Jfyanklin Courier L i 1 i i - i i ; CKOUGE S. JttKER. Eni,T9R AND PROfUIKTOr- , All letters jitlJrcSi4 to OiyO. iH.Ki:it, FUIDAY JlXYlfi, &7a. ron Til J5 .Convention, bullock t lie 1 ! i 1 1 lmiiiator wants the pcopk yhw'he attcEipU;4 to .dis franchise to liim to the Conven tion. -They won't do U. JuJG Wattd the man that n.m'uia.ij , ted Mr. Bullock, ha not jet hifbniied thc'pcoplc wlietfi.u' le vote jp Jno. , - .A- - ' '1 II. WlHamson rtvi tiiipubiican norm nee for the Lthiture last year. Spoak out Judge. ; . lVc are not aware that Mi llullotk ias yet Informed the colored jcoplc for whom he voted last ye?r fcr the House of llcprc8enU.&vca. fcuic of them .would like to know. Mr. Bullock of course will inform them Do the peop e of Frank in want to ycontluc to pay $10t0 p;r year to have their tax hat icauo w It ho then vote for Mr. Bu'1- ck hc " Alee holdcis audidatc. If not vote for JCq Green the citizens candidate. Tly? roan who canti -'.touch you In the wiy ot he&vy t,aicwthonf fruit's itm&c'.t Vote for Green and let Franklin have in tho Convention a peer for Graham, Clingman, Colcinan,- Gilmer, ohost; hober, Battlo,G alesWorth, Manning, lleid, MxtVcJ, Bennett, Bunn and other distinguished North aroHnaian.3 whowlll bp there, to add lustre to a brilliant arrny aiu.os th.it jadorn the political tt; istnjy of pir State Under the old tonstitutlou ft re- i required pniy Qua ivx in each Dis trict to take the Tax Hst,'at a cost of Mx dollars to the County. Under hls present system it requires three ;nen to do the same work, at a cost of clghtecu dollars. Doch not every man In tho County wish reform in this particular? Then vote for Col. W. F Green, the Democratic Candidate for he Convention. ' Wan not that a'nlcc t'ffc. tliat Judge .Watts played on Mr. Bollock h.'w can didate. Tho Judc thought the chances of election lUjcertain in Frank -, . .... in; hid home, So he wts up Mr. B. there, and then puts off down to Hali fax to cct tho nomination from the negroes down there, which would have been the same as an election'. , But tho Halifax negroes - thought they had a plenty good ns he and left him out. -Take up your caving Sck. and strike lor Craven Jdgc, l fcemshard for the negroes thero to get a Candidate to stick, and th t w a strong nigger (county. Rend ThlN vitliout Tail. It b a fact that in every county in the tatc, whero tho Conservative party has beep lj power, the counties arc out of debt, and their paper is readily taken ot face value, and a umbcr of them havo from Ten to twenty Thousand dollars in Bank. 4,u m 'vcry county nhcro the Radical party hjv Ijeeij in pow er, tho county scrip has been at a dis count, and nearly every county has asked for a special tax, to food and fatten fho corrupt official who hold the offices. jXhcsc aro facts. mr LOOH ASJ i I On tho Cth day of July st Mr. Rial T. Edwards, keeper of he frank lin County Por Houso prespftted to Jho Board of. Commissioners snd had allowed an Recount of whicji the fol lowing is a copy Franklin County To R. T. Edwards, I)r. Io amount lot on CVsU prder nd quarter iM:6 JTo going for ljrpcti Jlisa Moore $01,78 73 300 C553." Mi. Benjainin 1?. Bullock, Judge Watts Convention Cuudidate, was pres ent when this illegal and unjust allow ance was made, and the minits does not show that there w.u$ any objection to it. ffhus was Mr. "Bullock as oua of the guardians of tho peoples - intgrest, as sisting Mr. Kdwml.H hi I holding the County .to arvount for liis losses in trade. And it' will be seen that the actual discoid that Mr. E. had sold he orders for, wero not all that was taken in consideration; Jt they pro Tided against low hy a futufb sale of . piat order at a discount hy adding 3 l : per ege it cent t th.- ainoi::.t that Mr. E. al- vd that h, ! atl ,Vo wonder that the people are out 100 000 in taxts in hx years and the county badly in debt besides. "-When the oAkers hrc duty i it jV to guard vith vigi lance thenretfi of the 'County, how much an utter "un mind fulness nnd disre gard of the intont confuLtl to them. Tbia allowance .was juadeioo, after the be Board had advanced to Mr. Edwards a largu sum in cash orders Lr Board of paupers before he Jiad boarded tb?m. Several yowances ve.re ade to Mr. K. during the list year, amounting 4n ah1 to consUerkbly over one Hun dred ioViars to make itp for the dis count at which he ,old Cour.ty orders. Are the people of the CWnty con tent to be fleered in this nc-nner ? If not let tliciu fjao up &s one ".man and put out Abe party ihosc rcpresenta-tive-ha;t'c brought about this state of thing?. JX can never get any better till ire luwvc a change .of .acUa;nistra- tion in Couuty affairs. Let y.s .carry the 1 it, County by a good majority b Jucuit and next year make a clean &cecp of the whole thin''. It muf-t be done. Let it only cvdleJt nd it is done. Thi3 institution has been re-organ- ucd on a rdan whose leading beauties I ' " we prCse,m-oeiow. iue exercises wm j commence on the fcrst Monday m bep- 1 tcmber nezt, when the sons of Caro- 1 lina will gather around sepi of learn- I ing'moro famed j more ,vcueiAbiO, and more inspiring tlian &nglii. else that our State contains. The occasion is ca;Vs,3 fgr $oy$ and it flio-ud be recog nized by the people nd ,rite press f the State, In(Ue4uany hearts in the far South and West will throb faster on learning that dear old Chapel Hill will soon resound witu tlie nierrv voices of pons, grandsons, and great grandsons of sires who graduated there generations hack. The plan of re-oiyanization is tli,e University or Electivo vstom. This plan differs from that whiph formerly prevailed, jte acw S3'stem stu dents may seiect uch studies as they choose, the only requirement being hey shall select a sufficient amount of study to employ their time profitably Those who do not wish to study Latin and Greek are not compelled to do so, and may receive certificates of pro ficiency ;h such studies as they pursue successfully. There arc jlfQ regular courses of study for studentj iio wish to grad uate with a diploma and degree. , Three regular courses have been carefully selected by the faculty, and divided us follow., The pourse Jn Arts, which leads to th-3 degree of A. B. The course in Science, which leads to the degvec of B. S., and tho cour e in Agriculturt which leads to the degree., of B. Agr ., in each of these courses proper studies -are selected," ; ' EXPENSES. For tuition tho charge is $30 per term, $60 per year, For room-rent 3 per term j $10 per year, . . Board will be regulated by the Trustees and will vary from $10 to $16 per month. Every ,cffort vH bo made to put the expenses at the lowest figure, and one student from each coiiniy ivhoisun- nblo to pay, Kill be received free of any charge for tuition and roomrrcnt. BISCII'LTNE. The trustees and faculty are deter mined that no idle students shall re main at the University. ' No secret .societies pr clubs will bj tolerated, mora?e of the University will be of a high order. .Students are required to attend divine worship each Sunda but they may select .theft uaru Church. Vc commcnfl the Univergity to the people pf XQrth Carolina and the country. It lias-ajl its eld virtues and few of its fiulis, wjth fcho patron ago which it merits, it will agaiu be come one of tho furenio seats pf learn ing in America. We copy the following from the Wil son ApvAKCE: , . Only a few days ago, ' vre published a startlipg account of the swindliug by tne itadical othep holders in the county of Halifax. How the board of negro commissioners in that pqunty appropri atcd in a few mnth? nearly four thou sand dollars for th benefit ot party leader?. In thepountyot Franklin, the uonest t ax payers have been swindled by Radical effipcte, from time to litre or diflcrent amounts, tsTgrcgating evtn more than the Halifax swindle.TIie editor of the Franklin CoURiEft hts been ventilating and brimnojj-'to" iiht jrau.ls of the most fi .graut character in that county within the last kw we.ks and has p!accl the giud people of ile county under 1 isting; ohligatioj.s to him ... . . 1 . ur lis ic:incss tsposure of a system of fraud, which if .not' checked, would bankrupt the county, forever. It is rue the ring !n that cuuity acted io a more clando une rAnner, nd weie co so bold and defiant as in llatifcxt yct none the lew dHnerous. Theie, they inaugurated a system Weltering con a ty orders, so as to make them larger thrn the amourf due. For instance ,aa account lor six dollars would Le pre seated, and afttr Uing allowed, jsouU changed to sixty dollar!. And so I tin?, nor shall said Convection pass with Amounts of nine dollars and other rams.- Alter being altered, they ' were character, except such aa are necessary nnid and ats vexed for good vouchers I so for the trjcfisuccr. The county debt j to nrpw larger and larger, and the misery 1 - " " - 1 " . w&3 unexpiaae:, nntu jsascr m C uhieb ferreted oat the sccre, and though tLt really gnilty pities have not been singled out yet, there ia great consternation in the camp, and a Kjd- den stop has been put to a gigantic swindling joperation 4n the county. AN ACT TO CALL A'CON YEN1 ION OF THE PEOPLE OP NORTH CAULINA. WiiKnEA.s.'The Fresent -Constitution of Norrh darohna ia, in many important particular?, unsnited tn the wants and condition jot our people and whereas, in the judgment of tins General Assem bly, a convention of the people is the only sure,! and is besides the most ecc- nomical mode of altexiiig or amending and believing the end in "view utterly impracticable by legislative enactment on account of the great camber of dis cordant and conflicting provisions of . - the Conrtitution as. therefore.) it now is. . now Section 1 . The General Assembly of JHcrtn uarouna uo enacr, tiwo-iniras of all the! members of eaen House ; con fnrina Thnfc n f!nnvpntinn of the. rrn , . ,T T ,. , , ,, pie of North Carolina -be. And the same ig bei.eby!calied, to meet in he nail of the Boasis of Representatives in the city of Raleigh, on monday, -Gth day of September, A.D. 1875, for the pur- pose of considering and adopting such amendments to the ijoDstvttttion as ihey may deem rjecessaj-y and expedi ent subjtct only tojtbe restriction here iaafter provided. . Sec. 2. The said Convention shall con Bst of one hundred and twenty dele g'ates, and each .county shall be entitled to the same number of delegates that it has members of the House fA Bepre- sentntativcs ueder the present apor tionment, and the said delegates shall have the cuali5cations required of members1 ot the House of Representa tives, of which qualifications the Con vention shall be the Judge. Bec. 3. On the 1st. 7buwdjy.: of An gust 1875, the sheriffs ot the fetatc .shall open pols for the election of delegates to the said Convention from their re- spectivej countries, : and the election aforeBaid,and the registration for the same, shall be held and conducted; the officers thereof including registers and judges of election, appointed; the votes counted; aod compared j the result pro claimed and ccrtiCcatcs issued in the same manner as is provided by law h-r he election of members of the Hoase of Representatives of the General As sembly J ' Sec. 4. The Eaid delegates shaH be called to order at 12 o clock on the day fixed therefor, by the Chief Justice or one of the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court or Secretary of Gtato, who, if there be not a quorum, tball adjourn them to the same phice,and from daytosday.until a quorum shall appear; and onjthe appearance of a quorum, he shall aciministea to each of them the folio winginf; oath: "Yoti, A. B. do solemnly swear (or af5rm,asthe delegate elect shall choose): that yoy will faithfjiHy maintain ' and support the Constitution of the United States and the several . amendments there to, including the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments; and that you will neither directly nor indirectly evade or dis regard the dutier enjoined nor the restictions imposed ijpon the Coa vcntionby the act of the General Ar semblyj auttjprizing your elpctica, So "help yc u C6u.,, And no delegates shall be permitted to sit or be entitled to a scat in said Couvectjon, cr act as a delpgaic thereto, until fce shall have subscribed the above oath or cSnnation: and as soon as a majority of the deiecatcs elect shall have thus appeared and beean sworn n, they shall then proceed to elect their own presiding officer, and such J other officers and eery aim t3 as they1, from time to time, shall fjnd necessary; and it a vacancy shall occur, they shall be filled in the same mauiier as Uipy like vacancies are filled by law in case of vacancies injtho f General Assemaly? Said Convention shall have no power tp consider, dtbate, adopt or propose any amendment to the existing Constitution or ordinance npon the following subjects: The Homestead and Personal Pr?p- erty Exemptions, tho machanic's and lahflrers lien, and the rjgh's of mar womeaj, &3 now secured by law nor, to alter or amend section or 5, article V., of said Constitution, nor change the ratio bet wean the poll and property tax as therein establlsbedj nor shall the aaid Convention have power to propose pr adopt any amendment or ordinance Vacating any office or term ol oGce now existing and tllled'cr held by-Virt lie of apy election or appointment uc der the Existing Constitution and laws until tlie same shall be vacated or ex pired uder existing laws; but the said Convention may recommend the abol ishment of any oQlrc when the present term thin in shall expire cr vacancies occur, ajna they may provide for'Iing such vacancies, otherwise th-:n ts t ce and limiting tna terms thereof. Uax shall said Convention adopt or . propose any plai or amendment or cchcrae pf compenuatioa to the owners of eota cip&tetl slaves, nor for the payment of eny liihility or debt incurred wholly or in part iu aid of the late war bctweert the States, nor for.?-the restoration f imprisonment for debt; nor shall they require 6r propose any educational or property qualiHcjttioa for office or yo- submit the the people lor ihcir ratification or refaction, or to xonvene the General Assembly. - Sec. 5. Tlie Constitution, as amended shall be submitscd to the people lor ratification or n j-ction, and shall not be binding until the same slirU have Inen ratified voters Df the State, and the Convention thill prescribe the mode whereby the sense ot the people thereon sb&u Le taken and recorded. - Skc.. 0. Thereiha.il be printed imme diately ten copies of tins act for each member of the General Assembly, and bundle I copies within thirty days at- Xer its rt ideation for , each board of couctv commissioners .and the use or the registrars and judges of election in their respective countie?; and this act shall he la force and take fleet from and attr itsratiScaiion. Ratified the l?th dav of March. A. D, 1875. O A anec oaveuient Cottage resi dence, on Elm trcet, with three com fortable rooms, and :i 'arjre vard and oiiablc te!iii3. ... S IJ- 11.11 V Vl IV. J . V. O Apply to thfe Editor of the Coubieb REV. E. A. .WIL02T. GEO. S. BAKER. To the Masonic Fraternity Li'jyorty Carolina amlthe South. This is emphatically an age of prog ress.!- i rui wurlC moves apace, but with us, especially of the South, Masonry langu-siies, because iai kicg a proper riisseminatwn of those pure principles peculiar to our grand old orer Our brethren of other more favored sections j bave their periodical literature, and aae i bbigiit and prosperous: we, too, should flourish and blossom a3 the rose. There are in the South neaily 200,000 Freemasons, and recognizing the imper. ative need for a resulur and permanent Organ peculiarly suited to the acmands" ofthisva?t number "who aie linked together by an indissoluble tbain pi sincere aflection." w.e haye .detsrromed to establish'm tbc ciy of Greensboro, C, a first cia-s lvcckl y Masonic Newspa per, with the above nam', ench as dignity nnd advanccm nt ol the Fraternity will approve, . Its LiTEiiAyunE v:i',l be ruar, pml o" the highest ordel mnkinjj t; e Jocun xt. a fit. companionLb r the mrst; cu tiva'cd and refinctl, and a welo'ne visitor to any household. In this connection w have engaged the strvices of able a- d popular writers whcsiheart3 glow with a fiin.d d- siie tor tl c perpetuity of the Ancient . Ltt.dmai ks of onr 'Mystic Ri c-.; aiu! we will spire neither labor n r cxpt-r B-2 tn m.-ke the paper a highly iistrutive utd popular Family aud Masor ic viHor. With a journalistic experience ol sev er! 1 j c-iip, and a determination to gi?e nil qnt tinu ,'r.lent andaie-gy to the pr- i ioK-ii i t 11.15 iipcr:8Tii enicrpns?, we hope to receive from our Masonic breth r n ihit librralcor.fIdt.nce .nd Fuppcr wiiicl'i by an entire tlevotiou tota jsuc ccfp, wo hope to meiit, I will be nn eight png--, thirty-two column set, -rintad on good white paper, .nd furuilud week!)- at tlie low price of $2 per yearj The first number will be issued on Wednesday, the 15th of Sepumber. and rguiarlv onWednesr ,1 . . I 11 a . uay wi tacu wees increaiter. A.U mcny should b3 sent by ChtckrPost-t flico O'rJer or Registered letter. W ISON & 13 AKKTI, Greensboro, N. O. Until Sept. 1st address us at KIKSTON, N. C. ' LOOK TO YOUR JK TERESTl You pap buy, the following Ar tides at thp Prug Store at 5 per cent less thai? ji? manufacturers retail prices. Hostetters Bitters, Vinegar Bitters. Bimmon'3 Liyer Regular tor, COD XIVEE OIL. And many other standard articles. OB A Always emerged and spirkling. SODA TICKETS $1,00 per Dozen. CALL at the DRUG STOKE. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. ui-eensboro, i. C. The Pall Seision vitl begin on the 18th ot Acgast. TERMS REDUCED. Cliarges per Session of 20 vceels. Board (exclusive of washing & lights) "5 00. Tuition m regular English coune. 25 00 Charges tor extra ttu dies, moderate. :cr Catalognta containing particu- larsppfy io x. M. Joses, President. X. II.- D. WTLSON, Trcsidenf poard of Treitcta. Sale ! KSTABIJSHEi) 1S47. V H. Morris Sons., WCTON FACTORS JXD Cotnmission Herehanls. 2.1, 25 and 27 Ccnimerce St. &6rfolJ:t Fa. VtiV make lilcral Curr,-ivcy advan ccscu p.-otluco or bill lading In baud. lur. A, U. Xobie, of N. t, is coa netted with our bouse, ana win be pleased to receive the pau-onagb of r i - I FAfiLE HOTEL Louisburg, N, C. Pbopihetou. Tie present propri tor ha ea?cd the ?Sle Hotel, 'rnicrly occupied by .Jaane.s Dent) f mimberof year. de is prepared tn .nccommotlate regular and transU?,ul joardcrj, has nice rooms we 1 tuiiit-Iwd, nd utcd up iu the U?st stylo, t v las alo large aiul ouv nient r- mh Salesni!s; to display their sanii les. The table is dayv snpi'lied wiili Je the piT- Ket attor is tie will are io pains in .in.iKin his boarders vcuufti liable. and hoiH-s ho will n-ilve . .liberal pat"Oiiag- from the pu!Hc. Jan. th 1375. ' tOUlSBUIlG MALE ACADEMY. Tlie Fall Session wfj.y, ijkgix jvlv i2Tfj, ijsts. Hoard witji tjis rificp;il,(wnsli.-i.l'-2T. li'Jih'yS nnd Jtuwels not iiu- Xuiti-Ji in Primary Department 1" t;ti lingular Knlih ('oi rt ) tCl L:it:u and tire?k. cneh. -x'.;. ;") (it. m tnf- 1iard u st l pud in ai$t:v-, and tiiilhm tit tiO cIm i lt: ---HHi. 31. S. DAV.S, iii;-. i'.-1: yv j ; i t 1 1 1 ' . i : v v v i-Ok Tiii 1 V v j?X i;.iit j L Wiu 'oti c. To Ciaiilor.? awl De.tttrs. " lTavii?. on tluj 1J h day pf June, 1875. tib'aiufcd- lettrs letiiintctarv on the Etnte oi'.T. J, Minetrc, dc ceased, I hereby notify h' p-.rsor.8 hold ing claim against 8.id Eta'c lo pre sent the sutne t me lor payment no or bolore the 1st day c-f July, JSVC, cr this notice will be pleaded in bar cf their recoyery. reasons owing caid Estate arc here by requested to make immediate pajr ment, E.W. FULLER, Louifchn-cr. June 10th. 18T"i Executory S iOUTHEUN Ud7pirTlUTEI AGi:l Raleigh, N. C, The only ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY in the South. Eight pages, Forty colum. Containing more reading pat ter tban any -Weekly published in the Southern States. The first nurabtr'of the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED ixik will be issued on Saturday, 26th day oCJijipl$73. The Publisher intends making it an Jlluatfated record of the times. It will treat t every topic, Political, Histori cal, literary, and Scientific, wblth is o current interest, and give tho best illustrations that can be obtained, original or fonlsnx The 80UTI1ERN ILLUSTRATED AGE will be printed on new type, and heavy book paper. Qa its list of contributors will be found the names of many of the let writers in the South. Serial and short stories, poems and sketches and well conducted editorial departments giving the latest personal literary, scientific, political religious nd commercial in teligence, will furnish every" week an amount oi read! eg matter unsurpassed by other papers, in excellence and bsth ety. It is intended to make the SqUTIIERN ILLUSTRATED AQE a ionrnal for the fireside; seveaal columns will be specially d:voted to all sul jecU pef ramipg xo nomtsucann social life. No family should be without it. Subscription price only C2 prr sn nnm, Postage tre. ' B.T.FULGHTM, Bditor. . . Raleigh, N, q iyiLLIAMSOX, UPCUUPfCIJ THOMAS, WltOLESALB GjtOCRIJg AND Co m m i s x i o n 31 e r e h a n t , Xo. 55. Fayetteville Sjreet, RALEIGH, X. C. Opposite Sletropolitaa Hall. , YAiiuoiiouGK iiousi; RALEIGH. II C. V - J G. Tf. BLACKNELL, Proprietoj. Building' Contractors AND LOUISDBRO, Np C. , TxttC l.XTTX NAbll. JjijliMiO JriU w TOOBS MADE to ORDER, and all kinds of Machine work done at short notice, on as reasonable Urins as elsewhere in the S'.ate. AU grades fil JOiains4 x urnisu ed, with hcarsr, Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY.7 rUstcring Ia'hcs always on hand. SMITH & BEACH AM. Tre only Dlacklrg that will Polish Over Oiled Si r fro T REERVK TiJG JSATiIEU ! IK A: .BEAMS & Co; Durham IJ;t ii4 j Poli.h, DTJRHAMSN, C n'unanUil to L::1 AH OH- The on!y Uar.king that will pilih on ilel mrfnee, It is gUArcitei'd to preserve the leAti cr anil tunke it pl'mnt. itiuiring lt.-c quauti:y nnd time to priM'Uce a prrdec J-ks timn any oiler, l tic brtsfch ti e ilicl iintni iliu'clj nticr put ting on the laring, A per feet glos Uam this wilt ot foil even white thitjjis. Wc guarantee it ns represented, and asc tor patronage strictly od ita ratiitp,. lo tes'ing our Liatkihg j:c a bru-Jh that lias co other on it. Pticcs as low as other Blacking. I4Uer4l arra-g- mcnts maue with incrcuants ar.rt wholesale dealer?, nfAt REAMS fii Co., Manufacturtrf, Durham, N. C, This Blacking la recommended in the highest terms, after trial by Gc.. F. BroD, J. Howard Warner, New Yoik; the President nd Profcaors cf Wakr Forest College and a large num ber ot gentlemen in and around Dnr- ham, whose certificates have been lur.l nished the Manalactones. rtlcrs folkited and promptly fillwi. NOTlCrl. Valuable Flouring, Grist and Saw Wills, for Sale. Tic Divis mill projK.-ry situa'ed on Sandy Crctk in p.aukiin'c.tun'y u oI fcrtd for ac cq refr.nable nrmi. The V ills .are in rod nmrin' rler, and draw cusu in lrmi a Nr- rrope ol country. Cnnntc with thu wills !s 80 acr.s ofroo.1 land, - ipy i.. W, Is. THORP, Ilfky Mount i.C. G. W, MINNIS, . Photographer, Old 'o. 4T. New il Sycamore 8c. PETERSBUIIQ, Va, Execn'cs errry atyle of Hkrorss from ciid a life , in (lie Ust Hy!f of at P.icr uwir.-t, atiUctim goartntcr-', O.Kcrj e,U hed U laifl Oct. Z ly 53 cr o TETERSBUItG Va E. WCflTEU. Watchmaker and Jcyf clen FIVTl Watch and Jery ot the tea Manufactory and at the (oa e t prkr, All work ieraonaUy attended to and ar- ranted. tl U8ycamorsEt.,PferiLur7,T To Ihe Public. Having moved my sbop to my house about half mile from tbe business part of Ton, on the ranklictpn oad, I take pleasure in Informing the peopl : of Franklin, that I am prepared to do all work in my line, as pbeap s can be done elsewhere, I iq very thankful for pat patronage, aad sincerely hope that you tiill continue to patronise me. I am ?ery Respectfally, ISTJUIQR2Z2T. P. S. Parties wishing to have Trork: done, will leave It with ilr. Uallard, at Measn. Earrow fr Pleasants store and will hw attende4 tp propptlj, Jan 2-tf. . , . , Professional Cards. DENTIST. Oficjs his Prwessional Rcxvi cca La he public in ' Ertrv IfartmtLl or Dentistry, OFFICER LoalsbuTg at Warred on over Dents Hotel, Norwood & Davis Store, Dr. n. maloo Sr. CCIalone Jr. Practicing J Physician 4 phyMcun. J Surgeon. OFFICE Market St ra t cast of Court Hou9c. LouLburg, N. C. JOS.. J. DAVIS. kfll snl C0UHSEL10R at LAW IL0TJISBTJBO, FIUSKHS.CO.S.C Wtll prvotu la tv errU uonrta or Gr title FranJuia, Nh, Warren and Wake. lYompt alUoliou pail to the coII. Hon and rewittaxooof moaej. Jalj 15, 1S71. . . 1 JLTTORITEY AT LAW, PPArtfLIMOW, N. C Will practire in the courts of the 6th jnd trial ditrirt. Prompt attcation t4ven to th coll. tion r.f eh'"-. N AO - If C.lLCcoie. M. H.Sra1 IT'IORKEYS OD ' C&dHSELLOR! A.T LAW, BANKfiUPTCY LOUISBDRG il C. Wi l atlr r.d the C'ojrt "Ni-.Frar.fc lin, G:anville. Vr'ai:n,in,t Wk(Ji n:i. ti a. tin J?upf'uii C iirt - Nort'i Carohra nl Vic U. S. Cri:it and li Ciuits. Ni 7-tf H'A'RS'ESS & SADDLERY ESTABLISH; " MENT. I I aye jast oirnc. haVret an-t p-jtltl!c i jm in Lui'tui-", I liai keep mIhmvh nn hut d u go.nl lrw k . t Mschine mnde IHrfC- and Baddl-. I implay pood anl ji"r1Tcfl wml men, and i warrant nil lue wotk pot u ly ine ; all kin.l of n piiinjj id mf inc dor.e on tl ort r.ol" amion ve r rratoniti'c trrns, ' Mj U'ip1t over Mr. T. V, tJMr!i't'i St.r- on Main btrcrt. p-f" I solicit the pttronsgtf ot the ltplc ot Prackiir, O Y. 13f CL1FT0X. PHOTOGRAPHIC Gallery. 3IAIXSTUK2T. At my Gallery 07cr Mr. T. X. Ca lilt' a btore' cao le Lound at all tiror, round, rqnaro and rustic framrs. I a tt also prepared to lake CJcai tvpes, f'txl rnl cabinet six Pbotrcphs. When you want a good pictuu i.p yourself and family, call at my OalUry. Vtry Respccllully, y, b. CLirroN. SIX REASONS WHY TOU SUOCLD INSURE IX THE PEN. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 021 CIIESTXUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1st,- Because It Is one of the oldt cotspanies In the country, and past ti Cij of experiments. - 2 1, lecau . ftvery policy holder is f member of the Company, entitled t all us advantages &nd pnvilgev hav iLg a right to vote at al! tltttioos lr trustees, and thus has an iofjaence ia I its msnsgement, Sd becsuse ft has th Isrrest ace. mulstea food of any Lifo Imuran e Company ia tbe tttate. 4th, Ccaase by economical man agement, its ratiq of expenses to toUl income is far h!ow the average ot L'fe Companies, (See OScial lciaraot Report,) 5th. necaose it bas declared raw dividends in cumber, and of a larger , average percentage, tbaa any Company in tbe Vcitcd St&tes( Por example; ToIIcy. Ko 16. fo" fSOOO, bai! Ieen paid to tie widow rt a Philadelphia merchant, upon whlci tentj-thrto diviucal had been d clarcd, aveiapner tf eeyen pcrcen. IId tf ee dividends t-ccn nsetl f pur chase sdl;tiora to this policy, $5,0 1-i moie wonid have been realized msk ng tbe policy worth (11,04S, C:bf 1XUU50 it is liUral in its man agement, prompt in iu setttlemenU, safo Lyoad n coctirgency, and its rates are as low as any rt-elJi Coapsay in tbe country. Principal Peatare. Small expeoS aHcio'e ccurity,lirpe retu;n premiums prompt pay-meet cf lewes, and liberali ty to tbe insured. 7. !L FIXCII, Ccn'l, Manacr for Korth Carclina. W. D, -HPUUILL; Cru'I. Agent, Fracklintcn, 2J.C.

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