r ANKLIN URIER CEO. ,-S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS; 32.QO por Annum. VOL. IV. LOUISBUBG, N. C.. FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1875. NO. 3& The Hays. Lo, Monday in the "washing day," As all good housewives kuow, Memorable of dinner hashed And clothes a white as mow; Arid Tno-day in the ironiug day," 'Mid cold or fog or Le&t; "1 And Wednesday is the "sewing day.f To see the clothes are neat; ( And Thnrnday is a leisure day, i Arid Friday brooms begin To iweep away the household dirt, Tore Sunday is utbered in. And Fatnrday is "baking ".ay," Ties, jiuddinps, rakes and bread. And then, the weary week is done And we may go to bed ! There wo shook hands, and swore eter nal friendship. After the incident I have just men tioned, I have often called at their house, and sometimes Judge Campbell intending to send it to Mrs. Campbell. He had not been gone over five minutes, when I heard a most unearthly scream. I picked up the candle, and rushed to the dining-room. There sat the coach- of and his wife would come over and spend J man, as pale as death, and the candle he the evening with me. One evening, I shall ever remember. A heavy snow had fallen during the day, but towards evening it' cleared off, and promised a pleasant evening. The judge and Mrs. Campbell came over to have a chat with me. They sat until ten o'clock, when they rose to leave. To our great surprise, on opening the front door we saw the snow falling so had held in his hand lying on the floor. He told me that " just as he had started for the glass closet, the figure he had seen in the attic appeared again before him, and prevented him from moving a step forward, at the same time knocking the candle from his hand." It was then three o'clock in the morn ing. I sent the man to his room, and I retired for the night. I fell asleep, won An Active Doctor. Miss Maria Steinecke. was a lady nearly seventy years of age, when in 1868, she went from Baltimore, her usual abode, to spend some weeks at Carlisle, in Pennsylvania. She was a determined hypochondriac Lately she had conceived the idea of going to THE BLACK It ILLS. In the Of den Time. An exchange has an article on canned goods, in which it draws a powerful con trast between the arduous labors of the housewives of former times and the com- (r(me mmI the Sejces. Dr. Ely Van De Warker contributes A Hint that Should Not be Negteeted.l to a scientific convention a paper on In 1859 "Pike's peak or bust was Sexual Cerebration, in which .some the rallying cry all over the West. Then, interesting statistics axe quoted. "We as now, the country was suffering from make a single extract : M. Quetelet has parative ease of their successors of to financial depression. Wages wero low, shown that tho propensity to crime ex- .day, who can buy their pickles, sweet -money scarce, the times hard, and men isting in a mass of people bears a mathe- meats, preserved vegetables, and what Germany, where she thought the native 1 were discontented and weary of the slow I matical ratio, both as to its degree and I not, already canned. . It draws the rue- wines and mineral waters would do her I process of getting a livelihood by ordi-1 the sex of the perpetrators, to the total I tare of tho old-time matron occupied good, and with this view she had at 1 nary means. Then, as now, there was a J of population year by year, me oex- complaint that the country was full, and I tainty of this ratio is the result of law, that new fields of activity must be I which has its origin in the forces which opened. The Pike's peak excitement I cement together a mass of men under served as a safety-valve for accumulated I the name of society. Now the fixed activity, and the plains were whitened I ratio existing between men and women threescore years and ten commenced learning the language. She was, there fore, the more inclined to look with favor upon a German doctor, and at Carlisle called in a young physician, Dr. Paul with her lard, pickles, preserves, and drying of vegetables' and fruits. In every farmhouse the ceiling of the kitchen was thickly festooned with strings of the drying fruits. Tho fun was great in the old apple-parings bees. thick that it was almost impossible for derini? if my ancestor could have carried Schbeppe. J udging by the fact that she with the caravans of innumerable gold- of the same community, as to the nature Lowell celebrates these busy frolics, and THE GHOST OF THE MANOR. , The property which I recently inher ited is a tract of land situated about fifty miles from Albany, in the direc tion, and but a short distrance from, Hharon Springs. The land was a grant from Queen Anne to my grandfather. who, nt the time, was about thirty years of age. la time the property became tho most valuable in New York State, for my grandfather spent a fortune upon it. He built a houso equal to a palace. It stands in the center of the grounds, and covers a space of one hundred feet square. Three stories high, with a, very small room up in the attic, which had but one pane of glass, cut oval shape, and placed just above tho main entrance. A terrace embraces the front of the houne; six steps leading from it bring you to tho ground, which is covered with tho finest specimen of turf to be found in America. To the right, and some forty or fifty rods from this magnificent mansion, which is called the " Manor," is a small plot of ground, consecrated as a place of burial for the family. A very ele gant tomb was erected: Several feet be low tho ground is, a passage running from this tomb to tHe house, connecting w ith the wine vaults by a large, heavy iron door. There are three iron doors the one I have just mentioned, one just in the middle of the passage, and th othrr leading to tho tomb. Tho furniture of the dwelling is the same which my grandfather placed thcro when he first made it his resi donee; so you can imagine of what an tique stylo it is. . Adjoining our land is another tracts belonging to a gentleman named Camp bell, who, at one time, was the bosom friend of my grandfather; but a quarrel arose a challenge was sent-accepted a duel was fought, and my ancestor fell. My father then became heir to the estate. He soon after . married, and there I was born. When I was ten years , old, my father put the place in the hands of au honest old couple, and we came to England, where we have lived ever since. My visit last winter is the first that has leen made to the dear old home since wo , abandoned it, as it wero, twenty years agoj Since tho time of the duel up to last winter, the different generations of both families have entertained the strongest hatred for each other. The present owner of the adjoining property is a grandnephew of the one who fought with my grandfather. He is a gentleman of alxmt forty years of nge; his wife a very elegant lady of thirty-five. They have five lovely children. An accident to the older daughter, a very beautiful girl of seventeen, brought us together again, as firm friends as ever our ancestors were. It. was "in this wise: One day, in Noyemlwr, whilo I was visiting at the Manor, Ella Campbell was out riding on horseback, unattended. Tho report of a gun near tho roadside frightened the animal she was riding; he became un manageable, nnd made a bold rush for tho 'lake, which lay just before" him. Fortunately, at that hour I, with some friends, had resolved to have a sail. Wo liad just loosened our boat from the shore, when the sound of a ' horse's hoofs attracted our attention, and the next moment wo' saw that the life of a lady would be launched into eternity without we could prevent it. My com panions Rtarted up the road, hoping to stop tho imix'tnosity of the animal's course, while I stood by the side of tho lake, with the firm determi nation that, should the horse carry his rider into tho water, I would plunge in aud rescue her, if possible. Seconds seemed hours while "thus I stood. I conld see tho horse come nearer, nearer. At last, lie stood abreast with me. I called to the lady, whose face was as white as marble, to take her foot from the stirrup. . At that moment, the horse gave tho fatal leap. The saddle turned the fainting leantiful one fell into my arms I On the instant I recognized her as the daughter of my enemy and neigh bor, Judge Campbell; for I had noticed her at the little church of the village, which we both attended. We immedi ately conveyed her to my house, while one of my party hurried to the residence any one to venture out. I insisted upon their staying with me. The judge de-1 clared he must go, as there was no one in his house but the children and his servants ; but at the same time he begged his wife to stay. At last, she consented. We bade the judge good night, and after watching him eut of the grounds, returned to the parlor. I immediately rang for the housemaid, and requested her to put my grand father's room in order for my guest, telling her also to sit up and act as waiting-maid for the lady. I knew that it would occupy some little time to get the room in readiness ; .so I attempted to entertain Mrs. Campbell by reading from a novel of which we had been "dis cussing. The servant presently an nounced that the room was prepared ; but we had become so interested in the book, that I read until nearly twelve o'clock. Seeing how late it was, I proposed to the-lady to take a glass of champagne with me. The wines were, all in the dining-room, on the other side of the house. I was about to ring for the footman, not thinking all the servants had retired, when we both heard dis tinctly heavy, regular stepping on the staircase leading to the chambers above. The house is so old that time has worn large crevices around the door ; and through the crevice of the parlor door Mrs. Campbell drew my notice to a light, which I saw as plainly as she did. Supposing it was one of the servants going up to bed, I hurried to the door in time, as I sup posed, to detain him, intending to send him for the wine. What was my sur prise to find the hall as dark and silent as the grave. ..'" Mrs. Campbell, taking up the'Candle, proposed that we should go to the dining-room ourselves.- I ; acted as pilot, going ahead of her about three feet. When about half way down the hall, lf elt something catch hold of my coat sleeve and firmly draw me from the direction we were taking. his hatred for this family down to his grave with him, and if his spirit could be troubled because this lady was rest ing beneath his roof. A question, I sup pose, which will never be solved, ex cept, perhaps, in this way. The next morning Mrs. Campbell returned home, and never entered since; nor have we heard anything more of the ghost. died at the end of the following Janu ary, his treatment was not very success ful, but before long circumstances came to light which gave rise to the suspicion that at all events it was so in his view, for he was arrested on a charge of pois oning her, indicted and convicted. Under a special act of tho Pennsylvania Legislature he was granted a new trial and acquitted. seekers. Some of these struggled on to nnd disappointment, death, and ruin in the canyons of Colorada. Many turned back before they reached Fort Laramie, having lost time, money, and hope on the way. Abandoned teams, machinery, and bulky material strewed the trails from the Missouri river to the crossings of the Platte ; and the story of those days is one of loss, disaster and deepon- time I heard Mrs. Campbell scream out, " Don't 1" as the caudle fell from her hands to the floor. We were then in complete darkness. Whilo I was feeling in my pockets for a match, 3 inquired of her who she was speaking to. She re plied that some one or something drew the candle from her hands. Procuring another light from the parlor, I conducted her to the room that had been prepared for her. We. found the maid sitting up, waiting. To our inquiries if "he had heard any thing strange, or had seen any one, she said: "No; except madam's scream." The room the lady occupied was the one nry grandfather had always used as his own. Leaving my guest for the night, I went to the servants' rooms, and made the coachman get up and start with me for a search about the house. We made a thorough investigation of every room, closet and corner that we could think of, except the attic with the one pane of glass of which I have spoken. I went out on the terrace. The snow had stopped falling, and the moon was shining clear and bright. Thinking I might find some footprints in the snow, I stationed the servant a few yards from the house, aud told him to watch closely till I returned. I then commenced and walked around .the house, but there was not a footstep to be seen., , Returning to the coachman, I inquired of him if he had seen anything. . He replied: "Yes, that at that oval pane of glass in the attic he saw very distinct ly a man come to the window and look out all the time I was gone, and that he had a large cloak wrapped around him." ; : I took the servant, and went up to this little room; but all we could dis cover was some old, broken furniture, and waste papers. While we stood in the room the candle was blown out. I walked to the window while I was try- The North and South. Upon his return home from the Boston trip, General Fitzhugh Lee addressed the people of Norfolk as follows: I come forward in response. to your calls, to thank you for thisjeery flattering re ception. I went to Boston as a guest of your own " Artillery Blues," not be cause I expected to have a pleasant trip and a good time, but I hope for a higher, holier purpose for the good of our State, our people, and all sections of a common country. Oh! how I wish that I had time to tell you of the reception accorded to us by those people of Boston of the enthusiastic crowds that greeted us upon every occasion how the streets were lined with people pouring out their welcome to us and bidding us welcome, thrice - welcome. I wish I could stop with you long enough to give you some of the many interesting inci dents of our trip. How a sightless soldier told me: "General, your boys put my eyes out, but I am glad to see you here in rur midst;" how. an aged gentleman, ; rasping both my hands in his, said: "General, I lost two sons in the war the only two I had but for public considerations and the nation's good, I am glad to see you and your people here at this time." How my hand was shaken by people whose overflowing hearts prevented a single word of utterance. Do you know what all that means ? It means at that end of the line precisely what the outpouring of your people at this end of the line to meet us means, viz. : That the people of this country have taken this matter of reconstruction out of the hands of the Athe same politicians; that the crust which separ- The young doctor proceeded, in 1872, dency. In time, to be sure, the real to file a petition in the orphan's court I riches of Colorado have been developed, of Baltimore, praying that Miss Stein ecke's estate might be made over to him as her husband. A large amount of documentary evidence was adduced by him in proof of this marriage. The trial came on in March, 1874, and in the course of it many edifying particulars of the doctor's career were brought -to light. It seemed to have been specially active in Berlin, for although, strangely enough, nothing is said of a ceitificate of the medical authorities of that capi tal, there was one from the police, show ing that in the leisure intervals of a pro fessional career this learned man' had found time for "larceny, forgery, and extortion," and had been convicted of tne same, i! orgery, in tact, seemed a special weakness, ior tne criminal rec ords, of Chicago were searched success fully, and the doctor is now a pensioner on the taxpayers of Illinois, for a little lapse of this kind. It happened that poor Miss Steinecke had executed a very careful will, which has been duly proved, and this Dr. Paul did not for a moment dispute; he only submitted that the lady's marriage had made it null and void. However, the glorious uncertainty of the law is pro verbial, and the court, after a long period of deliberation, positively came unani mously to the conclusion, announced lately, that Maria M. Steinecke never did become Mrs. Paul Schoepx?e, and sustained her will; and the investment of "capital has brought out the hidden stores which nature (rives up so reluctantly to the importunity of a gold-seeker. But this has required many years and tho sacrifice of much life and property. The same is true of California, where a few fortunes were made in early times, and countless men perished miserably, bankrupt, broken, and desperate. The amount of capital now invested in mining compan ies in this State is about $160,000,000. And that enormous sum represents tho machinery necessary to extract the pre cious metals whose annualjproductis wel- and extent oi tho commission ox crime, must be the product of the mental and physical peculiarities of sex. Thus, the author shows that the propensity to crimo in men is about four times as great as in women, in France. ' Now, while this holds true as to crime in general, it does not as to crimo in particular. In poisoning the proportion is ninety-one women to one hundred men, while in murder by other means the difference falls to four in one hundred. If we de fine the propensity to crime by the enor mity of the offense, we find the ratio of M. Quetelet reduced just one-half, as the crime of parricide gives the ratio of fifty to one hundred. Contrasting with this last offense the wounding of pa rents the ratio falls to twenty-two. As the fact of a wound involves a personal encounter, we pcrccivo that women in stinctively if I may use the word shrink from this; therefore, in estimat ing the means by which the parricides, many or us: remember now pretty tho girls looked" paring tho red and rosy apples not rosier than their blooming cheeks, and not half so sweet as their lips. Does . your memory carry you, back to those dayst If not, it has lost a pretty picture to linger over. What jollity to try and peel the apple whols without breaking the tender skint How we laughed at the failure, and with what zest we took tho forfeit ! Did you ever see one of the coy maidens swing and toss the long peel over her head to ' find in the form it took in falling the. initial of the name of her true lover t O, . thoso were Arcadian days; .but dried apple sauos grew rather monotonous when you had it every day. . Dried apples were filling food, but indigestible. The prose of the old-timo housewife's duty was making soap soft soap. It was nasty work, and made all about smell bad. Soft soap, too, was disagree able stuff to wash with. In tho old farm houses the family used often to go to tho so greatly exceeding the ratio of other murders, were accomnlished. it is cvi- I pump in tho woodhouse to wash in the dent that some method peculiar to morning out of an iron basin, using soft corned as such a mighty addition to tho I women entered largely into the crime, soap from another basin. Another nasty world's wealth. This expensive system Next, taking into conside ration two J ou was dyeing, mere was a regular of minincr has replaced the desultory crimes, which may. inferential bo at season for that, just as there is for houso laborers and rude machinery of early tributed largely to the motive of revcnire cleaning. explorers, whoso lives were wasted on I in both sexes, we find for that of in con the soil which paid them so poorly for diarism a ratio of thirty -four, and that their self-denying struggles. of assassination a ratio of about twelve But visions of sudden richer are al- in one hundred. From this it is evi- ways fascinating to men. Aladdin, dent that the piopensity to crime and Monte Cristo, and Sindbad are always the degree to which women recoil fiom to be eclipsed by the newest excitement, publicity in its execution are widely Our people are mercurial, excitable, and different matters, and are traits which easily unfixed from their abiding-place, distinguish women from men' in the per- The slightest hint will put an entire petration of crime. So marked in this Western village on the move; and a re- trait that the author, in analyzing rrime port of rich diggings somewhere has, in general with reference to sex, says before now, depopulated a mining ham- that their numbers diminish in propor- let in an hour's time. Nevertheless, says tion according to the necessity of the tho New York Times, we cannot look greater publicity before the crime can on this new Black Hills gold fever with- be perpetrated out real regret. It is certain that what- ated them has been broken at last, and the men of tho North and South aro at last allowed to see each other face to face. 1 You, people of Norfolk, havo no right to be ashamed of your delegation to Boston. Their bearing, on and off duty, deserves the highest praise, and you come back to your wives and sweet hearts, conscious of having performed your whole duty as representatives of your city. This splendid welcome of yours here shows most conclusively that Virginia responds to tiie hospitality shown her sons hi Massachusetts, and that we are :indeed up . n the threshold of a new century. An Insane Money JUaker. The New York correspondent cf the Troy Times writes of insanity, and says : I may .here refer to the death of an ac quaintancej which occurred at Bloom ingdale asylum. He was a man of slen der build, but mental disease had re duced him to extreme emaciation. He had not lived much more than forty Notes to Correspondents, M. Quad gives us the following notes to correspondents: Soda, Jackson. We cannot tell you who invented soda, or give you the date. We know that it is excellent for biscuit, and soda you. Oscar. You are in error. The wheel barrow was not invented by Dr. Mary Walker; she invented the windmill. Onions You acted just right. Ji a girl is so fastidious that she won't sit up with a beau who has been catinsr onions she ought never to have one. Base Ball. We cannot say whether King William favors base ball or not. Probably not he's a sensible sort of a chap. Alice. Your mother should not havo threated to cuff your ears in the pres ence, of your lover. A nine-year-old girl can feel as mortified as a woman aged four hundred. Hired Man. Wants to know if there is any harder work than grinding an ax. Yes, sir turning the grindstone. West Virginia No, don't you do it. If you are courting a woman and she talks about your settling $5,000 on her, you just settle yourself out o that. Alabama. We do not know the man ever may be the basis of the reports, they are purposely exaggerated. The whole business has borne a suspicious look from- the start. Just now we chiefly need that our people should set tle down te the ordinary, legitimate pur suits of life, practicing that steady economy and painstaking which alone a ? 1 a A. Tl ! can restore prosperity ana content, xt i afnne is not likely that the gold fever will " I ran away from home. I write this carry off a vast number of producers, here so you would not run away. Now but we cannot spare any, especially when J &m going to drown myself. I must die. we reflect that each one will require I was born in Chicago December 3, 1859. A Niagara Mystery. A few days ago a party descended Niagara river bank on the Canada side on a fishing excursion. .Their descent was nearly opposite the toll-gate, at what is called "the Indian path." Near the bottom of the long descent was found the following inscription, written on ths matter was easy, if she could f uroih lace oi a smootn rocK, evidently witn a lrt r,f f f,;. mi n,i flufmmt fnfl A St " The matron's hands didn't look pretty then, for they were stained with logwood, or other dyeing substances which were hard to get off. House wives are in many respects better off nowadays, certainly, but still in tho , country the farmers wives even now work very hard, and their rustio lifo is not all poetry. A Iaye JTro$n Heat Life. The New York correspondent of the Toledo Blade writes: The story which I ' sketch in brief was told me by a legal gentleman, who also stanls high politi cally, as we rode homeward - in the horse cars one evening. He boards at one of the up town hotels. One evening he was called upon at the hotel by a lady who said she did not like to call at his office, and yet desired his help. She was wealthy and had a daughter sixteen years old, bu was unhappy, and desired a divorce from a husband who had ceased to love her. The lawyer responded that money and material for a' long and ex pensive journey. Our own history has taucrnt nothing if it nas not snown us that " gold rushes " are unprofitable and destructive. H the narrow confines of the little reservation in the Black Hills are now to be overrun with a crowd of avaricious and excited gold-hunters, we snail soon see now great is sucn a mis fortune. Cooking Rhubarb. Rhubarb is best cut in lengths, boiled in water and sugar, and served with boiled rice round the dish; or it may be treated like " gooseberry fooL", A little good cream gives it a delicato taste, which it never has in a pudding-qr tart. The following are excellent recipes for years, and yet he was the image of idi otic old age. Such was the last scene in he did not belong to our fire company. maKw rhubarb jams and marmalade: me ill o ui uiio wuu wus viiuo lliiiij i xiuunuijr uiuu b aiuuuuii iaj jmuvu. gifted and eminently successful. When first I knew him he was a fine-built young man, with a brilliant countenance and easy manner. He hired a loft in a ware house and began on a capital which could not have exceeded $500. But from that beginning sprung one of the largest houses in the city. His course was one of wonderful success, but it taxed his system beyond its strength. He was so excited that he could not sleep. He became delirious on the subject of mak ing moneyl ! It was the sole theme of his conversation, and at last it was feared that his talk was but a form of insanity. Ho would J call on his friends to show them "how to make money." And this, with other vagaries, compelled his friends tc place him in the asylum. Here he became a lunatic money maker. TTa nmnld raend the dav in calculation. ing to nnd anotner matcn, and upon , niff how millions he looking out I saw a figure go straight maJ At last his brain wore out from ihft froiafc sterta down to tho tomb. I . . u. . v - t t and enter it. This sight, I must admit, White Rose. We can't say anything about the Beecher scandal in tnis de partment. You'd better attend to your washing and mopping. J Louisiana. The Mississippi river should never overflow -its banks if we could help it. Sorry your lettuce bed was swept away, but patience and perse verance will do wonders. XXX., Baltimore. Yes, it is a mean trick for your father to keep seven watch dogs around the house while he has a daughter who wants a beau every Sunday night. Poison will help you out of your difficulty. Doubter. It is generally supposed that Christopher Columbus discovered America, but if you have any claims My folks live in New Buffalo, Mich. ; write to them if you please. Write to the address of Peter Reich, New Buffalo. May 28, 1875." There was mora writing than this on the rock, traced evidently by the same hand, but this is the principal inscripr tion. Mr. Dunham, one of the party, wrote to the address above indicated, and received the following letter: New BcttaxO, Mich. , June 7, 1 875. "Mr.' Dunham: " I received yours with grief. It is my boy by his writing. Do you know whether or not any dead body has been found, or any sign of bun, or any news of such a boy in town f If you hear anything at tho coroner's office of holding any inquest on such a body, please let me know about it. Ask some folks if they did not hear from him. If you can only hear a word of him if he did it or not. Yours truly, " PrrxK Rncn." No trace of the boy has been found in this side of the river; nor has the finding of any body, of the probable description his would bear, been reported. r A Curious IJIrtl Trap. A paper published in Lafayette, Ind., prints the following: Abraham Mayer, who resides in the old Bartholomew Cut the rhubarb as if for tarts, and to every quart give one pound oi good moist sugar; put the sugar over the ihu- barb, and leave it twenty-f our hours to draw out the juice. By this method the pieces of rhubarb remain separated from each other when the preserve is done. It keeps good a year if kept in jars well dried and in a dry place. For tho marmalade procure six oranges, peel them, and take away the white rinsa ana pips, men snceiue PaiP m 8iw- red in color, while the captives are m- pan along with the peel, cut rery small; place, east of the;city, recently mads a . .y known as the " nigger ants." This is delity, which she promised. The proof was furnished, but still the case did not progress. There was something that re mained untold, and sho wiu urged to -leave nothing unrevcaled which could, help her suit. Still sho equivocated. Finally, after great urging,. tho truth came out. Twenty years ago tho parties had been married and living in tho samo vicinity at a diatanoe from this city. They eloped together, and tho husband and wife who were left behind are still living. They cams to New York, were married, grew wealthy, had a daughter just budding into womanhood, were socially popular, and yet the world about them knew nothing of their story.' Mad dened by the open infidelity of the man whose name shs . bore, tho woman who was really no wife of his determined to obtain a divorce. She was told that it was impossible under the law of New York, as she had no standing as a wife. Subsequently she went to .Indiana to obtain a residence and bring a suit there, and while waiting, death came to Tier re lief by carrying off her husband. Sho was divorced indeed. And thus truth again outdid fiction in the wearing of romance. t ? Km re Trade Atnonm Ants. There are several kinds of ants which make incursions into the territories of a certain species for the purpose of tak ing captives. These slave capturers are add thereto one quart of rhubarb, cut finely, and from one pound to one pound and a half of sugar. Boil the whole down in the usual wayas for other preserves. Made in this manner, it is nearly equal to" Scotch marmalade, very singular discovery. Happening his porch are a number of pillars, made of four boards nailed together. While sitting on the porch bo beard a noise within one of these pillars, which prompted him to investigate the cause. send 'em on and we'll be fair with you. j regarded on all hands to bo the I The sound seemed to be made by birds, confused me, for I knew the tomb was securely fastened. After such excitement as I had under- Cleveland. We do not know whether the mayor of your town had a brother in the Revolutionary war or not. It's as much as four men can do to watch the mayor ofDetroit. Kansas.-2-You have a perfect right to the world is flat, aud people finest anywhere made. of Judge Campbell, to announce to him I gone, I feared brain fever might set in, the accident which had befallen his daughter. Miss Campbell was taken into the parlor, which is a room on the first floor and to the right of the front door. She was the first of that family who had ever entered our house since the lamentable quarrel in which the old gentleman lost . his life ; and strange as it may appear, the instant she crossed the threshold of and that while I still retained my senses I would write down all I had seen. Go ing to the library for that purpose, I sent the servant to the dining-room for some wine. I eat at . the desk, writing; when I finished, I threw down the pen, and looking around, my God I there stood my grandiatner with his arms folded, and his cloak around him. He was looking nt what I had written. Just tho parlor floorths" portraitof my "grand- then the man came in with the wine, and father, hanrin? over the mantel, fell ngure oisappearea. with a heavy crash on the floor. Half While I was drinking the contents of an hour later, Judge Campbell and his the bottle, I sent the servant again to wife stoo.: ' the side of their daughter, the dining-room for another wins glass, and he sank into idiocy, which only ter minated wiih his life. The concern which he built up is one of great wealth, believe and he left his family a half million, but have a perfect right to believe that you freshly-lighted it was a small price for which to sell his are the same. reason. I Heeorered his Cigar. The following incident is described by a California paper: A gentleman about to pass into one of our hotels with two I for inspection. They were ia all stages ladies the other evening, found he bad a I of decomposition, from the birds just cigar! to dispose of. dead to the skeletons of those which had and he procured a saw ami cut a hole at the base of the pillar. From this bole he drew out more than four hundred dead birds, one hundred or more of which his son brought down to the city very suggestively singular. Did they learn from men, or men from them, that ' a akin not colored as their own is the mark or badge of slavery! However this may b the condition of tho slaves is precisely the same as among men. They are hewers of wood and drawers of water, while their masters, the red ants, never do anything but fight. Ajc Economical Boy. A Detroit mother sent her boy to the store the other day to get' her a linen dress, and he retarned with fourteen yards of black cambric, j " I told yon to get linen !" she exclaimed, standing aghast. "I know it, but this is cheaper, and the clerk said that if any of us should happen to die you'd have a mourning dress in the house I" was the cool reply. ' No, ma'am," says a - jeweler to a Not Hot. The wife of the late Professor Agassiz rose one morning and proceeded, accord ing to custom, to put on her stockings and shoes. At a certain stage of this process a little scream attracted Mr. Agassiz s attention, and not having yet risen, he leaned anxiously upon his pil low, inquiring what was the matter. " Why, professor, a little snake has just crawled out of my boot," said the. 'Only one. my dear!" returned the There was a pleasant looking young lad I evidently lain there for years. Two live near the door, and he asked him to hold I birds, whose fluttering and noise had the weed until he returned. When the I attracted his attention, made their escape gentleman came outtie was so pleased I as soon as the hole was opened. The with the boy's honesty that he gave him J Urger number wero blue birdajimt be- five cents, saying: "Don t yon smoke 7 "Yes," said the boy. " How is it yon Old Tit A resident of MaytviUe, Ky., received a few days ago, from a friend in the coun try, a rn.ianm specimen of the imple ment supposed to ha Ye been used by the mound builders for manufacturing twine from vegetable fiber. It is made from green serpentine slate, is four indies in didn't make off with this cigar, then f sasny boys would have done it," said the gratified gentleman. "I don't know about that," said the youth, ' it must be sides there were spsxrow woolpeckera, cf thickness, with twp tion of the smaller birds of this latitude. To ascertain bow they came there was the next question, and a. further search was made. ' This showed that near the 1 boles drilled diagonal y through It at a d'v&zTxc of one and a half inches from each end. This specimen was taken from an earth mound La 181C a l T i a a ' l JS I mYvmIw 1in j-9wsn si romr iauuiui iauy, uon t trust anyuouj i pivueoov, -b t these dAVR. ' I would not even trust mv 1 there should have been three." He feelings. I had put them there to keep ttwa warn. a hard-pushed pay who'd run away with top of the pillar there was a small hole, Uttered, but the gentleman didn L I bird A curious coincidence wss tLat which liamv-niJ to two brother!, commanders By the rules oi war, it is death to stop I otenimr. west in. but were uxa44e a cannon balL . . I get out, sad died of staryaUoni rd, but so near the top that egress was cvvo&iU directions. impossiDie. lue wrcis, seeing uu i v...A ih v a i mm mm w ii 1 1 i i m m mfM m i i h sm- i w mmm I la w calla c2 Cr Cera.

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