A , Franklin Courier GEORGE S. ILKER, : Editor and I'noriutrron. All letters addressed to ' V Geo. S. Raki:r, Friday -TrLY 23, B75. FOU Till: L Convention, Bullock - the Hull fulmioator wants tlic people whom he attempted to dis franchise , to mi l him to the Conven tion. They won't do it. Judge "Watts the man that n-niina.. ted -Mr. Bullock, ha not yet informed the people whethe he voted for Jno. II. Williamson io. Republican nomi nee for the Lejnslatura last year. Bpcak out Judge. Wc aic not aware that Mr Bullock has yet informed the colored people for whom lie voted last yir for the House of Representatives. Some of 1 them would Uko to know. Mr. Bullock of course will inform them. The Conservative Party spent less in running the State Government for four years than the Radical party did in running it two years. C'oneerva tives spent in four yeais $945,381,99. The Radicals spent in two years $081,163,80 or $35,781, 81 more in tiro, than the Democrats did in four years. Do the pcop'e of Frankijn want to continue to pay $10)0 per year to Jiavc their tax list made out? Ifxso then vote for Mr. Eulhck the rflicc hbhlcis Candidate. If not vote for Co!. Green the citizens candidate. The man who cant touch you in the way of heavy taxes without . huit'rg himself. Tlic Radical secret plat wnn dis cos rn'-cs the agitation cf thc Civil Riohts question -at this time, hut will 'nevcr fcurrcndci" the principles at tempted to be forced upon tb.2 country hy that measure, bhould thay have a majority in tho coming Convention it u not certain bat that they would en graft this measure upon the 'ciititu lion, and thiw put1 it upon us in, spite of ourselves. The Radical party both State and iVauonal is committed to this odious, agrarian, measure of .in tsccgon ation, and consequently of degradation That party would' to-morrow wipe out every vestige of distinction between the social status of the ttvo race?, if it but had the power. Their act3 in the past clearly indicate that this would be their actun if they but get in pocr in this State agcin. While General Tan by , was Militiiry Ruler of the Caro linians, a man in Faycttcvllle named A. 0. Thornton, haviug a white skin, but none of the other instincts or feelings of the Anglo Saxon race, by special dispensation of .Gen. Canby married a negro woman. This was contrary to the laws of North Carolina..- Soon after this had been d ma tho Radical Constitutional Convention of 18C8 convened, which a3 every body knows did not have so much as a handful of Conservatives or Democrats iutt. -thepcoplo.dnAlLe Convention question. 'Tluy are litiireprosentnig the bstte? in the votes Ot V. expedient time, miv. favor of ali Tliis Ls pai l Pool, the s: den, auriq lu. m oraer to culcu ite men, wh.o thought it in to call a Convention at thu :f tkcnv pretend they" are in cumin tho Convention.- to be an invention of Jehu .:rsc man, who advised IIol i . the Kirk war, to have some of the best mcu in North Caro lina murdered ! Will honest meu. fol low, tho laid - of such a character as John Poo ? ."ViIl, they remain at home onth i day of election and permit such men to ride into power again ? Have they forgotten the swindling Radical-' Legislature of 1808? nave they forgetiton the IIol3en-Kirk war? Are they pleased with the Civil Rights party? Are they willing to put North Carolina in the hands of such a party arram r i0, never. riKvtr.. mnsou j - Advance. TO THE PUBLIC. ESTABLISHED 1817. W. H. Morris & Sons., COTTOx'FACTORS AZD Commission Merchants. 3, 23 ami 27 Commerce St. "Will make l"dcrnl Currency rvlvan ee.'on produce or bill hiding In liaiul. 3r. A, - M. Xobie, fN. C., i coa nceteil with our hou?e, and will he pleased to rcceivo the patronage of las friends. Louisburg, N. C. rr.orniETou. A ginger colored nigger preacher, lation theret0: The "attention of the Boaid ot Direc tors ot the j Raleigh and Augusta Air Lice. Itailrofid Company having l e- n called to the fact, that an 'act paed by thesflenerai Assembly has been raacle the sul ject of public discussion, the Board deems it proper to submit the f )llovin' statement cf facts in re- Votc for Green and let Franklin Jiavc in the Convention a peer for Graham, Cliugman, Coleman, Gilmer, Johnston, Shobcr, Battle.JCJalcs,! Worth, Planning, lteid, Jlorclicad, Beinett, Bunn and other distinguished North Carolinaians who will be there, to add lustre to a brilliant mvay of names tli.it adorn, the political history of our State Under the old CotiKtitutioi it re- required only one nrn in each Dis member ' from Fayelteville named Hood, introduced and had passed throusrh the Convention an ordinance to legalize this marriage, and all others of a similar nature. The Ordinance is in these words, totoit : "Section 1. Be it ordained by tho people of North Carolina in Con vention assembled, and it is hereby Tbe Chatham B ulroad Company was chartered by act of the Legislate re of 1860-'61. Daring the war woik was commenced on the road,' but no part as completed for use. The Conven tion in March 18C8 passed an ordinance uthorizing tho exchange of one mill ion two hundred thousand dollar State bonds with the Chatham llail road Company, lor a like araounc of its oruaineu cy the au.nonty jot me bonds for the purpese of continuing the same, That nil marriages authorized, work which has been begun -during the by nyntary authority since April ist war. in tuts oruinanceit wa3 jirov:- 18C2, arc hereby declared legal and 'ded, that the company at any time be valid.'' This is a part of the record of this party on this subject. A Itadical Congress has passed and a Radical I'rceidtnt lias approved the Civil Rights bill and it ie now a part .of the law of the nation Bat the Courts are declaring it unconstitutional upon the .ground that these matters should bo regulated by the States.- Thcn if a State adopts' a Civil Eights law it will be valid and' binding. Such is now the ease in Jlississiord. With these things staving s in the face ii is the sole. nn andf weighty duty fore maturity might take up its bonds deposited Iwiib the public Treasurer "by substituting' in lieu thereof coupon bonds of tie Siate, or other indebted ocas of tbej State.'' To secure the pay mint of tliese bonds by the company it was required4ra and did execute i mortgage or itsrodb"ed property, &e The 'State had before the war cxebai ed bouci3 with other companies' oa -tern i similar to these. The bon'd3 thus- recdved from tLe State wtrejsold by the Company, and tho proceeds used in tlic construction ot tbe ro&uj. Several Amendments were made at diflerent times to the claricr of the Company, and it being its in The Treasurer nctwitlistandirg tbo decisira of the Court which allowed the company to deliver th.Cce bcruL-, us the company wi3 advsj.lt; ttiii LcsitE ted to receive th:m. ' . Under thes3 circumstance 3 it was deenrpd prop r the LcgifHturc pi?3 an explacp.tory act dtf Ltring the meanirg and intention cf previous. Jcgislaticn and in accordance ith the decision t tbe Court. The r.ct now referred to was drawn end introduced into the Legislature for that purpose. S far as the Directors knotv or Ln l:ovc there wf s nothisg secret in the introduction or passsgj through that body. It being in itself right and free from objection they suppose it wa3 passed in the nsaal course of bnsinrss. The Journal shows AG L E HOTEL tae day of its introduction tbat it was rel erred to the Committee of Iatemal Improvements, was reported favorably by that Committee and passed its sev eral readiugs. As a matter cl law these bonds being recognized by the Legislature as valid in the act to compromise the State Debt above refecrred to, the Treasurer wa3bound to receive ihem without any additional legislation. The passage of this act however cannot injure the State, since it is only additional recognition of tho validity ot the bends which ouht nevei to have been Questioned, and wnen paid into the Ticasury the State is. benefitted by having her debt reduced by the amount piid ic. But it may beneliit tb.3 hoi ders of these bond3 who reside chiefly in the Suth by giving thein a better opportunity to sell if they do , cot de Bire to fund. Toesc bond; are ot simi lar value and art, placed by the Bill to comprise the State Dbt in the eamt class with the bonds issued by the State to the Read. A copy of the act U hereto appended from which it will be seen tbat the whole purpose was declared in the Preamalle. W. J, Hawkins, Jos.B. Batcuelok, P. ('. Caxikhos, Gec W. l'lilCE, Wai.iku C i,AnK, W. W. ClIAilUSRLAIN, Director?. OHice P.. &A. Am-LiNK II R, Raicigs, N. C, Jur;e DO b, '73. f o The present propj-i tor has lca?od the Eagle Hotel, li'ornivrly occupied by James Dent) fo u number of years. He is prepared to .nreonunodate regular and transient boarder., lias nice rooms, wed furnish od, and titted up in the best style . Pc has ako larir and convenient rooms jor Salesmen to display their samples. The tabic is daily supplied with the best the mar ket affords. He will ?t arc no pain; lawmaking his boarders comfortable, and hopes he will receive a liberal patronage from the public. Jan. fcich 1875. LOOISBUHG MALE ACADEMY. The Fall Session WILL UEGIJf -JULY 12TII, 1875. Building Gonlraciors AND c LOUI513URO, N. C. i SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS MADE to OP.DER, and all Vmd of Machine work done at short notice, oa able tarns as elsewhere in tbe State. All grades of Coffiins, Famish- eJ, with hearse. Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a . SPECIALITY. Professional Cards. i 1 -r ' 9 J Pl istcrinrr O Lathes ' alwsra cn Laud. SB1I7H-&BEACHAM. trW-.t to take the Tax !ir. t a cost nf fix dollars to tho County. ..Under of cvel"y wanwho lovca his country, tonticn to joxteud inline by tbe most An act k xi'i. axatciiy oy ckiitatx acts ASi) TO K.VATJr.B PAUT1ES ilI.UING KOKDS O? 'I UK CT.Vlli-- ISSL'o! YV.V. acts r .i i'&D mum to thh; wau - to SEMj TUB HAMii. Board with the principal,(wr.?h iliir, lights and towels mt in cluded,) - - - G0 00 Tuition tn Primary lepavtment 15 ( I k ltegular JngliMi Louise, 'J Ii:it:n and fi reel;, each, extra. (.) lioard muit be paid" :n advaiu and i uitM.n at tlio cls i t t:.: sissioti JM. DAVIS, I'liiicipul: ' "V f '! ' V i sj- y x: 1 1 .1 - 1 I this present system it requires-three vmo 10's U1C PU1UX 01 1118 race, wno men to do the same work, at a cost of v;ouhl deplore any legal means by cightecu dollars. Does not every man whiuh a social intermingling of the in the County wish reform in this races might be encouraged or even particular P Then vote for Col. Y. F . thought i, tp use every means within Ureen, tno uemocrauc A.an(iuute ior his nowc- to keen this rartv that. mn. . , t L j templates this horitlo state of afTairs, tho Convention. direct and 'practicable route to Auus.a GaM its name, wad changed to the Kaleigh & Augusta Airllce liailifnhl Company, j To cairy out ti.ia intention, and com plete this great -.vork.it beeama a m .t'er of importance to the Company to tike up its bonds hold by the State, ond to Itecul XJiiH vitliout rail. from aSaiu gctting the ascendency in substitute nereupon coupon bonds of our fctate. Give them not the reins. It is a fact that in every county in the TheJ are desperate. They hate pun ctate, whero tho Consoi-vativo party has ty, honc?fy, and all that . is good. . , ' , .. . They hate these qualities, as-vie al- been m power, the counties are out J , . 1 ways hates virtue. of debt, and their paper is readily taken Fiecmen of Franklin ! of North at faco value, and a number of them Carolina! you vera born free! io;j - - m . . . mi , through whoso veins courses the blood liavo from Ten to twenty Thousand .. , . , . , ' that ha 'through a long line of an- dollars in Bank. And in every county cestry made tyrants to quail and yield where tho Radical nart v has'luviu in now- to the demands fof civil liberty ! A r-.r- -J I feartul duty lies imim:-U;:te!y in count, and nearly every county lias y0ur frout. The duty of rescuing nsked for a special tax, to feed and fatten yur St,ate froni thc terrible thraldom aud hopelcsfs doom that would follow a r the State, which it had the right to do under the ordinance of the Convention above . referred tp, and which author lzes tho exchange of bondp, In mak ing substitution, the Treasurer of the State and the officers" ot the Company d lTered in opinion as to what classes ot bonds the j Company had the right to substitute, j" and the Treasurer was bound to receive- To obtain a con struction ol the ordinance above re feired to, and an Act of the Legislature great responsibility rests upon vou. ha relation Jto the same -subject, actions were brought by thc Company against the Treasurer whih were carried t. the Supreme Court in order that the rights and the corrupt officials who hold tho offices. These are facts. Wo notice that tho King men of thc Itadical party in other counties arc doing as they did herc Laying thc negro on tho shelf. xIn Granville, Hanson ITughcs, Crew Haywood Heaves and Cufl'ec Mayo, have lad to Biand lack for Ike Young and Clint Rogers, two Revenue officers. In Halifax only one negro is nominated for tho 'Convention, not- duties of the parties might bo adjudicated by the highest tribunal of the State. The decision t-f the in i fleet, that the Company Court was Radical victory this summer. Are you ready to enter the fray? Are all ot your neighbors aroused to thc tear- Lad the right to substitute, and the ful responsibility that rests upon them? J Treasurei wa3 authorized to receive If not tell them that they "are Ylum- from.thc Company for its bends, any berinr over a fonrfnl nnd trrribb valid bondj or other indebtedness of the c - - earth quake. Their liberties, their society, their most cherished insti tutions are threatened with imme diate over throw. JKake them up. and tell them to Cght as if they were fighting for their existence. We'bc- State, "which bad been if sued or con-, tractcd p.ior to the passage of tha or dinance above referred to, to wit ; 11th, March, 1G8. Tho Company there upon proceeded to deliver ironi time to time to the State Treasurer, State bonds, the; validity of which was net W Ki;na.f. under ai ord:::an-.e or Conven-lioii ' i-atsd-.:' treh e'evt-uth on-j thou.pnd ci!it Ku..d td and t'.x'y eight, iia act of A;s mpiy ratlli..d ,t'.:e thiiteuith ' f Dtctmbv-r, cue thwu-'an 1 C'ght hur.vlrc.v5 r.nd siventy one, ll sle'gh isn't Auusia AiivLine Riiiiroad Ct.mpi ny is author.zjd to ray olT .$1,00,000 'l its secou'd :nort';e bonds hvld by tho S.tate Treasurer with any bonds c r j other indebtedness, of thc S'ute; ami whore .s. Le ruOlic Trcaurer-exp'e3SE: a doubt, wlrjiher u:idcr toustrucion ot said uct he is authorized to uctive bonds iss-ied during t e war for iurcr i.al inrprovrmer.t purpose?, h-ut ui.der l uels p.vssi-d pr'u:r xu v ;r, nnd whereas lurther,'said boirls were issued to. and are n;w held 'ahnost txclusivtly by c.tizens of the Stiic, and the same have bet'.i recog.i:zed as valid by tho author ities of ihu State; now, therefore. Section i. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact. That it wu3 the true intent at.d meauirg of the ordinance and act shove referred to au thorize and empower the Public Treaa urer to receive any of rue aforesaid iu terra! imj rovttctirit-b?nd3 in execution o: tue prov naace. iSeclion 2. The Public Treasurer he and he is hereby authorized, empow ered and directed to receive any of thc int.-rnal improvement bonds ot the State ol North Carolina herein before described whih tuuy horaafter be ten dered under tue provisions of said act and ordma&ce and in txecution of the same. S.ctiou 3. Thn act shall be in force mid tifter its ratirlctioa. Ratified the 22nd day of March, A. D. 187. AOKNT P,.il !! i c- l- lt j I . 1 1 V 7 iL. vit Tno only Rlecklcg that will Polish Over -Oiled Sur face AND prf;ervs thc leather i H- A. REAMS & Co. MiuiHiiictnrers of Kcams Durham Root and Shoe Polish, DURHAMS N. C .1 v" ji.ii't;?RL"RG, N. C. ! nma::cl t r d AH Oilers Money ilifnii'.LxV. DENTIST. Oilers bis Projcssioaal Scmce to tbo public in IZriry department or Dentistry. OFFICES, Looisbnrg at Warreotoii over Dents UottU Norwood Davis' Store. BE'S. aEAXiQUE, Dp. E MalMio Dr. E. Malone Jr. Practicincr I Thvsickn Phjiieua. Surgeon. OFFICK Market Sire tt cast of Court IIousc lx.u:sburg, N C. JOS. J. DAVIS. AT'I'I aid COUHSELLOR al WK ' LOUlSLUr.0, FSA2JHLIH CO. N.a Vill practice in the teversl cootts nf Gra&vilh, Franklin, Xaih, SVanen av.1 'c. - Prompt attention paid to tie collection tn I remitt nee oi mney. Joly 13, iS7l. ATTORNEY AT LAW, FA5KLIS10, N. C. Will practice in tho courts of thc 6:h judcial district. Prompt attention j;ivca tntln collec tion of clv.n'S. N50-tf C. 2. Cceii!, . H. Spencer &.TT0RHEYS &HD CODSSELLQES BANKRUPTCY LGUISE'JHC . C. V'i'l nMcnd ihc (V. iiHof N ish.Frai.k : :;v !!'.. '" 'in tt-.tnl Wak:( un. !':, l!.' :"i j-n rii-j Tftirt t North i.rr i ;n ! U. Circuit aud Disn Cms. N 7 tf The o ilVlUIUIIVA4 tvl UV Will VUilUUf II V W . . i - ... . v ., , tl . Ucve the people will come up to their questioned and which had been issued witlistanding they do nil the Radical , . ... ... , , , I . , . , , . - T xe- duty, and that this years Srht will before the said 1 1th of March, 1808. voting in this county. In barren, it , , i , r r w , . . . i, , , purify and redeem North Carolina, and Before the late war be-;un the Le- ti . i tr e n ', , . f sdf heron the highroad to prosperity rear had about half of the hehet of . e -.. 1 " V and happiness. uiuc) uvm udo tout evuiiiivitte and no nigger on tho Convention tic ket. In Craven, though thc negroes composo almost the entire Radical party, yet tno wMe leaders first put on Judge Thomas and II . F; Lchncar, Judge Thomas deelinod. Then they put on a Yankee named Manix no nigger yet. New Hanover maintains its ground, with cie negio and Ju.lge Russell and Manning, the white Sheriff. Tho Radical party has made about whut it can out of tho negro, and is peoi b of Louisa and brute u: their now dropping hrn like a lot potato Legislature at thepohst of tho Lay, n -t. ,They 'ant all the spoils tiiemscivos. They have s-.7inaKl the hcr.est tas- Tho r Tfi&cs a very good voter rew of - ilalifa?. tiranvjlkN iranklia for tLern, bi hcy make, poor oJSee and New Hanbvar andotJier counties ; holders, espo'ciail - 's cn there ate so whero they hr.va a majority, out of TTliat Tliey IIuvc J)ono Thc iiooes and white Rsdicab have elect eel a negro Lieutenant Governor in' Louisiana, a negro Judre in South' Carolina a negro t'ongre.-winan from this Distiict. They fi-anied thc pre g'nt Constitution under a railitiry Governcr's -or dor. They have S'ivie dicd Xorth Carolina out of nnliir.! of dollars and thc d-.ht ' Ls now ltatiinT rifious ot saul act and ordi- To dwlitors tnvl Debtors. Having, on the 10 h day of Jure, 18To, obtained lctbrs testanitxtary n ttn; Fctate of J. J. Minctne, clt cea?f.'vl, I i cicl'V iu:tlfy n'l persons hold ini; cl-iinu- ;i-.inst 8. id lista.e to prt eent tbo same t me lor p.iyu?ent. ou or bolore the 1st day of July, 1870, cr this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Pca3 r.s owing said Estate are here by refjucstcd to mako immediate paj nient, E . W. FULLER, Lou?sbuTg, June lOtn, 18T." Executor. OUTIiEltli ILLUSTRATED aok! Atlantic Hotel. over Tou. iT.n tl.o islatnre Lad passed acts providing for the (j)f State bonds for interna irnproveven, purposes. Under thefc acts bonds wercissusd to railroad coai- paniea aft.r the war begun, but they were not regarded as connected with the war and were always recognized as valid.. Under the Funding Acts of CC, C7 ,and CS, coupocs cf these bond3 were received by the then Treasurer of the State!, to wit: (lltssss. Worth and II ittle, one or Ijot they- are ibformed) and bo tilioates o? i-Klfcbtedses. i3iu.d there- 5 we r 2 recognize t a i valid by j and on the s'ock market ? !. aud in tnfl act passed at the late &rs:,ioa J of the General As?nb!y eniUIcd. I "An act to ccmprorai;e, ccrmau-e a ul settle the State debt.' the orlH id bor. i KORFOLK, VA. a. b'. DODSON, orza-cr ftlie FOUNTAIN UOTEL, Biliimore, lid., rropnetor. lor. fthiCN the Stftte h cl them , TLS' wafftfiffent 1IOTTL, kfttr tmr-tt? oniS and c. r now open fv.r the fLcecinraoOtici4 tlgaciu Boar!, Crt and eecond floor, f3 per dT. Tl.irJ fourth llcr, f2,50 per dav". L.'berl terras to perniaEen; UcAri.r" Italci-b, N. C. The only ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY in the South. Eight pages. Forty co'uma. Containing more reeding mat ter than any Weekly published in the Southern States. Tho L'rrt nundr cf the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AGS will be issued on Saturday, 25th dry of June, 1075. Tbe Puwiibtr inteuds making it an Illustrated record of the times. It will tret ft every topic. Political, Histori cal, literary, and Scientific, which is o current interest, and give ths best illustrations tuat can be obtained, original or foreign. The SOUTI1ERM ILLUSTRATED AGE will le printed on new type, and neavy uook paper. Oo its list of contributors will be found the names of many of thc best writers in the South, berial and short storie, poems and sketches, and well conducted editorial departments giving me larett personal literary, BCTemific i.. 1...- . - po'.uicai rcnsious una commercial ic telifjence, wiil furnish every week a,n amount cf readies iratter unsurpasted ijoiwr paper?, in excellence and uari tty. Jt is intended to make the SOUTHERN" ILLUSTRATED AGE a jourt-l for the tirefcidr ; cveaal columns wii! specially d:vo!ed to all tuHtcts periainm inuomrs.icuun social life. ii lamny should without it. Subscript in price onty ,2 pr tc- num. l'ostase trw. R.T. FULGIITM, Editor.' : Raltisb, N. Q. WILLIAMSON, UPCIIURCTI T II O 31 A S, W UOLESAL K GKOCEK8 AM crlv 1 l&rkin" that will ;-ol;fa5, r.r. oi'e-d turfiif'. R i puirar.trcd to pneervc the le-atl tr and u.uke it pliarit. n-ii'.irirrr les funntstv m; I tiaw to j-r.A'.Ui-c u peihe-: 'r hy.- tban ar- ot!?. . i lit: brus-u to be rppiivd irr.i.vi-diriti '. v aficr putting on the bbtkinjr. A ptr feet t;los3 lnm this will n;t foil even white clothes. "We unruntee it hs icprc siuet', and nsk for paTre-natr strictly oc it niciits. In testing onr blacking r.e a brus-h that lma co other on it. Pi ices as low as ether Rhtkin?. Lilnrial nrran; tnents made- with merchant ao wholesale dealer?. H. A. REAMS &Co.t Hacufacturt-rd, Durham, N. C T:-is riackinj: 13 recommended ia the liihcst terms, aft r trial, by fjeo. F. RrowD, J. Howard Warner, Nkw York; the President and Professors t i Wake Ftret College; and u srtxc num Lvr of gentlemen in ami around Lmr ham, whose certificate? have been lui nished thc Manufactories, . Orders rolicitcd and promptly f.lled. NOTICE. Yaluabla Flouring, Crisi and Saw Mills, for Sale Tl'e IKvm mi'l property eitna'c! o San.ly (jrtek in Franklin county is o'-fe-red for sile on reiw,3ablc tirros. Tlie .Mlia r.re in fr'-o.l iur!in r ri'.er, and drt..v tn?? :n lro:-i :i 1 ir;' f-c.-jj count r. v.iili the mills t0 tier 1 1" ; a 1 i.u.'.l. -'ii- y V,. L.TIIORP, R- cky Mount N. t". G. W. MiNNIS,' Pholonranher, Old No. 47, New lit Sycamore St. PETERSBURG, Va. Execu'cs crrry Hxs ot likrnrss from cuid to ijfp niz, io the lM t MvltMof at Pi-f pi' fr-t ' &ati.lici:. goarai:te :. GKcry ta'wiiheu u 1&71 Oct. 2 ly 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. HICI1TEK. I-I .A. Li 1ST :k s s & SADDLERY ESTABLISH-. .KENT. I have just rpe-nf: . barneM anI s-.dd1..; ih:-p in L"uihary, I hall KPi p KU'.ny. on '.mud a .xm! tock Ah.ciiinc luide lUrnCf and Saddle. I employ p.d ar.U xperi i.ccd work nf-c, and ( warrant n!l the woik put op Ly me ; nil kicel cl rrpiiir ia roy '.ire done i u i! ort ro'lee and on vrry rca?onit)'' trn;. My SLp is over Mr. T. N. ITarliltN Store .n Main Stri-eu Zis I solicit thc patronage oi the people ot Frank lie. O Y. 1). CLIFTON. .PHOTOGRAPHIC Gallery. MAIN STREHT. - At my Gallery over Mr. T. X. Car lilt's Store can lc found at all timer, round, square tnd rnstir. frames. I am cIho prepared to take Gem tvpea. '"rl and cabiott fcizi Photograph. When you wj.tit a good pictim t.t yourself and family, call at toy Oalltry. Vtry RespectJully, Y. B. CLIFTON. SIX REASONS WHY I ycu should isims rx THE l'EXX MUTUAL LIFE 1NSUHANGE CCMPA11T. 021 CIIESTSUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. 1st. Because it is one of the oldest companies in the country, and past the dy ot experiments. i 2 J. lleciU'e every policy holder Is ami-mbcr ol tbe Company, entitled to all its advantatn and pnTil-ge ;Lv it. a right to vote at all elections tor trustees, and thus has aa influence ia its mant-.-hicat. S I i;-.cu-e it has tbe largest scco mulatcd fuU or any Life IcAUXsace Corcpany in the State. ! 4tb. Ikcause by economical rasa agcraent, its ratio of expenses to toUl atCllIIialvCr and JeW- Complies, S OZtiil Insurance Import.) 5tb. Jlecaue it has ccclaxea more clcr. TINK Wnt'! nnd .Twe!rv of lbc tx m ... . nr.vi uxors ami r.l the low t n.v. A!i roik i:roii-i;y tlteiiJed to and v-ir- tl 12 Fyouraore I tcr,burr.T Tn Ion PiiWTa inll many other Lunpry .t0 m tbe office?, Rcuepiiio democrats a - long ways better wire puller thn W would bo leading uegroeg, afid the wire puller I th man who succeeds vparly. v ' cnougu Tuoncy expensed ' of '. a ouvcution. V"hert -er, they Lave .had ruwer in this t ; they have or preyed and rl? P00 they are k p-a- i"l V ' 'i 'si L arohna under therr t he Radical 1 trying to get . - . . . . . . - 1 J , . i rmr to dmtve tlccl5i" hy f.'r'.;U bocd5 issueel forcou:ora thu3 focdevl . are recopjnijed as valid and sew bonds are ordered to be issued uj one year tst-sv the 1 tor them according to their f '.isfi.- i Y tiou The most, if cot all of these bond?, were held in this and the Souths era States (as the Directors are inform ed) they not being recognized in the stock market North becense they had on their face Confederate States in stead of United State?," O- I respectfully announce to thc ciii- zcaj of LffTr.ebsrg ana vicinitv. thrt I tni prepared to tlo plain eeirg for Ija tr.a and Uentleaien, a!s-IItmtnin". f a.R!. viTva. F' Durjingua iiumms- C targes mod. tjate MR3.P. n. SMITH. Louuburg XL C. C o m r:i i s i o n Merchant s, Xo. Gu. Fayettcvill9 Street, RALEIGH, K. C. Oppo-ite ifetropoiiUn II all. YAltBOHOUGII .HOUSE RALEIGH. l C. G.-W. BLACKELL, rrojrictor. TIavinc: m-rd my shop t- mr !oue ab'.ut half ir.il j from tho b'-sine port of Town, on the Franklir tOD r atl. I dividend? in cumber, and of a larger average percentage, than any Company in the United States. For txamjlc; Policy No 1C, for f "000, W ltn paid to tLe widow of a pbllkde'pbia rctrcbent, npoa which twc:.tj-ihree dividend had been dc tlirtd, ave iir.n City feven percent. Hid tlc-e ('-ivirtecds been used to pnr thase aJ.'iiti r.S to tuia lolicy, $5,048 nicie v.c!:l.l l ave been realized mak- take plca-.ure in inf'.train the por l- tLc p:cy vnrth $11,040, " ! o: FranW'.n, that I aai prepared, to do C:b. lc-useit is liberal ia its man- all work In my line, as cheap a can be aiest, prvc:pt in ita setttleoenU, ft-ne elschire. I sm very thankful sale Uyoad a cunticgeney, and it rate f r past pa!rorjBp, and ticcercly hope M9 as low as any firkt-chus Compsny that jott niil continue to patronize me ia the country. ' I ana verv Rcsoectfully, Principal Ftatnref. Sma.I expenses, V icriair CiWPK absolute Krccrity .large retarnpnminms, ISIIIHOREI. procil,tr,ytientofIwcs,aadLberali- P. S.Perties wishing to hare work ly to thc intored. done, will leave It with Mr. Rallsrd, at W. II. FINCH, Cen'l, Uxaitr for Mes?rs. Barrow & Pleasants ttciu and North Caroline. will be attendtU to promptly. W. D. SPKUILL, Cenl. Ajent. Jan2-tf, I Frank! in too, li.C.