1" JJJaMMMMa4MMifcMMfcMMMMWW - a aaaaa aa b. - . 1 I ... I . f r ir i m -mr - n in 11 I t - . -.- THE itOUSEWIFES COIU3IX. Tie Household. Raspberry Tarts. Take yonr short paste, cut it into pieces of early the size of your patties, and about the thick ness of a penny -piece; then wit u your thumbs drive it thin in the middle, leav ing it thick at the cdere: cut it round close to the patty, and notch it with the bock of the knife; thin your-raspberry jam with a little water, and fill the tarts three narts full: bake them in a brisk XEW8 OVTHM3DAr.r N-- J-- Interesting Items from Home and Abroad Stephen -GrwU having sued the Portland Press for i0,00O for calling him the biggest liar in Maine, the Jury gave their verdict for the defendant. . . .The Secretary of the United States Treasury has instructed the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York to sell half ; a million dollars in" gbld'on ach Thursday dunng" the 'motith of "June. The total amount to be sold is .2,000,000. .... The referee in the recent scull race between Plaisted land has ordered the race to be rowed over on account of the interference with Plaieted by outsiders.' All bets are declared " off Further details of the earthquakes in Asia Minor show that several villages were de stroyed and two thousand persons lost their lives ..... . James Kelly, aged ten years, while running down a railroad embankment in PrnviiU Tl. T. struck his head against a oven; or you may make them with puff- J and Began for tho championship of New Eng- paste, if you choose. - Good Glxgeji Cakes. One quart of good molasses, one heaping teaspoonful of soda, one cupful of lard or butter, two-thirds of a cupful of buttermilk, one even tablespoonful of ginger; flour enough to make a soft dough. Bake in a quick oven. Will keep for weeks put in a stone jar in a cool place. Scotch Bannocks. Make a still dough of oatmeal, wet with milk-warm water, and a little salt; roll nearly as thin as piecrust; cut into cake: of convenient niznt and bake slightly on a griddle; then butter and place on a toaster or griddle in f ront of tho fire; and toast slowly, but tering threo or four times, until they are brown and crisp. ' Muffins. One; quart of flour, one cup and a half of sweet or sour milk, two eggs well beaten (one egg will not do), ouo tablespoonful of lard, one teaspoon ful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar, one teaspoonful of soda in the milk. Hub the lard and cream tartai in the flour. If the milk is sour, put only one teaspoonful of cream tartar in the Hour; bake in rings. Indian Pcddino. Take three pints of milk, and scald it by setting in boiling water; tako one teacupful of molasses, one scant cupful of meal, and one egg; stir it well and pour into tho milk while boiling, stirring it till it curdles; then mid onu-third of a cupful of butter, one some dstance off. Hi recovery. is aonctiui. ......Imports from Missouri state that the grasshoppers are leaving that 8tate on their flight westward and northward. At a meet ing of jcanalboat owners, held in Buffalo, an agreement, was signed in which they agreed not to tarry wfieat for less than eight cents, and other freights in proportion. A committee is to canvass until they get owners' signatures sufficient to control the price of freights A negrd named Orange was hanged in. Atlanta, Ga., for murdering a rival .....The Mexican Congress has voted 30 000 for the expenses of a Mexican representation at the Philadelphia Centennial. . ...Another suit to recoTer moneys 1 1 den fpm New York city by the Tweed ring has been brought, this time against the widow and adminiBtratrixof th late Cdtafity Auditor James Watson ; tb amoun t claimed is $6133, 957. 85. .... Tie Independent of Dardanelles Ark., published very severe articles in reference to a Mr Wisharta prominent lawyer of that place, who went to the publication office for the purpose of getting a retraction, when an The. Hemarkable paesing train, fatally fracturing his skull. At altercation took place, ending; eOiKHf p. . about the same time, Howard King Morrow, aged five' years, sprang from thejj step of a borre car and his head struck the step or a paesing car, fracturing his skull ... . .. A judicial investigation shows that the offer of Friesinger to atisafesiuate Bismarck was merely part of an attempt to extort money, and that the man no accomplices'. . Adam Sting and hi wif an aged couple, were burned to death in their honae in East Hamburg, N. Y L. A. Chase and Daniel Millard, aged twenty-one years each, were drowned in the Connecticut river, at Northamcton. Mass.. T.T. The' second trial of William Cunningham, of Newark, 'If. J.f on charge of conspiracy to murder his wife re sulted in a verdict of guilty. The facts, as shown by the testimony, are that Cunningham hired one Norwood, a desperado, to assassinate Mrs. Cunningham. , . - .,, A dispatch from Ottawa, Canada, states' that destructive fires were raging in the Mattawa and Temiscaming country, Upper Ottawa. -No rain had fallen within the past two weeks. Houses, barns, and .fences -"were . being con- sumed, and the fire was encroaching ..upon valuable timber limits. . . i .The greater portion of the business houses in Ripley, Tenn., were hundred men and boys were eeated watching a game of base ball at Columbus, O., fell with teaspoonful . of ginger, and one of salt; ita is freitrhtl seriouslv infurine-eicht and . WW oaito one iiout ana twenty minutes. ; Tea Cakes. Take light dough, roll thin and spread butter evenly over the top; then sprinkle withsugar and ground cinnamon; roll up as you would a jelly roll, and cut off slices about half an inch thick; lar them in a greased pan; let them stand half aq hour, and bake in a moderate pyeiu .' LianT Pastoy. -Take one pint of lard, rub it thoroughly in tho flour, then add a scant pint of water;, squeeze the pasto through the lingers, leaving it as . soft as can be rolled out. bruising many of the others . . . .Three brothers named "Hood, Elisha, and Thomas Cravens, living near Liberty, Mo., quarreled .about a division of land. jThdpiaa struck EhsharVsith a hoe, when the latter shot him through the heart, killing him, and also shot and wounded Hood, perhaps fatally. .The trustees pf the , University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, have received a formal notification that the late John nenry Towne .has devised them the residue of his estate, amounting to a million dollars.' - ' The Itopuiucans of Ohio' held their State Convention at Columbus and nominated It. O. Cloyd shooting and kilhng hul Opponent. The Washington Sunday Herald states that General Meigs is to be placed in command of the department of the South, vice General Irwin McDowell, who is to be put on the re tired list The Swedish riksdag has apprv; puatea ?yj,sou inoia to iaeiray.m expenses ttitheir countrymen in the Philadelphia Cen tennial The corporation of Loudon have decided to invite the Mayor of New York to an international municipal banquet next month. .... .dwing to the failure of the negotiations in Washington, it lseUevejf that thfTBack Hills will not be opened this summer. . . ..The grass and grain crops throughout Long Island have been much injured in consequence of the long-continued drought Officer lleupp, of the Trenton (N. J.) police, attempted to arrest a party of roughs who were . conducting them selves boisterously, when one of them named Kernan, drew a pistol and shot him. j lleupp subsequently died, leaving a wife and four children Humors having been afloat for ome time that Secretary Delano was to resign, lie has authorized a Washington newspaper to deny the reports The Maryland court of appeals has recently decided an important life insurance question m'Tegard t? irukldf It is to the effect that when the act of self-destruc tion is done during insanity, it is death by acci dent, and the insurance company is responsible for the amount of the policy, notwithstanding their proviso, which makes it "void if the ua- . sured shall die by huf 8wnbandjor ;acC . . uenuia uoyie, empioyea as a collector oy itie Tradesman's Bank of Now York, decamped with money amounting to between 1 3,000 and $1,000, belonging to the institution. that Had nm i ; ! Qualities Most 'boys who get into newspapers are remarkable boys. . Jpe' had nothing about his looks or color ' that attracted the particular at tention of anybody. When he first breathed the vital air he was a ; simple baby boy, with two hands! two feet, two eyes, two ears, one mouth and one nose. He did not laugh and crow, and sit upright, as young geniuses do in their young babyhood. but lie slept and waked, and ate (baby food, I of course) and cried like any common baby. "When ne grew older there were no uncommon developments, i except that he was fat, healthy and heavy. Nobody f congratulated, his mother on raising a future President, nor applaud ed the bright genius that sparkled, in the baby's eyes. The gossipers looked wonderingly at each other as the tender mother watched over her baby boy, pro vided f op his comforts, and pressed him to her warm bosom. He grew to boyhood. He learned bis A B Os with difficulty, and was slow ip learning to read. His teacher thought he would never get through tho multi plication table. But he never forgot it. When .the boys went , a fishing Joe went too, but he was slow in getting his lino ready, c The other boys were on and utjjid around theluke before his hook was f airly settled in the water. "Tpo slow to move," the boys would say. " ne ll sit there expecting the nsh to come to him." " : , It was even so ; he remained station- ary and. used: but when night came, . Tl rom sugar in every snape. nauuwa rose biscuit or dry bread, every kind of m Savb HoirxT AJrb HmALTa-L-Tbe re pu tatioa of the Wilson shuttle sewing macule is o thoroughly established that ao wd in it i n roaa adopted famous machine potatoes. Purgatives have a good deal I tjj reach of the poorer clasMa. certainly o. to do with the success of treatment of title them to the cratituaeor M r .... , . .. really most in necu of luch an it-clw Sla- cases of obesity, and some have thought ehinB miU be delivered at ar.y railrcad uaor. Bcammony as effective as ' sulphate of in this county, free of tranportation charge. IX ordered mrvwijn i-u uj'j fish except salmon, and every kind of J commendatloo is ncewary.- Th fieat except pork, aUTegeUbles piiept 5SS55Sli fiSfi! soda. Good Tidings for the Slaves of Uluu Alcohol. ... ' .... How many a manly form is palsied ; how many a noble mind is destroyed ; how many, a priceless soul lost through the curse of strong drink I - lo the de spairing -victims of the satonio tyrant, alcohol, whose shattered nerves, and trembling limbs, and racking headaches, seem to find no relief except in the re newed use of the fatal poison which brings them every day nearer to their miserable end, we announce glad tidings of great joy 1 Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters contain not a single drop of alco hol in any form, ' but are a sovereign remedy for the ills of drunkenness. They restore tone and strength to the system, and entirely eradicate the perni- cious appeiito jor liquor. J.ry a iew bottles of Vinegar Bitters, and you will never crave strong spirits again, but find your health repaired, your mind restored, and be odco more a man in the best ' sense. Health is cheap when Vinegar Bitters are SI a bottle. x t M7 nd STJ ISrtxrfwav. rw io:l idt send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. TbU comjny want a few more good agents. XVnc A Mir f uitnmm oat, m mmlf o oon hk SILVER TIP,. ua n wu mom 111 oiuvu Lost! T)xuM(tbwM whn 1V1 not tk C A 11 IF. ttKW TTHE booteM SbM. Air4" mb prna will b LtMnUr r wrdd by bata a ar m toy- PER PAY i ktlbMU Umit Ttm frM. AS DO YOUR OVN PRINTINC! n L I rrntr, IkkMli, MlUei, M m ftiftarvr. Mwhl,i"liki I lhBXT BE nJ. IN, mo iron r I eOfPrS dn la U1 Linda of Printing MatertAl or (' I 4 rlnl aw MomLem Ephesus, one of the twelve Ionian cities Df Asia Minor, was famous in an- xifnefut Hints. tiauitV as . containin&r one of the seven Hayes, bf Sandusky, for Governor, and Thomas ! wonders of th33faJt2S1e iuuiiy iw i juicuteuut-viwciuui, yiup toi Artemis, or jjuuia. x rom very eariy A simplo modo of keeping butter in warm weather is to set over the dish containing it a largo flower pot or un glazed earthenware crock, inverted. Wrap a wet cloth around the 'covering 'vwssel, and place the whole where there is a draft of air. ,,. y-- , Itats detest chlorido of lime and coal tar. ' - ' ' " To extract rust from steel, immerse tho article to' bo cleaned in a solution of one-half ounce cyanide of potassium to a wincglassf ul of water until tho dirt and dust disappear. Then clean bv platform adopted favors a tariff for revenue; declares that the States are one as a nation and all citizens are eoual under the lave; fail favor of free education ; that there ehouldbe no connection between church and State, and opposes all legislation , in the interest of one particular sect. Of the third term, it says : The observance' of Washington's example, in retiring at the close of a second Presidential term, will be in the future, a it has been in the past, regarded as a fundamental rule in the unwritten law of the republic. .'.'.VLandis, who shot Carruth, of the Yinel&nd. Independent, has beon admitted to baH in the sum of $50,- 000, Carruth .having recovered from" his wounds so as to be beyond danger. Fifty lodges were .represented at ft meeting of the Grand Lodse of colored Masons in New York. the moans of ft" toothbrush with a paste com- I ......The Masonic parade in New York was timesj Ephesus was a sacred city; fable ascribed its foundation to the Ama- zens, and the Amazonian legend is con nected withAxtemis. The first Ionian cqlonisfe in" Lydia found 'the worship of the goddess already established here in a primitive temple, which was soon superseded by a magnificient structure. This Grecian temple was seven times restored at the expense of all the Greek communities in Asia Minor. In the year B56 B. C. it was burned Jo the ground, but again 'rebuilt in a style of far greater splendor than before, the work extending over two hundred years, This later temple was four hundred and twenty-five feet long and two hundred somehow 'his basket was always full, while's many of the bright, talking gen iuses t went home rwith the sad intelli gence that the fish "wouldn't bite." Joe s home was full of life and noise, and bustle of intelligent older children and brighter younger ones. Joe found himself and everybody else found him, solitary and alone, taking very little notice of tho stir around him. When he grew to be a man, the bust ling driveheads laughed at his plodding; but by some means he seldom made a mistake, and though he did not seem to accomplish as much in a week as others did in a day, yet at the end of the year there was always something tangible in iuajresults, while the work of those who seemed ; to utterly outstrip him at first ended in demolished air castles. He has passed the meridian of life. Men eminent in" the profession respect his j ucrgr$rent. ?t Business men corning upon the- stage of -action ndrrg to leum the secret of his success. The V bank leans upon him to carry it through the trying crisis, merchants and manufac turers lean upon him to save them from bankruptcy. Steady, constant, and study made him a scholar ; persevering indus try, accompanied with economy, raised him to opulence ; ' close observation and deliberate reflection cultivated a sound judgment, and honesty and integrity se cured for him the confidence of all who know him. .A Fish Story. As a gentleman, fishing near Penzance, England, gaffed . a large fi eh, he was seized with a numbness in his arms, ac companied with an indescribable and painful sensation, which was really an electric shock. His servant man; who accompanied him, suffered in the same manner, he having assisted in securing the torpedo. The electrical apparatus in this fish was found, on examination, to consist of small membranous tubes. which occupy the space between the head, the pectoral fins and the branchuo. They are disposed bke honeycomb and divided by horizontal partitions into small cells, , which are filled with ( a mucous substance, the wholo arranged like a galvanic pile. " 8d mmmtm for '! i tUalf to r7 Unn t Iff body, r taint a lttr tar 4r . toarAaat eaU MrauNtl) wad. ttastic Truss Co:, Tto. 683 Braiwar K. T. City, 1 ad at by ML QU c A tor Ctr I. 4 b vrm I tiENTH Send m jox addM and by re turn mU -Blfcln ihm m pt yn tjt yw Vny HfOt worn, rv.in tuoq. ioi. A troabl. ATTKNTIOM, OWNEttS OF Ask mr 11r lUkT 1 Thw ar (uruUil to i mmUr ftu1d. II prlatd dlnUooaiifnUow 7.1o IWUr Pkd Co.. Hoi. Dr.a. Walkcr's Cal iron: in Yin- egar.Uittt'l'S are a partly Ycttabln preparation, mnde chiefly from the na tive herb found oa the lower ranges of tte Sierra Nevada mountains of Ciilifor ala,' the medicinal proiertlea 'of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol." The question U almost daily asked. 4bat is the cause of the unrnralleled success of Vxvsqar Bit TEttsTn Our answer is, that tbey rtrnoTo the cause of discaso, ani the patient re- UU health. They are tLe jcat bkoodpui Cerand a life-giving principle, a pence, Itenovator and Inrlporator of tin ; stem. "Never before in the hustory 6 the world ha a uU"uin Ix-rn compmiiT - prwwinjr the rtaiarkaUU anatiUM! r YWi UiTTfits iahealmr ck of ( br ri.aA mania Lr u.- Tlijr are a f Uo rurgaUve.M wen a iu- rolierinv Cjn;reUon or iui..ui-" the Liver nd Visceral Organs DUetKcs The Sative Counlr-Irritant SndoriHf, AlUra. tiM.Lrj Antl-UiCoi. f 1U If. MeDO ALO ft CXK. DrarrbV ard G. A eta, 6n rraaclam. CIlf"raU, aad or. of WMrrvn iA CUaJium St.. N. Y In of pvoporilos or DB.-WALKERS allTTBM are Aperitnt, Pjayhnretie, w v n wv SMITH ORGAH 00. ton. I2VXai We cheerfully call the attention of our readers to tho merits of Dobbins' Elec tric Soap (made by Cragin & Co., Phila,), who conhdently ask a triaL lhe soap will tell its own story. Try it. These Standard .Instruments . Sold by Music; Dealers Everywlrcre. 1 J-jQg25!i n'i Agenta Wanted in Eiery Town. tOOO 4iKTH Vir4 rr rl KdllU. UFvi N.a s t o sr e. -P KT. J. K. UUHHLM tr.,m r'- r.ilf tua Iim Aatdm.. tzmm '. tom4n d WmJ of ' H -.'.- $ v rrei's WO ror. rJ-. R ch yn J.J- BAEO BP OS.. YTiiAt.-r..TZ "r. FMW. . . . . -w rrvntnfMt a one of the mottt BucceBeful and important and twenty feet? wide., . ".The founda events of this kind which ever took place in the United States. Commanderies and lodges and it it eaid tbat there were twenty thousand Maeona in the procession.,.. ..The Macon and Brnnbwick railroad was bid in by the State of Georgia at the sale in Macon, Ga., for $1,(XK,- 000. . . .In a civil rights case against the mana ger of the opera house at Galveston, Tel., the jadgo decided thahe indictment he quashed on the ground that the act was uncoristitu tion Eight Rev. James A. Healey was installed as Catholic bishop of the diocese of kind. The cecbujroof was.upp' TorUand, Me., with imposing ceremonies. '.'.V. mHarfi fat ihhrfii Wiel doom posed of cyanide of potassium, castilo soap, whitening and water. , Awnings enn bo rendered waterproof by plunging tho fabric into a solution containing twonty per cent, of soap, and afterwards into another solution contain ing the Bametporcentago of sulphate of copper. Wash, and the operation is finished. Tho following is said to be all there is of tho cook's secret for producing thoso world-ronownod potatoes served at Moon's Lake House, Saratoga Springs, every summer ': l'eel good-sized pota toes, amV fclieo them as evenly a3 possi i)lo ; drop them into ice water, llave a kettlo of lard, as for fried cakes, and very hot. Put a fow at a time into a a towel, shako them about to dry them, and then drop into the hot lard. Stir them occasionally ; and when of a light brown, tako tnom out with a skimmer. If properly done, they will not be at all greasy, but crisp without, and mealy within. Mr. Jamos Ilinton, in his " Physi- vhid and rain pasaed Tr parts of, Indianft ology," affirms that tho passage of the 0hio aid Kentucky; doing Veat" damage by oar d(X53 not require cleaning - by us. flooding crops, washing away railroad embank t.inns nrAra siiTiltftAT fn. mn.rsliV' ototit1 as a precaution against earthquake," says Plinyi There were two rows of columns at the sides, but the front and back portions consisted of eight rows of col- .' Woman's Etiergy. Says the Pall Mall Gazette: Woman often complains that hers is comparatively a fixed, a secluded, and a meditative life. ' Yetvit-is- not always so; she oc casionally emerges fromr a " life ef seclusion and meditation and displays an energy and a versatility of talent which throw man completely into the shade, and would, but for his moral Fire was lately discovered in a berth on a steamboat in England' which bad originated in the heat of the sun one of the glass " deadlights " concentrating the rays directly on the spot and acting as a burning glass. How -many vessels at sea may bave been fired in that way. I . mm' - Let tho Teople Speak. ' ' ' May H ATT AH, KAH.. . B. V. Tierce. Buffalo. N Y.: Dear Xir Your Favorite rrcpcription has done my wife a world of good. She bas taken nearly two bottles and ha felt better the past two weeks than at any time in the past two years. No more periodical pains ; none of tbat aching back or dragging sensation in.ber etoniach fhe bad been accustomed to for several years. I have ao much confidence in it that I would be perfectly willing to warraut to certain customers of ours who would be glad to get bold of relief at auy expense. I have tried many patent medicines, but never had any occasion to extol one before. very truly yours, Geo. B. Whitixo. Mrs. E. B. Daly, Metropolis, 111., writes : "Dr. B. Y. "Pierce My ebster is using the Favorite Prescription with great benefit.' Marv Ann Friabie, Lehman, Fa., writes : "Dr. R. V. Pierce What I bave taken of your medicine has been of mre benefit to me than all others and hundreds of doctors bills." Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is sold by dealers in medicines generally. Com. Bold throoebnut tb UnlUd SUtot oa th INSTAIXMENT - PIA?t I Tht la. a BysUaa of lioslhV Papaoata. ' ParchMor sboaJd at forth mm AMKaiCAU OaoaB CataJorana anil foil pr(ialr oo pplictto. m v, tsTmmmmssW- - k i i an . a ii rrav - Traarr, vxit ad Tftaa rifs. -1 y'a 14rd Kofchr YnMra." Ctooi. cl. "'. f trutm all jw. ro. .- fgJZ. piTLA. piUo.iao uapt''"'- tUM .' a. s f'Ti "kLtJ: -UUMWtMU, 34 t J- u ir, f flT. 'T doot4 ty Wodtn dma' K- "' $3 ION PtTB. tXX. . K. J. bmA tacftft ay itrafdoLa, mmfmm war., IOOOAccnta) Wanted. EttlrvH n-m biMM. CW U' fr. Rifproftta. YuUSO. HOBiMdnr.K.Y 0 . : If n I J iri'Butv'U I 5 1 I Imystc Water Wheel ?-3''. -C- i lna. D. O. aod kaa rrvrd to . f7?JL mZVVT? f KlTu V -77- m I ooii AcnTra-wAATLu Br Vm. tntm ef Slt q. frr T nomtftfr VJa mrrmm -v- riaa. went daarv rtc cf tho OT? TTH mc S'tVKPT rr, wTfnoB tor lua V A.V J ilAJJU T. la book oat for aa Win TilMAOr. U Ux on aflliotod lrI. itoalU r Bina. . It oaa'l fall to do yoa aood to rd U. TM ditton coBtataa alacaat lllaatratiuoa. KWantlj boud I 1 I 1 akB IMt a a A a - - a A A L . a Aodrta Jolumm, Clar k CC Boatoa. Maaat t Yarh 'T-? G7i Htutash.Pa-i Chkacv, lol-i or 84. tooia, Aia. ' t , -A a ni?Trma w a xja'Tn for tb AUUll AH lUin L Xlt 1 9 faataat aallUut loook a-r pabuabad. Had foe slrealara aad aztra trm to Areata. NATIONAL fUHLIKHmOOO..TVtdaM (JVHAJUX AAAlt VJ Vor FORTABTiTi SODAFODHTAraS $40, $50, $75, A $100. GOOD. DURABLE. AKD CUJCAf Sblppad Eaady tor Uaa. Uaaafaetarad by CIlAP.UAJt aV COx JXadtaaa, laU fWtUoA tor a t latairr Wa Uaa wotk aod anooo for all. asaa o m iriria, wH" or Addran ta lA mooej . :v MM -and lf AUma, Ctii.U aad k oear. Xraaa. J noaa, r. honi' Mm. 1 r 1 . t. tarurinmr Mna'tii artr RBYaOO,POB..l ortlZ Bfndar.!-. TO MARK Hair Oro. Otta " dmt. timta WalTOrI. VraM. . - . . . K . ... t rtco o iVTic"T,Ti?!,,. ,1 ,-?pJor,Ctio1, I I?TKKY FAMILY WAS1 rRANK OLU'.'K. Ntw BdlTd. Maaa. I 4 by Aaata. Addraaa ti. iSTM IT. -? . X LUVflX. r.'.ral SEN I f -r oon miumr ml Ti oraplato lUaatratad ClreoUa umnsi rjlaced four feet deerj. Outside. 1 v,i; i ; i x 'm : S i x r avtiivcu. mm iu mum iuiu at tU eirce(Jlh to?V:;8to-ftUe f Li3 own inferiority. Sucl a Tresident Gralit has left "Washington for Long Branch, and the members of the Cabinet have scattered to different parte. of the country... A mass meeting composed of efghtyhoufiand persons was held in Hyde Park, London, to ex press sympathies with some cabinet makers who had just been released from'jaa.'. HbJtj were sentenced for trying to induce workmen to leave work and join a strike . . . .Tte Ger man 'government anuncea thaOt reserves holding an inqxiiry on the loss of Schiller, inj addition bo'the one basin of porphyry, fifteen feet in diame ter, for the worshipers to lave and purify themselves in. The internal decoration was of the most sumptuous orted on were of was tne worK of was surrounded by the right of the steamer held at Greenwich A violent storm of Nature utyhrtakai that tisk. and in the hoalthy stato fulfills it perfectly. Her moans for cleaning th ear is the wax, which dries, up into thin scales, and pools off and falls away imperceptibly. In health the passage of the ear is never dirty, but an attempt to clean it will in-! fallibly make it so. Washing the ear out The committee of the New : York' board1 of" ments and bridges, and unroofing buildings Several lives were reported loet. .. The coal exchanfe ol. Chicago haringre duced the wages tf ''oaf3wfieelersfrOnsr"$io $3 por day, several hundred of the men struck, and then went about to iha differnl yards and drove off those who were willing to work. Several non-striken were severely injured with soap ' and water is bad : it keeps the wax moist when it ought to become dry and scaly, and makes it absorb dust. But tho most hurtful thing is the intro duction of the towel screwed up, and twisted around. This proceeding irri tates the passage and prbssas down thol wax and flakes of akin upon ' the mem brano of the tympanum, producing pain and inflammation and deafness. Wash- aldermen appointed to investigate theotSclal conduct of OomptroUer Green submitted re port chargm$ Toim with gross official tmeeon-t duct, careleesnesa, S neglect of duty and waste1 of public funds. The report was adopted. 1 1 Sixty persons were drowned by the capsizing of a lighter hi the TaguH,' near Lisbon", Portu gal. ... . A dwpatoh from San Diego says that a letter to the San Diego Union, from Unas Sonera,; reports that general excitement pre vails over the Mexican raids uv Texas. War is cypress. The altar Praxiteles, and it many jBtatues, one of them of gold. The imagej of the goddess herself was roughly hewed out of wood, black with age a$d greasy with the oil withwhlch it was custoihary to anoint it. When the apostlb Paul visited Ephesus in the career,, for instance, as that of a lady; by name Elizabeth Taylor, who was charged before the magistrates at Warrington with being drunk and disorderly, and fined, five shilings and costs, is one that may be studied with advantage by many a frivolous man whose life is . spent in indolence and ease. Mrs. Taylor, who appeared in the dock in male attire," was stated by the chief constable to be the daughter, of a gentleman who former ly lived at Penketh, near Warrington. She had been married, but her husband was Killed twentv-one vears aco. and Life has few charms for the dyspeptic, which it not to be wondered at when we take into account the amount of bodily and mental suffering that this dia trending malady gene rates. . The Peruvian Bvrup (a protoxide of iron) has cured thousands who were suffering from this disease. Com. :j.nt. i. l iu. i - I r . " . . J , zi fc,"f f, fcUH w , .p for the last thirteen years she had adopt- oi aw nprtrisneaner.e, ana tne ed thearments of man. She was em- temple retained all its original splendor, ployed as a sailor during the American Pilgrims to the venerated abode of the war M Je vovagea ;from goddeas used to buy htUe models of the South Wales to the American coast in templo m silver, or precious stones as VjfSS8 out te j Alabama xueiiif4j.wj ul lueu: visit, auu a iuaiueLa .i i,ii -.i . iuoa ui mo wfto known bv the namn nf If Jo?inon's Anodyne Liniment is half as valuable as people say it is, no family should do witnout it. (jertamiy no pezvoii, be tie law yer, doctor, minister, or of 'any other, pro fession, Bhould start on a jonrney without it. No sailor, fisherman, or woodsman should be without it. In fact, it is needed wherever there is an ache, sprain, cut, bruise, cough or coio. ' om, ' - Farmers , and ' horsemen " are con tinually inquiring what we know of the utility of iylieridana Cavalry Condition Powder, and ? . 1 1 a a ( . a m in reply, we wouiu say, wrongn ine columns oi this paner. that we have beard of hnndreda who have used them with gratifying results; mas is aiso our experience. com. rttt; imtlmditur Jtmfirmm fmtitnu l4 mf tkrrm lAj 1 HT3 aad 1N74. for ArfaUa .W.'r BOILERS & ENGINES Ktllt. Alt IRTtM AX It IITIIVWU. Six Si2w. 2 It Hraa Powara. Yrmaeh Box fitoaja Ortat MlUsota.. tW Dtooaaat lotbo Wad-. - - Wallmww V rtarrfU, l.lille Kal a, N. Y. ' agents I LIVINGSTONE'S WANTEDlNEV BOOK!! - ' Fit ova tory oi tbo Ua mr-rrn ntn of hia lifa. Sand tor Ci-cnla-a to R W. FLI5S A t., HarUerd. CC. or BLISS A CO.. Wavark. X. J. a Math to aialo and fataala acaata rrarj whara. Kawka MT Co.. Bncbaoaa. Mtcb .JKaaao; fV. I C f ( a nxroth ta arn( d Xa'af. I iTJUU KXlJI'iAlOKV'l-Hi Oil. Hi Ad1ioaa 82a50 Wa aaU oa Tii. Lta . . BOLLIXGEK Turbine Water . Wheel. Itfato bt Wblla Iba wtmr at. Or HOT Cl rut. Oataa at tadrn4-at aU-Inf It ta ar aonlral iiIImmI Walar atd bu aa A4;tlali HI' p.. Him f-r PaaHW- aa . - YOM.K vtri ark. fa. 7) t) wiAt 1 f.iToaid iaaa.Parto1o. t i V a...U. ' Wa baa aold aad aaad , lortrtt. Nultk V soar sa rn lor Mtrnl ti aad abaatuH(if rcotaaaad aa tba baat Dakiag Powdar la Laa mark-t." aiaailh. fi ace A: fa., Orarcr. Bart.m Mm., mm9 " Wo M it ta ooroan ramiitnaaad raliaaU toba daaModlrtaohoat fUkioal wadorfoi : M Paw oar. la Minoai kt awadorfoi : make 4 0 tba. mora baa ta a b rral of flar. MUifcoa af aaa J Saad for Hrenaw XaiiUK YA-AfTt A -o.. I7H Uuaaa t., flaw I urt Oflka Trr I lirmt CVtraWfarar, . fOOI BS a DatlOaolawaj pnoiw ua,-. Jot fraa tmw - 'wbmm wjmn. AA4ma t W. a. OAfryOM, 4H ka-taod KtraM tVi.t. 1 aaa yf FIT -a tro rr rwa mi ''" rni-tme iauaia. .tfJ . i adiraaa BO'S BBOR.. Kiatnawd. Iad. rrr" c -1 VT1 5A Of Ik 0;1 EPILEPSY !Epheian Diana. The Goths sacked the city and burned the temple about two hundred years later, and in the reign of She Happy Ned'f and "Navvy Ned." For some time past she has worked as a laborer on' several ' farms in the neighborhood of . "BEY J IK, AND I'LL, DO YOU CJOOD." It la Justly eonedM) by oar Ixadinr famUr phraltHana I'ANiil.KY HOOT A l IIKKB BITTkltM arathe baai,aafeat and aaraat iprtttg aod aamrpar tnftdiclna. Tber tborunirbly parity and cleanaa tba blood of a 1 irnpaiitiea, rvmora and enantaract dra papaia, lirer eoiAplaini. eonatlpattoa, pilea, lanadioe. vartuto. foal ttomach, loan of alat p aod appatlta, aor f a koa aorea, caHnnclr. akia dlsnaaaa. pimplva and n arr as debllltr. 1 her are la tba tramt and daooaat mm : icoomoanbly agora popalar aa famUr nadictna than anjotbrytdiaoorrd. Sold br all drncrtata. GEO. CL (iOODWIM A CO.. BoaTOS, WboUaala AonU. . ThecosiusJL. toY?rd Jhe.tiT of fthfl j tfnitAn. TefteT1Ij v hA vn, fourth; tentJaryUhoiunouaiieal. oK ibefi,?i0 - t Vt,A iconoclasts, or image-breakers, completed the destruction. The ancient city almost pigs lor a iarmer at .Urolt. Altogether Mrs. Taylor eeems to be a S- J , ,7 u J , singularly ,iadnstrioua and persevering ytarety- appeared before the modern peraf mted vithoat . it i i - I I ; . The Markets. , t nwTou. ..-?-' BeefOattlePrlme to Extra Bullocks 1IX Ooenmon to Good Texana. C8 09 auico uowt t UO a7 00 Bog Lire OT?, 09 V f Praed C9c oavi hM '. 0 y M iASiba . , 0v4 13 Cottan Vliddllnsr 16KA 1CW Hour Estra w-rtra.i....,M.... (N va a Practical Hints. t lug should only extend to the outer BUT- I feared there betsoerL. the United States, and I T" face,aa far as the finger can reach. ' . I Mexico; By uJb itpliokoLjk fccomolirejover tli - at Elunebeck, on the Hudson rrrer road, the j it paid TrrsT"""; ' ; ." - I - - x?. i .n rt r . .,V L . f r i more in rw t ... 1 Ul It is set mk . r t j . , . - i, . s, I .jta.neaTy cycione on vne wmnese coast l Somo people i advertise regularly, like rUrlei to have done much damage to ship it, find tneir profit m it and continue it Tinz: .t. .Fresidaat iGfrant ha ie.da ill Others have tried it and given it np as a j time'tif the court of commissioners of Alabama Xailure. Borne have never tried it, but claims for a psriod pt ix months after Julx are going ' to r"do so some time or other," and others are firm in their in tention never to advertise at all. Those Tvho have given it np as a failure, should ank themselvos if they nhave given it a fair trial, with reference to the style of advertising, the ground covered and the period of lime occupied for some fish ermen pull up . their hooks and depart juntas the fish are beginning to bite. Those who are froing to advertise "some timo or, other," should go out of the business altogether; they are too lazy for it. The fact of their intent in the matter Hbir to cure dull times T Ans. By Advertising, in One sense, is likened onto a plaster. It draws well. sheriflTs red flag generally waves business men generally advertise 22..:... PsiL H. Sheridan; T.tantennt-Gnera of the army, was married to Miss Irene, daugh ter of , Quartermieter-General'lckw.of Chicago The coroner's j ary held over s victim of the llolyoke. disaster returned a verdict in which they state thai they find no Uame altached to any person hi imsuediata connection with the fire ; but they cannot too strongly condemn the criminal cafeleetmeas shown 4a the con struction of the gallery a the' means "of egress thererroni." They farther find that the direct cause of the fire and consequent loss of Ufa was due to th oss of, ii wmaHatrim. ntings for the, altar, and the substitution of dull time.. That is Jloxv to Keep Titin. Mr. Philbert states that the principal measures for reducing obesity come' nn jdf for heads: 1. Kegime; 2. Hygi ene ; 3. Exercise and gymnastics ; . 4. "Waters, with: sulphate pi soda. The basia I nop.'...... thffiitroduction of carbon into th sys tem, ornoh favoring its transformatiofli.' .1 irnmnAnKnM4ttn MfMAl f ''AMmLvi ' 8tite Extra. Wheat EeJ Wectvni...... Ho. 2 Bprhur...... By SUta. - Barley Malt . ....... Oaia Mixed Western . .. Corn Mixed Wearn. ...... ....... Hay. per ewt. ................. Sxraw, per cwt .7U, 5540 oMj xm the stagnant poolsoi trade. The ioodmhslv therefore! be non-nitro genotied twith; jtaining no Btarch, few 1 phatic should have a red diet, beefTmnt cried without advertisiDg. Advertising pays. A Dubuque man who arivrrtisM larclv tm tViArlrr 1i coverfkl by the wife whom he deeije J fenison," hare, pheasant partridge,' several years ago. iea, .and tne sanguine snould nave a W1JU.M5 mtffc, vtau, iuwi, pigeons, ojsvexs, etc J Vegetables, not sweet or farinace ; ous, rnay be allowed, grapes, gooseber ries, ! apples, etc. Cafe notr, tea with and 1 aonW., raw tti: -' iruiw naiura wmperameiu oi . ana t pa tient !mnst be kept in view. The lym- : f FamtHi Xcedlc. i In 1 1820 Mahomed AH, pasha, pre. aented 4 Cleopatra's needle" to the are nqw being made to have theSeedle i littlesugar, and a small addition of cog- aarter " .d'n!3 .vu - rr. -r shows they believe advertising a good T I5vK-JR!rf;.i thinrr fortW business, w thi-S? dT. .:U 1 . " i ; .. A.TtT " , ... " , material in punuo Duuaing.t.;uy thOjex- ly neglect it. Of those who think they ptodon jof a boiler in the steam sawmill of will never advertise, it is safe to say that j. j. Wigenhurs near douldaboro, Pa., two they will be likely before long to change men were inetantiy killed and several others either their principles or their business. I in j area, among them the proprietor, who JixcAane, I struck by a piece of flying metal, although I raarabe used. r -SogaT, tmtterr transporter! to Itelafiiis blKeTod-l66. potatoes; pastry, rice,4 rjeanaand tion. j Skilled engineers confcnr in A55! ia favoring the action; of the porting that the obelisk car oefefVt5 coxrveved to England and erected' on the 41x6 r5!0 , e abdomien,' in taking firi site aUe&dj, allotei to it, bjjthe .plenty 'ofexijrciso on 'foot or ori librse-. MetrowUtan1! bi JWorks "on the backi flaying at Iwlliarda, . fencing,' Thames embankment, without interfering ewirxpung. . gymTiawtica, etc .Tho Bant withftoritaMerograpidcauperscnption. ing treatment' is not very .differenk; . Jt It will be a wonder for all England to consists in abstaining- from bread, but look at. , (ter, milk, beer, potatoes, pudding, and a o a i is 1 as Al 1 n,Hy 1 is 1 09 1 07 i n i 1 7 1(1 11 V 73 (4 74 W i rs BO 4 ; 83 OS (A 19 ....au. JU BU fafl 1 J SMI is5 : TUh Mackerel No. 1. new. ...... ..13 00 (414 00 i Ko. X. na-w. t SO VUO 03. : Dry Cod. wr cwt s oo u I id v ( BerrtajE. Healed, nr boxL.-i wso a - aO . PHrdLenm Orvd ...CXCX Baflaad, 113 Weoh California PVaoe..... ;i a aa - Texae 34 4 S4 a-natrauaa . St a If f"V O. ' CJ1.1VCTO.L) CAT Aaa avtac MrarrUa aaal InU alia I Ul. 1 paaina facta aaa harta aa tdaa. 1 (artaaaxir lanrrm rviawlr aa4 tar cara Urn aataaia A.I amac1CTto4 ay aaav I - - 1 aawa (a ml aaa ataaa vaaraaaai ltotribrtna. laaaaaartaaaataaaUactbaaMa- , , ll " .. , 3 V laaatlr aiaeavma a awaiita tA'AiVi ?' ara cara kw aataraa aa4 Catarrk. .1 . V ,vs f. , .V i . ". - raaaalBaUaaraataaUala T;X, 'rJR ataaa atwa fn.lly. Drac- ! , . t v- ' . k, . Ttta wli aiatnfirra, t . ' Tc-c3 ' ' rail aa4 aaa. ar a a Ii m M..nriji.i. u.fmmm aaaia aaa Saai T TSaM y Dracglata. falMaa raakaaa, fty uaa Habit Cured AccrttA aad amre Ctra, vtthoct IsconTenlence, ta-1 at bom. Aa a&ttdots that ataadt portly oa It rwa oaertta. Sena tor my rjnarwrlr "Wajdaa C rctft you aotAMt. conLalnlnccerafMtatra of aadrrla oav) heve mn ptvavukentty eeredy X slatni 4 Clrsrmd aac rrodoaad tb riMT,aaaufar.axx OXXT rrxa eras ros orrrw atio. HI!. S. E. .OLU5I, L Porta, lrad. IZttamUhcd 1858. TiiWrl4Ula Bkaa. Xaiaeat aaraaU Bltaotaa4 Karraaa nalMV WtWaa Ufbte4 braacb la 0 aae L,lLm iratua. laaaaaipaHfrtlaaratananta 1 Tarrant'. Efferrevent ItzrriperlfB, j .... . i I . aa4 uss a wwk W ta faal Uka a nor j r. all dpcooi-th I f alaOaataKfci ' jS4UC9 ' i Weetara-Tenew.. Wratrra Ordtnary .. FecraaytTania rtaav....... Cheese Btita ractory........... fainuned... W tat era rcra- arata. aiJtaJrf . 99 10 S va s a Mas 14 .' "X OS C4 M i l.i , "-a , TBAT tUXX. fJ The best aal chosprai Pmlmt l tlie TTorld for Iroai.' Tl erWaal. ' Ta irAINT CO- Vart rr,yotxurt-. Jr a. OT-CJLTJTlOrV-trUiasets srtU pOaaaa see Ut oe.r nasta) aavA traaaavkara-flaeachan arary 8ad lots Circular. Be i8ta.te.MM... Corn Uixed Barley tate.V.. . .....m .....m. 1 41 ' a) I in" . ... . . . 1 a (S ta) 71 aa tl aa. , I 1V"4 1 IS a aS ; 7S surraxo. rvmx s 2s , a t u Wba So. 3 Sprtnx. ....... . IN 1 4 Cora Klxad.. . MjiaS . jf 64 (4 fi , Sra...M .. I a7 M 1 VT Bariej.....MMS..' I i ' 1 auman. Oottop-Iiwr MLMlUifB.... ...... u's) 'UV rwKrtra M. OS a S 09 waeated Waatcra.MM... 1 M at 1 aa ! ... Ill wlU, I Si a T I I v 'O ik - r- ;- v., ... . i-v i r- -r-r; R QEQl P. n0l7lL;a C0i 1 5 Bfi..w ...., )MW Con Ya&ov. . ' . ranintuau TTonj yannayWaaia ztra. .... Wbaaa4.Waten B4.. Cora 74-.ov ....... Miat....,.., Oata Ml4 tl 4 I" 1 a as ass in Ml i in , WVf4 - 4 -MA S4 a to retoeua-Cntda, X0t Bafilart, CRCHANTj ll IMP, -Mr rf. MaaMewaaaea) a 1 '2XRCMAJ4T. i livir i V " t Wbatharfa aataaaa ar aaaat, VaraaaaTa GarsUac OU alll ba fuoaa aa taralaaUa UaiaMa ,a ef aaa br arary raaidaat la Um Uaa- H a law aa aa atoaMtary aM)tataa ar arUckaaaa aad ta ta '? --'1 -L rn l hi mil ai l if ln iiiiih a aiaani rtiarn Haa Ihh &va a-rafv toraaiiaal aoa , i .MERCHANT'S GlfUlGIiIITG iOH. i ao Soi,cTlimtT joULt liOWK -"-tai.

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