on SMITH & BEACH AM. THOMAS, WHOLE8ALK ti ItOCERS AND Commit .? i u n M e r c h u 11 t ., .o. o" FnyHt vii?. Mn tt, KALKiOH, X. ( . Onpolt ''etr ji.ili'Hn 1T,M. Atlantis HjI. KORFOI.K, VA. fcruier ftb F.USTAIS HOTEL, Baltimore, Md., Proprietor. Thi mtic ICecnt COT FL, ifter harinR been tb' ronchly renoTatl and rt fitted. U now opto f.r the ao rmmrVi'ion ffgaU. Board, firt and second floor. $3 per dar. Tliird and fourth flor, 12,50 per day. Liberal Urms to permanent CoarJere ladies Trimmed Hats. A fresh supply of Trirrmed lUts; Latest styles vcr cheap, Jut re ceived by White & Shaw, Calico. s, Percals a- d Lawns. NEW STYLE CALICOES NEW STILE PER0ALE3. A second supply cheap use ful victoria Lawns, just received, by White & Shaw, Ladeis Cravats AK- RIBBONS: A handsome lot of New style silk cravats. A supply of Sash, Bonnet and Xveck Itibbons, Just received by White & Shaw. Grain Cradles &c. A supply of Grain Cradles and urass Bladea. For Fale by White & Shaw. Choice Cider Ycncgar. Three Barrels Tore Cider Yenear, 1 wo years old. For Fale bjr White & Shaw Ho Sap Euissy. Oqe handsome new style bqx body White & SSiaw, WUISBUBG, N. 0. EAGLE HOTEL LouisburgvH.C.7 rROFMETOX. o The present proprl tar has leased Ue Eagle Hotel, (formerly occupied by James Dent) fo a number of year. Pe Is prepared to accommodate regular and transient boarders, has nice rooms, we 1 furnUhed. aud fitted up In the best style. I'e ha also large and eonvenleut rooms for Falesn e- to display Ibelr sanipTes. The table ts dallr supplied with the best the m r kct affords He will spare no pains in making Ms. boarders comfortable, and hopes he will receive a liberal patronage from the public. Jan. 8th 175. Tne only Blacklrg that will Polish Over Oiled Sur face PRESERVE THE LEATHER t H. A. REAMS & Co. Manufacturers of Reams Durham IKt and Shoe Polish, DURHAMSN.C. IVarruuUd to Exl AH OtAera or Jitney Ji'iJl The on?y Llacking that will polish cn oiled nrfac. It is guaranteed to preserve the hatl er and ruake It pliant, rtqclriog lefs qaactity and time to produce a perhct . tastban any other, 1 be brash to he applied immediately ihtr putting on thr blaiking. A per f ct Klom ,rom fhis will ot soil even white cloihea. We narantt it aa reprcavntef4, and ask lor patronage strictly on iu mrtita. In testing x.r blacking use a 1rnh that lias dm other on it Piicts as low a thtr B'ackirp. IJUial arrag mnts iiiaue wuh luvicbanta ttu wholesale dtalcr. II. A. REAM? iro., llanulaciuitr?, Darbaui, N. C, T'.is Blacking is r commenced In he hihtat urms, aft r rial, by Oe. F. DrD, J. Howard Warner, New Yo k; tbe Preidt-nt and Prolrs-ora f Wake r.fet (;. Ihgr; muI lare nuov b-r of nenthmen in and around Dnr- m, wbo3e certifica'cs have beea lur r.ifheti tbe ilanuiactnrtt a, 0 Orders solicited and promptly filled. Valuable Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, for Sales Tbe Davis mill property situated a Sandy Crtek in Franklin county is of fered for sIc on reaeonable terms. Tbe Mills are in good running order. and draw custom from a large roup ! country. Connected with the mills Is 80 acres of good land. A pp!y to W. L. THORP, Rky Mount N.CJ G. W. MINNIS, Photographer, Old Xo. 47, New 141 Sycamore St. PETERSBURG, Vcl Executes every style ot likeness Iron caid to life size, iu tbe best stvles of 'at Prices moderate. satisfaction guaranteed. Gallery established U 1874 Oct. 2 ly .. . 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. UICDTER. Watchmaker and Jctt- cler. rnrs Watches and - Jewelry eJ tbe kes MauiiCtcturs and at 11 lowe-1 p. Icra. AU wort penottdry mttnOttd ta ad w ranted. tl U8ycMinots&,Petenburx;Ta Cti To the Public. Having moved my shop to my bouse about halt mile from the business part of Town, on the Franklin too road. I take pleasure ia Infoxmioz the people of Franklin, that I am prepared to do an worK in my line as cbeap as can b done elsewhere. I aa rery thanklul for past patronage, aad sincerely hope um yuu m ui coaussa vo paooaiza ct I am very Respect fauy, ISQUIGnZZX P. S. Parties wishia? to have work dooe, will leave ft with tlr. XHard, at Messrs. Barrow & Pleaaasts store aad rill be attended to promptly. Jaa2-tf. John Armstrong, Xo. 1 Fayettrrille 8treer( RAXXIOH, 1?, C. JXank Bock HanvfuctiatT, ffewspapcr, Uagazlaes sad Lttf Books ot every description bound la tbe very beat Style aad at Invest Prices, a&S912a Proressional Cards, DENTIST, Oflers his Protesaknal Bcrvicea to ha pobhc in .Crrjxf dtpitrimtnt T Xtntlzlrzj ' omcEJ, LaoUborg at Warreatoa onr Dents Hotel, Korwood & Davis' 8torf. JOS. J. D AVIS. ITf'T El COnSSELlOR tllAV iLOUmUBO, TBJLHaXIl.OO.N-C Will praeiio la ihm trrl' Courts of Graa vtUa JTraaklia, Maa, WimoudWikt. ta. froapt atto&tloa pdJ to t eoU . lion ud rBittaae ol bmmt. Jmij 15, 1S71. 1 v. nrccsEEiti, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fjuutxutxok, N. C. TTin practice la the courts of the 6ih jadicial district. Prompt attention given to the collec tioa of claims. No 50-tf CILCoob, . H. Sieicer COOE. & GPEUGEIl ATIOEHETS AID CODHSELLOHS ATLAW, And Solicitors ta ' BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG N. C. Will attend the CojrUf Nah,Frai k lio.G raavill, Warien.and Wake (un. t al the Supreme Onurt ! Nor h t arolina and the U. S. Circuit and oi Cootta. Ni. 7-tf H A RN S S & ' SADDLERY ESTABLISH MENT. o I lav- Jut nrtenet! liarnevs aod Btdille b p io L uUlur, I h kwp kIij oa hand gol stock 4 Vlkcliirw rode Ilaroran and Buddies. J 1 entp'oy pool and riperi-nce woik met 9 aud I arrant all the wtt-k put up - a a m by me ; all kind id repairii in ay line done o ort tv le nii in viry rraaon sble term. My Siiup Is over Mr. T. K. Carlitc'a tStorf on Main Mrr4. E3T" I solicit the patronage ol the pvple c-t Franklir. Y. B. CLIFTON. PHOTOGRAPHIG Gallery. MALVSTREST. At my Gallery over Mr. T. N". Tar lilt's Btore can I found at all times, round, square and rustic frames. I am also prepaied to take Gem tvpes. Hrd and cabinet aixe Photograph. When you waat a good picture a4 yourself and family, call at my Gaikry. Very Respectfully, y. a curiox SIX REASOnS VHY TOU SHOULD IX1UKX ZX THE PEN5 IIUTUAL life n:sinAi:sE ccwpaiiy. &21 CHESTSUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA . 1st. IWrtcf It Is oce ol the oHa eosspaales lo tbe oouatry, and past Ue day ot experiments. 2d. Because every PoUey belder Is a member ol tbe Ccxnpaay, eutitfedto all tts adTaatages aad privileges, sat I lug a right to rota ai all elections for trusteea, aad thua has aa In florae la its Bxaasgement. Sd Icaoae it has the largest accu mulated foxd of any Life Insurance Company ia the State. 4th. Because by ecoonmical maa ageoea its ratio of expenses to total lacome is tar below tho average ot Ufa Coapaaica, (Sea Odd si Insure ace Exports.) atfe. Eecassa It has declared mora dividends ta number, aad of a larger sTtrtajxreaataa, thaa aay Coapaay ia the United States. For example: Policy Vo It, for t0C0, baa beea paid to the widow of a Philadelphia merchant, ipoa which twenty-three dividends bad beea da clarcd, ave4aging tilj eerta per cest. Cad these divinends beea used H pur chase additioos to this policy, $5,044 mote wouid have beea rtsJixed oak ag the policy worth $1 1,048. etbt Because It ulibtral ia its man agement, prompt la iu settUcmcats, lata beyond a coatlsgeacy, aad its ratta are aa low as aay first-data Compaay ia the cnustry. Principal Featarea. Small expense, abaolate security arge retura preaiaau, prompt payment of losses, aad liberali ty to the intured. TT. IL FHICII, Gea'l, Ifintgtr for ITorth Carolina. 7. , pt SrETmL, Geu'L Agtaf, rrsrAl;;tca, IT. C. -. . ; . - -

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