! EYanldmCouru GEO. S. UAKl'Jt, raorniuTOK. i LoL'iPuruo JrtY, 23, 1675 SPECIAL ITEMS. - r "We will f otil! the Courier' and ((nhyn Jjti!':: Boole, v;ith beautiful Oil elirouio " Ileuc,'' 12 months for 84.50. 4 Persona ?;r;t; to' an J from Franklin ton, w ill do well to take the Mail Hack of Mr.. II. C. - Jones.- He U kind courteous aul oblliriu, and leaveanotlr ing undone that will add to "the comfort of the tra lcr. - "i My Stock of epring and gummer oods, is very large, and I pledge my Helf to kcII as chji(p as any one in Loub bur. I have also a good stock of Con i'ectionaries, Groceries &c. &., all at the lowest market price for Cash, h T. N. CAULILE. a. Mr. E. 1). Watsou, is agent for the t Wheeler & WiUon Sewing ilachine. lie also repairs and puts in good work ing order, Machines of other patents, and also keeps on hand needles &c. &c. which he will .furnish at tho lowest price, he warrants all hi vork. 'Call on him at the Eagle Hotel. 'fun AVavkrly Magazine This Magazine published by Moses A.. Bow, Uustun Mass., is now iu its Gftieth yeur, is a sixty column Magazine, and furnifthi' with each number n. - page of the choicest music. There sir nu con tinued btorics, all arc concluded in' the. paper ju whicli they begin. The price of the paper is $5,00 for 12 3 for G$l,50 for 3 nouths. ' Is Yk;n Life worth IOCekts? Sickness prevails everywhere, and e verybody complains of some disease during their life. When sick, the ob ject is to get well; now we say plainly that no person in tbis world that is suffering with Dyspop.via, Liver com 1 laint and its effects, such as ndijres- tioii, Costivcncss, ' t1 1 oici: Headache, Sur Stomach, Heart burn. Palpita tion of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, JUiousncss, A'c, can take Gueen's Ar;rsT I'lowkii, , without getting re lief and cure, If you . doubt 'this, go to yxr Biu-MstDlL J. V. CLTFTON .:i d get a Samj-le' Dottle for 10 cents ai d try it. Ilegular i-.is. : 75 cents. 'Two doses will relieve vo u. Wo would rospectfuily call your at tention to 'the new rich, and cheap Wrvtche?, Jewelry, Diamonds-, Silver Ware, Clocks 'and fancy goods at Youngs, Marble Front dowolry Store, cor tier Sycamore !s B-mlc streets, lVtorsiir-, Ya., Solid- 18kt. plain t!old Jin;s for engagement and wed long purpose?. Young:;, Celebrated Perfected I'crtseojiic Spectacles and Eye Glasces, wiirimprcve and benefit your eye-sight. Call and see' them when you visit IVlorsbur-r. Guitar For Sale!!; 1 have on exhibition at the Store o! Jtcstr?. Whitt & Slu.v, a very fine with car-c, which I wiiysoll cheap. It is altogether a beautiful Instrument. l. S. WHITE Louisburr N. C. MALLOEY'S o GUANO. Genuine TEllU VI AN. Guano di rect from Government warehouse Guar- ' rauteod pure and unadulterated. Very low for Cash. W. S. MALLORY, Franklinton, N. C BOARDING FEMALT3 SEMI3STA.RY, LOUISBUHG, N. C. The Fall opslon will commence Wednesday J July 14th and continue full 20 weeks. e . TERMS. Toard with washinir, furnished rooms and English Tuitiou, $90.00 ' Langunjrcff Latin and French cadi, Music on Fiano with use of 5.00 Instrument, 20.00 Ten or twelve young ladies can find board with the Principal, i J" Circulars sent on application MISS CORNELIA. A. CRENSHAW, Principal. June 25th 1873, 4-w. JZHxraxiL P. Has ris, wren j .TVXICS IS. T1JOTT, WIIOLKSAI.K DEALK.U IN V HATS AND CAPS, ' 34 Hanoyer Street, IJaltimorc, 31(1. llayoyour JOB WOIIK done at tho Courier Office Local Items. Vote for Col. 7. V. Green, and "re form. . - ' Ilev. Chaa. E Taylor filled his ap pointment at the Baptist' Churchon last Sunday. If you wish ' reform and abetter system of governmentvote for Col. W. F. Green for the'eonvention. , The Courier for the Campaign only Fifty Cents. Let every Demo crat in the County subscribe at onoe. Don't fail to Register. The books are open at tbc office of Mr. W, II, Fnr;u:ui the 'Registrar, in. the Court Fnr;uai House".' If you wish a change in the present extravagant system .)f State and county government, vote for-Cul. W, F. Green, the Donocratic Candidate for the Convention. There was no preaching in St. Pauls Episcopal C huieh on last Sunday, llev. M. II. Vaugh tlie Hector, was abscnon a visit to Oxford, where he preaciiedr- - The Democrats would run the State and county Governments vastly cheaper than they are now. but for the limitations and in the present constitu tion. Under the old constitution the thief who was convicted ot stealing your hog could not vote for the man io try him next time for stealing Ho can now. Which will you have ? In Louisburg Township under the prcaent Constitution, four men must bo paid torty dollars for taking the tax list . Under the old constitution one man would take th same for ten dol lars. Which do you like bo-it V . , ' 1 s 1 1 1 - Vote for Col. AV. F Green and re formation against!!. F. Bullock Jr., who is io favor of the present consti tution put upon sby n. ilitary authori ty, and is in many respects unsuited to the wants of our people. . .We are exposing in every, paper, the f omipiion and extra '-'again f ol'our coun ty ulVicials, .--ulcribe and learn howyotvr; county has been swindled, and'-clioateu out oi tho rrunev that has been wru-ivz ivom trU'Tiri t..;Xi-s. It C( uu.ler the present system of "over. n i en t $!7.50 to send notices to" the i j.ffj: on:, pel! keepers in the ten towiishij.'S-in this C unty, (if iboir ap pointment. Another reason fur chang ing the present pysicm of government. Clubs of Subset ihoj s io tlr: COUll- KU. are ei niing i.i every week, but v. c have . a large mahiv.g- look nnd- have ri'om for more l-'rlcnds uui it cease vour cfTorts.'uiitil the COUUIKK io :put in every family in the county. There vail he no services in J,he E. (diurch on Sunday, as the District Conference will be in session in Oxford I tic Paster ltey- F. L. luii win do absent in atrenuance on uie Conference.' $94,000 County taxes wrung from the impoverished people of our county in the last six years. Iu this p mount is not included the Sheriffs commis sions, which added to it will swell the amount to over $100,000- "How Ion 12;, oh 1 hov lonu?" . r-oes tlio . ncc;io intend to continu to occnpv,th'' back, seat in the l?adi- ca' p rt y Ire has already I en ro scribed, ca- s the white Kudica"'it wi ! never do to run a nigger he will get bea e i sevc al lmndml. llo' man of their whi e u-.eu can jret elected wit' out the negro v te? ' Ye acknowledge receipt of an invi tation' from the managers. Messrs, Har ris, Skinner, Cooper and Lassitor to a Ric-uic at Henderson, on Wednesday the 21st. . - Courection. In our notice of the Dr's. 3alone, we stated that Br. E. Malone had been practicing medicine 10'cars. ..'The. Dr. informs us that he has been practicing aly ears. We were also in error as to the College from which Dr. E. Malone received his de- pioma. c staieu no grauuareu at ine New York College of Jledicine, should have bc?n, Rellevue llospitil Medical Collegp. Tin: Op::r.A. The Opera given by the Ladi.is, on Tuesday night tlie 13th Inst., iu tie oil ego Cuopel, lor the buetlt of the Ej iscopal C urch, Was a si ccesa in every parrtcuiur, ine chai clwas filled with a most r select , 1 rn' and appreciative audicuce, and all asrrec ti-.at the simr'nig and acting wes splendiJ. The Rostrum was hand somely decorated with evergreens and Lowers, and the liadies all h o'ied ueauiuai. v. o icarn ii.ai riuite a handsome sum was real-zed Do you want Judge JJ'atts fastened ur on you again, for anofher Eight year term or possibly for life, or what you may think worse a nero Judge ! If so, then vote for Bullock, J ud ire Watts and the office holders candidate-.. If not then vote for Cel. Green tie frjend of good government, an d who will do all that he can tD give us a good Ju diciary system, administered by learn ed and pure judges. If you fail to vote yeu do just half as much to elect Judge Watts candi date as if you voted for him. Will you assist in anyway ? We answer for you. No! A Substantial brrnoYEitENT.- Mecsrs. Ten-ill , Harris & Jones, have made a great improvement in front cf their lot, on Main Street, in t ie shape of a splendid bridge, converting tho rough and rugged old ditch from the eye sore, trhich it has -been for a number of years, into a splendid cross ing. Tho bridge not only improves the appearance, but it is a most sub stantial improvement. We attended the speaking of the Candidates at the above place, cn JFed nesday week last. Mr. Bunn the Demo cratic candidate, handled the Nash bull dog, J. J. Sharpe with gloves off. Jr. Sharpe could not even get up an enthusiastic cheer from his colored friends, tkey, like all the white people present, feel that they were unwilling to trust their interest in the hands of such a Falstaff. Mr. Bunn is very sanguine of his election, he says that Old Nash is wide awake, and on the 1st Thursday in August next will send up a good report . Mr. Bunn is the right man, he works day and night, and he will be on hand at the assembing of the Convention, in September next. ' . Castalia is a thrifty enterprising little town about half way between this place and Xashvillei, Tho people are indus trious, energetic and hospitable, they have excellent crops all aiocg the road, and they seem cheerful and hopeful for the future. 3Ir. W.. J. Iving, has a most excellent school in the tpwn. There are a number of stores and snop3 tuere, and all seem to be doing their best to. build up the place. Mr. J. A. Harrison, who does tho leading business in the" town, showed us kind no s while there, for which wc feel under many obligations. New Advert iscineiits, REWAED. OrOered by tne Board of Couaty Cr.mnii Ngioners. that the .above reward cf $500 will he paid to ay person who will turniah evidence- futiicieot to se carc ih!? conviction of the party or prrn. tus jiuilfy. o! changing or altering Coun' iv Ordirr. HO.TICE.-' " Any one r.ish5n$c .to cnijdny. an tx prict.ced Miller, to run a Grist & Saw Mi!!, fur the year 187(5, would do well to :ppiy to the-undersigned. L. E. li A UT tl E LI 5 FAY Jr. . Laurel Fraukiia Co., Noiice io Merchants and Dealers- v.ari immediately, ana give m tlie amount of your purchases to the 1st of July, The law requires that you should jhavc done so on the 1st day of July. J. 15. TUUKEU, Register of Deeds, 2-w. REV. E A. WILSON. GEO. S. BAKKP, To the Masonic Fraternity Noxthwoli na and the South. -r This is cmjihatically an age of prog ress. The world moves apace, but with us, especially of the South, Masonry languishes, because lackmg a proper dissemination of those pure priDCipiea peculiar to our grand old orer bretliren of other more lavored sections have their periodical literature, and aje r.Moirf and prosperous: we, too, should flourish aiid hlossom as the rose. There are iu the South nearly 200,000 Freemasons, and recognizing the imper. ative need tor a regular and permanent Organ peculiarly suited to the demands of this vast number uwho ate linked together by an indissoluble chain of siccere affection," wc have determined to establish in tuc city ot Greensboro, N. 0., a first class . weekly Masonic Xewspa- i per, with tha above name, such as dignity and advancement of tlie Fraternity will approve. I'.S LtTERATUUE will be pure, scd ol the highest oidei; m aking the Journal a fit compar.:oa tor tlie most cultivated and refined, aod a welcome visitor to any household. In tl is cocnection wc Lave ciigagtd the sirvic:3 of able and l opular writers whose hearts glow with a fond desire lor ti c perpetuity of Lc Afecitnt Lnndmarks cf oar "Mystic Riie-.M and we will spare neither labor ncr expense to mike tae paper a uiguly instructive and'-popular Family and ilasonie visitor. V.'ith a jourualUtic experience cl sev eral year?, and a determination to give all on tinu, talent andtnergj to the pro noti-mjof tL:s iraportact enterprise, we bopc ttj receive trom our Masonic bretb rn that liberal confidence and support wbicb, hy aa entire devotion to its tnc ccp, wv iiopeto iiitii. It wjll be aa tight page, thirtytwo c.i.umi sr et", rmtea oa gooa wane paper, piiid furrished weekly at the price of f 2 pur ear. The first number will bej -issued ou Wedncsilty, the 15th of Stptemtxr, and regularly oa Wednes day ot each week thtr mi ter. I fii3 A.U mony should ba sent by Check, Post-office Order or Registered letter. - 1 WILSON & BAKER, Greensboro, N. C " EST Until Sept. 1st address os at KlN'STON, N. C. u- H- & ( t 1 1 f Ague Conqueror; No Quinine, no Arsenic, no Poisons. , Thb is strong language, as Physi cians and Chemists have for years tried to compound a preparation that would entirely cure Fetes and Auue without the use of strong medicines such as Quinine, Arsenic and other poisons injurious to the system. There is no case of Fever and Ague, Intermittent or Bilious Fevers, Con g3tive Chil's, Night Sweats, Liver Complaints, c, that this remedy will not cure st once and permanantly.- It purines the Blood, Liver, Spleens and all secreatory organs so effectual ly that the Chills will not return dur ing tho eeason, evea when persons liave had them for years. Sold by DI!. J. B. CLIFTON. Louisburg, NC. A nice convenient Cottage resi dence, on Elm Street, with three com fortable rooms, and a large j-ard and garden, can be bought ou very reasr onable teims. Apply to the Editor of the Cocrieu LOOK TO YOUR IN TEREST! You can buy the following Ar tides at the Drug Store at 5 per cent less than the manufacturers retail prices. Hostetters Bitters, Vinegar Bilters. Simmon's Liver Regula tor, COD 31IV"EE, OIL. And many other standard articles. 5 A Always charged Red fparkliu." SODxV TICKRT3 S1.00 per Dozen. CALL at the DRUG STORE. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, Greensboro, N. C. The FhII Session will begin on the 18th oi August. TERMS REDUCED. Clianjcs per Session of 20 weeks. Board (exclusive of washing & lights) 75 00. 1 uition in. regular English course. 23 00 Charges tor extra studies, moderate. For Catalcgu-8 containing particu lar, apply to T. M. Jones, President. N. II. D. WILSON, President Board of Trustees. John Armstrong, Xo. 1 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N, C. !00K BINBEK, AND BlarJc Book Manufacturer, Newspaper, Magazines and Law Books ol every description bound in the very best Style and at Lowest Prices, janSO 12m SCHED TJLE OF THE PETERS BURO RAILROAD GOMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Wkldos. E i press Train .....8,30 a. m JIail Tram 4.15 p. m Arrive at Peteeseitrg. Express 1 2.10 a. m. Mail. 8.0 p. ni. " Leate Petersbtjeo. Mail 6.17 a. m. Eipress - 3.17 p.m. Arrive at Weldox. Hail 930 a. m Express 7.00 p. m Fimic.HT Trains. Lc&yc Petersburg 0.00 p. ra. Leave Wcldoa 8.30 p. m. Arrive at Wthlc- 5.00 a. in. Arrive at Petersburg.... 4.00 a. m. Gastoj Train. Leave Petersburg. ...... C:23 a. m. Leave Gi3ton.... 1.15 p. ra. Arrire at Gaston 12.30 p.m. Arrive at Petersburg .... 7j00 i. m. Flights fur Gstou Eranch will be received at the Petersburg- depot only cn MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 4:00 p. m. No goods will received alter that hour. J. C. SPRIG O, Engineer and General Manager. For Sale ! 3 GO TO Barrow & Pleasants To Bny Eveylliing you want. Their new IS T O O K is now Arriving, and constitutes far the largest in ILoiiisburg. Low for Casli, 1 Our Motto. All kind of Groceries Guaranteed at "Northern Prices Freight Added.5 200 Barrels Flour, bought before the ad vance, which we are selling at old prices. A good second -hand Stove for Sale at. Carrow & Pleasants' LouLsburc?. N. C, ."WT J E D & I! E O. : Jranklinion, N C, Are determined to clow o1 lhcir L3E and ASSORITO 3TOCIT a GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ; at tub lowest pqible names. i II joa want gooda CHEAP CALL OH -Z1 Any LLcJ of prodiM taken at beat AT W A R D MACHINERY FOR SALE. COMPLETE TIIIRTY UORSE POW ER Portable Steam Saw Mill, used tix months, warranted to be as crfcrt as any new mill. Cost $2,75J cah. Piice $2,150. Terms easy. 25 HOUSE rOTR-POK-TABLE ENGESE, IN FIRST CLASS ORDER. SECOND-HAND AND NEW ENGINES . oi various norse-Ponrcrs, Gum and Leather Belt- ing, Steam Pumps, ClHCULAIi SAAVS. Etc. Cgy Send for dcBcrip.ive Circular. O REFEuECES. We mention a few to whom vri have sold Ec-cond handed Euginca : W. S. Mallokv, Franklinton, N. C. II. J. Crimes, Lexicfton, N. C. J. A. Bcxtos, & Co., Jackson, N. C Eabuow & Pleasants, Louisburg, T. A. Pbick & Co., Statcsville, V. Btirbwxlt, Uappy Ilonie Rnil& nUNTER, Richmond, Y J"29'Cm- PEET & ATKINSON. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants. No. 45 Roanoke Avenue NORFOLK, Ya. Sept. 13 l.y Notice. In as much County Orders bave Lccn auereci. luereoy prac.icin a irM a . . f . m upon the County, the Board of Lommiseioners inis uav uircct iat i Clerk to l.sae a i aUic notice tbiougL Ibe "COURIEB," anl Por- tersiucach Towcship. rtcueitit? all ue.l j rior to July 1st 1673, to present turn to tbc Register c! UeeUsljr lug utraUon. P. B. HAWKINS Cbria'a. Hoard Con. J. B.TUCKER, Cleik. LouikUr?, Zxfly 5la 1S73. Valuable Land for Sal e. TIvic 1Cut ami rcroviUdlb: ' very desirable p.aLtnlioa krajtiij ! cJ by Jlj. I. Hi!!. I cow tSwr it for bale on rmoraMe !t:tn. It i titu!tl about four m-.ka St ra IuibQrjj aad onta'tn. by orr y, 2-10 acres, a l.tllo ovtr liU ot wL;c!i"i nw open and rta ly f r cultivati-n. Tn rtmainiicr is cohered by aiLick gronth. of joun cjkl asd tckors wjUi a f.w pices. Tccre is a p ud dwelling Lcuee and a oombtr cfuut boaees, an excellent gin Loose aad screir, all in very lit repair. 1 ue land produces will, and taken a!: u getber il is a most dtfirabie icr-t- aent lor an enterprising larmer. For farther Iniormation apply tu E. W. FOLLEB. Louisburg, N. C prices, & B R, 0. Farnkllnloii, N. C. PIANOS! PIANOS ! ! August Doeit Manufacturer cf Pisco Fortes, bec to announce, thst ht la supplied with new. and tecood band Pi.iar, which te offers at Jow prictai applications by letter will nctrm prompt attention. I AM PREPARED, assisted by competent workoea to undertkko thd most (zteasira Ttj&n of every dcsciiptiou. Reference made la the musiea! pro fcssion in gcncisl, snd to my large uaai bcr of patron. July.l712m. Raleigh, N. O 3STOTXCE TO THE PHYSICIANS OP FRANK. LIN AND WAKE 'COUNTIES. Having been appointed Agrmt for tho "Kentucky ilutual Beneilt Aaso cLition of Physicians," for Franktla and Wako Counties. Re?Deetfallr Informs the Plijslclansof said eoutrUe that they can procure Certlfieates f Life Membership by applying" to me J, B. CUFTON, M. D. Louisburg, N. C. BLATCH LEY'S k Improved Cucusa per WoedPampts the scknowledred STANDARD ot '.ho tuarket, by popular rer i tlict, th best pump lor tha i T- 'r 'i lfast money. Attention is Id T : vited to Biatchley'a Improred i ' V' . i Bracket, the Drop Check Valve, which can bo withdrawn 'wit. ut d iturbin the joints, ud thacop p r c lumber which never cracks, scales or rests and will last a lila time. F.r sale by Dt-alcrs and the trads gca craliy. In order to be sura that yo j;e: lilatchky's Pnmp, be caret al asd ecc that it has my trade-mark as spore. If you . j not know where to buy, da fcriptivc circulars, -together with tha name and address ol the agent nearest Tou, will le promptly lurnubed bj ad tlrcisiD with stamp. j Charles E. Blatchley, HaiufcClDrcr. ; 50C dmmcrce 8U, Philadelphia, Pa. April 2'.k-m. Railroad Schedules. SEABOARD k BOANOK RAILROAD COMPANY.1 Ornca EmiBoitD St LoajioxsU It Cu CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, i On anl aftr 7rlJy, January 1st 1X71 Tiai nm will ya Wi klua dulj (Saadaj x, ctd) a fUljwt; j HxA trail, diilj a- ..... k. No. 1. rrght trU CaUj at 4 a. v. No. 3 Freight train at 8 a. h. AuuvEAT ronrsjtouriL MkU train duly at 71Ir.M No. 1. Frcisht trtla 1aij u 13 09oem. No. 2. Fr iLt Train at 4 CO r. X. r reiqU tiAit have a vaMenr tr Car at t-Uaior fc" IMLtoo, rijmoatb A Lad. for on KU?kvter, and Cberaa Chren j.e rra&kliii at 7 40 a. y rn Ifwn in WcJu:Ui and lYldij. ; ' s ecru a P npt. cf Trwrortaf km Raleigh & Gaslon R. Rf company. Sl'I'KZUKTCXUET' OfFICkI I Ralcilj, X. C.f Juoc 11th, 12. On anl atter JlonOaj Juoa ? 17tfc I872,tra!fnon the Ralclrh A Gaataa I KaIlroaI, H1 run daily (Sunday x I A n . .1 - . t i wicu; at iuuuri; I Leaves Rali bh Arrive at WtWon 3.20 p. I Leave s W-J 9.15 a. Arrives -i Kalclh 3.05 p. w, AccoifitoiiATiox Tnjiur. Ieavta Ilallc-h 8X0 p. a. Arrives at AVelJoa C.30 a. m. WtMo'ii 9.15 a. m Arrive at lUUih 8.CX) p. m Ms.il train aakes clotc connection at Wc'..Ion viitb the sesUraM li Roanoke Railroal asd li4y Line SUamcra via. lialiirare. to aal from all points crtb, Vet aad KrUjvcst and vita wct. And alIU!:?-li iib tbo North Car olita lUIJr. ad tu ard Irum all poiata. Su-L Md Sjuthireit. and wito thm IiiTcib & Acquit a Air Lice to Ilaj ioxl i&.I FitttevUlc Accrjco-atija and Freight traUa ty-nr.-ci nt avMn.i with Aecoeacvoda t: rt tad PniUt trains oa bVaboard & Rvsokc lUilxvad anu IcUxabv Xlailrud. , And tt Hiki-h i with Acooaaioda. iii aid ficljjt.i tral&s oa Korth Caxo lioa l:iirod. I'ertocs living alooj the hoo cf iha I Chi) can tiait lialeigh la tho nornina I r Jlrrn Pifv!af !ti train . .1 j m aa4Af fQ I CZUU jft " "a"'' i n is aa ty t, i- ua : i i fi -y the Peuraburs Radioad via Peteriarf Rirboon 1 ac 1 Vaiiiietoo City, l ind friia all pc:cts North and liortb- CenT 8upt 0

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