1 orier GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IV. LOTJISBTJRG, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1875. NO. 38. F .Franklin V-' ft ' iMve Reciprocated. Only a nhelter for my head I Bought, On- stormy winter night ; To me tle blowing of my life wh brought, Making tho whole world bright. ' How aball I tbank Thee for a gift bo sweet, OdoareHt Heavenly Friend? I Bought a renting place for weary feet, And found my journey's end. Only the latchet of a friendly door My timid fingers tried ; A loving heart, with all its precious store, To me woh opened wide. I asked for shelter from a passing shower My nun shall always shin ! I would have sat beside the hearth an hour And the whole heart was mine ! Overdue and Careless Men. ' TT ' -a .'.... ' now many .years oi ner me does a woman spend looking out of the window for men who are overdue ? I have not lived half of my three score and ten years yet, and I am sure I have wasted time enough in the fruitless operation to have made mvself mistress of all the hieroglyphics ever discovered. Only one thing I have learned, that man, like the peasant woman's watched pot that nover boils, never comes when he is looked for; and that hasn't done me any good; for, still, whenever I have occa sion, I invite the influenza by sitting in a strong draught, with my eyes fixed on fJRAXB-MA'S STORY. 'Just one more story, grandma; about when you were a little girl and lived in tho woods," said Frank. And grandma drew off her spectacles and shut her book. : She , leaned her head back against the large easy-chair, and shut hor eyes, thinking. I remember as if it were only yester day, fcho said, raising her head and looking at the children who had gathered around her. I was only seven, and my little baby brother wasn't a year old. " I'm going to the spring-house," said mother, and you must stay in the room and rock baby, if he wakes." So I took my knitting, for I had learned to knit, and was very proud of the stocking that was growing under my hand. It a was cool day, late in the fall, and tho doora were all shut. Baby slept, and I knittod for half an hour. Then ho awoktf and began to cry. As I got down from mother's great easy chair, where I had been knitting, I thought I heard a strange noise outside. It wasn't Lion, for ho had gone off with father to tho mill. Something rubbed against the door and made tho latch rattle, j I felt afraid, and went to the door and fastened ho bolt. I stood still, listening, with .baby in my arms he had stoppled cry ingand I could hear my heart beat, thump, thnmp, thump I ' All at once there came a short, cruel kind of bark, and then a snap. A mo ment af tor tho window broke with a loud crash, and 1 saw the long head, open jav3 and fi.iry eye3 of a wolf glaring ' in upon me. An angel sent by our good Father in heaven must have told me in that instant of terror what to do. The wolf was climbing in through the small window, and to have lingered but a second or two would have been death. Moved as if by a power not my own, and without thinking what was best to do, I ran, with babv held ticrhtlv in mv m v- a - arms, to tho stairs that went up into the loft. Scarcely had my foot left the last step, when tho wolf was in the room be- ' low. , With a savage growl ho sprang after mo. As ho did so I let the door, which shut like a cellar door fall over the stair way, and it struck him on the nose and knocked him back." A chest stood near, and somotiiing told me to pull this over tho door. So I laid baby down,' and dragged at tho chest with all my strength.. Jmt a- I goi one corner oyer tho door, tho wolf 's head struck it and knocked it up a little. But before he could s triko it again I Lad the chest clear across. This would not have kept him back if I had not dragged another chest over tho door, and piled ever so many things' on top of these. How savagely ho did growj and snarl! But I was safe. And now I grow frightened about ' mother. If she should come back from tho spring-house, ho would tear her to , pieces Th'jro was only one .window or .opening in the l6f fc, and that did not look toward the spring-house ; and so there was no way iu which I could give her warning, or let hor know, if she had seen the wolf, that we were safe. v For a long timo the 'wolf tried to get at us, but at last I could hear him go ing down the stairs. . He moved about the room below, knocking things about . for over so long, and then. I heard him spring up to the window At the same moment I heard my father 'q voice shout ing not far off. Oh, how my heart 'did leap with gladness I Then came Lion's heavy bark, which grew 'excited, and soon I heard him yelping down the road in the wildest way. The , wolf was still in tho window. I could hear him strug gling and breaking pieces of ; glass. Lion was almost upon him, when ,my father called him off in a stern command. All was silent now, but the silence was " quickly broken by the crack of a rifle, which sent a bullet into the wolf's head, , , killing him instantly. ' , f "Father ! father 1" I cried, from the" loft window. He told me afterward that my voice came to him as from the dead, lie ran around to that side of the house. Mother was with him, looking as white as' a sheet. I saw them both clasp their liands together, and lift their thankfulness to God. "When I tried to pull the chests away, I could net move them an inch. In my great danger God had given me strength TJie English Failure. The depression in the English iron trade, says the editor of the New York Graphic, has reached a crisis in the failure of several great firms, with lia bilities amounting in the aggregate to some forty-five millions of dollars. This disaster has since been followed by the suspension of houses engaged in the East India trade for sixteen millions. This has naturally enough shaken public confidence, and while bankers are care fully revising their credits there is a growing feeling of insecurity, deeping into alarm. ' . These English failures have an im- the furthest point possible, with visions meiately disturbing influence on Ameri- oi nospuai amDuiances ana woeiui leie- finances. They upset calculations, grams before my eyes, whenever any derange rates of exchange and the one, from my grandfather to my little relative. value of securities, and create nephew, doesn't "arrive himself" in prof0und uncertainty for the time. But proper time. f Well, Polly, what's the' the effect on American interests will matter ? You look solemn. Solemn ! questionably be wholesome and! in- XIT 11 m j a ai ' . i vveii, you Know enougn not vo rung yourself into his arms and cry: ' The sea has given up its dead,"vor anything of that sort. You say: Ah I" in an of fended tone, or in an unnaturally calm one, and perhaps remark that " dinner was burnt to a crisp four hours ago,' or that you have ." sat with your bonnet on ready for .the concert from seven until nine," and wait for some explanation. ) It is sometimes vouchsafed, and then pen erally proves to be: "Met a fellow." Yea, meeting "a fellow" is reason enough for any amount of staying out. Who is ' ' a fellow," I . wonder, that he should outweicrh- wife, mother, and sweetheart, daughter, niece and aunt I Why should " a fellow " have such in fluence? No one ever pees " a fellow," or hears all jhis name. r He is never pro duced. Ask after j him, and you hear A HORRIBLE SIGHT. The riucku Attempt of a Murderer to A venae Mlmself on an Amsall ant Cut Short by Death. The Spanish Kaleidoscope. ' In the Spanish political situation, just before the advent of Alfonso, the great necessity was that some one section of the political elements should become Bunker mil Monument. Boston correspondents have been hunting up the history of the monument at Bunker Hill, and from their accounts we learn that in 1822 a number of gen- The Brook Farm, Community. A correspondent of the Chicago Inter Ocean writing of George William Cur tis, draws a ludicrous picture of tho Brook Farm community, nith which The folio wine is taken from the Cin cinnati Enquirer account of the assas- supreme that is to say, that out of the tlemen of Boston and vicinity proposed Mr Curtis was connected. As manr of simtion of Tom McGehan, the murderer, or IO"7 -caueu parues wmcn " T.i f., the members have sinOs become promi- at Hamilton, Ohio. It was while de- divide the allegiance of the ever loyal the spot of the flrsfbatUe of the revolu- nentia TTX!cadon of letters, the fending McGehan from an accusation of hidalgos at least half a dozen should so tion, and replace the small monument bo win, interest. Pre- murder that Clement L. Yallandigham far agree on a common policy that they erected in 1734 to the memory of Gen. vhjLt community whs no one WV a A A A a 1 l 4fe in i ii i a ma ii mt .9 fc AA. O I that he is not the sort of fellow to be introduced. He is never brought home. Apparently. he is not good enough; but he is important enough to upset a house hold, to keep meals waiting, to f keep people up until midnight J to have met him is ample excuse for anything forget ful or neglectful, j A Glorious Success. The New York World remarks that the successes and sensations of such celebrations as that of Boston are so inti matjy associated with their drawbacks and discomforts that we cannot separate them. A crowd of 350,000 people means a scarcity of beds and a difficulty of ob taining board, much crushing in the streets and more on the cars. A pro cession ten miles long means a proces sion five hours late, and the lopping of ceremonies and orations, though that may not . be regarded .as an unmixed eviL With her celebration Boston has had her little worries; nevertheless, it must be said that the success was so great as far to outweigh them. Pleasant weather, an immense throng, a long and brilliant procession, no serious accidents, and a general freedom from annoyance in the matter of delay and oversight all these Boston Had, and these should satisfy even Boston. The most gratify ing features of the day were unquestion ably the warm fraternal feeling with which the military representatives "of South Carolina, Maryland and Virginia were received, and the unanimity with the speakers dwelt on the necessity for renewing in 1875 that intimate affection between North and South whose testa ment in 1775 was sealed by the people of both sections with their blood. No better object could occupy the popular attention on such a day and in such a place. , The Iributie asks: How could we bet ter celebrate the centennial anniversary of this memorable battle thansby iust such demonstrations of the new spirit, binding together the union of States which the heroes of Bunker Hill died to establish? ; Until now the work of 1775 has not been perfectly accomplished. It took eight years to make us an inde pendent people; it has taken a hundred to make us one. But henceforth we can honestly wear the motto whichwas once little better han a satire ' Liberty and Unions now and forever, one and in separable." vigorating. The sooner the business world reaches equilibrium the safer and healthier and better - it will be for the business of all countries. Business can not any longer be considered as a local affair or in its purely national aspects. Lombard street and Wall street and ;the Bourse : open into , each other, and ? are mutually dependent parts of one great system of exchange. The trade of; the world is essentially one. The stoppage of railway building here creates a panic in London. These recent failures must be studied in connection with great general causes in order to be understood. It is too much overlooked that our vast mechanical improvements and increased means of swift transportation have had a powerful j effect on production of all kinds. There is too much raised and too much made, and waste and loss are the inevitable incidents. Business of all sorts iis overdone. We forgot how enormously business ftlcilities have in creased within a half century, and how a single mercantile house to-day does more business, Handles more goods, has larger interests involved, and covers a wider area by its operations than half an old-fashioned ! city. Not enough allowance is made in our financial and economic calculations for the vast phanges brought about by im proved mechanics and inventions which have revolutionized the industry of civi lized nations. Aud this overdoing of business lias disturbed markets and de ranged exchanges within a dozen years as never before. The trade of all Europe accidentally shot himself. t The Enquirer says that such is the state of public sen timent in Hamilton that it is doubtful if the murderer of McGehan will ever be hunted up or punished when found. The account says: Twelve buckshots were found in the head and neck of the dead man, and three in the counter, making in all fif teen. The window-pane opposite the diamond-shaped orifice was - shattered, or rather completely, blown out, by the explosion; portions of the glass 'being found driven into the tough wood-work of the counter, and one piece having been shot through a mirror hanging over the shelving of a side-board be yond. Five of the missiles had pierced the black felt hat worn by the deceased; but only one of the wounds seems tei have been necessarily fatal one which, passing through the lobe of the left ear, severed the jugular vein, glanced thence along the left r breast, tearing the flesh apart in a ragged - gash thirteen inches long, and finally buried itself in the lungs.' . " ' ! " ' " McGehan,notwithstancHug his hideous wounds, including the shot which must have instantly destroyed the sight of one eye, seems to have understood the whole situation before either of the ter rified men at the other side qf the bar had" sufficiently recovered from their fright to comprehend its cause. , The whole savage nature of the burly ruffian wras instantaneously braced by the iron resolve of vengeance. With one eye cord severed by the cruel shot of the cowardly assassin; with the life blood leaping in torrents - from his veins at every throb of the panting heart; with every nerve of sensation alive with the keenest agony; with the very conscious ness of death upon him, and the dizzi ness of death within him, and the red ness of death dyeing the sanded floor beneath him till his feet slipped in his could act as a unit on the two or three public topics that are of consequence, and the continued division of all the others should rule the country. It was because of the failure of Spanish poli ticians to frame any such combination through the invincible conceit and per sonal pride of many leaders that the re publicans came to the surface and re mained there long enough to show that they within their lines were scarcely less divided on primary ideas than the many factions of royalists respectively. But the combination which brought in Alfonso seemed to have Becured the needful cohesion by what compromises or bargains the world did not care; for some political immorality in that way was less offensive than the disorganiza tion of a great country threatened to be come. It is, however, likely to appear that there was no chemical combination of the political elements in that cohesion, but only a mixture; that it was a mere truce by which the parties agreed to forgo their hostilities till they 1 could make a general effort to cheai one another, each with the aspiration to govern under Alfonso's name. But they have come again to a standstill, and the government and the juvenile majesty are Warren. The ground was purchased. and an association was formed, which was incorporated by the Legislature in 1823. The first president was John Brooks, then governor of Massachusetts, who had borne a musket at Bunker Hill, and the name of Daniel Webster headed the roll in the first board of directors. although a public appeal had been made for funds, which was not very liberally responded to, notwithstanding the fact that it was written in Webster's match less enthusiastic style. In 1824 a stand ing committee was appointed, who elect ed Solomon Willard architect and super intendent, to give his time, talent and energy to the enterprise for eighteen years. This was a step toward some thing definite, and another appeal for aid met with such success that a com mittee on design was appointed. They had a difficult task to perform, for gen eral opinion ran strongly in favor of a column, and it was not until June) 7 that a better judgment prevailed, and an obe lisk was decided upon. Meantime the semi-centennial of the battle had come so near that it was only ten days in the future. The sanguine patriots who had first conceived the idea of the monument in a hopelessly false position. Theyamnot had bought to celebrate its completion govern the country absolutely, for want of strength; they cannot govern it liber ally, for want of faith in the ' people. They are unable to seize the nation in that absolute grasp which uses force wherever it finds it to accomplish what- on that day, and their successors deter mined, although there was no monu ment, nor even the beginning of one, nor any money to build it, that ah imag inary corner-stone should be laid on the 17th of June. The events of that great own gore, the grim courage of the man never failed him. He grasped his revol ver and strode toward the door, endeav oring, in the act of .hastening to meet ever the peril of the country . requires; day in 1825 hardly need to be recounted, for there is in their circle not a man of the right fiber; but they cannot throw themselves upon the country, and de clare what they want; for if their help lessness were declared they would be driven ont by as small a display of force as brought them in. So we may antici pate an early and dramatic change in the bits of painted glass that make up the picture of Spanish politics. Tlie Uost Steamer. for they have become part of the nation's history. All Boston poured its popula tion upon Breed's Hill, where Daniel Webster delivered that matchless oration which has, for half a century, been as familiar as household words in all the land. Although there was no corner stone, the ceremony of laying it served a useful purpose, for it so awakened popu lar enthusiasm that funds to a limited amount were obtained. At this time $10,000 had been contri buted, and the State, gave $7,000 after much bickering. With this sum, the knows, nor will they ever know, for tho philosophers are chary of their srcrrt and the result of this venture wis not such s to court publicity. To its mem bers it promised a Utopian existence, wherein the wholcsomo tolls of Arcadia and the divine inspiration of Parnassus should blend in harmony ; or, as Frede rika Bremer puts it, " that people, in stead oi going to heaven as now, by tho A mm . . inorny pain, will wander tmuier on roses,' and more of the same sort. To outsiders it seemed a Tery absurd under taking of impractical people to do im possible things. IU earthly, eite was Roxbury (near Boston) ; iU aim was somewhat in the clouds ; its result, speedy dismemberment, disappointed expectations, .and financial ruixw Among its members were Dr. Chanaing, tho Unitarian , saint 2 : Theodore Parker, his antagonist in creed ; . Hawthorne, to xhom. many of its aspects must haro been irresistibly droll;' Dana, who breathes now a different atmosphere in the pages of the New York Sun ; Curti, " the brilliant .young ,howadiit" yet un traveled ; Alcott, I think, and several others. Emerson, though invited and bound to the community by many ties, shrewdly declined joining, but lie vinited it often. . Margaret Fuller, . the Isis to Emerson, the Otiris of those new mys teries, was a frequent guest likewise, and if her hosts appreciated her as much as she appreciated herself, they must havo enjoyed her .society. . Although Haw thorne positively fliscbumt any descrip tion of Brook Farm in the Blythedalo Romance," still that will remain to thn profane, at least, a tolerably true record of that episode. How droll those chap ters are I Miles Coverdale leaving Ids oozy bachelor rooms to go into an Apri snowstorm, and trying to ray: "How pleasant this is,' while the flakes fly be tween his teeth ; then Zenobia, an idealized Margaret Fuller, and whoso sail fate was the paraphrase of a tragedy on Concord river. Hollingsworth, too, tho philanthropist, to retain whoto society CoTcrdale declared they would have to is embarrassed and clogged by the enor- his enemy, to husband all his strength , .. . J . i ,v commit systematically one crime apiece, i 1 r x vi . . ' ... . -r. . r, m the north Atlantic, was an iron vessel rwork progressed for two years at a slow . ... mous quantities of products, which out- for the possible encounter. But the I ,0 . . , ' . , . . . u ? . for peccadilloes would never satisfy him; run the j purchasing capacity of the people, and the multiplication of mer cantile facilities and operators. Mer chants confess that they do not know blood welled up too fast, and the stout man staggered, for the first moment feel ing how near death was. Then came the terrible struggle, the self, redoubled with the knowledge that his life was ebbing with his blood. Ac cording to the horribly vivid testimony of witnesses, his efforts to reach the door seem to have been much like those of a drunken man wielding all . his will to where to send a ship's cargo of anything I man's iron determination to avenge him- and make money by it. They cannot live by trading on each other. The three Yankee boys who made half a dollar apiece by swapping jackets have re presented the operations of a class of stock speculators; but even these are compelled to bottom their transactions on the solid work and want of the world. The exceptional activity of special trades in England ends by the natural opera tions of Jeconomical laws, and however embarrassing the failure to English credit for a time it will tend to a healthier condition of business and exenange in the end. 1 the British Lloyds, and drew twenty-two feet of water. She was built in 1872 bj Dumbarton, McMillan & Co., for the use of the Liverpool and Mississippi Steamship Company, to ply between Montreal, Quebec, and Liverpool. She was divided into four water-tight com partments. She was bark-rigged, and her frame work was considered very solid and very . substantial. She was three hundred and twenty-six feet long, thirty- rate, and resulted in getting a monument to the height of forty feet, built of Quincy granite. It was then abandoned for four years, until finally the Massa chusetts Charitable Mechanics' Associa tion took hold of it, when money began to flow in in response to the popular en thusiasm generated by a public meeting i in Faneuil Hall, at which Edward Ever ett delivered a masterly oration. In 1834 work was resumed, and steady progress made until Juiyi&iz, wnen and happiest of all, Silas Foster, their farmer the practical leaven in this im practical mixture, who addressed paint, philosopher, or sage in pretty much tho same tones he would have used to his oxen; who shocked Coverdale by men tioning pigs ; who gulped his tea as if it were a decoction of catnip who perpe trated enormities with the batter-plato I Fancy this assembly, with". eVcry senti ment pretcrnaturally refined, in intimato mamtaonhisfoofang. His cowardly ene- eight feet breadth if beam and twenty- the cap stone was placed amid simple 'ff my,Tb?mth a.iGW yff five feet depth of hold. She was pro- ceremonies. During the last year, the ,We Jf" MfT C1. and the shadowy destroyer had stepped .u. ..j r .i nf oimf tw tmxB thahe worst land of ogrws! A-lVarntna to Tramps The New York State superintendents Of the poor adopted the following : j - Whereas, The evils that result from the presence and increase of able-bodied tramps in all the counties in the State of New York require that reffective meas ures for repressmgarid preventing thera should be adopted.-r Therefore, j Resolved; "That" it iTlhe opiniop of this convention, that - all al$53oclid tramps and paupers shouldV a far ss practicable, jx compelled to labor, and that , efforts , should be made . by the boards of supervisors and overseers of the poor, and others having the au thority to do so, to devise means for A Common Sense Yteiv. . The following piece of wisdom was ut tered by -State Superintendent Briggs of Michigan : The prevailing tendency of the present timo to introduce the higher branches of study into our schools to the neglect of the elementary is greatly to be deplored. After the children are well grounded in the elementary branches of study, then, and not till then, let them carry their investigations further. The education acquired in our schools is, I fear, becoming too super ficial in its character. As our teachers in the public schools are required to give instruction in what is termed the higher branches of study, it seems es sentially necessary that the ! township superintendents, who are examining offi cers, should be capable ol testing the qualifications of applicants for teachers' certificates in said studies. I hold that managing ability and the faculty of in shadowy destroyer had stepped in between them with all that ghastly might against which human will and fleshly strength must strive in. vain. But all that human will and strength could do under such frightful conditions the dying man did. - He had walked out and was standing about three feet in front of the bar when he fell, his feet slipping in his own , blood. While grasping with one haiid at a table leaning against the east wall he seems to have swung round, his head and shoulders sinking against the wall as he slipped forward. He must have died almost immediately afterwards, leaning slightly on his elbow, as in the last vain effort to rise, his head and shoulders being jammed a little for ward. And many who peered through the saloon windows by the first gleam of. 'gray' daylight, .to behold the gory corpse, remembers that Tom Myers had djed in the same attitude. During the night his wife had been informed of his late, and early in tne morning, accom panied by her son, a lad of thirteen sum mers, came up to the saloon It was the intention of the bffioers not to let her see him, as he lay in just, the position he fell, which was in a pool of blood, sick ening to behold. But ere the officers vided with a compound surface -con dens- enterprise was almost wholly sustained ing engine, with a thirty-six -inch stroke by the proceeds of a ladies fair held in of cylinder, and when inspected after Boston. completion was pronounced to be a superior vessel and in every respect stanch and seaworthy. She was valued at $350,000, and was insured for the full amount in English companies. - The usual commander of the vessel was Capt. Thurle. Capt. Bennett was captain of the Quebec On the day on which the Vicksburg was to leave Liver pool, Capt Thurle was taken sick, and by request was transferred from the The monument being completed, it was decided to dedicate it June 17, 1843, and sreat preparations were made for the event. President Tyler and cabinet, together with many State and federal dignitaries, were present, as were one hundred and ten survivors of the Revo lution, gathered from all parts of the Union, one of whom had borne a gun at Bunker HilL Daniel Webster delivered a glowing eulogy of the country, which, Vicksburg to the Quebec, CapL Bennett with his address at the laying of the cor- taking his place. No accident had ever I ner-stone, has since become so well occurred to the Vicksburcr before, save I known to every schoolboy. The monu- structing in common English branches, Prevent it, the boy had opened the b in her first year out, when she went ashore in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and a hole was made in her hulL She was, however, refitted, and according to the testimony of the survivors was afterward ' stronger and better than ever." Capt. Bennett, though only twenty-eight years of age, was an experienced officer. He was only recently married. He was em ployed on the same line since it first started. The voyage in which he met his death for the opinion is that he went down with the vessel was the first one in which he had charge of the Yicks- ment is two hundred and twenty-one feet in height, and each side of the square measures thirty feet at the base. The total cost of erection was 8101,903. i llhat it lot o be of Royal Blood. n i The London Examiner has created ivmaiilprnVilA vrmmnt in Tnd-irul YtT criUcising rather sharply the appoint-J PlfZZFi Isn't It Time It was Stopped T Two years ago during a political cam- .Was erer a mojrejludicrop? picture of unnatural partnership I Or even a moro delicate allegory of the triumph of senso over theory than Silas's ad y ice when tho fainting girl is brought into a circle tliat question her motives, but offer no help f Being by tthis time folly gorged, ho crowned his amiable 'exploits with a draught from the water pitcher, and then favored us with his opinion a1xut tho business far hand. - And : certainly, Uiougn tney proceeded outjol an un wiped mouth, his expressions did him honor. 'Give the' girl a cap' of hot tea and a thick slice of this first-rate bacon,' said Silas, like a sensible man that ho was; tnavs waa aae , wanta Alter this taste of transcendentalism Curtis went traveling as WA Howldji on tho Banks of the Nfle." - eyes in their employment, in addition to the or dinary work now required of them.; Resolved; That it should be the estab lished rule that every such person, and all others who ask aim, should be re- to drag them over the loft door,, but now qnired to labor tothenll'extent pf their that the danger was past my litUe hands ability for whatever alms they receive. ! St o regardless oi tne Knowledge naa in the higher studies, should mainly deter mine the grade of certificate 'each appli cant is entitled to. I know of many teachers who make no pretension to a knbwlecige of the higher studies, but have won an enviable reputation as mana gers and instructors, iaitn(ul, earnest Capable j and highly honor themselves and the profession of teaching, that are enti tled to I and should receive the highest grade certificate that can be conferred under the law. door with a key he had, and the wife in an instant was sobbing over her dead husband, with her arms around his neck and hex lips pressed to the cold, mangled and bloody lips of the dead r. were too weak to remove them. - So father had to climb up a ladder to die loft window, and release baby and I from our place of refuge. ; Mother did not know anything of our danger until she had finished her work in the spring-house. Just as she came out she saw the wolf's head at the win dow, and at the same moment father and Lion appeared in sight. , If " conscience makes cowards of us all," the brave man has no conscience iccsolvca, That in addition to tne or dinary industries now pursued on the pborhouse grounds and farms, this con vention suggests among others that the following kinds of industries may be profitably introduced, viz. : the break ing of stones for roadways;., the culture of broom corn and manufacture of brooms; the culture and preparation of osier willow, and the manufacture of willow ware ; and the .stripping and preparation of the common Tndian corn husks for bedding and stuffing uses. To Test the Quality of Silk. reight and bulk of me weignt and duik oi siik is very much ihcrea'ied by treating it when dyed with salts of iron, tin, and other chemi cals; this increase in weight ranges from one hundred to three hundred per cent. The fiber so treated is' seriously injured in quality and rendered so combustible that it is liable to undergo spontaneous combustion. ; The simple washing of the fabric will make a change in its stiffness and density if the weighting is very great, which may be easily perceived. If it is burned, the adulterated silk will give but a faint trace of its characteristic i till he released it. An Intelligent Mouse. ' The Austin (Nevada) Reveille says: A poor little mouse, whose home is under the floor of the Reveille office, came out the other morning to forage for his breakfast. Seeing some printing-ink which had been spilled upon the floor, he thought that would make a good meal and he went for it. After nibbling a little while, he became frightened at a noise made by those watching him and started to run back to his hole; but the ink being of a sticky nature, he found himself unable to move, whereupon he set up a doleful squeak. In a few mo ments along came a larger rapuse, probably his father, who seemed totake in the situation at a glance, and at once commenced an attempt .to release his diminutive relative. He stepped care fully over the ink until he came to the little mouse, and laying hold of the back of his neck with his teeth tugged away The affair was wit- animal odor,' and the ashes- will be found to contain a large percentage of oxide of iron nessed by several persons, who were so interested in the novel sight that they offered no molestation to tho animals. The Root of the league. A Wisconsin journal, sympathizing with the districts of its neighboring States which have been destroyed by grasshoppers, attributes the , develop- J possessing equal claims to public honor. ment of the Prince of Wales to a field marfthalship. It says: Honor to the brave I With feelings of unfeigned de light the public will read the first three names in the Birthday Gazette. " To be field-marshals, General Sir John Fos ter Fitzgerald; General the Marquis.of Tweed-dale; and General His Boyal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and Duke of CornwalL" A glo rious triumvirate; a trinity of heroes. ment of the pests to the scarcity of birds, which formerly abourded in great num bers, and feeding on the grasshoppers eggs, prevented the vast swarms of hop pers which now ruin the farmers of the northwest. The editor remarks : The blackbird in fact, every kind of bird that would pick up a kernel of corn or shallow a cherry has been butchered by these abort-sighted, selfish classes. From the cities have swarmed sports men of high and low degree, who have slaughtered the prairie chicken until now in some localities where they ought to exist in great numbers, not a single one is left. Then, too, not satisfied with this work of destruction, every winter tons upon tons of these birds have been trapped and sent to the East. There has not been a pigeon roost in the last ten years that has not been invaded by mercenary men, who have slaughtered ifield JOarsnal bir J. t . 1 itzgerald is a veteran of ninety years, who has been eighty-two years in, the service and com manded a brigade in the peninsula. Field Marshal the Marquis of Tweed- dale is eiglity-elgnt, and has seen sev enty years service; he, too, ii a penin- ' sula hero. Field Manhal Albert Ed- i ward, according to The Examiner, has never seen any service at all except in the autumn maneuvers hut year, when he was gallantly taken prisoner in the sham fight, and afterwards ran away under a murderous fire which was con trary to all the rules of the game. The pay of a field marshal is about $15,000 a year, so that the military income of the heir apparent, who also holds two col onelcies, worth together over $10,000 a year, ought to be a rmficint reward for a a local Demo cratic "politician of PifvXurgh, ra., was charged by the Pittsburgh Pott with be ing a traitor to his party, 'and with hav ing sold himself , to; tho lie public ana. Mr. Moore brought suit againrt tho Post Sot libel, and ,has juH obtaici! a verdict of $1,000 damages. 'It is a new thing for a politician to me - newspaper for mere partisan abuse. The tueoee of Mr. Moore, however, , will, probably in duce other men who . have been libeled merely as a matter of party policy to bring libel toils against their defamers. At all events it is to b hoped that rucli will be its effect. - The systematic lying and personal abuse which firm part of the recognized tactics of- some party newspapers are a disgrace to the Ameri can press. The sooner 'it can be es tablished that such newspapers ar j to bo held responsible for what they eay tho better. The theory that because a man is in public life therefore he is outside of the pale oi the law ana can .be caiieu a thief and a swindler 'with impunity, U rerponaible not only for the .disgraceful scurrility of the press, but in a great measure for the reluctance' of decent men to take part La politics.- A reliable Florida correspondent tells I of eating sweet oranges tltat have hung on the tree the year round, and of- eat- most dixtintmbdieil mrer. And the worst of it is that there aro some really ing our crasgea that have rrmained ca the young by thousands, or captured eminent soldiers on the list of rcnerala tha tree two years. . Oranges that hang them to be used in that - most brutal of not worn-out old men either upon ftr the new crop starts lo their juice. all sports, a trap-shot one which it whom the baton might have been be seems strange that any sportsman would stowed with the applaaea of the whole indulge, in nation. which returns to the tree, .and in u fall fill up with the Juice like the k crop.

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