vrr J:-nifT r." I2 H . 7 f - . i ll-t , 1. ! 'II : ,ii i ,-ir i 1 fj9rrr BAKEBdi fand Ir " " ' . T ' H-f-ftrftr rrj : tj rt" tj n i Il.i I, TISRMS: S2.00 por AiTTiuin. KO. 37. I ! f "let f'-f vs . yscr.VHT! -in 1 -ttcrfT no ,TJ3J7r "s )j p-cr fjv? f "m -r lilt: -1 ' . ..... i-.,. . ti ' I t -HJI - iaitu-i-j i t- L-ru! nmImji j Ufit! ii uw.lal fbna t t - tHMAa'"V ! .f TJ" jfA f fit" TIti : wcr ana over. '. t t I HMM VcAik Kf&if JyfUh so t? sing, you can't think, for the teacher saitfel aTJ)Kf the last time I went J ana he patted me on the! head, m&i fiaHiJ i F I getUaffi cn ,Tery well. rhat;iwa&my iavonte that il sang just 5 I now! ' 'Bnt-ther'' nnthr-nnATI Vnnw yaa like- better ihan that.- 1 Now, I'll sincr your favorite, mother, dear I I M An lift wa Rinnrinrr flta fiptnrnr1i TIa Joyful groe:ing from ead fareweUa. and the doctor entered. wHis faoe was ,' rt.r -IV l4Vf th tranquil buu, ruvortars when d.y u done. i AfMr the now thecrneraldleaTW, v'Aflf harveut, golden nheaves." ' - '! . J' - ' f "- 7. ; ..j-'iH fcVfI ? .,, .niiBimccwucw, me violet fclty, p -v-J!e wini when tb. winds go byj fic- to tempent, a loll of waves,: -After the btfle, peaceful graves, j After the bud, the radiant roee. After onr weepbig,' sweet repose. After the. flight, the dowify TJeet,, Ovr the" ehady river- rest, s ill ' Tere iwmethingrmnatural in the fioatuof a child. It is like the blight that .withers. .younfp buds thp un-? 'j in.iug iwwn- me green corn.- ?Ilmt,th' reta1.q M tha t ,4ti.w. x w v uu viunu Si tff 7 if C VJ4 llowera .riioiild fall; 's4pnts onlyVto follow iti thft i-ighi Wdcr otAhingii iWr mis- bright and anxious, but .at the Hr3fc' gianeg upon ots Jpasient msicountenancopt fell, and the wretched mother read the' deali'irtfrrnt Ju;hfdjm'med and sor rowful eyo. 'Therer that's all," said the I while the .poor rwomau lipid, her Kercniel over ner moutn to i suae lier sobs ; V I shall go to sleep, now, mother; mwte dark, .fiire meW ;Good, mgai.? i j ti jc i i in I .-111 He kissed Jher, turned on his' pill Jw hand- Near the town of Carnac, in Brittany, X&c&f (iyerA is j anextensive plain several miles wide, with a flat and, barren 1 Buriace, n is ine last place ja tne worjil a tourist' would care about Visiting, it lie., were simply traveling in 'search 'of beautiinL objects, r In winter the coldest 1 w&dtWbveMt-witllkl forbe;Vhd in sum sYrub' the Rim. biiqjk vial to u. i i r ai jln "We wilTsuppose, then, that yoa ftad J -A a m . -m . 1 l TUm" leaning rM?r,(Ja.' .u ,Charles arreu'StoddariLirrites from PiSi to the San, Erancisco Chrdnicle 9f Iheleani," ' tower, and says' The tower i rra envci upon you. .xou noil is iiiiniieu, their odor is confl. th joy of their existence is nastlf 1 V? cmiM rt desire to detain t themj, excepiingS I un umes we may nave extracted , .Jirom'tnentlseuUCtli m: of our poets, and artists, and sculptbn : a,.,-'',v'-. uui iuiik.auu'oiyeflirs ; is for tho sifckle, like a field of ripe corn. ani.rpot,ihowfverthe death of child mav bo recrarded r . w w kJr V4 Horravf uU a ila ji?: fnrr J1A rnA will r dmiy, that tho fate of a rose-bud is much r xaltpal.rpplace(r in the bosom nt xy, bo, if we couL l)oautl uld sihcerelv believe thaUS?rovidmcj iakesQiur' human ! bfda - ' X ho JUOndou, newspapers prA t co ridus acjountsilt crossiugf of th.4 channel on ytfay 29. p. A- bnofrreport ol the-feat appears lnW tiOmlotfi&j&o. " LA.! corre- )urnaijisiting irom fjIJHKtmej- B&ys : yxhepi ietesrinipft-; lion aud ttstonishing, power of endur- iwjyiroiignoujixn(r journey were aj of Tflaf yi-ra the par. c ogg who wancnea . mm irom tne steamer. jTyjUn he, immersed iron. j-the water 'hU exniDitea very siignt symptoms of dis W ol tfieMiihlfb'f r, aftd'rprbpW thil we sllall bake a has a( fcti'iui bogiii' well' 4 enough ; you ""see that 'the iairs are very Bleep in some places, ami tliat the in'neP Va!l crowds' down.' upon jon iDnii napiTOwiTii "way. . xiie cui3C uy a, little lik'beii)gi iitlHl caUn of a fhip at sea yttreallz kind f- undulaliiig BtiraiTtwitllont:f : bavin Ulae Visible eft'ose "otiX before you yeaa 5Be pteppetl rlliey dLt"wIt!ioiifr' Ubledotji or! napkin uut'givayoa, todry-Tom wngrK, mue Qquarapf ejbrpidrfdmuluij Inngd There hrel ginaiiy tney were piacea apart at regular. 1 A.M. rf-w . . I i - w nen you come nearer to tnem presk,tigjgV(Jhefteryture of Horns to place them jn'a region of per- the body, taken at once by the mediaaV Eighteen huadred veafs they haye.eiang: Ust blfss," ' wo' J should-1 ' ilio less retrret &entlemen(iiiitendance, showed it ftb ' Jo thfe miage grouhd'aAdtHstooiLthe. tlir loss. , ' Yet tallis , w Will upon the. abstract; iuostipi tV strong instincts of our, nature will triumph oyer fait Ihilosophy when the time of trial but one degree in excess of the arverage temptefattrre 5 of avman:iii full health. faith 40OK(?fPf ..ic ial comes coplaiea was a shght s ujthe captaiu welling of the resigned as to shed no tear over the cof- paddling," and Ins face was likewise vfcomewim sore'dute td-tne'action! of the uiwdlrwAterjdririiig- m immersion of nearly twenty-Tour hours. Withi4 lin of bor chfy we involuntarily slirink' irom her as an unnatural monster. f An anxious mother, who sits by a little .Iw'il. on av14(J, her youngest child" is lying. TJio doctor, Avith his kindgrave faw, sits on tho Jopposite' side, and on him her tyes are fixed. , , "limr fears aro too well foundedi" , ,lioiud, as he aid .the littlo femaciated ; lumd gently upon tliQ coverlet "ifcwiU useless ! for me to7 call . agLiu ; but I will do so if it will givd you 'anv satiAf an-1 tion." " ' : : "Oh, yes! , pray ; come , ftuhbed the poor woman, i ; : ''I warn ytrti that nothihg more can be ' miiiio ifr ziiai, saiii tuouoctor, liyi?g paaBed.awaj,,, fJtlA How did they come there ? The aim pie, credulous people of old. to irlioml all fairy storioo-were the truest Mstoftes,Y believed that giants brought thematm$x plantedjthem ; buLwe lmowetteihan-T 4.1. i rni ' O-i.J a j: half an hour after his arrival - in "Foikelimen. ndfvou mityjimagiJlow much' agam,; sir, stdneOapt Boyjiton preseniodmself at the breakfast, table qf the Pavilion Hotel, where he was enthusiastically received by a4arge body of gentlemen who had withessea 'wonderf ul !pferf ormance froM'th feteamet.1 1 In acknowledgement 1 of TmeeomplimentTjaid'nim. S Ca-nt. ?;i I, .l.i Till,..' ITUJirn' ! - r- Joynton, saitl ; :.',J, thinkfaye: fairly : aad. squarely ..crossedt th,chaunel from., t France to England, ,Jind thei channel . can I . v . - vi - i , a therefore no longer bo said-' td -be mas ter of the5 siM4tion.M 'Ho then retired restatipu1:::;:;;:: neyiWasuwthVntbeafe-bynhftlfreast, and tbat l canrgivo' you nolhopoof idS're-fc ney1rTasuWfa.-nwpueasi-Dyr4Wtast, ana ivovrry. However, Twill look" iri ' emost tho morning, or, if you wish to see me during tho night, send for me, and I will ''dod bless you,' sir' said the woman, ' No, uo ; io not stir, " ho said, putting hor geiitly1 back into her chair, " there is ah'ghinithe passage. lean find-'my , waj'down," t -.ji ' For half ,' the night the'.' .wretched mother cJctinued to,,. watch by the bed- sido of hex dying chud; and: though already, nearly i worn out,- how gladly i would she have hailed the5 rospe sitting up with him 1 for twenty nigh long , wi th ' th6 ceitaintyof his benV) . tlieu restored to health and strength I For a short time, the hope of such a tediduS'-'part-6f' the'56urney -sWas the latter portion. -Tllea was then exceed 5lHilA .11. i lugiy -camr, ami we hub w tsuccas was certain', ?bo strong did" ihe swiminer ap peaar, AudiSCvganguiueiTTaa thy , steamer's captainias to taenright -bourse! nvio were ,goilig.' tiiav'df .rr iH f Thef -vvhole :timoi''that apt. oyntqil anct thjirty-'eightlnimu greatest speed was a mijle and three; quarterpjwj an: hour. On the first trip ifc ivill be ' TH membered that he remained in the waters for fifteen' iours- The doctors aOTee fthatjtWpAtiwn pulMilsebm r-seveilty-bhe deg:, wlii'Kselfa strong rthaldHphysi o44Sus were not much , disturbed , by i his-exertions. to rest amaU wjndow-was a iiind; ked.ownin.the.Jprirl plitt err i It .wiia like aeep .round shaft in CWnae, and hae WBn'dered jtqwajdjhtl I??6 sWwif.ivtllertTas, ne piain:ior a..wauci JUsVxjujslde , the Ljus- ,enougn siant po ij to pe.UDpieasani. town a' bit of a hiU?riseslugil6ugn to trutlged on and on, and. looked 8bxJWus the surrounding country; '. " Cagaiii. The tower ,was beginjiriig"t& j-iicio nit) lew nuiiseu UT iree ion tne I a uiwc, o uvm naw lb auuiquiib l:. u j .i-a Li-iiLLi tHKJi4Ay IkrnirU,;)U i,n m'ik iwxu, uuu ib 13 luiiucu zmu iBevtiiii aveQleferkVlonrfVoRra ofisaAsvfi ut)K(ffiF Bioues, which, as iar as me eye CAir Bee; 1 P1JJ& wui -tiiw -vitnar-ic-vci wiuu-uio are ranged in almost perfect orderjfeeistalrdMltol thiJtO we Dell:oTer bnToUr aide: 'riwoidei5tbxltreidtbe courage an arn3rPTP?Taor battle. over a4 thousamiof them, andathd toi jabmpioethffiiiwcu ' W I Ik stretch across the cenntry from easif t& iaiibefevfiieaaiaX kJSrs arftrutj vest for nearly jseven milesp tThe laraejrt jjeTpected jtandnyM Jftfigeraan, they j"ire twenty-twb'fe'et hfohVandHbe smaiW bPjH100? F.Pis. ertk..haa.sttnk bbiU eirfrHenfeet:" AfewlmVefaUenjuitL the PiBatower. so .that you ffftdoWy sev- J 11 -JAM X 1 1 AAlitJUJflUt Jill LACniAI7T9A 1 others have been carted sva'yfl but .onr lend; steps.. to .cei to,.tho door4 ony the the roofs oi the city xfty far beiby we you caugnt giddy glimpses or ine worJa i . w. via jck. . . & . i mi r. . from the"btJeWgs-1JUb1re vfaU th 11 m m wiu see many signs oi age upoa tnem. j irom tne opeiiings n " tire wau tnei Aajjjif PQwjfljafy, aiiu uaixereir.r bempimguoors inai mviieu u." w step How old doyott guess they are? &to&eMtyTw!fl bodi isquiteisurenot eye the -wfcesV F&f :nis tim' the? hbevofHletoterXi , out we may sa Qeicribef a ! I JLtrxvrUr in Turkey thas dinner he aieaded .in Constantinople: pi&ce )fvb nkeasbieldrjfg6l they rranged different meat in y6tc- laih diahf&n Ths diak-v auppbrted ' by o.qif fpqt, jse bleSfcAad three I modated around one 4 of themJ Table rtn'eii tilk rulArTlnktiown' In'' tb'EasL1 iiyu J aav auvua Tf" - j a a-aMw youatHhcee Wpasta; tn iv'es t fotki fthcMkrxkhn4d Father Of m mstbriaWbtft' e'fdayliafelvJBay: hat they lirf 4 held their present poai- . r t i 4 ions ior over eignieen nunoreq. yeaxB stooilje. combined assaults of time and stornj. while genlraiiin Jlfter generation of j the looked like; a "monstrbui- fuUneV!'iiWe -were 'stumbling over tHtt'stone itajLis, jaj iSjxii lunpleaUy-dsgestiYA manner: waga w tnje.nqwpjwrjerwnere j Doubtless, intihe, eatimation of , the I I ----- - Z . m . - ' - - ' ' k ' A me XTtriasn conaiuon ana si vie oi cul inary 'art VoAdpeMterry barbarous ttrAl TtrlicllMP btrt tLfl Uvshes are not Adevc4dfjfckiU in) prparotidni jdor,' t j anjipjeans made .srgndofPni f?y..f tne ringers, two mouimpu irom eacn ! disiTbVnmek'mfefUls A mat- dfl?Icbctimlt;i.inLTariiavT: faahioas; balla : olj xidai Wxppl iDinTiue-JAa'Via, sprinaiea wiinrosa .ivajcr.i migatiy dashed with! mint and aroma orsoriAc 'Bherj.a. syrnp'C'f "fcoert ,a wnich 5 List' e dippM Mwaidifthvianika itnrioMe-aln pobn fnjhediwit1,au3!WWWiWt "cftrml ( ine meainaetu ine urazeu wuie.was : The notM utock farm of Mr. Hobert Bormer. of- tb X Yoik Iscdgcr. lies I three mllrt eat of Tarryiwa, on s plain. more loan htb nunoreu im auore mr lercl of th Hnd.on.r It can tje reached from' thaf Tarrytowri Iyit: only by a rough ' drive brer the ; stony hillside which stretches all the' way from. the river to the boundirirt of tb Urm. The farm ,is devoted atdrly to the rast inter edta of the horv that lire on it moat of U lying In broad 'grarlng I pastures. from which the tones that used to cover the fields have been carefully moved and Ued in the shapo of solid fences to pro- aa " fin a . uie paaaocKS. , me luxi is an sou sad as rprmgy , as t that of the prairie, so that , the horses con b turned out shoeless, to gallop about without danger of bruising their, tender hoofs; and an unstinted use of fertilizers ha irsulted jin faxly and heavy crdpa i of ricliherb- tower, tp, windward,1, as. lj werj , th seemed as stupendous as the'FJast river bridge' labor the work cost at a time when there fwere no carts or wheelbarrows imiich lB8Trialroadsoriaaaeive cranes. t Xears, 'perhaps centuries; were occupied, andjio the builders the undertaking must have the erection of seems to us. Similar stones are found at othej places rK'llWr.i8 col lection is oh a plain near the town1 l'6f S'alikbur,mJFmgW'd'., This is called Stonehensre. and consists 6F one.; hnn- totoM fottjjje smallest "j 9f which weigh ten tons and the , largest seventy tons Tho remains of men" aha animals have been also found i in fhe' vicinif, aHd thfeda have given tlie anli quaries a clew as to the object fot hich, the stones were 'raised. , . Nothing positive, .is Jaiawn about them, but it is supposed that they mart the temples of ..the, Druids, a rkUgftua order which' possessed great powiarXra Aftncq ana Ji.ngiana during tne century afte the coming of Christ. Tney( ,pb tamed., a cpmplete masw limont aua superstitioua Vxjeupygt those xsountriesi" by tliB prac ties of mysterious artafwbichl often HreiQ 'extremfelyi cmeL, :,,Thy' professed to kndVthe'hiddetf nalur66i little suuerer opened his : large . J. opened' his large languid eyes and asked for something tq drink.-1 "Tno'cooling beverage refieshed vl . lib IsuiiMd, adf-phcieredhril his thin lips once so full and pouting asking was on tliia . oosion ninEiysnitie! deg., -seyen,iiasf onTte last tripv when heNvtw bbEged id 'MihquisM nm niirr i i. iniiti'ii i i in u i,- i terthntlief, I ' as stars ; but in reality they wise as the . children in w4.'atsothe 'facti thatylustimpratoo, anithg vM tri2jo argood were I not our primary l a ..II - take tueir chances on the 1 -VH 'Ji frehevec the un- smaller belli Pdowi graiie. h u?tie,ufac' steadiness f6f the !6ABral ataixwky: While 6 looaing3!? Hipon -'tbe country from the turrets above the; belli. chamber ,'4o t all-tKe, bells-began! ringing right undo out feeiTlie sensation was it the tower were about to rbe snaken . .i.i.i.. to pieeesy every ,stone i trembled percep- ibly; .tbaici wa wjisng jjbout ou ears. UnwnaD aid it ail i lie sprang onlto one f thebccls and del it swing ing, theleaped gayly on to another, and at last caught the big bell to wind ward and go its .thick, black tongue in motion : so:1ie sldppW lightly from one to the other, dodging -the roaring moa- stera as theyj heaved about, him. ; Escape 1 In a well-sheltered part Qf the farm are ha commodious atsblea, largo enough to accommodate the eighty horses owned by lis. Bonner; , fox sometimes nearly all foj . 1 . ' . r . ' . JIM Utepi are.w .vjjjrtowu. ms. once, lue stablea.are, of ..wood,, are thoroughly warmed in winter, and .well lighted, diy land. Airy.' The. borate ars ) kept in hand tome condition by; the grooms, aod ax fed regularly .'st :six in ihA morrfog.at nbodi andabout leiht-ia; tho cTexnsg The ayerao alio wan ca oli grain is abou ' 1 at a aa .'"'f!'? niae-qnarta aauy uougaviae quanuiyt snssiaooarcling lo thelsgsxlf the horse and tb smodntof . wwk which it is fall- removed 2nd water brotigTil tbi wfthlpg (an indapeiisarAe cerernorry; ihert 'one has diedd witlii no X)tllr- Hlaie " than' iiisieaJ'&cersk'Uisn'coaJir' i.l exquisite stem oi jgues a superb pipe, vithan moumpiece oi amper ana a cnefryw'Vossyssaiiir-eaci pipe bving supplied thr a tuft! of Mace donian.' tobiaaco and placed npoh a plsta of . metal, laicj patlte .flpol-j pre serve the pat fronv th . f parks or . AfljQs which might fall from the lighted bowL JIO -, oir r.untoer t lnrocupeu-M l -i twenty to forty men, and theixwcrK be-j nns'ihiHe' fallf al bodiJ asLtte swamps are:solidIy froie'oef.JThe rproa fronit mvili.Toni-te '-thaifcamp',wt, made. i.TJ force isldiFidedinto .filip? was impossible whije tlis concert was.in pers, jvho -fell tjitrees ;pawyetSj i who progress. . "We .had only, to wait and stop 1 cut the. trunks into therquisite! h3ngtbs, '..y. . i,J liM'l. J.li.,-.i IIUI- , i.'r, I ' Jt -l I.1T 14 B Nviil i jl J 9J J ... - Aoicfl t I trnraiYtnAM nrhw wtrh -rirfc iMwl InaJArfV anauiiO u v nxvu vr.Ai.xx uAttni v. . j ur ears. Journal? TloiT;O.MSatI Iwi TrLmir nri VrtVit,h fM.l'u ""Tile i logs'arn: put on, Lthe icv-with. the, marks iiurftft fel RWffi J0!. ft9P?. 1 9f ft?perftcu .injpm, wWe .they a only pneei a year, remain nntil the nrirnr brp.aknn. Men Trnnriiir) ax ArrALLia cm Jiii. .Vff fVrse. A terrible story has just been unfolded at the asmze court at Ximc, Franot. A SpaniarvL called -Jairae ancho had for many years uyed with his wife st itrau caire. ' Tne htfebkad was,tS chijimirr, sad, as the couple were laborious and toneat, they enjoyed an excellent rrpuu- tion, and were eatbemod by. all who knew them. By dint of f hard work they had rnanaged to save a sura of ticAily 8,000 ,a??vea,rd. nly. Pnc ? y1 I remain irmtiltuepJig1,, Thls-baPerVinteiided'especiaUy'to be r. V mV.lnVLT'JntWla VeVtte'publiwas known by the j the" Buyers ah'sefhe lumber, ' titla Anndles JfdtimL The 'editor of tbeirilnrnVXtoitMnto each loi?' this paper the Pqutrifex ; Maximus figures dfinotingi its-available ' size," for r36 Jfi Fl -fa iShr1on.i0e tte squared luipIrU:.Campi Ufeis rude and omporianj. events oi tne year. , x ue news i laborious, and. aHorda .the lumbermen was written on wuite wooueu lauieisauu littlA time to eniov the nastime of hrmt- '' Vtll" I'LL rt ing, wiucu me cooks f muss, newwaruy indulge in. Upon -the first : indications attacHed1 to4he residences of the citizens. fit '-must havi been a Very i curious sight Jqeathie' old'BomanSiCrow.dlng , round t)ie, .tablets to gety look ti the, latest i w. r ij ii' . a; -i w j ti - Uiefprmfj ap4 meyemts of the feun and news. ;But the hirst after jknowledge u ine curiOHiiy oi me yeouie grew anc rdpioly'atf A in-sucb ' measure that i m r i i i i ui l)o you feel better, darling?" asked tjie; 'mother, Avith'Ahopto and despair struggling iu her heart. 1 1 . jyi 'ii vo' .V J wther ; I haU , bo well ' enough to go to tho ningiagJ class ' nn -1 v: tiHiB ihothaTYmt hw haikl tdher throat,' "J "'aait pressed it aidWall5ed fts if Bomfe" '! 1 thing vwcrol'6kiug 'he4 'before iie ' " ""'i,Ttlont tliiuk you wl b.WeUcpo IThGii I twill practice a.t bomei" he repliod. "Jive nie ! tbeTwot.'will you, mother.-'dear fTherIt isbnthe shelf, has, in a yevj greaVmeasure, established the character and reputation he has- :ess since its the pubblc cMnyed7bi fis lifeiving; jdxe 'intrqductiono the notfee of on this side of the water. l 1 Ferita of the Sea. dead of the Schiller has not died j urafj' )tndthe''lek&'nsbf that disaster ore not a! a in L ra -j ' of a thaw tin the springt the camps are hurriedly abandoned, because the swamps are not inhabitable, .when, not - solidly frozen. -JiJrisina " the loss to market th0.f fioiihlr&fl4nfifercaftui is tlin next ml jrovenliitent. thcUnly ' ' issuer t of the 0 A A it i i ' " - v i av i wi au xaMAAa tuw u moaern (xnjurerwoma surpass tneij;xaqst3t'jc4irjiaIr fo issue a irf iam.? the ' lualbermGii have' wonaenui ones, xney were astrologers, I daily.?, .-tfcoie. of ..these journals -4 U4U to Bteo from Jojt to loe in tha. swiffenr- J . ..... . . T - l , ..x-V I . . -1 " - - ' . V". " 1 I C -Ufa. 1 .HJFJI -TTTT.- f , . " 7 I T T ' . -, . Caa cwo aoctors aswteu'a prieet3 ana years alter, are still in existence. 'ine rnt At . rnt Hr f f,r iwu name of this iournal was .acta, PorTirti "Ar,alia"'XAt-.i ' ftm I ty,Li PowiaTir jurjft.-auq appeareammiy the toir? and snanties'are built on thera n either tablets hung em? in jmbUeor tnej franca, with which they r?xopoed to re turn to their native' place, Tarragona, and there boy- "back Utile property which bad formerly belonged to tho zamuy. iasi wciout r, uucm, n made a ' journey with thia pbject, but, not being able to come to terms with tha proprietor; they had retttroed to Boau- eaire, . TTbile wajtina for acme good in vestment for their earnings they hid tho money in the bdosn where they lived alone, in the Grande Rne. On the 27th of November, l 1 rllheb dock in U10 H9rai, hf3 VfVfTil trom low countryman, who announced himself M one Jpae.Vaqua, and said he was wat by Sancbb's IroUi'cr-in law, &amel Ptatty, la announce his arrival at Uarseilka, and Wasy tUtt his son hal ten :arteted xbyiorftor ttche 8panLU epnfuld as rwialripg teToid the cxm scripUpn Vaqua further prolncsl a letter riurportlng lobe from rrstty, re questing hr TJrofWlaV to come t once to hia alarca atdariicilUA, ana d .upon to perform- The extreme limit, I aaking hina to z&detre VaqtM as a friend. though; seldom 'exceeds' 'twelve quarts. Sancho, thcrefiJCf , at oqoaleparted for Once a week; on Sstnfday night, the Jlarseillca, and left, bis oountrj raaiTin oountry howea srto given a feed of boiled stalled in Jiia houWI Yaque went out oata aiid-bran had ' twice a! week the twice daring tie cT(Llnj and ten horsey stalled in tho eily get a rimflar rninuteV after hit' Htutn'cn the second diet1 l -1 !s '' - . occaaion,'at hAlf-caxt fire, tbe door-Wll Close by the'italjlea 5 is a three-quarter 1 rang. Mip- 8"tV wasiaToirg down mile track, inclosing one hundred and I stairs to answer it, Khca a rhick woolen .-r ii! -.. 1 . : 1 . - - irr ueaa irom e aame time n'oblcmg; exit, ana gra- eaMest of curvesr and the greatest attain-1 ruahed toward tW 1 onf ortlnrte woman able' exactness iiijlengtfc The bed of And commenced beating her slout tho Oie track is twenty-five feet wide, and head and body with a,bludgeon. Tho v., ' ,- . ?',... - . m - -l u.it. 1 ! a aiiuougu oniy a year oia, it ia in excel- 1 two rumans next garroieu icr uau ui icnv .conamon, navmg Deen rcnaerea 1 ner nanas togeuicr wim rope, wm fbmi and clean . by, the use of suitable then her" keys'' wwraUlum from brr composts. ' Ilere jhe.yquDg trotters are pocket, the new-teoaer sayirg to Vaqu reueniJy exercised and I know cd.. Tho time 'Is 'taken and recorded, where the mosey, is.M. hat aas tho and.thpngb two or more corses arc um- poor woman a horror, to recognize tho 'driYeQ,fidebj't'aide Voice; of 'hpr :n'tkbactr'r,tiwn brother, juiciicmept ."which, racing' lends to their Franciscc fianehi'f CaJ-etti, whom aho efforts, ibfi track jy, (07 training alone, had left ii Spain.' a taonlb before, and and betting on ,rs,ulU; is strictly, pro- supposed- a til to bo. hcx?f Evidently hibited. I .j i luni ,; - t he knew of their money, sad she remem- ' Promment amotegbi'irtock are the liered that he' bad itfiinl tbom to lend foil owing "well :kntr-il 'boTses: Edward him 2,000 francs) ana1 ha.Veven struck Fexctt, Startle, Dextev Joe Elliott, her ' on the ' rrfttfrJJ- Bbe'atoure iuw Bruno, Mambrioo'BHie,' Lady Palmer, her terribla positisi,Jiad (hat there was peerless land,, J?'cpfut3-.! The total only one JiaocofeepSr-naxm ly, to ralna of his stock is said to exceed half a remain pericctly.atilU .,TJiirtrhs dLl with '' I ' 1 .:'.' t. T stiB lield ber aod ?PraiicUAF Sancho was rifling the drawer wbf re Hhb money wa kept. Not a wtril,ir 'Sroan eacaprd her lips, though , She. mott Jisve been in fearful pain, .At jlaat jjrfnciaco said: The wtc teli and men ruccefwiTcly.' ' Still :thir'?feally heroic woman c laved her dliHcnU tarL Not a - nraie tracK, inclosing one uunorea ana stain to answer it, Ucn.a-t fdtxrteen ycrea 'of fine pasture, and sur- covering was thrown over hri rouiiul)VaaercgBtoniwall. Ihfehape behind by Vsqueana shh Tadd4 "witn he ' trueV and I cran ' entered. The- toev-eomer st onco million. it -1 -f ! - . . 1 I Im I - I , I i 1 Mr. George Gaskell, the artist author, thus' describes the fortified, city of Al geria, with its mountain -bound pano rama: Soon after we had passed the Ham ma station some Cheika, who were in the carriago witli us, called our atten tion to a citywhich stood on a lofty rock We have what we .want.: . then drew' a' long CAtalonian knife stabbed Ids iustir-in-lawwilli it six ti historians, and they- attributed wcUlearnedwhen there comes! tor ustl e jUes of ' inother qar fi 'calamity- cm jrocks in blindly drifting through ; a fog in the English channeU -The Vicksburg met her fate nearer borne, fighjing her way among the fields ofvieo ff the American coast.. . Qn the. Schiller there w a ,?i ,B-faw 1 ,-&r tlrtfhinAredjtaffLty-fifQpfr-, - . r- sons,. or, hqm only r Jorty-threfi !wexa. savbtf. Of 4 feign ry- men,lpassengers. -and n sacred Human sacrifices formed ona Of the r raosb terribleT 'jf eaturei of Ctheir religioni. The victims usually were criminals e or. prisoners of war-but when thereawere none of these, innocent and .imofiendim? riMlwAria w-"y tsn sv-wt fi I fc w km .Tbevorite0resqrt 9A tll)rujdf & an' islai;d-opposite theimobthot the river i djoirei vaS : France'i wUere'Jc'tidcfe.ftyiJ year, Detween STmrisc ana srmset, ,uaey, MkLu?u uuwu nuwaeLMLiOk iijp ijcji ui Weir t&nbesfcAand aa pde&vbo silowed'tKe siaalljeatmrt pJhe jKiped materials to fall tlfyV txt litfrto piecei by his The only traces oY the order left1 terns are the ' rudeitone buildings ai Stoie- henge and Carnac Ketreating bflfere -' wVarpedinp iri paper." ,? ,i' " j -' ' A 1 ' Bhe iraVe iiim the rJodl1 raised hi i;"s:::tit. .jnu .L v.-ifitt'- ei-j k1 more than lorn to-lU,-n.teb.AmprireV:fnT the xo ieen brought to' Wi with t -a -w 1 - T a m. ' i 1 crewi on ine.vioKSDura. 11 isrfcearea'Uia'C 5 man lony were rost, "wane omy the Jlomans, the pruidwent to of Anglesey, in ; Wales : and . f little fell6W' was sibgingf in t weak ' very sWeet 'yoioeVdne of thesonjlsi from - 7 liis. -angmg-bif , k1 duly about niras aua.uuerB. ' nate Imans who Should be left after the r wouia to flomcKliie the raftsmen I At'' the" ootrtents-writtea witir redi balk , W thei boom' -jeaii QahkoHh, Ahe . logs are as'-' I g ' . wiU walk )f, tie brasft-The MMta weret aortfrt.M14i. toha. o"'!, t country in singular umplyiiews; f rpm eant. ole, neces- and there is paid; to bep a jvast amount t A town. f iaecn or saryWtermlsx)olitical articles -fere not 0f '3ishonesf "dealing by 'men who ob- cities 1. on.her rocky height,' wueuau, xieytrmeiess, ucwiumg wj iuc nterate Or CuaUge Xne DranclS. ,,1 .... 1 Jiiu;.v..ft,iWiiii,o.vv-iiijv.o eVofrlfe'Ttomari gefverumentj itiwa8"a.jLi1iii iiniIiJ ici vr-oon "-;. j 1U 5 The rock. on a nearer commanding every side from the finest cry did she utter por T8 any sign of position jn the world. " That," said the life not even wlcather bpther-in-law Arabs, as we caught sight of it, between put hand to lier LArtnd said to the hills, f ia Co na tan tine this is Africa yque: She Is ' dead.i-'''frbe ruCiAna those who have seen only Algiers and then enveloped their vfHIfci in all the the littoral have not been in Africa!' iinen they could Cnd, aral turriedly left Grand ( and impressive is indeed the tha bos.u Bj tairaclc.nftt one of the first view of Con tan tine, pUccl an by knite-thrusta Jiai1touchjedK vital jart. eucuaiibiuKiifc iu. miguij, iu-nuM v thougn tliey were, au imri ixiruuu iua stone, in the xnidst of ,a vast mountain- eorering at the heart.' Th" Kor woman, bound panorama, where a treeless vege faint4 and bleodingrftinagld by means appearanos U the ct her teeth -tliesuliscailf from tho harmony with; the Uaea, the woolesi siou& the cord. incturesque crawled., tajta ybed where her towering in crtn brought ,no aAgiUnc, for tho 1 .11 Awvnn.f ... . i. 1 - .1 1 x . f room did not trttef 'journal; pnd! intettdbdi 4b readingL jriatter j&dr. tbe-publiej .tvjiicK might alsa mwm iWOhijfafAt that Ahe 1 11 ni.i. . 4B 1 arpnjves. 01 iqe j ppte were carrvu in bronze and inaccessible" to tbe pubKdi 41 thanfc Tn f 'cir.V a Vfce 'ZTrir:' DI1 y fc. I A- JB ' . . is stated that.lhe transacliorisof 1 the Britisli Royal . It u over 'two rjudretli! approach seems to xr arrony thaf Vi!gbthu?t have been have been rent asunder by jme cootuI- i iWfnl."' Aflas'ih -"CSi .taXrniiJg, aiwi akm of nature, leaving 1 a fearful chasm 1 taooo- arrived life aiarnlwas given, and fLV- stance of any sa&lerjohk&gH rn'the color. ox us numanj nair a circumMtaae? ro-i : . - 1 1 j , J : I . . 1 garded as conclusive that no sucn cltacga Watching the. tJiaahtff of Hit Oku, i. . Cirave, ' ' 'A Chinaman ' living 'with a family atlris,efc?r,ocurVe,d,,oi had it ever been Wells's Station1 !dd thePacfflc slope, undoubtedly witnessed, it is not likely was -left" iA cbjh'ge'":of the bduso ia thf jthitwjroldlv i hrincM in fh-&rtHbe bt tberiarnilv. And The most eminent medical writers con- i bad been alouqbut,a, dqy two when J fess themselves unaware that j irra?tpecf 1 scene ry,jiil the etillnea and, solitude of ! eems Vti) cillo-i-xtenuatmg lapouple of men rodev np. to the station j tovHy bf tecordetT eyldealcesjry Uicg in i nature it aauea i irom unoer tne aara 1 crcmnatanccain,vcertiaque. r rwrw wm i i battle.' bat ' f ot what they 'ep4ctod .wbiok.- .1 .1 . i -.-l 1 na KLoriea 01 uie tiiirvivurs are mriuiuif.i.r r: ..... . ....... t ,,,.r--- 4U iioctor, as tuero waai ivi greav .cnauei 4.K1 wlil'lr aha hohiui rt.u fnr bmt bettek I wnensneTeturnea 10 ner rooni tne r . . r " TTT. wtib, . Thv were nnite wnr thy SSfroml Ln-, vl'Sl LSLSS- w one hundredtenty miles from' 'ery. reason to believe in a Va-fiMlldirikQj outward bound ous .triumph' otJheiF armV i But the -r 1 . it; -i.t.-: j.i TiafiKftc.' 1 na'tiem irom. icenoea BeemaJ.,,"i ur-.-o , ; ,-VT . . . 1 uniu) . Tnnvjtmr . . in fiiuu..wiirii liir i r o t . x ; .... . .. i . vDgwasenaoav a .nopfleUiAjamLrX T TTt: ' Utnfi.A. XicTisJax. I- Bhall bebnti H as undetthefbtue-tadheredbirW of ,v . IrAefrerMarire ' 'U'n ynftir-arnt-Tne.11 I-':anotildaotbtb captain, and other pffiftBra. . ; . rw "erwce. "; 'liko to WpWwtjpna bf io&9doiiHi V I .-iijdui I I An old rmm was leading , a do aIdng ; ' 'cSS-'. aqoa KiswaU fcfif Wfa i n raMWld- street the other VUy.Jwbetf i 1 " Vnn 1 At "be. -nut 'io ;in? W stnraio -alrtootf r wfaUtbe rope- bootblack.topk a fancy to the cauina.mid 'fcwfclkw-was Vdinigtnroufrh his perform- lUtyUl, -.HIV- . . wr f tho Isle wbkn thew sawthair, ,conquarers..,follqwang they 1 mailA r)rfirwm.tioiiR for m baltln. 1 ASrtrtnct r ' i 1 r , 1 - f Q 1 luivi ucuihiwicu uuujci , .thear.preTrataons-4.not xactly for-the fcbmbHedSrith thfetwjueslwhen.thaJ subieet can be. adduced on physiological cteaitwi hnen5i9cm9tedthafche abbald feed grounds. It is and demanded dinner nowbath deplpeathVow5 bidden' described the mliiutlt'MUils of tho $XaielTg'r9ca'agait4 tben tetribte'ane'ich"iSria undergone, losing itaff or a moment, ia cavern oua He,' appearanos 'ia eot.fnat orally ex opening, abxm itself once more before cited tha greatest fjmpathjj M. Millet, it dashes down the 'precipice and forms E doctor, deppecd; that llzzy Sancho bad the falls of KoumeL '. A fall of water is Qjj- escaped by -Viawla. The jury beautifuP .'.when, " amidst ' mountain 1 faanJ. both nriaoaeri cuilW. witk why. The' CHiinanian V'sappcrt oIih:pap4ilacr tvitioa 10a this I foliage of trees and, leaping overperpen adduced on physiological I dicular: socks, is tbrovn foaming' from is 'well known udr!horses.vTha Ofainaiiaa webt to-'ffig 1 haicanriof be fnj'eAeViaa r9VJistalde..anairaft (Jwuiniria acl of bar- fluid, such as a eolation, j.iii.:r. .: . . : ... 1 . .1 j.Liti ::. j:.ii::j ij 1 ley. wnen tnermen cr"ft ur banind nun suver ana a solution 01 ioainet aoe noi roii iui ruBs sunua tn je jjnuwn and fired their revolvers, bitting mm in I proauce any cnange 01 coior except in scene, iiigu awre 114 wKtr-wptiw Tbe Chinaman fell and 're-1 the portidna actually iuimersed. .T Uethj I ed la midau-a natural . bridge, er it owealta.' colon to a: fixed oil, to a crom that ' numan crag to crag uu, wtin 00a last Dounu, au ttsini foforing' Wiled ,in' sjiray3ttfssfis ground of mfrate of i'wilh a pnwsh of .tnupdqr J"; The , lioumel dfngtnrough his perform- .Z'iseji'?,P3Iaou'' twelve years old urn- -' ' "Thardt ybuf tfeM'tfnkminW ? 4 , :tI ,hqpe potdarUnaf she repUed, ly v&if&Xqw trLkJSjipVafeme nstTr.t belied her go to scbool and. are,Ueternueaitnat x. but hr heart-broken i words. " No, I think I must be getting much shan't never be nobody I" Detroit Free ti wanted to purchase him. "QhiJPJh cQuldn!t raise a dollar,' replied, the man, J assistance- . A. t fstartintr on. " I couldn't, eh ft yelled. I izedl'and th L tKxx.linvr orpll vnm-inair uni'L HTlursa rwmit r the lieiul. T"he China' 'inarned 'insensible for a fe'w minutes, and bn'ehrrning to cdnsousness,.knw. jebangfa to krjepocnie rrilbfl. would-be murderers ; were, feeling, his ptu md ona asked, the other : . Shall we shoot again T . Oh, hell be dead enough m time, was the answer.' Then the ruf fians wenf into thehouse, fcad, securing Ika pickax-ad abiiiek began .digging- V -grave io theiirietim"iit tUeiclIaf.J Tne Obinaman, quietly r eecaped . and i ratf for party, wns at onceirrgaiP4 wuo naacsaaen 'rbbWrs. 9 m "pranilpxUiey1' m - -V ia an jt ior aaqripiis'irgot-qtjDme wJiiinrf bagdui,7vili aavaa fctexy.tq telJJf be.lble mstaneea oxCVgl t,white 1 il bust tnat t""" nigner a al 11 Deny ever goes dock u Asia, ana a story 01 toe pole 1" Detroit Free Pretty most thrilling kind. Fran- tbercXofn. conderaned to death aiid-Vaque! topWaunritude for life. No ona whdrjrad:Ur Uxiea will aa auTadry wiili thAiilber tllhc sentences should ba eomrtttW.! ! t ci rhich actronxf acids and'alkaliejC' 'except, the strongest, which dissolves' It': i ii resist ferLocTaliorland evenv bconrjg water un leas'Ior'a lbrlg'iime 'applied 1 and "under pressure wherj it auffer ul'iategrarion enll 9botsp0itldni I-xTbcure'; to tie can ev31 bkaillar'Jtbls wiQ not tiadouiit fox aayJvwrysaialen iiaj?ge . of coIonJi Tbepopcl tr txionw boweTeria iafdtorif. JltfH rrtrtbrof thxaque- 1Tmkiugtourm'lIwrmem 3u -1 the gorge epa&s tha aljyas from 1 r According fq p.TV. P Curtis's recol- peculiar arxaneeatQfU cortikition-5 1 kills to aide, whikt kigher up atill rises tectiona, Ua groormng oIY aslungton a af molecules, or to both, It resisislecay the steep wall of rock, on whose aaramit white horses , -raa aoraetjig aurprvdng. Ina remarkable manner ; it resi he j slanoa an unseen city. Wild birds soar i. .-. ; .1.. , t , i- -r - ft aoovr, ana ieiow . smiies a ioveiy vmiicy, which owea ia rich vegetation to the im petuous torrent, now a gentla river calmly flowing between its banks Bat ire bavebeeri carried away with tha cur rent,' for .wu Trere rpariDg of tha great cleft round IConstantlne. ' .In this tefri- bloopaiiDgtagltssf aiiJ rultxirea fly mad acxeam, whilst vn ,U rool of the old tooUsca1 ; w Inch; merlian ila. precipitocs j 1 M njwr. 1 . 1 . . . . - . 1 - . . u . . ....... '1 a ten tlpusand..dpllAr feUer overtfrufsiie nieirr- or cray in tne cass oz persona cnoar strong emotions of grief or terror. on 'thjtir, long "1?gs on ''the iop of the building," they look like sculptured fig ures on tha superstructure. Tba night btfara lbn4oree were ex pected to be. Tittden tlis j-were covered entirely over ilh a psre, pf which whit ing was tbe- frrindpal aponnt part; then tt afciufcj VMfTried in body c!othA, and Wt loi tlr7& clean straw. Ia tha morninj tlil coijition bad be- cocaaliard, as trrUrslii34 and curried and bruab avhicii prxT'tUa gave to the cots a "beatitif ul I plasty nand satin-lika arearaaeeu i.TLa I boci were then LLickebed- and Taiiall sr the mouths wkshed, teetb picked' and 'cleaned, and the lecpard-!ua hoaalngs being proper ly adjusted, tha-' white -ibargers were lad out fcr acrvicei

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